The diameter of a hydrogen atom is 0

You are assigned to explain how to solve the writing prompt below.
DUE DATE: Monday, 4/14.
Assignment: Write a 3-paragraph essay describing all the steps of solving the problem.
 The first paragraph should be an introduction where you clearly state the problem.
 The second paragraph should clearly state the steps to solving it in the correct order.
 The third paragraph should explain why your answer is reasonable or makes sense.
Key items to include:
 Transitions: The second paragraph should begin with a transitional phrase such as “The
first step in finding the number of hydrogen atoms…” and the last paragraph should
also have a transition such as “Finding the number of hydrogen atoms was not difficult
as long as you understand the concepts of….”
 Clearly state the steps in the proper order. To ensure that no steps are missing, follow
your described steps to see if what you have written will allow anyone to correctly solve
the problem.
The diameter of a hydrogen atom is 0.000000001 cm. If the
diameter of a pinhead is .2 cm, explain how to find the number of
hydrogen atoms that could fit on a pinhead in scientific notation.
Then compare the size of the pinhead to the size of the hydrogen