Graphing our Goals

Math Lesson Plan 2
Graphing Our Goals
Quick summary: Using the data collected in their Game Planners over
the past 4 weeks students will evaluate their progress towards the
NFL PLAY 60 Challenge goal to achieve 60 minutes of physical activity
every day.
How long will it take: 30 minutes
What do I need: Graph paper, pencils
How does it work:
Using the data collected in the Game Planner, have students calculate the total
number of minutes they were active each day (in school minutes + home minutes).
Next, have them calculate their total minutes for each week 1-4.
Have them add up their total minutes for all 4 weeks.
Using their total minutes per day for the past 28 days, have students graph their
activity over the last four weeks (x axis = days 1-28, y axis = minutes 0-60).
At-home Extension:
Review the measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode). Have them
calculate their mean, median and mode using the data from the 28 days.
Next Class:
Have students share their personal mean, median and mode with the class and
calculate the class mean, median and mode.
Evaluate how the class, on average, did overall against the Challenge goal to
achieve 60 minutes every day?
Calculate the average success rate of the class.
Class daily mean / 60 = X
X • 100 = X% success rate
For a twist: Do this activity before the NFL PLAY 60 Challenge kicks
off and have students track their physical activity habits for 1 week. Save
the data and compare minutes of activity before the Challenge to student
habits during the Challenge. Then complete the activity 2 months after the
Challenge to see if students are maintaining their physical activity habits.