Measurement of Capital Stock, Depreciation and Wealth T.Rajeswari National Accounts Division Central Statistical Organisation Abstract In this paper an attempt has been made to generate estimates of capital stock and depreciation for the manufacturing industry based on retirement functions. In doing so, the estimates of the growth in capital stock, capital wealth and depreciation have been compared with the estimates published in the National Accounts Statistics (NAS)-2008. In the first instance, estimates of retirements using a discard function for assets have been worked out. This is then used to estimate the gross fixed capital stock. Then a depreciation model is used to produce estimates of economic depreciation and wealth stock. Aim of this paper is to show that assuming a mortality function and taking into account of the retirements of a cohort of assets would reduce the values of consumption of fixed capital presently used in the NAS, thereby impacting the GDP/NDP. Downloaded From IP - on dated 29-Nov-2010 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale I. Introduction 1.1 According to System of National Accounts (SNA, 1993), the stock of fixed assets surviving from past investment and revalued at the purchasers' prices of the current period is described as the gross capital stock. Capital stock features in two places in the SNA. It is needed to compile the balance sheets and as a tool to derive an estimate of consumption of fixed capital. Operating surplus has been recognized as the income derived from the use of capital in production just as compensation of employees is income derived from the use of labour in the 1993 SNA. Thus there are two basic roles of capital, one as a measure of wealth and the other as a measure of the contribution of capital to production. Thus gross capital stock gives a measure of the contribution of capital to production while the net capital stock is a measure of wealth. 1.2 Gross capital stock is the value of all fixed assets still in use at the end of accounting period, at the actual or estimated current purchaser’s prices for new assets of same type , irrespective of age of assets. Capital stock comprise assets in the form of residential and non-residential buildings, dams, irrigational flood control projects, other construction works, transport equipments, machinery and equipments, breeding stock, draught animals, dairy cattle, capital expenditure on land improvement, plantation, orchard developments and afforestation. The stock(fixed assets) includes uncompleted construction assets also. Durable goods in the hands of households which are not used for further production of goods and services such as automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines etc, as well as fixed assets mainly meant for defence purposes such as warships, fighter aircrafts, transport vehicles and war materials do not form part of fixed capital stock as these are assumed to have been consumed as soon as they are purchased. However, the construction works undertaken by the households including buildings and capital expenditure on residential dwellings for defence personnel, border roads, ordnance factories etc., form part of the fixed capital stock. As per the 1993 SNA, intangible assets like expenditure on mineral exploration and computer software development have also been included in the boundary of Fixed Capital Stock. 1.3 The effects of aging on the value of an asset are explained by two events. First, the asset simply has fewer service years to produce income, and second, its ability to render current and future services declines as a result of lower productive capacity relative to that of newer assets. The decline in productive capacity may result from both deterioration (or physical wear and tear) and obsolescence. Obsolescence affects depreciation when older assets are less productive than newer and more technologically advanced assets. The decline, in the current value of the stock of fixed assets owned and used by a producer as a result of physical deterioration, normal obsolescence or normal accidental damage during the course of the accounting period is called Consumption of fixed capital. It excludes the value of fixed assets destroyed by acts of war or exceptional events such as major natural disasters which occur very infrequently. SNA 93 recommends Downloaded From IP - on dated 29-Nov-2010 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale independent estimates of consumption of fixed capital should be compiled in conjunction with estimates of the capital stock. It further states that these can be built up from data on gross fixed capital formation in the past combined with estimates of the rates at which the efficiency of fixed assets decline over their service lives. From the initial estimate of capital stock subsequent changes in its value can then be deduced analytically from information or assumptions about the rate at which its efficiency in production declines over time. This method of building up estimates of the capital stock and changes in the capital stock over time is known as the perpetual inventory method, or PIM. 1.4 The Gross Fixed Capital Stock (GFCS) and CFC for produced fixed assets are calculated by CSO using the Perpetual Inventory Method (PIM). The essence of the perpetual inventory method is to add each year’s gross investment (gross fixed capital formation) to the capital stock of the previous year. If the value of assets which cease to exist each year is subtracted from this accumulated investment, then a gross measure of the capital stock is obtained. If yearly deductions for depreciation are made, then a net measure of the capital stock is the result. In the method followed by CSO, an estimate of GFCS is obtained in the first step. This method generates an estimate of wealth stock of fixed capital accumulated by past purchases of assets. To apply the PIM, assumptions are made about the average length of life of each class of separately distinguishable assets. GFCF is then estimated for each class of assets for 'L' years prior to 'T', where 'L' is the average life of an asset and 'T' is the year for which capital consumption and gross stock are to be estimated. Appropriate price indices are then identified and applied to the estimates of GFCF to convert them to constant prices. The estimates of GFCF at constant prices are then aggregated for 'L' years to obtain the estimates of GFCS at constant prices at the end of the year. Then assuming straight-line depreciation, GFCS of an asset is divided by 'L' to obtain the estimate of capital consumption at constant prices. The price indices are used to convert the estimates of capital consumption to current prices. The estimates of NFCS (i.e. GFCS for the year 'T' minus accrued capital consumption during 'L' years) for the year 'T' are first calculated at constant prices and then converted to current prices using appropriate price indicators. In the standard application of PIM adopted by CSO, the main assumption is that the total investment of a particular asset does not deteriorate during expected service life of that asset and is discarded as a whole after that time. That is the present procedure does not take into account the decay of the old capital stock but excludes the stock that has expired the lifetime. This amounts to a simultaneous exit of assets. According to the OECD Manual “Measuring Capital”, simultaneous exit is clearly unrealistic and capital stock is to be estimated by cumulating gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) year by year and deducting retirements. Retirements are to be calculated by postulating a retirement function that is applied to investment flows. When these investment flows, corrected for retirements are cumulated, one obtains the gross capital stock. Consumption of fixed capital or depreciation is calculated by superimposing a pattern of decline in value over this time. 1.5 This paper attempts to compile estimates of capital stock, capital consumption and wealth stock in the manufacturing sector of the economy by using survival function to account for retirements or obsolescence/accidental damage of the assets. Appropriate price indices as used in the NAS have been applied to the estimates of GFCF to convert them to constant prices. This new series of estimates has been compared with the estimates published in the National Accounts Statistics 2008 ( referred to as old series in this paper). 2. Assumed Life of Assets and Price Indices 2.1 PIM necessitates the availability of reliable estimates of average age of various types of fixed assets in different industries. The average life for each type of assets presently used in NAS is based on extensive discussions held by CSO with the concerned agencies like Directorate General of Technical Development; Ministry of Industry; Railway Board; Bureau of Industrial Costs & Prices; National Productivity Council; Departments of Posts & Tele-communications; Central Road Research Institute; Central Water Commission; Ministry of Road Transport & Shipping and Indian Roads Congress etc. the requisite information on average age of various assets have been obtained. Depreciation provision under Income-Tax Rules as well as in the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1988 have also been considered. Appropriate price indices as used in the NAS have been applied to the estimates of GFCF to convert them to constant prices. 2 3. Mortality functions Downloaded From IP - on dated 29-Nov-2010 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale 3.1 As per 1993 SNA , regular expenditures on repair and maintenance do not change the fixed asset or change its performance. It only puts a particular asset back into working order. But when we are considering a cohort of assets say of machinery and equipments, some assets in a cohort may retire much earlier than the estimated average service life of the entire cohort of assets. It is from this point of view that a retirement function has to be used while estimating capital stock. An important issue, especially in relation to the calculation of the capital stock, is the mortality function applied. It may be expected that the retirement of a certain vintage of capital goods will not take place at once. A spread around the average expected service life is normal. On the one hand, some capital goods will be retired prematurely because of obsolescence or accidental damage; on the other, some capital goods may have a service life longer than average because of careful use. By specifying a mortality function, this spread can be taken into account. To take into account that similar assets are discarded at different ages, a bell-shaped distribution of discards was adopted instead of the simultaneous exit method used at present. With the simultaneous exit discard function, all assets of a given vintage are retained in the capital stock for their full service life (L years), and then discarded. The main difference between the two methods is that the bell-shaped function produces a smoother growth pattern. In this study, the distribution adopted is a bell-shaped (normal) distribution which has been truncated so that all retirements occur between 40% and 160% of the average service life. 3.2 In this study it has been assumed that the actual service life of an asset is a random variable which is normally distributed around the average service life, L. This means that, in general, when real capital formation is growing, the bell-shaped function will produce lower estimates of capital stock than the simultaneous exit function. Conversely, when real capital formation is falling, the bell-shaped function will produce higher estimates because some older assets will be retained in the capital stock for more than L years. Normal Distribution 0.10000 0.09000 0.08000 0.07000 0.06000 0.05000 0.04000 0.03000 0.02000 0.01000 0.00000 Mean 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 AGE Æ 4. Methodology 4.1 Assuming that the discard pattern can be described using a probability distribution function, the capital stock and discards can be related within a theoretical probability framework. Let f(x) denote a probability density function i.e., the probability a capital good is discarded at age x. Then the retirement 3 coefficients ‘R’ which measure retired portion during the year n of a past or present investment can be obtained by means of a survival function which is complement of normal mortality function, whose density is expressed as follows: f(x)=1/σ√2πe-1/2σ2[(x-L)/σ)]2 , where x denotes the number of years of existence of the asset in question, L denotes its average service life, σ denotes the standard deviation and Si=1-f(i). The coefficients R are calculated as follows: Ro =0 and Ri =1- Si for i=(1,m)( Ri=0 for i < 0 and i > m), where m is the maximum service life of cohort of assets in question in the branch being considered ( regarded as approximately equal to 2L). The annual retirements can then be calculated as m RETn= ∑GFCFn-i * Ri . i=0 The estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Stock at constant prices can then be calculated as GFCS (n) = GFCS(n-1) + GFCF(n) - RET(n) , where GFCS denotes gross capital stocks, GFCF, Gross fixed capital formation at constant prices and RET retirements. 4.2 It may be seen from Table No.1 that cohort of assets of 1951 vintage with an average service life of 25 years and value 8717 when a normal distribution (truncated distribution so that all retirements occur between 40% and 160% of the average service life) is applied will be discarded completely by 1991. Downloaded From IP - on dated 29-Nov-2010 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale TABLE No.1 – RETIREMENTS OF ASSETS YEAR 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 AGE 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Ri 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 RETIREMENTS 4 6 12 22 39 65 105 159 230 318 417 521 619 700 754 773 754 700 619 521 417 318 230 159 105 65 39 22 12 6 4 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.018 0.026 0.036 0.048 0.060 0.071 0.080 0.086 0.089 0.086 0.080 0.071 0.060 0.048 0.036 0.026 0.018 0.012 0.008 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.001 4 Downloaded From IP - on dated 29-Nov-2010 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale Table No.2 shows GFCS figures for machinery and equipment. In the graph presented below it may be seen that the old series show a steep fall in the growth rate at the point ‘X’ where simultaneous exit of assets took place, while the new series based on retirement function is less volatile. This is because by specifying a mortality function, discards of similar assets at different ages can be taken into account. TABLE NO.2 Machinery & Other Equipment Manufacturing UnRegistered GROWTH RATES GFCS- Con YEAR AGE old New 1951 25 2289 2289 1952 25 2330 1953 25 1954 GFCS- Curr old New GROWTH RATES old New 111 111 2330 1.8 1.8 123 123 11 11 2362 2362 1.4 1.4 141 141 14.4 14.4 25 2498 2498 5.8 5.8 148 148 4.7 4.7 1955 25 2726 2726 9.1 9.1 160 160 8.4 8.4 1956 25 2919 2919 7.1 7.1 177 177 10.3 10.3 1957 25 3359 3359 15.1 15.1 208 208 17.6 17.6 1958 25 3614 3613 7.6 7.6 230 230 10.6 10.6 1959 25 3826 3826 5.9 5.9 248 247 7.7 7.7 1960 25 4020 4020 5.1 5.1 266 266 7.5 7.4 1961 25 4267 4266 6.1 6.1 295 295 11 10.9 1962 25 4618 4614 8.2 8.2 329 329 11.4 11.4 1963 25 4930 4924 6.8 6.7 369 368 12.1 12.1 1964 25 2960 5237 -39.9 6.4 228 402 -38.3 9.3 1965 25 3390 5656 14.5 8 270 451 18.9 12.1 1966 25 3925 6172 15.8 9.1 329 517 21.5 14.5 1967 25 4902 7121 24.9 15.4 435 632 32.3 22.2 1968 25 6187 8362 26.2 17.4 575 777 32.2 22.9 1969 25 7733 9843 25 17.7 731 931 27.2 19.8 1970 25 9370 11388 21.2 15.7 928 1128 26.9 21.2 1971 25 10968 12864 17.1 13 1143 1341 23.2 18.9 1972 25 12774 14515 16.5 12.8 1401 1592 22.5 18.7 1973 25 14555 16105 13.9 11 1719 1902 22.7 19.5 1974 25 16355 17682 12.4 9.8 2141 2315 24.6 21.7 1975 25 18506 19581 13.2 10.7 2991 3164 39.7 36.7 5 old New 1976 25 20179 21024 9.0 7.4 3685 3840 23.2 Manufacturing UnRegistered GROWTH RATES Downloaded From IP - on dated 29-Nov-2010 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale GFCS- Con 21.3 Machinery & Other Equipment GFCS- Curr old New GROWTH RATES YEAR AGE old New old New 1977 25 22256 22647 10.3 7.7 4076 4148 10.6 old New 8 1978 25 24827 24543 11.6 8.4 4598 4545 12.8 9.6 1979 25 27182 26136 9.5 6.5 5355 5149 16.5 13.3 1980 25 29457 27556 8.4 5.4 6707 6274 25.3 21.9 1981 25 33797 30834 14.7 11.9 8659 7899 29.1 25.9 1982 25 40036 36089 18.5 17 11465 10335 32.4 30.8 1983 25 43798 38503 9.4 6.7 13284 11678 15.9 13 1984 25 47386 40517 8.2 5.2 15379 13150 15.8 12.6 1985 25 54386 45739 14.8 12.9 18376 15454 19.5 17.5 1986 25 61891 51331 13.8 12.2 23160 19209 26 24.3 1987 25 68869 56299 11.3 9.7 27255 22280 17.7 16 1988 25 72979 58141 6 3.3 30304 24142 11.2 8.4 1989 25 83820 66680 14.9 14.7 37679 29974 24.3 24.2 1990 25 95503 76108 13.9 14.1 48095 38328 27.6 27.9 1991 25 104098 82447 9 8.3 57570 45596 19.7 19 1992 25 109712 86092 5.4 4.4 70258 55132 22 20.9 1993 25 115516 89982 5.3 4.5 81846 63754 16.5 15.6 1994 25 123047 95491 6.5 6.1 90144 69957 10.1 9.7 1995 25 132463 102480 7.7 7.3 105388 81534 16.9 16.5 1996 25 150727 117654 13.8 14.8 128090 99984 21.5 22.6 1997 25 163702 127016 8.6 8 151589 117618 18.3 17.6 1998 25 176499 135329 7.8 6.5 168611 129281 11.2 9.9 1999 25 189545 142968 7.4 5.6 186351 140559 10.5 8.7 2000 25 203956 159530 7.6 11.6 203956 159530 9.4 13.5 2001 25 222376 179669 9 12.6 231716 187215 13.6 17.4 2002 25 232041 191452 4.3 6.6 258493 213277 11.6 13.9 2003 25 250090 212104 7.8 10.8 287354 243707 11.2 14.3 2004 25 277658 242163 11 14.2 330690 288417 15.1 18.3 2005 25 318272 285280 14.6 17.8 409298 366870 23.8 27.2 2006 25 358476 330017 12.6 15.7 494338 455093 20.8 24 2007 25 409103 387322 14.1 17.4 584199 553095 18.2 21.5 4.3 Consumption of Fixed Capital and Net Fixed Capital Stock Consumption of fixed capital or depreciation is calculated by superimposing a pattern of decline in value over this time. CSO employs the concept of economic depreciation which is consistent with the definition of consumption of fixed capital in the System of National Accounts (SNA). This concept refers to that part of gross product which is required to replace fixed capital used up in the production process during an accounting period. Consumption of Fixed Capital represents the reduction in the value of fixed assets used up in production process during the accounting period resulting from physical deterioration, normal obsolescence or normal accidental damage. In a production process labour, capital and intermediate inputs are combined to produce one or more outputs. The non-financial assets return capital service to the process of production and decay over time. The decay is measured as CFC which differs from the concept of depreciation in business accounting. 4.4 SNA 1993, mentions three possible profiles for measuring depreciation: Constant decline in efficiency until the asset disintegrates; a linear decline in efficiency ; a constant geometric, or exponential, 6 decline in efficiency. The most familiar model of depreciation is the straight-line method in which equal amounts are deducted from the stock every year. The rate of straight-line depreciation is given by 1/L where L is the average service life of an asset. However, the choice of using a depreciation function in the PIM model needs to be considered in conjunction with the choice of asset life assumptions. In this study , a straight line depreciation function has been used. To calculate the coefficients of consumption of fixed capital (Di) which gives the annual rate of depreciation of a past or present investment using retirement coefficients R, the following matrix was used which is based on the assumption of straight line depreciation. D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 . . . Dm 1/1 1/ 2 1/3 …………………1/m 1/ 2 1/3…………………1/m . . . 1/3…………………1/m . . == . . . . . . Downloaded From IP - on dated 29-Nov-2010 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale m . R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 . . . Rm . . . . . . . 1/m . m where ∑Di = ∑Ri =1 i=0 i=0 The consumption of fixed capital for year n is then obtained using the following formula: m CFCn = ∑GFCFn-i * Di ,, where m is the maximum service life of the cohort of assets. i=0 4.5 The Net Fixed Capital Stock (NFCS) (constant price) is then calculated as Gross Fixed capital stock less accumulated depreciation. Both the gross and net capital stock estimates are then converted to current prices by using appropriate price indices. This also gives the depreciation at current prices. 5. Conclusions 5.1 It may be seen from Table No.3 that the change in discard pattern from a simultaneous exit to normal discards gave estimates of CFC which are lower than the old series. Also normal retirement function along with straight line depreciation function gave estimates of consumption of fixed capital and wealth stocks with similar growth pattern as that of old estimates (presented in NAS 2008). The objective of this paper has been to discuss the impacts of using mortality functions on capital stock figures and depreciation. Assuming a mortality function and thereby taking into account of the retirements of a cohort of assets would reduce the existing consumption of fixed capital figures used in the NAS, thereby impacting the GDP/NDP. However, the choice of mortality functions is extremely crucial and more technical studies on the type of mortality functions to be used for various categories of assets are required. 7 TABLE No.3 Year Current CFC(old) 56928 64679 72200 78258 87529 103782 122984 145966 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale CFC(New) 51726 58955 65749 71122 74741 94011 105553 125654 Current Downloaded From IP - on dated 29-Nov-2010 Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 PERCENTAGE DIFFERENCE AND GROWTH RATES BETWEEN OLD AND NEW ESTIMATES OF CFC AND NFCS (Rs.Crores) NFCS(old) 1361410 1513302 1639795 1740431 1948520 2351017 2806329 3377740 NFCS(New) 1441165 1595763 1722134 1825973 2038931 2444816 2905292 3485526 Constant CFC(old) 56927 61485 65343 69668 75258 83016 93119 105581 CFC(New) 51726 56030 59507 63322 64246 75091 79837 90734 Constant NFCS(old) 1361410 1438992 1488764 1556266 1658469 1839629 2076768 2368970 NFCS(New) 1441165 1524468 1580363 1654517 1764310 1953751 2200006 2502226 Current(Growth rates) CFC(old) 13.6 11.6 8.4 11.8 18.6 18.5 18.7 CFC(New) 14.0 11.5 8.2 11.1 19.0 18.6 19.0 Current(Growth rates) Constant(Growth Rates) CFC(old) 8.0 6.3 6.6 8.0 10.3 12.2 13.4 CFC(New) 8.3 6.2 6.4 7.3 10.7 12.3 13.6 Constant(Growth Rates) NFCS(old) NFCS(New) NFCS(old) NFCS(New) 11.2 8.4 6.1 12.0 20.7 19.4 20.4 10.7 7.9 6.0 11.7 19.9 18.8 20.0 5.7 3.5 4.5 6.6 10.9 12.9 14.1 5.8 3.7 4.7 6.6 10.7 12.6 13.7 Percentage Diff Current -9.1 -8.8 -8.9 -9.1 -9.1 -9.4 -9.1 -9.1 Percentage Diff Current 5.9 5.4 5.0 4.9 4.6 4.0 3.5 3.2 References 1. Central Statistical Organisation, India (2008): National Accounts Statistics, 2008 2. Central Statistical Organisation, India (2007): National Accounts Statistics: Sources and Methods 3. Commission of European Communities, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, United Nations and World Bank (1993): System of National Accounts 1993 4. Depreciation Rates for the Productivity Accounts, Statistics Canada, 5. Economic Depreciation and Retirement of Canadian Assets: A Comprehensive Empirical Study, Statistics Canada , 6. OECD Manual on Measuring Capital: Measurement of Capital Stocks, Consumption of Fixed Capital and Capital Services, 7. Perpetual Inventory Method ,Service lives, Discard patterns and Depreciation methods, Statistics Netherlands, Department of National Accounts, 8. Paper on “Retropolation of the GFCF Series and Calculation of Fixed Capital Stocks on the ESA95 basis in the French national accounts” presented by Department of National Accounts INSEE – France at the International Workshop "Capital Stock Estimation: Recent Contributions" Valencia, December 18th, 2000. 8 Constant -9.1 -8.9 -8.9 -9.1 -9.1 -9.5 -9.1 -9.1 Constant 5.9 5.9 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.6