Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Victoria Inc. (Affiliated with the Victorian Canine Association Inc. Reg. A0023540M) Spring 2013 Spring Edition October, 2013 Advertising Rates Full Page $15.00 ½ Page $8.00 ¼ Page $5.00 Closing Dates Summer Edition January 15th 2013 ~ Imprint sketched by Deidre Hunt and used throughout this newsletter with permission. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Victoria Patron Mrs. Susan Burgess (UK) Life Members Mrs. A. Bagnall, Mrs. P. Ball, Ms. L. Batiste, Mrs. K. Beckett, Mr. R. Betteridge, Ms. L. Bolden, Mrs P. Fernleigh , Ms. P. Finnie, Mr. A. Goodwin, Mrs. B. Henry, Mr. E. Howden, Mrs. D. Hunt, Mrs. J. Ovendon. ~*~ Editorial Note ~*~ The opinions expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editors or the Committee and Office Bearers of the CKCS Club of Victoria Inc. The Editor/s reserves the right to refer any material of a dubious nature to the Committee for final say in the matter of publication. President Ms Joy McInnes Ph: 03 9546 2902 Vice President Mr Greg Browne Ph: 03 9394 1136 Mob: 0404 482 737 Honorable Secretary Mrs Trish Fernleigh P.O. Box 9088 Scoresby 3179 Ph. 03 98872971 Treasurer Ms Jan Kelly 1 Roberts St Brunswick Vic 3057 Ph: 03 9380 5706 Committee Ms Lyn Costello Ms Sue Smith Rescue Mr. Greg Browne Ph: 03 9394 1136 Mob: 0404 482 737 Presidents Report Hello members, The Melbourne Royal Show is now over and I hope everyone had a great time. Congratulations to all our exhibitors who attended. We once again had a breed stand to show case our breed to the general public. We thank all our volunteers who gave of their time to talk to the public about our beautiful cavaliers. Our next event will be a member’s comp at Dogs Big Day Out in December please come along and join us. This is another great event to promote pure breed dogs to the general public. Everyone is welcome bring your pets along and celebrate pet ownership. We still have vacancies on our committee for the upcoming year and need new committee members to help run your club. Please consider offering your time. Hope to see you all soon, Joy McInnes Secretary Report The Annual General Meeting and General Meeting were held, this year, at Bulla. Fortunately, there were just enough members in attendance to give us a quorum and we were able to pass our new Constitution which can be viewed on the website. We have a bare minimum committee, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two ordinary committee members. We hope that the main task of this committee will be to take care of the day to day running of the club. We will be asking for volunteers to assist with the running of events such as the Champ Show, Open Show and Member's Competitions. Please consider giving a little back to the club by volunteering when the call is put out. The minutes of both of these meetings can be found elsewhere in this newsletter. We welcome returning member, Lyn Costello and new member, Sue Smith to the committee. Both have a lot to offer the club and we look forward to their involvement in upcoming events. Sue brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in the areas of Obedience, Agility and many other disciplines. It is hoped that we will be running a Restricted to Height Agility trial in October under Sue's guidance. She has a couple of other ideas to help lift the profile of these disciplines within the club. The Royal Melbourne Show is now over. Whilst the Cavalier entry was small, those there had a lovely day. The results can be found elsewhere in this newsletter. The club ran a very successful Breed Stand on the day. We would like to thank those members, Pam Kruger, Sue Reavley, Sharyl Walsh, Jane Egan, Liz Tacey-Taylor, Sue Fennel, Libby Arnold and Rabbit and her assistant Andrew Twiddy, who manned the stand throughout the day. Your assistance was greatly appreciated. Planning is well underway for a Dog Walking event at Yarra Bend in the first half of next year. At this stage we are still looking for an appropriate date at a time when the weather will suit such an event. This is aimed at providing an opportunity for ALL members, pet, showies, obedience, agility and all other disciplines to get together for a walk followed by coffee and a chance to get to know one another. Secretary Report… Our next event will be at the Dog's Day Out at KCC Park on Sunday 15th December. We will be running a Member's Competition which will include activities for pet members and hope to have access to the ring for long enough to have an exhibition of some of the disciplines that our members are involved in so please support your club by popping in for a while on the day. Some important dates to remember are: Sunday 15th December, 2013 - Members competition at KCC Park Sunday 23rd February, 2014 - Open Show Saturday 15th March 2014 - Proposed RTH Agility Trial Sunday and Monday 8th and 9th June - Championship show Tuesday 19th August - Annual General Meeting Trish Fernleigh, Secretary Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Victoria INC. Annual General Meeting 21st August 2013 at 7.30pm Venue: Bulla Exhibition Centre MINUTES 1. Meeting Open: 7.40pm 2. Apologies: As per attendance book Present: As per attendance book 3. Minutes of Previous AGM taken as read Moved Linda Hocking Seconded Will Henderson 4. Business Arising: Nil 5. President’s Annual Report: Attached Moved Joy McInnes Seconded Linda Hocking 6. Secretary’s Annual Report: Attached Moved Trish Fernleigh Seconded Brian Van Geyzel 7. Treasurer’s Annual Report: Attached Moved Jan Kelly Seconded Sandra Ingpen 8. Motion to engage Auditor: It is moved that we continue using Nick Martinelli Moved Jan Kelly Seconded Trish Fernleigh 9. Honoriums… President: $120.00 Secretary: $250.00 Treasurer: $200.00 Publicity: $200.00 Moved Linda Hocking Seconded Geoffrey Beckett 10. Voting for Committee Positions for 2012/2013 Nominations received President-Joy McInnes Vice President-Greg Browne Hon Secretary-Trish Fernleigh Treasurer-Jan Kelly General Committee – Sue Smith Lyn Costello 11. Meeting closed 8.15pm Next Meeting 19th August 2014 at KCC Park ~*~ Puppy Referral Service ~*~ Litter referrals are $15.00 per litter. You must have been a member for 12 months before you are eligible to list puppies with this service. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Victoria INC. General Meeting - 21st August 2013 Venue: Bulla Exhibition Centre MINUTES 1. Meeting Open: 8.15pm 2. Apologies: As per Attendance Book Present: As per Attendance Book 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Taken as read Moved Linda Hocking Seconded Joy McInness 4. Business Arising Nil 5. Correspondence In / Out In Out Computer Sashes – Judges Rosettes Liz Ispahan – Request for Resume Dogs Victoria – Boxhall Pavilion left Dogs Victoria – Response to accusation unlocked on 10th June by us that we’d left the Boxhall Pavilion Dogs Victoria – further on unlocked unlocked. Boxhall Pavilion Dogs Victoria – Further clarification as Aimee Petersen – Resignation from to just who had left the Pavilion Committee due to commitments unlocked. (not us) elsewhere Aimee Petersen – Reluctantly accept Clare Van Der Wolde – Resignation from resignation from Committee Committee Computer Sashes – Thankyou for M. Morse – Resignation from prompt delivery of Judges Committee RosettesThankyou’s to: Papillion Club of Victoria – Invitation to Clipper World join them in a restricted height Agility M Kleinitz trial in March S. Reavley Dogs Victoria – President and Secretary L. Tacey-Taylor meeting Monday 23rd September Kevin and Margaret Munro Dogs Victoria – Statement Andrew Twiddy RASV – Rosettes for Royal Stephen Wynn K. Li – Critiques and thankyou letter K. Li – Neutered Certificates for signing All Life Members – (sent by J. Kelly) Classic Dog Show - Request for Letter quoting new rules and asking Life contribution to their 60th Show Members if they want to continue their Dogs Victoria – Non DV Member’s association with the club Services Levy 2013 Members as per attached List: (Sent by - President’s & J. Kelly) Email re membership. Secretary J. Kelly/C. Van Der Wolde – Sympathy Meeting cancellation Card - Obedience Tracking Dogs Victoria – Agenda Items and - Meeting room Endurance Judges Forum booking. Dept of Justice – Annual Statement M. Gray – Thankyou RASV – Acknowledge Rosette donation J. McInnes: Sympathy Card for Royal Computer Sashes & Rosettes Statement L. Bolden – complaint about letter received from Membership Secretary A. Bisak: Dog’s Day Out Flyer S. Walsh, S. Reavley, P. Kruger, L. Tacey, L. Arnold: Offer to help at the Royal J. Wynn: Postal Vote L. Batiste: Complaint about Life Member letter. All members (email): 1. AGM and Postal Vote reminder. 2. Request for help at Royal S. Walsh, S. Reavley, P. Kruger, L. Tacey, L. Arnold: Thanks for offer to help at Royal J. Hutchinson: Request for updated trainee list. Julie Grainger (RAS) Request for Breed Booth at RAS. Dogs Victoria: Request for confirmation of room for AGM. R. Smith: Request for confirmation that he will be available to Steward 2014 show. S. Wynn: Thanks for work on website and request for a report. Moved Greg Brown Seconded Maryanne Van Geyzel 6. Business Arising: Correspondence relating to Life Member letter tabled 7. Treasurer’s Report: Unavailable 8. Accounts For Payment Trish Fernleigh $6.45 postage $16.40 Stationary Moved Jan Kelly Seconded Sandra Ingpen 9. New Members: Nil 10. Rescue Report: Greg to devise a questionnaire to ascertain level of interest. Maggie Mooney in Bairnsdale rescued two dogs who were being surrendered, a 5y Blenheim bitch and a 2yo tri dog. Being desexed and vaccinated for $400. Trish to write a thankyou letter to Maggie 11. Newsletter Report: The new look Newsletter was well received. Libby is happy to continue to produce the newsletter. 12. Health Report: Eye Clinic: Notify American Cocker Club about our next eye clinic which is tentatively planned for October in conjunction with another heart clinic. Joy investigating DNA testing for Dry Eye/Curley Coat and Episodic Falling Syndromes 13. Puppy Report: We’ve had 244 expressions of interest on the website, 75 since July. Very few of these can be fulfilled due to the lack of puppies available. Make a Wish Foundation requested a puppy for a child. Greg was able to fulfil this request. We have asked for a story for our Newsletter. 14. Website: Report attached 15. Voting for 2014 Championship Show Judge (judges Resume’s following agendas in newsletter) Mr. Eddie Bishop (UK) 1 vote Mrs. Liz King-Smith (UK) 5 votes Mrs. Sherry Daigle (Can) 3 votes Mrs. Virginia Barwell (UK) 4 votes Judges will be contacted in the following order: Liz King-Smith, Virginia Barwell, Sherry Daigle, Eddy Bishop GENERAL BUSINESS 16. Motion “That the draft Constitution, as amended on 10th April. 2013 and displayed on the Club website becomes the new constitution and be ratified. This should be lodged with the Department of Justice.” Moved: Jan Kelly Seconded: Trish Fernleigh Motion carried unanimously 17. Restricted to Height Obedience Trial: Will go ahead. The club will take full responsibility and a sub-committee will be raised, led by Sue Smith to run same. Suzanne Goodchild will be invited to join the sub-committee. A float will be arranged. Regular reports to be presented to Committee. 18. Bluejeans: Joy spoke about a new app which might make it possible for committee who can’t be present at the meeting to participate. This will be investigated further. Next meeting on a date to be announced at Bulla Meeting closed 9.15pm. SECRETARY’S ANNUAL REPORT Firstly, let me thank Marilyn Warren for her work on behalf of the club for the first half of this Cavalier year. She offered to take on this role when no member of the club was willing. Unfortunately, due to circumstances she found it impossible to continue in the role. Her efforts on behalf of the club were very much appreciated by committee and members alike. We hope that Marilyn will continue her association with the club by continuing her membership. Since I resumed the role of Secretary in February, we have run a successful Open Show (thanks again Marilyn for your work towards this event), our Championship Show and a very successful Member’s Competition. The Championship Show in June was a great success and I congratulate all of the winners. The ring looked a picture and the atmosphere around the ring was friendly. Katherine commented on the good sportsmanship shown by all exhibitors with her decisions being accepted with good grace and congratulations being offered to winners and place getters. Of course an event such as this cannot take place without the hard work of some committee members and the support of the many members who helped with catering, packing up and in many other small ways. Exhibitors and committee alike appreciate the hard work of so many. I would also like to thank Libby Arnold for taking on the role of Newsletter editor at short notice. Her first effort looked great. The Member’s Competition held at the conclusion of cavalier judging at the Heidelberg and District Championship Show was a great success with an entry of 31 cavaliers. The inclusion of the Champion Class was a success. We hope to see more Champions at future comps. Many thanks to Committee member Will Henderson for the great job as Comp Manager. We thank departing committee members, Mathew Morse, Aimee Petersen, Clare Van Der Wolde and Will Henderson for their efforts on behalf of the club over recent years. Each has contributed in no small way over recent years, especially Aimee who has been Newsletter Editor for quite some time. This is one of the biggest jobs and a thankless task, so thankyou Aimee for your work on the newsletter and also as Puppy Referral Officer for the past three years. With the busy lives being led by most of us these days, it is difficult for many to find the time to commit to being on the committee such as ours. Currently we have four nominations for executive and two for general committee. While this is not ideal and the preference would be to operate with a full committee, it seems that it may be necessary to have a small committee to deal with the day to day operation of the club with sub-committees being raised for such things as the Championship and Open Shows, Member’s Competitions and any other events throughout the year. So please, if we call for volunteers for a sub-committee, consider how you can help. Trish Fernleigh, Secretary Melbourne Royal Results 22 September 2013 Judge: Mrs Gloria Geringer (USA) Cavalier entry: 35 Challenge Dog, Best of Breed Mrs D Petersen: CH DAPSEN IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT Reserve Challenge Dog Melloway Kennels: CH. MELLOWAY ADRENALINE RUSH Challenge Bitch, R/Up Best of Breed Mrs D Petersen: CH DAPSEN A BLONDE MOMENT Reserve Challenge Bitch, Best Puppy of Breed Mrs D Petersen: DAPSEN GLITTERS IN GOLD Best Baby Puppy of Breed Mrs P Fernleigh: DAVENTRI MIDNIGHT SERENADE 01 Baby Puppy Dog 1...Mrs J McInnes: INNESVEIL ROMANCIN THE STONE 02 Minor Puppy Dog 1...Daventri Kennels: DAVENTRI BREEZIN IN 03 Puppy Dog 1...Ms V. McLaughlin & Mr A. Twiddy: DAPSEN BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED 2...Mrs D Petersen: DAPSEN MR JIVE 04 Junior Dog 1...Ms J Kelly: CLARELLY DAMAGE CONTROL 2...Miss C Taylor: CHINACAV BOND JAMES BOND 05 Intermediate Dog 1...Mrs J McInnes: INNESVEIL CLASSIC LOVER 2...Mrs D Petersen: CH DAPSEN IN IT FOR THE BLONDES 3...Daventri Kennels: DAISYMONT TIME IN MOTION 10 Australian Bred Dog 1...Ms V McLaughlin: CH DAPSEN THE WINNING LOOK 11 Open Dog 1...Mrs D Petersen: CH DAPSEN IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT 2...Melloway Kennels: CH. MELLOWAY ADRENALINE RUSH 3...Mrs Denise Petersen & Miss Aimee Petersen & Mrs Bronwyn Schmidt: CH DAPSEN STEVE PRESTWICH 01A Baby Puppy Bitch 1...Mrs P Fernleigh: DAVENTRI MIDNIGHT SERENADE 03A Puppy Bitch 1...Mrs D Petersen: DAPSEN GLITTERS IN GOLD 2...Mrs D Petersen: DAPSEN BEJAZZLED 3...Mrs J McInnes: INNESVEIL NORTHERN BELLE 04A Junior Bitch 1...Daventri Kennels: DAVENTRI HOT N SPICY 05A Intermediate Bitch 1...Caribelle Kennels: CH CARIBELLE FAIRY TALE 2...Mrs L Taylor: CH DOPELL WICKED SISTA 3...Daventri Kennels: DAVENTRI PURE WHISPER 10A Australian Bred Bitch 1...Mrs B Schmidt: BRADES SHABBY CHIC 2...Mrs L Taylor: DOPELL ROISIN 11A Open Bitch 1...Mrs D Petersen: DAPSEN A BLONDE MOMENT 2...W&J Egan & J&J Weekes: CH MELLOWAY MAGNIFIQUE 3...Caribelle Kennels: CH CARIBELLE VIVA LA DIVA Photos: Some on Ffiona Erskine's facebook page (Cavaliers were day 2 and are in her timeline album) Will be at: THE “O” WORD Adventures in Obedience with Three Hairy Men by Penny Winlow Obedience. It means different things to different people. For many, the basics are enough: sit, stay, come, and drop. You know the ones. For others, it’s a sigh, and the resignation that they’ll never be able to teach their overenthusiastic dog to not bowl visitors over. For me, the “O” word means something else. Cue Sunday morning. Dozing in bed next to Aidan (my partner), I can hear the tinkle of dog tags downstairs as our three boys wake up. All is still. Then, the thumpthumpthump of paws running up the stairs. The sound of little black noses sniffing at the closed bedroom door. And then the soft scratching at the door begins. Just a subtle reminder that today is Sunday and it’s a school day! As the rest of the neighbourhood slumbers on, I pack my hairy entourage into the car and head up to the clubhouse, accompanied by the sound of excited barks. On arrival, the door is barely open before the boys are out of the car like a shot, ready for some fun! I fell in love with obedience quite by accident. I joined the local dog club, thinking that Fletcher (4½ years) would enjoy agility. But obedience has a sneaky way of reeling you in – hook, line, and sinker; the precision and challenge of it is exceedingly refreshing, and it’s just as much fun to watch as it is to do! We progressed through the classes – 1, 2, 3 – and then we entered our first “official” trial... Trialling can make you laugh, cry, and everything in between. I’ve seen clean sweeps – dogs and handlers who take out titles with ease – and people who return time after time, waiting for that elusive pass mark! You get to see a marvellous mix of breeds, and you meet some truly magnificent people who celebrate each other’s triumphs and sympathise over those wretched “on the day” hiccoughs. During my most recent trialling experience, I achieved my best heeling score to date, and watched Fletcher do a perfect down-stay. But it all came undone during the recall when Fletcher decided to go over and greet the Judge (who he’d met once before, but in true Cav fashion, that was enough to elevate the Judge to “friend” status!), before dashing out of the ring to Aidan, who had been finishing off a sausage sandwich as Fletch and I entered the ring. Cue the “Family Feud” buzzer sound: BA BOW! I take my other boys to “school”, too. Soldier (5 months) has just started in Class 1, where he is the smallest dog by quite a considerable margin! It is a wonderful experience being able to obedience train a young puppy from the ground up, with the ultimate goal of one day trialling with him, too. And Baxter (12½ years), showed that he’s as good as any of those young’uns by winning the Class 1 ring and taking out Highest Scoring Dog (197/200 points) at a recent club fun day, after having done just one lesson. This is what keeps me going back for more. The fun. The frustration. The thrill of the chase. And, above all, the sheer pleasure of seeing my boys have the time of their lives. This is what obedience means to me. Upcoming Health Clinic 2013 Combined Heart & Eye Clinic Date: Wednesday November 20th 2013 Time: 6:30pm Where: Animal Eye Care Darling Road, Malvern Cost: Eye check - $70.00 Heart Check - $40.00 For booking and enquires for the heart clinic please contact Joy McInnes 03 9546 2902 For bookings for the eye clinic please contact Animal Eye Care directly on 03 9563 6488 Richard Woolley BVetMed DipECVIM-CA(Cardiology) MRCVS Head of the cardiorespiratory service, Richard Woolley BVetMed DipECVIM-CA (Cardiology) MRCVS is the ONLY specialist veterinary cardiologist in Victoria, and one of only a handful registered specialist veterinary cardiologists in Australia. Richard has many years of experience in cardiology and respiratory medicine of all animals, from mice to gorillas. He has worked in academia and in private practice, lectured extensively, and his present focus is on specialist cardiorespiratory medicine of dogs and cats. MEMBER’S CHRISTMAS COMPETITION Sunday 15th December, 2013 VENUE: KCC PARK TIME: 11.00am JUDGE: Stephen Wailes COST: $3.50 per class (Entries taken from 10.00am on the day) CLASSES: 1. Baby Puppy Dog 2. Minor Puppy Dog 3. Puppy Dog 4. Junior Dog 5. Intermediate Dog 11. Open Dog 18. Neuter Dog 21. Champion Dog (3-6 mths) (6-9 mths) (6-12 mths) (9-18 mths) (18 mths-3 yrs) (6 mths and over) 1a. Baby Puppy Bitch 2a. Minor Puppy Bitch 3a. Puppy Bitch 4a. Junior Bitch 5a. Intermediate Bitch 11a. Open Bitch 18a. Neuter Bitch 21a. Champion Bitch PET CLASS: Pet dogs and bitches only (Non Showing Members only FINAL OF HANDLERS CLASSES Daventri Sash – Juniors (Entry free) Kelanda Sash – Novice Monar Sash – Experienced CHRISTMAS CLASSES: (FREE) Best Christmas Dressed Dog Waggiest Tail Dog most like its owner Longest ears Quickest Eater Best trick Most appealing eyes Best licker Club ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters in each class Trophies for Specials winners and opposites PLEASE BRING a luncheon/picnic plate for the Christmas lunch at the conclusion of the competition. CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. OPEN SHOW KCC PARK Westernport Hwy, Skye SUNDAY 23rd FEBRUARY, 2014 Judging commences at 10.00am JUDGE: Mr. R. Bennetts DOGS AND BITCHES 21, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, & 18 Best Head…Best Movement…Best Coat & Colour…Best Brace ENTRY FEES: $8.00 (includes VCA levy) Baby Puppies $5.00 Special Classes $3.00 Catalogues $3.00 Please include coat colour with entries ENTRIES CLOSE 28th JANUARY, 2014 Entries, accompanied by fees to be sent to the Show Secretary: Mrs. Joy McInnes Online Entries available at 6 Stella Avenue NOBLE PARK 3174 u Phone enquiries to either Joy McInnes: 9546 2902 or Trish Fernleigh on 9887 2971 A stamped self-addressed envelope must be included with entries. Trophy and Sash for all Class Winners Donations for Trophies and/or sashes either to the Treasurer or payment can be made via Paypal or Direct Deposit via the website at Please bring a plate of food to share. EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE: If the forecast temperature is 37 degrees or above on the ABC on the evening of the 22nd February judging will commence at 6.00pm. This will be confirmed on the club website Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Vic Inc 1st RESTRICTED TO HEIGHT AGILITY, JUMPING & GAMES TRIAL STATE DOG CENTRE (KCC PARK), 655 WESTERNPORT HWY, SKYE. OPEN TO ALL DOGS IN THE 200MM & 300MM CATEGORIES 10% SCT allowance in ALL classes except Novice Saturday 15th March 2014 Entries: Trial Secretary: Sue Smith 19 Monze Drive Langwarrin 3910 Mobile: 0407627440 - email: Entry fee: $10 per Agility/Jumping & Snooker Classes Strategic Pairs $14 ($7 each Pair) per Class (Includes VCA levies & charges) Cheques payable to Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Victoria Inc Include E-mail address for confirmation of entries/enquiry. MULTI-ENTRY FORM - Please indicate Class Name and Number eg. MA1 Ring 1 - Start: 8.00am AGILITY: Master MA1 /Open OA/Excellent EA1/Novice NA1: Linda Wilson Followed By: JUMPING: Novice NJ2/Excellent EJ2/Master MJ2: Linda Wilson Ring 2 - Start: 8.00 am JUMPING: Novice NJ1/Excellent EJ1/Open OJ/Master MJ1 /: Nikki Janetzki Followed By: AGILITY: Master MA2 /Excellent EA2/ Novice NA2: Nikki Janetzki Ring 3 - Games - Start: 9.00 am SNOOKER: Master MS/Excellent ES/Novice NS: Murray Tyler Followed By: STRATEGIC PAIRS: Novice NSP/Excellent ESP/Master MSP: Murray Tyler Followed By: Novice NJ3/ Novice NJ4 NO CHECK-IN or VETTING however number cards are to be collected prior to class judging commencing in each ring. Judging Commences: 8.00am Rings 1 & 2, 9.00am Ring 3. Awards: 1st place - Prize & Ribbon 2nd & 3rd place – Ribbons Fastest in Jumping “Basil” Sash. Fastest in Agility “Paije” sash Best Cavalier in Trial: Agility/Jumping Best Papillon in Trial: Agility/Jumping List incomplete, refer to Catalogue on the day Donations towards ribbons, prizes and class sponsorship invited. One presentation at the conclusion of judging for the day. Puppy Referral Service Late 2012 the Club instigated an expression of interest form for potential puppy buyers to use. This generated 244 potential puppy buyers. Many were able to acquire a new family member and many are still waiting and we are receiving new enquiries daily. Please use the Website to list your available puppies or contact the Puppy Referral Officer, currently Jan Kelly 03 9380 5706 or 0437 570 650 Complementary Membership All puppy buyers are entitled to one year’s complementary membership when they buy a puppy from a Club member. Please print off the complementary membership form from the members section of the Website and give it to your puppy buyers. Jan Kelly Membership Secretary Older Dog Sales The Committee has become aware through the expression of interest form that many people are interested in purchasing an older dog. Much discussion was generated and a decision was made that a puppy is until 6 months. An older dog is 6 months to 5 years. Any dog over 5 years is considered a recue even though it is not a” recue” as such. The Club rescue officer Greg Browne has many people on his list who are very willing to take on an older Cavalier even one requiring medication. Breeders consider contacting the Club to place your ex breeding dogs or any dogs that you have tried in the ring and have not worked out. Jan Kelly Puppy Referrals CKCS Club of Victoria Proudly Supported by: