This house believes that Disney princesses are bad role models for

This house believes that
Disney princesses are bad
role models for children
Saskatchewan Elocution and Debate Association 1860 Lorne Street, Regina, SK (306) 780-­‐9243 Facebook: Sask Debate INTRODUCTION
Before coming up with the arguments for your case, take the time to do a fair bit of research. Reading articles
about the resolution will give you an idea about what kind of action to take. You may find that some things are
already in place, while other ideas have no information on them because they are not popular topics for the
media. It is important to focus on concepts that you can support with research. So above all, before you do
anything, gain a good knowledge base.
This resolution is a great one to start the debate season with: “This House believes that Disney princesses are
bad role models for children.” A resolution like this is open to a lot of different interpretations.
Try looking at some of the big themes of the debate: What do the princesses represent? What makes a good
role model – or a bad one? Does Disney have a responsibility to provide strong female role models? Are some
princesses effective role models, and others less so? Do they teach lessons that we value in our society? Would
editing the princesses’ stories fix existing problems, or are they a ‘lost cause’ as role models? Look for the
contradictions. These are just a few ideas to get you started. Try brainstorming more ideas with your partner
and your club, then focus on what case you want to build – on both the affirmative and negative side.
The key to running a good affirmative argument in this debate is to remain focused. The more focused you are
on what you want your plan to achieve, the harder it is for the negative team to attack you.
Your plan could be to argue that the Disney princesses are outdated, or failing modern children. Additionally,
you could highlight the benefits of other role models. All of these cases have good arguments behind them and
good evidence to support them (but there may be other approaches that you should also explore – this is your
chance to solve this problem!). It would be hard to argue all the possible points in the little time you have.
When developing your plan, be prepared for possible negative attacks and then strengthen your case. Don’t
leave yourself open to attack!
It is beneficial to remember the same things as the negative team. You don’t know what the affirmative team
will do, so you should do a lot of research and become very knowledgeable about this subject. That way, you
will be ready to deal with anything the affirmative comes up with. It might help to write down many pieces of
evidence on different cards, but only plan on using a few of them, depending on how the affirmative team
defines the debate. Remember, preparation is just as important, if not more important, for the negative team as
it is for the affirmative team. You must have prepared evidence too!
Try summing up the main theme of your case in one clear statement – either for the affirmative or negative.
Then, make sure you have 3 to 5 key points in your case that relate back to your theme or “caseline”. During
the debate, make sure both your constructive arguments and your clash relate back to your caseline and attack
the opposite team’s caseline.
To win a debate, you must show the judges that you triumphed over your opponents on some key arguments
and that you presented the stronger case. you have done a good job as the affirmative team mentioning
evidence for every point you make, and the negative team has argued against you but has failed to support
themselves with articles and statistics, then show the judges that you have a more concrete case. Mentioning
your superior evidence should tip the balance of the debate in your favor if both teams have done a good job of
clashing. In your final rebuttal speeches, in addition to your final clash and summary, refer back to the big
theme of your case and how it was proven superior to your opposition’s development of their theme.
-Adapted from an article written by Garrett Richards, Fall 2004
When you get a resolution, you pick out two types of key words to understand:
• Terms specific to the topic that everyone needs to agree on to debate, like ‘Disney princesses.’ You define
this in the first affirmative speech.
• Words that require a specific type of argument from debaters, like ‘role model.’ You define your stance on
this using your caseline and arguments.
Understanding the burdens:
In a debate, ‘believes’ means that there is a moral and practical reason to follow this line of thought.
The side that agrees with the resolution must prove that the Disney princesses have not been effectively
fulfilling their obligations as role models. To meet your burden, prove:
-There is a moral or practical reason for children to reject Disney princesses as role models OR
-The Disney princesses, or highlighting them over other role models, causes harm
You also need to prove that:
-This House has an obligation to demonstrate the merits of alternative role models
The side that disagrees with the resolution must prove that the Disney princesses have succeeded in meeting
the standards of ‘good’ role models - if not perfectly, then well enough. Alternatively, the negative side must
demonstrate that rejecting Disney princesses would harm children. This can be done in one of several ways:
-There are no equally effective alternatives, or better choices, for role models for children OR
-Prove the Disney princesses are fulfilling the requirements of good role models OR
-Prove the problems identified by the affirmative are caused by a lack of time, resources or the
actions/inactions of an external party and that the system needs minor fixes and would then work well
The Big Debate:
Each debate topic has an underlying disagreement about what way society should do something. In this case,
the argument is, does allowing children to see the Disney princesses as role models harm them?
Position 1 –There is an established criteria for success, and an expectation of a goal, which the Disney
princesses have not met. This lack causes harm.
Position 2 – Private healthcare would harm Canadians, and public healthcare is the best alternative. Any
identified harms are minor compared to the potential benefits of Disney princesses acting as role models.
3 Please note:
For the purposes of creating a brief and manageable overview of
the debate topic, and/or ensuring articles remain ageappropriate, enclosed articles have been edited down by SEDA’s
Program Coordinator.
If you wish to view the full articles, please follow the provided link
at the top of the article.
Thank you for your understanding.
4 Background Article
The Princess Problem: Dads Discuss How Their Daughters are Affected by
By: Samreen Hooda
The Huffington Post 01/24/2013
Debates over Princess Culture -- society's obsession with toys and shows for girls that reinforce gender
stereotypes -- have long been waged by experts and moms like Peggy Orenstein, author of "Cinderella Ate My
Daughter." Recently, however, Andy Hinds came at the issue from a dad's perspective, and agrees that the
princess stereotype creates exaggerated ideals.
HuffPost Live's Abby Huntsman spoke with Hinds, a father of twin girls, about the concerns he wrote about in
his piece "One Dad's Ill-Fated Battle Against the Princesses," and they were joined by other dads,
psychologists and professors. Hinds said:
"Regardless of the more recent generations of empowered princesses in Disney movies, the overall princess
trope promotes traditional notions of femininity and an unhealthy focus on physical beauty."
Though it might not be possible to shield young girls from princess culture entirely, the group agreed that
widening the horizons of play outside of the princess phenomena is one way to ensure a more open-minded
"I think the princess ideology is hegemonic..." Laurie Essig, Professor of Gender Studies & Sociology at
Middlebury College and mother of two daughters told Huffpost Live. "I think the idea that women need to
make romantic work the central part of their lives is very clear, and that happens in these movies..."
But not everything that princesses represent is negative, says Al Watts, President of The National At-Home
Dad Network and father of three daughters.
"On the one hand they are very thin, they project a image of women that's not very realistic on the beauty
side," Watts told Huffpost Live, "but on the other side on personality, on courage, on being brave as we're
talking about here, all those princesses have taken charge of their situations and been very active in their
5 Affirmative Articles
Are Our Girls Suffering from ‘Princess Syndrome’?
Disney heroines teach us to trade on our looks and value material things, claims
new book
Victoria Wellman
December 23, 2011
The Daily Mail
Given that most little girls love to dress up as princesses, it is difficult to imagine what might be wrong with
But one author has written an entire book on how she believes the fairytale fantasies send a dangerous
Jennifer L Hardstein is behind the recently-published Princess Recovery: A How-To Guide to Raising Strong,
Empowered Girls Who Can Create Their Own Happily Ever Afters.
The child and adolescent psychologist believes that children as young as two are taking away unrealistic ideals
from fairytale books and Disney cartoons that can affect their self esteem later on.
In her book, Dr Hardstein theorises that traditional stories like Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella promote the
idea that if a girl is pretty enough and has fancy clothes and shoes, she will find love and popularity. The
author refers to this phenomenon as the 'Princess Syndrome'.
These kind of messages, she says, have a huge impact on a girl's self-confidence and make it hard for children
to understand as they grow up, that intelligence, generosity and passion are more important values.
During an appearance on CBS' Early Show, Dr Hardstein explained: 'Girls are getting this message
everywhere that... what their worth is based on is how they look and the things that they have and it's very
6 How Growing Up Disney Shapes Gender Roles
Leah Picett
June 7, 2013
Chicago Public Media
If you were a pre-adolescent girl during [the Disney Renaissance], chances are good that you had a favorite
Disney princess whose love affair with a handsome prince may have been your first model of what a grownup
boyfriend/girlfriend relationship should be.
Unfortunately, the fairytale romances in films like The Little Mermaid (1989) and Beauty and the
Beast (1991) actually set very poor examples for young girls to follow. Ariel and Belle are smart and
refreshingly independent female protagonists; that is, until they enter into relationships with their [romantic
interests], fall head-over-heels into stereotypically submissive gender roles and lose themselves along the
While Ariel does have some feminist qualities (she wants to explore, rebel and experience a life beyond the
confines of her underwater world), she ultimately succumbs to a subservient role by giving up everything for
her man. Ariel trades her means of communicating and expressing personality—her voice— for human legs,
turning her into a purely visual object of desire. Think about it: she literally gives up her voice to be with
Prince Eric, even though she's only known him for about five minutes[!]
Furthermore, the idea of Eric growing some gills and becoming a merman himself is never even mentioned.
Because he is the dominant male, Ariel is expected to change her life for him—not the other way around. She
transitions from being directly under the control of her father to being Eric's wife; so, despite longing for
freedom throughout the course of the film, she is never truly independent.
The female protaganist of Beauty and the Beast also ends up conforming to patriarchal gender strereotypes in
her "happily ever after," although she does not begin her story that way. At first glance, Belle is the ideal
feminist. She has a passion for books, longs to escape the confines of her provincial town and makes it clear to
the lecherous lothario Gaston that she has zero interest in marrying him.
However, Belle still represents the sexist role of submissive female in relation to her dominant male
counterpart. A pretty girl with no money falls for a rich, [mean] monster. Belle submits herself to the Beast as
the self-sacrificing daughter, and then yields to his every command without even trying to escape. This
portrayal suggests that women are responsible for controlling male anger and violence, even if that means
completely disregarding their own sense of safety and well-being.
Also, the Barbie doll image of Disney princesses like Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas and even Tiana from
The Princess and the Frog is another problem of gender conformity (the most beautiful and desirable women
have perfectly delicate features, [enormous eyes], tiny waists).
While Pixar made great progress in writing the female protagonist of Brave as a courageous and selfactualized heroine whose journey doesn't revolve around a man (how refreshing!), the controversial decision to
"glamorize" Merida's body type for promotional purposes [was disappointing].
7 Disney Princess Recovery Programs: Not Just for Kids
Soraya Chemaly
December 30, 2011
Huffington Post
As the year ends, we have Jennifer Hartstein's new book, "Princess Recovery", an excellent how-to guide to
empowering girls and freeing them from the oppressive messages being sent by a society obsessed with
appearances. Hartstein clearly outlines the messages being sent to girls and boys by our princess saturated
culture, namely:
• That girls and boys are fundamentally different
• That girls should be pretty
• That more stuff makes you a better person
• That girls will get rescued and don't have to take care of themselves
There are very few -- if any -- real, viable alternative role models for girls growing up in a $4 billion dollar a
year, 26,000 princess product world (and that's just Disney).
Forget girls, parents are the people who need a Princess Recovery Program. Disney knows that little girls
aren't buying their products alone. Moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, well-meangin friends -- these are
the market for these products. How many times have you heard the words "Look at that little princess"? How
often is a little girl deluged by the oppressive pink toy, game or dress of the day because "everyone knows"
that girls are born dreaming, as Disney says, "about being little princesses"?
As for moms, last week, I wrote that we should strongly consider finding bonding experiences with daughers
that aren't based in beauty rituals like spa treatments, shopping trips, manicure parties and toddler pedicures.
These activities seem like fun, but they may have long-term effects that aren't so desirable -- many of which
Hartstein describes to great effect in her book.
No one really tells girls the story of what happens once the princess grows up. But, girls figure that out on their
own. Lots of girls, as they move from girlhood to adulthood, feel the need to move from one stereotype to
another. And then what?
8 How Disney Princesses Influence Our Young Girls
June 9, 2013
Matt Hlinak
Pop Mythology Disney’s princesses have long been criticized as sexist, with too much emphasis on looking pretty and
marrying a rich man. The more recent films, starting with Beauty and the Beast, seem to have taken these
criticisms to heart, with increasingly strong and independent female protagonists. Brave even ends without the
princess finding a man at all. But the films continue to struggle to represent strong relationships between
female characters.
The most obvious female relationship for films about adolescent girls is that between mothers and daughters.
In six of the first seven films, the mother is completely absent. In the seventh, Sleeping Beauty, the mother
puts Aurora in the care of three fairies to keep her safe from the evil Maleficent. In Tangled, Rapunzel is stolen
from her mother. In both Mulan and The Princess and the Frog, the princess’s relationship to her father is
more significant to the narrative (even where Tiana’s father is dead and her mother still alive). Only Brave, the
most recent film, significantly addresses a maternal relationship.
Stepmothers, on the other hand, feature prominently. They are invariably wicked. Snow White, Cinderella and
Rapunzel are all raised by evil women. To be fair to Disney, the wicked stepmother archetype has a long
tradition in the fairy tales that are its source material.
In the five films with a female villain, the princess always places misplaced trust in her antagonist (Aurora’s
“trust” in Maleficent is caused by a magic spell, but still). The films with male villains do not involve similar
acts of betrayal (at least not against a gullible princess). Taken together, the films seem to be telling young
girls not to trust older women.
But there are also too few strong relationships for princesses with their peers. Only Ariel has sisters, and they
play no significant role. Cinderella has stepsisters, but of course they are of the wicked variety. Pocahontas has
a female friend, Nakoma. The most significant female friendship occurs in The Princess and the Frog, where
Tiana and Lottie support one another even when it looks as if Prince Naveen may come between them.
Interestingly, even the nonhuman friends so common in Disney films are almost exclusively male. Seven
bearded dwarfs aid Snow White. Of Cinderella’s mouse friends, only Gus and Jaq are named; the female mice
get one telling line: “Leave the sewing to the women.” Ariel, Jasmine, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel and Merida all
get help from exclusively-male animals or more fantastic creatures. Although Disney hasn’t used a “damsel in
distress” since Aladdin, the more recent princesses still rely primarily on the help of males to achieve their
Disney has come a long way but still has a long way to go in showing young girls that they can trust and rely
on members of their own sex, as well as get along in the world without the help of males.
9 Disney’s Tiana: Self-reliant, ambitious, but still a princess
Carly Weeks
The Globe and Mail
December 14, 2009
Princess Tiana came to life at theatres across the country this weekend, starring in The Princess and the Frog,
a new animated movie from Disney.
Although Tiana is the latest in a long line of Disney princesses, the newest incarnation is gaining more
attention for the ways she differs from her royal counterparts. She's the first black princess in the Disney
franchise, which dates back to the debut of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937. Her life unfolds in New
Orleans during the 1920s. She has serious career ambitions to open her own restaurant, and tries to make the
dream happen by saving up tips working as a waitress.
But does catching up to the 21st century by casting a female lead as something more than a glorified
housekeeper represent much progress? The real issue, according to media and gender analysts, is that Princess
Tiana has much more in common with Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella than it first appears.
She might have an independent streak and a desire for more than princely romance, but those messages are
diluted by promotional materials and merchandise that feature Tiana in the same stylized fashion as all the
other Disney princesses, said Matthew Johnson, media education specialist with the Media Awareness
Network in Ottawa.
He highlighted another example, Mulan, a Disney princess featured in the movie of the same name, who
spends much of her screen time posing as a male warrior but wears a sparkly kimono and plenty of makeup in
Disney merchandise bought for little girls. Although popular, the princess push troubles some experts who say
the overwhelming emphasis on good looks, thinness and beautiful clothing sends the wrong message to girls,
beginning at a very young age.
"It's possible for a child's media diet to be almost exclusively princess," Mr. Johnson said. "You have to
imagine these messages are being reinforced in a pretty powerful way."
While the new movie tries to strike a modern chord, the storyline is not much different than the typical
"happily ever after" fairy tale, said Diane Levin, professor of education at Wheelock College in Boston.
The main plot focuses on how Tiana and the male lead, Prince Naveen, must find a way to become human
again after they are both transformed into frogs. Although there are a few tweaks - Tiana doesn't simply wait to
be rescued and the prince is down on his luck and broke - the overall message is the same, Prof. Levin said:
Beauty will save you and appearances are important.
And long after the credits roll, merchandise from the movie will remain, featuring Tiana not as a working
waitress, but a princess, Mr. Johnson sad. "She works in a restaurant. Her family is poor ... but of course all of
the merchandising material has her in the princess gown and tiara."
10 Why My Kids Will Not Be Watching The Little Mermaid
July 7, 2012
Hilary Sheibaum
Huffington Post
I am completely aware that Disney's The Little Mermaid is a movie meant to entertain children, but is it
sending the right message to young ones, specifically little girls?
Ariel is an adored, adventurous, smart and kind beauty with an amazing gift -- her voice. Not only is she
perfectly slender, naturally curious and socially superlative among the creatures of the sea, she is the king's
daughter -- a legitimate princess with social stature.
As we soon find out, swimming around the ocean and singing songs is not enough for our leading lady. Ariel
desires to become something she clearly is not -- a human being. She continues to question her environment
(sea of friends), her body (lack of legs) and her happiness, envying us land folk, until she gets what she wants
(a man).
To achieve her desires, the bubbly redhead gives up her special voice to be part of a society that would not
normally accept her in her true form.
Because every Disney movie teaches us that the story is incomplete (read: no happy ending, no ride off into
the sunset, no fairytale) without a man, Ariel changes herself for a partner of the opposite sex. Enter charming
Prince Eric.
Eric falls in love with Ariel, who has never spoken a single word in his presence. Forget politics, religion and
issues of the world -- these two do not discuss anything.
The moral of the story lies here: change who you are -- not simply to be loved, but also to be accepted by
others. Additionally, it portrays men as physically judgmental, only caring about the way a woman looks, bats
her eyes and smiles -- that they do not consider any thoughts, feelings or concerns in one's pretty little head.
I'm in favor of Ariel evolving from girl to woman and discovering/exploring her identity, but I don't feel
comfortable when influential characters and role models suddenly cast away their differentiating and
admirable qualities for acceptance.
Is there a hero in this story? I'm not sure. Though I do think there are some redeeming lessons to be learned.
Sure, the dark and villainous Ursula is cruel and harsh -- a bit self-centered and unpredictable, but there are
many of these people who walk (no pun intended), talk and strive among us. They exist, and it's important for
kids to know that not everyone is going to look out for their best interests, however tempting some offers may
In reality, people, and, like Disney plots, people are imperfect. Some of our icons' stories will have happy
endings, some will not. Instead of glorifying movie stars (actual or animated), I think it's important to teach
kids and remind ourselves to be thankful for the gifts we have. Maybe with this attitude, sooner than later, we
can learn to stop sizing up our environments, our bodies and wanting to be "part of that world."
11 negative Articles
Role as Disney ‘Princess’ a Crowing Achievement for A nika Noni Rose
Stephen Schaefer
December 10, 2009
Boston Herald‘princess’_crow
Ever since she was “a little itty bitty person,” Anika Noni Rose has dreamed of being “a Disney voice.”
That wish has come true, and then some. Rose voices Disney’s first African-American royal, Tiana, in “The
Princess and the Frog,” which opens Friday.
The story takes place in the 1920s, and Tiana has dreams of her own - to run a restaurant. That’s a big change
from such early Disney heroines as Snow White or Cinderella, who waited fortheir Prince to come.
“Life is change,” Rose, 37, said. “There was a time when women went to college to get a husband. It only
makes sense the princess has evolved the way we are evolving.”
Tiana is “extraordinarily independent. She is a planner and she is a dreamer.”
Tiana’s father taught her “that you should dream and dream big but nothing worth having comes without hard
work and love in your life. She’s got the hard work but not the love.”
Then Tiana meets a prince, who, of course, has been turned into a frog, a fate that befalls Tiana when she
kisses him. Their relationship could hardly be described as “fairy-tale romance.”
“Because he’s a prince he doesn’t know how to do anything. He has no gumption and no skills. She is a takecharge person. She was taught how to do things herself and she’s a go-getter. They’re both able to take
something from the other person.”
Rose sees Tiana as a role model for young girls.
“I feel it’s dangerous for us to put people too high on a pedestal. If you look at me and the way I’ve gone for
my own dream and that is inspiring, then I’m truly honored and appreciative,” she said.
“But there will come a time when I take a role that will be ugly, and then what, people will be mad at me? I
think we should look at Tiana as a role model and she’s magnificent.”
12 Why Can’t Girls Just Be Girls?
Sabrina Schaeffer
January 1, 2012
Huffington Post
While much of the radical feminism of the 1960s and '70s has fallen by the wayside, some dangerous flotsam
and jetsam trail in its wake -- namely, a robust effort to muzzle imaginative play for girls.
This is the message behind a new, anti-Disney princess picture making the rounds on Facebook. The image
showcases six Disney princesses with feminist annotations of each fairytale. For instance, next to Cinderella, it
reads: "If you're beautiful enough, you may be able to escape your terrible living conditions by getting a
wealthy man to fall for you."
Certainly some of the earliest Disney princesses are out of date. Watching Snow White -- practically a child -in the 1937 movie tirelessly cook and clean (always with a song and smile) for a houseful of men is enough to
make the most conservative among us uncomfortable. But, to be fair, most women no longer really view that
image of femininity as a threat.
Still, most of the princess stories are far from one-dimensional. Belle, an avid reader, is uninterested in the
most "desirable" male suitor in town -- much to the chagrin of all the other women. Ariel, the Little Mermaid,
an avid collector, is eager to break out of the water to explore the world on land, forbidden from her by her
father, the King.
Noticeably absent from the image making its way around the internet is Princess Tiana, the African American
star who defeats poverty and sexism in Disney's most recent princess movie, The Princess and the Frog. In
fact, Tiana comes as close to the feminist-ideal as one can expect out of Disney movie -- a young woman too
busy planning her career to find love! Of course, a central lesson of the movie is for women and men to seek
balance in their lives. Tiana is so focused on her work, that she's lost site of the importance of love and
friendship. Her eventual prince, on the other hand, is so focused on frivolity that he has lost site of the
importance and value of hard work. In then end they not only find each other, but also find a balance in life
together, striking at the heart of what modern feminism too often misses altogether.
In a world where women don't think twice about putting off marriage and children in favor of their education
and careers; where women make up more than 50 percent of the workforce; where women earn more B.A.'s,
M.A.'s, and Ph.D.'s than men; and where women are soaring to the top of nearly every professional field, it
seems fair to conclude that the "pretty in pink" culture so many girls enjoy is not a threat to women's long-term
Perhaps the most pernicious part of the modern feminist movement is the idea that girls shouldn't be girls. But
conflating equality with uniformity isn't the answer. Because, in the end, to be different is what sets us apart.
For one, there is this whole idea that Disney princesses create an unattainable ideal. That is, it gives young
girls false hope about themselves and about their future loves. Let’s get past the fact that they are cartoons,
whose hair we will never have or singing voices that were most likely auto-tuned, and look at the personality
of some of these princesses to find the underlying values that they are trying to promote.
13 3 Disney Princesses Who are Actually Good Role Models
March 14, 2013
Victoria Hall
She's a young girl who sees more in the world than what she has at the present. From the beginning of the
movie we see that she is a wondering and curious soul; looking for something different outside of the sea.
The sea witch takes advantage of this and manipulates Ariel into willingly signing away her voice. But then
Prince Eric slowly falls in love with her (even without her voice) based on her personality and beauty. Sure,
some people may say he only falls in love with her looks, but the fact is he is attracted by the mystery
surrounding Ariel, and wants to be around her to find out more about her. Since Ariel is mute, she is unable to
tell him what he wants to hear. The mermaid can only be herself, which is why he falls so deeply in love with
It is her curiosity and desire for adventure that leads Prince Eric to fall in love with her, not just her looks or
her cunning.
Once she meets her buff and handsome commanding officer Li, they prepare for war in a four-minute song
montage and finally fight the Huns side-by-side. The part that always gets me is when her fellow soldiers find
out she is a woman and leave her to die in the mountains. Mulan is full of determination, racing to the city to
stop the Huns from taking it over. She never allows the fact that she is looked down upon stop her from doing
exactly what she knows she has to do, because to her the whole idea that she is weak is trivial. If that isn’t girl
power, then I don’t know what is.
Following your instincts when something is wrong even when the whole world may be against you gives girls
hope. Who wouldn't want to believe that maybe they have a chance to change the world for the better?
Pocahontas shows us that love goes beyond race and differences of opinion. It shows young girls to follow
their hearts, even when the outside world is telling you to cease, because of what others will say. It is not
saying to love blindly without caution, but that love is blind when it comes to the unimportant things, such as
The other fact to consider is that Pocahontas does not abandon her roots. She is constantly in a battle between
her heart and her culture, but she realizes that to move forward is to be part of change but never lose yourself
in the process. She grows as a person because of the fact that she is finally allowed to experience something
different from what she has known. She teaches and learns, without ever closing her mind.
These are all young women fighting against what they are being forced to do to remain inside the confines of
their societies. Now the fact that they also fall in love does not lead to false hope, or make them frail as some
people would like to claim. Instead, it shows young girls that even if they are true to themselves and their
causes, there may be someone there to support them.
14 Disney Princess Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast’ as a Feminist
Ryan Arciero
August 17, 2011
Yahoo Voices
Belle, a Disney Princess known for her love of reading and for her feminist ideals, stands out among other
Disney Princesses not just because of her good looks and kindness, but because of her intelligence and passion
for books. With an independent attitude and love for books and learning, Belle stands out as a feminist Disney
Princess of both brains and beauty.
Belle is the daughter of an inventor in a small town in old France. Though beautiful and kind, Belle doesn't
really care about appearances, which is why she dislikes the handsome but villainous Gaston. When her father
is captured by an enchanted Beast in a magical castle, Belle gives up her own freedom for the adventure she
always read about in her stories in order to save her father. Once in the enchanted castle, Belle comes to learn
about the true goodness of the Beast, and with the help of magical friends in Cogsworth, Lumiere, Chip, and
Mrs. Potts, Belle and the Beast (whose real name is Adam) have a wonderful love story together.
Belle as an Independent, Free-Minded Feminist Figure
Unlike many of the other damsel in distress Disney Princesses, Belle remains as an intelligent, curious, and
feminist female. According to Disney Wiki, Belle is a "stunningly beautiful girl" with an "active imagination
and an open mind." From the very start of the film's story, Belle shows she is one of the few in her village in
France who loves to read, has a need for books and adventure, and ignores the advances of the good looking
but primeval Gaston. Even when later captured as the prisoner of the Beast in his magical castle, she does not
obey his commands to eat dinner with him as his prisoner. Belle reveals her innocent if often curious
personality by always wanting to explore the castle around her, and it is quite likely at the end of the Beauty
and the Beast film that she and the new Prince Adam (before just the Beast himself) will have an equal, fair,
and long relationship together.
Belle as One of the Classic Disney Princesses
Smart and kind, the brunette Disney Princess proves to all audiences that she will go as far as any man like
Gaston or the Beast can, and perhaps even farther. Belle serves as a great role model and inspiration to young
girls who like the Disney Princesses franchise for her morals and good deeds.
For these reasons, one of the most popular and loved characters is doubt Disney Princess Belle, the lovely
freethinker who loves to read. In addition to her passion for books and adventure, she is known for her great
intelligence. This Disney Princess really has the gift to see the beauty in all things, despite their outward
15 In Defense of the Disney Princesses
SparkLife –SparkNotes
October 12, 2011
I, along with many other Sparklers, was extraordinarily distressed to see an article pop up about all that is
wrong with the thing I love most from my childhood—the Disney Princess. Well, I object. Let me establish
that I am a sweatshirt-wearing, honor-roll-making, literature-reading feminist. I’m not breathtakingly
gorgeous, vapid, ignorant, or five years old—but none of those things exclude me from Team Princess! Here
are the main reasons that I love Disney Princesses:
They are good people. Name one mean thing that any of the Disney princesses say, ever. It isn’t possible,
because they’re all incredibly kind, even-tempered, and accepting. Shouldn’t kindness be a trait to aspire to?
They deal with conflict well. Cinderella doesn’t whine about cleaning the floor, she sings a song and some
birds join in. Snow White doesn’t scream at her [mean] stepmother, she removes herself from the situation.
Mulan saves her father from death by going to war. Pocahontas stops a murder. Belle saves her father’s life by
taking his place as the Beast’s prisoner.
They take control of their own lives. The main argument against Disney princesses is that they aren’t
independent enough. I can see where that’s coming from, but if you consider them in the context of when they
were made, they’re all pretty progressive. Snow White came out in 1937, yet she still manages to live
independently at age 14. Cinderella aired in 1950, when obedience was still an ideal quality in a daughter, but
what does she do? She ignores her stepmother and goes to the ball anyway. (Maybe the only way out of her
horrible situation is to get married. Did any of you princess-haters ever think of that?) Ariel follows her natural
curiosity and searches for knowledge. Also, she actively pursues her dream of living as a human (which she
had even before she met Prince Eric). Belle reads constantly and ignores the proposal of the most sought-after
man in town so she can marry on her own terms. Also, she tries to run away from the Beast but is attacked by
wolves. He isn’t abusive; he just has some emotional problems. She’s compassionate enough to help him
through them. Jasmine refuses to marry, although she is pressured to by nearly everyone in her life, and even
attempts to escape her oppressive royal role and live as a street person. Despite her status, she is not an
elitist—she marries a “street rat.” Mulan saves all of China from the Huns. Rapunzel devotes her early life to
intellectual and artistic pursuits, then follows and fulfills her dream.
They are generally awesome. Pocahontas is the original environmentalist. Ariel does what she wants and
doesn’t take no for an answer. Belle reads, proving that girls can be intellectual. Jasmine reforms her elitist and
patriarchal society by eliminating the prince/princess marriage law. Mulan proves that women can do anything
men can do by winning a war. Rapunzel defends herself with a frying pan.
They’re pretty, but so what? Beauty isn’t their only good quality. Being pretty is
something that people have started looking down on, which I think is ridiculous.
There’s nothing wrong with being pretty or wanting to be pretty as long as it’s
not your main asset or goal.