Que Sera Se

When I was a young kid my
mother used to sing Que Sera,
Sera, which translates, “What
ever will be will be. The song
goes on to say “When I was just
a little boy I asked my mother
what will I be? Will I be happy?
will I be rich? Here’s what she
said to me: Que sera sera.
Whatever will be will be. The
future’s not ours to see...”
What a lie! Many people believe
that their future is cast in stone
and they have little or no control
over it.
You have much to do with your
future. Deuteronomy 29:29 says
“the secret things belong to the
Lord our God”, but there are
many opportunities you miss
because of wrong priorities and
selfishness. The ‘secret things’
are things are unplanned,
unexpected, and unavoidable to
which we ask, “Why God”. There
are some things that happen in
our lives we will never
understand (Job 1:6-22).
Conversely the will of God is not
‘what will be will be’ or God
would not have given us minds
to reason and make rational and
moral choices and decisions. We
would all be alike and
programed to just follow the
yellow brick road. You and I
have been given an opportunity
to make an impact on this
wicked world with the Gospel
and so many times we miss our
window. I find myself blaming
God, the Devil or the world
influence for things I did or
failed to do.
I remember many years ago
hearing Pastor Peter Lord preach
a message on Galatians 6:7-8.
This message has been used by
the Lord countless times in my
life to carefully walk in the Spirit
and not the flesh.
Galations 6:7
Whatever a man sows he
will also reap.
You reap what you sow.
If you plant corn expecting
wheat you will be greatly
disappointed. When you sow
corn with just a few kernels
you will reap multiple ears
that have hundreds of those
look alike kernels. When you
plant your seed it will take
time to mature.
You reap more than you sow.
The passage goes on to teach
us that if we sow in the flesh
we will reap a fleshly harvest
that as Christians is putrid.
You reap later than you
have sown. If we sow in the
Spirit, meaning what God
desire us to do then we will
reap a harvest of eternal
I am free to go out today and rob
a bank rationalizing: I need the
money, it is only paper, and they
have a surplus. I would have
made a bad choice which would
probably reap the consequences
of loosing everything and going
to jail. Before making any
choices we should pray and the
Holy Spirit who will remind us
that He is my source and we
need to trust Him.
Is God behind evil and tragedy? I
think not. All things are
permitted but everything is not
good. (2 Cor 6:12-20) I can smoke
crack cocaine and remain a
Christian, but is that the best for
my life? Some things are not
what God desires for us. Many
things are a stumbling block for
others, and some things are habit
forming. The Holy Spirit says,
“Better not” as we rationalize by
saying, “What is wrong with
Determining the will of God is
something he wants to show us.
It doesn’t happen by doing what
you think is best nor is it predetermined. God’s will is found
in our obedience to God’s Word
and his Holy Sprit who lives
within us. As we listen and obey,
we can walk in the spirit and
discover the will of God.
Murrill Boitnott 2/2012