Prelims for 2008.pmd - Tax Revenue Appeals Board

Application for extension of time to apply for leave to appeal to the Court of
Appeal of Tanzania - Grounds for granting application
Quality Group Ltd v. Commissioner General......…[2008] 4 TTLR 58
Application for interim orders - Grounds for granting application
Samson Ngw’alida v. Commissioner General (1).....[2008] 4 TTLR 81
Application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal - Grounds for granting
Bidco Oil and Soap Ltd v. Commissioner General (2)..…[2008] 4 TTLR 35
Application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal - Grounds for granting
Roshani Meghjee & Co. Ltd v. Commissioner
General…................................................................[2008] 4 TTLR 73
Application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal - Grounds for granting
Rupesh Enterprises Ltd v. Commissioner General.…[2008] 4 TTLR 77
Application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal - Grounds for granting
Samson Ng’walida v. Commissioner General (3) ...[2008] 4 TTLR 101
Application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal - Grounds for granting
Yusuf Zziwa v. Tanzania Inter. Terminal Serv. Ltd &
Others…..................................................................[2008] 4 TTLR 197
Burden of proof on erroneous or excessive assessment lies on the aggrieved
Williamson Diamonds Ltd v. Commissioner
General...........................................................[2008] 4 TTLR 167
Dispute settlement mechanisms - Whether the objective of section 230(1) of
the East African Community Customs Management Act 2004 is to establish a
tax appeals tribunal parallel to the existing Board and Tribunal
Samson Ngw’alida v. Commissioner General (2).....[2008] 4 TTLR 83
Whether the appellant is allowed to adduce evidence not previously made
available to the Commissioner General in the notice of objection
Akiba Commercial Bank Ltd v. Commissioner
General…....................................................................[2008] 4 TTLR 1
Bad and doubtful debts - Evidence required to prove the appellant did incur
bad and doubtful debts
Akiba Commercial Bank Ltd v. Commissioner
General…...................................................................[2008] 4 TTLR 1
Deductibility of bad and doubtful debts - The Commissioner must be satisfied
that the said costs have become bad and doubtful debts during such year
Akiba Commercial Bank Ltd v. Commissioner
General.................................................................…[2008] 4 TTLR 1
Board’s jurisdiction - Whether the Board has jurisdiction to entertain appeals
arising from the administration of the East African Community Customs
Management Act 2004
Samson Ngw’alida v. Commissioner General (2).…[2008] 4 TTLR 83
Board’s Jurisdiction - Whether the Board has jurisdiction to entertain disputes
arising from Customs Laws
Tanzania Inter. Terminal Serv. Ltd. v. Yusuf Zziwa...[2008] 4 TTLR 187
Whether the Board has jurisdiction to advise the Commissioner to stay collection
of assessed tax pending consultation with other authorities
Tanzania Ports Authority v. Commissioner General…[2008] 4 TTLR 128
Jurisdiction - Whether the Board is vested with advisory jurisdiction
Njake Enterprises & Oil Transport Co v. Commissioner
General................................................................…[2008] 4 TTLR 200
Admission of notice of objection - Commissioner entertains an objection without
demanding a deposit – Effect
Njake Enterprises & Oil Transport Co. v. Commissioner
General................................................................…[2008] 4 TTLR 200
Calling witnesses - The requirement to call any witness to appear before the
Board is discretionary
Akiba Commercial Bank Ltd v. Commissioner General…[2008] 4 TTLR 1
Joinder of parties - What persons may be joined as appellants against the
decision of the Commissioner
Tanzania Inter. Terminal Serv. Ltd. v. Yusuf Zziwa….....[2008] 4 TTLR 187
Pleadings - Whether the Tribunal has jurisdiction to entertain and determine a
matter which was not before the Board
Total Tanzania Limited v. Commissioner General…........[2008] 4 TTLR 162
Rules of practice - When is the Board said not to be bound by rules of procedure
Akiba Commercial Bank Ltd v. Commissioner General…[2008] 4 TTLR 1
Tax recovery measures - Whether can be enforced while an appeal is pending
Tanzania Ports Authority v. Commissioner General
TRA.......................................................................…[2008] 4 TTLR 150
Definition of stevedoring
Tanzania Ports Authority v. Commissioner General....….[2008] 4 TTLR 128
Additional VAT assessment - Grounds for raising assessment
Commissioner General v. Shivacom (T) Ltd........…[2008] 4 TTLR 105
Additional VAT assessment - Whether can be raised in respect of transaction
based on monetary consideration
Commissioner General v. Shivacom (T) Ltd........…[2008] 4 TTLR 105
Credit notes – Whether or not a taxable person is permitted to issue credit
notes based on volume discounts – Whether or not a taxable person can claim
for a refund of excess credits based on such discounts - VAT Act and the VAT
(General) Regulations
Bidco Oil and Soap v. Commissioner General (1)…[2008] 4 TTLR 20
Discount rate - Must be indicated on the tax invoice at the time of supply of
goods or services
Bidco Oil and Soap v. Commissioner General (1) ...[2008] 4 TTLR 20
Interest - Whether interest accrues on wrongly issued additional VAT assessment
Commissioner General v. Shivacom (T) Ltd.......…[2008] 4 TTLR 105
Stevedoring services to foreign going ships - Whether zero rated
Tanzania Ports Authority v. Commissioner General.... …[2008] 4 TTLR 128
Tax audit - Whether the Commissioner is justified to compute additional
assessment by using mark-up ratios where a taxable person is doing different
Commissioner General v. Shivacom (T) Ltd.................…[2008] 4 TTLR 105
Volume discounts - Whether the use of volume discounts has a legal backing
under VAT law
Bidco Oil and Soap v. Commissioner General (1) …......[2008] 4 TTLR 20
Zero rated supplies - Whether transportation of containers, stuffing and tallying
to foreign going ships are zero rated
Commissioner General v. East Africa Commercial Shipping
Co. Ltd.........................................................................…[2008] 4 TTLR 37