syllabus - SIU - College of Education and Human Services

Special Education 410
Characteristics of Students with Learning Disabilities, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders and
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This course presents the behavioral, emotional, physical and learning characteristics of children and youth with
mild disabilities. These disabilities (LD, EBD, ID) represent the most common disabling conditions found in
public schools. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing current research to determine best instructional practices.
In addition, basic treatment issues will be discussed. Each session will require students to participate in class
discussion and small group activities.
Required text:
Raymond E.B. (2012). Learners with mild disabilities: A characteristics approach (4rd ed.). Boston: Allyn &
Bacon. ISBN-10: 0-13-706076-9; ISBN-13:978-0-13-706076-4.
Standards & Objectives
IL-PTS.1: Content Knowledge: The competent teacher understands the central concepts,
methods of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) and creates learning
experiences that make the content meaningful to all students.
CEC.CC 1: Philosophical, historical and legal foundations of special education
Course Objectives:
1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the history of Learning Disabilities,
Emotional/ Behavioral Disorders, and Mental Retardation, including past and current
trends, and be aware of the primary source materials, organizations and pioneers in the
2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the legal and ethical issues involved in
addressing the needs and rights of individuals with disabilities.
A. Issues of overrepresentation of selected populations.
B. Issues of integration and normalization
C. Issues of school and community placement
D. The use of reinforcement principles
E. Responsibilities to parents, students, the school and the community
IL-PTS.3: Diversity: The competent teacher understands how students differ in their
approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted
to diverse learners.
CEC.CC 2: Characteristics of learners
Course objectives:
3. Students will articulate the characteristics of students with Learning Disabilities,
Emotional/ Behavioral Disorders, and Mental Retardation and how they manifested in
a variety of settings.
A. The influence of behavior problems on learning and social performance
B. The phenomena of comorbidity and its implications for assessment, identification,
placement, and instruction
C. The roles of other service providers such as physicians, mental health professionals,
corrections officers, and social workers.
D. Major dimensions and etiology of the disabilities
4. Students will describe and discuss the social, cultural, and ethnic factors that positively
and adversely influence performance expectations and education services provided in
the school.
CEC.CC 3: Assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation
Course objectives:
5. Students will identify the screening and assessment procedures and instruments used
with students with Learning Disabilities, Emotional/ Behavioral Disorders, and Mental
IL-PTS.4: Planning for Instruction: The competent teacher understands instructional
planning and designs instruction based upon knowledge of the discipline,
students, the community, and curriculum goals.
CEC.CC 4: Instructional content and practice
Course objectives:
6. Students will articulate the differing models and delivery systems associated with the
7. Students will articulate research-supported methods and materials commonly used with
students with Learning Disabilities, Emotional/ Behavioral Disorders, and Mental
Course Requirements:
1. Two examinations will be given which cover all lectures, readings, handouts, videos and class discussions.
The exam formats will include multiple-choice, true/false, and short essay type questions. There will be no
make-up exams.
2. Periodic unannounced quizzes will be conducted throughout the course to check understanding of the
assigned readings. There will be no make-up quizzes.
3. Group Activities – During class sessions, students will be assigned to group activities. There will be no
make-up activities.
4. SAFMEDS -- Students will complete weekly timed drills of important terms, record data on their
performance, graph the data using excel and interpret the results.
Exam 1
Exam 2
Class Activities
100 points
100 points
60 points
40 points
12 points
312 Total points
Grading scale: A= 90%; B= 80%; C= 70%; D= 60%; F = <60%
Class attendance and participation are an essential part of this course. Please make an appointment to
see me if you are having difficulty with assignments or in understanding course materials.
Students with Disabilities:
The policy of this class, in adherence with federal, state, and university guidelines, is to provide the necessary
accommodations to any enrolled student with a documented disability. Please contact me by phone, email, or in
person to discuss any needed accommodations.
Emergency Procedures:
Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and
work. Because some health and safety circumstances are beyond our control, we ask that you become familiar
with the SIUC Emergency Response Plan and Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) program.
Emergency response information is available on posters in buildings on campus, available on BERT’s website
at, Department of Safety’s website (disaster drop down) and in Emergency
Response Guideline pamphlet. Know how to respond to each type of emergency.
Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event of an emergency
affecting your location. It is important that you follow these instructions and stay with your instructor during an
evacuation or sheltering emergency. The Building Emergency Response Team will provide assistance to your
instructor in evacuating the building or sheltering within the facility.
Tentative Course Outline:
Session 1– Introduction to the course, Chapter 1 Perspectives on Disability
Session 2 Chapter 2 Issues in Assessment and Identification
Session 3 Chapter 3 Issues in Instruction & Placement
Video: The Teaching: What LD Students Need (55”)
Session 4 Chapter 4 Learners with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Early research, definitions, prevalence, characteristics, etiology
Session 5 MR continued
Session 6 Chapter 5 Learners with specific Learning Disabilities
Early research, definitions, prevalence, characteristics, etiology
Video: Reading Is Not a Natural Skill: Teaching Children the Code to Unlock Language (58”)
Session 7 EXAM 1 covering all material to date
Session 8 Chapter 6 Learners with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Early research, definitions, prevalence, characteristics, etiology
Video: The Trouble with Evan (60”)
Session 9 EBD continued
Functional behavioral assessment, positive behavioral interventions and supports, life-space interview
Video: Working together: Instruction and behavior management (12”)
Session 10 Chapter 7: Learners with Attention Disorders and Other conditions
Video: ADHD in the classroom (30”)
Session 11 Chapter 8 Learners Autism Spectrum Disorders
Video: Understanding Asperger’s (30”)
Session 12 Chapter 9 Cognitive & Perceptual Characteristics
Information processing frameworks, three sub-functions of attention, memory strategies
Session 13 Chapter 10 Language Characteristics
Language components, process of production/expression, implications for learning and thinking
Session 14 Chapter 11 Academic Learning Characteristics
Sample curricula, peer mediation
Video: Working together: The collaborative process (16”)
Video: Class-wide student tutoring teams (20”)
Session 15 Chapter 12 Social Emotional Characteristics
character education, moral education
Session 16 Final exam covering all material from exam 1 to date.