- monivae

Annual 2009
From the Principal
And so I come to my tenth and final Annual Report
for Monivae College.
The continuing growth of confidence
of the local community in Monivae is
nowhere better reflected than in the fact
that enrolments increased again for the
eighth consecutive year coming into 2009
taking our overall student numbers to their
highest level in fifteen years. Our increase
from 607 students in 2008 to 647 in 2009
was the highest increase in a single year
in the past thirty years.
As a result of the increase in numbers
at Year 7 we added a fifth class to our
EXCEL program. This posed a number of
logistical challenges in terms of rooming
and in means of delivery, given our
focus in the EXCEL program on pairing
homerooms and engaging in teamteaching. By pairing teachers, Mr Michael
Harms and Mr Simon Hatherall, we were
able to compensate for the lack of another
homeroom to pair with the fifth class.
The role of promoting Monivae in the
local community is clearly significant
in supporting this enrolment trend. It is
equally true that promotion will only work
over a concerted period of time if people
see that there is real quality and real
value in what is offered: Monivae clearly
enjoys a well-deserved reputation on
both counts. We have been blessed over
recent years with quality leadership in our
Development Office, and that continues
with the appointment this year of Mr Simon
McKinley as Director of Development.
We held numerous Open Mornings and
an Open Night throughout the year, mainly
on normal working days but also across
one weekend to enable as many parents
and their children as possible to attend at
a time that suited them. On each of these
occasions a number of our students,
usually from Year 8 but sometimes from
other levels and sometimes including
boarders, acted as ushers and guides.
On top of the events at the college, we
also included eight Information Nights
in regional areas, mainly with a view
to attracting new boarding students.
We held such information sessions in
Casterton, Edenhope, Portland, Lake
Bolac, Balmoral, Naracoorte, Robe and
Mission Experience /
Mission Fair / Retreats /
Sacred Heart Day
At the heart of Monivae lies the MSC
charism: it is the reason the college
exists. There were three major areas of
life at Monivae this year, as in previous
years, which specifically demonstrate this
charism in action.
Our mission experience program has
steadily grown over the past nine years to
the point where we had the numbers to
run all three trips – Abemama in Kiribati,
Tapini in Papua-New Guinea, and Ngui
on Bathurst Island – in the one year,
both in 2008 and 2009. Following our
World Youth Day pilgrimage last year
and the subsequent visit of the PNG
and I-Kiribati pilgrims to Monivae for a
spectacular week, student interest in the
program has expanded. Much is owed to
staff members Mr Damian McCarthy, Mr
Brendan Ashby and Mrs Maree Bell for
their efforts and persistence in making
the program so much a critical part of the
identity of modern-day Monivae.
This year the program has reached a
new level altogether with 2009 Year 12
student, Tessa Rowe, committing herself
to spend at least six months on the tiny
remote island of Abemama in Kiribati,
working in Chevalier College. Make no
mistake, this is no romantic or idyllic
posting: this is a decision to live in a third
world community which has very little of
the material things we take for granted,
including three square meals a day at our
finger-tips or handy in the pantry.
Mission Fair Day at the end of third term
was another excellent case of our staff and
students putting their best feet forward.
Through working in their homegroups
to provide stalls, activities and other
fund-raising means, this remarkable
community raised over $6,000 in one day
for the benefit of those living in deprived
third world conditions. Mr Terry Molan has
been the driving force behind Mission Fair
Day’s organisation for many years and
has led the Monivae community in raising
more than $15,000 on Mission Fair Day in
the past three years alone.
Retreats continued this year to be a rich
experience for our students. At the end
of each year, our departing Year 12s
identify their retreats in Years 11 and 12
as true highlights of their time as Monivae
students. This time of personal reflection
on their own human and spiritual growth
marks a turning point for most students in
their young lives. At this level, the retreats
are residential over two and three days
respectively. Our Years 9 and 10 students
each had a day off-campus for their
retreats in third term.
The celebration of Sacred Heart Day
this year consisted of four parts – a
whole-school trivia quiz organised by
Student Leaders
I wish to pay tribute to the extraordinary
work of the student leaders this year. Led
by College Captains, Alexandra Van Rijn
and Callum Kanoniuk, the leaders this
year set themselves a theme of “Making a
Difference” – and make a difference they
did! With regular visits to the homerooms
at every year level, weekly reports to the
whole school at every assembly and
engaging the whole student body in a
range of activities and discussions, this
group of student leaders has set a new
benchmark for their successors over the
coming years.
Building Works and IT
Our building program continued apace
this year. Following the incredible growth
in capital improvements in the past two
years – basement, courtyard, lift, bus
exchange, driveway, water harvesting
– our energies this year were focused
on the complete refurbishment and redesign of the girls’ boarding house, the
re-design of the front foyer and reception
area, and the creation of a new Board
and Conference Room. The work of
Business Manager, Mr Tim Pietschmann,
and Property Manager, Mr Tony Neeson,
in overseeing all this activity has been
enormous. The biggest beneficiaries this
year from the building program were the
girl boarders who saw dramatic changes
to their accommodation, including the
immensely popular salon!
Similarly, the funds provided by the
federal government through its “Building
the Education Revolution” has provided
Monivae with the ability to significantly
increase our provision of information
technology to our students. The benefits
of this funding will be felt by Monivae
students over the coming three years.
One of the most significant developments
in Monivae’s recent history is about to
unfold as St Mary’s Primary School,
Hamilton, prepares to relocate itself
entirely onto the same campus as
Monivae. This exciting development has
been several years in the planning but
will come to fruition as construction work
commences in late 2009 on the land
behind the Monivae pool, with access
off Hiller Lane. The establishment of a
Catholic educational precinct will result
from this move, with opportunities almost
beyond imagining that will flow for the
communities of both schools.
Building Better Schools
This year, Monivae undertook a major
professional development and cultural
change program under the coaching of
organisational cultural experts, Insight
SRC. This program has involved all our
staff – teaching, office, grounds, cleaning,
boarding, support staff – in building our
capacity to become a highly effective
organisation. This program has assisted us
in embracing the concepts of supportive
behaviour, and value-adding in the way we
operate at all levels. It has been a highly
challenging but equally highly rewarding
program, the lessons and improvements
from which will affect Monivae for years
to come.
Three ongoing improvement projects
have emerged from our involvement
in this program. These projects centre
around the critical school functions of
student learning, student wellbeing
processes. The projects will run for varying
lengths of time with clear destinations for
each. The Monivae community can expect
to hear regular reports in the next twelve
months on the progress of each project.
Other major events
production was held this year in the
form of “Godspell”, the 1970s rock
musical. Once again, the production
team led by Arts Domain Leader and
Drama teacher extraordinaire, Mr Ben
Gallagher, demonstrated why these
productions are so highly valued by
the Monivae community. The quality of
production that Ben and his tireless team
of Arts and other teachers, parents and
former students is able to elicit from our
students – your children – is nothing short
of phenomenal. These productions have
been consistently of the highest standard
for school productions one could find
anywhere in Australia.
In the sporting realm, Monivae had
another stellar year both locally and in
wider competitions. Details of the GSSSA
and Catholic All Schools results will be
found in the sports reports further on in
the annual. Congratulations and thanks to
all staff, parents and former students who
contributed to the rich variety of sporting
opportunities offered by Monivae this year,
but particularly to the Sports Co-ordinator,
Ms Rebecca Fisher.
Once again, the Monivae Art Exhibition
displayed the creative and diverse talents
of our students. Each year I am amazed
by the extent of our students’ imagination
and expressive skills. This was emphasised
again this year by the huge proportion of
Monivae students’ art work selected by
the Hamilton Gallery staff for display at the
Hamilton Tops exhibition.
From the Principal
the Student Leaders, a whole-school
liturgy, a shared homeroom lunch with all
staff and students, and a “Monivae Has
Talent” concert in the afternoon. There
was a wonderful spirit around the college
throughout this day.
The Monivae Army Cadet Unit continued
its good work this year led by staff
member, Major Gary Simkin.
again, our cadets participated in both
the Melbourne and Hamilton ANZAC
Day parades, as well as numerous other
ceremonies during the year. The move
of the annual boys’ and girls’ camps to
be held concurrently over the one week
continued to raise some logistical issues
but accomplished its aim of decreasing
the interruption to the curricular programs
across all year levels. The ceremonial
parade in October had a slightly different
feel this year due to inclement and very
windy conditions with the awards being
presented in the courtyard after the march
past on the oval. Once again, a number
of our students undertook formal cadet
training through the junior and senior
leaders courses offered.
This will be the final Annual Report from
me as Principal of Monivae College. I wish
to thank the many students, parents, staff,
Board, Foundation, Parents & Friends
and MSC members who have supported
me over the past ten years. Monivae’s
leadership will continue in the good hands
of Mr Mark McGinnity who will take over
the role from the beginning of 2010. I offer
particular thanks to Fr Bob Irwin, MSC,
who, as Provincial of the MSCs in 1999,
appointed me to this position which I have
held now for a full decade. I hope I will
be remembered as someone who served
the Monivae community passionately and
Faith and Mission
Faith and Mission Report
“Do not let people disregard you because you are young, but be an example to all believers in
the way you speak and behave, and in your love, your faith and your purity” (1 Timothy 4: 12).
Mr Terry Molan, Sacred Heart Day Concert
Sacred Heart Day Mass
Sacred Heart Day Quiz
Sacred Heart Day, shared lunch
Fr Mark and Callum Kanonuik
Kedar Giles and Willis Goodwin, Stations of the Cross
Kedar Giles, Stations of the Cross
Year 7s carrying in the Gospel
This year, the College appointed codirectors of Faith and Mission, Fr Mark
McGuinness MSC and long serving
member of staff and Religious Education
teacher, Mr Terry Molan. Fr Mark joined
the college this year from Henley Beach
parish (Adelaide) and was a replacement
for Fr Bede North, MSC, who returned to
Sydney for 2009.
• Easter Liturgy
• Monivae students involved in Good
Friday walk
• Chevalier Institute Visit
• Resurrection Liturgy
• Chevalier Institute visit
• Twilight retreat for staff
• Yr 12 Girl Boarders Farewell Liturgy
• Yr 12 Farewell liturgy/assembly
• Thanksgiving Mass
The Faith and Mission life of the school was
vibrant throughout 2009. The following is
a list of events that took place:
• Cadet camp Mass
• Catholic Education week activities
• REC Conference, Halls Gap
• Catholic Education week Mass
• Catholic Education week quiz
• MSC staff formation network, Sydney
• Remembrance day service
• Carol festival
• Graduation Mass
• Leaders’ camp
• New Staff and Mentor Day: Sharing
of something of the MSC ethos and
Monivae spirit
• Staff Liturgy
• Heart centred leadership
• Sacred Heart day
• Papua New Guinea mission trip-students
& staff
• Welcome & Investiture Mass
• Yr 12 Retreat
• Chevalier Institute visit-working with
various teams of staff
• Ash Wednesday liturgy
• Douglas Park retreat for staff
• Women’s World day of Prayer
• St Patrick’s Day Project Compassion
• Douglas Park retreat for staff
• Middle school retreat days
• International Mass
• Mission Fair day
• Heart Centred Leadership
• Chevalier Institute visit
• Yr 11 retreat, Halls Gap
• Staff Final Liturgy
Throughout the year
• Fr Denis Uhr in-service days
• St Vincent de Paul conference
• Prayer at weekly and House assemblies
• Douglas Park staff retreats
• MSC Staff Formation Network Meetings
• Heart Centred Leadership Course
Monivae College wishes to express
its appreciation for the work of the
MSC within its Community: Fr Mark
McGuinness, MSC, Br Dan Geary, MSC
and Fr Ted McCormick, MSC.
God comes to you where you live. God
loves all of us just as we are. Your life has
become God’s birthplace and your heart
has become God’s home.
Mr Terry Molan
Co-Director of Faith and Mission
College Captains
School Leaders & Captains 2009 Back: Jacob Myers, Joshua Kearney, Bernard Kealy, Simon Close, Rohan Cleary, Peter Burgess, Robert Johnson Middle: Mr.Bernard Neal (Principal),
Madalene Cleary, Molly Cogger, Rhianne Lewis, Jessica OíKeefe, Elizabeth Hurley Front: Tessa Rowe, Alex Van Rijn (College Captain), Mr.Darren Beks (Senior School Co-ordinator),
Callum Kanoniuk (College Captain), Lauren Barker
College Captains’ Report
2009 has been a year of highs and lows
for the Monivae family, but through it all
the student leaders have striven to make
a positive difference to all members of
this community. The concept of ‘making
a difference’ was initiated at the leaders’
camp last November. We set out with this
goal so that by the time we had completed
the year we could leave knowing that we
had changed something for the better.
This camp also gave us the opportunity
to strengthen already strong relationships
as well as further develop our leadership
The tragedy that was Black Saturday
affected many people around Australia
and as per usual, the Monivae Community
came together to help those in desperate
need. Only one days notice was given
before taking collections at the Welcome
and Investiture Mass. Never could we
have anticipated raising $2957.50 on that
day alone. This is one example of how the
people of Monivae are prepared to not
only make a difference within the school,
but also in the wider community.
One of the more specific goals set by the
2009 leadership group was to increase the
spirit in house competitions. The year got
off to a fantastic start with two big days
on the college calendar, the swimming
and athletics carnivals, each running with
great success. Participation levels in both
competition, as well as cheering on the
sidelines, were truly impressive.
This year saw debating take on a larger
role in terms of house activities. The
numbers who took part were again brilliant
and the students and staff who took the
time to come and watch were even more
impressive. These events exemplify how
the Monivae students have been so willing
to participate in these types of activities
and really give a boost to the strong house
spirit that was already in place.
During our years at Monivae, we have
come to realise that the spirit of the MSC,
a spirit founded on love, is central to
everything we do. No greater example of
this can be found than our Sacred Heart
and Mission Fair days. On Sacred Heart
Day 09 our community made a difference
by donating upwards of 1000 cans to
the St Vincent de Paul winter appeal
demonstrating how the love taught by the
MSCs is lived in our school community.
As usual, one of the highlights of Sacred
Heart day was the ‘Monivae’s Got Talent’
concert. From Year 7 all the way through
to the staff, every person who performed
on that day entertained the audience and
generated the kind of enthusiasm and
school spirit that we should all be very
proud of.
Mission Fair Day, another big day on our
calendar, proved to be a great success.
As Mr. Molan has said several times, when
he set the target of $6000 he thought it to
be slightly ambitious. But once again our
community created an amazing display of
school spirit, compassion and generosity,
raising just over $6200.
Something else we have been very
proud to watch this year is the way other
students, not necessarily leaders, have
College Captains
stepped up during the year to embrace
our theme of making a difference. This
is not always in public ways, more
often privately, but never-the-less highly
effectively. An excellent example of this
has been the SRC and Social Justice
groups. As always the SRC made an
outstanding contribution to the school
community by producing yet another
fantastic social. The ‘Op-Shop Prom’ went
down a treat and was thoroughly enjoyed
by all who attended. The Social Justice
group have had a range of activities,
the most rewarding perhaps being the
fortnightly visit to the Birches. It has been
so refreshing to see how our students are
so willing to give of their time just to bring
a few moments of joy to the lives of those
who desperately need it.
two buddies. It turned out to be a lot of
fun and we hope that between being tied
to your buddy’s legs and throwing eggs
at one another you have been able to
get to know them that little bit better and
share with one another the vastly different
experiences of Year 7 and Year 12.
Another of our aims this year was
strengthening the Year 7 & 12 buddy
program by introducing a range of ‘buddy
activities’. Perhaps the most popular of
these was the “buddy” competitions in
which there was a tug of war, egg and
spoon races and three legged, or four
legged race in the case of Year 12s with
Finally we would like to say just how
privileged we feel to have had the
opportunity of being your college captains
this year. Although you may not be aware
of it, there have been countless times
you have inspired us to keep going, to
try harder and to be better. Of course
we would not be anywhere without the
support of many people in the school
Another of the goals set last November
was that of raising the profile of the
student leaders. We wanted to ensure that
the leaders could be easily approached
by any student or member of staff. This
involved making visits to every junior and
middle school homeroom on numerous
occasions throughout the year, as well
as giving a college captain’s report every
Monday morning assembly to remain in
constant contact with all other students.
community. So we would like to thank the
staff for their ongoing help, support and
patience throughout the year. We would
like to thank our fellow leaders for being
such a great group and making our job
easier. Last, but certainly not least, we
would like to thank the student body. We
know that we have had our challenges this
year and there were many times things did
not go as planned, but we really hope that
we have fulfilled the expectations you had
of us. Most importantly, we hope that in
some small way we have made a positive
difference to each of you. We hope that
you will remember what we have tried
to do this year and will continue to strive
towards it in years to come.
We leave you now in the capable hands
of Ben, Shahn and the school leaders for
2010. We have every confidence that they
will do a magnificent job and hope you will
show them the same support you have
shown us. What a year we have had and
what a difference we have made.
Alexandra Van Rijn &
Callum Kanoniuk
College Captains’ 2009
In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a
day’s work. It is invisible and remains so,
maybe, for twenty years (Jacques Barzun,
Frencborn American critic and educator).
With the “Headstart” program activating
senior courses, students and staff settled
quickly into the routine of either VCE or
VCAL studies and staff into the grind of
curriculum delivery for 2009. The Year
12 Information Night set some very
clear expectations of students, with the
challenge issued to follow “Standards” as
a theme for the year.
104 Year 11 VCE/VCAL students
completed respective studies in 2009 with
Sean Cleary gaining an apprenticeship
at the midway stage, whilst fulfilling Year
12 VCE/VCAL courses this year were 77
The Presentation Ball was a major social
function for Year 11 students, whilst the
Retreat and other interactions provided
a good balance with VCE/VCAL study
I would like to thank all VCE/VCAL
teaching staff for their professional
manner in guiding students through the
curriculum, and the senior Homeroom
staff (Mrs Pam King, Ms Rebecca Fisher,
Mrs Dianne Bowles, Ms Jacinta Ryan,
Mr Ben Gallagher, Mr Terry Molan, Mrs
Elizabeth Gubbins and Ms Elaine Noske)
for providing quality pastoral care and
a solid conduit between myself and the
senior students.
Complementing my role in providing
senior students with support programs
and individual guidance were the VCAL
Coordinator, Mrs Ann Gough, and
Careers Coordinator, Mrs Pam King, and
these two ladies must be thanked also for
fulfilling these important roles.
In summary, 2009 was another challenging
but rewarding year, and I’d like to wish all
students departing Monivae College best
wishes for the future and hope that they
remember their senior school days with
fond memories.
Darren Beks
Senior School Coordinator
Senior School - Year 11 & 12
Senior School Report
New students welcomed during the year
into Year 11 were:
David Andrivon, Megan Bullen, Grace
Delaney, Chelsea Robinson, Thea
Nippress, Sachini Chandrasekara, Ethan
Tan (from Year 10), Penny Edwards.
Additions to the Year 12 student body
Megan Beames, Rhys Wilkosz, Maddie
Suares, Maggie Hulme, Chloe Tuffnell, Liz
Wheaton, Lif McDowall.
For Year 12s, highlights of the year
included the Retreat, various 18th birthday
celebrations, Mid-Year Dinner, and
participation in a range of co-curricular
activities. Obviously, these distractions
enabled a full social calendar to combine
with attendance in respective studies,
examinations, tutorials and revision
Yr 12s with Yr 7 buddies release balloons
The 2009 School Leaders adopted a
motto of “Making a Difference”, and
this was certainly the case with a range
of new initiatives and annual events
conducted efficiently and enthusiastically
throughout the year. This group, led by
School Captains Alex Van Rijn and Callum
Kanoniuk, set a very high standard for
college leaders of the future, and they must
be congratulated on their endeavours and
Yr12 celebration day
Senior School - Year 12
Philippa Allen
Kathleen Ashby
Lauren Barker
Megan Beames
2007-2009, Swan Hill, Boarder, Lonsdale,
House Debating, Spiller Shield, Basketball
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student, House
Swimming, House Athletics, Choir, School
Productions, Kiribati Mission Experience,
School Song Recording, Social Justice,
Choir Captain
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Ffrench, House Debating, House Cross
Country, House Swimming, Basketball,
Girls Football, Spiller Shield, Ffrench
House Captain
2009, Bamawm, Boarder, Ffrench, House
Swimming, House Athletics
Emma Britten
Jessica Britten
Daniel Brown
Peter Burgess
2007-2009, Lake Bolac, Day Student,
Lonsdale, Snow Trip ‘09
2007-2009, Lake Bolac, Day Student,
Lonsdale, Spiller Shield, House Swimming,
House Athletics
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Swimming, Hyland Shield
Swimming, Hyland Shield, 1st XVIII, 1st XI,
House Debating, School Leader-Boarding
Adam Cameron
Emily Carey
Madalene Cleary
Rohan Cleary
2004-2009, Penshurst, Day Student,
Ffrench, Hyland Shield, Interschool
2004-2009, Nareen, Boarder, Ffrench,
Spiller Shield, Basketball, Girls Football
2004-2009, Casterton, Day Student,
Lonsdale, House Swimming, House
Athletics, House Cross Country, Spiller
Shield, GSSSA Swimming, GSSSA
Athletics, Waverley International Netball
Championships, Schoolgirls Netball, Super
8’s Cricket, Lonsdale House Leader
2004-2009, Casterton, Boarder, Ffrench,
House Swimming, House Athletics,
Hyland Shield, GSSSA Athletics, 1st XVIII,
SRC, Ffrench House Captain
Clinton Clutterbuck
Sarah Cockerell
Molly Cogger
2007-2009, Culla, Boarder, Lonsdale,
Hyland Shield, House Swimming, House
Athletics, House Cross Country, 1st XVIII,
1st VI, Lonsdale House Captain
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Ffrench, Hyland Shield, House Athletics,
House Swimming, GSSSA Athletics
2004-2009, Balmoral, Day Student,
Ffrench, House Swimming, House
Athletics, GSSSA Athletics, Girls Football,
Hockey, Athletics Captain
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Ffrench, House Swimming, House
Swimming, GSSSA Athletics, SRC,
School Leader-Student Issues
Jessica Cvetnic
Jessica Date
Raymond Dellar
Michelle Della-Vedova
2004-2009, Coleraine, Day Student,
Ffrench, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Girls Football
2004-2009, Macarthur, Day Student,
Glenelg, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Spiller Shield, Girls Football,
Hockey-Captain, Social Justice, SRC
Boarder, Ffrench, House Swimming,
House Athletics, School Productions
2004-2009, Dunkeld, Day
Mitchell, House Athletics
William Dore
Kieran Eales
Joshua Evans
Amy Forster
2004-2009, Dunkeld, Day Student,
Ffrench, Hyland Shield, House Swimming,
House Athletics, GSSSA Athletics, 1st
XVIII, Social Justice, Athletics Captain
2006-2009, Penshurst, Day Student,
Lonsdale, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Hockey
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Swimming, Hyland Shield, 1st XVIII, 1st
XI, Basketball
2007-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Glenelg, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Spiller Shield, Hockey, Snow
Senior School - Year 12
Simon Close
Senior School - Year 12
David Fry
Lily Goodwin
Brady Hicks
Margaret Hulme
2004-2009, Morgiana, Day Student,
Glenelg, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Cadets-CUO
2004-2009, Sandford, Day Student,
Ffrench, SRC, Community Service
2005-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Glenelg, House Swimming, House
Athletics, House Cros Country, 1st XVIII,
Basketball, GSSSA Swimming, GSSSA
2009, Camperdown, Boarder, Mitchell,
House Swimming, House Athletics
Elizabeth Hurley
Michelle Jansen
Robert Johnson
Callum Kanoniuk
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Mitchell, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Basketball, Girls Football,
School Leader-Student Issues
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Glenelg, Spiller Shield, Choir, House
Athletics, House Swimming
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Lonsdale, School Productions, PNG
Mission Experience, Basketball, Social
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Athletics, Hyland Shield, 1st XVIII, 1st
XI, CAS Basketball, SRC, Social Justice,
School Captain
Bernard Kealy
Joshua Kearney
Joshua Keightley
Jake Kuchel
2007-2009, Edenhope, Boarder, Mitchell,
House Swimming, House Athletics, House
Debating, Hyland Shield, 1st XVIII, 1st XI,
GSSSA Athletics, GSSSA Swimming,
Mitchell House Captain
2004-2009, Cavendish, Day Student,
Glenelg, House Swimming, House
Athletics, House Cross Country, Hyland
Shield, GSSSA Athletics, GSSSA Cross
Country, 1st XVIII, 1st XI, Basketball-Div 1,
Cross Country Captain, Gl
2004-2009, Condah, Day Student,
Glenelg, House Swimming, House
Athletics, GSSSA Athletics, Hyland Shield,
Basketball, Touch Football, Hockey,
2008-2009, Horsham, Boarder, Glenelg,
Hyland Shield, House Debating, 1st XVIII,
Christopher Linke
Luke Mailes
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
House Athletics, House Swimming, Spiller
Shield, GSSSA Athletics, Basketball-Div 1,
Waverley International Netball, Schoolgirls
Netball, Glenelg House Captain
2004-2009, Caramut, Day Student,
Ffrench, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Hyland Shield, PNG Mission
Experience ‘08, Social Justice, SRC, “Run
4 Kids”, Canteen Service
2004-2009, Blamoral, Day Student,
Glenelg, Hyland Shield, Kiribati Mission
Experience, Operation Emu ‘07/’08,
Gemma MatthewsFuller
2005-2009, Portland, Day
Ffrench, Community Service
Senior School - Year 12
Rhianne Lewis
Jordan McCallum
Emma McCrae
Brad McDonald
Lif McDowall
2004-2009, Casterton, Day Student,
Lonsdale, House Swimming, House
Swimming, 1st XVIII, Basketball-Div 1
2007-2009, Casterton, Day Student,
Swimming, Interschool Equestrian
2004-2009, Dunkeld, Day Student,
Mitchell, Hyland Shield, House Swimming,
House Athletics, 1st XVIII-Captain
2009, Warrnambool, Boarder, Mitchell,
House Swimming, Basketball, National
and International Rowing
Ellen McMeel
Kate-Lin Munday
James Munro
Jacob Myers
2004-2009, Buckley Swamp, Day
Student, Mitchell, House Athletics, Spiller
2007-2009, Bentleigh, Boarder, Mitchell,
Girls Football, Basketball, Kiribati Mission
Experience, Social Justice, Snow Trip,
2004-2009, Casterton, Day Student,
Ffrench, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Hyland Shield, Shooting,
GSSSA Athletics
2004-2009, Dunkeld, Day Student, House
Swimming, House Athletics, House
Debating, GSSSA Swimming, Hyland
Shield, Snow Trip ‘09, Social Justice,
School Leader-Community Service
Senior School - Year 12
Daniel Neeson
Emma Noske
Rebekah Noske
Jessica O’Keefe
2004-2009, Nareen, Day Student,
Lonsdale, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Hyland Shield, 1st XVIII, 1st XI,
2004-2009, Moutajup, Day Student,
Glenelg, SRC ‘08, Social Justice, Snow
Trip ‘09
2004-2009, Moutajup, Day Student,
Swimming, School Productions, Social
Justice, Basketball, Choir
2004-2009, Wootong Vale, Boarder,
Lonsdale, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Girls Football, Basketball,
Experience, Cadets-CUO ‘08, School
Leader-Boarding Captain
John Oki
Johannah Parker
Claire Paton
Sarah Perkins
2008-2009, Hamilton, Boarder, Lonsdale,
House Athletics, Hyland Shield, GSSSA
Athletics ‘08
2004-2009, Dunkeld, Day Student,
Mitchell, Spiller Shield, House Athletics,
House Swimming, Girls Football, GSSSA
Athletics, GSSSA Swimming
2004-2009, Gritjurk, Day Student,
Lonsdale, House Athletics, Spiller Shield
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Lonsdale, Spiller Shield, Choir, CadetsCUO, School Productions, Kiribati Mission
Experiences, Snow Trip ‘09, Performing
Arts Group
Jayden Polaski
Lachlan Polaski
Rachael Rankin
Samuel Rhook
2004-2009, Wallacedale, Day Student,
1st XVIII, House Athletics, Snow Trip ‘09
2004-2009, Wallacedale, Day Student,
Swimming, House Athletics, 1st XVIII,
Basketball, Snow Trip ‘09
2005-2009, Portland, Day Student,
Ffrench, House Debating, Public Speaking,
School Productions, Choir
2004-2009, Hamilton,
Community Service
Christopher Shaw
Nicholas Shaw
Daniel Stevenson
2004-2009, Woodhouse, Day Student,
Mitchell, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Kiribati Mission Experience
‘08/’09, Spiller Shield, Hockey-A Grade &
Captain, Mitchell House Captain
2004-2009, Coleraine, Day Student,
Lonsdale, Snow Trip ‘09, House
2004-2009, Coleraine, Day Student,
Lonsdale, House Swimming, House
2008-2009, Tarrington, Day Student,
Ffrench, House Swimming, House
“Operation Emu ‘08”, ANZAC Parades
Madeleine Suares
Tayla Suiker
2009, Larpent, Boarder, Ffrench
2007-2009, Portland, Day
Lonsdale, Spiller Shield,
International Netball ‘08
Ashlee Sullivan
Nicole TeMaipi
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Swimming, Spiller Shield
2004-2009, Coleraine, Day Student,
Lonsdale, House Athletics, Girls Football,
GSSSA Athletics, Spiller Shield, Schoolgirls
Netball, Waverley International Netball
John Traynor
Chloe Tuffnell
Alexandra Van Rijn
Thomas Warburton
2005-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Glenelg, Basketball-Div 1, Hyland Shield,
Kiribati Mission Experience, House
Debating, Cadets-RSM, Social Justice,
House Athletics, SRC
2009, Edenhope, Boarder, House
Athletics, House Swimming, Basketball,
Girls Football, Spiller Shield
2007-2009, Naracoorte SA, Boarder,
Ffrench, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Girls Football, Cadets-Adjutant,
Basketball, SRC, Social Justice, Kiribati
Mission Experience ‘08, World Youth Day,
School Captain
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Lonsdale, School Song Recording, Music
Senior School - Year 12
Tessa Rowe
Senior School - Year 12
Elizabeth Wheaton
Rhys Wilkosz
Bianca Wray-McCann
Demetrius Zaadstra
2009, Hamilton, Day Student, Debating
School Production-Stage Manager
2009, Hamilton, Day Student, Ffrench,
House Swimming, House Athletics, Social
Justice, Hockey, Hyland Shield
2004-2009, Hamilton, Day Student,
Swimming, Basketball-Div 1, Girls
2004-2009, Casterton, Mitchell, Day
Student, House Swimming, House
Athletics, Hyland Shield, House Cross
Country, SRC, Social Justice
Nastassja Zaadstra
2004-2009, Casterton, Mitchell, Day
Student, House Swimming, House
Athletics, School Productions, Choir
Back: Megan Beames, Emily Carey, Lachlan Polaski, Daniel Brown, Christopher Linke, David Fry, John Traynor, Brad McDonald, Jake Kuchel, Raymond Dellar, Rhys Wilkosz, Daniel Neeson, Kieran Eales, Kate-Lin Munday
2nd Back Row: Maggie Hulme, Ashlee Sullivan, Jessica Britten, Clinton Clutterbuck, Josh Keightley, Joshua Evans, Brady Hicks, Sam Rhook, Will Dore, Tom Warburton, Bianca Wray-McCann, Rachael Rankin, Lily Goodwin, Rebekah Noske,
Nastassja Zaadstra
Middle Row: Jessica Cvetnic, Michelle Della-Vedova, Luke Mailes, Lif McDowall, Michelle Jansen, Philippa Allen, Sarah Cockerell, Demetrius Zaadstra, Jordan McCallum, James Munro, Jayden Polaski, Daniel Stevenson, Emma Britten, Jessica Date, Johannah Parker,
Madeleine Suares, Gemma Matthews-Fuller, Ellen McMeel
2nd Front Row: Chloe Tuffnell, Christopher Shaw, John Oki, Sarah Perkins, Kathleen Ashby, Rohan Cleary, Simon Close, Bernard Kealy, Josh Kearney, Claire Paton, Elizabeth Wheaton, Nicholas Shaw, Emma Noske, Emma McCrae
Front Row: Elizabeth Hurley, Tessa Rowe, Madalene Cleary, Jacob Myers, Peter Burgess, Callum Kanoniuk, Mr.Darren Beks (Senior School Co-ordinator), Alexandra Van Rijn, Robert Johnson, Rhianne Lewis, Jessica OíKeefe, Molly Cogger,
Lauren Barker
Absent: Tayla Suiker, Nicole TeMaipi, Adam Cameron, Amy Forster
Year 12 Graduation Class of 2009
Senior School - Year 12
Senior School - Year 11
Year 11
Ash Annett
Jack Arnel
Leonard Arnold
Aaron Baker
Jessica Ball
Jack Beaton
Maverick Benson
Michael Betts
Billy Beveridge
Stacey Cain
Andrew Cameron
Michael Carter
Gustav Christie
Anthony Close
Nicholas Cockerall
Shahn Colliver
Sharlene Cooper
Hannah Craig
Timothy Crick
Daniel Cullinane
Sarah Davis
Elli Dickinson
Eve Duckmanton
Nathan Faroe
Kellie Farquharson
Alexandra Freely
Elizabeth Ferguson
Rebecca Gannon
Aleisha Godfrey
Sarah Gordon
Rebecca Grayson
Samuel Groves
Lauren Handreck
Claire Hannaford
Jesse Hartwich
Jessica Hedley
Thomas Hicks
Callum Hobbs
Courtney Hoggan
Brittany Holmes
William Irving
Richard Jaroszczuk
Felicity Kemp
Erin Kirkup
Aiden Lewis
Kirsten Lyons
Ellie McDonald
Sylvia McIntyre
Harry McLennan
Billy McNeil
Joshua Meulendyks
Ellie Middleton
Adele Millard
Jackson Millard
Renay Moulton
Adrian Murchie-Knell
Laura Murray
Thea Nippress
Meegan Pepper
Tamzin Perkins
Shelby Pierce
Hayley Pitts
Rhys Pope
Stephanie Price
Stuart Prior
Harrison Purvis
Nikki Rankin
Chelsea Robinson
Todd Robinson
Jackson Roder
Daniel Rogers
Tyrone Ross
Timothy Selman
Emma Sommerville
Linley Sparke
Ethan Tan
Grace Taylor
Ellie Templeton
Sophie Templeton
Benjamin Thornton
Susannah Tindall
Benjamin Walker
Elizabeth West
Senior School - Year 11
Ambrose Keen
Absent: David Andrivon, Madeline Annett, Megan Bullen, Sachini Chandrasekara, Grace
Delaney, Penny Edwards, Jordan Horsten, Ted Hurley, Giles Kent, Daniel Mirtschin, James
Mutch, Marni Perry, Nathan Pitts, Brandon Ross, Jacqueline Schultz, Jackson Taylor
Kate Western
Brittany Williams
Lachan Williams
Presentation Ball
Back row: Billy Beveridge, Nicholas Cockerell, Jack Arnel, Gustav Christie, David Andrivon, Todd Robinson, Jack Beaton, Daniel Rogers, Callum Hobbs, Thomas
Hicks, Daniel Cullinane, Leonard Arnold, Jesse Hartwich Third row: Jackson Roder, William Irving, Lauren Handreck, Alexandra Feely, Sarah Gordon, Sarah
Davis, Brigid Wheaton, Ashleigh Annett, Elli Dickinson, Erin Kirkup, Hannah Craig, Ben Walker, Anthony Close Second row: James Mutch, Stacey Cain Rebecca
Grayson, Shelby Pierce, Aleisha Godfrey, Chelsea Robinson, Eve Duckmanton, Madeleine Annett, Shahn Colliver, Claire Hannaford, Jessica Hedley, Billy McNeil
Front row: Michael Carter, Felicity Kemp, Rebecca Gannon, Courtney Hoggan, Brittany Holmes, Sharlene Cooper, Jessica Ball, Ellie Templeton, Samuel Groves
Back row: Daniel Mirtschin, Jackson Millard, Harrison Purvis, Edward Hurley, Lachlan Williams, Richard Jaroszczuk, Ben Thornton, Ambrose Keen,
Jordan Horsten, Harry McLennan, Michael Betts,Rhys Pope, Brandon Ross Third row: Nathan Faroe, Tyrone Ross, Grace Taylor, Tamzin Perkins,
Meegan Pepper,Thea Nippress, Linley Sparke, Emma Sommerville, Elizabeth West, Ellie Middleton, Ethan Tan, Stuart Prior Second row: Timothy Selman,
Kellie Farquharson, Elizabeth Ferguson, Jacqueline Schultz, Samantha McPhee, Andrew Cameron, Hayley Pitts, Stephanie Price, Ellie McDonald, Nikki Rankin,
Aiden Lewis Front row: Sophie Templeton, Susannah Tindall, Sylvia McIntrye, Kirsten Lyons, Adele Millard, Brittany Williams, Laura Murray
Presentation Ball
Aleisha Godfrey, Bec Grayson, Jacqueline Schultz, Samantha McPhee, Stacey Cain, Lauren Handreck
Jessica Hedley & Madeline Annett
Harry McLennan & Will Irving
Callum Hobbs & Tyrone Ross
Year 11 Presentation Ball
As the Year 11 student body of 2009, we
have sat back and shared the excitement
of older brothers, sisters and friends,
preparing for, and participating in their
presentation balls, and it seemed so
surreal that our time had finally arrived.
However, the night of our presentation ball
did not just demonstrate the eight weeks
of preparation, but the journey we have
been on as individuals and as a group
over the previous years. It was a night
to show our guests, parents, caregivers,
family, close friends and teaching staff the
maturity and pride that we have developed
within ourselves, as well as to celebrate
our coming of age. We took this night to
acknowledge the love, dedication and
compassion that our parents continually
give us, as it is them who have guided us
along this path of adolescence and have
helped shape who we are in today’s world.
Without the guidance and contribution of
our parents towards our lives, we would
be left with limited opportunities and the
presentation ball was our way of showing
just how grateful we are for their ongoing
It’s amazing how quickly this time in our
life has come upon us, with our VCE and
VCAL studies well underway. During our
time at Monivae, lifelong friendships have
been formed and relationships gained
whether it be between day students,
boarders, boys or girls, relative families,
friends and staff. By spending hours
on end at dance practice, as well as
the continual discussion of this special
night that occurred in all of our classes,
we have been given a great opportunity
to interact with others in our year. This
helped to create close bonds that bought
our large group of Yr 11 students together
as a whole.
Our presentation ball was one of the
biggest highlights of our schooling years,
opening a new chapter to our lives. For
many of us, 2010 will produce another
significant challenge with our Yr 12
studies, continuing our next step into
adulthood. So this night was a time to
celebrate our past and to open ourselves
towards the many exciting adventures
that await us.
However, this night would not have been
made possible without the long hours of
preparation, supervision and stress that
our parents and staff have graciously
given. Firstly we would like to thank
Mr Peter Lane and his wife Stephanie
for being our special guests and Mr
Mark Baker and his wife Helen for their
outstanding dance expertise, patience,
persistence, time and effort they put
towards our year level in the lead up to
our big night. A huge thank-you also goes
to our presentation ball coordinators Mrs
Cathy Ferguson and Mrs Pauline Perkins,
and to all of the organising committees
and coordinators involved in the 2009
presentation ball.
Thank-you to our senior
school homeroom teachers who assisted
with supervision of practice sessions: Ms
Jacinta Ryan, Mrs Dianne Bowles, Mr
Ben Gallagher, Mr Terry Molan, Ms Elaine
Noske and Mr Gerard Bourke. A special
thank-you also goes to our senior school
coordinator Mr Darren Beks for attending
all nine dance practices and for his
constant encouragement and leadership
towards our year.
One behalf of the Year 11 body, we’d
like to thank all those who attended our
presentation ball, helping to make March
28 a night that I’m sure we will remember
for life.
Lauren Handreck & Tyrone Ross
Year 11
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Middle School Report
Studies, sports, relationships, hormones, changes! These are the
words that spring to mind (and probably others) when we reflect upon
the middle school years. Obviously, there is much more to Years 9 &
10 than the classroom teaching such as the involvement of students
in Cadets, debating, the Godspell production and community service
to list a few. Young women and men are presented with many
opportunities to be involved in. Though it can be a period of great
change and hesitation, the majority of learners “seize that brass ring
and knock firmly”.
grateful to them for their knowledge with
which they willingly passed onto me.
The middle school students are, at times,
tagged with the title of ‘those who do
not wish to be at school’. Yes, they
do have their unique set of challenges
that separates them from the junior or
senior school cohorts. As they grow and
develop, changes both biologically and
psychologically occur. This ‘mix’ can make
the position of coordinator a demanding
role. However, I am forever astounded at
the maturity, energy, exuberance, humor
and generosity of the Years 9 and 10s.
Social characters, the middle school
students grew in stature and were willing
to voice their opinions (usually with a
good level of diplomacy), demonstrated
solidarity and a genuine care for the
communities from which they come.
Cadet camp remains a focal area
of a middle school student’s overall
development. Students are on camp for
one week benefiting from the organised
activities and natural environment. They
develop individually, many growing in
spirit and fortitude as they overcome
anxiety sleeping under a hutchie for
four nights and being away from their
home comforts. Navigation, canoeing,
first aid, the confidence course and Q
store gives students the opportunity to
develop their teamwork skills which was
often exemplified through ‘mate-ship’.
Yet again, the Wednesday evening Mass
remains a highlight and currently, as I
write this report, the cadet unit is busily
preparing for the cadet parade which
recognises the significant contribution of
all those involved.
Andrea Tonissen & Jess Ellis
The middle school students undertake
their curricular needs via the vertical
curriculum. These two years offer them
a vast array of units from which they can
choose, accommodating each individual’s
requirements and wants. On offer to the
Years 9 and 10s is the opportunity to do
accelerated or modified courses, VCE
units, and TAFE courses. It once again
proves that Monivae College gives every
child a chance.
I must say thank you to Mr Tim Kermeen
and Mrs Leonie Roder. Without Tim’s initial
guidance in Term 1 and Leonie’s ongoing
support my position as coordinator
would have been a difficult task. Their
mentorship was vital and I am forever
A highlight for the middle school was the
retreat and the special program. Each
year level had a chance for reflection
and affirmation during Term 3 with Father
Mark and Mr Molan. It was rewarding
to see the students return to class with
increased confidence and empathy for
one another. The special program for the
Yr 9s included drug education, positive
female and male role models, a visit from
author Michael Pryor and self-defence
with Sergeant Woon Oi from the Victoria
Police. The Yr 10s participated in the peer
education program aimed to extend the
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
classroom learning through a range of
activities and social interactions to assist
with ‘harm minimisation’. Special thanks
must extend to Julie Dreschler and Pam
McLeod, without their managing and
directing this beneficial learning exercise
would never have been the success it
Fundamental to the middle school are
the countless opportunities for learners
to take ownership of their holistic learning
and accountability for their decisions.
Engagement in the classroom, during
cadets, participation in Catholic All Schools
athletics or cross-country, nominating
for Student Representative Council,
involvement in liturgies and assemblies
are a few of the ways in which Year 9
and 10 students have put their best foot
forward. One such cluster of Yr 9 students
was nominated by their peers to become
the second group of peer educators at
Monivae College. These boys and girls
attended a two-day training program and
lunch time meetings to deliver information
to their peers on the effects of alcohol and
strategies to increase harm minimisation.
Having witnessed the training seminar
it is without doubt that these young
adolescents performed exceptionally well
and they are a credit to themselves, their
families and the school.
Every morning students arrive at school
and make their way to various home
rooms. The ensemble of middle school
teachers fulfill pastoral care needs, the day
to day organising of events, the delivery
of vital information and are a significant
contributor to how the student begins his
or her day. They are dedicated and offer
support to students and myself alike.
Without their diligence the middle school
achievements would not have been
possible. On behalf of the students and
myself I would like to thank all teachers
who have been involved with the middle
school for their tireless contributions and
Isabella Strada, Courtney Garfoot
To all the students of the middle school
I say thank you. I applaud you for the
challenges you have presented as it has
encouraged me to develop another aspect
to “the art of teaching”. Returning to
teaching after a four year hiatus presented
its fair share of trials and tribulations.
However as I reflect I recognize the vast
enjoyment I obtained working with the
Year 9 and 10s. They contain the raw
energy of young children whilst having a
questioning mind of an adult which makes
for an interesting blend.
To conclude, I wish all Yr 10 students well
in their future endeavours, be that VCE or
joining the workforce. To the current Yr 8
students I wish you a bright beginning to
your middle school years in 2010 and to
the Yr 9 boys and girls I encourage you to
make the most of the opportunities that
the middle school curriculum offers each
Mr Patrick Binyon
Middle school Coordinator
Year 9-10 Ffrench 1: Back row: Willis Goodwin, Jock Cleary, Roger Morris, Peter Sparks, Niall Ashby, Craig Eddy, Jake Musson, Tom Waters Third row: Scott Rankin, Caitlin Barker, Robert Anderson, Molly Kent, Josh Gale, Matthew Cameron Second row: Ms Amelia Gallina, Timothy Farquharson, Shaun Gill, Stacey Dyson, Andrew Ball, Lauren Stanhope, Sophie Annett, Casey Clutterbuck Seated: Georgia Kirby, Bronwen Arnold, Caroline Crane, Hayley Baker, Bonnie Cerchi, Jessica Perry
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 9-10 Ffrench 2 Back row: Kathleen Tripovich, Timothy Meulendyks, Jarrod O’Brien, Patrick Stephens, Jahni Van Dooren, Phoebe Rogers, Madelon North Third row: Michelle Cvetnic, Mark Troeth, Ben Ryan, Lachlann Francis, Edward Turner,
Ellen Ross Second row: Michael Nguyen, Emma Munro, Jessie Pedrina, Hannah Grayson, Katrina Davis, Emily Hicks, Daniel Solly Seated: Nancy Lai O’Connell, Demi Campbell, Paige Murrell, Alexandra Groves, Emma English, Kate Shiels
Absent: Mikkel Knudsen (Exchange student), Matthew Shirley
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 9-10 Glenelg 1 Back row: Dan Higgins, Jason Malseed, William McArthur, Thomas Keightley, Thomas Cameron Third row: Michael Millard, Alexander Geraldene-Gray, Matthew Addinsall, Benjamin Deutscher, Jacob Bullen, Lachy Niemann
Second row: Imogene Ilett, Courtney Garfoot, Emily Mirtschin, Kaitlyn Hastings, Laura Hill, Tyler Hay, Mr Bernard Quince Seated: Hayley Isles, Tayla Hicks, Rebekah Grenfell, Evangeline Dowling, Sophie Gunning, Eloise Cameron Absent: Paige Evans
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 9-10 Glenelg 2 Back row: Jordan Nice, Benjamin Noske, Samuel Fry, Thomas Horsten, Nic Schultz, Nathan Liebelt, Jake Linke Third row: Rohana Tully, Shannon Kearns, Zachary Van Wegen, Donna Nelson, Tayla Walker, Katie Malone
Second row: Mrs Yvette Colquhoun, Nathan Lewis, Amy Tennant, Thushira Gammune, Andrea Tonissen, Rebecca Ryan Seated: Samantha Nicholson, Tara Meade, Sarah Noske, Jessica Busiko, Holly Watt, Chrissy Taylor Absent: Brittany England,
Chido Makwati, Vivien Murphy
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 9-10 Lonsdale 1 Back row: Benjamin Oswald, Jayson Bensch, Samuel Huf, Michael Gray, Jackson Smith, Sam Dent, Jack Kennedy Third row: Benjamin Cole, Abbey Jacobs, Mitchell Beulke, Jack Heley, Grace Chantler, William Middleton
Second row: Shannon Jenkins, Katrina Rentsch, Samuel Crawford, Jane Summers, Laura Bennetts Seated: Brittany McIntosh, Emily Huf, Sophie Brewer, Jenna Hamill, Christa McLeod, Brittanney Ferguson Absent: Ben Crick, Jarrod Hughes
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 9-10 Lonsdale 2 Back row: Shaun Te Maipi, Haavard Christie, Luke Parfrey, Charles Wright, Jack Neeson, Hamish Wathen Third row: Nicholas McMahon, Taylah Connolly, Tom Smith, Samuel Beavis, Samuel Warburton, Jack McLeod
Second row: Michael Wheaton, Mia Ormiston, Olivia Stephens, Zoe Ormiston, Emmanuel Mustafa- Kelly, Mrs Elizabeth Robertson Seated: Shar-Elise Sturgess-Myers, Meg Dunne, Amelia Ross, Lee Eales, Karlie Rhook, Chloe Mackay
Absent: Erin McNeilly
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 9-10 Mitchell 1 Back row: Bradley McNeil, Alexander Fitzgerald, Toby Edwards, Jeremy Kealy, Jack Guegan-Brown, Talinna Elwood, Alex O’Connell Third row: Matthew Waters, Emily Jaeschke, Peyton Ellwood, Alexandra Hurley, Matthew
Della-Vedova, Kate Drechsler Second row: Mr Ray Wilson, David Western, Rebecca Gray, Tessa Blair, Penny Hoffmann, Kedar Giles Seated: Sheree Perkins, Samantha Byrne-Kirk, Sharni Nattrass, Mishka Greenberger, Jessica Ellis, Jami Giles
Absent: Margo Tober
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 9-10 Mitchell 2 Back row: Jason Page, Edward Purvis, Jack Sharples, Rhys Malseed, Cameron Whyte, Angus Grant, Benjamin Stubbs Third row: Jindara Austin, Sean Robinson, Jake Quinn, Caroline Munro, Lisa Stanford, Daniel Roberts
Second row: Mr Simon Hatherell, Sarah Wall, Monique Edwards, Micaela Ams, Danica Williams, Jacqui Gardiner, Jai Durbidge Seated: Mai Do, Isabella Strada, Madison Wolfe, Danielle Vandermost, Leah Page, Jessica Appleton Absent: Ailish Ivers,
Joseph Pierce
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 9-10 Mixed Homeroom Back row: Cody Treloar, Steven Wheelhouse, Christopher Quinn, Damien Tully, Samuel Hutchins, Jackson Dowdy Third row: Emma Nicholas, Harley Benson, Stephen Craig, Benjamin Hamence, Allistair Krause,
Claire Block, Georgia Mutch, Hayley Elsom Second row: Hayden Cottrill, Victoria Halloran, Lucy Cattermole, Ellen Dufty, Ellen Block, Karl Claridge, Kory Howlett, Mr Damian McCarthy Seated: Laura Ferguson, Emily Solomon-Slade, Stevie Showler,
Anastatia Hulme, Caitlin Halloran, Sarah Teelow Absent: Anna-Grace Close, Michael Close, Edward McClure
Middle School - Year 9 & 10
Year 7’s Sacred Heart day lunch
Viannah Ferguson & Zoe Astbury
Yr 7s ready to surf at Port Fairy
The Junior School has been an
exciting place to be in 2009 for
both the students and the staff.
We all started the year with
challenges, for some of us in the
first week there were perhaps
more than we had hoped for.
Overnight camps were participated in
this year by most of the Junior School
students. The Year 7 Ffrench and
Glenelg students and an eager group of
staff headed to Port Fairy for a fantastic
two days, where we surfed, snorkeled,
enjoyed a BBQ dinner cooked by Mr Neal
and Fr Mark and began to witness the
foundations of some close friendships.
Disappointingly, despite all efforts, on
two occasions unforeseen circumstances
meant the Lonsdale and Mitchell students
were unable to participate in the same
activity. At the time of printing this annual,
we will all have our fingers and toes
crossed that ‘third time lucky’ we will
have some fortune for these students and
they too will have the chance to ride some
East Beach Port Fairy waves. In July the
energetic Year 8s and staff enjoyed three
chilly yet challenging days at Roses Gap,
where some more than others stepped out
of our comfort zone to climb mountains,
jump off poles and swing from extreme
Bridgette Garfoot & Tayla Ferrier snorkelling
Year 8 students on camp
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
Junior School Report
Year 8 Camp
This year we asked the Year 8 Homeroom
groups to host the Junior School
Assemblies, a role they took on seriously
and with great thought and care. They
were full of enthusiasm and produced
some outstanding presentations and
activities that all of the Junior School
could be involved in and enjoy. ‘Monivae’s
– Junior School’s Got Talent’, initiated
by 8.2, enabled students to show off
their performance skills outside of the
classroom. We wait in anticipation for
what is still to come with two assemblies
in Term Four.
Throughout the Second Semester, the
Junior School Homeroom Captains
met once a month to work on different
projects and activities for the sub-school.
They produced and were responsible for
homework calendars in their classrooms
and participated in transitional activities
and days for the incoming Year 7 students
for 2010. Still to come, they will work
together to help plan the Junior School
Celebration Day in the final week of Term
Students in the Junior School have
participated in a number of programs
imparted by the staff throughout the
year including ‘classroom conferences’,
‘building positive relationships’, Mental
Health Week activities and during Term
Four the competition – Junior School
‘Survivor’ – was participated in by a
number of willing students.
Pleasingly, the Junior School has been
very well represented in a number of
areas in the School program. Some of
our students were recipients of School
Colours and Principal’s Awards, many
received Colour Certificates; they were
part of the cast and crew of Godspell –
what a courageous effort it was by all of
our Junior School students to feature on
stage in the school musical; participation
in G.S.S.S.A. sports competitions; House
activities; in the boarding house; and
all of those students who challenged
themselves and achieved so well in
additional academic competitions such as
the Da Vinci Decathlon and the Amazing
Many thanks to the enthusiastic and
supportive team of teachers I have had
the pleasure of working with this year
in the Junior School; with such a willing
group of staff our students have been
fortunate to have had so many memorable
experiences. Of course, my thanks must
also go to the Junior School students who
I have had the privilege of working with in
my first year at Monivae College. I wish
the Year 8s all the best for their transition
into the Middle School and look forward
to working with the Year 7s and staff again
in 2010.
Miss Erin Lambert
Junior School Coordinator
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
John Telley & Cameron Pepper
Junior school alternative education
days and camp:
Alternative education days are a great
way to learn and have fun. We have had a
variety of different activities over the year,
some to do with our class novels. For our
first Alt Ed day we had a secret agent
theme. We enjoyed solving puzzles and
doing different activities. At the end of the
day we had a scavenger hunt around the
lake. My favourite alternative education
day was the trip to Mount Sturgeon. We
had a short bus ride to Dunkeld where we
had an interesting yoga lesson followed
by a relaxing art class. After lunch we
began to walk up the mountain. It was
hard and I was exhausted by the time I
reached the top, but the view made every
step worthwhile.
Lachlan Giddens, 7.1
Ruby Ross, Rachel Stephens, Regan Walker, Bonnie Arnell & Briellyn Ryan
At the start of February the first group of
Year 7s went on camp. The camp was all
about meeting new friends and having fun.
Some of the activities on Day 1 included
surfing, boat rides and walking to the
lighthouse. That night we all enjoyed the
trivia night organised by the teachers. On
the second day we played games at the
beach and went snorkelling. Lots of the
kids also liked going to the lolly shop and
buying fish and chips. All of the students
who went on the Year 7 camp thought it
was great and everyone made lots of new
Tim Goodman, 7.5
Year 8 Kryal Castle visit and Camp
In September, as part of our studies of the
Middle Ages, we travelled to Kryal Castle,
Ballarat. It was a thrilling experience, as
we truly got to live a day in Medieval times.
A day full of activities, such as learning
about medieval life, the Magna Carta, the
Black Death and some very real medieval
weapons, ensured we experienced
our day in the 14th century to the max.
My personal favourite was a fight in the
battlefield, which helped hone our own
fighting skills. A very realistic display of a
public flogging in medieval times finished
off an ecstatic day. We went home tired
but grateful that we had come to Kryal
Castle. The guys and girls of Year 8 are
immensely grateful to the Castle crew and
the teachers, who gave their time to help
us live the Middle Ages.
Sachira Chandrasekara, 8.3
Jesse Hann, Justin Field, Tim Jaroszczuk, Levi McDonald, Tyler Taylor at Kryal Castle
Roses Gap is situated in bush land, lush
and green. Who could forget the stirring
and physical time we had. Four Year
8 groups negotiated their way around
camp. We all ate lunch and were ushered
into a bush walk and low ropes course
alternatively. On the first evening we settled
in after tea and had an interesting quiz
night. On the second day after breakfast
we involved ourselves in canoeing and
the giant swing. That evening we played
a game of Chinese whispers organised
by the class captains. Later we danced
at our own disco. Lastly on the third day
after a fine breakfast we ventured onto the
vertical playpen and the pamper pole. We
all climbed up and most of us reached the
top. We also tried abseiling, and it was
definitely notable. I’m sure we all had a
great challenge on the various activities.
Tamilla Maslen, 8.3
Aaron McInnes, Jacob Bast, Allie Gorman, Ellalise Harrison, Madeline Kim, Amy Kenna & Timothy Goodman, front
8.1 Back Row: Goergina Bilston, Mitchell Collins, Cody Dickson, Matthew Gebert, Scott Pope, Sarah Millard, Andrew Bensch, Kiara Overall Third Row: Ruby Ross, Rose Kennedy, Beau Nieuwveld, Ashleigh Crane, Joshua Murray, Casey Merryfull,
Amanda Keightley Second Row: Miss Kate Couchman, Cameron Straw, Tristan Pickering, James Dickinson, Reece Diamond, Valerian McCaskill, Cameron Pepper Seated: Crystal Sturgess-Myers, Ebony Durbidge, Kalarra Tregonning, Breanna
Millard, Briellyn Ryan, Edwina Portaminni, Dannielle Johnson Absent: Amy Goold
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
8.2 Back row: Scott Addinsall, Jack Oswald, David Drechsler, Joel Brown, John Telley, Shannon Jaeschke Third row: Brandon Dorman, Aiden Hill, Madeleine Park, Regan Walker, Kate Crespan, Angus Francis, Thomas Fox
Second row: Mrs Judy Trompf, Joshua Fiasco, Michael McMeel, Damon Hiscock, Caitlin Bishop-Mowatt, Jack Aitken, Dylan Fiasco, Hamish Giddens Seated: Emma Millard, Ebony McIntosh, Julia Nice, Jacqui McPhee, Ellie Treloar, Marley Meade,
Bianca MacIver Absent: Bee Nonthathi
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
8.3 Back row: Shanae Guthrie, Jade O’Connor, Chloe Templeton, Zoe Astbury, Maggie Ryan Third row: John Wheaton, Tim Pierce, Errol Gracias, Jamie Date, Samuel Johnson, Wesley Isles Second row: Ms Barbara Lemoine, Jack Claridge, Angus
Noske, Nicholas Armstrong, Aimee Dent, James Henderson, Sam Chandler, Jackson Hay Seated: Bonnie Arnel, Anna Wallace, Caroline Nicholas, Tamilla Maslen, Rachel Stephens, Erin Tonissen Absent: Clancy Vaughan, Sachira Chandrasekara
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
8.4 Back Row: Ben Mailes, Tim Jaroszczuk, Karissa Malseed, Jesse Hann, Ashleigh Minney, Levi McDonald, Matthew Lowe Third Row: Thea Taylor, Kelsy Landwehr, Luke Uebergang, Joshua Page, Sam Bullen, Mikayla Atwell
Second Row: Mr Phil Wheaton, Tyler Taylor, Justin Field, Beau Munn, Alex Bosch, Matthew Parfrey, Aiden Pierce Seated: Eloise Goodwin, Louise Murphy, Sarah Shaw, Viannah Ferguson, Gorgia Sealey, Mardi Roache Absent: Jordan Godfrey
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
7.1 Ffrench Back Row: Lauren Brown, Zane Lewis, Fraser Kent, Wolfgang Henry, Zakary Doherty, Lucy Moore Third Row: Lachlan Giddens, Andrew Gebert, Arie Eddy, Dean Clutterbuck, Diarmid Cleary, Sebastian Rogers, Bryce Lewis
Second Row: Ms Rebecca Schwarz, Shelby Perry, Hayley O’Brien, Sarah Loria, Ellie Riddle, Molly Waters, Rachel McErvale Seated: Mikaela Claridge, Mary Nguyen, Zoe Tripovich, Brittany Jorgensen, Charlotte Stanhope, Eliza Groves, Victorya
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
7.2 Back row: Bethany Gallagher, Edward Millard, Sarah Traynor, Sophie Schulz, Jack Cullinane, Genevieve Cameron Third row: Jami Luhrs, Ricky Nelson, Dylan Golding, Brayden Robertson, Brad Tripovich, Amy Noske, Cody Deutscher
Second row: Mr Geoff Parker, Luke Barnes, Anthony Baudinette, Ashlee Van Wegen, Dylan Gracias, Arobati McCarthy, Isaac Quinlivan Seated: Amie Menzel, Jemima Staude, Eloise Goldby, Bridgette Grafoot, Renee Mailes, Erin Bailey, Tayler Barber
Absent: Madeleine McKinna
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
7.3 Mitchell Back Row: Zachery Ams, Matthew Page, Kiara Austin, Emily Baulch, Nickayla Lowe, Alex Guegan-Brown, Daniel Strada Middle Row: Mr Lech Aniol, Corey Hockey, William Pierce, Sam Quinn, Brad Fitzgerald, Padraic Lithgow, Thomas
Feely, Adam Waters, Kalan Austin Seated: Isabella Francis, Mara Murphy, Meg O’Connell, Kelsey Malseed, Katelyn Millard, Madeleine Halloran, Bridgette Sharples Absent: Madeleine Bunting, Emily Milich
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
7.4 Back row: Karlee Miethke, Teegan Suiker, Zachary Ellwood, Jethro Baarda, Alister Neaves, Molly Neeson, Katelyn Lewis Third row: Samantha Bennetts, Zachery Richardson, Maddison Pierce, Lachlan Bail, Marnie Jenkins, Kelly Warburton
Second row: Miss Samantha Ross, Thomas Claffey, Peter Nicholson, Joshua Belleville, Joshua Kohn, Joseph Lyon, Edwin Collins Seated: Sarina Ferguson, Rebecca Addinsall, Carly Hamill, Imojen Rentsch, Laura Eales, Sarah Wilson
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
7.5 Back row: Frazer Donehue, Tayla Ferrier, Madeline Kim, Brianna McGennisken, Jacob Bast, Alex Brookes, Kathryn Aitken Third row: Mr Michael Harms, Oscar Dinges, Aaron McInnes, Maddelyn Phillips, Phillippa Wheaton, Timothy Goodman,
Todd Millard Second row: Harry Keegan, Connor Holden-Croser, Georgia Nagorcka, Rory Steff, Jonathan Liebelt, Nicholas Perkins Seated: Abbey Irving, Ellalise Harrison, Kate Bartlett, Allanah Cottrill, Allie Gorman, Amy Kenna
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
Mission Experience Program
Ben Ryan helping at the school
Jack Kennedy, Ben Ryan, Lizzie West, Emma Sommerville, Eve Duckmanton, Zoe Ormiston, Isabella Strada
Bathurst Island
On 16 September eight students, Eve Duckmanton, Jack Kennedy, Zoe Ormiston, Ben Ryan,
Isabella Strada, Emma Sommerville, Ben Thornton and Lizzie West, accompanied by staff
members Geoff Parker and Maree Bell, left Monivae on a Mission Experience to Bathurst Island.
The next twelve days were to be an
amazing experience for these students
who elected to take up the challenge
and head into the unknown. During this
trip they would become immersed in the
culture of the wonderful Tiwi people and
share in their traditions.
After a long flight to Darwin the group
arrived at 1.00am, drove to Stuart Park,
settled into lodgings at the Gsell Centre
and had a much needed sleep. Thursday
was very busy as supplies were needed
to take to the Island, a visit to St John’s
College, afternoon tea with the MSCs
living at ‘The Ranch’ in Nightcliffe, a tour
of the Art Gallery/Museum and an evening
at Mindil Beach Markets.
Friday the group travelled aboard the
‘Arafura Pearl’ to Bathurst Island, a trip
which takes two hours. When Bathurst
Island was finally sighted on the horizon
we could see a party waiting for our arrival.
Our greeting is always overwhelming as
the wonderful people of Nguiu have such
a strong connection with Monivae, they
always greet us with so much enthusiasm
and love. Fr. Peter Haun, MSC who was
to be our host for the next eight days then
took us to the Presbytery which was to be
home during our stay.
As in previous years the group assisted
at the MCS- Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic
School fete and Friday was spent
preparing for this. The big day arrived and
the local community ALL came to this
event. Our students were amazing and
helped out in various areas including the
haunted house, cake stall, spinning wheel,
football activity, food stalls and Mr. Parker
is now an expert in cooking ‘hot-dogs’!
We thank Sister Ann Gardiner OLSH for
giving us the chance to help each year
and making us feel so very much part of
this event.
During their time on the Island the
students attended school every day and
spent time helping in the classroom with
various activities. For our students this
was life-changing to work and walk with
these indigenous students and to give
assistance to their teachers. Some of
the classes were in Tiwi and it was very
humbling to see the little ones conversing,
counting, singing and communicating
in their native language. We attended a
ceremony where the students were all
painted in their ‘skin groups’ and provided
us with much joy, dancing and singing.
We are very grateful to Leah Kerinaiua,
Principal of MCS and Ian Marmont
Deputy Principal, the teachers, aides
and students for allowing us to share in
their lives. We also attended an assembly
at Xavier CEC and thank the Principal
Kathryn van Egmond for her support to
us during our visit.
There were wonderful times ‘out bush’
collecting grass and roots for basketmaking, trips to the waterhole where
we met many local indigenous families,
fishing at the beach with local indigenous
elders and of course the wonderful fishing
trip where the girls caught 24 fish just
beating the boys 21. We did enjoy the
evening meal of fresh fish! The girls gave
most of their fish to the Aged Care Centre
and certainly made the residents there
extremely happy.
Our time on the Island went all too quickly
and it was time to say ‘good-bye’ and
head back to Darwin. The memories and
experiences will remain with the students
for a lifetime and they know that they are
very welcome to return to Nguiu at any
time in the future.
Mrs Maree Bell
Bathurst Island MSC mission experience
In the early hours of Monday 30 March our excited group of ten departed Melbourne for the
isolated islands of Kiribati.
Air Kiribati on Abemama
Monivae Hotel
There were two teachers, Miss Samantha
Ross and Mr Damian McCarthy and
his two sons Arobati and Mikaere, five
students Suzannah Tindall, Laura Murray,
Sarah Perkins, her sister Tamzin and
myself along with my mum, Caroline
Rowe. For Sarah and me, it was our
second time to Kiribati and we couldn’t
keep our excitement in as we began the
trip back to the most unique and beautiful
country that we know. Reminiscing from
our experiences from last year we sensed
the others in the group become more and
more eager to reach the islands so they
too could join in the conversations.
singing and dancing that we could’ve
listened to all night. The sheer volume of
their voices and the pride they had when
they would sing their school song was
amazing, every student sang with all their
heart. We extended our stay from two to
three nights and even in this short time we
all felt that we had made friendships that
would last a lifetime. When the time came
for goodbye, there were many tears shed
as the students sang to us at the beach
while we waited for our boats.
We visited three out of the thirty six islands
that make up Kiribati this year which was
the first time a Monivae group had done
this trip to three islands and it is amazing
how different they all were. Tarawa which
is the main island was our first stop for one
night, then onto Abaiang Atoll which was
the island new to the trip. Our transport
was the local boat, filled with more people
and cargo then could be imagined,
alongside a motorbike and plenty of tuna
that was caught along the way. We were
quick to find our spot and get comfortable
for the trip. We were just about to leave,
but to our surprise the loading continued
and two hours later the boat which looked
extremely full started its journey.
Four hours later we arrived to what
everyone saw as a picture perfect island;
white sand and crystal blue water with
palm trees spread across the whole beach
and the thought of the boat trip never
crossed our minds. The welcoming we
received was unbelievable, with traditional
Our next island was Abemama Atoll which
we flew to on an eighteen seat plane
operated by Air-Kiribati. Immediately we
noticed the difference between the islands
and knew that there was no comparison,
however the one thing we did notice was
the friendliness and warm welcoming that
was evident everywhere we went in Kiribati.
Abemama was the main outer-island that
we stayed on and all the students were
put into Form 4 and 5 classes (Yr 9 & 10)
individually and although some may have
been a bit hesitant at the start, after one
day of classes we were all exhausted, yet
we couldn’t help boasting of the games
we taught and the friends we made,
madly trying to remember and pronounce
their names correctly. On the night of our
welcoming, all the students were invited
to learn a traditional dance to perform in
front of the whole school while dressed
in the traditional costumes. None of us
hesitated, but as the time grew closer, the
nerves began to rise as it sank in that we
would be performing in front of some 300
students dancing a dance that we had
only learnt eight hours earlier. Not only
that but we were doing it solo! However,
Junior School - Year 7 & 8
Catholic Church, Abaiang Atoll
this was the real highlight, joining in with
the students’ activities and learning about
their culture while making friendships that
will be remembered forever.
On behalf of the students and staff of
Monivae College, we took sporting
equipment over which was very
gratefully appreciated and was used for
Wednesday sport activities. As well we
presented the school with a new acoustic
guitar, which was dearly loved and
played by a very talented student for us.
The Mission Experience trips that are
offered at Monivae are a great opportunity
to have a completely unique experience.
It gives you the chance to step outside
your comfort zone and learn about
other cultures and will be an experience
which you will carry with you for life.
Tessa Rowe, Yr 12
(Tessa will be living and working with the
students and staff of Chevalier College
on Abemama in KIRIBATI in 2010 as a
member of the teaching staff. This will
mean a simple life of subsistence living
off fish and rice and sleeping in local
accommodation. We wish her a safe and
exciting journey.)
Mission Experience Program
Papua New Guinea
This year marked the sixth mission experience to Tapini, PNG. The students participating were
Niall Ashby, Tom Hicks, Rhys Pope, Sharlene Cooper, Kirsten Lyon and Kellie Farquharson.
Running the program as always was Mr Ashby with help from Miss Lambert and parent Bruce
The trip was a wonderful experience for
all involved, especially seeing as it was the
first time a group had been up there for
their Independence Day.
We arrived in the humid PNG capital Port
Moresby (POM) on the Sunday, and went
shopping for supplies after leaving our
bags at the Dove Travel Hostel.
The POM supermarket was an interesting
experience with many PNG made products
crowding the shelves with some familiar
looking Aussie food (but no Vegemite).
That night we were driven in the back of
Fr Brian’s ute through the city to Gordon
house where we shared a BBQ with the
Australian MSCs who have dedicated
their lives to care for and bring God to
their local diocese in PNG.
The next morning we were driven to
the airport and to the horror of some
members ushered onto a small ‘Twin
Otter’ plane. Many laughs followed as
the small plane wobbled off the runway
and lurched into the sky, some clearly
not enjoying flying in such conditions. By
the time we neared Tapini in the Central
Highlands, most of the nerves had worn
off and the eventful landing onto a grass
airstrip seemed almost surreal. As we
stepped off the plane we came to realise
that all of Tapini and half the surrounding
villages had made the journey to welcome
us. All of the students from the Blessed
Peter To Rot Community School sang us a
welcome song and we were led by some
local dancers dressed in their traditional
costumes from the secondary school up
a hill to where we would be staying. Our
visit was clearly a much anticipated event
and our group felt truly fortunate to be
welcomed like royalty.
After we had settled in we travelled back
down the hill to visit the secondary school
and presented them with some much
appreciated sporting equipment. Over the
next four days we saw how much sport
meant to the kids in the area. Our group
had to keep up with the speed of the
soccer and we were not much better at
keeping up with the exquisite skill on show
in a touch rugby game. Our reputation
was somewhat saved by Miss Lambert’s
height in a volleyball game which the
locals found extremely funny.
The school had different blocks for
each subject and while they were not
as comfortable as Monivae’s, we were
amazed to find the new computer room,
science block and metal/wood work shed
were up to date with new technology.
We later found out that the funding for
these facilities was accessed by Fr Brian
from AusAid and other international
organisations. After a tour our group
split up and we each visited a different
class to answer questions about our lives
in Australia and to ask some questions
about life in the villages.
Our dinner with the boarders amazed us,
as we found that their diet was a plain roll
for breakfast, a plain roll for lunch and rice
with a dollop of tuna paste for dinner. This
was their diet, each day, every day!
On Tuesday we gave some books
donated by the parents of St Mary’s
Primary School to the Blessed Peter To
Rot Community School. When we visited
the classes we found a quiet bunch of
kids who were too scared to ask any
questions. We persisted and by the end
of the day we were rewarded with noisy,
laughing and smiling kids who wanted to
show us everything they did at school.
Many friendships were made here and
we found we could almost keep up with a
Primary School soccer game.
Independence Day. We came to realise
how much being independent meant
to the locals as we were made guests
of honour and allowed to witness the
representative groups from each region
of the area dancing in traditional costume.
It was a stunning and truly unforgettable
experience with the amount of energy,
culture, pride and skill on show. This day
was a highlight of the trip. It is something
that could not be experienced anywhere
else in the world and it is very different to
anything we have in Australia.
On Thursday we visited the medical
centre that had recently been taken over
by the Catholic Church and the difference
was amazing from what we had seen of
photos from previous trips. It was a big
deal to Sister Marina who took a great
deal of pride in showing us her centre.
On Friday we travelled to Ariomou, a small
isolated village four hours hike from Tapini.
The hike was a challenging adventure
for the group, especially Kellie who fell
nineteen times just on the journey there.
In Ariomou we ate lots of Kau Kau
(sweet potato), went firewood/sugarcane
collecting (boys), and Kau Kau digging
(girls). This was a highlight because we
got to experience a normal day in the
villagers’ lives as well as carrying our
booty back to the village under wet and
difficult conditions.
We returned on Saturday to Tapini and
on Sunday we walked from Tapini in the
other direction to some of the surrounding
villages where we were warmly welcomed
and given food. It was obvious to us
the great pride the locals have for their
On Monday we were part of the Year
10 retreat which signified the last stage
of schooling in Tapini and focused on
where life would lead the students. It was
a deep experience to see how different
their expectations and future looked as
we knew that most of the kids would
probably never live their dreams or see
what the world had to offer. We were
saddened by these thoughts and gained
a new outlook on life, but we also enjoyed
the day because we were part of these
people’s lives and we felt truly lucky for
what we have.
Mission Experience Program
On Tuesday we said our goodbyes to our
many friends in Tapini and got ready to
Due to bad weather our flight was
cancelled and some people’s wishes for
us to stay another night were fulfilled. It
showed us how isolated we were with
hiking and flying the only ways to leave
On Wednesday we flew back to Port
Moresby which was fortunate because if
we were held up another day we would
have missed our international flight home.
After going to the local market in Boroko
and buying some souvenirs like wooden
masks and local mary-blouse dresses,
we stayed at Mapang Missionary Hostel.
That day we also went to the Bomana War
Cemetery where many Australian troops
who died during conflicts in the Second
World War were buried. On Thursday we
headed back to Australia with many fond
memories. It was amazing how much our
visit meant to the locals, and yet we were
the lucky ones, having definitely had an
experience we would never forget. We
dealt with poverty and the unknown and
came out with friendships and a greater
understanding of a developing country.
Seeing our friends from the group that
visited for World Youth Day 2008 helped
us become closer friends and we shared
some great moments together.
PNG Group at War Memorial
In our minds, we could never have dreamt
to experience so much.
Niall Ashby
Year 10
Sharlene Cooper, Niall Ashby, Tom Hicks, Rhys Pope, Kirsten Lyons & Kellie Farquharson (front)
Mission Experience Program
Kellie Farquharson with local family
Tamzin Perkins, Sarah Perkins,Susannah Tindall, Laura Murray and Tessa Rowe
Group at Broken Bridge
Children dancing
Children enjoying their dancing
Niall Ashby with traditional head dress
Chevalier College, Abemama atoll
Kellie Farquharson, Rhys Pope & Sharlene Cooper
Tessa Rowe and Kiribati dancers
Group walk along local road on Abemama
Jack Kennedy teaching
Local Bathurst Island students
Monivae students at the waterhole
Students dancing
Miss Erin Lambert, Kirsten Lyons & Kellie Farquharson swimming with locals
Mission Experience Program
Ben Thornton with local kids
Tamzin Perkins and homestay family
Ffrench House
Ffrench House
Alex Van Rijn, Chris Linke, Jacob Myers Ms Myers, Mr Bishop &
Lauren Handreck
Ffrench house cheer squad
Well....it’s been another successful year
for the Ffrenchies of ‘09. Participation
this year was through the roof compared
to other years and we owe this entirely
to the remarkable members of our
house. Their enthusiasm enabled many
positive achievements throughout the
year including swimming, Hyland shield
& Sacred Heart Day quiz, and we came
runners up for the athletics, Spiller shield
& debating.
participation of everyone. The results
showed that while there were exceptional
performances by many, the high levels
of participation won through in the end.
There were many highlights throughout
the year including winning the swimming
carnival and the Sacred Heart day quiz. It
was also great to see everyone supporting
Red Nose Day, our house charity. We
were able to raise over $700 from selling
A colossal thank-you must go to Mr
Kermeen. As house coordinator, his help
throughout the year was instrumental to
our success and without his positivity, our
year would not have gone as smoothly.
We greatly appreciate the effort he put
into organising events and his constant
deadline prompts.
What an outstanding year Ffrench house
has had in 2009 with victories in many
areas and an increased participation and
involvement from our house members.
Lauren Barker and Rohan Cleary can
be proud of their efforts in raising the
awareness and involvement level of
Finally, we would like to offer our
congratulations to our successors for
2010, Lauren Handreck and Michael
Carter. We wish you good luck for your
new endeavours as captains and hope
that you enjoy the role as much as we did.
We are confident the two new captains
will give Ffrench house the opportunities
they need to succeed in 2010.
From the start of the year the Ffrench
swimming team led by Bridgette Garfoot,
Jacqui McPhee and Fraser Kent and the
fish in the water Mark Troeth, Giles Kent
and Samantha McPhee, ensured our
swimmers jumped in the pool en masse.
Large participation numbers, a super
effort by Jacob Myers and a vocal cheer
squad saw Ffrench sneak over the line
from a fast finishing Glenelg.
Lauren Barker and Rohan Cleary
Ffrench House Captains 2009
Sarah Davis, Jess Ball, Samantha McPhee & Ashleigh Annett
This year has been a very successful year
for Ffrench in terms of both the results
we have achieved and the outstanding
The House Athletics followed at Pedrina
Park with some sizzling times run. Roger
Morris participated strongly in all available
events, with super efforts from Ali Groves,
Caitlin Barker, Jake Musson and Will
Ffrench were able to make the final of the
Hyland Shield eventually being overrun in
the second half. There was a special effort
from Rohan Cleary, Josh Meulendyks and
Jack Beaton throughout the game. In
the Spiller shield, Lauren Handreck and
Courtney Hoggan were competitive and
with the help of the Block girls Claire and
Ellen forced Ffrench into the final.
Ffrench performed well in the cross country
with the Barker sisters proving to be the
outstanding performers. Our debating
teams continue to go from strength to
strength, no doubt due to the terrific work
of the house leaders. Craig Eddy and Scott
Rankin thrived on the topics presented
and look out for Valerian McCaskill, Justin
Field and Hamish Giddens in the coming
years as Ffrench debaters. Rachel Rankin
and Jacob Myers were outstanding in
their debates along with Lauren Barker,
Jock Cleary, Sachini Chandrasekara, Jess
Ball and Courtney Hoggan. They can all
be pleased with their efforts.
Overall a very successful year for Ffrench
House. Lauren and Rohan and the Ffrench
House participants, well done!
Mr Tim Kermeen
Ffrench House Coordinator
Glenelg House
Glenelg House
House spirit was high in Glenelg in 2009.
Harry Keegan (Yr 7) is perhaps the
embodiment of this Glenelg spirit. His
motto has been to participate first, win
second. At the school swimming carnival
Harry asked a thousand times to swim in
extra events. Fresh out of primary school,
he even went in the U15 individual medley.
Harry scored the second most points for
any boy in the U/14 age group, including
a first place in U/14 backstroke B. Harry
earned seventy-two individual points for
DOING IT! The fact that Glenelg won
the best cheer squad competition at the
swimming carnival indicates that we have
many other students in Glenelg who share
Harry’s enthusiasm.
Glenelg’s results this year suggest it is
somewhat of an all-rounder, albeit an allrounder with brains. This year we finished
first in the Hyland shield, second in the
swimming, third in athletics, second in
cross country and an absolutely dominant
first in house debating.
Some of Glenelg’s best individual
performances this year came from
Bridgette Garfoot, Jake Linke and
Courtney Garfoot, winning their age group
championships at the swimming carnival.
An outstanding swim was completed by
Stuart Prior, Rhys Pope, Daniel Higgins
and Jackson Roder in the U17 Male 4x
50m Freestyle relay. Not only did they
smash their age group record, they
also swam faster than the existing open
record. Look out for these boys next year!
Glenelg boys dominated the school
athletics carnival, easily winning the boys’
aggregate. Age champions from Glenelg
House were Dylan Gracias (U13), Kirsten
Lyons (U17) and Callum Hobbs (U17).
Other top performers were Anthony
Close, David Andrivon, Lachlan Bail, Josh
Kearney and Tom Keightley.
Our classy Glenelg debaters contested
three of the four house finals winning
all three. The muscular intellect of junior
school debaters: Errol Gracias (best
speaker twice), Josh Murray, Sachira
Chandrasekara, middle school debaters:
Chrissy Taylor (best speaker – final),
Glenelg cheer squad
Glenelg house captain Rhianne Lewis leading the chanting
Glenelg v Lonsdale Hyland shield
Jess Date & Callum Kanoniuk
Laura Murray, John Traynor, Rhianne Lewis & Laura Hill
Courtney Garfoot, Kaitlyn Hastings,
senior school debaters: John Traynor
(best speaker – final), Callum Kanoniuk,
Jake Kuchel proved far too powerful for
the other houses.
Patterson best player award for the entire
Glenelg house finished the year on a
high, winning the inter-house football
competition – the Hyland shield. David
Andrivon dominated in the final against
Ffrench. Worthy contributions came
from Josh Kearney, Anthony Close and
Callum “I’ll play as long as I don’t get
muddy” Kanoniuk. Congratulations to
Callum Hobbs for winning the Peter
I would like to congratulate Rhianne
Lewis and Josh Kearney for leading our
house superbly this year. I would like to
thank those teachers who helped Glenelg
House have a great 2009.
Looking forward to what we can achieve
in 2010.
Michael Harms
Glenelg House Coordinator
Lonsdale House
Lonsdale House
Lonsdale cheering led by Philippa Allen
Lonsdale cheer squad
With a strong pre-season, Lonsdale began
as early favourites for many of the different
events and did not disappoint, by coming
out victors in the athletics, cross country
and Spiller Shield. However, we must not
forget to mention the great achievements
of all the competitors during the year.
Lonsdale fought hard in every task put in
front of them, be it debating, Sacred Heart
quiz, swimming or the Hyland Shield.
We had many age group champions
and congratulations to these
Swimming champion:
Zachary Ellwood- U13 boys
Athletics champions:
Kathryn Aitken- U13 girls
Kate Lewis- U14 girls
Luke Uebergang- U14 boys
Madalene Cleary- U21 girls
Cross-country champions:
Kate Lewis- U14 girls
Jack Aitken- U14 boys
William Middleton- U16 boys
Well done also to Alex Bosch, Sophie
Brewer and Marni Perry on top three
places in the cross country.
Lonsdale is not just about individual
achievements. The results during the year
were not possible without each and every
single competitor’s efforts.
Daniel Neeson & Simon Close
Lonsdale house once again sold
merchandise and ran Jeans for Genes
Day, raising a massive total of $783.50.
It was great to see so many in the school
wearing jeans and supporting such a
great cause. What a difference that will
make to the Children’s Medical Research
We would like to thank all the members
of Lonsdale for their support and
participation throughout the year. You
have made our job easier and much more
enjoyable. We were so privileged to work
with such a fantastic group.
Madalene Cleary & Simon Close
Lonsdale House Captains
What a year it has been. To begin off
with, I want to give my congratulations
to the House Captains, Simon Close and
Madalene Cleary. They have put in so
much effort this year in encouraging each
and every participant to do their best, they
have been fantastic.
We started off 2010 with the swimming
sports. The day was hot and shade was
scarce, but student after student dived
into the Hamilton Pool and gave it their
all. Ffrench, once again, got the better
of us. With participants jumping in the
pool in droves, Lonsdale did not stand a
Next came the Athletics carnival, with
Allanah Cottrill, Carly Hamill, Molly Neeson, Karlee Miethke
a mass of Lonsdale participants in all
fields of running, throwing and jumping,
Lonsdale continued to place throughout
the day.
We were unable to hold onto the winning
streak we had begun earlier in the year,
though Lonsdale still put in a very worthy
and notable effort in the House debating
and the Hyland and Spiller Shield.
Madalene and I are very proud of your
endeavours this year and urge it to
continue for next year.
To the 2010 House Captains, Marni Perry
and Tyrone Ross, I wish you all the best.
Miss Samantha Ross
Lonsdale House Coordinator
Mitchell House
Mitchell House
We started the year with a Years 7 and
12 buddy day, which consisted of sharing
letters, icy poles and fruit boxes. It didn’t
take long for everyone to get to know their
buddy, especially after another gathering.
This happened later on in first term with
the Friday Pie-day and was a day enjoyed
by all. This day was initially thought of by
Mitchell, but was put together for all Years
7 and 12.
The swimming sports were the first major
inter-house competition. The weather on
the day was perfect and it was great to see
the talent on show in each event. It was
also pleasing to see the especially high
participation rate from Mitchell House.
Thanks to all those for participating, but
bad luck for finishing fourth overall. Well
done to Emma Sommerville who was the
U17 Champion for the swimming sports.
The inter-house athletics was the next.
We were lucky enough to also have good
weather. Again Mitchell had one of the
strongest participation rates, though only
managed to finish fourth. Congratulations
to the following people for breaking
records in the athletics:
Kiara Austin – U13 discus
Ruby Ross – U15 high jump
Emma Sommerville – U17 shot put
Todd Robinson – U17 high jump
It was then time for the yearly fundraiser.
We took on selling yellow wrist bands
this year and the proceeds went to the
Victorian Bushfire Relief Appeal. We
managed to raise $300 that was donated
to the Marysville Primary School.
This year Mitchell set out to defend their
House debating title. Unfortunately,
we were only able to finish second – a
fantastic effort considering that the senior
team was a late withdrawal. Well done
to Shahn Colliver, Ellie Dickinson and
Susannah Tindall for winning their age
Special thanks must go to Mrs Gubbins.
She has been fantastic this year, full of
support and enthusiasm, and always
had everything running smoothly. Good
luck next year to everyone in Mitchell
house, especially Emma Sommerville and
Mitchell cheer squad
Richard Jaroszczuk who will be the 2010
Mitchell House captains, also to Ben
Walker and Shahn Colliver, both Mitchell
house students, who are the 2010 College
Captains. Enjoy the opportunity of taking
on this challenge.
Bernard Kealy and Tessa Rowe
2009 Mitchell House Captains
Elizabeth Wheaton, Nastassja Zaadstra, Sarah Millard & Breanna Millard
It is just such a pleasure as a House
coordinator watching two young adults
develop as leaders.
Bernie and Tessa did an outstanding
job for Mitchell in 2009. They worked
as a team and were successfully able
to balance their busy study schedule
with all of the house activities they had
to organise. Throughout the year they
had the unconditional respect of the
students in their house and mine. Their
roles started in term 4 last year when they
had to organise their first of three house
assemblies. This was followed with this
year’s buddy activities, numerous house
sporting events, debating and fundraising.
Bernie and Tessa’s enthusiasm for Mitchell
House and kindness shown towards
Mitchell students was indicative of their
nature and what their future holds.
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with
Bernie and Tessa and wish them both all
the best in the years to come.
Mrs. Elizabeth Gubbins
Mitchell House Coordinator
Liz Hurley & Mitchell house captain Tessa Rowe
Mitchell house captain Bernard Kealy
School Production
Emmanuel Mustafa-Kelly, Robert Johnson & Jesse Hartwich
Cast of Godspell School Production 2009
Jami Giles
GodspellSchool Production 2009
You’d better pay attention,
Build your comprehension,
There’s gonna be a quiz at your
Not to mention any threat of hell,
But if you’re smart,
You’ll learn your lessons well!
‘Godspell’ - 2009
Well, this year was huge! With dramatic
events, ‘Godspell’ and many other
fantastic things happening at Monivae, it
was a fabulous year for Drama.
‘Godspell’ featured sold-out performances
and rave reviews! I couldn’t go into town
without someone telling me how much
they enjoyed it or what their child got out
of being in it. It was that sort of show.
After the mammoth effort it took to
incorporate all of Yrs 7 and 8 into ‘Jesus
Christ Superstar’ when the Yr 12s were in
Isabella Strada & John Wheaton sound engineers
Jesse Hartwich
Kate Western, Susannah Tindall & Josh Murray belt out a number
Yr 8, I swore to Geoff Parker that it would
never happen again. But I backed down.
front of nearly 200 people and performing
is an experience they will take with them.
A show like ‘Godspell’ didn’t take six
months to put on – in actual fact, it took
about six years!
One of the most common comments I
heard from people was that the students
in the core cast “were absolutely
professional”. I was stopped by a dear
lady in the supermarket singing the praises
of a cast member because of the way that
she totally engaged the audience.
I would agree with both comments. After
‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ in 2005, the
cast performed at the Western District
Drama Festival and after watching local
schools showcase their Drama work, Ken
Cameron, the Manager of the Hamilton
PAC, commented that “Monivae students
just know how to move on the stage – they
know how to act!” Our students’ ability to
perform confidently is what makes them
stand out!
‘Godspell’, with its groovy rock score and
loose storyline, seemed the ideal play to
create a strong core cast and also use Yrs
7 and 8. The fact that Jody Stephens had
musically directed the show before really
made it a logical choice. Many people
assumed it was because we were a
Catholic School that we somehow had to
do religious plays (obviously they had not
seen ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ or ‘Urinetown
- The Musical’) but, no, I’d played in the
band for ‘Godspell’ once before but never
directed it, so it seemed like a good idea.
The students were fantastic. The core
cast spent hours and hours of their own
time preparing and getting ready for
the show, but the Yrs 7 and 8s had far
less time to become part of the show
and did a sensational job, under huge
time constraints, to learn the dances
and songs. Most importantly, ‘Godspell’
was an opportunity for those involved to
experience the sheer joy of performing
and being part of something huge. The
reality is that many of the junior cast will
never be in a play in their lives again, so
to experience the sensation of standing in
Many of the Yrs 11 and 12 students in
‘Godspell’ have been in plays and school
productions the entire way through their
schooling at Monivae. Most of the Yrs 11
and 12 in the cast were in ‘Jesus Christ
Superstar’, as Yr 7 & 8 students and
have been in Monivae productions ever
School Production
Nastassja Zaadstra
Rhys Pope & cast
Taylah Connolly & cast
Sarah Perkins & Godspell cast
Susannah Tindall, Rhys Pope & Kate Western
Yr 7 & 8s in action
since and this is demonstrated through
their love of theatre and performing. This
confidence is infectious and has been
passed on to other students through many
other Monivae plays and productions,
such as ‘Les Miserables’ and ‘Urinetown
- The Musical’.
for their countless hours of work during
school and on weekends.
by Shahn Colliver, Beau Nieuwveld, Mitch
Beulke, Dave Western and Ben Mailes did
a fantastic job of rocking on each night
and to Mrs Maree Bell and Mrs Nicola
Crawford for selling tickets and promoting
the show throughout.
This year we were lucky enough to have a
huge involvement by parents. Since ‘Les
Miserables’, greater numbers of parents
have been involved in our productions.
This led to a huge sense of pride in the
production by all involved. Our shows
have really become ours and it bonded the
cast and crew, as anyone who attended
the final night will attest to.
Thanks to all those people who made
it possible to put this amazing show
on! Firstly, to the parents and families
of the cast and crew involved, for their
generosity in dropping off, picking up and
general support. Thanks also to all the
parents, grandparents and friends who
volunteered their time on our Sunday
working bees and everything in between.
Thanks to our brilliant wardrobe Mistress,
Mrs Katee Mitchell and her band of
amazing assistants, Mrs Susan Pope,
Mrs Karin Giles and Mrs Glenys Tindall
Thanks to our hard-working Set Builders,
Mr Peter Fotheringham and his team,
who somehow squeezed in erecting
scaffolding, putting together a band
platform and laying floors in between
teaching! Huge thanks again to Mr
Andrew Hartwich, who, with assistance
from his son Jesse and Mr Gerard Bourke,
built the amazing half-pipe that served as
a multi-purpose skate ramp, slide and
climbing apparatus during the show and
also to Mr Ian Marshall for his advice and
assistance. Thanks to all the builders and
set helpers, including Mr Geoff Pope and
Mrs Kerri Colliver on our Sunday working
bees for your amazing work!
Thanks to the EXCEL and LINCS Yrs 7
and 8 staff for their fantastic work with
the students, without whose assistance
none of this would have been possible
and special thanks to Mrs Maria Patience,
Miss Rebecca Fisher, Mr Phil Wheaton
and Mr Richard Kelly for their efforts on
many fronts.
The band, led by the Miss Amelia Gallina
and Mr Geoff Parker and ably accompanied
Special thanks should go to the student
crew and my wonderful VCE Theatre
Studies class, who worked tirelessly over
a five month period to get the show up
and running. Particular thanks to Erin
Kirkup, who took on the stressful job of
Stage Manager and Isabella Strada, who
took on the just as stressful job of sound
operator – looking after 18 radio mikes,
ten stage mikes and 26 channels of sound
issues. Isabella and Erin and lighting
operators, Tim Farquharson and Matthew
Gebert all did a sensational job during
the run of the show of solving problems
when mikes played up, props got lost and
things just wouldn’t work.
Mr Ben Gallagher
School Production Director
Boarding 2009 Back row: Jackson Dowdy, Dan Higgins, Michael Close, Anthony Close, Jack Beaton, Daniel Rogers, Jeremy Kealy. Fourth row: Adrian MurchieKnell, Jake Kuchel, Ray Dellar, Megan Bullen, Caroline Munro, Simon Close, Bernard Kealy, Anna-Grace Close, Chelsea Robinson, Ben Thornton, Harry McLennan,
Michael Carter. Third row: John Oki, Phillipa Alllen, Renay Moulton, Emily Carey, Stephen Craig, Rohan Cleary, Will Middleton, Lisa Stanford, Megan Beames, Claire
Hannaford, Lif McDowell. Second row: Brittany Williams, Hannah Craig, Ellie Middleton, Sylvia McIntyre, Grace Chantler, Kate-Lin Munday, Grace Delaney, Jarrod
Hughes, Emily Hicks, Maddy Suares, Sam McPhee, Emma Munro. Seated: Vicky O’Shea, Felicity Kemp, Meg Dunne, Maggie Hulme, Stephanie Price, Jessica
O’Keefe, Peter Burgess, Alex van Rijn, Christa McLeod, Annie Hulme, Jessica Appleton, Chloe Tuffnell, Georgia Kirby. Absent: Tom Hicks, Lachie Niemann.
2009 has been a watershed year in the
development of Monivae boarding. After
many years of determinably seeking
funding and researching all possible
avenues, we have been able to refurbish
the Girls’ Boarding House in a way that
has excited all concerned. The main
buildings have been retained but you
would not recognise them with the
external work done and particularly
inside where we now have a modern,
bright and very liveable environment. All
the bedrooms are twins or triples with
individual space and we have three large
relaxation/recreation areas making life
very comfortable and allowing a variety of
activities from which the girls can choose.
One aspect that has been constructed is
a new ablution block, providing new and
clean toilet, shower, bathroom and laundry
facilities. One feature that has attracted a
lot of attention is the ‘Salon’. It provides
an area for the girls to preen and style
with a facility conducive to professional
results. Overall the excitement generated
by having such a wonderfully warm and
comfortable environment is the reward
for the patience and perseverance of a
number of people.
It is important we don’t forget the
sacrifice and support of the Missionaries
of the Sacred Heart during the planning
and construction of the house. Fr Mark
McGuinness, Br Dan Geary, Fr Ted
McCormick and Fr Bede North very
generously vacated their house to provide
temporary accommodation for the girls
during the construction period. The
house was very cosy for the thirty eight
girls, the facilities were comfortable and
allowed our routines to stay in place. The
boarding community is very appreciative
of their willingness to provide the best for
those in our care.
Whilst the girls’ house has dominated the
boarding attention this year, other aspects
have continued to provide a rewarding
experience for boarders at Monivae
College. Alison Eggleton has joined the
boarding staff this year with Jenny Beulke
stepping back to casual relief work for
us, and with Jenni Needham (Head of
House), Colleen Rhook and Jean Ross
in the girls’ and Geoff Forsyth (Head of
House), Sally Tripovich, Tony Walker,
Geoff Isles and Peter Roder monitoring
the boys’ house, we have a wonderful
team of support personnel to allow those
in our care to make the most of their time
with us. We have also been fortunate to
have Amy Chilman from Scotland and
Oliver Kurrle from Germany work with us
as Gap students. Our appreciation also
to Mrs Anne Nunan, a past staff member,
who volunteered many afternoons on
weekends in the Girls’ house providing
opportunities for the boarders to develop
a number of craft skills.
Monivae boarders continue to involve
themselves with a huge range of activities,
sporting, cultural and recreational. They
have continued to apply themselves to
their studies, with this year’s group raising
the standard in regard to dedication and
application. Weekend outings for fulltime
boarders have continued to be greatly
enjoyed, with Paintballing and a trip to the
MCG for the dreamtime clash between
Essendon and Richmond, being the two
In conclusion this year I would like to
express my, and the Boarding Houses,
appreciation to Mr Bernard Neal and
Mr Tim O’Farrell on their departure from
Monivae College. They have been great
supporters of Boarding at Monivae and
have dedicated a great deal of time and
effort to help us succeed and grow. We
wish them and their families well for their
future challenges.
Mr Brendan Ashby
Director of Boarding
Boys Boarding Back row: Daniel Rogers, Michael Close, Anthony Close, Simon Close, Jack Beaton,
Jeremy Kealy, Dan Higgins. Middle row: Ray Dellar, Jake Kuchel, Jackson Dowdy, Bernard Kealy, Rohan
Cleary, Ben Thornton, Harry McLennan. Seated: John Oki, Adrian Murchie-Knell, Michael Carter, Peter
Burgess (Captain), Stephen Craig, Will Middleton, Jarrod Hughes. Absent: Tom Hicks, Lachie Niemann.
Boys’ Boarding
Boys’ Boarding
Tom Hicks at the movies in Mount Gambier
As the school year of 2009 comes to a
close, so does another year of life in the
boarding house. For many it has been their
final year in the Monivae Boys Boarding
house. 2009 has been another year of life
changing experiences, of education, and
the establishment and formation of many
lifelong relationships.
2009 has proven to be an eventful year,
with the inclusion of many new boarders
who after the initial nerves and uncertainty
have melded into the house without any
issues and have become part of the
fixtures. Throughout the year we have said
goodbye to students and we wish them the
best for their future education or wherever
life may take them. Boarding excursions
were attended with great enthusiasm and
gratitude, with the paintballing proving
to be a popular choice. This will surely
become an annual occurrence.
The boarding house provides many
opportunities for leadership, initiative
and maturity, lifelong skills that alongside
the many moments of laughter and
enjoyment will continue to be lasting
reminders to us of what we as a group
and each individual have gained from our
time whilst boarding.
Thanks must go out to Sally Tripovich,
Geoff Forsyth, Tony Walker, Brendan
Weekend trip to the AFL
Ashby, the kitchen staff and all teachers
and members of the college community
who filled in when the need arose.
Best of luck to the Yr 12s in their exams
and to the weeks of relief and celebrations
that will follow. Finally congratulations and
best wishes to Tom Hicks, the newly
appointed boys’ boarding house captain
for 2010.
Peter Burgess
Boys’ Boarding Captain
Girls’ Boarding
Girls’ Boarding
Girls Boarding Back row: Phillipa Allen, Renay Moulton, Megan Bullen, Caroline Munro, Anna-Grace Close, Chelsea Robinson, Megan Beames, Claire Hannaford.
Third row: Stephanie Price, Emily Carey, Grace Chantler, Kate-Lin Munday, Emily Hicks, Lisa Stanford, Lif McDowall, Christa McLeod, Annie Hulme.
Second row: Brittany Williams, Hannah Craig, Ellie Middleton, Sylvia McIntyre, Grace Delaney, Maddy Suares, Sam McPhee, Emma Munro. Seated: Vicky O’Shea,
Felicity Kemp, Meg Dunne, Maggie Hulme, Jessica O’Keefe (Captain), Alex van Rijn, Jessica Appleton, Chloe Tuffnell.
2009 has been a very enjoyable year for all
involved with the Girls’ Boarding House.
The year started with many excited
and nervous newcomers but also
many returning smiles, with a tonne
of enthusiasm for the upcoming year.
Students came from all directions and
even from overseas which added to the
uniqueness of this very close and caring
group of girls.
The highlight of this year was the relocation
into the refurbished boarding house. After
many months in alternate facilities, and
frequent updates supplied by Mr Neeson,
it was evident that every girl was eager to
move into the new facilities. The colour
schemes were overwhelming and the
spacious and comfortable rooms meant
everyone could have their space. With
new showers, toilets, a recreational room
with a plasma television, Austar and the
wireless internet, the house was looking
flash. Overwhelmingly though, the salon
was the most popular place to be. We
hosted tours for the staff and proudly
showed our parents around.
The year saw many trips for the full-time
boarders which included a footy trip
to watch Essendon defeat Richmond
with seats just behind the goals, and
paintballing in Mount Gambier which saw
beloved Jenni Beulke, but we welcomed
our new member of staff, Alison Eggleton
with our arms wide open. She did not take
long to find her feet and is now a much
loved asset in the boarding house.
Chloe Tuffnell & Hannah Craig in the salon
Sylvia McIntyre, Lizzie West & Ellie Middleton
many coming home with bruises that
remained for weeks. Other trips included
day trips to the beach at Port Fairy, ten pin
bowling and laser force.
The girls in the boarding house found that
there was always something to do on the
weekends, whether it be collecting money
for the Red Shield Appeal or volunteering
at open days. The weeks were kept
entertaining between studying by holding
events such as Christmas in July.
A big thank-you must go to the dedicated
staff of this boarding house, Jenny, Alison,
Chook and Rossi. Their generosity and
kindness is often under-acknowledged
and I’m sure the girls would like to thank
them for everything they have done for
us. Another thank-you goes to Mr Ashby
for his support and guidance towards us
all throughout the year. We would like to
thank Lyn, who never fails to leave us
with a clean and fresh boarding house
everyday after school. Also a special
mention goes to the friendly and talented
staff in the kitchen; Mary, Trish, Sheryl
and Irene who manage to keep all the
boarders happy everyday with breakfast,
lunch and dinner.
Leaving the boarding house is not just
leaving a little room with a desk, it’s
leaving a second family that you really do
grow to love and depend on. I wish all the
boarders, present and future, all the very
Jessica O’Keefe
Girls’ Boarding Captain
This year saw a very sad farewell to our
Mission Fair Day
Bethany Gallagher
Cake Stall
Rose Kennedy & Maggie Ryan on the cake stall
Year 7 Darts Activity
Mission Fair Day
Mission Fair Day and the International
Mass continued to be one of the highlights
on the Monivae calendar for both staff
and students. The International Mass in
the morning was a wonderful celebration
of our multi-cultural society, and it gave
a great opportunity for our students to
realise what wonderful gifts and talents
people from other countries bring to our
After two shortened classes, it was then
time for the event that had the whole
school community bubbling with energy
and enthusiasm - The Mission Fair!
Thankfully God smiled down upon us
and sent us tremendous weather. From
Yr 7 through to Yr 12, students were
only too ready to work on the myriad of
stalls that were scattered throughout the
grounds, spend their hard-earned money,
cooperate with each other and display
great team work, and basically have a lot
of fun in the process, all the while raising
much needed funds for overseas MSC
missions, namely Papua New Guinea and
There were many activities happening on
the day including fortune telling, raffles,
mini golf, buskers, rock bands and none
more exciting was “Fisher’s Fun House”
organised by Ms Fisher’s homeroom. This
major attraction once again provided lots
of action and plenty of laughs for all in
Another major fund raiser for the day was
the annual Mission Fair Day raffle. I would
like to thank all students who volunteered
to sell raffle tickets, and more importantly,
all students, staff and parents who
purchased some tickets. This winner of
the iPod Nano this year was staff member
Mrs Karen Ashby.
As stated earlier, Mission Day is all about
students raising money for people and
items in MSC missions overseas - places
Sachini Chandrasekara & Laura Murray
where people have very little in material
wealth, and the basics such as pens and
paper and text books in classrooms are
“not a given”.
Through the tremendous efforts of both
staff and students we were able to raise
$6,250 this year. This amount is an all
time record, (up $800 on last year) which
will take some beating in the years to
come. As Mr Neal, our Principal, noted at
the final assembly on the day, Mission Fair
Day was once again a great reflection of
the wonderful school spirit that prevails at
Monivae and the willingness of Monivae
students to be prepared to be at the
service of others.
Mr Terry Molan
Mission Fair Day Coordinator
Snow Trip
Snow Trip
Over the Sheepvention long
weekend forty three Monivae
students along with five
staff members (Miss Fisher,
Mr Parker, Mr Binyon, Mr
Wheaton and Miss Lambert)
trekked up to Mount Hotham
to spend three beautiful (and
wet) days at the snow.
After travelling for eight hours (with
a couple of stops along the way) we
finally arrived at the Feathertop Chalet in
Harrietville at 10.30 pm. Students quickly
collected their equipment in readiness for
the next three days of skiing or boarding.
Each day travelling up and down the
mountain was slow, due to the fitting and
refitting of chains to the bus, however
this allowed many students to retell their
adventurous travels throughout the day,
and to plan and navigate the day ahead.
Group picture
Sunday proved to be a little more
challenging, with some students gaining
many bumps and bruises, but once on the
slopes, the tired and aching bodies were
soon forgotten about. By the Monday, all
students had improved their boarding and
skiing skills with many adventuring right
across the mountain, some attempting
black and diamond runs, while others
were happy to complete tricks and jumps
in the terrain park.
Tired but contented, we sadly had to leave
Mount Hotham and return to Hamilton. A
fantastic trip was had by all, with a great
mix of staff and students.
Skiing group
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Snow Trip coordinator 2009
Snowboarding Instructor, Rebecca Gannon, Jesse Hartwich, Miss Fisher
Amy Tennant, Sam Warburton & Tom Keightey learn about standard drinks
Ben Ryan & Jacob Bullen practise first aid with Jarrod Hunter from
Ambulance Victoria
Olivia Stevens & Karlie Rhook with ‘alcohol goggles’.
Once again the College has provided
students with a range of opportunities
for learning based around improving their
safety and wellbeing.
indicates that students who have these
social and emotional skills will be more
productive citizens, achieve to their
potential academically and get along
better with their peers. During this year we
have investigated the programs available
to implement SEL and have planned
to begin this in Year 7, 2010, with the
intention of rolling it out to the rest of the
College over several years. SEL ensures
that students have skills in teamwork,
persistence, resilience, getting along, and
confidence to list some aspects.
Space seminar early in the year. The
presenter Brett Lee from the Internet
Education and Safety service got and
maintained the students’ interest with
his visual presentation and his first-hand
experience by posing as a young person
on the internet to explore its potential
dangers. Parents also had the opportunity
to attend a parent forum in the evening.
2009 saw the success of last years Peer
Support program that was supported by
Brophy family & youth services. Glenelg
& Southern Grampians Drug Treatment
Service (Quamby) support was also
further developed. Those students trained
in 2008 were provided with a further day
to refresh their skills, and a new group
of students in Year 9 participated in the
two day training program. These students
need to be commended for putting their
names forward and then going through a
selection process. The college counsellor
and the coordinators have provided
opportunities and will continue to provide
opportunities for these students to use
the skills they have spent time developing
through mentoring and presenting to their
Key members of staff have participated
in a range of professional development
that has provided these staff members
with additional skills to assist them in
their work with the students. They have
been trained in how to recognise signs
of mental illness in young people and
been provided with strategies to help the
young person. Although staff members
have a full repertoire of skills available
to manage a range of behaviours and
issues with students, sometimes knowing
which strategy or what will be the most
successful can be challenging. Staff
have been trained in the most effective
interventions and when each has the
most chance of success.
Victorian Essential Learning strands
(VELs) require that our students are
provided with what is termed “Social
and Emotional learning” (SEL). Research
During this year we farewelled Dr. Vivien
Brodsky and welcomed Pam McLeod
as the Student Counsellor. Pam has
settled in very well and has made active
contributions to several of our wellbeing
programs. In addition to the group work,
Pam has worked diligently with students
on an individual basis. She has developed
good relationships and has been found to
be very approachable by the students.
Year 10 students were again fortunate to
benefit from SCADE (School Community
Approaches to Drug Education) funding.
This funding has allowed Years 9 and 10
students to have a day each for seminars
and group work designed to improve
their safety and well-being with a focus
on drug and alcohol education. Some
of the presenters on this day included
Marian College students from Ararat,
Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria and
QUAMBY. The feedback provided by
the students was very positive. Year 9
students participated in a school based
program that focused on gender, self
protection, and harm minimisation. They
were provided with some skills and
strategies and we hope they don’t get into
a situation where they are needed.
All members of the Junior School
participated in a Staying Safe in Cyber
Director of Students
Director of Students
VCE students were fortunate to
participate in short Harm Minimisation
sessions organised and jointly run by Julie
Drechsler and Pam McLeod, on one of
the alternative education days.
In addition to the programs outlined
above, Monivae has continued its Mind
Matters whole school approach to
wellbeing. We have been working through
the Strategic plan that was developed
last year with the help of Jacqueline Van
Velsen from the Catholic Education Office
Ballarat. Jacqueline continues to be a
great resource and help to the College
and we thank her sincerely.
Dealing with the inevitable incidents that
occur when over 600 students interact on
a daily basis is a major role for all staff, and
a concerted effort is made to be proactive
in the area of student management.
Friendly, open and professional interaction
between staff and students is an integral
part of Monivae College.
I would like to pay particular attention to
the work of the three School Coordinators,
Ms Erin Lambert, Mr Patrick Binyon and
Mr Darren Beks. The amount of work
undertaken by these three members of
staff is incredible and unrelenting. Their
genuine concern for the students under
their care is inspiring.
Mrs Leonie Roder
Director of Students
Director of Studies
Director of Studies
Monivae - A Learning
The very essence of a learning community
is a focus on and a commitment to
the learning of each student. During
2009, Monivae has been engaged in
developing a collaborative culture where
all teaching staff through the formation of
Professional Learning Teams (PLT), work
interdependently to achieve common
goals directly linked to classroom practice.
The findings from this work were compiled
and presented to staff to share, use and
modify to suit their particular classes
and further develop their professional
practice. The scaffold used for the action
learning teams this year centered around
the Principles of Learning and Teaching
These principles state that students learn
best when:
• The
supportive and productive
• The learning environment promotes
independence, interdependence and
• Students’ needs, backgrounds,
perspectives and interests are
reflected in the learning program
• Students are challenged and
supported to develop deep levels of
thinking and application
• Assessment practices are an integral
part of teaching and learning
• Learning connects strongly with
communities and practice beyond
the classroom
Victorian Essential
Learning Standards – VELS
In 2009, all faculties have reported on
the non-disciplinary strands of VELS in
addition to their discipline-based learning
strands. This has seen the introduction of
explicit assessment linked to areas of:
• Physical, Personal and Social
• Interpersonal development
• Personal learning
• Civics and citizenship
• Interdisciplinary Learning
• Communication
• Information and Communications
• Thinking Processes
The reporting process has also seen
the addition of a Homeroom Comment
to student reports and the inclusion of
Student Goal Setting.
Domain Leaders (Heads of
It is envisaged that PLTs will become
a regular feature of staff professional
development in future.
Domain leaders have continued to be
proactive in promoting their faculty to
students. This publication will only contain
a brief snapshot of the broad and dynamic
range of activities which subject areas
have offered to their students. Excursions
both local and regional, travelling shows,
activity days, visits to industry, guest
speakers and opportunities for students
to extend themselves through holiday
programs, competitions, youth forums
and others form just some of the spectrum
offered to our students. All students are
encouraged to become involved when
these events are offered.
Two new positions called Learning
Community Coordinators have been
created to focus specifically on Teaching
and Learning within the school. These
roles have been taken on by Dianne
Bowles and Geoff Parker. They have
actively facilitated the PLTs, provided
opportunities for professional reading
with staff and commenced the process of
reviewing the student awards, EXCEL and
other curriculum areas.
This year, each faculty compiled a statement
outlining their key achievements, short
term and long term goals for their learning
area. Developing this into an annual
practice will celebrate and recognise
the work that each of the departments
has achieved and also encourage
communication between subject areas by
acknowledging their future directions and
enable greater collaboration in the core
business of student learning.
iNET Learning Walks held in Sydney,
Adelaide and Melbourne. These tours
showcased nationally recognised schools
in innovative practice and provided an
opportunity for educators to observe
and discuss new ways of teaching and
learning. The information collected from
these sessions and their implications for
learning at Monivae was presented back
to staff.
Technological approaches to
curriculum administration
This year, new methods were trialed to
improve the process of Parent Teacher
Interviews. The venue moved to the newly
refurbished Basement so all interviews
were conducted in the one location. An
online booking system was implemented
in Semester 2 which parents/guardians
could access through the college website.
The new process received positive
feedback, streamlining the process and
increasing the attendance on the night.
This system will continue to be refined
in future thanks to the valuable feedback
obtained from all involved.
The process of annual subject selections
always creates a logistical hurdle.
2009 saw the trial of a new web-based
system to assist in processing student
selections. Sample classes accessed
the program from home and from school
whilst still completing the paper version,
gaining important information regarding
accessibility, user friendliness and the data
processing component. The experience
has generated a number of areas for
further investigation and development for
next year.
Formation of a Student
Learning Improvement Team
Visits to innovative schools
As part of the Building Better Schools
Program with Insight SRC, a representative
group has been formed to facilitate a
review into student learning at Monivae.
This team will be involved in developing
the destination for future curriculum which
will best serve the needs of our students
and will review the current curriculum to
determine how it aligns with this vision
for the future. It will be an exciting time
of research, collaboration, discussion and
debate for how the shape of curriculum
will look at Monivae in the future.
representatives attending the series of
Mrs Yvette Colquhoun
Director of Studies
The world today doesn’t make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?
Pablo Picasso
Art changed my life when I realised that art could be abstract and when I went to see ‘Urinetown’.
Anonymous Monivae student
Art is important to my life; it allows me to explore ways of creating images and concepts of human
nature. Art is all about human nature and our reactions to the world and all its complexity.
Rhys Pope – Year 11
How Has Art Changed My Life???
The Arts today has a bigger profile and
popularity than it has in past years, as
seen in the enormous numbers attending
the recent Melbourne Arts Festival and
the Dali exhibition in Melbourne. But can
the arts change society?
Looking at our society and its fixation
with fame and technology and all things
materialistic, it’s easy to wonder if the Arts
actually matter in 2009. Then I read the
thoughts of some of our students and
Iook at their amazing art work, listen to
their wonderful musical performances
and find myself moved by their acting, I
know that the Arts are alive and well and
in safe hands at Monivae.
Art does change lives. At Monivae, the
Arts is one of those things that helps
define our students and to give them an
opportunity to shape their view of the
world. Mexican artist Frida Kahlo said
“They thought I was a Surrealist, but I
wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted
my own reality.” The Arts at Monivae gives
our students an opportunity to show us
their reality.
I realise that quoting 80’s diva, Whitney
Houston, is uncool, but when she said: “I
believe the children are our future, teach
them well and let them lead the way, show
them all the beauty they possess inside…”
I know she is quite right. We have some
incredibly talented students (and teachers)
in our college, all contributing to make the
Arts come alive.
This year as part of our Arts Exhibition, we
challenged our students and arts teachers
to reflect on “How Art Changed My Life”.
Students responded in many ways and
we allowed guests at the exhibition to
read their responses. In practical terms
though, we also created our own ‘LifeChanging Experiences’ throughout the
year. Below are some of the highlights of
what has been a rewarding trip.
course material. Next year this will follow
though into Year 12.
Monivae Arts Exhibition “Life Changing Art”
Sam Rhook, Bianca Wray McCann, Miss Noske & Tom Warburton
Art students in Melbourne
Top Arts Trip
An enthusiastic group of VCE and several
Middle School students attended the ‘Top
Arts’ trip to Melbourne in May.
The day was an inspiring opportunity
for our VCE Art, Studio Art and Visual
Communication and Design students to
see some of the outstanding work from
last year from Victorian students. The
excursion is a worthwhile and valuable
experience and really challenges our
students to think about how they want to
create their folios.
VCE Art changes
to Studio Arts
The change from VCE ‘Art’ to ‘Studio
Arts’ in VCE has been undertaken and
well-received by Year 11 students and the
teachers are really enjoying creating new
The highlight of our Arts calendar was
the 11th Annual Monivae Art Exhibition.
Students in Art, Graphics and Visual
Communication and Design created an
amazing range of visual works during
the year, which was on display at the
exhibition, as was the work of our
Woodwork students. The detail in the
VCE work shows not only the efforts of
the students, but also is evidence of the
guidance given throughout the previous
years by our Visual Arts and Technology
The theme for the Opening Night on 20
October was “Life Changing Art” and was
about students and teachers thinking
about an arts event, person or experience
that has maybe changed them. In addition
to the artworks on display, there were
also musical performances during the
evening organised by our Music staff Miss
Amelia Gallina and Mr Jody Stephens. In
my opening comments, I attempted to
outline how we are trying as a faculty to
‘change lives’ and why the Arts have such
an important place at Monivae.
The exhibition was officially opened
by Dunkeld artist and former Monivae
student, Trevor Flinn, who talked about
the effect his Monivae teachers, Mrs
Ross and Mr Graeme McGaffin had on
his decision to become an artist and
inspired him. He also talked about going
to the Cerasi Chapel in Rome in 2001 and
seeing the painting by Caravaggio, ‘The
Conversion on the way to Damascus’
and the effect it had on him. Overall, the
evening was an amazing showcase for
the work that our students produced in
art and technology classes and had a
wonderful atmosphere.
Trevor Flinn makes sculpture and video
as a means of investigating legends and
to further understand his place in regional
Victoria. He wants to tell stories that draw
the viewer into a more poetic world, a
world of both humour and perversity. After
completing a Bachelor of Arts (Art History)
Trevor spent six months overseas. On his
return he decided to start making art. It was
while studying sculpture at the Victorian
College of the Arts that he developed a
particular interest in installation, video and
printmaking. Since completing a BA in
sculpture at VCA, Trevor returned to the
country in an attempt to continue artistic
activities with a regional focus.
The Opening Night also featured dramatic
and dance performances and street
theatre performers who moved throughout
the Arts Centre. There were three music
stages set-up on the night that featured
a range of musical performances. Special
thanks to Mrs Jay Tan who accompanied
several students on the night.
The exhibition was also open on Sunday
25 October between the Mass of
Thanksgiving and the Monivae Cadet
Ceremonial Parade and again a large
appreciative crowd was in attendance.
Congratulations to the Visual Arts teachers
Ms Elaine Noske, Mr Ray Wilson, Mr Peter
Fotheringham and Woodwork and Textiles
teachers, Mr Ian Marshall and Mrs Katee
Mitchell for their tremendous work for the
exhibition and to Mr Jody Stephens for
his invaluable help with the setting up.
The staff spent many long hours hanging
and preparing art, textiles and woodwork
Huge thanks to Miss Elaine Noske, Mrs
Merridy Jamieson-Rokobaro, Mrs Karen
Ashby, Ms Jacinta Ryan, Mrs Katee Mitchell
and Zelda Noske for creating delicious
gourmet food for us to enjoy on the night.
Thanks also to the numerous hospitality
and arts students for their assistance
with the catering, ably supervised by the
amazing Mr Terry Molan. Final thanks to
our technology staff Mrs Dianne Bowles
and Mrs Katee Mitchell for the use of their
facilities and generous assistance.
Every year a number of VCE works are
chosen to be exhibited in the annual
Hamilton Gallery ‘TOPS’ exhibition,
doing VCE Art, Studio Art and Visual
Communication work in the region. It was
great to have several VCE Art and Visual
Communication students with their work
in Hamilton TOPS, which opened the
week after our own exhibition. Proud as
we are of our students, the work chosen
isn’t necessarily the best work, as the
curators are often looking for a diverse
range of artworks and it sometimes
comes down to what suits the space in
the Hamilton Gallery.
Thanks again to all of the talented
teachers who make up the Arts Faculty.
They are a gifted group and richly deserve
the gratitude of the students for their fine
efforts in leading the way and showing
our students “all the beauty they possess
inside”. As Arts teachers we can all talk
about ‘How the Arts Changed Our Lives’
and why this influenced our choice to
become teachers. It might not have been
a ‘bolt of lightning’, it may have been the
slow realisation that we needed to create
and that art, music or drama gave us an
opportunity to express ourselves, which
we in turn feel obligated to allow the next
generation to experience.
American playwright and cartoonist, Jules
Feiffer said “Artists can colour the sky red
because they know it’s blue. Those of us
who aren’t artists must colour things the
way they really are or people might think
we’re stupid.”
Mr Ben Gallagher
Arts Domain Leader
Emma Britten
Sarah Teelow
Nastassja Zaadstra
Tayla Suiker
Joshua Keightley
Jess Britten
After logging onto the M.C.G. website
looking for an opportunity for work
experience, I discovered that they only
advertised work experience in office
administration. I decided that I had nothing
to lose so I emailed them requesting work
experience as a grounds man. Luckily, I
was accepted.
I worked from July 6- 10 and had a great
time. The workers there were really good
and very helpful. I mostly worked with the
apprentice and I learnt so much. The jobs
I did were raking the centre of the M.C.G,
marking the lines on the M.C.G and filling
all the holes in the ground. I also painted
pegs for the cricket covers, and myself.
I learnt a lot of things at the M.C.G. I learnt
about the soil profile of the M.C.G., the
turf management techniques and how
they prepare the cricket pitches.
Work Experience at the M.C.G.
It was a great experience and I can really
recommend it. Hopefully, one day I might
end up there as chief groundsman!
Ben Noske, Year 10
Work Experience at the Tiger’s Den
Sure, I wanted to work with elite
footballers, men of courage, conviction
and quality, but when I found Hamilton
Imperials footy club was not available
I realised that second best was better
than nothing and headed to Richmond.
I started work at Richmond on Monday
4 of May and was welcomed by loads of
people asking me whether I was there to
be the caretaker coach.
There was no mucking around with work
experience and as soon as I arrived I was
put to work cleaning. From bikes to the
crevices in a weight machine I cleaned
it all. All the while I was constantly being
introduced to all the Tigers players who I
have idolised. Matthew Richardson, Brett
Delidio and Ben Cousins were a few who
were saying “g’day,” and I’m pretty sure
I spent the whole first day with my jaw
dropped to the ground. As the week rolled
on I became comfortable being around all
the players and before I knew it they were
saying “Jacko grab me a drink.”
On Tuesday the players had a skills
session and this was the day when I
started to relax around everyone. Kicking
the ball back to all the players and just
being around a professional club training
was a great highlight of the week. After
training they had a lockout team meeting
for the players and coach to review the
previous game and to preview the next
game against Brisbane at the MCG. I
was lucky to be invited and was the only
person in the room who wasn’t a player or
official of the club. That was also the day
when I realised that when someone says
“oy big fella” at an AFL club that there
were loads of people in the room who
were taller and bigger than I am.
On the Friday it was all about packing
up the gear to take to the game day on
the Saturday. So after a light training
session in the morning, we basically just
packed up all the equipment needed for
the big game against Brisbane. This was
probably the shortest day of the week and
so I went home pretty much straight after
Jackson Roder with Brett Deledio
Jackson Roder with Chris Newman (capt)
On Wednesday it was the players’ day off
and so I was asked by the Multi cultural
part of the club whether I would like to
do a few clinics at Multi cultural schools.
I said yes and so we drove around and
worked at three schools in Melbourne.
We worked with many kids who were
very disadvantaged and a lot couldn’t
speak English. It was a great time working
with Grades 5 and 6 who never stopped
I was allowed the Thursday off because
of the National Schools Basketball
Tournament in Melbourne that Monivae
competed in and won. This was
disappointing in one way as this was
the main training day for the week at
Well it was Saturday! The day I had been
waiting for all week. We shipped everything
over to the MCG and unpacked it all. We
set up drinks, uniforms and footballs in
the players’ rooms and put all the medical
and massaging gear out at the bench on
the ground. It was a great feeling when
a MCG official would question whether
I was allowed to be on the MCG and I
would flash my “All access pass” at him.
When the siren roared and Richmond
Footy club ran out on to the ground with
the club song playing I had a box view
of it all. Jogging out after them in front
of a packed MCG was easily the biggest
highlight. The crowd was roaring and
we were pumped for a big game. As I
kicked the balls back to the players in the
warm-up and the crowd yelling chants I
was thinking to myself that it doesn’t get
much better than this when it comes to
work experience. And it doesn’t! Work
experience at Richmond will be a memory
that I won’t forget for a long time. I would
definitely encourage everyone to try and
do work experience at an AFL or any elite
sporting club because it is amazing.
Jackson Roder, Year 11
Careers in Health Day
The Careers in Health Day, Thursday 23
July, was held at the Hamilton Hospital.
We have all heard Mr Neal talk about
the many opportunities available here
at Monivae, and while it can get quite
repetitive at times, he is spot on.
The opportunity I had is one of many
career days to attend every year at
Monivae. I personally am still not sure
about what career I want to pursue when
I leave school, but I realise it is about time
I started considering my options. What I
decide to do after school can be affected
by what subjects I take now. After seeking
out advice from experienced sources on
what subjects and careers I should look at
I learnt one thing that stuck with me, that
until I finish school my best bet would be
to keep my options open. This will enable
me to change my mind a few times in
whatever career I should pursue.
My advice to other students is to look at
attending other career days, as they are
put on for your benefit. As an individual
I was not particularly looking at a career
in health but I had a few questions that I
wanted answering. The Careers in Health
Day was a wonderful insight into a wide
range of careers within the health industry.
We had the opportunity to hear about a
variety of health professions including
Speech Therapy, Podiatry, Occupational
Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social Work,
Nursing, Paramedic, Radiology, Dietetics
and Nutrition, and finally Diversional
Therapy, and to see what these people
actually do. Some even allowed us to
participate in interactive programs.
Checking out the Ambulance
Careers days are fun, informative and
most importantly they are hands-on which
enables you to get out in the field and
get a real taste of the work involved. For
more information on careers days check
the daily notices, the basement’s notice
boards and read the newsletters regularly.
Visiting Mrs King’s careers office will also
provide you with relevant information.
Niall Ashby, Year 10
Emily Mirtschin & Caroline Munro at the Health careers day
For many people, university and campus
life is something that probably wouldn’t
be experienced until their tertiary
education had actually commenced.
However, through UniExperience, a twoday program run by the University of
Melbourne, designed for Year 11 students
living in rural areas, you are given a rare
insight into uni life. The main aim of the
program is for secondary school students
to experience living in one of the residential
colleges that are available at the University
of Melbourne. Over the two days we
were introduced to the world of university
students in many creative ways, including
a “Race around Melbourne Uni” and mock
lectures in actual lecture theatres, as well
as meeting people from all over Victoria,
along with New South Wales and South
Australia in small group activities. The
mock lectures were extremely beneficial
as you could get a feel for the plethora of
subjects and the structure of the courses
that are offered.
I found this program to be highly valuable
and beneficial as I experienced university
life first-hand, an opportunity that is rarely
presented to you while still in secondary
school. I would highly recommend this
Susannah Tindall with the UniExperience Group 2009
program to anyone who is contemplating
any tertiary studies, regardless of which
university they may be interested in.
Susannah Tindall, Year 11
Street theatre in Gray St
In the classroom, Drama at Monivae in
2009 was all about creating meaningful
dramatic experiences in class and
developing students’ confidence in
front of an audience. We also exposed
our students to quality external theatre
productions as much as possible.
In Drama classes this year, Yr 7s created
drama out of various sources, including
family stories, fairy tales and those from
different cultures. The students also
played with ideas of conflict and power in
their group performance of ‘Sundiata - the
King of Mali’, an African story-play. Yr 8s
explored short scripts and devised their
own dramas.
Middle school Drama students worked
solidly on the development of character,
workshopping small plays in groups and
also individually developing characters
during the semester. The Semester 1
class also performed as part of the Easter
VCE Drama ensemble night
In May the VCE Drama students
presented their ensemble performances
in the Monivae PAC. The ensembles were
written and devised by the students and
performed in small groups. Thanks to Mr
Tony Speed, Mr Scott McFadden and
Mr Pete Hodkinson, all of Baimbridge
College, who helped assess the students.
The ensembles were powerful pieces of
extremely high quality and were the end
result of a term’s work inside and outside
Drama at Monivae
Drama at Monivae
Kate Western
class by the Drama students. Overall, the
plays were a huge success.
Melbourne, but it is a big task to get there
and back, especially on a Saturday.
On Saturday 14 March, the students in
Unit 3 Drama and Unit 1 Theatre Studies
went on a trip to Melbourne to participate
in a number of activities related to VCE
VCE Performance Night
The weather was foul and we drove at a
crawl at some stages along the extremely
wet Western Highway to attend the VCAA
‘Top Class’ Drama and Theatre Studies
Concert at the brand spanking new
Melbourne Recital Centre in Southbank.
The ‘Top Class’ performances featured
outstanding ‘Solo’ and ‘Monologue’
Performances from Unit 4 Drama and
Theatre Studies and featured A+ students
from 2008 performing their work.
At 4.00pm we were meant to see the
Melbourne Theatre Company’s production
of “Poor Boy” by Australian playwright Matt
Cameron, with Guy Pearce, at the equally
brand spanking new Sumner Theatre.
Unfortunately, one of the actors was ill
and the play was cancelled, which was
disappointing. Instead, we saw another
MTC play, “Moonlight and Magnolias”,
which the students nevertheless enjoyed.
After the show we left Melbourne and
stopped briefly for tea in Ballarat, arriving
home exhausted at 10.30pm.
Huge thanks to Mr Jody Stephens for
his help and assistance in coming on the
trip. It is always a great experience for our
students to see Drama performances in
Once again the annual VCE Solo
Performance Night was an excellent event
held in the first week of Term 4, featuring
performances by Monivae VCE Drama
and Music students, presented in the
Monivae PAC to an appreciative audience.
VCE Drama students presented their
seven-minute ‘Solo Performances’, which
the students had spent more than a term
writing and preparing, based on criteria
set by the VCAA. The following Monday
they presented their work to examiners in
Warrnambool, so the VCE performance
night was the last run through. Once
again, the overall standard of work was
excellent and the students should be
commended for their efforts.
So another successful year winds to
a close in the Drama department at
Monivae. Thanks to all of those people
who supported our endeavours by
helping your student learn lines or
create costumes or set pieces or simply
attended one of our performances. Next
year we’ll be presenting a Theatre Studies
production instead of a major one and
some other smaller, but no less satisfying,
dramatic performances.
See you on the boards.
Mr Ben Gallagher
Drama Teacher
‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose
it to mean - neither more nor less.’ - Through the Looking Glass (Chapt. 6) by Lewis Carroll
It could be asserted that this is just the
problem with English. So often when
communicating using the mongrel mother
tongue that is English, meaning can be
obscured. Hopefully such shall not be the
case with this report.
The English Department at Monivae has
continued its internal review process. The
overall manner in which we approach
English is to consider our destination
first. We ask, “What is it that the students
need to be able to demonstrate to show
Our destination statement for the Monivae
English Department is twofold. The two
aspects of the destination are:
to have students who recognise the
relationship between language and ideas,
and the role of language in developing the
capacity to express ideas;
to have students who can communicate
information effectively, both orally and in
writing, to a range of audiences.
In last year’s report I wrote of students
adopting ownership of their success. This
is still no less a part of the process, but
other aspects also facilitate this.
This year has seen the continued and
enhanced implementation of the Study
Design for VCE introduced in 2009 at Year
12 (Units 3 and 4).
A new programme was developed for
Year 11 (Units 1 and 2) and piloted
during this year. Unit 1 focuses on “The
Search for Identity” with the examination
of stories of individuals used as a tool
to gain an understanding of the notions
of representations, discourse and
intertextuality. Unit 2, entitled “Advance
Australia Where?”, focuses on the
construction of Australian identity in
a range of texts, including biography,
documentary, drama, film, media, novel,
poetry and short stories. Given the
success of the pilot, this course will be
continued into the foreseeable future, as it
meets compliance requirements for both
VCAA and National Curriculum.
2009 sees the final year of vertically
timetabled classes in English at Monivae.
The decision to adopt discreet Yr 9 and
Yr 10 classes from the start of 2010,
comes from a recognition that the vertical
programme as it has come to operate
does not allow for an appropriate scope
and sequence of experiences to ensure
that the English Department can fulfill its
destination statement.
implementation for the National Curriculum
in 2011, an ongoing review of the LINCS
programme at Year 8 and EXCEL at Year
7 will continue.
The ‘jewel in the crown’ of English, VCE
Literature, continues to be enjoyed by a
dedicated band of enthusiastic students
at both Yr 11 and 12 levels. It is pleasing
that this elective course exists for those
who wish to pursue the closer study of
Literature at this level.
Words such as ‘review’, ‘pilot’, ‘enhanced’
all have value and, as Humpty Dumpty
would suggest from the quote above, a
particular and derived meaning. What they
really mean in an actual sense is a great
deal of work from dedicated practitioners
not only in the classroom but away from
‘whiteboard-face’ (doesn’t have the
romance of ‘chalk-face’, does it?) creating
what is to be delivered. This aspect of
consistent delivery has been particularly
challenging, as the English Department
has had a staff movement during 2009,
that has not been optimal for achievement
of our desired outcomes. These remarks
are made neither to mitigate nor exonerate
these circumstances, but simply as a
recognition of the difficulty that has been
experienced in gaining suitable applicants
to fill the roles as they have arisen.
2009 saw the Department welcome Mr
Philip Wheaton from Roma (QLD) in an
ongoing capacity. Likewise Mr Richard
Kelly was appointed and after a period
at Monivae left to pursue training and
education in another area. Mrs Merridy
Rokobaro was appointed to EXCEL from
South Australia and the year also saw the
departure and return of Mr Lech Aniol.
Also in the Department was Ms Christine
Dixon, undertaking the EXCEL course for
a portion of the year. The end of Term 1
saw the Department farewell Miss Kate
Couchman for a period of leave. Mrs
Kerrie Cameron’s ongoing repatriation has
also seen her absence within the teaching
ranks of the faculty.
To those who have been the ‘constants’
within the Department I offer my sincere
thanks for the ongoing support, guidance
and willingness to try new and different
approaches. Often these colleagues
have had to work beyond and outside
the concerns of their immediate classes
to support newcomers and casual
relief teachers. This bona fide display of
professionalism is greatly valued from
my perspective and serves to show the
generosity of spirit of the Monivae English
Faculty and the wider staff also.
Whilst the student cohort has not been
involved in any competitions this year, the
NAPLAN data indicates certain trends
and aspects of our students’ abilities
with a far greater accuracy than such
competitions and with students placed
against their cohort throughout Australia.
The information derived from this series of
tests being examined at the time of writing
will continue to inform our delivery to and
expectations of the student body.
Then with these remarks now printed and
the report coming to a close, let us return
to Humpty’s dialogue with Alice and see
where it takes us.
‘…That’s a great deal to make one word
mean,’ Alice said in a thoughtful tone.
‘When I make a word do a lot of work like
that,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘I always pay
it extra.’
Let us hope then, that in our use of words
we can make them do that extra bit for us,
for in the long term surely it will not only
see the words worth more, but enhance
our overall experiences too.
Michael Bishop
English Domain Leader
The Humanities
The Humanities
How do we define 2009? Commentators
around the world will emphasise floods,
terrorism and political changes. The study
of the Humanities subjects is the place
where students are able to engage with
the realities of the modern world, discuss
these events, their implications for the
world and prospects for the future. Rather
than take a gloomy view and dwell on
the shadow of darkness in the world,
our students learn that whatever era they
study, societies faced similar challenges –
survived them and came away with new
ways of thinking and more enlightened
views of how the future can be.
The Humanities subjects consist of History,
Geography, Economics, Accounting
and Legal Studies and this year saw
the inclusion of Business Management
studied by Distance Education in the
VCE. It is through engaging with these
subjects that our students begin to
understand the modern world. The role of
Geography and History in the curriculum
was affirmed by inclusion in the National
Curriculum and we will be busy preparing
for implementation from 2011.
It has been another very busy year in this
domain – all year levels have benefited
from excursions to a variety of locations
ranging from local magistrates’ courts and
eco lodges to Kryal Castle and Horsham
to meet survivors of the Holocaust. The
benefits of such activities cannot be
emphasised enough and when asked
for feedback our students affirmed the
benefits of such days.
Our Commerce and Careers classes
continued to go from strength to strength,
preparing our students for participation
in the workplace whilst introducing them
to relevant issues such as their rights at
work, and how to forge relationships with
Other highlights of the year include the
introduction of a new competition to
complement those already existing.
Called ‘The Great Race’, it aimed to
encourage students to be more aware
of how current affairs have a historical,
economic and geographical context.
Students volunteered for this competition
and completed it as a co-curricular activity
Year 11 History students with Dr. Henry Ekert
putting many hours into their research
each week. At the time of writing we
have three students, Zoe Tripovich, Daniel
Strada and Beau Nieuvweld participating
in the grand final of this event after
consistently rating in the top five Victorian
places this year. We wish them the very
best and hope to expand this competition
further next year.
This domain is staffed by a range of
experts in their individual fields of study
and I would like to take this opportunity
to thank them for their commitment to
the preparation and presentation of class
material. Ask any student and they will
share an amusing anecdote about these
teachers which demonstrates how they
have forged excellent relationships with
their pupils. I would like to thank the VCE
teachers Mr Gary Simkin and Mrs Pam
King for their constant encouragement
of the seniors. The Middle school
teachers, Mrs Elizabeth Gubbins and Mr
Lech Aniol also work hard each day to
reinforce the value of our subject to these
students. Our Year 8 teachers continue
to inspire the students and plan fantastic
activities on Alternative Education days
to complement the student learning,
so thanks to Mr Phillip Wheaton, Mr
Bern’ard Quince and Mr Pat Binyon. The
Year 7 teachers continue to have great fun
with the Ancient Civilisations, Civics and
Citizenship and a range of skill building
Geographical exercises, so to Mr Geoff
Parker, Mr Simon Hatherall and Mrs
Merridy Jamieson – Rokobora we tilt our
hats in thanks.
Year 8 students with Parks Victoria Ranger
Year 8 students on excursion
Ben Thornton & Adrian Murchie-Knell
We hope that in 2010 we will continue
to show our students what a fabulous,
inspiring and exciting place the world can
Mrs Sofia Vearing
Humanities Domain Leader
The borders of your language are the
borders of your world. For this reason
it is important that students have the
opportunity to study a language other
than English.
A school the size of
Monivae College is truly blessed with the
opportunity it gives students to find this
different vision of life through the study of
French and Indonesian. It is a choice of
two very different languages which caters
for the different individuals in each cohort.
Monivae students continue to engage in
LOTE classes with enthusiasm.
One of the aims of the LOTE Department
is to expose students to the syntax,
semantics and phonics of the other
awareness of differences between
cultures. The students are exposed to the
spoken language through the media of
technology. They are given opportunities
to observe differences in the way the
language sounds when used by different
speakers or in different contexts with the
use of visual and aural material such as
CD, DVD, computer and video.
LOTE enables teachers to implement
Thinking Skills (reflection, processing and
metacognition) which is part of the VELS
curriculum. “Language study has benefits
for divergent and creative thinking as well
as first language literacy skills” (Canada,
Swain & Lapkin, 1991). This is one of
the many reasons that the dedicated
LOTE teachers strive to deliver a vibrant
curriculum and to continue to develop
content and methodology within their
The department has attempted to capitalise
on Government and public interest in
language learning and intercultural studies
for the funding of programs. It has been
committed to promoting the belief that
“thorough, ongoing language learning
has a humanistic, intellectual justification,
and as such it should be a ‘compulsory,
unproblematic, and celebrated’ component
of school education in Australia, planned
across all year levels including preschool
and post-school, and supported through
core education funding, not specific
grants” (Joseph Lo Bianco, EQ Australia.
Winter 2009).
One of the highlights of the year was the
International Liturgy, coordinated by Fr
Mark McGuinness and Mr Terry Molan.
This was a colourful Liturgy with the
students forming a parade to carry the
flag of practically every nation of the world.
Prayers were said in different languages
and attendance at such a Liturgy reminds
the community that culture and language
are many and varied throughout the
Yr 8 Students Indonesian Gamelan Workshop
Mrs Patience worked with Miss Gallina
to perform a combined musical, cultural
and lingual shadow puppet show. This
was thoroughly enjoyed by all the Junior
School students. Monivae is privileged to
have the combined talents of these two
hard-working teachers. Their project was
an outstanding success. Ms Lemoine and
her Middle School students enjoyed ‘un
petit déjeuner français’ earlier in the year.
They drank hot chocolate and Perrier
water and ate croissants and chocolate
bread. A tasty cultural experience!
We would like to extend many thanks to
Brigitte Waters and Yuli McCaskill. Brigitte
and Yuli are native speakers of French and
Indonesian who give service to Monivae
by coming to help with LOTE classes and
giving support to Senior School LOTE
students. They are valued participants
in the delivery of language at Monivae
Monivae is fortunate to have ongoing,
dedicated LOTE teachers and one can
only be sure that the Hamilton community
has been enriched by their devotion to
the professional delivery and continuing
development of language teaching at
Monivae College.
Ms Barbara Lemoine
& Mrs Maria Patience
LOTE Domain Leaders
Indonesian students, Mrs Yuli McCaskill & Mrs Maria Patience
Tamilla Maslen, Shanae Guthrie & Erin Tonissen, Indonesian Gamelan
It has been a busy year in the Mathematics
faculty with a lot of diligent work being
completed by both the students and the
staff. We had students enter a number of
Mathematics competitions.
received a Distinction Certificate. Also
congratulations to Sarah Traynor,
Cameron Straw, Daniel Strada and Josh
Kohn for participating and completing the
Mathematics Challenge
for Young Australians
Australian Mathematics
Competition For The
Westpac Awards
This competition is held every year and it
is designed to help motivate, stimulate,
encourage and develop mathematically
interested and talented students in Years
7, 8, 9 and 10. It consists of two stages,
but they could complete only one stage if
they wished.
Challenge Stage
Students solve six problems over a three
week period, four of which must be
attempted individually, while the other two
problems may be discussed with another
student before submitting their individual
Enrichment Stage
This stage runs for sixteen weeks and
during this time, students worked through
a booklet of students’ notes (this gave
them some background work) and then
they solved either twelve or sixteen
problems (depending on year level).
The following awards were for the
Challenge Stage only as the results for the
Enrichment Stage are not yet available.
Congratulations to Dylan Gracias who
During Term 3, all students from Years 7
and 8 and fifty one students from Years 9
to 12 entered the Australian Mathematics
Competition for the Westpac Awards.
It is one of the largest Mathematics
competitions in the world. It aims to
create, encourage and sustain interest
in the study of Mathematics amongst
competition tests everything from basic
numeracy skills through to advanced
problem solving.
All students who entered the competition
received a certificate. As a general rule,
prizes are awarded to the top 0.3%
of students. Top 2% received High
Distinction certificates, top 15% received
Distinction certificates and the top 50%
received Credit certificates. For the senior
division these figures are 0.3%, 5%, 25%
and 60% respectively. A Proficiency
certificate is awarded to all students who
have achieved a pre-set score but have
not been awarded a Credit (or higher)
certificate. All other students received
certificates of Participation.
We had forty-five students receive a
Credit certificate and forty-two receive a
Proficiency certificate.
Distinction certificates were awarded to
Katelyn Millard, Laura Eales, Sebastian
Rogers, Zakary Doherty, Tim Goodman,
Dylan Gracias, Justin Field, Ashleigh
Minney, Sarah Millard, Valerian McCaskill,
Kaitlyn Hastings, Samuel Dent, Daniel
Roberts, Ben Thornton and John Traynor.
The Prudence Award Winner was Nathan
Liebelt of Year 7.
Congratulations to all of the students
mentioned and to everyone who entered
the competition.
Thank you to all the Mathematics teachers
for their hard work throughout the year
Miss Rebecca Schwarz, Miss Samantha
Ross, Mr Simon Hatherall, Mr Tim
Kermeen, Mrs Elizabeth Robertson, Mr
Damian McCarthy, Mrs Tania Gaussen,
Mrs Judy Trompf, Mr Patrick Binyon, Mr
Gerard Bourke, Mr David Irving, Mrs
Karen Ashby, Mr Bronte Longbottom, Mr
Gary Simkin, Mrs Yvette Colquhoun.
Miss Jacinta Ryan
Mathematics Domain Leader
This year has been a busy one for the
music department that has seen both
our students and staff working hard
rehearsing for School and Community
participated in the ANZAC Day parade in
Melbourne. All students worked extremely
hard over the weekend and in the weeks
leading up to the march and represented
Monivae well.
At the conclusion of 2008 we said farewell
to Michelle Graffeo, Allan Leishman, Adam
Schriever and Alex Francis. We wish
to thank them for their hard work and
dedication to our instrumental program.
In Term 3 Monivae College hosted our first
annual Music Night which showcased the
excellent work students have done in both
instrumental and class music. All year
levels were represented on the night. The
evening opened with the Year 7 Band.
These students amazed the audience
with how much they had achieved in
only one short term on their instruments.
Other performers included the Monivae
Quartet, VCE soloists and The Godspell
cast. Thank you to Jody Stephens, Ben
Gallagher, Maria Patience, Alisa Houlihan
and Kaylene Mailes for their hard work in
making the Music Night such as success.
The evening really did highlight the
amazing talent of our students and staff.
In 2009 with a fresh team, we welcomed
James Czerwonka (guitar), Jon Emry
(Drums), Peter Salt (Clarinet and
Saxophone) and Lynda Freeman (Piano)
and welcomed back Alisa Houlihan. We
were ready to begin the new year.
In Semester 1, many of our instrumental
and vocal students, including the College
Choir under the direction of Jody Stephens,
entered the Hamilton Eisteddfod and
achieved some outstanding results.
Each year, the Eisteddfod offers students
valuable performance experience and
gives them the opportunity to share their
hard work with the Hamilton Community.
All students and staff should be
congratulated for their involvement.
Also in the first semester, the Cadet
Band lead by Tom Hicks as Drum Major,
Claire and Ellen Block
David Western, Felicity Kemp
I would like to thank Jody Stephens, Alisa
Houlihan, Geoff Parker, Frank Marcollo,
James Czerwonka, Jon Emry and Peter
Salt for their continued support of our
students and their music.
Ms Amelia Gallina
Music Coordinator
Mai Do
Mitch Beulke
Choir Back row: Shahn Colliver, Jesse Hartwich, Sam Dent, Joshua Murray, Taylah Connolly Middle row: Rebecca Gannon, Nastassja Zaadstra,
Susannah Tindall, Kate Western, Zoe Ormiston, Mr Jody Stephens Seated: Samantha Byrne-Kirk, Felicity Kemp, Robert Johnson, Kathleen Ashby,
Sachini Chandrasekara
Taylah Connolly & Mr Jody Stephens
This is one of those unique subjects in
VCE where students get to undertake at
least twenty hours of outdoor activities per
semester to support and supplement their
learning in the classroom. This experiential
component of the course has challenged
every member of the group at different
times, and engaged them in discussions
with local people who are experts in
their field, and hopefully opened their
eyes to the wonders of our local natural
environment in Western Victoria.
The class consisted of both Yr 11 and Yr
12 students who all come with a range
of their own outdoor experiences to share
and further develop with their peers.
groaning in the middle of the night (or was
that a student?). Thanks goes to Mr Simon
Hatherall for his leadership on this trip.
The second of these was a Grampians
National Park trip that included a day of
rock climbing and abseiling, as well as
visiting Aboriginal rock art, waterfalls, and
Mafeking (an old Gold Mining site of the
1900s). Thanks goes to Miss Samantha
Ross for her support in this trip.
Quote of the year, “OMG! Those birds are
Mr Damian McCarthy
Outdoor Education &
Studies teacher
Canoeing the Glenelg
Some of the minor field trips included:
Caving at the Naracoorte Caves
National Park and recognising the
significance of a World Heritage site
Touring local Indigenous areas of
cultural significance around Lake
Condah and the old Condah Mission
(with an Indigenous tour operator)
Learning canoeing skills on the
Wannon river
Cooking on trangias, reading maps
and preparing route planning cards
Developing hiking skills walking up
Mt Abrupt
Undergoing a team building exercise
Indigenous Dreamtime stories and
Brambuk Culture Centre (Halls Gap)
Mt Napier Volcano visit and walk
Listening to the management of
fuel loads by Mr Bruce Farquharson
There are also the two major expeditions
which offer the class an opportunity
to prepare for a self-sufficient outdoor
experience. The first of these was a hike/
canoe trip along the Glenelg River in the
Glenelg National Park. Highlights included
the local landscape and serenity of the
location, and the night-time sharing food
with the possums and hearing the koalas
Mt Abrupt Walk
McKenzie Waterfalls (Grampians NP)
The Group
Outdoor Education and Environmental Studies
Outdoor Education and
Environmental Studies
Rock Climbing
Religious Education at Monivae / Science
Religious Education at Monivae
This year has seen the successful
completion of the implementation of
“Awakenings”, the Ballarat Diocese
Religious Education Guidelines. With the
successful teaching of the Sacraments
unit in Term 2 the cycle of implementation
is complete. However, instead of simply
repeating the same units for another two
years it is the department’s intention to
revise and resource the units at Years 7
to 10 using an on-line development tool
commissioned and developed by the RE
Centre in Ballarat. This process enables
the review and development of units as
well as their updating and publication over
a period of time. We are grateful to the
RE centre staff for their assistance and
guidance in this matter.
At the VCE level all four units of Religion
and Society have been successfully
presented in 2009. The Unit 1 “Religion in
Society” course for Year 11 students has
focused on the diversity of religious belief
and the various aspects of Belief, Ritual
and Symbol, Roles, Structure, Individual
Experience, Ethics, Stories and Scripture.
This has led to an understanding of
tolerance of diversity and, hopefully, to
a greater acceptance of other cultures
and religions. The interaction of these
religions with the society in which they
exist has been another emphasis of
Unit 1. Students have considered how
an understanding of individual religious
experience helps people make sense of
the big questions such as the purpose of
life and humankind’s destiny.
Most Year 12 students have been
studying Ethics, the study of right and
wrong. They were given a framework for
arriving at ethical decisions rather than
simply repeating prejudices of their own
or others around them. They considered
the philosophical writings of those who go
before, what the religious institutions say
and what the outcomes are for particular
alternative decisions. Then they have done
a thorough analysis of two ethical issues
using these tools to arrive at a personal
A group of eleven Year 12 students have
been tackling Units 3 & 4. They have
formal assessments to complete including
an exam at the end of the year. While the
results are not available at the time of
writing, it is expected that they will do well
and fulfil the promise and effort they have
invested in this subject.
MacKillop. As we approach the much
anticipated canonization of Australia’s
first saint, it fitted well with the study of
individual Religious experience in Year 11
and the Church unit in Year 7. The play
called “At the Centre of Light” focused
on the trials and human struggle faced
by this heroic Australian woman and
her perseverance and determination to
succeed in God’s work in our local district
and throughout Australia.
Religious Education is an inexact and
varied task within a Catholic School.
Each teacher brings to class their own
faith and doubt and their own religious
and life experience. They bring these to a
diverse and sometimes reluctant clientele
who struggle to see the relevance of the
subject in a materialistic world. It is a great
service that RE teachers do in the service
of God and of God’s people and I register
my thanks to all who have “laboured in
the vineyard” this year and pray for them
and their families, that God will bless them
and make His love known to them always.
Special thanks to Mr Terry Molan and Fr
Mark McGuinness in their leadership in the
areas of Faith Development and Liturgy.
A major effort by the department has been
to organize a play in the school about
the life and struggles of Blessed Mary
Mr Gerard Bourke
Religious Education Coordinator
10. It informs students of the importance
of science and technology, stimulates and
heightens their interest in a wide range of
science study and career opportunities.
Sarah Millard
Valerian McCaskill
Sachira Chandrasekara
Ashley Minney
Justin Field
Yr 7
Zoe Tripovich
Victoria O’Shea
Wolfgang Henry
Zakary Doherty
Alex Brookes
Anthony Baudinette
Avalon Airshow
Monivae was fortunate to gain places
for ten students to attend the Student
Information Day at the Avalon Airshow
held in March. The day provided insights
into careers in Aviation, Aerospace and
Defence. The highlight for the day was
the opportunity to meet Australian-born
American aerospace engineer and NASA
astronaut, Andy Thomas.
Siemens Science
Congratulations to Scott Rankin and
Kaitlyn Hastings who received selection to
attend the Siemens Science Experience
during the school holidays. The program
runs a series of hands-on science
activities for students about to enter Yr
Student Achievements
Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
Science Competition
This competition consisted of a series of
45 multiple choice questions of increasing
difficulty which addressed a broad range
of science concepts. The following
students received notable results.
High Distinction
Katelyn Millard Yr 7
Yr 8
Cameron Straw
Beau Nieuwveld
National Chemistry Quiz
All VCE Chemistry students completed
a series of multiple choice questions for
the competition. The following students
received special mention.
High Distinction
Ethan Tan- Yr 11
Middle School Curriculum
This year the faculty has focused on
implementation of a new curriculum
structure into Middle School for science
students. The purpose behind this
transition was two fold 1) to ensure
students developed a solid foundation
in each of the principle areas of science
combined with key skills in scientific
method and inquiry and, 2) providing
differentiated pathways for students to
undertake specialised studies to enable
informed choice and preparation for
senior courses.
Part of the specialised units included
industry specific excursions or activities
which explored the application of these
sciences in real life.
Activities included:
Participation in the Cows Create
Excursions to Otway Estate Winery &
Brewery and Grampians Pure Sheep
Dairy & Iluka Mineral Sands Mine
(Chemical Connections)
Visit from past Monivae student,
Katherine Brewis, who is now a Civil
Engineer with Thiess Constructions
in Melbourne (Active Physics)
Chemistry In Industry
lunch in Colac, followed by a drive to
the Grampians Pure Sheep Dairy near
Glenthompson. We learnt from Elizabeth,
the owner of the property, about the
milking of sheep, how they make cheese
and yoghurt and how they distribute it
all over Australia. We were even given
taste tests! We returned to school later
in the day with a broader knowledge of
these two industries in local Victoria and
the contribution of Chemistry to their
Nathan Liebelt, Yr 10
National Science Week:
‘Astronomy: Science
without limits’
Students explored the theme of
astronomy through individual activities
within their classes. Students also actively
participated in the Science Week Quiz
with prizes awarded to all participants.
The aim of these activities was to broaden
students’ knowledge of general science
and brush up on current innovation in
science-related fields.
Yr 11
Shahn Colliver
Shelby Pierce
Lachlan Williams
Yr 12
Kieran Eales
Chris Linke
Yr 11
Leonard Arnold
Yr 12
Nicholas Shaw
Alexandra Van Rijn
Rhys Wilkosz
VELS – Victorian Essential Learning Standards
All Year 7-10 Science classes formally reported on the VELS Non-disciplinary Strands
in the following areas:
Personal Learning The Individual
processing, and
What does this involve?
Developing an awareness and capacity to
monitor one’s learning through strategies
including reflection, exploration and practice
of behaviours that support learning
Exploring the knowledge, skills and
behaviours for inquiry, critical thinking,
evaluation and integration of information
Teachers have been proactive in developing strategies to address these areas through
collaboration in year levels.
This year the Science faculty has being reviewing the processes surrounding safety in
the laboratories. Staff have updated the procedural guidelines for practical work and
streamlined the process of safety assessment for class activities through refinement of
electronic Risk Assessment Sheets (RAS) and improved access to Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS). Teachers have also been exploring ways to involve students in science
safety awareness through familiarising students in MSDS and RAS preparation.
Mrs Yvette Colquhoun
Science Domain Leader
Ally Feely, Eve Duckmanton & Bec Grayson on Yr 11 Biology field trip
Avalon Airshow participants
Grace Taylor, Tim Selman & Harry Purvis dissecting a frog
Monivae students with Andy Thomas
On Tuesday 9 June, our Middle School
science class went on excursion to
observe Chemistry in Industry. This
started with the winery and brewery at
Otway Estate in Barongarook near Colac.
We were given an educational tour by the
production manager, Hamish, examining
the process of fermentation in wine and
beer production. We then stopped for
Special Education
Special Education
Monivae College’s Special Education
Department aims to nurture and support
students with special learning, social or
medical needs, that may impact on their
academic program and socialization,
whilst at school. Thus Special Education
staff are involved in the pastoral care and
the curriculum planning sectors of the
College, supporting identified students
and their families.
Students may receive support in a variety
of ways. These include:
Individual Learning Programs
Classroom support
Support for classroom teachers
Small group programs
Specialised technology support
Specialist curriculum programs
Examination support
The number of officially funded students
has continued to grow this year, with
eighteen officially funded students being
supported in 2009. The College receives
funding for these students through the
SAISO funding (Literacy, Numeracy and
Special Learning Needs) Programme,
which is an Australian Government
Programme for assisting schools.
Other students may be referred for
assistance by their family, Year Level
Coordinators, teaching staff, etc., and
these students can then be assessed by
staff from the Catholic Education Office
or internally by College staff. Students
who don’t qualify for government funding,
but who still require support with their
education and/or their socialization are
also supported by this Department. An
on-line booklet is available for staff to
access where a description of the child’s
needs is documented and classroom
strategies are suggested.
All new students enrolling at the College
are tested by Robert Allwell and Associates
P/L. This information, in conjunction with
the results of the government NAPLAN
testing and teacher feedback, are available
to assist with the identification of students
who may need special programming and/
or support.
This year the College has employed
three teacher assistants, to work with the
teaching staff and to support particular
students, both in the classroom and in
withdrawal situations. Ms Elise Grenfell
has worked full-time, and Mrs Cynthia
Longbottom and Ms Finuala Neeson have
shared two part-time positions so that the
school has offered two full-time positions.
Their dedication to the students and their
families and their assistance to myself has
been very gratifying.
New students:
The practice of parents contacting the
College regarding their child’s needs in
advance of their enrolment and attendance
has continued this year. This assists
College staff to look at the programming
needs of the student, to assign available
resources where necessary and to
include potential students in submissions
for funding if that is applicable. This year
some students from St Mary’s Primary
School have visited the College with
their current aide, for extra transition
and familiarisation with the College, prior
to their entering Year 7 in 2010. An
Orientation Booklet has been prepared
by the Special Education Department
for the use of students who may wish to
familiarise themselves at home with the
different physical sectors of the College
and with key personnel with whom they
may be interacting.
Programs available in 2009:
A special examination room is provided
at the end of Semester 1 and the end of
Semester 2, to assist students who may
need assistance with reading, scribing
and clarifying of examination information
and to support students who may miss
examinations through illness or other
At Year 8, identified students are offered
the opportunity to participate in a subject
called Language Development. This is a
full year’s course where two groups are
taught – one from classes 8.1 & 8.2 and
the other from 8.3 & 8.4. This subject
gives the students a chance to extend
their English skills, in a small group
situation, rather than continuing with a
LOTE subject (Languages other than
English). This subject is taught in addition
to the usual Year 8 English course.
Middle School:
Catch-up classes are currently available
for students who take one less subject
in their Middle School Program and who
use this time to have assistance with their
work for their remaining subjects. Work
Education is available at a Year 10 level in
2010. Students electing to do this course,
work on modules from the Certificate
in Vocational Preparation at Southern
Grampians Adult Education. They also
undertake work experience placements.
In the four periods available at the College,
students receive assistance with their
work from other subjects and catch up
with work missed while they attend SGAE
for three periods per week.
VCE: Special Consideration can be applied
for in the examinations for Units 3 & 4. The
Special Education Coordinator and the
VCE coordinator work together to identify
and submit applications for students who
fulfil the strict guidelines the VCAA have
provided. Special consideration such
as extra time, the use of a computer or
a scribe and rest breaks are available to
students who fulfil the stringent criteria.
Our Special Education Department
remains committed to assisting students
and their families to enable students to
enhance their participation during their
Monivae Education and we look forward
to continuing with this work in 2010.
Mrs Jennifer Strang
Special Education Coordinator
Shirley Lovell, Gerard Bourke, Leonie Roder, Katee Mitchell, Ian Marshall,
Peter Fotheringham, Ray Wilson, Dianne Bowles
To work with your
hands you must use
your head!
Skills to take
with you
wherever you go,
whatever you do.
Technology for a
Social Groups - Learning Together
Mrs Dianne Bowles
Technology Domain Leader
Student numbers in VCAL continued their
growth, so the two classes initiated in
the previous year were maintained. This
increased interest has most likely been due
to the many successful career outcomes
VCAL students attain on leaving at either
the end of Intermediate VCAL (Year 11) or
at the end of Senior VCAL (Year 12). In
addition, the opportunity to learn through
practical competency-based projects has
better suited some students’ needs.
VCAL has again offered an interesting
and wide variety of projects within its
various compulsory streams. This enables
students to effectively and actively engage
in their skill and knowledge development
and hence meet their learning outcomes.
The highlight was the establishment
of Café 49 in the old canteen, made
possible through Monivae’s successful
submission for funding from the Westvic
Youth Foundation. This enabled students
to redesign and refurbish the area to meet
health and safety standards and to then
in Terms Two and Three operate the café
each Wednesday lunchtime. Many skills
have been learnt in the setting-up and
operation of this now profitable business
Other grant funding was used to buy tools
and equipment to develop other areas of
the school in Work Related skills classes.
This has included the construction of a
gravel pathway to the school dam that
comprises a bridge over a storm water
drain, a bird feeder and the planting of
trees in the area. A tin shed and dog run
was also constructed for Fr Mark.
In the Personal Development Skills Strand,
Monivae was part of a world first project
to take virtual visiting into elderly residents’
homes, as opposed to it just being in
elderly residential institutions. Although
the project had difficulty attracting
participants, it did enable students to
attain many valuable skills, notably in the
use of technology and in understanding
and relating to the elderly. Regular visits to
the Day Centre, the Grange, the Birches
and ADASS (Adult Day Activity Support
Services), and the study of five of the
Certificate II Community Services modules
enhanced this work.
VCAL students represented the school by
participating in the community Clean-up
Australia campaign, taking responsibility
Clean Up Australia Day
David Andrivon, James Mutch, Jordan Horsten, Nathan Faroe, Adam
Cameron, Stacey Cain & Billy McNeil with the finished bridge
Jessica Hedley & Maddie Annett in Cafe 49
Daniel Mirtschin on work placement
for the systematic collection of rubbish
from the Coles car park. An adjunct to this
project was assisting the school leaders
with their “make a difference” theme in
their organised school clean-up project.
Another successful project in PD was the
organization of the Keys Please Evening
for learner drivers in Years 10 and 11
and their parents, which attracted a large
assisted in learning about collation,
graphing and interpretation. Investment
was studied through the share game and
the construction of paper aeroplanes was
also a fun way to learn about design and
In the Industry Specific Strand students
did courses through a range of providers,
namely SW TAFE, the ATC and private
providers with weekly work placement
to reinforce and develop their vocational
mathematical concepts through a
backyard blitz and garden design
competition for the Principal’s new garden,
as well as designing and constructing
containers to gain a better understanding
of surface areas. Interesting data from
surveys of football teams and TV shows
In Literacy, students have developed their
writing styles through creating promotional
flyers for Café 49, Sacred Heart Day
and various towns and cities. The novel
Tomorrow When the War Began was used
as a basis from which students could
take the position of different characters
to write for a range of audiences. Student
explanation of a skill or hobby also made
for an interesting way to demonstrate and
develop skills in oracy. In all, VCAL has
given students plenty of opportunity to
engage effectively in their learning and to
develop skills to assist in their integration
into the community, workforce and further
Mrs Anne Gough
VET/VCAL Coordinator
Toby Edwards & Sam Huf at the VET Taster Day
VET through its wide range of courses
and variety of delivery methods, has
met the needs of seventy-two students
wishing to enhance their VCE, VCAL or
Yr 10 studies and so broaden their career
pathways. The quality of the programs
was again evident with Monivae, for the
third year in a row, producing an Australian
Vocational Student Prize winner in each
of the two categories comprising the five
hundred national vocational students.
Megan Irving was one of thirty recipients
in the Australian School-based section
and Jason Tully one of the forty eight
Victorians in the VET in schools section.
Since the inception of these awards in
2005, Monivae has produced winners
each year, a feat unmatched by few if any
other schools in the state.
Within the local community the Hospitality
students received commendations for
their excellent efforts in food preparation,
service and kitchen duties at a number of
functions, notably the Hamilton Regional
Business Association Awards Evening,
the World’s Longest Lunch and the
Hamilton Imperials Team of the Century
Dinner. These opportunities increase the
student’s knowledge and skills and have
been further enriched through visits to
a range of local restaurants, hotels and
training at South West TAFE’s ‘Endeavour’
restaurant in Warrnambool.
Two Monivae students were among
seven students in the region selected
to be part of the Western District Health
Service traineeship initiative to boost
Matthew Addinsall VET placement
health careers in rural areas. The students
attained them in plumbing and electrical
VET has been actively promoted to
students in a variety of areas so that they
can find an area of interest to actively
engage and receive an education that
meets their needs. The Wool Overview
program, through a series of workshops,
has demonstrated the range of careers
in the wool industry. Part-time agriculture
apprenticeships have been promoted as a
means for students from farming families
to receive credit for many of the farming
activities that they are already performing.
With the addition of some theory work
and training they are able to receive credit
toward their senior studies. This work is
done out of school hours and goes toward
a Certificate II in Agriculture which can be
counted toward the VCE and VCAL.
Another popular learning experience
for the Middle School students is the
TAFE Taster Day that provides students
with hands-on activities in the range of
vocational areas that the VET in Schools
program offers. This insight assists
students in their subject deliberations for
the following year and was very popular,
with forty students attending.
The VET program has continued to
develop as it seeks to meet students’
vocational interests. Hence Certificate
II in Make-up was offered this year and
next year the Certificate III in Music is on
offer. Continued monitoring of skill needs
Courtney Garfoot & Emily Solomon-Slade try Hairdressing at the VET Taster
Alisha Godfrey VET placement
and employment opportunities will ensure
further offerings will always be considered
in order that vocational training continues
to enhance the educational development
of the students.
Mrs Anne Gough
VET/VCAL Coordinator
2009 has been a very challenging year
in the Library, with Web 2.0 technology
in the form of blogs and wikis becoming
very much part of our daily lives.
John Kennedy once said: We set sail on
this new sea because there is knowledge
to be gained.
Web 2.0 is all about interaction. It is userdriven in that it takes the static nature of
the web and creates a platform whereby
the user has control over the data in
terms of content, editing and layout. Our
first foray into this cyber world was the
creation of the Monivae Library blog, “The
WILD Library”. From little things….’The
WILD Library’ is now the central hub in a
nest of blogs that cater for the needs of
the college.
Mrs Nicola Crawford became the
‘Blogging Queen’ implementing and
managing the various Blogs and has
encouraged other teachers and students
to become part of this. Mrs Patience took
up the challenge and has a blog called
‘Let’s go to Bali’ where she and her middle
school Indonesian students have had an
interactive trip to Indonesia. Mrs Trompf
has a blog called ‘C squared’ where
she and her middle school Chemical
Connections students will interact and
discuss issues on global warming. Other
blogs include Sensational Science,
Exciting English and Super SOSE. All of
these blogs provide valuable information
and also an opportunity for students and
staff to be contributors. Mrs Bell has a
Bathurst Island Mission Experience Blog
which sets out the journey and then
provides a diary of the trip.
Mrs Crawford is now an A+ columnist for
Global Teacher which is a Blog directory
and Web 3.0 Community. She also
manages the Blog for the South West
District Libraries Association which covers
all secondary school libraries in the south-
west. The level of expertise Mrs Crawford
provides is outstanding.
A Wiki has been established for ICT and
we are hoping more people will come on
board after the success of this group.
The Library is the hub of learning and is the
place where content, methodology and
technology come together as students
pursue their own paths to understanding.
The Library Team continue to promote
reading and have classes regularly using
the Library as part of their wider reading
programs. Students are encouraged to
borrow and suggest books they may like
to see in our collection. This year we were
privileged to have Michael Pryor visit and
spend time with our students. Michael
writes for adults, teenagers and younger
readers. He has had more than twenty
books published and over one million
words in print. Along the way, he has
been short listed six times for the Aurealis
Award, once for the Ditmar Award and the
WABRA award, and long-listed for an Inky
award. Four of his books have also been
CBC Notable books. Michael’s time here
was exciting and we feel the presence of
an author-in-residence is a very valuable
way of engaging students in reading.
This year we have purchased ‘Clickview
24-7’ which maintains a constant seven
day archive of recorded television shows,
storing more than 1000 hours of digital
television. We also have access to the
Digital Clickview Library and the Clickview
Exchange. This has enhanced our delivery
and storing of digital material.
2009 has been a very exciting year for
the Resource Centre and we look forward
to the challenges ahead in 2010 and
Mrs Maree Bell
Head, Library and Information Centre
Peace is not the product of terror
or fear.
Peace is not the silence of
Peace is not the silence of
violent repression.
Peace is the generous,
tranquil contribution of all to the good
of all.
Peace is dynamism. Peace is
generosity. It is right and duty.
A group of dedicated students met
regularly to be more informed about social
justice issues, to reflect, to network and
to act.
One of the major campaigns was ‘Target
1500‘. This activity aimed to collect 1,500
items of non-perishable food in 35 days
leading up to the Feast of the Sacred
Heart celebration. This was achieved
and the items were then passed on to
the local St Vincent de Paul Group who
distributed them among the needy in our
Library & Information Centre
Library & Information Centre Social Justice
Several students have been involved in
regular visits to the Birches Aged Care
facility in Hamilton and have provided
valuable companionship to the residents.
This will be on-going in 2010.
Jacob Myers, Bernard Kealy and Madalene
Cleary were involved in donating blood.
Australia needs more than one million
donations every year (20,000 donations
every week) to meet the demand and
maintain safe stock levels. Each donation
can save as many as three lives. Well
done to these three students.
Clean-up Australia Day was held in and
around the grounds and many willing
participants from this group facilitated
and encouraged the student body to
Fundraisers for Mission Fair Day were held
and money raised helps provide valuable
assistance in Kiribati, Papua New Guinea
and Bathurst Island.
Lisa Stanford attended the Power shift
conference in Sydney during July and
reported back to the group on the
Australian Youth Climate Coalition’s
mission which is to build a generationwide movement to solve climate crisis.
At World Youth Day, Pope Benedict VXI
spoke passionately and emphatically
when he said, ‘You show love to others
by truly helping them, and not by merely
talking about it’. Well done to all involved
with the Social Justice Group and a
special thank-you to the Year 12 students
who have contributed so much.
Maree Bell
Social Justice Group Facilitator
Social Justice Group Back Row: Jessica Date, Demetrius Zaadstra, Callum Kanoniuk, Lisa Stanford, Kate Munday Middle Row: Emma Noske, Rebekah
Noske, John Traynor, Christopher Linke, Caitlin Bishop-Mowatt, Mrs Maree Bell Seated: Felicity Kemp, Robert Johnson, Jacob Myers, Alexandra Van Rijn,
Kathleen Ashby
Cadet Training Staff
WO2 Laura Murray
CO Monivae Cadet Unit
MAJ(AAC) Gary Simkin
Admin Officer
Lt (AAC) Terry Molan
Platoon 8
P.C CUO Kellie Farquharson Sgt Brittany McIntosh
Sgt Emily Solomon-Slade
Training Officer
LT(AAC) Geoff Parker
Platoon 9
PC Sgt Jess Ball
Sgt Emma Nicholas
Lt (AAC) Gerard Bourke
Platoon 10
PC CUO Tamzin Perkins Cpl Nathan Faroe
Sgt Tim Farquharson
Ms Jacinta Ryan
Cadet Officers Lt (AAC) Peter Wilson
2Lt(AAC) Elizabeth Robertson
2Lt (AAC) Sofia Vearing
2Lt (AAC) Elaine Noske
2Lt (AAC) Philip O’Keefe 2Lt (AAC) Gillian Jacobs
2Lt (AAC) Leonie Roder
Training Staff
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Mr Tim Kermeen
Mrs Anne Gough
Mrs Yvette Colqhoun
Lt Marcus Soawyer (ARES) Mr Peter Fotheringham Ms Amelia Gallina Mr Ian Marshall
Mrs Elizabeth Gubbins
Mr Pat Binyon Ms Kate Couchman Mr Simon Hatherall
Mr Bernard Quince
Mr Geoff Isles
Mr Michael Bishop
Mr Ben Gallagher
Cadet Leaders
CUO Luke Mailes
CPL Alex Van Rijn
RSM SGT John Traynor
CSM WO2 Kirsten Lyons
Platoon 1
PC Philippa Allen
Sgt Damian Tully
Platoon 2
PC Cpl Daniel Stevenson Sgt Sarah Wall
Platoon 3
PC Sgt Sarah Perkins
Cpl Jack McLeod
Platoon 4
PC SGT David Fry Cpl Abbey Jacobs
Platoon 5
P.C. Tom Hicks Cpl Susannah Tindall
CDT Ashleigh Annett
Platoon 6 PC CUO Rhys Pope
Sgt Jack Kennedy
Platoon 7
PC CUO Jesse Hartwich Sgt Jacob Bullen
Cadet Awards 2009
OC Awards
CUO Luke Mailes, CPL Alex Van Rijn
Cadet Management
Sgt John Traynor
Gannon Trophy
CDT Edward Purvis
Best Boy Recruit
CDT Nathan Lewis
Best Girl Recruits
CDT Claire Block, CDT Danica Williams,
CDT Eloise Cameron
Best Band Members
CDT Sharlene Cooper
Best New Band Members
CDT David Western Davies Trophy
Best Senior Platoon Platoon 1
Philippa Allen, Sgt Damian Tully Ted Kenna VC Cup
Best Recruit Platoon Platoon 9 Sgt Jess Ball, Sgt Emma Nicholas
Dixon Trophy
Best Boy Shot
CDT Michael Gray
Storer Trophy
Best Girl Shot
CUO Tamzin Perkins
Best Boy NCOs
Sgt Damian Tully Best Girl NCOs
Cpl Abbey Jacobs
Fr Tony Prentice MSC Trophy
Winner of the Inter Platoon Challenge Platoon 3
Sgt Sarah Perkins, Cpl Jack McLeod
Long Tan Awards
Year 12 Alex Van Rijn
Year 11 Shann Colliver
Year 10 Niall Ashby
Exercise Emu 09
This year, students spent a very successful eight days at Puckapunyal. It was a very
positive experience for all who attended with many challenges presented to the cadets.
During the eight days, the students experienced extreme weather conditions and had
to be evacuated to the Army base. They learned a lot, made some valuable friendships,
gained a much broader perspective of cadet life and life in general and it has set them
up to play a significant part in the future of the school and of cadets.
Some of the activities that students were involved in included training sessions, section
challenges, navigation activities and firing a Steyr rifle at the rifle range.
CO’s Report 09
Monivae College Army Cadet Unit
“You get out of it what you put into it.” I
think this sums up the cadet experience.
Many cadets have taken on the challenge
and have achieved positive, worthwhile
outcomes. It is a challenge for everyone
involved in the cadet unit to strive to
improve participation, commitment and
The unit continued to be involved in a
broad range of training programs and
ceremonial activities. A few additions to this
year was CUO Jesse Hartwich attending
the ”Adventure Training Program’ in
Tasmania, the funeral of Ted Kenna VC
and extended use of the Dundas Range
during training days. Where possible the
unit aims to take cadets off campus to
train in the field.
The cadet program relies heavily on the
support provided by the army. Funding
for camps and equipment, transport to
activities and the training at cadet and
officer promotions courses have been
essential for the operation of the unit.
Congratulations to all the cadet staff and
leaders for their good work. Lt (AAC)
Gerard Bourke attended promotions
courses and with 2Lt (AAC) Philip O’Keefe
and 2Lt (AAC) Gillian Jacobs attended
exercise ‘Biathlon’ and “Emu’ which
provided great support for those cadets
who attended these activities. The new
clothing store, managed by Jacinta Ryan,
has made the storage and issuing of
uniform much easier.
This year I gave the Adjutants CUO
Luke Mailes and Alex Van Rijn and the
RSM John Traynor more responsibility
for organising and coordinating training
activities. These young adults carried
out their roles with great leadership and
efficiency, including many new initiatives
into the training program. Congratulations
for the contribution of all cadets in
leadership positions. The task is often
challenging and the rewards are not
immediately obvious.
Major (AAC) Gary Simkin
CO Monivae Army Cadet Unit
Adjutant Report
Yet another year of bivouacs, camps
and parades has passed. It seems like
yesterday the recruits stood nervously
on the parade ground not really knowing
what to expect, but none the less eager
to find out. They shifted uncomfortably
when called to attention, glancing around
in a dazed confusion. Much has changed
since then. Some might say the recruits
have been hardened; we like to think they
have been made stronger in character,
wiser in judgement, more tolerant and
have been developed into young people
who do not think only for themselves, but
more importantly for the team they are a
part of.
Cadet Leaders Back Row: Philippa Allen, Jesse Hartwich, John Traynor, David Fry, Daniel Stevenson, Tamzin Perkins Seated: Sarah Perkins, Laura Murray,
Alexandra Van Rijn, Luke Mailes, Jessica Ball
The real adventures this year began at
the recruit bivouacs. In a slight change
from the usual, the boys’ bivouac was
held at Monivae. This was owing to our
fear they may be mistaken for ducks as
it was the first day of the duck shooting
season. Fortunately both bivouacs were
successful and by the end of the weekend
the unit had all ten platoons ready to take
on our annual camp.
The aims of the cadet program at
Monivae are to develop courage, initiative
and teamwork in our students. We do
not believe that courage is necessarily an
absence of fear, but rather the ability to
do something despite the overwhelming
presence of fear. To demonstrate courage
one does not have to face a life threatening
situation, all they have to do is to not allow
their personal fears to stop them from
achieving something. The annual camp
this year brought about many displays
of courage from many of our cadets. For
some their greatest fear was climbing
up that tree in the confidence course.
For others it was allowing someone to
‘drop’ them in the self defence lessons.
Regardless of this, each of the cadets,
in their own small ways, managed to
conquer some of their fears during that
week. They faced their fears and helped
others to face their own fears. This is
why we believe camp is such a valuable
experience for our cadets. The skills they
develop during that one week are life
skills and allow them to grow, not just as
students, but as individuals.
After many early mornings, some which
involved the ‘hokey pokey’ on the girls
Cadet Band Back Row: Meegan Pepper, Shahn Colliver, Jesse Hartwitch, Mitchell Beulke, Matthew Waters, Timothy Farquharson
Middle Row: David Western, Tamzin Perkins, Alexandra Van Rijn, Emily Hicks, Luke Mailes Seated: Jessica Ball, Laura Murray, Susannah Tindall, Zoe
Ormiston, Chrissy Taylor, Samantha Bryne-Kirk
camp and very few showers the annual
camp came to a conclusion. The cadets
returned home, tired and slightly smelling
of camp fire smoke, but none the less
satisfied that they had survived, and in
most cases enjoyed (although they may
be reluctant to admit it now) a week they
had worried so much about.
The remainder of the year for cadets
was action packed, as usual. The interplatoon challenges, although being
rudely interrupted by deplorable weather,
were relatively successful in allowing the
cadets to showcase the talents they
had acquired throughout the year. They
were forced to work as a team, to lead,
to allow themselves to be led, and to
think outside the square. The CFA joined
in for the junior challenges providing an
entertaining afternoon of carting water
through obstacles, a test we have since
discovered few fifteen year old boys can
Once again the Monivae cadets did us
proud in a range of inter-unit activities.
These included the annual biathlon,
exercise EMU and a range of promotion
courses. To the cadets involved in each of
these activities, congratulations and well
done on going that extra mile. Our unit
is very proud to have within it cadets like
yourselves. We had cadets participating
in a range of ceremonial events such as
ANZAC Day marches, both in Melbourne
and Hamilton, and at Ted Kenna’s (VC)
funeral. The way the cadets presented
themselves at these events was a credit
to the unit.
Lastly, we would like to thank the
Monivae College Cadet Unit for allowing
us both the opportunity of developing
our own courage, initiative, teamwork
and leadership skills. We believe that the
skills we have acquired during our time in
cadets with stay with us for the rest of our
lives. Thankyou for this and we wish the
cadets all the very best for their remaining
time in the unit. We sincerely hope you will
make the most of this opportunity.
Alex van Rijn & Luke Mailes
2010 Adjutant CUO Tamzin Perkins
Adjutants CUO Luke Mailes & Alex Van Rijn
Best first year band member David Western
Cadet Band
Cadet Dinner
Cadet leaders and staff 2009
Ceremonial awards in the courtyard
CUO Jessica Ball
Flag party march past dias
CUO Rhys Pope
Gannon trophy recipient Ed Purvis
Philippa Allen
March past
Maj Rob Erwin reviewing the parade
Daniel Stevenson, Damien Tully, Cody Treloar
Recruit Girls’ Platoon
Mr Bernard Neal, Maj Rob Erwin, 2010 Adjutant CUO Tamzin Perkins, 2009 Adjutants CUO Luke Mailes & Alex Van Rijn
Shahn Colliver Yr 11 Long Tan Award winner with Maj Rob Erwin
Yr 12 Long Tan award recipient Alex Van Rijn
Yr 10 Long Tan award winner Niall Ashby
Alex Van Rijn, Foundation Chairman Mr Bryan Roberts, Luke Mailes
ANZAC Day march Melbourne
Ready for the showers
Afternoon tea
Cadet staff
Luke Mailes, Shahn Colliver and Sam Hutchins
Cadets navigating at Mt Dundas
Talinna Elwood, Maj Simkin & Carloine Crane
Nathan Liebelt
Caroline Munro
Chrissy Taylor, Katrina Davis & Erin McNeilly
Sarah Wall, Caroline Crane & Philippa Allen filling up the boilers for the
Claire Block, Rohannah Tully
Karlie Rhook, confidence course
Tom Keightley & Jesse Hartwich distribute fruit
Pyramid, annual cadet camp
Returning to camp from whole day navigation
Athletics Back Row: Nicholas Cockerall, Cameron Whyte, Richard Jaroszczuk, David Andrivon, Ambrose Keen, Todd Robinson, Tom Horsten, Anthony
Close, Tom Keightley, Roger Morris, Jayson Bensch, Jason Page, Ben Oswald, Jarrod O’Brien, Joshua Kearney Fourth row: Molly Kent, Nick McMahon,
William Middleton, Jack Oswald, Daniel Cullinane, Madalene Cleary, Rhianne Lewis, Simon Close, Peter Burgess, Molly Cogger, Tyrone Ross, Caitlyn Barker,
Scott Addinsall, Luke Uebergang, Willis Goodwin Third Row: Emily Mirtschin, Alex Bosch, Tyler Hay, Emily Hicks, Lucy Moore, Tamilla Maslen, Alex O’Connell,
Ali Hurley, Marni Perry, Kate Crespan, Tamzin Perkins, Ruby Ross, Shannon Jenkins, Edward Millard, Mitchell Collins Second Row: Kalan Austin, Sam Quinn,
Michael McMeel, Jack Aitken, Kiara Austin, Ellie Treloar, Abbey Jacobs, Grace Chantler, Lauren Handreck, Amelia Ross, Lauren Barker, Timothy Goodman,
Dylan Gracias, Tom Feely Seated: Eliza Groves, Gorgia Sealey, Bonnie Arnell, Emily Huf, Ellen Block, Sarah Cockerall, William Dore, Sophie Templeton, Ali
Groves, Ashlee Van Wegen, Allanah Cottrill, Bianca MacIver, Laura Ferguson
Staff and parents vs. students relay
Monivae College House Athletics
- Pedrina Park, Hamilton
Josh Kearney (Glenelg) U21 Male
90m Hurdles with a new time 12.45.
Previous record holder Jamie Ferguson
Broken records for the day:
Kate Lewis (Lonsdale) U14 Female
100m with a new time: 13.34 seconds.
Previous record: D. Doherty (1981) 13.60.
400m with a new time 1:07.16.
Previous record: Danielle Ferguson (1988)
200m with a new time 28.65.
Previous record: Debbie Doherty (1981) 29.34.
High Jump with a new height of 1.45m.
Previous record Jayne Cogger (1975) 1.40m.
Ellie Treloar (Lonsdale) U14 Female
Javelin with a new distance of 29.32m.
Previous record Tessa Lavey (2006) 23.56m.
Discus with a new distance of 23.82m.
Previous record J. Carey (1972) 23.43m.
Nicholas Cockerell (Ffrench) U17 Male
Javelin with a new distance of 38.70m.
Previous record Luke Brunckhorst (2007) 31.28m.
Triple Jump with a new distance 11.20m.
Previous record James Munro (2007) 10.26m.
Sophie Templeton (Lonsdale) U17 Female
100m with a new time 13.64.
Previous record Kellie Sommerville (2007) 13.72.
400m with a new time 1:11.75.
Previous record Kellie Sommerville (2007) 1:14.32.
200m with a new time 30.04.
Previous record Kellie Sommerville (2007) 30.75.
Emma Sommerville (Mitchell) U17 Female
Shot Put with a new distance 8.11m.
Previous record Kellie Sommerville (2007) 7.84m.
Callum Hobbs (Glenelg) U17 Male
400m with a new time 56.47.
Previous record Michael Crane (2007) 59.94.
200m with a new time 25.23.
Previous record Josh Kearney (2007) 25.72.
Long Jump with a new distance 5.37.
Previous record Carl Joyce (2007) 5.25.
Lachlan Bail (Glenelg) U13 Male
Triple Jump with a new distance 8.41m.
Previous record holder Sean Robinson (2007)
Anthony Close (Glenelg) U17 Male
1500m with a new time 4:52.00.
Previous record Nathan Van Hees (2007) 4:56.12.
Alanna Cottrill (Glenelg) U13 Female
High Jump with a new height 1.46m.
Previous record Sonya Graham (1983) 1.46m.
Ruby Ross (Mitchell) U/15 Female
High Jump with a new height of 1.50m.
Previous record Tracey Olowingi (1988) 1.45m.
Kirsten Lyons (Glenelg) U17 Female
High Jump with a new distance of 1.40m.
Previous record Penny Mather (2008) 1.25m.
Discus with a new distance 22.80m.
Previous record Stephanie Bourke (2007) 22.33m.
High Jump equalling the record with a height of
1.80m. Other record holders: J. Bickley and J
Todd Robinson (Mitchell) U17 Male
High Jump with a new height of 1.70m.
Previous record holder Ambrose Keen (2008) 1.60m.
Simon Close (Lonsdale) U21 Male
David Andrivon (Glenelg) U17 Male
Shot Put with a new distance 12.04m.
Previous record Daniel Wicks (2007) 10.86m.
Roger Morris (Ffrench) U15 Male
Triple Jump with a new distance 10.20m.
Previous record holder Josh Kearney (2005)
Shannon Jenkins (Lonsdale) U15 Female
Triple Jump with a new distance 8.53m.
Previous record holder Tessa Lavey (2007)
Grace Chantler (Lonsdale) U16 Female
Triple Jump with a new distance of 8.60m.
Previous record holder Penny Mather (2007)
Thomas Keightley (Glenelg) U16 Male
Triple Jump with a new distance 10.42m.
Previous record holder Joshua Keightley (2007)
Timothy Goodman (Ffrench) U13 Male
90m Hurdles with a new time 15.95.
Previous record holder Tom Waters (2007) 16.17.
Kiara Austin (Mitchell) U13 Female
Discus with a new distance 22.26.
Previous record holder K. Graham (1981) 19.66.
U17 Female 4x100m Relay
Lonsdale new time 1:00.68.
Previous record holder Mitchell (2007) 01:01.71.
Team consisted of: Sophie Templeton, Marni
Perry, Ellie Templeton and Linley Sparke.
U17 Male 4x100m Relay
Glenelg new time 0:48.87.
Previous record holder Mitchell (2007) 00:51.00.
The team consisted of: David Andrivon, Callum
Hobbs, Anthony Close and Daniel Cullinane.
Age group Champions:
Under 13 Female Champion:
Lonsdale: Kathryn Aitken
Under 13 Male Champion:
Glenelg: Dylan Gracias
Under 14 Female Champion:
Lonsdale: Kate Lewis
Under 14 Male Champion:
Lonsdale: Luke Uebergang
Under 15 Female Champion:
Ffrench: Ally Groves
Under 15 Male Champion:
Ffrench: Roger Morris
Under 16 Female Champion:
Ffrench: Caitlin Barker
Under 16 Male Champion:
Ffrench: Jake Musson
Under 17 Female Champion:
Glenelg: Kirsten Lyons
Under 17 Male Champion:
Glenelg: Callum Hobbs
Under 21 Female Champion:
Lonsdale: Madalene Cleary
Under 21 Male Champion:
Ffrench: William Dore
Grand Aggregate
4th 4,789 3rd 5,610
2nd 5,879
1st 5,979
Clean sweep for
Mighty Monivae
Tuesday 15 September
Olympic Park, Melbourne
Individual Success for the day:
1st U13 Girls 400m Run Kate Lewis
100m Finalists:
U14 Girls Kate Crespan
1st U13 Girls
800m Run
Kate Lewis
U14 Boys Luke Uebergang
1st U13 Girls
100m Run
Kate Lewis
U15 Boys Jarrod O’Brien
1st U21 Boys
High Jump
Ambrose Keen
1st U14 Girls Shot Put Ellie Treloar
2nd U13 Girls
200m Run
Kate Lewis
4x100m Relay:
Alanna Cottrill
2nd U21 Boys
High Jump
Todd Robinson
Ashlee Van Wegen
2nd U15 Boys High Jump Roger Morris
3rd U15 Boys
200m Run Jarrod O’Brien
3rd U15 Girls
Shot Put
Ellen Block
3rd U14 Boys 1500m Run Jack Aitken
3rd U14 Boys Shot Put Relay Success for the day:
1st U13 Girls Lucy Moore
Kate Lewis
Luke Uebergang
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
Friday 27 March
Island Park, Casterton
Record Breakers:
Kiara Austin- U13 Discus.
Luke Uebergang- U14 Shot Put
Sophie Templeton- U17 100m and 200m
Todd Robinson- U17 High Jump.
David Andrivon- U17 Shot Put
Nick Cockerell- U17 Javelin.
Anthony Close - U17 800m
Age group Pennants won:
U13 Boys U13 Girls
U14 Boys U14 Girls
U15 Boys U16 Boys
U17 Boys U17 Girls
U21 Boys
Age Group Champions:
U14 Female: Kate Lewis
U14 Male: Luke Uebergang
U17 Female: Sophie Templeton
GSSSA & Catholic All Schools Athletics
Catholic All Schools GSSSA
Athletics Carnival
Most Improved School Trophy:
1st Monivae College
Girls Aggregate:
1st Monivae College
Boys Aggregate:
1st Monivae College
Grand Aggregate
1st Monivae College
2009 CAS Athletics Team
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
GSSSA Athletics team 2009
GSSSA Athletics Award Winners 2009
Cross Country
Cross Country
Monivae Cross Country
Thursday 24 April
Under 14 – 3 Km course Top 3
Student and placing House Time
Kate Lewis
Ashlee Van Wegen
Glenelg 15.45
Eliza Groves Ffrench 15.46
Student and placing
Jack Aitken
Alex Bosch Jack Cullinane House
Lonsdale Glenelg Time
Student and placing William Middleton Matthew Waters Tom Horsten House Lonsdale Mitchell Glenelg Time
Student and placing Anthony Close Josh Kearney Jeremy Kealy House Glenelg Glenelg Mitchell Time
Under 16 – 3 Km course Top 3
Girls Student and placing House Time Caitlin Barker Ffrench 19.40
Sophie Brewer Lonsdale 20.05
Ali Groves Ffrench 20.30
Under 21 – 4.3 Km course Top 3
Girls Student and placing House Time Lauren Barker Ffrench 19.24
Marni Perry Lonsdale 22.00
Lauren Handreck Ffrench 22.03
Aggregate Results: 4th- Mitchell, 3rd- Ffrench, 2nd- Glenelg, 1st- Lonsdale
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
Catholic All Schools Cross
Country State Final
GSSSA Cross Country
Friday 15 May
Bundoora Park, Melbourne
Tuesday 2 June
Balmoral, Recreation Reserve
U14 Girls (3Km course):
2nd Kate Lewis
27th Ashlee Van Wegen
28th Eliza Groves
Individual results:
Under 14 Girls
1st – Kate Lewis (14.37)
U14 Boys (4Km course):
2nd Jack Aitken
Under 14 Boys
1st – Jack Aitken (12.11)
3rd – Alex Bosch (12.52)
U15 Boys (4Km course):
12th William Middleton
20th Matthew Waters
34th Tom Horsten
Monivae wins grand aggregate
Under 16 Girls
3rd – Caitlin Barker (15.22)
U21 Boys (6Km course):
13th Josh Kearney.
CAS Cross-country Jack Aitken and Kate Lewis
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
Under 16 Boys
2nd – Jake Musson (12.15)
Under 21 Girls
4th – Sophie Templeton (15.40)
Under 21 Boys (5km track)
3rd – Anthony Close (18.36)
Age Group Pennants:
U14 Boys 1st
U16 Girls 1st
U21 Boys 1st
U14 Girls 2nd
U16 Boys 2nd
U21 Girls 2nd
Aggregate results:
Most Improved School
1st place
Boys Aggregate
2nd place
Girls Aggregate
1st place
Grand Aggregate
1st place
Cross Country Back Row: Luke Uebergang, Nathan Liebelt, William Middleton, Jeremy Kealy, Anthony Close, Tom Horsten, Jason Page, Willis
Goodwin, Caitlyn Barker Middle: Lauren Barker, Claire Block, Mathew Waters, Alex Bosch, Marni Perry, Timothy Farquharson, Bethany Gallagher,
Ellen Block, Tom Feely Seated: Bianca McIver, Sophie Templeton, Ali Groves, Josh Kearney, Lauren Handreck, Ashlee Van Wegen, Eliza Groves
Lauren Handreck Cross Country Captain
Swimming Back Row: Molly Kent, Fraser Kent, Jarrod O’Brien, Thomas Horsten, Jackson Roder, Daniel Higgins, Samuel Beavis, Jack Oswald
Third Row: Luke Uebergang, Alex O’Connell, Jacob Kuchel, Jacob Myers, Jordan McCallum, Mark Troeth, Jack Cullinane Second Row: Sam
Quinn, Lucy Moore, Claire Block, Meegan Pepper, Shannon Jenkins, Ali Groves, Tom Feely Seated: Chrissie Taylor, Ellie Riddle, Molly Cogger, Giles
Kent, Madalene Cleary, Allanah Cottrill, Bridgette Garfoot
Tuesday 18 February
Hamilton Olympic Swimming Pool
Records broken:
U13 Female 4x 50m Freestyle relayEliza Groves, Sarah Loria, Ellie Riddle and Lucy
Moore (Ffrench) 2:45.70
Old record- Ffrench in 2005- 2:47.40
U13 Male 50m Butterfly- Zachary Ellwood
(Lonsdale) 36.40 Old record- Mitchell Wardley
(Ffrench) in 2006- 45.10
U15 Male 4x50m Individual Medley- Zachary
Ellwood (Lonsdale) 3:16.92 Old record- Angus
Thornton (Lonsdale) in 2005- 3:22.94
U17 Male 50m Breaststroke- Giles Kent (Ffrench)
42.75 Old record- Angus Thornton (Lonsdale) in
2007- 44.94
U17 Male 50m Backstroke- Jackson Roder
(Glenelg) 38.25 Old record- Daniel Lavey (Ffrench)
in 2008- 40.98
U17 Male 4x 50m Freestyle relayStuart Prior, Rhys Pope, Daniel Higgins and
Jackson Roder (Glenelg) 2:12.26
Old record: Glenelg in 2007- 2:26.03
U21 Female 4x50m Individual Medley- Samantha
McPhee (Ffrench) 2:58.89 Old record- Jessica
Troeth (Glenelg) in 2004- 3:00.88
Age group Champions:
U13 Male Champion: Zachary Ellwood (Lonsdale)
U13 Female Champion: Bridgette Garfoot
U14 Male Champion: Fraser Kent (Ffrench)
U14 Female Champion: Jacqueline McPhee
U15 Male Champion: Jake Linke (Glenelg)
U15 Female Champion: Molly Kent (Ffrench)
U16 Male Champion: Mark Troeth (Ffrench)
U16 Female Champion: Courtney Garfoot
U17 Male Champion: Giles Kent (Ffrench)
U17 Female Champion: Emma Sommerville
U21 Male Champion: Jacob Myers (Ffrench)
U21 Female Champion: Samantha McPhee
Best Cheer Squad 2009: Glenelg.
Grand Aggregate Results:
4th Mitchell 1,825.
3rd Lonsdale 2,301
2nd Glenelg 2,516
1st Ffrench 2,980
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
Swimming Sports
Swimming Sports
Nicole Te Maipi & Jessica Britten
Catholic All Schools
Swimming Championships
Tuesday 31st March
Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre
Squad members:
Zachary Ellwood, Giles Kent, Samantha and
Jacqueline McPhee
Zachary Ellwood (U13 Boys)
3rd 100 metres Freestyle.
Samantha McPhee (U17 Girls)
1st 200 metre Freestyle.
1st 200 metre Individual Medley
2nd 100 metre Butterfly
3rd 50 metre Backstroke
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
GSSSA Swimming
Wednesday 25th February
Hamilton Olympic Swimming Pool
Individual age group champions:
U13 Boys Zachary Ellwood
U21 Girls Samantha McPhee
U17 Boys Giles Kent (Swimming Captain)
Overall results for the day:
Girls Aggregate- Monivae 3rd
Boys aggregate- Monivae 2nd
Grand aggregate- Monivae 2nd
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
House Swimming Winners
Emma Sommerville, Samantha McPhee, Marni Perry, Madalene Cleary
Jacqui McPhee, Ellie Treloar
Zachary Ellwood, Giles Kent, Samantha McPhee
Mitchell house Cheering
GSSSA Swimming Team 2009
First Xi Cricket Back: Josh Meulendyks, Jack Beaton, Anthony Close, Josh Evans, Brandon Ross Seated: Tyrone Ross, Joshua Kearney, Callum Kanoniuk, Simon Close, Peter Burgess, Daniel Neeson
GSSSA 20/20 preliminary
round cricket:
Monivae competed in the 20/20 GSSSA
cricket competition defeating Casterton.
Casterton batted first and were dismissed
for 8/139 from the 20 overs. Josh Evans
had the best bowling figures of 3/24.
Monivae easily chased down the total in
the 18th over, with Tyrone Ross impressing
with a quick fire 65 from 40 balls and
Anthony Close smashing 34 runs.
GSSSA 20/20 grand final
Congratulations to the Monivae cricket
team who defeated The Hamilton and
Alexandra College in the GSSSA 20/20
cricket grand final. Final scores were
Monivae 99 defeated Hamilton College
89. Tyrone Ross was best with the bat
for Monivae scoring 43 runs, whilst Josh
Evans took 3 for 8 and Callum Kanoniuk
2 for 13 with the ball.
Super 8 Cricket
Tuesday 20 October
Pedrina Park, Hamilton
Year 9/10
A Girls team- won 2 from 3 games
B Girls team- won 2 from 3 games
- both teams narrowly missed out on the
grand final
A Boys team- undefeated in the preliminary rounds
Defeated by Portland Secondary College
in the Grand Final by 10 runs.
B Boys team- won 1 from 3 games
Year 7/8
Thursday 12 November
Pedrina Park, Hamilton
A Girls team- undefeated in the preliminary rounds
Won the Grand Final: Monivae 3/196 defeated Heywood Secondary College 6/56
B Girls team- won 2 from 3 games
A Boys team- won 1 from 3 games
B Boys team- won 2 from 3 games
Year 7/8 Girls Super 8 Cricket
State Final
Tuesday 24 November
The girls performed well throughout the
day against some strong opposition.
They finished a very credible 5th across
all secondary schools in Victoria.
Team members:
Yr 8- Regan Walker
Ellie Treloar
Amanda Keightley
Ruby Ross
Zoe Astbury
Gorgia Sealey
Yr 7-
Emily Milich
Alanna Cottrill
Nicky Lowe
Amy Noske
Year 9 & 10 A Girls Cricket
Ally Groves Yr 9 & Marni Perry Yr 11
Winning Yrs 7 & 8 Girls Super 8 Cricket team
Aaron McInnes Yr 7
Year 9 & 10 A Boys Cricket
Emily Huf Yr 9
Senior Boys Football
Monday 11 May
MCC Herald Sun Country CupRound 1
Monivae 16.13- 109 defeated
Baimbridge College 1.1-7
Best players:
R. Cleary, W. Dore, T. Ross, A.Close, J.
MCC Herald Sun Country Cup- Round 2
Monivae 9.7- 61 defeated Bayview
College, Portland 6.1- 37
Best players:
A.Close, C. Hobbs, D. Andrivon, B.
Kealy, B. McDonald, C. Kanoniuk
MCC Herald Sun Country Cup- Final
Tuesday 23 June
-Coughlan Park, Horsham
St Brigid’s, Horsham 9.11-65 defeated
Monivae 4.10-34
Better players for Monivae:
B. Kealy, W. Dore, T.Ross, S.Close, D.
Andrivon, A. Close Mr Simon Hatherall
First XV111 Football Coach
Football 1st xviii Back row: Jeremy Kealy, Simon Close, Anthony Close, Callum Kanoniuk, Ambrose Keen Third row: Peter Burgess, Jacob Kuchel, David
Andrivon, Todd Robinson, Richard Jaroszczuk, Josh Meulendyks, Bernard Kealy Second Row: Josh Evans, James Munro, Rohan Cleary, Joshua Kearney,
Daniel Cullinane, Brandon Ross Seated: Jarrod Hughes, Daniel Neeson, William Dore, Brad McDonald, Jayden Polaski, Tyrone Ross, Lachlan Polaski
GSSSA Senior Girls’
Football Carnival
The Monivae team played 4 matches
and notched up 4 impressive wins.
Consequently at the end of the carnival we
had earned the prestigious title of
“Champions and Premiers”.
Outstanding players included:
Ellie Templeton
Sophie Templeton
Marnie Perry
Rhianne Lewis
Maddy Cleary
Chloe Tuffnell
Emma Sommerville
Bianca Wray-McCann
Mr Terry Molan
Senior Girls’ Football Coach
Senior Girls Football Back Row: Marni Perry, Jessica Date, Anna-Grace Close, Emily Carey, Claire Block Third Row: Lauren Barker, Kate Munday, Jessica
O’Keefe, Alexandra Van Rijn, Philippa Allen, Elizabeth Hurley Second Row: Ellen Block, Bianca Wray-McCann, Lif McDowall, Jessica Cvetnic, Mr Terry Molan
Seated: Chloe Tuffnell, Sophie Templeton, Rhianne Lewis, Madalene Cleary, Ali Groves, Ellie Templeton
Year 7/8 GSSSA Football
Tuesday 18 August
Pedrina Park, Hamilton
Monivae entered two teams playing
against Baimbridge College, Casterton
High School and The Hamilton and
Alexandra College. Each team played
four games and at the end of the matches
both Monivae teams were undefeated for
the day.
In the final both teams had their hardest
game of the tournament:
Monivae Blue 2 – 1 – 13 defeated
Monivae Red 1 – 1 – 7.
Better players over the tournament were:
Monivae Blue:
Jack Cullinane, Luke Uebergang,
Wesley Isles, Joel Brown, Mick McMeel,
Beau Munn, Alex Bosch and Sebastian
Year 7 & 8 FootballBack Row: Beau Munn, Scott Addinsall, Jack Oswald, Brad Fitzgerald, Joel Brown, Fraser Kent, Cody Dickson, Jack Cullinane, Jamie
Date Third Row: David Andrivon (Coach), Alex Bosch, Thomas Fox, Jacob Bast, Angus Francis, Errol Gracias, Dylan Golding, Wes Isles, Nick Armstrong,
John Wheaton, Daniel Cullinane (Coach) Second Row: Brandon Ross (Coach), Sam Chandler, Cameron Pepper, Cody Deutscher, Diarmid Cleary, Timothy
Goodman, Jack Aitken, Angus Noske, Sebastian Rogers, Aaron McInnes, Jackson Hay, Billy McNeil (Coach) Seated: Harry Keegan, Adam Waters, Luke
Barnes, Sam Quinn, Michael McMeel, Luke Uebergang, Mitchell Collins, Dylan Gracias, Kalan Austin, Tom Feely, Corey Hockey
Monivae Red:
Jack Oswald, Matthew Lowe, Scott
Addinsall, Mitchell Collins, Clancy
Vaughan, Jack Aitken and Tom Feely.
Mr Geoff Isles
Junior Football Coach
Junior Girls Football
Thursday 23 July
Pedrina Park, Hamilton
Game One:
Monivae 1.5.9 lost to The Hamilton and
Alexandra College 2.2.14
Year 8 & 9 Football Back Row: Jack Guegan-Brown, Sam Fry, Cameron Whyte, Michael Gray, Edward Purvis Third Row: Mark Troeth, Samuel Beavis, Ben
Oswald, Alex O’Connell, Mitchell Beulke, Luke Uebergang Second Row: David Western, William Middleton, Stephen Craig, Shuan Gill, Matthew Waters, Ben
Crick Seated: Michael Nguyen, Michael McMeel, Roder Morris, Jarrod O’Brien, Kory Howlett, Hayden Cottrill
Game Two:
Monivae 2.2.14 defeated Casterton High
School 1.0.6
Game Three:
Monivae 9.3.57 defeated Baimbridge
College 0.0.0
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
Junior Girls Football Back Row: Meg Dunne, Ali Hurley, Madelon North, Anna-Grace Close, Molly Kent, Michelle Cvetnic, Claire Block Third Row: Laura
Bennetts, Hayley Baker, Danica Williams, Katrina Davis, Monique Edwards, Shannon Jenkins Second Row: Sheree Perkins, Eloise Cameron, Leah Page,
Anastatia Hulme, Evie Dowling, Nancy O’Connell, Mr Terry Molan Seated: Emily Huf, Victoria Halloran, Ellen Block, Ali Groves, Caitlin Halloran, Laura Ferguson
Waverley International
Netball Championships
Monday 29 June- Friday 3 July
Waverley Netball Centre, Melbourne
Throughout the championships Monivae
had the opportunity to compete against a
range of high quality opponents, including
several International and numerous
interstate schools such as QLD, SA and
NSW, with over 20 teams competing this
Over the 2 days of the preliminary rounds,
the Monivae squad played 6 games (and
4 games throughout the finals series).
Throughout the preliminary rounds
Monivae didn’t lose a game, which
allowed them to finish on top of their
section. On Day 3 of the competition,
Monivae competed in the qualifying
rounds against all the other teams from
the three other sections, winning both
matches comfortably. On the final day of
competition, Monivae had qualified 2nd
which resulted in them reaching the playoffs for 1st through to 4th.
First Semi Final: Monivae v St Francis
From the first whistle, the game was fast,
fierce and dominated by the defence of
both teams. At half time Monivae had a
slim lead of one goal and needed to step
up a gear if they wanted to play off in the
grand final. In the second half Monivae
responded and played more direct,
controlled netball to exert their dominance
to win twenty five to seventeen goals.
Grand Final: Monivae v Williamstown
High School
The game started at a fast pace and the
defensive effort from all players forced
many turnovers. At half time it was five
goals the difference in Williamstown’s
favour, although the score board wasn’t
a true reflection of how tight the game
was. Monivae fought back in the second
half and reduced the lead to three goals
at one stage in the final quarter. At the
final siren, Williamstown High twenty two
defeated Monivae fourteen.
Waverley International Netball Squad
Claire and Ellen Block, Ally Groves, Marni
Perry, Rhianne Lewis, Nicole Te Maipi,
A special thank-you must go to Cheryl
Lewis who was Monivae’s team manager
(Cheryl has attended Waverley netball
championships for the last six years) and
her commitment to the College is greatly
appreciated. A big thank you must also go
to Nat O’Dea who once again volunteered
to coach the team for the sixth time.
Summary of the
Preliminary Rounds:
Monivae 24 defeated Leongatha 17
Monivae 35 defeated Blackwood 1 (SA) 3
Monivae 34 defeated Presentation College 24
Monivae 26 defeated MacKay College (QLD) 11
Monivae 32 defeated Glen Waverley 20
Monivae 47 defeated Sacred Heart 5
First Finals Day:
Monivae 36 defeated Christian College Geelong 7
Monivae 23 defeated Blackwood 2 (SA) 15
Semi Final:
Monivae 25 defeated St Francis 17
Grand Final:
Williamstown High School 22 defeated Monivae 14
School Girls Netball
Tuesday 11 August- Preliminary Round
State Netball & Hockey Centre, Parkville
This year Monivae entered four teams,
2 teams in the year 7/8 section, and a
team each in the Year 9/10 and 11/12
Year 11 and 12 Results:
The senior squad played 5 games
throughout the day and faced tough
opposition in the first two matches from
Avila and Siena College. The Monivae
versus Avila match was a close tussle with
both teams displaying fierce aggression
towards the ball. The Monivae girls had
previously played Avila at the Waverley
International Championships so the
match was always going to be close.
Going into the break Monivae had a one
goal lead, the game was physical and
tight, but in the final minutes of the game
Avila seemed to control the passages of
play, and grabbed the lead. A goal after
the siren by Nicole Te Maipi ensured that
Monivae came away with a draw. For the
senior team to make finals they needed
to win the remainder of their matches.
Percentage would decide which team
(Avila or Monivae) would progress through.
With this in mind, Monivae faced further
tough opposition against Siena College.
The game started at a fast pace, though
Monivae ran away with the game in the
second half to outscore their opponents
8 goals to zero. Going into the last game,
Monivae had a one goal percentage lead
over Avila. Knowing this the girls once
again played tight, attacking netball to win
by 18 goals to progress through to the
state final.
Lauren Handreck, Adele Millard, Ally Feely,
Emma Sommerville, Eve Duckmanton
and Maddy Cleary.
Better Players: Rhianne Lewis and Emma
Year 9 and 10 Results:
The middle school squad played some
nice attacking netball for the day. The
defenders played cooperatively which
forced many opposition turnovers. This
gave the goal shooters many opportunities
to score. The squad had two wins, a draw
and two very close losses for the day.
Throughout the day, the Monivae squad
developed strong and quick passes,
which combined well with direct and
confident leads.
Better Players: Claire Block and AnnaGrace Close
Year 7 and 8 (Team A) Results:
The junior competition was divided into
two sections, which enabled both Monivae
teams to play in different divisions. Team
A played seven matches and won five.
Monivae A had a tough section having to
play Ringwood SC and Kilbreda College.
The squad faced Ringwood first and after
a slow start, the girls found their rhythm,
with the defence end working overtime,
creating lots of turnovers. Monivae had a
slim lead of one goal going into the break.
In the second half both teams played tight
netball and the game went goal for goal.
Ringwood finished the stronger to win by
three goals.
Better Players: Regan Walker and Allana
Year 7 and 8 (Team B) Results:
The Monivae B team faced some tough
and strong opposition for the day. To
the girls’ credit, they competed in all
games with determination and never
stopped trying for the entire day. Some
of the games were very close, with only
a goal separating the two teams. The day
provided the girls with a great opportunity
to further develop their netball skills.
Better Players: Viannah Ferguson and
Nickayla Lowe
A big thank you to all the parents who
helped throughout the day in coaching
and team manager roles Cheryl Lewis,
Tricia Cleary, Rosina Te Maipi, Donna
Stevens, Jeanette Ryan, Jill Lewis,
Christine Luhrs and Jo Moore. Their
time, effort and dedication are greatly
Tuesday 1 September- State Finals
State Netball & Hockey Centre, Parkville
Year 11 & 12 Girls team
Throughout the day, Nicole Te Maipi, Eve
Duckmanton and Ann-Grace Close (from
the middle school squad) combined well
in the goal circle, providing strong holds
and accurate shooting. Marni Perry,
Lauren Handreck, Grace Delaney and
Maddy Cleary provided plenty of drive and
defensive pressure through the midcourt.
They moved the ball from defence into
attack with precision and determination
and forced their opposition into several
turnovers. The defensive wall of Emma
Sommerville and Rhianne Lewis was
sensational to watch driving out with speed
to inflict several punishing intercepts on
their opposition. Their rebounding ability
gave the Monivae squad several extra
scoring opportunities.
Back row (Left to Right): Ally Groves, Ellen Block, Madalene Cleary, Claire Block, Adele Millard and Lauren
Handreck. Front row (Left to Right): Marni Perry, Emma Sommerville, Rhianne Lewis, Nicole Te Maipi, Eve
Duckmanton and Ally Feely.
Team Members:
Nicole Te Maipi, Anna-Grace Close (year
9), Marni Perry, Lauren Handreck, Maddy
Cleary, Rhianne Lewis, Emma Sommerville,
Grace Delaney, Eve Duckmanton, Ally
Feely (preliminary rounds).
Monivae 14 defeated Gennazzano FCJ 5
Monivae 16 defeated Wanganui Park SC 7
Monivae 14 defeated Sacred Heart Geelong 9
Monivae 14 defeated Methodist Ladies College 5
Monivae 16 defeated St Pauls 9
Monivae 18 defeated Ballarat and Clarendon
College 11
Monivae 13 defeated Girton Grammar 3
Schoolgirls Netball Back Row: Regan Walker, Claire Block, Zoe Astbury, Anna-Grace Close, Molly Kent,
Emily Baulch, Eve Duckmanton, Emily Jaeschke Third Row: Jami Luhrs, Ally Feely, Amanda Keightley,
Maggie Ryan, Lucy Moore, Marni Perry, Shanae Guthrie Second Row:Ashlee Van Wegen, Sarah Noske, Erin
Tonissen, Emily Milich, Ellen Block, Viannah Ferguson, Lauren Handreck, Ali Groves Seated: Allie Gorman,
Gorgia Sealey, Allanah Cottrill, Madalene Cleary, Rhianne Lewis, Bianca MacIver, Laura Ferguson
Semi Final
Monivae 4 lost to Caulfield Grammar 10
Monivae College finished 3rd in the
state for the year 11 and 12 school girls
Ms Rebecca Fisher
Head of Sport
Saturday Netball Back Row: Shelby Pierce, Ashleigh Minney, Emily Baulch, Sarah Millard, Sophie Schulz,
Lucy Moore, Sarah Traynor Middle Row: Laura Murray, Ellie Treloar, Georgia Mutch, Tamzin Perkins, Jami
Luhrs, Bethany Gallagher, Julia Nice, Maddison Pierce Seated: Ellalise Harrison, Elizabeth Ferguson, Rachel
McErvale, Katelyn Millard, Jessica Ball, Renee Mailes, Amie Menzel
Monivae Tennis
Junior Boys champion
Matthew Lowe
Intermediate Boys
Thushira Gammune
Intermediate Girls
Sarah Noske
Junior Girls
Nickayla Lowe
GSSSA Tennis
Friday 30 October
Hamilton Lawn Tennis Club
Individual winners:
Junior A Boys singles
Matthew Lowe
Junior B Boys singles
Wes Isles
Junior Boys Doubles
Justin Field and Diarmid Cleary
Intermediate Girls B singles
Claire Block
Junior Boys Pennant
Monivae 1st
Intermediate Girls Pennant
Monivae 1st
Grand Aggregate
Monivae 1st
Table Tennis
Victorian Schools Table Tennis State
Zone Championship in Warrnambool
Justin Field- 1st- Year 7 & 8 Boys singles
Jack Claridge- 4th in Year 7 & 8 Boys
Daniel Roberts- 4th in Year 9 & 10 Boys
Matthew Lowe- Year 8
Victorian Schools Table Tennis State
State Final in Melbourne
Justin Field - 1st- Year 7 & 8 Boys
Singles Champion in Victoria
This is a fantastic achievement for Justin
and caps off an excellent year for him in
table tennis.
Tennis, Table Tennis & Equestrian
Tennis, Table Tennis
& Equestrian
Fraser Kent, Diarmid Cleary, Wes Isles, Matthew Lowe, (front) Adam Waters
& Justin Field
Yr 9 & 10 boys tennis
Claire Block- Year 9
Equestrian Emma McCrae, Amanda Keightley, Abbey Jacobs, Grace Chantler, Stevie Showler
in Ballarat and involved the teams playing
two eight minute halves against three
teams before finals.
The Senior Girls team coached by Loretta
Kearney was very competitive and
seriously challenged the eventual winner
of the competition in a close Grand Final.
All players made an impact with Sophie
Templeton and Emma Sommerville
stamping their authority on games. Ellie
Templeton and Adele Millard were very
competitive and Rebecca Grayson gave
100% throughout the contests. Ally Feely
and Marni Perry were terrific team players
and the girls can feel proud of their
CAS Basketball Brandon Ross, Todd Robinson, Jackson Roder, Callum Kanoniuk, Ambrose Keen, Tyrone
Monivae Basketball continues to enter a
large number of teams in the Hamilton
Amateur Basketball Association with
sixteen teams entered in the summer
season and thirteen teams participating in
the winter season.
Varying levels of success were
experienced by our basketballers, with
many teams contesting the finals and a
number of players doing very well in the
Most Valuable Players Awards. However,
Monivae Basketball is not only about
winning, we had a number of players
joining in teams for their very first seasons
and I am sure they had as much fun as
the players who have been playing for
Congratulations to the Division 1 Women
Flames who defeated the Sting in an
entertaining Final with the Division 2
Mermaids victorious in their Grand Final.
The Division 4 Men Rockets won their
Grand Final and the Division 1 Men Pistons
were not able to contain the opposition in
their Grand Final.
The enjoyment that the players in the
Monivae teams were able to display was
extremely encouraging. It never ceases
to amaze me how the teams and players
join together to enter in the HABA. We
have boarders’ teams involving students
from all year levels, to teams made up
of friends from the one year level. Some
players are thrown into teams and others
move to higher divisions to allow them to
improve the standard of their basketball.
Not only do we have students in our
teams but many past students, teachers,
friends and parents are involved in the
many teams competing each Tuesday
and Thursday. Basketball offers an
opportunity for competition, friendship,
leadership, fitness and enjoyment and
continues to allow students to represent
our school with pride.
Our teams played hard on the court and
can be pleased with their efforts. Many
people need to be thanked for their
assistance throughout the year. A number
of students took on the responsibility
of coaching teams in lower divisions
and sometimes their own teams. Other
students assisted with scoring and some
took the initiative and began refereeing
due to the lack of officials in the HABA.
The teachers involved in organizing the
teams again did a terrific job and a big
thank you needs to be extended to the
parents who also took on a number of
these roles, especially the coaching of our
higher division teams.
Catholic All Schools
Basketball Tournament
Monivae entered a Senior Girls and Boys
team in the Western Zone Basketball
Tournament. The Tournament took place
The Senior Boys team competed against
a number of teams from the diocese and
emerged victorious from the Western
Region. Each game was a tight affair with
a one point win on the back of a Jackson
Roder shot, a highlight of the day.
The Senior Boys then progressed onto the
Catholic All Schools Final in Melbourne to
compete for the title of the Best Catholic
Schools Senior Boys team in Victoria.
The team, coached by Loretta Kearney,
was well led by Tyrone Ross and Callum
Kanoniuk throughout the day. The speed
and agility of Ben Walker and Brandon
Ross became important in a close final
match against Catholic Regional College
Sydenham as their defensive efforts
allowed Monivae to overcome a fifteen
point deficit in the first half to win by three
points in a tense contest. Ambrose Keen
and Todd Robinson provided the team
with enthusiasm and scored at vital times
throughout the day. Monivae College then
received the shield as;
“The Catholic All Schools Victorian
Champion for Basketball in the Senior
Mr. Tim Kermeen
Basketball Coordinator
Girls Basketball Back Row: Tamilla Maslen, Laura Hill, Caitlyn Barker, Chelsea Robinson, Anna-Grace Close, Rhianne Lewis, Emily Carey, Renay Moulton, Madelon North, Ellen Ross Third Row: Kate Munday, Hayley Baker, Marni Perry, Ally
Feely, Maggie Ryan, Alexandra Van Rijn, Regan Walker, Rebecca Grayson, Bianca Wray-McCann, Philippa Allen, Ellen Dufty Second Row: Amelia Ross, Jenna Hamill, Hannah Craig, Lif McDowall, Elizabeth Hurley, Jessica O’Keefe, Rebekah
Grenfell, Sarah Wall, Ellie Middleton, Lauren Handreck Seated: Hayley Isles, Mikaela Claridge, Ellie Templeton, Sophie Templeton, Tara Meade, Lauren Barker, Rebekah Noske, Bonnie Arnell, Chloe Tuffnell, Mary Nguyen, Georgia Kirby
Basketball & Catholic All Schools Touch Football
BASKETBALL Back Row : Ben Thornton, Jeremy Kealy, Jack Beaton, John Traynor, Anthony Close, Daniel Rogers, Michael Close.
Third Row : Josh Kearney, Angus Grant, Daniel Higgins, Harry McLennan, Ambrose Keen, Stuart Prior, Todd Robinson, Ted Hurley, Richard Jaroszczuk, Tom Keightley, Rhys Malseed. Second Row : Tyrone Ross, Will Middleton, Stephen Craig,
Ben Stubbs, Josh Keightley, Adrian Murchie-Knell, Joel Brown, Michael Carter, Ben Noske, Jordan McCallum.
Seated : Jack Claridge, Errol Gracias, Jarrod Hughes, Will Irving, Brandon Ross, Robert Johnson, Daniel Neeson, Billy McNeil, Karl Claridge, Angus Noske.
Catholic All Schools Touch Football
Ten Monivae Students, Tyrone Ross, Billy
McNeil, Michael Carter, Tom Keightley,
Josh Keightley, Daniel Cullinane, Jordan
Nice, Niall Ashby and John Wheaton
participated in the CAS Touch Football
Competition in Melbourne.
After a 5:30am start we arrived at the
Yarra Bend Park for our first game at 9:50
am against Aquinas College. The games
were fifteen minutes in duration and
teams only swapped ends after a try. This
was the first opportunity to put into action
the skills and drills developed in training
by Mr Binyon and Liz Wheaton. The
score of 3-0 against does not do justice
to the real game. The boys spent half the
match attacking Aquinas’ try line from 2-3
metres, however a couple of good moves
and an extremely fast Aquinas winger
caught us off guard.
The second match was against Loyola
College. With some match experience
behind them and some advice and
direction from coach Liz the boys marked
their opposite numbers well and played
hard for a 2-1 win against Loyola.
encouragement and advice to the boys
during the matches.
Phillip Wheaton
Our third and final match was against
Nagle College. They had a good side and
had not lost a match. Monivae played
an excellent attacking game which saw
them score two tries, however it will be
their desperate defence which will be
remembered. They held out Nagle College
for 5 sets of six tackles as we turned the
ball over on our line. We drew 2-all until
the last minute when Nagle scored the
winning try to win 2-3.
The Monivae team acquitted themselves
in an excellent manner both on and off the
field and their performances were truly
creditable and competitive.
I would like to thank Mr Binyon for taking
this sport on and Liz Wheaton for the
Catholic All Schools Touch Football Back: Michael Carter,
Thomas Keightley, Brandon Ross Seated: Tyrone Ross, Daniel
Cullinane, Billy McNeil
This year Monivae fielded six teams in
six divisions of the Glenelg Regional
Hockey competition. The coaches and
managers of these teams have worked
hard to ensure that season 2009 has
been an enjoyable and rewarding one. It
has been great to see the improvement
in the women’s divisions in particular and
it is also pleasing to see that there were
seventeen players for the Division 5 team
with most of them turning up each week.
The u/16 Monivae Knights were the only
team to make the grand final this year,
their second in a row. My congratulations
to them for winning this final it was a very
successful season for them. I wish the
boys who move on from this team all the
best in their future hockey whether it be
with the Monivae Cobras or other teams
that they find themselves in later in life.
A number of club members have been
selected to play at a higher level this year.
Dean McCarthy is a member of the SA
state u/15 team, Amanda Keightley played
with the Country Cobras and Danica
Williams was selected for the Country
Cobras. Of note also is Nick Cockerell’s
hockey achievements over his time at
Monivae. These include Nick winning the
Glenelg Regional Hockey Association’s
best and fairest awards in 2005, 2007
and 2008. He has also represented the
Glenelg Region Hockey in Country Week
every year he has played hockey.
Many Monivae players again competed
in country week, Vic Stix and other wider
competitions, gaining valuable experience
and opportunities. Hopefully they will soon
be able to put this to use on the synthetic
turf that the Glenelg Regional Hockey
Association has applied for. I would like to
thank all those who have volunteered to
umpire this season, I am pleased to see
they are actively developing their skills in
this area.
Congratulations to the following players who received
the following awards for the 2009 season:
Coaches award
A Grade men Mark Williams
A Grade women Amanda Keightley
B Grade women Thea Nippress
U/16 Knights
D McCarthy
Division 4
J Kruger
Players Award
A Grade men
J Steele
A Grade women Lucy Moore
B Grade women
Bonnie Arnel
U/16 Knights
Joshua Murray
Division 4
Rory Steff
Division 5
O Moore
Jake Musson
Glenelg Regional Association Awards
A Grade men Best team player
A Grade men Most Improved
Mark Williams
J Steele
B Grade women Best Goalie
K Lane
B Grade women Most Improved
Bonnie Arnel
Baulch Trophy Most Valuable
team member U/16 Girls Danica Williams
U/16 Best and fairest
U/16 Best Goalie
U16 Monivae Knights
D McCarthy
Timothy Farquharson
Premiers 2009
Angus Grant
On behalf of Hockey Monivae I would
like to thank all of the players, coaches,
committee members for their efforts
this year. In particular I would like to
thank Raquel Francis in her first year as
secretary for her hard work. The new data
base of player information is a valuable
resource for the club and will help future
committees immensely. Also my thanks
go out to Andy Stubbs who has taken
over the role of umpire coordinator and
has done a great job of ensuring all
our commitments were met with high
standard umpires. Also his involvement
with the development of these umpires is
welcomed and much appreciated.
Mark Williams
Hockey Monivae President
Hockey Back Row: Thea Nippress, Ben Stubbs, Rhys Wilkosz, Lachlan Williams, Jack Guegan-Brown, Daniel Stevenson, Joshua Murray Third Row: Georgia Mutch, Susannah Tindall, Brittany England, Shelby Pierce, Danica Williams, Angus
Francis, Jamie Date, Lucy Moore Second Row: Arobati McCarthy,Valerian McCaskill, Jai Durbidge, Dylan Golding, Jessica O’Keefe, Timothy Farquharson, Frazer Donehue, Rory Steff, Nick Perkins Seated: Felicity Kemp, Laura Murray, Brittany
Williams, Jessica Date (Captain), Tessa Rowe (Captain), Grace Taylor, Amanda Keightley, Bonnie Arnell
Monivae A Grade womens hockey
Amanda Keightley, Tessa Rowe & Grace Taylor
Shelby Pierce
Shooting Back Row: Michael Gray, Sam Huf, Daniel Rogers, Luke Parfrey, Jeremy Kealy, Peter Sparks, Ben Deutscher Middle Row: Joseph Pierce, Jahni Van Dooren, Brad Fitzgerald, Jack Guegan-Brown, Edward Purvis, Mark Troeth
Seated: Alex Guegan-Brown, Alex O’Connell, Matthew Cameron, Matthew Gebert, Timothy Jaroszczuk, Scott Addinsall, Oscar Dinges
This year saw a new look, and a much
younger shooting team working under
the expert tutelage of Mr Ron Taylor who
volunteered his time for the school each
week of Terms 2 and 3. Our students
trained weekly and it was very pleasing
to see more parents prepared to commit
themselves to coming to training and
assisting whenever there was a need. It
truly was a weight off my mind to have
so many parents present on competition
days to help transport firearms, organise
students to be in the right place at the
right time and to support them in this
excellent sporting discipline.
Again the GSSSA competition was
the most tightly contested event of the
year and even though Monivae did not
win, we were very close and celebrated
the performance of Michael Gray who
achieved High Gun on that occasion.
Our competitions included the annual
Noorat and Minyip experiences and all
students performed very creditably even
though the weather conditions at Noorat
were the windiest we had experienced
for some time. Minyip always provides
a challenging course and at the time of
writing we are a fortnight away from this
event and are expecting more good
Shooting is a sport that at times receives
very negative publicity, however it goes
without saying that our students show
the highest levels of firearms safety,
comply with licensing restrictions and
are wonderful examples of how this sport
can bring a sense of personal discipline
to a student’s life. We are fortunate that
Monivae College continues to support
this sport and thank them for this.
Hopefully 2010 will see the development
of our junior students and we thank the
senior students, especially those in Year
12 for the way they have participated in
this team for a number of years and have
helped support the juniors at all times.
Mrs Sofia Vearing
Shooting Coordinator
Michael Gray with his first place sash
February 09
March 09
June 2009
July 2009
Sept 2009
Shahn Colliver
Elizabeth Ferguson
Brigid Wheaton
David Dreschler
Emma Millard
Tim Goodman
Zane Lewis
Zoe Tripovich
Daniel Strada
Sam Dent
Rebecca Gannon
Ellen McMeel
Alex van Rijn
Jess Date
Lizzie Ferguson
Emma Noske
Emma Noske
Molly Cogger
Dylan Gracias
Sarah Traynor
Zoe Tripovich
Brianna McGennisken
Shahn Colliver
Elizabeth Ferguson
Maverick Benson
Lizzie Ferguson
Lauren Handreck
David Dreschler
Ellie Dickenson
Niall Ashby
Shaun Colliver
Lizzie Ferguson
Tim Goodman
Will Middleton
Jess Ellis
Zoe Tripovich
Diarmid Cleary
Wolfgang Henry
Dylan Gracias
Bethany Gallagher
Lauren Stanhope
Lauren Handreck
Tom Keightley
Lizzie Ferguson
Lizzie Ferguson
Monique Edwards
Andrea Tonissen
David Dreschsler
Jack Aitken
Sarina Ferguson
Bridgette Sharples
Maddison Pierce
Zoe Tripovich
Madison Wolfe
Brittany McIntosh
Shannon Kearns
Kathleen Tripovich
Michael McMeel
David Dreschler
Claire Hannaford
Shelby Pierce
Allie Gorman
Tamilla Maslen
Beau Nieuwveld
Shahn Colliver
Year 11
Year 11
Year 11
Year 8
Year 8
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 11
Year 11
Year 11
Year 11
Year 11
Year 8
Year 11
Year 10
Year 11
Year 11
Year 7
Year 9
Year 10
Year 7.1
Year 7.1
Year 7.1
Year 7.2
Year 7.2
Year 9
Year 11
Year 10
Year 11
Year 11
Year 9
Year 10
Year 8
Year 8
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 10
Year 8
Year 8
Year 11
Year 11
Year 7
Year 8
Year 8
Year 11
Legal Studies
Religious Education
Yr 11 Biology
Unit 1 Legal Studies
Unit 1 Legal Studies
Legal Studies
Unit 1 Legal Studies
Unit 1 Legal Studies
H.E. Food and Culture
General Maths Methods
Legal Studies Unit 1
Accounting Unit 1
Psycho Studies
Psycho Studies MS
Desktop Publishing
Religious Education
Legal Studies
Media File
Aboriginal Spirituality/beliefs
Cane Toads- The Ultimate Survivor
Feasibility of Solar Heating the Monivae Swimming Pool
Feasibility of Solar Heating the Monivae Swimming Pool
Paper Aeroplane Prac
Otzi the Iceman
Journal Writing
The Great Race
Cane Toads - The Ultimate Survivor
Cane Toads - The Ultimate Survivor
SAC 1 - What is the Third Estate? Y Abbey Sieyes
SAC 1 - What is the Third Estate? Y Abbey Sieyes
Interactive Nature of the nervous system
Interactive Nature of the nervous system
Interactive Nature of the nervous system
Annotated Poster on one aspect of the immune response
Annotated Poster on one aspect of the immune response
The Great Race
The Great Race
The Great Race
Holes - Jigsaw Puzzle
Crime Investigation
Test: Bank Reconciliation Statements
Test: Bank Reconciliation Statements
Crime Investigation
Field Investigation
Why the Tangram?
Field Investigation
Folio & Report - Criminal Law
Folio & Report - Criminal Law
Folio & Report - Criminal Law
Battling it out on the Western Front
Battling it out on the Western Front
‘Holes” Jigsaw
‘Holes” Jigsaw
Map of Monivae
Map of Monivae
‘Holes’ Jigsaw
Foods of other cultures: Greece
Land Surveying and Purchase
Backyard Renovations
Case Study: DPP V Towle
Cost - Volume Profit Relationships
Mental Disorders
Mental Disorders
Our Volcanic Past
Our Volcanic Past
Decimal Numbers & Olympic Games
Decimal Numbers & Olympic Games
Decimal Numbers & Olympic Games
Materials Research Assignment
Personal Website construction
Backyard Renovations
The Reformation
The Reformation
Statistical Investigation into Health of 8.2
Extended Experimental Investigation
Extended Experimental Investigation
Bridge to Terabitha Work Folio
Viking Essay
Life of Jesus
Role of Juries
Principals Awards
Principals Awards
Principals Awards
Oct 2009
Nov 2009
Brittany Williams
Bronwyn Arnold
Courtney Garfoot
Samantha Nicholson
Jessica Ball
Lizzie Ferguson
Nathan Lewis
Emma Millard
Ebony McIntosh
Ebony McIntosh
Isabella Strada
Ebony McIntosh
Gorgia Sealey
Ellen McMeel
Elizabeth Hurley
Jacob Myers
Samantha Nicholson
Claire Hannaford
Evangeline Dowling
Tim Goodman
Shahn Colliver
Chrissy Taylor
Jake Linke
Emma Millard
Ashleigh Minney
Katie Malone
Ben Crick
Lizzie Ferguson
Samantha Nicholson
Wolfgang Henry
Dean Clutterbuck
Dylan Golding
Edward Millard
Beau Nieuwveld
Michael Carter
Caitlin Bishop-Mowatt
Lauren Stanhope
Emma Millard
Tom Fox
Bethany Gallagher
Jemima Staude
Isabella Strada
Beau Nieuwveld
Jemima Staude
Bethany Gallagher
Hayley O’Brien
Eliza Groves
Lizzie Ferguson
Shahn Colliver
Renay Moulton
Tyler Hay
Olivia Stevens
Katelyn Millard
Daniel Strada
Edwin Collins
Sarina Ferguson
Caroline Munro
Phoebe Rogers
Mai Do
Year 11
Year 9
Middle School
Middle School
Year 11
Year 11
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Year 9
Year 11
Year 9
Year 7
Year 11
Middle School
Middle School
Year 8
Year 8
Year 10
Year 10
Year 11
Year 10
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 8
Year 11
Year 8
Year 9
Year 8
Year 8
Year 7
Year 7
Year 10
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 11
Year 11
Year 11
Year 11
Year 10
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Year 10
Year 10
Year 10
Studio Art
Art Around Us
Living Systems
Agricultural Science
Religious Education
Legal Studies
Desktop Publishing & Web Design
English - What’s your opinion
History Revolutions
History Revolutions
History Revolutions
Religious Education
Legal Studies
Chemical Connections
Chemical Connections
Legal Studies
Growth of the Australian Image
Religious Education
Australians at War
Religious Education
Legal Studies
Legal Studies
Legal Studies
Legal Studies
Unit 2 Legal Studies
Art with a message
Art with a message
Art with a message
Portrait of Loneliness
Genetics Argumentative Essay
Permaculture Sustainability
If I was a fictional auto biographer
Role of Juries
Personal Website construction
Investigating & Researching five major world religions
Investigating & Researching five major world religions
Frontline Essay
Statistical investigation into Health of 8.2
Statistics Health Survey Task
Russian Revolution
Research SAC - Nicholas II
Research SAC - Nicholas II
Haberdashers Problems
Religious Identity & Life Experience
Haberdasher’s Problems
Civil Law - Lights Out at Beacon View
Which Gas is It
Which Gas is It
Analysis Task - Mushrooming
Antarctica Project
Playing the Game
Playing the Game
Civil Law - Lights Out at Beacon View
When Cultures Clash
Lockie Leonard
Identity Essay
Farmer John Analysis Task
Un sejour a Paris
Jeu de societe
Farmer John Analysis Task
Survival Challenge Story
Survival Challenge Story
Major World Religions
The Great APAC Expeditions
The Great APAC Expeditions
The Great APAC Expeditions
The Great APAC Expeditions
Focus on the Law
Focus on the Law
Young People and the Law
Focus on the Law
Families & Relationships
Animal Research
Animal Research
Animal Research
Animal Research
Mixed Media and collage
Mixed Media and collage
Mixed Media and collage
Major Awards
The Jules Chevalier Award for the
Most Outstanding Student:
Alexandra Van Rijn
Joseph Elleway Physical
Science Award:
John Traynor
Performing Arts Award:
Robert Johnson
Middle School Academic
& Diligence Awards
John Curtin Award for Loyalty and
Jessica Date
Psychology Award:
Jessica Date
Academic Excellence Yr 9 Girls
Claire Block, Samantha Nicholson,
Ellen Block
College Captain Awards:
Callum Kanoniuk & Alexandra van Rijn
Applied Learning Award:
Daniel Mirtschin
Academic Excellence Yr 9 Boys
Jake Linke, Edward Purvis, Jake Quinn,
House Aggregate Shield:
Ffrench & Glenelg
Vocational Studies Award:
West Vic-Work Force VET
Adam Cameron, Aleisha Godfrey
Diligence in Study Yr 9 Girls
Danica Williams, Kaitlyn Hastings,
Laura Hill, Laura Ferguson, Alexandra
Groves, Mishka Greenberger,
RIST Award for Agricultural Studies:
Toby Edwards
Diligence in Study Yr 9 Boys
Nathan Lewis, Shannon Kearns,
Roger Morris, Matthew Waters,
Ben Oswald, Jahni Van Dooren
VCE/ VCAL Subject
Junior School Academic &
Diligence Awards:
Academic Excellence Yr 10 Girls
Jessie Pedrina, Kathleen Tripovich,
Chrissy Taylor
Business Studies Award:
Peter Burgess
Academic Excellence Yr 7 Girls
Zoe Tripovich, Allie Gorman, Brianna
McGennisken, Bethany Gallagher
Academic Excellence Yr 10 Boys
Niall Ashby, Jason Bensch, Samuel Dent
Community Services Awards:
Kathleen Ashby, Callum Kanoniuk,
Robert Johnson, Tessa Rowe, John
Traynor, Jessica O’Keefe
Cogger Gurry Accounting Award:
Callum Kanoniuk
Physical Education Award:
Callum Kanoniuk
Biological Science Award:
Molly Cogger
Further Mathematics Award:
Molly Cogger
Health & Human Development
Award: Lauren Barker
Fr O’Carrigan English Award:
Lauren Barker
Pat Kelly Visual Arts Award:
Lauren Barker
Literature Award:
Ellen McMeel
Humanities Award:
Ellen McMeel
Outdoor Education Award:
Emma Sommerville
Mathematics Methods & Specialist:
Christopher Linke
Religious Education Award:
Kathleen Ashby
Academic Excellence Yr 7 Boys
Dylan Gracias, Timothy Goodman,
Alex Brookes, Arobati McCarthy
Diligence in Study Yr 10 Girls
Caitlin Barker, Andrea Tonissen,
Georgia Kirby, Jessica Ellis,
Sarah Noske, Brittany McIntosh
Diligence in Study Yr 7 Girls
Jemima Staude, Lucy Moore,
Ellalise Harrison, Eliza Groves,
Genevieve Cameron, Sarina Ferguson
Diligence in Study Yr 10 Boys
Daniel Roberts, Allistair Krause,
Cody Treloar, Samuel Huf,
Nathan Liebelt, Thomas Keightley
Diligence in Study Yr 7 Boys
Zachary Doherty, Diarmid Cleary,
Anthony Baudinette, Cody Deutscher,
Dylan Golding, Jack Cullinane
Academic Excellence Yr 8 Girls
Ashleigh Minney, Sarah Millard,
Emma Millard, Maggie Ryan
Academic Excellence Yr 8 Boys
Valerian McCaskill, Beau Nieuwveld,
Matthew Lowe, Sachira Chandrasekara,
Diligence in Study Yr 8 Girls
Kelsy Landwehr, Bonnie Arnel,
Breanna Millard, Ebony McIntosh,
Gorgia Sealey, Caitlin Bishop-Mowatt
Diligence in Study Yr 8 Boys
Shannon Jaeschke, Matthew Parfrey,
Aiden Pierce, John Wheaton,
Hamish Giddens, Joshua Murray
Speech Night Awards
Speech Night Awards
Senior School Diligence
and Academic Awards
Academic Excellence Yr 11 Girls
Elizabeth Ferguson, Jessica Ball,
Claire Hannaford
Academic Excellence Yr 11 Boys
Lachlan Williams, Joshua Meulendyks,
Ethan Tan
Diligence in Study Yr 11 Girls
Thea Nippress, Shahn Colliver,
Lauren Handreck, Nikki Rankin,
Courtney Hoggan, Eve Duckmanton
Diligence in Study Yr 11 Boys
Jack Arnel, Billy Beveridge,
Daniel Mirtschin, Gustav Christie,
Harrison Purvis, Tyrone Ross
Speech Night
Academic Excellence Yr 12
– to be announced 2010
Hamilton RSL Ted Kenna
Jake Linke
Diligence in Study Yr 12 Girls
Lauren Barker, Emma Noske,
Kathleen Ashby, Tayla Suiker,
Alex van Rijn, Madalene Cleary,
Jessica Date
Monivae Best All Rounder Award:
Jacob Myers
Sports Awards:
Diligence in Study Yr 12 Boys
Simon Close, Bernard Kealy,
Christopher Linke, Jacob Myers,
Jordan McCallum, Peter Burgess,
Music Awards:
Fr John Burford Trophy
Senior Sportsman:
Joshua Kearney
Middle School Musicianship:
Claire Block
Fr Edminston Cup for Senior
Emma Sommerville
Senior School Musicianship:
Shahn Colliver
Ensemble Award:
Ethan Tan
Choir Award:
Kathleen Ashby
Co-curricular Awards:
ADF Long Tan Award:
Niall Ashby, Shahn Colliver, Alex van Rijn
The Jules Chevalier Award for
the Most Outstanding Student:
Fr Stan Tyler MSC, Trophy for
Outstanding dedication to Sporting
Tyrone Ross
Monivae Junior Sportsperson:
Jack Aitken, Katelyn Lewis
Junior School Musicianship:
Beau Nieuwveld
Lions Ladies Auxiliary
Citizenship Service Award:
Madalene Cleary
Major Sports Awards:
Blake Family Perpetual Trophy for
Netball Excellence:
Rhianne Lewis
Monivae Equestrian Award:
Grace Chantler
M.L. Simmonds Basketball Trophy :
Sophie Templeton, Tyrone Ross
Gavin Hurley Cricket Award:
Tyrone Ross
Monivae Hockey Award:
Tessa Rowe, Lachlan Williams
House Clay Target Shooting Award:
Michael Gray
Robert Roache Athletics Standards
Trophy: Katelyn Lewis
KW Keane Perpetual Golf Shield:
Angus Francis
Dennis Foster Senior
Swimming Award:
Jacob Myers, Samantha McPhee
Kieran Watt Swimming
Standards Trophy:
Zachary Ellwood
Henry Trophy for
Senior Boys Athletics:
William Dore
Best and Fairest Hyland Shield Peter
Patterson Cup:
Callum Hobbs
Salter Trophy for
Senior Girls Athletics:
Madalene Cleary
Best and Fairest Spiller Shield Nano
Melican Cup:
Rhianne Lewis
Senior Cross Country:
Lauren Barker, Anthony Close
Monivae All Rounder Award:
Jacob Myers- Yr 12
John Curtin Award for Loyalty &
Jessica Date- Yr 12
Alexandra Van Rijn- Yr 12
For a commitment to academic
effort, involvement in a vast array
of Monivae activities & exemplifying
the Monivae spirit of caring for
others & representing Monivae with
pride in all that she does.
Fr Fitzgerald Cup 1St XV111 Football
Award: Anthony Close
Jacob demonstrated a good
academic standard throughout
the year and was involved in
house swimming and athletics,
was a Community Service Leader,
participated in house debating,
Hyland Shield and the Social
Justice Group
Fr Stan Tyler MSC, Trophy for
Outstanding dedication to
Sporting Excellence:
Tyrone Ross- Yr 11
For demonstrating a commitment to
stay focused on her studies despite
personal circumstances that have
seriously tested her. She has shown
outstanding dedication and loyalty
to Monivae and has been strongly
involved in a vast array of Monivae
representation in many sports,
particularly cricket, football and
basketball make him a very worthy
Monivae said goodbye to Director
of Development & Marketing, Kerry
Martin, at the beginning of 2009, leaving
Development Officer Kate Morton to run
the Development Office solely until the
appointment of Simon McKinley as new
Director of Development & Marketing in
mid-2009. The effort of Kate to maintain
the Development Office single-handed
was recognised by all at Monivae and she
will be sadly missed. Kate Couchman
has filled the Development Officer gap
left by Kate Morton during a busy Term4
before she resumes her teaching duties at
the start of 2010. Her work, especially in
getting this, the 2009 Annual completed
on time has been outstanding.
2009 saw the first year of the 2009 – 2012
Marketing Business Plan implemented,
giving clear direction for the Development
Office and the wider Monivae Community
in the activities undertaken. Its focus
was on the priorities of building and
strengthening relationships with the
college’s communities across south
western Victoria, the Wimmera Mallee
and south-east South Australia.
The Development office is working
with the Monivae Foundation to further
its goals in ensuring that the Monivae
Community remains strong and is able to
support the needs of all students across
the community in being able to attend the
college and to strive for excellence in their
chosen field.
Working in partnership with the Monivae
Old Collegians Association has seen the
College successfully hold reunions for the
classes 1979, 1989 and 1999 and the
Development Office will look to continue
this success into 2010.
Information Evenings held across the
above mentioned regions, attendance at
Sheepvention, five Open Mornings and
one information evening.
Dunkeld Races was again a successful
event with a marquee hosted by the
Foundation and the production of two
editions of the Dolphin Old Collegians
magazine ensured a strong link with all
groups within the Monivae Community.
Regular newspaper advertising and
editorials, television ads and the continued
development of the College website
provide information and keep people
informed and up-to-date with what’s
happening, what’s new and what there is
to look forward to at Monivae.
Simon McKinley
Director of Development & Marketing
Development Office / Foundation
Development Office Report
The 2009 calendar of activities for the
Development Office included eight
Foundation Report
The activities of the Foundation in 2009
have been greatly curtailed by the impact
of the Global Financial Crisis(GFC).
Whilst the impact of the GFC in Australia
has proved to be mild by international
standards, everyone has suffered some
loss. In addition, who was confident
in predicting the size of the impact in
Australia or what the outcome will be?
Who wasn’t fearful of the outcome? Who
is confident our political leaders have
got their policies right-certainly not the
Chairman of the Foundation. Add to that
the impact of drought on so many of our
The result for the Foundation is that it was
quite inappropriate for us to be asking for
financial support in those circumstances.
On to a more positive note though, the
new Girls’ Boarding House was opened
on Sunday October 25 by Mrs Simone Van
Rijn, a long time and very active supporter
of boarding and Monivae in general. The
new boarding house is magnificent and
as good as anything offered anywhere in
Australia. The rebuilding work could not
have been done without the support of
the Foundation in providing other facilities.
Without the Foundation, the school
would not have had the resources. Also,
Foundation members and staff played a
dominant role in attracting the necessary
Government grant.
As I have reported before, the next role of
the Foundation is to provide funding for
Bursaries and Scholarships. This task is
already underway with generous support
by Foundation Members. The need is
great. Monivae “Gives Every Child a
Chance” but the associated cost is large.
Monivae runs on a financial tightrope and
any unforeseen expenditure has a very
serious impact. The Rudd Government
is providing every student with a laptop,
but there is no funding for providing
the necessary infrastructure within the
school. The unfunded cost to Monivae
is $200,000. This is a huge impost to
Monivae when we are giving unfunded
bursaries to children who need them. I
am sure the generosity of our members
will allow the Foundation to help.
We welcome our new Principal, Mr Mark
McGinnity and look forward to working
with him to “Give Every Child a Chance”.
Mr Bryan Roberts
Monivae College Foundation Limited
Parents & Friends Association & Board Report
Monivae Parents & Friends Association
Presidents Report
2009 has been a highly successful and
busy year for the Monivae Parents and
Friends (P & F). It started off by hosting
a Welcome Evening for new parents.
The P & F also attended the swimming
sports and athletics sports days, offering
refreshments to parents and a BBQ lunch
at the Annual Cadet Day. I thank the
Monivae Hockey parents for their efforts
in organising and coordinating this event.
Presentation Ball – Thank you to Pauline
Perkins and Cathy Ferguson and their
team for their hard work, which resulted
in another wonderful night for the Yr 11
students and their families.
Liberal party pre-selection morning and
afternoon- where the P & F catered for
440; special thanks goes to Mary Golding
for her expertise and the willing volunteers
who served the food.
Our cluster groups in Harrow, Portland,
Casterton and Glenthompson/Dunkeld
are well established and provide a
great avenue for out-lying families to be
connected to the Monivae community.
Wine Orders – Orders from Ladbroke
Grove Winery were offered throughout
the year. Thanks to Phil Cleary and the
Casterton cluster group for all their effort
on this fundraiser.
Our fundraising activities this year have
resulted in the P & F being able to
contribute $18,000 to the College which
goes towards improving the facilities for
all students at Monivae.
Second Hand Clothing Shop – continues
to provide a much needed service and
I thank Louise Kennedy for her work
as coordinator. The new space for the
uniform shop has provided a much nicer
and more usable working area for the
Board Report
It has been an exceptionally busy year for
the Monivae College Board of Directors
with a number of quite significant proposals
and projects requiring due consideration,
a decision and implementation.
The relative stability of Board membership
over the past two years has allowed the
current group of directors to oversee these
projects through to their final stages.
Key proposals and projects dealt with by
the Board include:
The recent opening of the girls’ boarding
house following the full refurbishment
of this facility at a cost of approximately
$1.3million. We believe this boarding
facility is now equal to anything available
within regional Australia.
The activities included:
Following a rather rigorous due diligence
process the arrangements necessary
to support the move by St Mary’s
Primary School to a site on the Monivae
College grounds (just north of the sports
complex) is regarded as a real positive
for both schools. It is expected that this
exciting development will commence
prior to Christmas 2009 and is due to be
completed for the commencement of the
2011 school year.
The current five year strategic plan for
Monivae College completes at the end of
the 2010 school year. The Board is in the
early stages of developing a process that
will facilitate the establishment of the next
five year plan.
Leadership and management structures
were the focus for the Board when
contracting consultants SRC/Insight to
complete an independent evaluation of
the management structures, systems
and processes currently in operation at
The consultants have been
working with the Monivae community
for the past 12 months and the Board
is looking forward to an end of year
summary report.
The Board has recently ‘signed off’ on
a proposal to significantly enhance all
aspects of Information Technology at the
Mr Mark McGinnity will assume the
role of Principal of the College from the
commencement of the 2010 year. The
Board is confident that Mark has the
qualities necessary to lead the College
through its next phase of growth and
I would like to thank Judi Burgess as
treasurer and Anne O’Keefe as secretary for
their dedication and tireless commitment
to the P&F. We would also like to thank
Bernard Neal and Tim O’Farrell for their
support and attendance at meetings and
wish them and their families the best of
luck in their new roles.
Although our committee has been quite
small, the impact has been great. This
year is the final year for several of our key
people, I would like to personally thank
them for their dedication and all that they
have done for the P & F throughout their
years here. I would like to invite all parents
to become involved in some way with the
P & F. It’s a great way to be a part of the
Monivae Community.
Julie Drechsler
P & F Vice President 2009
This year the annual College Board
Retreat was held at Halls Gap. It included
a Strategic Planning Workshop. The focus
of this workshop was the establishment of
some early priorities in the development
of the next five year Strategic Plan for the
I would like to sincerely thank all Board
members for their commitment and the
energy they displayed during the 2009
I would also like to thank the Principal, Mr
Bernard Neal and the Leadership Group
which includes the school captains and all
student leaders. Many of our achievements
for 2009 would not have been possible
without the healthy relationship that exists
between the Monivae College Board and
the Leadership Group at the College.
The contribution of the Monivae College
Foundation lead by Mr Bryan Roberts and
the Parents and Friends Association in
supporting many of the College’s projects
has, once again, been significant.
A number of the above initiatives will
form the basis of a new era for Monivae
College and the Board is ‘looking forward’
with optimism and enthusiasm.
Laurie R Cogger
Monivae College Board of Directors
Mr Lech Aniol
Mr Brendan Ashby
Mr Darren Beks
Mrs Maree Bell
Mrs Julie Betts
Mr Michael Bishop
Mr Gerard Bourke
Mrs Diane Bowles
Mrs Karen Brewis
Mr Nathan Cashion
Mrs Caryn Christie
Mrs Yvette Colquhoun
Mr David Cottrill
Mrs Nicola Crawford
Mrs Mary-Ann Doheny
Miss Rebecca Fisher
Mr Geoff Forsyth
Mr Peter Fotheringham
Mr Ben Gallagher
Miss Amelia Gallina
Br. Dan Geary
Mrs Mary Golding
Mrs Anne Gough
Mrs Lyn Graham
Mrs Elizabeth Gubbins
Mr Michael Harms
Mr Simon Hatherell
Mrs Alisa Houlihan
Mr Frank Kennedy
Mr Tim Kermeen
Mr Kevin King
Mrs Pam King
Miss Erin Lambert
Ms Barbara Lemoine
Mr Bronte Longbottom
Mrs Cythia Longbottom
Mrs Kaylene Mailes
Mr Damian McCarthy
Fr. Mark McGuinness
Mrs Katee Mitchell
Mr Terry Molan
Ms Elizabeth Myers
Mr Bernard Neal
Ms Elaine Noske
Mr Tim O’Farrell
Mr Geoff Parker
Mrs Maria Patience
Mr Tim Pietschmann
Mr Bernard Quince
Mrs Elizabeth Robertson
Mrs Leonie Roder
Miss Samantha Ross
Miss Jacinta Ryan
Ms Rebecca Schwarz
Mr Gary Simkin
Mr Tim Smith
Mrs Trish Soawyer
Mr Jody Stephens
Mrs Judy Trompf
Mrs Vicky Turnbull
Mrs Sofia Vearing
Mrs Lorna Walker
Mr Phillip Wheaton
Mr Lech Aniol – B.A.(Archaeology), Dip.
Ed, Humanities, English
Mrs Karen Ashby – Dip.Teach Secondary,
LINCS – Maths/Science, Maths
Mr Darren Beks – B.Ed (PE), Senior
School Coordinator, Physical Education,
Mr Patrick Binyon – B.A.Science,
Acting Middle School Coordinator, LINCS
Humanities, Biology, Maths
Mr Michael Bishop - B.Ed (QUT), Dip.
Teach (Prim) (BCAE), Cert Bus Admin,
MACE, MACEL, English Coordinator, VCE
English, Literature
Mr Gerard Bourke - Dip. T, B.A., Grad.
Dip (Admin), M.A. (Theol), Certificate
IV Workplace Assessment & Training,
Religious Education Coordinator, Further
Maths, Religious Education, Technology,
Mrs Dianne Bowles - TSTC (Dom.
Arts), B.Ed, M.Ed (Curriculum Studies),
Technology coordinator, Health and
Mrs Kerrie Cameron – B.B.Sc Dip Ed.
R.A.D. TC (Dance), English, Humanities
(Term 1)
Mrs Yvette Colquhoun – B.Sc, Grad.
Dip.Ed, M.Ed (Leadership), Acting Director
of Studies, Science Coordinator, Science,
Miss Rebecca Fisher – B.Ed (Physical
Education), Sports Coordinator, Physical
Education, Psychology, Timetabler
Mr Peter Fotheringham - Dip. Tech
Teach, Assoc. Dip. Bus. Studies, Grad.Dip
Adolescent Health & Welfare, Cert III Multi
Media, Cert II Retailing, CIV Workplace
Training & Assessment, Art, Technology,
Mr Ben Gallagher - Dip T.(Pri) B.Ed,
Arts Coordinator, VCE Theatre Studies &
Drama, English, Media, Drama
Miss Amelia Gallina – B.Arts Music
(Hons.), B.Arts Teaching (Hons), Co Music Coordinator, Performing Arts, VCE
Mrs Tania Gaussen – B.Ed (Sec.Sci),
Grad. Cert Middle School Maths, LINCS
– Science/Maths, Maths
Mrs Anne Gough – B.A., Dip.Ed, Careers
Ed Cert, Cert IV Workplace Training, VET/
VCAL Coordinator, VET, VCAL
Mrs Elizabeth Gubbins – Dip.Bus. (PR),
Adv.Dip.Bus.Man, Grad.Dip.Ed (Applied
Learning), Mitchell House Coordinator,
Hockey Coach, Humanities
Mr Michael Harms – B.A.,Grad.Dip.
Ed., Glenelg House Coordinator, EXCEL
– English/Science, VCE Literature, House
Debating, Cricket
Mr Simon Hatherell – B.Ed (PE),
Health/PE Coordinator, EXCEL – Maths/
Humanities, Physical Education
Mrs Alisa Houlihan B.Ed (Music), Co
Music Coordinator, Performing Arts
Mr David Irving - B.Sc. M.Ed, Information
Technology Coordinator, Specialist Maths,
Mr Geoff Isles - Dip.Teach, Grad Cert
Middle School Maths, Physical Education,
Religious Education
Mrs Merridy Jamieson-Rokobaro
– M.Ed (Studies of Asia), P.Grad B.Ed
Studies, Grad Cert Studies of Asia, Dip
T. Primary, EXCEL – English/Humanities,
Information Technology, English
Mr Tim Kermeen – B.Ed. Health, Ffrench
House Coordinator, Physical Education,
Maths, Community Liaison Officer
Mr Kevin King – Dip.Social Sci, Dip.Ed.,
VCE English, Religious Education, VCAL
- Numeracy
Mrs Pam King – Dip.Bus - Accounting,
Dip.Ed, Careers Coordinator, Accounting,
Legal Studies
Miss Erin Lambert – B.Ed(PE), Junior
School Coordinator, Physical Education
Ms Barbara Lemoine – B.A. Dip.Ed.,
LOTE Coordinator, French, Religious
Education, English
Staff Qualifications
Mr Bronte Longbottom – B.A. Dip.Ed,
VCE Chemistry, LINCS Maths/ Science,
VCAL – Numeracy, Science
Mrs Shirley Lovell - TSTC (Dom. Arts),
Food Technology
Mr Ian Marshall – B.Ed(Technology),
Mr Damian McCarthy – B.Sc., Grad
Dip.Ed, Further Maths, Science, Outdoor
Education, VCAA Further Math Assessor,
VCAL – Professional Development
Mrs Catherine Mitchell – Dip.Teach. H.
Eco, B.A. Ed, Food Technology, Materials
Technology, VET Hospitality
Mr Terry Molan - Dip.Teach, B.Ed, Dip
Religious Education, Co Director of Faith
and Mission, Religious Education, VET
Ms Elizabeth Myers – M. Ed, B. Ed,
SART, Post Grad. Dip. - Student Welfare,
Religious Education
Mr Bernard Neal - B. Ed, Grad Dip
Social Science, MACE, Principal
Miss Elaine Noske - Dip.Art & Design,
Dip.Ed, Art and Visual Communication
and Design
Mr Tim O’Farrell – B.Sc, Grad Dip.Ed,
Dip Faith Education, M. Ed. (Leadership)
Deputy Principal, Biology, Religious
Mr Geoff Parker - B.Mus. Perf, Grad.
Dip.Ed. (Sec), Grad Cert. Ed (Middle
Years of Schooling), EXCEL – Humanities/
English, Music
Mrs Maria Patience – B.A. Dip.Ed, Co
LOTE Coordinator, Indonesian, Religious
Mr Bernard Quince – B.App Sc (Hons),
Grad Dip.Ed. Cert 1 Engineering, Cert iV
Small Business Mgt. Technology, Maths,
Science, Religious Education, Humanities,
Mrs Elizabeth Robertson – B.Sc, TSTC,
Grad. Cert Middle School Maths, Science,
Maths, Chemistry, VIEU Representative
Mrs Leonie Roder - B.Ed, Home
Economics, Acting Director of Students,
Food Technology, Health and Human
Ms Samantha Ross – B.Ed (PE)
Lonsdale House Coordinator, EXCEL Maths/Science, Physical Education
Miss Jacinta Ryan – B.Sc, Dip.
Ed, Mathematics Coordinator, Maths
Methods, Maths
Miss Rebecca Schwarz – B.Ed
(PE) Hons., EXCEL – Maths/Science,
Information Technology
Mr Gary Simkin - B.A(Hons), Dip.Ed,
Grad Dip Ed Admin, Grad Cert Middle
School Maths, CO Cadets, Information
Technology, Humanities, Maths
Mr Jody Stephens B.A. Music
Theatre, Cert IV Workplace Training and
Assessment, Performing Arts/Drama,
Mrs Jenny Strang - B.A. TSTC, Grad Dip
Spec Ed, Special Education Coordinator,
Language Development, Work Education
Mrs Julie Templeton – B.Ed (PE), Daily
Organiser, Health & Human Development,
Physical Education
Mrs Judy Trompf – B.Sc(Hons) B.Ed,
M.Ed, Biology, LINCS – Maths/Science,
Mrs Sofia Vearing – B.A. Dip Ed,
Humanities Coordinator, VCE History
Biology, Humanities
Mr Phillip Wheaton – B.A.Arts/
Education Secondary, LINCS – English/
Humanities, English, Religious Education,
VCAL Literature
Mr Ray Wilson - Dip Art, Dip.Ed/
Secondary, VCE Art, Art, Materials
Br Dan Geary, MSC
Fr Mark McGuiness, MSC
Fr Ted McCormack, MSC
Ancillary Staff 2009
Administration/Secretarial - Mrs Mary
Ann Doheny, Mrs Caryn Christie
Pietschmann, B. Comm Grad Dip App.
Finance/Investment, FF-In, ASA
Assistant Business Manager – Mr Tony
Catering - Mrs Mary Golding (Chef), Mrs
Trish Soawyer, Mrs Sheryl Storer, Mrs
Irene Box
Computer Network Administrator –
Mr David Cottrill, Mr Aron Page
Director of Development – Ms Kerry
Martin (left Mar 09) Mr Simon McKinley
Development Office – Miss
Morton, Miss Kate Couchman
Executive Secretary – Mrs Michelle
Malone (left Term 3), Mrs Dianne Taylor
Finance Office – Mrs Irene McGrath,
Mrs Vicki Turnbull
First Aid – Mrs Julie Betts
Home Economics Assistant - Mrs
Lynne Graham
Laboratory Assistant - Mrs Karen
Librarian - Mrs Maree Bell
Building and Grounds - Mr Frank
Kennedy, Mr Nathan Cashion, Mrs Lyn
McMahon, Mr Tim Smith, Mr David
Turnbull, Ms Sheryl Phillips, Mr Alan
Library - Mrs Nicola Crawford, B.Sc(Hons)
Dip Ed, Jenny Riddle, Finuala Neeson
Registrar – Mrs Kaylene Mailes
Director of Boarding - Mr Brendan
Ashby, Dip Ed.
Student Support Worker - Dr Vivien
Brodsky (left), Mrs Pam McLeod
Boarding: Mr Geoff Forsyth (Head of
Boys Boarding), Mrs Jenny Needham
(Head of Girls Boarding), Mrs Jean Ross,
Mrs Colleen Rhook, Mr Tony Walker, Ms
Sally Tripovich, Mrs Jenni Beulke
Retired - Mr T. Walsh
Canteen - Mrs Lorna Walker
Teachers’ Aides – Mrs Cynthia
Longbottom, Miss Elise Grenfell, Ms
Finuala Neeson
New Teaching Staff 2009
Mr Patrick Binyon
Miss Erin Lambert
Mr Phillip Wheaton
Patrick has been teaching for five years,
three years previously at Monivae before
one and a half years at Healesville
Sanctuary and two years in sports
development in South Africa. Pat has
enjoyed the role of Acting Middle School
Coordinator and the ongoing learning of
the art of teaching.
Erin graduated in 2002 and has since
taught in Melbourne, England and
travelled through Europe and Asia before
taking on her current role as Junior School
Coordinator. Erin loves travelling, playing
sport and meeting new people and enjoys
working in a country town where you get
involved in the community.
Mr Simon Hatherell
Fr Mark McGuiness, MSC
Simon has been teaching for 10 years
and has taught at Hamilton North
Primary School and Shepparton High
School. Simon enjoys any type of sport,
gardening and has enjoyed being part of
a large school which offers many different
B.Theology, Grad Dip Theol. Appointed
by the MSC Provincial as Director of MSC
Mission and Chaplain and also sharing
the role of Director of Faith and Mission,
Mark was the parish priest of Henley
Beach in South Australia before taking
up his current role. Mark has worked in
parishes and schools within Tasmania and
New South Wales as well as working with
indigenous communities in the Northern
Phil is a past student from Downlands
College, a MSC sister-school in
Toowoomba, QLD. Phil has worked in
various areas of agriculture before training
to be a teacher in Queensland. This is
his fifth year of teaching after relocating to
Monivae from Roma with his wife and five
children. Phil enjoys spending time with
his family, most sports, reading, travel,
and farming and has enjoyed attending
various year level camps and retreats
throughout the year.
Mrs Merridy
An experience of 35 years of teaching in
Queensland and South Australia, Merridy
has taught from Grade 1 through to Yr
10. In her previous teaching position,
Merridy was coordinator of international
student visits and she enjoys visual arts,
children’s literature and multiculturalism.
Making new friends at Monivae has been
a highlight.
Miss Rebecca Schwartz
Rebecca has been teaching for three
years. Her first position was with The
Hamilton and Alexandra College then
she travelled and taught around Australia
before taking on her current position.
Rebecca has enjoyed her first year and
being involved with the EXCEL program
and the schoolgirls’ netball.
Roll Call
Matthew Addinsall .......................... HAMILTON
Scott Addinsall ............................... HAMILTON
Rebecca Addinsall . ........................ HAMILTON
Jack Aitken ........................BUCKLEY SWAMP
Kathryn Aitken ....................BUCKLEY SWAMP
Philippa Allen ................................LAKE BOGA
Micaela Ams . ................................. HAMILTON
Zachery Ams .................................. HAMILTON
Robert Anderson ............................ HAMILTON
David Andrivon ...........................MACARTHUR
Madeline Annett ............................. HAMILTON
Sophie Annett ................................ HAMILTON
Ashleigh Annett .............................. HAMILTON
Jessica Appleton ...........................BALMORAL
Nicholas Armstrong ........................ HAMILTON
Bonnie Arnel . ................................. HAMILTON
Jack Arnel ...................................... HAMILTON
Bronwen Arnold................................ DUNKELD
Leonard Arnold................................. DUNKELD
Kathleen Ashby .............................. HAMILTON
Niall Ashby ..................................... HAMILTON
Zoe Astbury . ................................ CAVENDISH
Mikayla Atwell . ...............................HEYWOOD
Kalan Austin ................................... HAMILTON
Kiara Austin .................................... HAMILTON
Jindara-Lee Austin ......................... HAMILTON
Jethro Baarda . ............................... HAMILTON
Lachlan Bail . ................................ BOLWARRA
Erin Bailey ...................................... HAMILTON
Niomi Bailey .....................................BENDIGO
Aaron Baker ................................... HAMILTON
Hayley Baker .................................. HAMILTON
Andrew Ball .............................GERRIGERRUP
Jessica Ball .............................GERRIGERRUP
Tayler Barber .................................. HAMILTON
Caitlin Barker .................................. HAMILTON
Lauren Barker . ............................... HAMILTON
Luke Barnes ....................CAPE BRIDGWATER
Kate Bartlett ................................. BOLWARRA
Jacob Bast . ......................... HAMILTON VBIC
Anthony Baudinette ...................... COLERAINE
Emily Baulch . ............................... CAVENDISH
Megan Beames ......................... MT WALLACE
Jack Beaton ...................................... COOJAR
Samuel Beavis . ...........................HEATHMERE
Joshuah Belleville .......................MACARTHUR
Laura Bennetts ............................... HAMILTON
Samantha Bennetts . ...................... HAMILTON
Andrew Bensch ..................... CROXTON EAST
Jayson Bensch . .................... CROXTON EAST
Harley Benson .............................. COLERAINE
Maverick Benson . ........................ COLERAINE
Michael Betts ................................. HAMILTON
Mitchell Beulke ............................... HAMILTON
Billy Beveridge ................................ HAMILTON
Georgina Bilston ............................. HAMILTON
Caitlin Bishop-Mowatt .................. COLERAINE
Tessa Blair ...................................... HAMILTON
Claire Block .................................... HAMILTON
Ellen Block ..................................... HAMILTON
Alex Bosch ................................... COLERAINE
Sophie Brewer . ..............................KARABEAL
Emma Britten............................. LAKE BOLAC
Jessica Britten . .......................... LAKE BOLAC
Alex Brookes ..............................TARRINGTON
Joel Brown ..................................... HAMILTON
Daniel Brown .................................. HAMILTON
Lauren Brown . ............................... HAMILTON
Jacob Bullen ................................ CAVENDISH
Megan Bullen .................................. TIMBOON
Sam Bullen ................................... CAVENDISH
Madeleine Bunting . ........................ HAMILTON
Peter Burgess ...................... TARRAYOUKYAN
Jessica Busiko ................................ BENAYEO
Samantha Byrne-Kirk ..................BAHGALLAH
Stacey Cain ....................................HEYWOOD
Adam Cameron........................... PENSHURST
Matthew Cameron . .....................PENSHURST
Andrew Cameron ........................PENSHURST
Eloise Cameron ...........................PENSHURST
Genevieve Cameron ....................PENSHURST
Thomas Cameron . ....................... COLERAINE
Demi Campbell . ............................. HAMILTON
Emily Carey ........................................NAREEN
Michael Carter .................... ENDEAVOUR HILL
Lucy Cattermole ............................. HAMILTON
Bonnie Cerchi . ............................... HAMILTON
Samuel Chandler ............................ HAMILTON
Sachini Chandrasekara . ................. HAMILTON
Sachira Chandrasekara .................. HAMILTON
Grace Chantler ..................... NORTH KILLARA
Gustav Christie ............................... HAMILTON
Haavard Christie ............................. HAMILTON
Thomas Claffey .............................. HAMILTON
Jack Claridge ................................. HAMILTON
Karl Claridge . ................................. HAMILTON
Mikaela Claridge ............................. HAMILTON
Madalene Cleary . ........................CASTERTON
Diarmid Cleary ....................... VERDANT HILLS
Jock Cleary ........................... VERDANT HILLS
Rohan Cleary . ....................... VERDANT HILLS
Sean Cleary . ...............................CASTERTON
Anna-Grace Close ........................ COLERAINE
Anthony Close .............................. COLERAINE
Michael Close . ............................. COLERAINE
Simon Close . ............................... COLERAINE
Casey Clutterbuck .......................... HAMILTON
Clinton Clutterbuck......................... HAMILTON
Dean Clutterbuck ........................... HAMILTON
Nicholas Cockerell .........................BALMORAL
Sarah Cockerell .............................BALMORAL
Molly Cogger .................................. HAMILTON
Benjamin Cole ................................. DUNKELD
Mitchell Collins ............................... HAMILTON
Edwin Collins . ................................. DUNKELD
Shahn Colliver ................................HEYWOOD
Taylah Connolly .............................. HAMILTON
Sharlene Cooper ................................ TAHARA
Alanna Cottrill ..............................PENSHURST
Hayden Cottrill . ...........................PENSHURST
Hannah Craig ...........................NARACOORTE
Stephen Craig ..........................NARACOORTE
Ashleigh Crane ............................... HAMILTON
Caroline Crane ............................... HAMILTON
Samuel Crawford . ...............VICTORIA VALLEY
Kate Crespan ................................ PORTLAND
Benjamin Crick ............................CASTERTON
Timothy Crick ..............................CASTERTON
Daniel Cullinane .............................. HAMILTON
Jack Cullinane ................................ HAMILTON
Jessica Cvetnic ............................ COLERAINE
Michelle Cvetnic ........................... COLERAINE
James Date ................................MACARTHUR
Jessica Date . .............................MACARTHUR
Katrina Davis ...................... GLENTHOMPSON
Sarah Davis ........................ GLENTHOMPSON
Grace Delaney . ............................... TIMBOON
Raymond Dellar ............................ PAKENHAM
Mathew Della-Vedova...................... DUNKELD
Michelle Della-vedova ...................... DUNKELD
Aimee Dent .................................... HAMILTON
Samuel Dent .................................. HAMILTON
Benjamin Deutscher ..................... COLERAINE
Cody Deutscher ........................... COLERAINE
Reece Diamond . ............................... DOREEN
Elli Dickinson............................... CASTERTON
James Dickinson .........................CASTERTON
Cody Dickson . ............................... HAMILTON
Oscar Dinges ............................... CAVENDISH
Mai Do ........................................... HAMILTON
Zakary Doherty ............................... HAMILTON
Frazer Donehue .............................. HAMILTON
William Dore ................................... HAMILTON
Brandon Dorman . .......................... HAMILTON
Jackson Dowdy . ................................BINNUM
Evangeline Dowling ........................ HAMILTON
David Drechsler .............................. HAMILTON
Eve Duckmanton ............................. DUNKELD
Ellen Dufty ...................................... HAMILTON
Meg Dunne ..................................PORT FAIRY
Ebony Durbidge ............................. HAMILTON
Jai Durbidge ................................... HAMILTON
Stacey Dyson ............................ BESSIEBELLE
Kieran Eales ................................PENSHURST
Lee Eales ....................................PENSHURST
Laura Eales .................................... HAMILTON
Arie Eddy . ...................................... HAMILTON
Craig Eddy ..................................... HAMILTON
Monique Edwards ................................ HENTY
Toby Edwards ...................................... HENTY
Penelope Edwards ......................... HAMILTON
Jessica Ellis ....................... GRINGEGALGONA
Zachary Ellwood ........................... BOLWARRA
Peyton Ellwood ............................ BOLWARRA
Talinna Ellwood . ........................... BOLWARRA
Hayley Elsom . .................................. GAZETTE
Brittany England ............................ PORTLAND
Emma English ................................ HAMILTON
Joshua Evans ................................. HAMILTON
Paige Evans ................................... HAMILTON
Nathan Faroe ..............................CASTERTON
Kellie Farquharson .......................... HAMILTON
Timothy Farquharson . .................... HAMILTON
Alexandra Feely ............................ COLERAINE
Thomas Feely ............................... COLERAINE
Elizabeth Ferguson ................ STRATHKELLAR
Laura Ferguson ..................... STRATHKELLAR
Sarina Ferguson .................... STRATHKELLAR
Brittanney Ferguson ..................... COLERAINE
Viannah Ferguson . ....................... COLERAINE
Tayla Ferrier .................................... HAMILTON
Dylan Fiasco . ............................ BESSIEBELLE
Joshua Fiasco ........................... BESSIEBELLE
Justin Field ..................................... HAMILTON
Alexander Fitzgerald ....................CASTERTON
Brad Fitzgerald ............................CASTERTON
Amy Forster . .................................. HAMILTON
Thomas Fox ................................... HAMILTON
Angus Francis ................................ HAMILTON
Isabella Francis . .......................BRANXHOLME
Lachlann Francis ............................ HAMILTON
David Fry ........................................ HAMILTON
Samuel Fry ..................................... HAMILTON
Joshua Gale ................................... HAMILTON
Bethany Gallagher .......................... HAMILTON
Thushira Gammune ....................... PORTLAND
Rebecca Gannon ................................ GORAE
Jacqualyn Gardiner .....................BERRYBANK
Bridgette Garfoot . .......................... HAMILTON
Courtney Garfoot . .......................... HAMILTON
Andrew Gebert ...............................YULECART
Matthew Gebert .............................YULECART
Levi Geebung ................................. HAMILTON
Alexander Geraldene-Gray ............ PORTLAND
Hamish Giddens . ........................... HAMILTON
Lachlan Giddens ............................ HAMILTON
Jami Giles ...................................... HAMILTON
Kedar Giles . ................................... HAMILTON
Shaun Gill ....................................CASTERTON
Aleisha Godfrey .............................. HAMILTON
Jordan Godfrey .............................. HAMILTON
Eloise Goldby ................................. HAMILTON
Dylan Golding ................................. HAMILTON
Timothy Goodman.......................... HAMILTON
Eloise Goodwin .............................SANDFORD
Lily Goodwin .................................SANDFORD
Willis Goodwin . .............................SANDFORD
Amy Goold ..................................CASTERTON
Sarah Gordon . ................................ DUNKELD
Allie Gorman . ............................... CARAPOOK
Dylan Gracias ................................ PORTLAND
Errol Gracias . ................................ PORTLAND
Angus Grant ................................... MAAOUPE
Michael Gray ..................................HEYWOOD
Jeremy Kealy . ........................ VIA EDENHOPE
Joshua Kearney ........................... CAVENDISH
Shannon Kearns . ........................... HAMILTON
Harry Keegan ................................. HAMILTON
Ambrose Keen ............................... HAMILTON
Amanda Keightley .............................CONDAH
Joshua Keightley ...............................CONDAH
Thomas Keightley ..............................CONDAH
Felicity Kemp . ............................... SWAN HILL
Amy Kenna . ................................... HAMILTON
Jack Kennedy ................................. DUNKELD
Rose Kennedy . ............................... DUNKELD
Fraser Kent . ................................CASTERTON
Giles Kent . ..................................CASTERTON
Molly Kent ...................................CASTERTON
Madeline Kim .................................. HAMLTON
Georgia Kirby ................................... HARROW
Erin Kirkup...................................... HAMILTON
Mikkel Knudsen ............................. HAMILTON
Joshua Kohn ..............................TARRINGTON
Allistair Krause ..................................WANNON
Jacob Kuchel .................................HORSHAM
Nancy Lai ..................................... COLERAINE
Nathan Lakeman ............................ HAMILTON
Kelsy Landwehr . .........................PENSHURST
Rhianne Lewis ................................ HAMILTON
Aiden Lewis . .................................. HAMILTON
Nathan Lewis ................................. HAMILTON
Katelyn Lewis ............................... CAVENDISH
Bryce Lewis . .................................. HAMILTON
Zane Lewis ..................................... HAMILTON
Jonathan Liebelt ............................. HAMILTON
Nathan Liebelt ................................ HAMILTON
Christopher Linke ............................CARAMUT
Jake Linke ...................................PENSHURST
Padraic Lithgow ..........................CASTERTON
Sarah Loria . ................................PENSHURST
Matthew Lowe ................................ DUNKELD
Nickayla Lowe ................................. DUNKELD
Jami Luhrs ................................... MOORALLA
Joseph Henry Lyon ........................ HAMILTON
Kirsten Lyons . ....................................BYADUK
Bianca MacIver . ............................. HAMILTON
Chloe MacKay ................................ HAMILTON
Benjamin Mailes ............................BALMORAL
Luke Mailes ...................................BALMORAL
Renee Mailes . ...............................BALMORAL
Chido Makwati ............................CASTERTON
Katie Malone ...............................CASTERTON
Kelsey Malseed .................................CONDAH
Rhys Malseed . ..................................CONDAH
Jason Malseed ............................HEATHMERE
Karissa Malseed ..........................HEATHMERE
Tamilla Maslen .................... GLENTHOMPSON
Gemma Matthews-Fuller .............. ALLESTREE
William Mcarthur . ............................ DUNKELD
Jordan McCallum ........................CASTERTON
Arobati McCarthy ........................... HAMILTON
Valerian McCaskill . ......................... HAMILTON
Edward McClure . ......................... COLERAINE
Emma McCrae ............................CASTERTON
Ellie McDonald . .............................. HAMILTON
Levi McDonald ............................... HAMILTON
Brad McDonald ............................... DUNKELD
Lif McDowall . .................................. TIMBOON
Rachel McErvale . .....................BRANXHOLME
Brianna McGennisken ...........BYADUK NORTH
Aaron McInnes .............................. HAMILTON
Brittany McIntosh .................................. DIGBY
Ebony McIntosh .................................... DIGBY
Sylvia McIntyre .............................ST ARNAUD
Madeleine McKinna ....................... PORTLAND
Harry McLennan . ..........................EDENHOPE
Christa McLeod . ............................. DUNKELD
Jack McLeod .................................. DUNKELD
Nicholas McMahon . ....................... HAMILTON
Ellen McMeel ......................BUCKLEY SWAMP
Michael McMeel................. BUCKLEY SWAMP
Billy McNeil . ................................... HAMILTON
Bradley McNeill ......................... CROWLANDS
Erinn McNeilly . ................................ MORALLA
Jacqueline McPhee .......................BALMORAL
Samantha McPhee ........................BALMORAL
Marley Meade . ....................... WALLACEDALE
Tara Meade ............................ WALLACEDALE
Amie Menzel . ...........................BRANXHOLME
Casey Merryfull . ............................. HAMILTON
Joshua Meulendyks . ...........NAREEB NAREEB
Timothy Meulendyks............ NAREEB NAREEB
Ellie Middleton ...............................EDENHOPE
William Middleton ..........................EDENHOPE
Karlee Miethke .........................BRANXHOLME
Emily Milich ............................... WANDO VALE
Emma Millard ..................................... MERINO
Edward Millard . .................................. MERINO
Michael Millard . .................................. MERINO
Breanna Millard ............................... DUNKELD
Adele Millard . ................................. HAMILTON
Jackson Millard ......................... BESSIEBELLE
Todd Millard . ..................................HEYWOOD
Katelyn Millard ............................MACARTHUR
Sarah Millard ..............................MACARTHUR
Ashleigh Minney ............................. HAMILTON
Emily Mirtschin ............................PENSHURST
Daniel Mirtschin ..................................BYADUK
Lucy Moore........................................ BYADUK
Zachary Moore ...............................HEYWOOD
Roger Morris ..................................HEYWOOD
Renay Moulton ..............................EDENHOPE
Kate-Lin Munday .......................... BENTLEIGH
Beau Munn . ................................. CAVENDISH
Emma Munro ...................................... HYNAM
Caroline Munro .........................NARACOORTE
James Munro ............................ WANDO VALE
Adrian Murchie-Knell ................ CANTERBURY
Viven Murphy ................................. HAMILTON
Louise Murphy . ............................... NGUIU B1
Mara Murphy ................................... NGUIU B1
Joshua Murray ................... GLENTHOMPSON
Laura Murray ...................... GLENTHOMPSON
Paige Murrell .................................. HAMILTON
Jake Musson . ............................MACARTHUR
Emmanuel Mustafa-Kelly N
Georgia Mutch ................................... MERINO
James Mutch ..................................... MERINO
Jacob Myers ................................... DUNKELD
Georgia Nagorcka .......................... HAMILTON
Sharni Nattrass . ............................. HAMILTON
Alister Neaves ................................ HAMILTON
Jack Neeson .................................. HAMILTON
Molly Neeson ................................. HAMILTON
Daniel Neeson ............................. NAREEN VIC
Donna Nelson .....................PORT CAMPBELL
Ricky Nelson .......................PORT CAMPBELL
Mary Nguyen .................................. HAMILTON
Michael Nguyen . ............................ HAMILTON
Jordan Nice . .................................. HAMILTON
Julia Nice . ...................................... HAMILTON
Caroline Nicholas . ......................TARRINGTON
Emma Nicholas ..........................TARRINGTON
Peter Nicholson .............................MOUTAJUP
Samantha Nicholson .....................MOUTAJUP
Lachlan Niemann . ............................ MILDURA
Beau Nieuwveld .........................TARRINGTON
Thea Nippress ................................ HAMILTON
Suwatchani Nonthathi ....................BRIGHTON
Madelon North ................................. GAZETTE
Amy Noske . .................................... DUNKELD
Emma Noske .................................. DUNKELD
Sarah Noske ................................... DUNKELD
Angus Noske . ...............................MOUTAJUP
Benjamin Noske ............................MOUTAJUP
Rebekah Noske . ...........................MOUTAJUP
Hayley O’Brien ............................... HAMILTON
Jarrod O’Brien ................................ HAMILTON
Alex O’Connell . ......................... WANDO VALE
Roll Call
Rebecca Gray ................................HEYWOOD
Hannah Grayson ............................HEYWOOD
Rebecca Grayson . .........................HEYWOOD
Mishka Greenberger ....................... HAMILTON
Rebekah Grenfell ............................ HAMILTON
Alexandra Groves .................. CROXTON EAST
Eliza Groves .......................... CROXTON EAST
Samuel Groves ...................... CROXTON EAST
Alex Guegan-Brown ...................TARRINGTON
Jack Guegan-Brown ..................TARRINGTON
Sophie Gunning . ............................ HAMILTON
Shanae Guthrie ...........................CASTERTON
Caitlin Halloran ............................CASTERTON
Madeleine Halloran ......................CASTERTON
Victoria Halloran ..........................CASTERTON
Benjamin Hamence ......................... DUNKELD
Carly Hamill .................................... HAMILTON
Jenna Hamill . ................................. HAMILTON
Lauren Handreck ............................HEYWOOD
Jesse Hann ................................... PORTLAND
Claire Hannaford . .....................NARACOORTE
Ellalise Harrison ............................ CARAPOOK
Jesse Hartwich . .........................MACARTHUR
Kaitlyn Hastings . ........................... PORTLAND
Jackson Hay .................................. HAMILTON
Tyler Hay ........................................ HAMILTON
Jessica Hedley ............................... HAMILTON
Jack Heley .................................... PORTLAND
James Henderson ......................TARRINGTON
Nathaniel Henderson ..................TARRINGTON
Wolfgang Henry . ............................ HAMILTON
Emily Hicks . ......................................... MIRAM
Thomas Hicks ...................................... MIRAM
Brady Hicks . .................................. HAMILTON
Tayla Hicks ..................................... HAMILTON
Daniel Higgins ................................WICKLIFFE
Aidan Hill ....................................MACARTHUR
Laura Hill ....................................MACARTHUR
Damon Hiscock . ........................... MORGIANA
Callum Hobbs ............................... MIGA LAKE
Corey Hockey . ............................... HAMILTON
Penelope Hoffmann ...................... CAVENDISH
Courtney Hoggan ...........................HEYWOOD
Connor Holden-Croser ................... HAMILTON
Brittany Holmes .............................. HAMILTON
Jordan Horsten ............................ CAVENDISH
Thomas Horsten . ......................... CAVENDISH
Kory Howlett ........................WARRNAMBOOL
Emily Huf ......................................... YATCHAW
Samuel Huf ..................................... YATCHAW
Jarrod Hughes ........................... LAKE BOLAC
Anastatia Hulme ..................... CAMPERDOWN
Margaret Hulme . .................... CAMPERDOWN
Alexandra Hurley ............................ HAMILTON
Edward Hurley . .............................. HAMILTON
Elizabeth Hurley . ............................ HAMILTON
Samuel Hutchins ...........................BALMORAL
Imogene Ilett .................................. HAMILTON
Zoe Ilett .......................................... HAMILTON
William Irving .................................. HAMILTON
Abbey Irving ................................. COLERAINE
Hayley Isles .................................... HAMILTON
Wesley Isles . .................................. HAMILTON
Ailish Ivers ............................WARRNAMBOOL
Abbey Jacobs ................................ HAMILTON
Emily Jaeschke . ...............................WANNON
Shannon Jaeschke ...........................WANNON
Michelle Jansen . ............................ HAMILTON
Richard Jaroszczuk ...........................MYAMYN
Timothy Jaroszczuk . .........................MYAMYN
Marnie Jenkins ............................. CARAPOOK
Shannon Jenkins .......................... CARAPOOK
Robert Johnson.............................. HAMILTON
Samuel Johnson ............................ HAMILTON
Dannielle Johnson .........................MOUTAJUP
Brittany Jorgensen ......................... HAMILTON
Callum Kanoniuk ............................ HAMILTON
Bernard Kealy . ....................... VIA EDENHOPE
Roll Call
Meg O’Connell .......................... WANDO VALE
Jade O’Connor . ............................. HAMILTON
Justin O’Connor............................. HAMILTON
Jessica O’Keefe ...................WOOTONG VALE
John Oki . ....................................... HAMILTON
Mia Ormiston . ................................ HAMILTON
Zoe Ormiston................................. HAMILTON
Victoria O’Shea LOWER .........TEMPLESTOWE
Benjamin Oswald ........................... HAMILTON
Jack Oswald .................................. HAMILTON
Kiara Overall ................................... HAMILTON
Jason Page .................................PENSHURST
Joshua Page ...............................PENSHURST
Leah Page ...................................PENSHURST
Matthew Page .............................PENSHURST
Luke Parfrey ................................... HAMILTON
Matthew Parfrey............................. HAMILTON
Madeleine Park........................... LAKE BOLAC
Johannah Parker ............................. DUNKELD
Claire Paton . ...................................GRITJURK
Jessie Pedrina ...................................AMILTON
Cameron Pepper ................................ TAHARA
Meegan Pepper . ................................ TAHARA
Nicholas Perkins . ........................... HAMILTON
Sarah Perkins ................................. HAMILTON
Sheree Perkins ............................... HAMILTON
Tamzin Perkins ............................... HAMILTON
Jessica Perry .................................. HAMILTON
Shelby Perry ................................... HAMILTON
Marni Perry . ....................................... MERINO
Maddelyn Phillips . .......................... HAMILTON
Tristan Pickering ............................. HAMILTON
Aiden Pierce ................................... HAMILTON
Maddison Pierce ............................ HAMILTON
Shelby Pierce ................................. HAMILTON
Joseph Pierce ............................TARRINGTON
Timothy Pierce ...........................TARRINGTON
William Pierce .............................TARRINGTON
Hayley Pitts .................................. BOLWARRA
Nathan Pitts ................................. BOLWARRA
Jayden Polaski ....................... WALLACEDALE
Lachlan Polaski ...................... WALLACEDALE
Rhys Pope ..................................... HAMILTON
Scott Pope ..................................... HAMILTON
Edwina Portaminni . ........................ HAMILTON
Stephanie Price ...............................DOUGLAS
Stuart Prior ..................................... HAMILTON
Edward Purvis .............................. CAVENDISH
Harrison Purvis ............................. CAVENDISH
Isaac Quinlivan.............................. PORTLAND
Christopher Quinn ........................ CAVENDISH
Jake Quinn ..................................... HAMILTON
Sam Quinn ..................................... HAMILTON
Nikki Rankin .................................. PORTLAND
Rachael Rankin ............................. PORTLAND
Scott Rankin . ................................ PORTLAND
Katrina Rentsch . .......................... MOORALLA
Imojen Rentsch ............................... DUNKELD
Karlie Rhook . .................................HEYWOOD
Samuel Rhook . .............................. HAMILTON
Zachery Richardson ....................... HAMILTON
Ellie Riddle . .................................... HAMILTON
Mardi Roache ........................... WOODHOUSE
Daniel Roberts . .............................. HAMILTON
Brayden Robertson ........................ HAMILTON
Chelsea Robinson ........................... RAINBOW
Sean Robinson . ............................. HAMILTON
Todd Robinson ............................... HAMILTON
Jackson Roder ............................... HAMILTON
Daniel Rogers ...................TELANGATUK EAST
Phoebe Rogers ............................ CORREAGH
Sebastian Rogers ......................... CORREAGH
Brandon Ross ................................ BOCHARA
Ruby Ross ..................................... BOCHARA
Ellen Ross ...................................... HAMILTON
Amelia Ross ................................... HAMILTON
Tyrone Ross ................................... HAMILTON
Tessa Rowe . ................................... DUNKELD
Ben Ryan...................................... PORTLAND
Briellyn Ryan ................................. PORTLAND
Rebecca Ryan . .............................. HAMILTON
Maggie Ryan .................................. HAMILTON
Jacqueline Schultz ........................... GAZETTE
Sophie Schulz ....................... STRATHKELLAR
Nicholas Schulz ..................... STRATHKELLAR
Gorgia Sealey ..............................CASTERTON
Timothy Selman ............................. HAMILTON
Monica Shaddock................................ OUYEN
Jack Sharples . ............................... HAMILTON
Bridgette Sharples . ........................ HAMILTON
Christopher Shaw.......................... COLERAINE
Nicholas Shaw ............................. COLERAINE
Sarah Shaw . ................................ COLERAINE
Kate Shiels .................................... PORTLAND
Matthew Shirley . ............................ HAMILTON
Stevie Showler ................................. HARROW
Jakson Smith ................................. HAMILTON
Thomas Smith ................................ HAMILTON
Daniel Solly . ................................. BOLWARRA
Emily Solomon-Slade .....................HEYWOOD
Emma Sommerville . ........................ DUNKELD
Linley Sparke-Bauer ...........................KILLARA
Peter Sparks ...............................PENSHURST
Lisa Stanford ..........................................NHILL
Charlotte Stanhope ........................ HAMILTON
Lauren Stanhope ............................ HAMILTON
Jemima Staude .............................. HAMILTON
Rory Steff ....................................... HAMILTON
Patrick Stephens .........................CASTERTON
Rachel Stephens .........................CASTERTON
Olivia Stevens ................................. HAMILTON
Daniel Stevenson . ......................TARRINGTON
Daniel Strada . ............. BRIDGEWATER LAKES
Isabella Strada . ........... BRIDGEWATER LAKES
Cameron Straw ...........................PENSHURST
Benjamin Stubbs ............................ HAMILTON
Crystal Sturgess-Myers .................. HAMILTON
Shar-Elise Sturgess-Myers . ............ HAMILTON
Madeleine Suares ............................. LARPENT
Tayla Suiker ................................... PORTLAND
Teegan Suiker . .............................. PORTLAND
Ashlee Sullivan ............................... HAMILTON
Jane Summers ...........................MACARTHUR
Ethan Tan ..................................... COLERAINE
Tyler Taylor . .................................... HAMILTON
Jackson Taylor ............................. COLERAINE
Grace Taylor ..................................MOUTAJUP
Chrissy Taylor................................. HAMILTON
Thea Taylor ..................................... HAMILTON
Nicole Te Maipi ............................. COLERAINE
Shaun Te Maipi . ........................... COLERAINE
Sarah Teelow . ................ DARLINGTON POINT
John Telley ......................................... MERINO
Chloe Templeton ............................ HAMILTON
Ellie Templeton ............................... HAMILTON
Sophie Templeton . ......................... HAMILTON
Amy Tennant ...............................GRASSDALE
Benjamin Thornton ..................BORDERTOWN
Susannah Tindall .......................... CARAPOOK
Margaretha Tober.......................... PORTLAND
Erin Tonissen .....................................CONDAH
Andrea Tonissen .............................. DUNKELD
John Traynor .................................. HAMILTON
Sarah Traynor ................................. HAMILTON
Kalarra Tregonning ......................PENSHURST
Cody Treloar ..................................BALMORAL
Ellie Treloar ....................................BALMORAL
Kathleen Tripovich.......................... HAMILTON
Zoe Tripovich.................................. HAMILTON
Brad Tripovich ................................ HAMILTON
Mark Troeth ..................................HOMERTON
Chloe Tuffnell .................................EDENHOPE
Damien Tully ...................... MELVILLE FOREST
Rohana Tully .......................... STRATHKELLAR
Rowan Turnbull .............................. HAMILTON
Edward Turner ............................MACARTHUR
Luke Uebergang . ........................... HAMILTON
Jahni Van Dooren ........................... HAMILTON
Alexandra Van Rijn . ..................NARACOORTE
Ashlee Van Wegen ......................... HAMILTON
Zachary Van Wegen........................ HAMILTON
Danielle Vandermost ....................... HAMILTON
Clancy Vaughan ............................. HAMILTON
Regan Walker ................................. HAMILTON
Tayla Walker ................................... HAMILTON
Benjamin Walker . ......................NARRAWONG
Sarah Wall ...................................... HAMILTON
Anna Wallace ................................. HAMILTON
Samuel Warburton . ........................ HAMILTON
Thomas Warburton . ....................... HAMILTON
Kelly Warburton .............................. HAMILTON
Molly Waters . ................................. HAMILTON
Thomas Waters .............................. HAMILTON
Adam Waters .....................................NAREEN
Matthew Waters .................................NAREEN
Hamish Wathen ......................... WANDO VALE
Holly Watt . ..................................... HAMILTON
Elizabeth West . .............................EDENHOPE
David Western ................................HEYWOOD
Kate Western .................................HEYWOOD
Elizabeth Wheaton . ........................ HAMILTON
John Wheaton ................................ HAMILTON
Michael Wheaton . .......................... HAMILTON
Phillippa Wheaton . ......................... HAMILTON
Brigid Wheaton . ............................. HAMILTON
Steven Wheelhouse . ...................... HAMILTON
Cameron Whyte .......................BRANXHOLME
Rhys Wilkosz .................................. HAMILTON
Danica Williams ............................ CAVENDISH
Lachlan Williams . ......................... CAVENDISH
Brittany Williams ...........HOPPERS CROSSING
Sarah Wilson ..................................HEYWOOD
Madison Wolfe ............................... HAMILTON
Bianca Wray-McCann .................... HAMILTON
Charles Wright . .............................. HAMILTON
Demetrius Zaadstra .....................CASTERTON
Nastassja Zaadstra . ....................CASTERTON
Born – July, 1944
In Memory
Vale – Kay Dorothy Kerr
Entered Eternal life, September, 2009
“May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved.”
It was with a deep sadness that the Monivae community learnt of the passing of Mrs
Kay Kerr on Sunday September 20 of this year, after a sustained and courageous battle
with cancer.
Mrs Kerr was a “Monivae” person, but more importantly, she was an “MSC” person.
Kay spent eighteen years of her teaching career here at Monivae - seventeen years at
Monivae Junior Campus, then another year at the Ballarat Rd Campus. She commenced
teaching at Monivae in 1980, and finished up at the end of 1998. For another six years
following her resignation she could be seen around the College doing CRT work as the
need arose.
Kay held numerous positions of responsibility whilst employed at the Junior Campus.
She was Pastoral Care coordinator, Religious Education coordinator and Yr 8 coordinator.
To all these positions she brought a lot of fairness, compassion and love. As former
Principal of the college, Fr John Mulrooney MSC once noted, “Kay brings a sense of
graciousness to the junior Campus. She radiates something of the peace and quiet joy
of the spirit”.
She was an outstanding junior maths and religious education teacher. Her classes were
always well prepared and students in her classes felt at ease. A strong work ethic was
always prevalent in her lessons.
Kay was an integral member of the MSC associates for many years. She looked forward
to the monthly meetings where she could share her on-going faith journey with likeminded people. She was passionate about the MSCs and the role they played in
maintaining the ethos and charism of this college.
Kay is gone, but will never be forgotten.
Terry Molan
Ex colleague, Co-director of Faith & Mission