3. So, What is a cell anyway

So, what is a cell anyway?
211-3 Work co-operatively with the members to
develop and construct models of cells
304-5 Distinguish between plant and animal cells
109-13 Explain that is important to use proper
terms when comparing plant and animal cells
The Cell is a Living System
• The cell is a system that is part of a larger
• The parts of the cellular system are called
• Each organelle has a specific composition,
structure, and function that contributes to the
overall function of the cellular system.
Sperm Cell
Red Blood Cells
White Blood Cells
Nerve Cells
Generalized Cell
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
In general, Prokaryotic
cells have no nucleus or
organelles enclosed within
membranes. Example:
Eukaryotic cells have
organelles that are
surrounded by
membranes. Each
organelle does a specific
cell function. Example:
Plant and Animal cell
What are Organelles?
• Organelles are a specialized subunit within
a cell that have specific functions, and are
usually enclosed in a membrane.
• The name organelle comes from the idea
that these structures are to cells what an
organ is to the body.
Parts of the Eukaryotic Cell
Cell Membrane
Cell wall
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
Schematic of typical animal cell.
(1) nucleolus
(2) nucleus
(3) Ribosomes (little dots)
(4) vesicle
(5) rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
(6) Golgi apparatus
(7) Cytoskeleton
(8) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
(9) mitochondria
(10) vacuole
(11) cytosol (not cytoplasm as that includes all the organelles)
(12) lysosome
(13) centrioles within centrosome
• A membrane-enclosed organelle
• It contains most of the cell's genetic
material (information that comes from your
mom and dad).
• Genetic material is organized as DNA
which make up chromosomes.
• The genes in these chromosomes are the
cell's genome.
• an organized structure of DNA and protein
found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
Cell Membrane
• A biological membrane that separates the
inside of all cells from the outside.
Cell Wall
• It is the tough, usually flexible layer that
surrounds some types of cells.
• It is located outside
the cell membrane
and provides these
cells with structural
support and protection.
• membrane-bound organelle found mainly
in plant cells, but also in some animal cells
• They are like storage bubbles found in
• They store nutrients and waste products
and help keep the shape of the cell
• The part of the cell that helps to make
Golgi Apparatus
• An organelle that packages proteins and
fats before they get shipped off to their
• Organelles found in plant cells and other
eukaryotic organisms that perform
photosynthesis (take energy from the sun,
water and carbon dioxide and make sugar
and oxygen).
• A thick liquid residing between the cell
membrane holding all organelles, except
for the nucleus.
• membrane-enclosed organelle
• Mitochondria are sometimes described as
"cellular power plants" because they
generate most of the cell's supply of
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum makes
• The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
makes fats, steroids, and breakdowns
• An organelle that breaks down waste
material in the cell.
Plant and Animal Cell
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
How do cells move?
Some cells have tails called flagellum.
Flagellum is a whip-like tail that helps some
cells move.
Other cells move with cilia. Cilia are tiny
hairs surrounding the cells. These short
hairs moving together allow the
cell to move around.
Differences Between Plant and
Animal Cells
Plant Cells
 Have cell walls
 Have chloroplasts and
chlorophyll for
 Have a large central
vacuole (takes up 90%
volume of cell)
 Do not have cilia and
whether or not they have
lysosomes is debatable
Animal Cells
 Do not have cell walls
 Do not have
chloroplasts or
 May have vacuoles,
but they are very
 Have lysosomes and
211-3 Work co-operatively with the members to develop and construct models of
304-5 Distinguish between plant and animal cells
In a group of 2-3, you are going to make a model
of a cell with all of its parts. You will have to pick
if you want to make a plant
cell or animal cell. I have
some materials, but you
will have to bring material
from home and you will have
2 classes to
work on it.
There is a rubric provided to
help guide you.
Plant or animal
You cannot tell if the cell is a
plant or animal cell. Only
some of the parts are
You can tell if it is a plant
or animal cell, but there
are two incorrect parts
You can tell if it is a plant or
animal cell, but there is one
incorrect part included.
It is clear if the cell is a plant
or animal cell and all parts are
Model Labelled
More than two parts of the
cell are labelled incorrectly.
Two parts of the cell are
labelled incorrectly.
One part of the cell is
labelled incorrectly.
All parts of the cell are
labelled correctly.
There is a write-up to
accompany the cell that has
2/5 or less of the following:
1. A title
2. Group member names
3. Plant or animal cell
4. Parts of the plant or
animal cell and their
functions summarized in
your own words
5. Less than 5 mistakes
There is a write-up to
accompany the cell that
has 3/5 of the following:
1. A title
2. Group member names
3. Plant or animal cell
4. Parts of the plant or
animal cell and their
functions summarized in
your own words
5. Less than 5 mistakes
There is a write-up to
accompany the cell that has
4/5 of the following:
1. A title
2. Group member names
3. Plant or animal cell
4. Parts of the plant or
animal cell and their
functions summarized in
your own words
5. Less than 5 mistakes
There is a write-up to
accompany the cell that has:
1. A title
2. Group member names
3. Plant or animal cell
4. Parts of the plant or animal
cell and their functions
summarized in your own
5. Less than 5 mistakes
Model was unorganized,
messy and did not clearly
represent a plant/animal cell.
Model was somewhat
organized, a little messy
and kind of represented a
plant/animal cell.
Model was organized,
colourful, neat and
represented a plant/animal
Model was creatively put
together, organized, colourful,
neat and represented a
plant/animal cell.
Group Work
Rarely worked well with
group members and had
trouble staying focused on
the task.
Worked well with group
members some of the
time, but had trouble
staying on task.
Worked well with group
members most of the time
and stayed focused and on
Worked well with group
members at all time and
stayed focused and on the
Used 1 resource, but did not
include it in the write-up..
Used 1 resource, but
included it in the write-up.
Used a variety (at least 2) of
resources and included the
resources in the write-up.
Used a variety (at least 3) of
resources and included the
resources in the write-up.