Dear All, For some time now we have toyed with the idea of

Dear All,
For some time now we have toyed with the idea of aligning our logo with long term vision of the organisation, as
our present logo in present form does not totally and comprehensively communicate the complete essence, belief
and outlook of the organisation.
UFM is Indian company…( as per global study India and Indians will be drivers of key developments in coming
decades globally, Center of Gravity for Business is shifting to Asia, prominently to China and India, its matter of
pride to be INDIAN )
UFM is Integrated Logistics Solutions company.( we are one stop shop solution for our clients for air, sea ,
Brokerage, warehousing and CL activities.)
UFM is Intelligent organisation which is reflective in the caliber of our teams across country, it is reflective in the
way we handle our business and service our clients…our IT platform and integrated working, cloud computing is
still ahead of times for Freight companies in our segment.
UFM Aspires to be International organisation…with all this it was only Logical for us to add “I” to our current logo
“UFM “which we did hence…..
“UFM is NOW UFMI”…in orange Colour as Orange colour is reflective of emotions like,
Passion,Energy,Happiness,Enthusiasm,Fascination,Creativity,Determination,Success and Stimulation…which is
what we all collectively relay…and stand for.
However, Name of the company is not changed we are still “ Universal Freight Management (India) Pvt Ltd” only
difference being we are writing or showcasing India part…. as “I” hence our organisation name will read as “
Universal Freight Management (I) Pvt Ltd.
Thanks and Regards
Raajeev Bhatnagar & Shesh Kulkarni