1 Graduate Student Association Assembly Meeting Agenda Wednesday, April 4, 2012, 6:00 P.M., 66 Roessler Hall I. CALL TO ORDER A.! Welcome & Introductions B.! Consent Items Moved to approve: seconded approved 1.! Approve Previous Meeting Minutes 2.! Approve current agenda 6:00 P.M. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS A.! Announcements from the floor LGBT Resource Center – "The UC Davis LGBT Grads are hosting our first Happy Hour of the quarter on Wednesday, May 9, at 5:30pm at DeVeres. Join us on the patio and enjoy the weather and company! All are welcome. Please email Carolyn (cganderson@ucdavis.edu) with any questions, or to be added to the LGBT grads listserv. More events on the horizon!" Science Policy Journal Club – Talk in May, Topic: Legislative efforts to weaken the teaching of evolution in classrooms (More in weekly announcements or see: www.sites/google.com/site/ucdsci) Grad group in Linguistics – developing an internal GSA group. Looking to talk to other dept/grps that have their own to hear their experience/suggestions. Contact Dan djvill@ucdavis.edu III. GUESTS A.! Thomas Roe – Counseling and Psychological Services. Spoke to introduce designated services from CAPS for grad students. 50% of his time is for working with graduate students. In addition to counseling, he organizes workshops with grad students. There is a separate office in grad studies and in the Student Health Center on the second floor. Grad student volunteers are needed as Peer Counselors. If you have ideas of how to improve services for graduate students, please contact Thomas. Web portal: http://shcs.ucdavis.edu/. IV. OFFICER & COMMITTEE REPORTS A.! GSADC – Lisceth Cruz gradassistant@ucdavis.edu IGPS - 174 participants, Awardees were announced via the weekly announcements and sent to grad coordinators. Over $24,000 in prizes awarded. May 16, Dialog with the Dean – Theme: What can grad studies do to help with grievances? Location: TBA, lunch will be provided B.! LSA Rep – Miles Prince –gsalsarep@ucdavis.edu - no report C.! Public Relations Officer – Marissa Hirst gsapro@ucdavis.edu - Homebrew event: Sat May 9, 25 pm in Community Park. Fliers were distributed. If you are a homebrewer and would like to participate, please email Marissa. A homebrew demonstration will be hosted. D.! Campus Organizing Director - Erin Legacki gsacod@ucdavis.edu - Yoga is happening, Tuesdays at the Silo, in the Zinfandel room (outside GSA office). Successful bike maintenance class held last week. Another is being planned for May E.! Secretary – Ethan Evans gsasecretary@ucdavis.edu - No report. F.! Treasurer – John A. Peterson gsatreasurer@ucdavis.edu - No report, Cks for this quarter will be in next month G.! External Chair – Colin Murphy gsaextchair@gmail.com - Office of the President is seeking to centralize admin of the health centers. A committee he sits on is monitoring and it seems that pressure from the health centers is making UCOP consider concerns. H.! Vice Chair – Adam Costanzo gsavicechair@ucdavis.edu - 9 faculty and 13 staff nominees. Awards in Excellence – Awardees: Anna Darbee, a staffer in Political Science, and Robert Kimsey, a faculty member in Entomology. Winners were confirmed by the GSA. Nominees and winners will be notified via email. 2 I.! Chair – Katie Kolesar gsachair@ucdavis.edu - Picnic day event coordinated w/ ASUCD to promote awareness about increasing fees. A group including Provost Hexter, and Faculty Senate Linda Bisson walked in parade w/ “My fees are hella high” T’s GSA – supports the pantry. Some concern was raised that often they run out of food. Katie will follow up regarding progress and how the pantry is running. Stories are needed to illustrate concerns related to increasing fees – if you are interested in sharing your story Katie will be tape recording stories Katie met with the Chief of Police. He is interested in including students on hiring panels. J.! Committee Reports 1.! Police Committee – Report back from the committee formed after the Nov 18 incident on campus. This committee has met with various campus groups and officials including the police chief. The committee has reviewed surveys of community climate and interviewed students to develop a series of recommendations to be forwarded to the appropriate campus bodies or individuals. Resolutions were presented, discussed and brought to vote for approval. Proposals that were deemed by the committee to be less controversial or in need of extensive discussion were presented first. See the full recommendations report at http://gsa.ucdavis.edu/GSA_Agendas_and_Minutes/2011-12#preview Resolution 1 – approved Resolution 2A – approved Resolution 4A – approved Resolution 4B – approved Resolution 5A – approved 27, 16, 13 abstained. Resolution 5C – approved Resolution 5D – approved Resolution 8C – approved Resolution 3 – approved Resolution 5B – (Edited to include clear language limiting to arrests of the UCDPD) – rejected Resolution 7A – approved Remaining resolutions were tabled to the next GSA meeting in June for consideration. All resolutions are posted for consideration on the GSA Wiki. Comments and/or questions may be emailed to: Melanie mmcobb@ucdavis.edu 2.! Reports from the Floor Distinguish Teaching Award committee: The GSA representative to the committee raised concern with the process and is working to facilitate a new call packet for future nominations. Very few nominations were made, and the content of the nominations were not consistent. She would like to develop suggestions to improve the nomination process. A motion was made to create an ad hoc committee to develop suggestions to improve the nomination call for Distinguished Teaching Awards and speak on behalf of the GSA. Jasmine Nazari & William Dawson expressed interest and Sona Hosseini will chair. If you would like to participate contact Sona sshosseini@ucdavis.edu. V. BUSINESS A.! Unfinished Business 1.! Elections Nominations: Nominations were taken for Chair: Ethan Evans; Vice Chair: Jordan Carroll; Campus Organizing: Shaun Geer; External Chair: Meredith Niles. Nominations can be submitted to Alex at agspear@ucdavis.edu. Voting will take place next month. Nominations can be anytime up until the vote. Nominees that accept before the next meeting will post candidate statements on the GSA Wiki. The position descriptions are listed in our bylaws at: http://gsa.ucdavis.edu/GSA_Bylaws 3 2.! Reynoso Report – Report issued available http://demonstrationreviews.ucdavis.edu/reynoso/index.html. As a result of the findings, the Executive Council of the Academic Senate has recommended Censure of Chancellor Katehi. This Censure report is available http://academicsenate.ucdavis.edu/index.cfm B.! New Business 1.! Special Project Fund - Food Science Graduate Student Association (FSGSA) submitted a project request for the 11th annual Food Championship - $500. Request was approved. 2.! Budget – John reviewed annual expenses (year to date and estimates), and a proposed estimated budget. The preliminary budget estimate and the report are posted on the GSA wiki for review & comment http://gsa.ucdavis.edu/GSA_Agendas_and_Minutes/2011-12. Please email John with comments/questions gsatreasurer@ucdavis.edu. Comment was raised from outgoing Vice Chair regarding the amount of the officer stipends. He suggested that the GA consider increases to the budget item for officer stipends and despite increased workload the stipend amounts ($400-$500 depending on position) have not be increased in at least 6 yrs. A proposed preliminary budget will be presented in June for GSA consideration and approval. 3.! Child Care subsidy survey – a need has been shown for support for graduate student parents. The survey showed that of 215 students with children only 13 are registered with the childcare facilities on campus; the cost was reported as approx. $1000 per month. Survey results will be presented to the Chancellor, who will consider extending a subsidy program. Details will be forthcoming 4.! Graduate Student Housing – A demolition plan for Solano plan has been halted. This housing will remain available for graduate students and families. 5.! Graduate Student Community Center – The Chancellor’s student advisory panel made a recommendation that the Chancellor pursue fundraising for a potential graduate community center. The initial ideas are that such a center could consolidate services, provide teaching and office space for TAs, computer lab, community GSRs, GSA office, etc. Motion: GSA supports the proposal for pursuing a Graduate Student Community Center. GSA supports the fundraising and construction of a center to serve and benefit graduate and professional students. Seconded. Approved 6.! Any additional motions from the floor – none. VI. ADJOURNMENT 8:00.