TURNING THE TI83 ON AND OFF To turn the calculator on push ON

M119: TI83 Calculator: Basics: Page 1 of 3
To turn the calculator on push ON
which is down in the lower left-hand corner of the calculator
To turn the calculator off push 2nd ON
(2nd key is the yellow key in the upper left-hand corner)
At some point in time (whether that’s now, later, or most certainly after you’ve had to replace the
batteries) you will have to adjust the contrast of the view screen.
To make the images on the screen darker, press 2nd
Continue to press the up arrow key until your screen is as dark as you want it.
To make the images on the screen lighter, press 2nd
Continue to press the down arrow key until your screen is as light as you want it.
To evaluate expressions correctly on a calculator or computer often times means inserting parentheses
that are “implied” but not “seen” in the original expression. I call these “hidden parentheses”. Below
are several places where you will need to insert parentheses in order to compute a correct answer a
graph a function correctly using your calculator or computer.
1. around everything above a fraction bar and around everything below a fraction bar
For example, if you want to evaluate 3 + 4 , you need to enter (3 + 4)/(2 +9)
2. around everything in an exponent
For example, if you want to evaluate 4 3 , you need to enter 4^(1/3)
There are also several places that your calculator will automatically open the left parenthesis and you
need to make sure you remember to close it on the right if you don’t want that particular function
applied to everything.
3. around everything under a radical
For example, if you want to evaluate 9 + 4 − 5, you would need to enter (9 + 4) − 5
4. around everything inside absolute value bars
5. around everything in a logarithm
6. Around everything in the exponent
NOTE: When you use the square root function on the TI83, it will automatically open the left
parenthesis for you. YOU NEED to remember to type the right parenthesis in the correct place.
NOTE:When you use the natural logarithm and natural exponential function keys on the TI83, they
also open a left parenthesis for you and you need to remember to type the right parenthesis in the
correct place.
M119: TI83 Calculator: Basics: Page 2 of 3
To perform simple operations on your TI83, you just need to type the expression along with any
“hidden parentheses” and then hit ENTER (there is no = key on the TI83) Your basic four operations
are in blue on the right side of your TI83:
, - , + Other common operations are as follows:
Square root: 2nd x
For example, if you want to find the 34 , you can type
2nd x 2
Be careful on expressions where you do NOT want the square root of everything.
For example, if you want to find 34 + 2, you can type
2nd x 2
To the Power: Use
3 4 ) + 2 ENTER
between the base and the exponent
For example, if you want to find 3 4 , you can type
3 ^ 4 ENTER
Be careful if you have quantities in the exponent.
For example, if you want to find 3 4 , you need to type
3 ^ ( 1
Absolute value: Use 2nd 0 ENTER to get abs(
For example, if you want to find 4 − 92 you can type
2nd 0 ENTER 4 - 9 2 ENTER
Be careful on expressions where you do NOT want the absolute value of everything.
For example, if you want to find 4 − 92 + 2
you can type 2nd 0 ENTER
4 - 9 2 ) + 2 ENTER
M119: TI83 Calculator: Basics: Page 3 of 3
Natural Log: Use LN
For example, if you want to find ln 4
you can type LN 4 ENTER
Be careful on expressions where you do NOT want the natural log of everything.
For example, if you want to find ln(4 + e) + 2
you can type LN 4 +
) + 2 ENTER
Natural Exponential: Use 2nd LN
For example, if you want to find e 4
you can type 2nd LN 4 ENTER
Be careful on expressions where you do NOT want the natural exponential of everything.
For example, if you want to find e 4 + 2
you can type 2nd LN 4 )
Be careful on expressions where you have fractions or quantities in the exponent.
For example, if you want to find e 4
you can type 2nd LN 1