Income and Representation in The United States Congress Chris Tausanovitch Abstract: Are the rich better represented than the poor, and if so, how does this underrepresentation affect policy outcomes in the United States Congress? In this paper, I combine data from the National Annenberg Election Studies (2004 & 2008), the Cooperative Congressional Election Studies (2006, 2008, & 2010), and a unique survey combining the policy questions from both to scale voters the way Congressional scholars scale members of Congress. The data cover 246,000 respondents in 435 Congressional Districts and 50 states. I leverage the power and coverage of these data to show that the expressed preferences of the rich are better represented in both chambers than the expressed preferences of the poor. “Expressed preference representation,” however, is only one form of representation. I introduce the concept of “income group representation,” in which legislators represent their constituents with regard to income groupings without taking constituent's expressed preferences into account. I find that legislators in districts with larger proportions of poor constituents tend to be more liberal, controlling for poor constituents' expressed preferences. This pattern offsets the under-representation of the expressed preferences of the poor. I show that legislators' positions are not substantially different from what they would be if the expressed preferences of the poor were equally represented in the House. In the Senate, the policy effects of unequal expressed preference representation are larger, but they are offset by income representation to an even greater degree than in the House. The rich are better represented than the poor, but only by the most obvious form of representation; and the policy implications of this differential representation are minimal. Introduction If you want your views represented in Congress, does it help to be rich? Consider two districts, Iowa's 3rd, which leans conservative and California's 24th, which leans liberal. Despite the fact that, on average, Iowa's 3rd leans conservative, the high-income people in this district are more liberal than most rich people in America. Leonard Boswell, their member of congress, is a Democrat who supported Obama on all of his major initiatives. Similarly, CA-24 leans liberal, but the rich in the district are more conservative than most rich people in America, and their member of Congress, Elton Gallegly, is a Republican with a strong conservative record. Bartels (2009) claims that this trend is more general. As he writes, “affluent people have considerable clout, while the preferences of people in the bottom third of the income distribution have no apparent impact on the behavior of their elected officials.” However, that is not to say that poor people don’t matter. West Virginia’s third district is much more conservative than IA-3 or CA-24. Even the poor in this West Virginia district are conservative. But, WV-3 has more poor people than 98 percent of the other districts. Its median household income is $25,630. That may explain why Representative Nick Rahall is arguably even more liberal than IA-3’s Boswell. Even though the poor in Rahall’s district express conservative positions generally, he seems to believe that they will reward him at the ballot box if he protects their short-term economic interests. In a district as poor as his, he cannot afford to ignore them. I hypothesize that WV-3 is an extreme example of a broader trend: that districts with greater numbers of poor citizens are more likely to elect liberals than ideologically similar districts with fewer poor residents. 2 In this paper, I confirm that legislators over-represent the views of rich constituents and under-represent the views of poor constituents. Previous evidence for this hypothesis is provided by Bartels (2009), although it is called into question by Erikson and Bhatti (2010). Although I confirm that the expressed political preferences of richer voters are better represented than the expressed political preferences of poorer voters, representation of expressed political preferences is not the only type of representation. I expect legislators to respond to the expressed political preferences of their constituents when constituents vote on the basis of these views. To the extent that constituents vote on the basis of other considerations, legislators might ignore their expressed views, but may still be said to “represent” them. Legislators may believe that taking certain positions will help them appeal to certain income groups regardless of the actual policy preferences expressed by those groups. When the positions of legislators covary with the proportion of constituents in an income category, I call this “income group representation.” When the positions of legislators covary with the expressed positions of constituents, I call this “expressed preference representation.” I will show that when it comes to income group representation, the poor are actually better represented than the rich. Figure 1: Types of Representation Income Group Representation Voters’ Income Voters’ Political Preferences Voters’ Expressed Political Preferences Expressed Preference Representation Legislator Political Position 3 Figure 1 shows the distinction between income group representation and expressed preference representation. The size of government and the extent of redistribution are the central debates in American politics, so it should be no surprise that income is an important determinant of political preferences (Poole and Rosenthal 1997, McCarty, Poole and Rosenthal 2006, Gelman et al 2007). I conceptualize political preferences in terms of voters’ utility over the actions of their legislators. Although individual legislators rarely have a decisive effect on policy outcomes, voters’ prefer that legislators vote in favor of certain policies and against others, even if the outcome of those votes is predetermined. Political preferences are an important determinant of how voters respond to survey questions about policy- their expressed political preferences. However, this relationship may be very noisy (Zaller 1992). Legislators cannot observe the political preferences of their constituents, but they can observe their income and their expressed political preferences. The choice facing legislators is whether to take the expressed preferences of their constituents at face value, or to infer their preferences from income instead. I argue that legislators defer for the most part to income in the case of the poor and expressed preferences in the case of the rich. Bartels (2009) makes the first to attempt to answer the question of whether legislators over-represent the rich on a district-by-district basis. He argues that United States senators respond more to the views of their rich constituents than they do to the views of their middle income and poor constituents. My analysis builds on Bartels’s framework with an improved methodology, answering a methodological critique leveled by Erikson and Bhatti (2010). By drawing data from a variety of sources, I create a data set with more then 20 times the observations Bartels uses, allowing me to extend this 4 analysis to all 435 districts of the House of Representatives. The ability to extend this analysis to the House of Representatives is useful not only because it expands the scope of knowledge to another chamber, but because the larger number of districts in the House allows greater statistical power. My approach is the first to use a measurement of constituent political preferences based on answers to policy questions, and the result is the largest political preference scaling to date in terms of the number of observations. I affirm Bartels’s finding, but with a twist: that the poor may not be less represented, but only differently represented. In this paper, I use a continuous measure of political preferences that puts citizens and legislators in the same political preference dimension (Tausanovitch and Warshaw 2011). This measure not only puts citizens and legislators in the same scale, but also establishes a common metric for citizens from different public opinion surveys, allowing existing large-sample surveys to be combined, for a sample size of 246,839, of whom 226,046 report registering to vote. This sample size is much larger than the sample of 155,000 used by Erikson and Bhatti (2011), or the sample of 9,253 used by Bartels (2009). Moreover, the use of joint scaling solves a problem pointed out by Erikson and Bhatti. It is difficult to differentiate between the preferences of the poor and the rich when the measure used is ideological self-placement1. My measure is based directly on responses to policy questions, avoiding many of the other pitfalls of ideological selfplacement as well2. 1 This is one of the most frequently used measures of political preferences in political science. Respondents are asked to place themselves in one of seven categories: extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate/middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative. Erikson and Bhatti use a five-category version that excludes the “slightly” options. 2 Hillygus and Treier (2009) show that there is great variation in political views within each ideological category. The relationship between ideological self-placement and views on policies is a noisy one. Stiglitz 5 Although the poor may be represented in some fashion, they are still not well represented in terms of their expressed policy preferences. However, the fact that this representation is unequal does not necessarily imply that this inequality has a large effect on policy. Past work does little to assess the policy implications of differential representation. Legislators may respond more to the rich than to the poor, but if the covariance between these groups across districts is high then it may make little difference in terms of legislator positions and the policy outcomes these positions produce. I find that the policy implications of unequal representation are very small in the House. In the Senate unequal expressed preference representation has a large effect, but this effect is more than offset by the effect of income group representation in favor of poorer constituents. In the following section, I will explain my theory and elaborate “income group representation” and “expressed preference representation”. In the methodology section, I describe the model that will be used to test the theory. The next section details the measures and data used. In the section after that, I present the results, followed by a discussion of the implications and the conclusion. Two Modes of Representation Although I have provided some intuition for the results to come in the introduction, some links in the causal chain are left out. How do the poor condition their behavior on policy positions if they can’t accurately report their own preferences? Why (2009) demonstrates that use of self-placement scales varies across states and districts. Jessee (2009) suggests that use of self-placement scales may vary in idiosyncratic ways across individuals. 6 don’t legislators take different positions on different issues in order to please both groups? I propose a simple theory to justify my hypothesis. Although I will not be able to test each link in the causal chain separately, an implication is that the rich should experience better expressed preference representation and the poor should experience better income group representation. The theory is as follows: 1. Voters vote on the basis of two considerations: legislator positions, and the economic effects of these positions. 2. Voters are in general poorly informed about both considerations, but they are informed about them during campaigns. 3. Rich voters are sophisticated and ideological. They primarily care about legislator positions. 4. Poor voters are relatively unsophisticated and apolitical. They primarily care about their own pocketbook. 5. As a result, politicians take positions that balance two competing considerations: a. First, they want to choose positions that are desirable to the rich. b. Second, they want to choose positions that will be associated with good economic outcomes for the poor. 6. The relative proportions of rich and poor voters determine the balance of these considerations. 7. Legislators are constrained by parties to take positions in a one-dimensional space, so they cannot simultaneously satisfy both the rich and the poor. The implication of this theory is that legislators will respond to the preferences of rich voters, but the number of poor voters. Poor voters vote on the basis of personal economic considerations. This begs the question of how poor voters attribute blame for changes in economic circumstances. I hypothesize that poor voters are able to understand and evaluate the blame attributions of others, which they are exposed to during campaigns. Although attributing blame for economic outcomes may seem to require sophistication, it should be easier for the poor than for the rich. Almost all of the individuals in the group I classify as “poor” are direct beneficiaries of government programs (Mettler 2011). Changes in these government programs directly alter the 7 economic fortunes of the poor. In poor districts, politicians have a lot to gain by taking credit for positive changes, but they can only do this if they are on the “right side” of the issue. If they are caught on the wrong side of the issue, they have a lot to lose. Rich voters, on the other hand, may be recipients of particularistic tax breaks, and may be strongly affected by changes in tax policy, but the number of programs that have a direct and salient impact on their well being is more limited. The rich tend to be more sophisticated and more committed to political ideas (Verba, Schlozman and Brady 1995, Tausanovitch 2010). They are able to understand where they stand vis-a-vis their elected officials, and vote accordingly. Legislators know this, and so they pay attention to their political preferences. To draw on a familiar distinction, when legislators are responding to the particular expressed policy preferences of their rich constituents may be said to act as “delegates,” making decisions almost as if instructed by voters (Eulau et al 1959). However, it is not necessarily the case that when legislators do not respond to the expressed policy preferences of their poor constituents they are acting as “free agents” or “trustees,” and voting on the basis of their own judgments alone (Rehfeld 2009). We expect that when voters vote on the basis of outcomes, legislators will act differently than if voters vote on the basis of policy decisions (Fiorina 1981). If the poor are ignorant about the probable results of different policies for the state of the economy, but will vote retrospectively on the basis of economic outcomes, then legislators should vote in a way that helps them claim credit for good economic outcomes and avoid blame for bad ones. This may entail a very different voting pattern than if legislators simply enacted the policies that poor voters say they prefer on surveys. 8 I emphasize the pocketbook voting behavior of the poor. However, it is also the case that the poor are less able to articulate their political preferences coherently, even if they have some underlying values that they wish to see represented in politics. Poor voters may sometimes vote on the basis of policy, but only salient policies, and their expressed policy preferences may change significantly when a policy becomes salient, just as preferences over candidates often crystallize over the course of a campaign (Gelman and King 1993)3. This gives legislators an incentive not to take poor voters’ preferences at face value. Rather, they may try to infer what these voters’ preferences would be if they were more informed. In Arnold’s (1992) formulation, legislators may be more concerned with the “potential preferences” of the poor than the preferences that they express at a given moment. Poorer voters tend to be more liberal than rich ones (Gelman et al 2007). However, they tend to be more conservative than one would expect given the fact that conservative policies often have direct negative effects on their economic well-being (Bartels 2009, Frank 2004). The distinction between representing constituents by doing what they say and representing constituents by doing what they want is not only a distinction between policies and outcomes4. Jessee (2010) shows that more informed voters vote on the basis of their policy beliefs, whereas unsophisticated voters are more likely to vote on the basis of their partisan identity. Shor and Rogowski (2010) replicate Jessee’s finding for Congressional election contests, using education instead of political information. This gives legislators 3 Stromberg (1994) shows that greater information increases the responsiveness of representatives to constituents. 4 This distinction is not captured by the delegate/trustee distinction and is also not captured by Rehfeld’s (2009) finer grained typology. Rehfeld distinguishes between whether constituents are the source of judgment or the legislator is the source of judgment. I assume as a starting point that legislators are trying to obey the wishes of their constituents as strictly as possible, but that legislators must divine what these wishes are, and which of them are the most important. Legislators may wish to follow the instructions of their constituents, but no instructions are forthcoming. 9 an incentive to respond to the broader interests of less sophisticated voters rather than their particular expressed policy beliefs. Other scholars argue that the expressed preferences of uninformed or unsophisticated voters differ systematically from the expressed preferences of more informed voters, all other things being equal (e.g. Althaus 1998, Bartels 1996, Delli Carpini and Keeter 1997, Luskin and Fishkin 1998). If this is the case, then income itself may be a better measure of the preferences of the poor than expressed political preferences are. I will show that legislators tend to take more liberal positions when the proportion of poor voters in their district is higher, holding the political preferences of those voters constant. Methodology The baseline model of representation I will use is the mean voter model5. Take a 1-dimensional continuous policy space where each constituent has a most preferred point in this space. The mean voter model holds that legislators in two-party contests will position themselves at the point that is the mean of their constituents’ preferences. It is justified by abstention in a rational choice model (e.g. Enelow and Hinich 1989, Ledyard 1984), and by a behavioral model with probabilistic voting (e.g. Erikson and Romero 1990). The mean voter model has the property that movement in the position of any individual constituent in a finite constituency will affect the position of the legislator, but that if any two individuals were to trade ideal points, the position of the legislator would 5 The main results here have all been replicated using a median voter model. Testing these hypotheses is somewhat subtler using a median voter model, because medians cannot be represented as weighted combinations of sub-group medians. I have excluded this analysis because it sheds no more light on the question at hand. 10 not move. This model is particularly amenable to assessing representation, because the “weight” that legislators place on different groups can be represented as a decomposition of the mean. If there are three groups, the rich, R, middle-income people, M, and poor people, P, then the mean position can be represented in the form (1) ! = !! !! + !! !! + !! !! Where ! is the position of the legislator, !! is the mean position of the rich, !! is the mean position of middle-income people, and !! is the mean position of the poor. !! is the proportion of rich people in the legislator’s district, !! is the proportion of middleincome people, and !! is the proportion of poor people. Following Bartels (2009), Clinton (2006) and others, we can turn this formal model into a statistical model that allows the weights placed on the groups to vary: (2) ! = ℬ! + ℬ! !! !! + ℬ! !! !! + ℬ! !! !! + ! Here ℬ! is an intercept, ℬ! is the estimated weight placed on the rich, ℬ! is the estimated weight placed on middle-income people, and ℬ! is the weight placed on the poor. Erikson and Bhatti (2010) point out that the proportions may have independent effects of their own, and thus we should control for these proportions as well. !! is excluded because !! = 1 − !! − !! . This leads us to the following linear regression specification, which matches the one in Erikson and Bhatti: (3) ! = ℬ! + ℬ! !! !! + ℬ! !! !! + ℬ! !! !! + ℬ! !! + ℬ! !! + ! We do not expect ℬ! to be 0 and the other coefficients to be 1, because L is not necessarily measured in the space of !! , !! and !! 6 . However, if the mean voter 6 Using a joint scaling model helps ensure that the legislator and constituent positions are measured in the same dimension. Some recent work (e.g. Bafumi and Herron 2010 and to a lesser extent Jessee 2009) has made the claim that these positions are in the same space and can be compared directly, 11 theorem is correct, then it should be the case that ℬ! = ℬ! = ℬ! . If, on the other hand, the rich are better represented than the poor, then we will find ℬ! > ℬ! . The poor are ignored entirely when ℬ! = 0. We cannot prove a point hypothesis, but we may be able to show that ℬ! is small. There are three hypotheses of interest. Firstly, are the poor represented at all? Mathematically, is ℬ! close to 0? Are the rich better represented than the poor, ℬ! > ℬ! ? And finally, are the middle class better represented than the poor, ℬ! > ℬ! ? The income groups above will be defined in detail in the data section. In addition to testing hypotheses about preferences representation, I will also test for “income group representation”. In equation 3, there is evidence of income group representation of a given group if the coefficient on the proportion of constituents in that group is positive and significant. Although the proportion of people in each group sums to one, a positive coefficient on one group is evidence that the threshold separating that group from the others is relevant for legislator positioning. These proportions are not merely “controls” but covariates that may be important in their own right. Data The tests I have laid out require a measure of political preferences in a common dimension for legislators and voters, and aggregates of this measure at the district and state levels. I use a measure based on policy preferences from the “super survey” approach of Tausanovitch and Warshaw (2011). This measure is a joint estimate of the however, this relies on much stronger assumptions than I make here. For some examples of where this stronger assumption might go wrong, see Jessee (2011). 12 preferences of respondents to five large-N surveys and their legislators, based on a Bayesian item response model, using questions on a wide array of economic and social policies. A smaller “super survey” is used to “bridge” respondents between surveys as well as legislators, allowing me to obtain comparable preferences estimates for people answering different sets of political questions. This is achieved by asking the “super survey” group questions from all of the other surveys as well as questions from surveys asked to legislators. I employ a Bayesian item response model identical to the one from Clinton, Jackman and Rivers (2004) to estimate citizen and legislator preferences. The model is as follows: (4) Pr(yij = 1) = !(xi ! j " " j ) i = 1, . . . , n indexes individuals and j = 1, . . . , m index issues. y ij is the i-th respondent’s answer to question j, xi is the ideal point for respondent i, ! j is the ! “discrimination” parameter for item j, ! j is the “difficulty” parameter for item j, and !(•) denotes the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The items include all roll calls taken by House members and Senators in the 108th to the 111th Congresses, all of the Project Vote Smart survey questions answered by federal legislators during that time, and all of the survey questions answered by respondents to the 2000 and 2004 National Annenberg Election Survey and the 2006, 2008 and 2010 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, as well as respondents to a 1,300-person module places on the 2010 CCES7. The 1,300-person module is the “super 7 These surveys are not designed to be balanced at the congressional district level. In future work, I hope to achieve greater accuracy using a multilevel regression and post-stratification framework that informs estimates using the known district-level population totals of demographic and other information. In the 13 survey” that allows the model to estimate jointly scaled preferences for legislators and respondents across data sources. On this module, I ask questions from all of the other surveys, including the Project Vote Smart surveys, which are asked to legislators. The responses to these items are treated as responses to the same question across groups. Questions that each respondent did not answer (i.e. survey respondents did not vote in Congress) are treated as missing at random. The model is estimated using a Bayesian slice sampling method with vague priors. Due to the very large size of the y matrix, it is necessary to use specialized software by Lewis, Lo, and Tausanovitch (2011) that parallelizes the estimation and distributes computing tasks onto graphics processing units (GPUs). Validation of these estimates can be found in Tausanovitch and Warshaw (2011). A complication arises in estimating the uncertainty in district-level measures. Although the model used to estimate respondent ideal points is Bayesian, the specialized software used is not yet able to estimate district-level hyperparameters. My solution is to treat the estimates as fixed quantities, and use a non-parametric bootstrap to estimate their sampling uncertainty (Efron and Tibshirani 1993). I report this uncertainty using bootstrap percentile intervals. Ideally, the best procedure would be a fully Bayesian model that incorporates measurement uncertainty and sampling uncertainty. However, given the current unfeasibility of such a model, it is much more important to capture the sampling uncertainty. The measurement uncertainty that remains in the mean of a large number of estimates is very small. present work the results are robust to using the given survey weights or a custom post-stratification weight based on race, gender, and education. 14 There are numerous advantages to using a continuous measure of political preferences based on responses to policy questions, but the most important one is that a continuous measure of preferences simply gives us more information about the location of individuals in the policy space. This may be the reason that Erikson and Bhatti are able to find differential representation using the 9,253 respondents to the NES Senate study with a 7-point measure of ideological self-placement, but are unable to find differential representation using the 155,00 respondents to the NAES with a 5-point measure. The less granular measure does not distinguish as well. Ideological self-placement is particularly poorly suited to studying differences between representation among income groups because income groups are not likely to have a shared understanding of the question. To separate respondents into income categories, I choose a somewhat arbitrary threshold. Respondents who report household income of less than $25,000 are considered poor. Respondents who report household incomes of over $100,000 are considered rich. These boundaries are chosen mainly because they can be consistently matched across the surveys used. Both Bartels and Erikson and Bhatti find that their results are substantially unchanged when they use different income thresholds. I have chosen a threshold that puts a slightly higher number of poor people than rich people in each district on average in order to make sure that a lower number of poor people is not driving the results. The average congressional district is 20% poor and 16% rich. Household income is not the ideal measure, as I am unable to adjust for the number of people in the household. However, the thresholds I have chosen are sufficiently extreme that it is unlikely that a 15 poor individual is being misclassified as rich or a rich individual is being misclassified as poor. Observations are legislator-districts, pooled over the 108th to the 111th Congresses. Each unique legislator is a separate observation. Since the measure of ideology is based on pooling surveys over multiple years, I do not create additional observations for the same legislator in different years. The timeframe under study has the advantage that it spans periods of different party control, both of Congress and the Presidency, so the results should not reflect a pattern of representation that obtains only under control by one party or the other. In the following section, I will report results using only respondents who claimed to be registered to vote. In the sample, 91.6 percent report being registered to vote at the time of interview, a much higher percentage than is actually the case in a typical year. The approximately 8 percent of the sample that admits to not being registered is a particularly disengaged group. I chose to exclude self-reported non-voters for two reasons. Firstly, this choice eliminates the possibility that this disengaged group accounts for the result that the poor are under-represented in the analysis to follow. Secondly, excluding this group leads to more accurate results. In almost every case, excluding self-reported non-voters increases model fit. For ease of exposition, I will call people who report being registered to vote “voters” even though many of them did not actually vote. The results here cannot determine whether non-voting accounts for differential representation. Analysis 16 State Figure 2: Mean Political Preferences By Income Group For Each State OK ID UT SD WY MS AL TN AR LA NE TX MT ND GA NV MO KY KS AZ IN SC IA WV OH NC WI FL CO VA PA MI MN NM NH ME OR DE IL WA CA NJ MD CT RI HI NY MA VT (613,1713,268) (242,774,96) (289,1191,202) (183,462,43) (92,275,60) (561,1021,172) (853,2001,335) (975,2826,480) (559,1395,180) (792,1725,315) (297,813,109) (2557,9389,2497) (217,575,64) (127,335,35) (1096,4146,1136) (266,1270,321) (1078,3404,595) (805,2046,324) (469,1607,313) (721,3139,795) (1010,3361,551) (734,1881,325) (496,1785,228) (493,935,96) (1969,6272,1172) (1328,4045,786) (789,3175,554) (2616,9109,1968) (573,2444,679) (860,3488,1209) (2112,7095,1384) (1686,5181,904) (724,2840,665) (342,1011,243) (162,849,225) (324,991,142) (692,2329,434) (111,466,119) (1541,5678,1483) (875,3636,908) (3008,12259,4652) (679,3346,1443) (546,2389,961) (314,1535,613) (122,445,121) (39,199,71) (2250,7328,2092) (660,2590,865) (121,376,53) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −1.25 −1.00 −0.75 −0.50 −0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Political Preferences This graph shows the mean estimated political preferences of income groups by state. The square represents the poor, the circle represents middle-income voters, and the triangle represents the rich. Bootstrap 90% confidence intervals are shown. The numbers on the right are the sample sizes for the poor, rich, and middle income respectively in each state. 17 District Figure 3: Mean Political Preferences By Income Group for CDs in California CA 22 CA 21 CA 02 CA 40 CA 19 CA 25 CA 49 CA 20 CA 11 CA 52 CA 44 CA 48 CA 47 CA 39 CA 50 CA 04 CA 03 CA 26 CA 42 CA 45 CA 24 CA 18 CA 32 CA 51 CA 38 CA 16 CA 10 CA 34 CA 23 CA 36 CA 01 CA 27 CA 15 CA 07 CA 17 CA 13 CA 35 CA 05 CA 37 CA 30 CA 28 CA 14 CA 53 CA 12 CA 06 CA 33 CA 09 CA 08 (66,256,102) (37,162,39) (88,251,30) (71,268,65) (61,211,55) (36,218,76) (35,238,91) (29,82,14) (37,200,153) (34,260,111) (33,170,77) (29,177,168) (12,74,21) (20,122,28) (41,210,122) (57,294,104) (49,300,94) (25,204,103) (8,91,17) (22,171,74) (48,249,103) (57,164,24) (29,132,20) (27,135,30) (26,103,11) (26,151,83) (33,221,115) (35,74,20) (31,230,50) (28,167,95) (76,257,69) (30,157,64) (21,151,121) (25,207,74) (42,164,77) (22,164,68) (42,121,27) (48,227,41) (39,150,27) (16,84,20) (33,176,43) (37,152,155) (77,219,85) (21,182,92) (54,238,159) (46,159,25) (70,193,92) (72,219,117) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −1.25 −1.00 −0.75 −0.50 −0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Political Preferences This graph shows the mean estimated political preferences of income groups by congressional district in the state of California. The square represents the poor, the circle represents middle-income voters, and the triangle represents the rich. Bootstrap 90% confidence intervals are shown. The numbers on the right are the sample sizes for the poor, rich, and middle income respectively in each district. 18 Figure 2 shows mean political preference estimates for poor, middle income, and rich voters by state. The square represents the mean preferences of the poor, the circle represents the mean preferences of middle-income people, and the triangle represents the mean preferences of the rich. 90% bootstrap confidence intervals are shown, and the sample size for each group is to the right of the respective state. In more than 75% of cases we can distinguish statistically between the mean ideal points of the poor and the rich, and in 84% of cases we can distinguish between the mean ideal points of poor and middle-income voters. We can only distinguish between the ideal points of the rich and the middle income in about 16% of cases. However, we can say with a high degree of certainty that the mean of the state means for the poor is less than the mean of the state means for the middle income, which is less than the mean of the state means for the rich. In other words, within a particular state we may be uncertain over which group is the most conservative, but we are confident that the order, from most liberal to most conservative, is poor-middle-rich in the average state. Figure 3 shows the means for each group within congressional districts in the state of California, and is similarly arranged. Due to smaller sample sizes, the confidence intervals for mean preferences within districts are much higher than those for means within states. We can distinguish the poor mean from the others only 10% of the time within districts. However, we can distinguish the mean of the means with a high degree of certainty, as before. We can also distinguish many of the groups from each other across districts. The estimated ordering of income groups is remarkably constant, with the poor on the left and the rich on the right. 19 State Figure 4: Mean Self-Identified Ideology By Income Group In Each State WY AL OK MS LA TN UT ID AR TX SD SC GA IN KS KY ND MO NC NE AZ WV MT NV IA FL VA OH NH PA WI CO MI DE ME NM MN IL NJ RI WA CA MD OR CT HI NY MA VT (92,275,60) (853,2001,335) (613,1713,268) (561,1021,172) (792,1725,315) (975,2826,480) (289,1191,202) (242,774,96) (559,1395,180) (2557,9389,2497) (183,462,43) (734,1881,325) (1096,4146,1136) (1010,3361,551) (469,1607,313) (805,2046,324) (127,335,35) (1078,3404,595) (1328,4045,786) (297,813,109) (721,3139,795) (493,935,96) (217,575,64) (266,1270,321) (496,1785,228) (2616,9109,1968) (860,3488,1209) (1969,6272,1172) (162,849,225) (2112,7095,1384) (789,3175,554) (573,2444,679) (1686,5181,904) (111,466,119) (324,991,142) (342,1011,243) (724,2840,665) (1541,5678,1483) (679,3346,1443) (122,445,121) (875,3636,908) (3008,12259,4652) (546,2389,961) (692,2329,434) (314,1535,613) (39,199,71) (2250,7328,2092) (660,2590,865) (121,376,53) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2 3 4 Self−Identified Ideology This graph shows the mean self-identified ideology of income groups by state. Ideology is measured on a 5-point scale. The square represents the poor, the circle represents middle-income voters, and the triangle represents the rich. Bootstrap 90% confidence intervals are shown. The numbers on the right are the sample sizes for the poor, rich, and middle income respectively in each state. 20 District Figure 5: Mean Self-Identified Ideology By Income Group In CDs in California CA 22 CA 02 CA 21 CA 40 CA 25 CA 19 CA 20 CA 03 CA 11 CA 49 CA 44 CA 18 CA 52 CA 50 CA 42 CA 04 CA 48 CA 47 CA 45 CA 26 CA 24 CA 51 CA 34 CA 32 CA 39 CA 35 CA 38 CA 10 CA 13 CA 15 CA 16 CA 07 CA 23 CA 27 CA 01 CA 37 CA 36 CA 17 CA 05 CA 30 CA 53 CA 28 CA 12 CA 14 CA 33 CA 06 CA 09 CA 08 (66,256,102) (88,251,30) (37,162,39) (71,268,65) (36,218,76) (61,211,55) (29,82,14) (49,300,94) (37,200,153) (35,238,91) (33,170,77) (57,164,24) (34,260,111) (41,210,122) (8,91,17) (57,294,104) (29,177,168) (12,74,21) (22,171,74) (25,204,103) (48,249,103) (27,135,30) (35,74,20) (29,132,20) (20,122,28) (42,121,27) (26,103,11) (33,221,115) (22,164,68) (21,151,121) (26,151,83) (25,207,74) (31,230,50) (30,157,64) (76,257,69) (39,150,27) (28,167,95) (42,164,77) (48,227,41) (16,84,20) (77,219,85) (33,176,43) (21,182,92) (37,152,155) (46,159,25) (54,238,159) (70,193,92) (72,219,117) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2 3 4 Self−Identified Ideology This graph shows the mean self-identified ideology of income groups by congressional district in California. Ideology is measured on a 5-point scale. The square represents the poor, the circle represents middleincome voters, and the triangle represents the rich. Bootstrap 90% confidence intervals are shown. The numbers on the right are the sample sizes for the poor, rich, and middle income respectively in each district. 21 Contrast Figures 2 and 3 with Figures 4 and 5, which show means of 5-point ideological self-placement. In states, we can distinguish between the poor and the middle income only half the time, and between the poor and the rich in less than 40% of cases. In congressional districts, not only do we distinguish less well between the groups within districts, but we cannot significantly differentiate between the mean of the means for the rich and the mean of the means for middle income people. These differences speak to the measurement advantages of a policy-based measure of preferences. These advantages are in addition to the advantages of interpretation and face validity. Table 1: Relationship Between House and Senate Ideal Points and Income Group Preferences (108th-111th Congress) House Senate Rich Mean * Proportion Rich 3.94** 8.84** (0.70) (3.92) Middle Mean * Proportion 3.01** 6.40** Middle (0.30) (1.79) Poor Mean * Proportion Poor 1.65* -11.04** (0.97) (4.88) Proportion Rich 1.00* -1.36 (0.55) (2.39) Proportion Poor -2.2** -4.91* (0.73) (2.86) Constant 0.28 0.44 (0.21) (0.82) N 602 143 R-squared 0.53 0.41 ** Significant at the .05 level, * Significant at the .1 level Table 1 shows results based on the specification in (1). The House results show that members of Congress are more responsive to middle income and rich voters than to poor voters. A Wald test confirms this difference. However, House members appear to be no more responsive to the rich than they are to middle income constituents. Legislator positions have a small but positive correlation with the mean position of poor voters. In the Senate we see more dramatic underrepresentation. The positions of Senators are negatively correlated with the preferences of poor constituents, even controlling for the 22 proportion of poor constituents. This fact that this coefficient is large and negative seems implausible, and will merit further analysis. For now, we reject the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between the positions of poor constituents and the positions of their Senators. The fact that the views of low-income constituents are under-represented (in the House) or ignored (in the Senate) does not necessarily mean that the short-run interests of the poor are also ignored. Referring to Table 1 again, notice that the coefficient on the proportion of poor constituents is negative and significant. The position of legislators is more liberal on average when the proportion of poor constituents increases, holding the preferences of the poor constant. In the House, a similar, but weaker, relationship holds for the rich: if the proportion of rich constituents is higher, the legislator will tend to be more conservative. If it is the case, as commonly supposed, that liberal policies tend to favor the short-run economic and political interests of the poor and conservative policies tend to favor the wealthy, then these effects are consistent with income group representation. There is an interesting asymmetry here. Where the poor are less well represented in terms of policy, they are actually better represented in terms of interests. In other words, they experience greater income group representation and less expressed preference representation. Although the coefficient on the expressed preferences of the poor strongly supports the hypothesis that the poor are unrepresented, the negative sign of this coefficient is a priori implausible. Although one could concoct stories in which legislators take more liberal positions when the poor are more conservative, there is no well-established theoretical basis for such a story. However, there is an econometric 23 explanation for how such an unexpected result can come about. Estimates of regression coefficients can be unstable in the presence of high multicollinearity (Greene 2000). I test the robustness of these results under the restriction that the coefficient on the preferences of each group must be non-negative. In order to do so, I estimate a Bayesian regression in which the priors for these coefficients are distributed half-normal, truncated below at zero. All other coefficients are given normal priors. Besides the truncation, all priors are highly uninformative, with variance 10,000. The results are reported in Table 2. Table 2: Relationship Between House and Senate Ideal Points and Income Group Preferences (108th-111th Congress), Constrained Bayesian Regression House Senate Rich Mean * Proportion Rich 3.94 10.73 [2.55,3.94] [3.20,18.12] Middle Mean * Proportion 3.00 2.89 Middle [2.41,3.56] [0.57,5.30] Poor Mean * Proportion Poor 1.71 1.27 [0.21,3.58] [0.05,5.80] Proportion Rich 1.00 0.02 [-0.07,2.08] [-4.69,4.74] Proportion Poor -2.18 -1.44 [-3.62,-0.76] [-6.52,3.76] Constant 0.28 0.01 [-0.13,0.69] [-1.62,1.63] N 602 143 R-squared 0.52 0.36 95% Credible intervals in brackets I re-estimate the model for both chambers, even though there were no suspect coefficients in the House. The House results are almost identical to what they were before. Note that the credible regions for each coefficient should not be used to conduct hypothesis tests of differences between coefficients, because they do not reflect the joint distribution of the estimates. Although the 95% credible interval for the coefficient on the proportion rich overlaps zero, the 90% credible interval does not. In the Senate, the results on expressed preference representation are similar as well, but without the negative coefficient for the preferences of the poor. The rich are better represented than 24 the poor with about 97% probability8. Although the posterior credible interval of the coefficient on the preferences of the poor does not overlap 0, this is an artifact of the nonnegativity restriction. We should not reject the hypothesis that the poor are entirely unrepresented. In general, when we add the non-negativity restriction to the coefficients on group preferences, the results in the Senate converge towards the results in the House, with two exceptions. The rich are still given much greater weight. And although the coefficient on the proportion poor is still negative, it is only below zero with 71% certainty. In part, this speaks to the value of the much greater statistical power offered by examining representation in the House. Multicollinearity is a pervasive problem when examining questions of representation (Romer and Rosenthal 1979). The effect sizes for the expressed preferences of each group are straightforward to interpret. In a hypothetical district where each group makes up one third of the population, the coefficients represent the difference in legislator position that results from a 1/3-unit change in the mean preference of a given group. The direct effects of the proportions in each group are more difficult to interpret, because these proportions necessarily add to 1. To aid in interpretation, consider the case of a person who moves to a congressional district where one third of the population is poor, one third are middle income, and one third are rich. If the political preferences of this person are exactly the same as the mean political preferences of people in the district, then her preferences have no effect on her new legislator’s position. However, she may have an impact on the legislator’s position via her income. If she were poor, this would increase the proportion of poor constituents and decrease the proportion of rich and middle-income constituents, which according to 8 In a Bayesian context, we can make direct probability statements about the likelihood of estimates taking on certain values based on their posterior distribution. 25 the model would move the legislator to the left. If she were rich or middle income, this would move policy to the right9. However, the move to the left resulting from adding a poor constituent would be fifty percent larger than the move to the right from adding a rich constituent. In the Senate this effect would be roughly four times as large, using the estimates from Table 1. To see how income group representation has a leveling effect on representation, consider again a district where one third of the constituents are in each income group. Say, for example, that the mean preferences of each group are 0. Now consider two possible immigrants to a district, one who is rich and conservative, and one who is poor and liberal. Assume both have preferences the same distance from 0. The marginal effect of adding the rich conservative to the district is only 17% greater in magnitude than the marginal effect of adding the poor liberal. Even though the preferences of the rich conservative hold greater sway, the poor liberal pulls policy to the left by merit of being poor. So far, I have run my analysis pooled with legislators of both parties, without controlling for the party of the legislator. It is also important to run the analysis within parties, because within-party representation is fundamentally different from betweenparty representation in recent years. Due to the polarization in Congress, most of the variation in Congressional positions is between-party. Indeed, a party dummy explains 90% of the variance in party positions. It is reasonable to believe that the representational process that determines whether a Democrat or a Republican represents a district is different from the representational process that determines whether a particular legislator 9 In the Senate the coefficient on the proportion of rich is negative, although it does not come close to significance. However, even if we take this coefficient at face value, increasing the proportion rich will move policy to the right because it corresponds to a decrease in the proportion of poor constituents. 26 is liberal or conservative for their party. Separating the regression by party may be more informative for determining the variance explained (Clinton 2006). Table 3: Relationship Between House and Senate Ideal Points and Means– Within Parties (108th-111th Congress) House Senate Democrats Republicans Democrats Republicans Rich Mean * Proportion Rich 0.90** 2.14** 3.44 0.03 (0.43) (0.41) (2.11) (2.60) Middle Mean * Proportion 1.52** 0.70** 2.00* 2.25** Middle (0.18) (0.17) (1.06) (1.08) Poor Mean * Proportion Poor 0.82 0.51 -2.71 1.71 (0.56) (0.50) (2.71) (2.84) Proportion Rich 0.45 0.21 1.24 2.06 (0.35) (0.28) (1.22) (1.71) Proportion Poor 0.22 -0.31 0.95 0.88 (0.42) (0.38) (1.44) (1.76) Constant -0.77** 0.89** -1.42 0.18 (0.33) (0.11) (0.43) (0.50) N 305 297 76 68 R-squared 0.53 0.29 0.42 0.32 ** Significant at the .05 level, * Significant at the .1 level In the models that are broken down by party in Table 3, the results are more mixed than the across-party results. Wald tests find that the rich are overrepresented relative to the poor by House Republicans and Senate Democrats. For Democrats in the House, the largest coefficient is for middle-income constituents, but none of the coefficients are statistically distinguishable from the others. All of the coefficients are positive, but the coefficient for the poor is not statistically significant. For the Republicans in the Senate, only the coefficient for middle-income people is significant, and the coefficient for the rich is close to 0. None of the coefficients are statistically distinguishable. There is no evidence of income group representation within parties. In summary, there is evidence of under-representation of the poor relative to the rich in both chambers, but this under-representation is especially severe in the Senate. However, there is also evidence that the poor are better represented in terms of their 27 short-run interests. The positions of Democratic Senators within the Democratic Party favor the rich, as do the positions of Republican House members within the Republican Party. For House Republicans, the rich are over-represented even more than the middle class. Policy Implications I have shown that the rich are over-represented relative to the poor in terms of expressed policy preferences. However, the policy preferences of income groups within districts are correlated. It remains to be seen whether differences in representation have a substantive effect on policy. One way to gauge the effect that unequal representation has on policy is to compare the distribution of legislator positions to the distribution that the model would predict if the coefficients on each group were equal. Figure 6 graphs this counterfactual for the House using the estimates from Tables 1 and 3. The left panel graphs predictions from the across-party model in Table 1 and the right panel graphs predictions from the two within-party models in Table 3. Equal representation of expressed political preferences corresponds to a situation where ℬ! = ℬ! = ℬ! in equation 1. In order to simulate this hypothetical case, I calculate the legislator positions that would result if these coefficients were made equal, but all other coefficients remained as estimated in Table 1. I preserve the sum of ℬ! , ℬ! , and ℬ! to maintain the same linear mapping. The kernel density estimate of the distribution of these predictions for the House is represented by the dotted line in Figure 6. 28 Figure 6: Predicted versus Observed Distribution of Ideal Points in the House Observed Predicted Equal Representation Equal w/o Proportions −2 −1 0 1 Legislator Position Observed Predicted Equal Representation Equal w/o Proportions 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Legislator Position The left pane of this figure corresponds to an across-party model of House Member positions. The right pane corresponds to a within-party model. In each graph, the solid line is a kernel density estimate of the distribution of the observed data. The dashed line represents the distribution of the predicted values from the model. The dotted line is the distribution of predicted values from a model in which the weight placed on the preferences of each income group within each district is assumed to be equal. The distribution that alternates dots and dashes represents the predicted values from a model in which the income group preferences are weighted equally and the direct effect of the proportion of constituents in any group is assumed to be 0. Compare the dotted line in the left panel of Figure 6 to the dashed line, which represents the kernel density estimate of the unaltered model predictions using the estimates from Table 1. The difference between these two densities is minimal. Unequal expressed preference representation does not noticeably affect polarization or overall 29 liberalness compared to a baseline of equal representation10. The same holds for the within-party models in the right panel of Figure 6. What about income group representation? Consider a world in which income is irrelevant to legislator positions. I predict values for legislator positions where ℬ! = ℬ! = 0 and all other coefficients are as in Table 1. The resulting kernel density is shown as the distribution that alternates dots and dashes in Figure 6. Once again, there is very little effect in both the across-party model and the within-party model. Figure 7 shows the across-party and within-party densities for the Senate. The differences between the predicted values for the Senate are much greater than they are for the House, particularly in the across-party (left) pane. If it were the case that the preferences of the poor were given equal weight to the preferences of the rich and middle class (ℬ! = ℬ! = ℬ! from (1), where the sum of the coefficients is the same as the estimated sum), then almost all senators would have predicted preferences to the left of 0. In the modern Congress, they would almost all be Democrats. However, if we remove the liberal effect of the proportion of poor constituents, this more than offsets the effect of unequal representation, and the Senators almost all have predicted preferences to the right of 0. In this accounting, unequal representation has a large substantive effect, but unequal income group representation has a larger effect. 10 Both distributions look quite different from the observed distribution of legislator positions. This is due to the fact that most of the variation in legislator positions is across-parties. In other words, the dependent variable is “almost dichotomous.” The results are similar to the results obtained by a linear probability model and a logistic regression. Predicted values to the left of 0 can be considered “Democrat” predictions, and values to the right of 0 can be considered “Republican” predictions. 30 Figure 7: Predicted versus Observed Distribution of Ideal Points in the Senate Observed Predicted Equal Representation Equal w/o Proportions −2 −1 0 1 Legislator Position 2 Observed Predicted Equal Representation Equal w/o Proportions −2 −1 0 1 2 Legislator Position The left pane of this figure corresponds to an across-party model of Senator positions. The right pane corresponds to a within-party model. In each graph, the solid line is a kernel density estimate of the distribution of the observed data. The dashed line represents the distribution of the predicted values from the model. The dotted line is the distribution of predicted values from a model in which the weight placed on the preferences of each income group within each district is assumed to be equal. The distribution that alternates dots and dashes represents the predicted values from a model in which the income group preferences are weighted equally and the direct effect of the proportion of constituents in any group is assumed to be 0. The distributions in the right panel of Figure 7 show little effect of unequal representation. However, removing the effect of the proportion of constituents in each income group creates a large leftwards shift in the distribution for the within-party model. 31 This should not be over-interpreted, because the coefficients that are being altered in this case were not significant to begin with. It may be the case that representation of the preferences of the poor is important for its own sake. Equal representation enhances the legitimacy of government, involves citizens in democracy and creates incentive for them to become more informed. However, policymakers wishing to improve responsiveness of policy outcomes to the preferences of the poor would be better advised to improve overall responsiveness than to equalize responsiveness within districts, at least in the House of Representatives. In the Senate, equalizing representation may have a substantial effect. However, we should not assume that income group representation and expressed preference representation are independent. It is more likely that they are substitutes. If increasing expressed preference representation decreases income group representation, than these effects may cancel one another out. Conclusion I have shown that under-representation of the poor is prevalent, not only in the Senate, as past work as argued, but in the House of Representatives as well. The magnitude of the inequality is greater in the Senate. I have also established unequal representation within parties for House Republicans and Senate Democrats. A larger sample size and better measure of constituent ideology allows the hypothesis of equal representation to be rejected where recent work failed to reject it. However, I also emphasize a channel of representation for poor voters that has been ignored in past work: 32 the fact that the positions of legislators are related to the number of poor voters in their districts. This “income group representation” favors the poor over the rich. Although unequal representation is interesting on its own, its importance to policy is ambiguous. In the House, the distribution of legislator positions is hardly affected by unequal representation. In the Senate, unequal representation has a substantial affect, but this effect is more than made up for by unequal income group representation in favor of the poor. If income group representation and expressed preference representation are substitutes, then it is not clear what would happen to policy if an intervention successfully equalized representation of income groups in terms of policy preferences. Although the current work has greater statistical power than past work in two important respects- sample size and measurement- the total number of observations is similar to the number of observations in past work11. This is because our observations are district-years, not individuals. This is the primary limitation on more powerful tests, such as simultaneously testing for unequal representation under multiple competing models of representation, or including cross-cutting groups such as racial groups and groups by education. Having more district-years would also allow us to investigate over-time components of representation and to increase confidence in the results presented here. Fortunately, the measurement of preferences presented here is highly scalable, and will be able to incorporate new survey data as it becomes available. Although this paper has resolved a major dispute over the existence of unequal representation, the causes of this phenomenon have barely been mentioned. This is a live research area, and an important subject for future work. Answering questions about 11 The exception here is that there are many more observations available in the House than there are in past work that studies the Senate. However, the larger point is that the continued use of cross-sectional data has constrained the number of observations. 33 causes will require combining macro-level representation studies with insights from models of voting and elections. It will require better data on phenomena such as abstention and information levels that may drive differences. 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