Order of Operations

Order of Operations
Learning target: develop understanding of order of operations
Supplies: small white boards, markers
Instructions for facilitator:
1. Problem #1: 2+3x5= (it is not 25)
2. The students have to know what to combine first. I gave them the phrase “Please excuse my dear
Aunt Sally” to help remember the order.
P= parenthesis
e= exponential
a= addition
Once they see that they will quickly solve the equation to be 17.
3. Work out the next problem before class. Place parenthesis in the problem so that the solution
amounts to 9:
2 + 7 x 5 -2 x 2=9  (2 + 7 ) x (5-2 x 2 )  9 + (5 – 4 ) = 9
4. How many different ways could this equation work? (One solution: ( 4 – 2 ) in parentheses.)
8+3 -(
) +5 = 8
GregTangMath.com has additional ideas (worksheets) you can use for inspiration. In some of them
the answer is provided as are the parentheses, but you need to figure out the missing number(s).
Ask the students to create a problem for a buddy to solve. Suggestion: Request that they only use
single digit numbers or it will spiral out of control and cause frustration.
Submitted by: Nancy Wolfe