Accident Investigators The Mines Act of 1842 This Act had five significant provisions: 1. The prohibition of the employment of women underground “…it shall not be lawful for an Owner of any Mine or Colliery whatsoever to employ any Female Person within any Mine or Colliery, or permit any Female Person to work or be therein, for the Purpose of working therein, other than such as were at or before the passing of the Act employed within such Mine or Colliery; and that from and after Three Calendar Months from the passing of the Act it shall not be lawful for any Owner of any Mine or Colliery to employ any Female Person who at the passing of this Act shall be under the Age of Eighteen Years within any Mine or Colliery, or permit such Person to work or be therein as aforesaid…” 2. The prohibition of the employment of boys under 10 “And it be enacted, That from and after the First Day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty-three it shall not be lawful for any Owner of any Mine or Colliery to employ ay Male Person under the Age of Ten Years within any Mine or Colliery, or to permit any such Male Person to work, or be therein for the Purpose of working therein, other than such as at the passing of this Act shall have attained the Age of Nine Years, and were at or before the passing of this Act employed within such Mine or Colliery.” 3. The appointment of Inspectors “And it be enacted, That it shall be lawful for One of Her Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, if and when he shall think fit, to appoint any proper Person or Persons to visit and inspect any Mine or Colliery; and it shall be lawful for every Person so authorized to enter and examine such Mine or Colliery, and the Works, Buildings, Machinery belonging thereto, at all Times and Seasons, by Day or by Night, and to make Inquiry touching any Matter within the Provisions of this Act; and the Owner or Occupiers of such Mines and Collieries, or their Agents, are hereby required to furnish the Means necessary for such Person or Persons so appointed to visit and inspect such Mines and Collieries, Works Buildings, and Machinery; and every Person to be so appointed shall report his Proceedings in the Execution of the Act in such Manner as may be directed by the Secretary of State; and he shall in like Manner report the State and Condition of the Persons working in such Mine of Colliery, and whether or not the Provisions of this Act are properly observed in the Mine or Colliery which he shall so inspect.” 4. Only men over the age of 15 to be in charge of any winding engines “And be it enacted, That where there shall be any Entrance to a Mine or Colliery by means of a vertical Shaft or Pit or Inclined Plane, or where there shall be any Communication within any Part of a Mine or Colliery to any other Part thereof by a vertical Shaft or Pit or Inclined Plane, then it shall not be lawful for any Owner of any Such Mine or Colliery to allow any Person or Persons other than a Male of the Age of Fifteen Years and upwards to have charge of any Steam Engine or other Engine, Windlass, or Gin, (whether driven or worked by manual Labour, or any other Power whatsoever,) or to have charge of any Part of the Machinery, Ropes, Chains, or other Tackle of any such Engine, by or by means of which Engine, Machinery Ropes, Chains, or other Tackle Persons are brought up or passed down any such vertical Shaft or Pit or Inclined Plane…” 1 Accident Investigators The Mines Act of 1842 (continued) 5. The prohibition of the payment of wages at, or near public houses. “…be it therefore enacted, That from and after the Expiration of Three Months from the passing of this Act no Proprietor or Worker of any Mine or Colliery, or other Person, shall pay or cause to be paid any Wages or Money in respect of Wages for such Mine or Colliery, or to any Person whatever entitled to or having Authority or claiming to have Authority to receive such Wages, at or within any Tavern, Public House, Beer Shop, or other House of Entertainment, or any Office, Garden, or Place belonging thereto or occupied therewith, but all Payments in respect of such Wages are hereby strictly prohibited and forbidden to be made at or within such Places as aforesaid, and all Payments so made are hereby declared to be of no effect whatever.” 2