Pearson_AP_Quizzes_files/Ch 7 216

Chapter 7 PRACTICE 216-233
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) The linguistic relativity hypothesis suggests that ________.
A) one's language determines the pattern of one's thinking and view of the world
B) we decide which objects belong to a concept according to what is most probable or
sensible, given the facts at hand
C) perception of surface structure precedes deep structure in understanding a sentence
D) one's thinking and view of the world determines the structure of one's language
2) The belief that thought and experience are determined by language is known as linguistic
A) absolutism
B) determinism
C) relativism
D) exclusivity
3) Which of the following experimental results BEST refutes the linguistic relativity hypothesis?
A) People retrieved the word “brown” faster than “muddy brown.”
B) People who had to rotate a consonant 90 degrees to compare it to a prototype recognized
it more quickly than people who had to rotate it 180 degrees.
C) Members of a primitive tribe whose language has no words for colors could still think
about a wide variety of colors.
D) Members of a primitive tribe who were asked to perform a task using top-down
processing completed it more quickly than those using bottom-up processing.
4) Researchers have found that ________ influenced by culture.
A) both language and thought are
B) language, but not thought, is
C) thought, but not language, is
D) neither language nor thought are
5) Hyde's research found that female workers were likely to be rated most positively when the
term ________ was used to describe workers in general.
A) “he”
B) “he or she”
C) “she”
D) “they”
6) According to Whorf, language affects ________.
A) how we think and what we think about
B) what we think about but not how we think
C) neither how we think nor what we think about
D) how we think, but not what we think about
7) In a recent study that required men and women to respond to gender-neutral and genderspecific pronouns, ________ responded more quickly to stimuli that contained traditional gender
stereotypes than to stimuli that contained nontraditional stereotypes.
A) women, but not men
B) both women and men
C) men, but not women
D) neither men nor women
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TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
8) People cannot think about things for which they have no words in their language.
9) The idea that patterns of thinking are determined by the specific language one speaks is called
the linguistic fixedness hypothesis.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
10) Problem representation is ________.
A) a specific type of heuristic
C) a specific type of decision making
B) an alternative to using algorithms
D) interpreting or defining a problem
11) The first step in solving a problem is to ________.
A) eliminate functional fixedness
B) conduct a means-end analysis
C) create a representation of the problem
D) decide on using either an algorithm or heuristic strategy
12) Belinda sits down to take a psychology test and finds that it is an essay test requiring creative
writing to construct hypothetical situations. What type of thinking will be MOST important to
her to do well on the test?
A) divergent thinking
B) convergent thinking
C) functional thinking
D) circular thinking
13) The type of thinking required to solve problems requiring a creative, flexible, or inventive
solution is ________ thinking.
A) convergent
B) divergent
C) functional
D) circular
14) Creative problem solving typically involves ________.
A) circular thinking
B) convergent thinking
C) divergent thinking
D) logic
15) Belinda sits down to take a psychology test and finds that it is a multiple-choice test. What type
of thinking will be necessary for her to do well on the test?
A) functional thinking
B) divergent thinking
C) circular thinking
D) convergent thinking
16) An important aspect of problem representation is ________.
A) use of an algorithm
B) conceptual relativity
C) choice of a decision-making strategy
D) proper categorization of the problem
17) After problem interpretation, the next step in problem solving is ________.
A) a means-end analysis
B) a short period of trial and error
C) selection of a solution strategy
D) creation of subgoals
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18) A similarity between hill-climbing and means-end analysis is that both ________.
A) are always forward looking
B) use compensatory modeling
C) necessitate the creation of subgoals
D) take into account problems of set
19) Your car is not operating correctly. The mechanic opens the hood and says “We've been seeing
lots of cars recently with fouled plugs or dirty fuel filters. Let's start there and see if that's your
problem, too.” The mechanic is using a(n) ________.
A) compensatory decision model
B) algorithm
C) noncompensatory decision model
D) heuristic
20) A problem-solving strategy in which an individual or a group produces numerous ideas and
evaluates them only after all ideas have been collected is called ________.
A) convergent thinking
B) brainstorming
C) critiquing
D) functional analysis
21) Failing to see that a wrench can also be used to hammer a nail is an example of ________.
A) positive transfer
B) learned helplessness
C) reproductive thinking
D) functional fixedness
22) A seemingly arbitrary flash “out of the blue” where the solution to a problem suddenly becomes
apparent to you, but you do not consciously know how you “figured it out,” is called ________.
A) a mental set
B) brainstorming
C) priming
D) insight
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
23) A technique that is always forward looking and does not allow for digression is hill-climbing.
24) Heuristics are rules of thumb that guarantee a solution if properly carried out.
25) Heuristics are problem-solving methods that guarantee a solution if they are appropriate for the
problem and are properly carried out.
26) Means-end analysis is very similar to working backward in that it is always forward looking.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
27) Margo can't close the window in her office, and a strong wind has come up. She complains to
John that her papers are blowing and she can't find a paperweight. John takes the empty
stoneware coffee mug from her bookshelf and puts it on top of her papers to anchor them.
Margo has been suffering from ________.
A) inadequate means-end analysis
B) working backward
C) functional fixedness
D) noncompensatory modeling
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
28) Mental set and functional fixedness are both obstacles to effective problem solving.
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29) In some cases, the solution to a problem may be as simple as retrieving information from
30) Trial and error is a more effective problem-solving technique than using heuristics.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
31) A strategy that involves analyzing the difference between the current situation and the desired
goal, and then reducing the discrepancy, is called ________.
A) means-end analysis
B) a problem-solving set
C) compensatory modeling
D) creating subgoals
32) Gary is assigned to write a history paper. Instead of writing it all in one sitting, he breaks the
assignment up into a series of separate tasks that include choosing a topic, doing the research,
preparing an outline, writing the first draft, editing, etc. His strategy is BEST described as
A) using algorithms
B) hill-climbing
C) creating subgoals
D) means-end analysis
33) The first step in solving a problem is ________, which means interpreting or defining the
A) problem representation
B) working backward
C) hill climbing
D) counterfactual thinking
34) A formula is an example of a(n) ________.
A) response set
B) heuristic
C) logarithm
35) Problem-solving methods that guarantee solutions if appropriate and properly executed are
called ________.
A) algorithms
B) noncompensatory models
C) prototypes
D) heuristics
36) An example of an algorithm is a ________.
A) compensatory model
C) linguistic elaboration
B) nim game
D) mathematical formula
37) The three most important building blocks of thought are ________.
A) language, images, and concepts
B) semantics, phonemes, and morphemes
C) concepts, algorithms, and heuristics
D) cognitions, feelings, and language
38) Language is a flexible system of ________ that enables us to communicate our ideas, thoughts,
and feelings.
A) echoes
B) sets
C) icons
D) symbols
D) algorithm
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39) A uniquely human capability that has long been thought of as separating us from all other
animals is ________.
A) language
B) emotion
C) problem solving
D) color vision
40) Spoken language is based on units of sound units called ________.
A) registers
B) phonemes
C) morphemes
D) semantics
41) The basic sound units of any language are called ________.
A) sound bytes
B) morphemes
C) phonemes
D) semantics
42) The sounds of “t,” “th,” and “sh” are ________.
A) semantics
B) sound bytes
C) morphemes
D) phonemes
43) By themselves, phonemes are ________.
A) units of meaning
C) meaningless
B) syntactical
D) units of prototypes
44) Which of the following would be considered a phoneme?
A) “Book at the look” (instead of “Look at the book”)
B) “I missed my mife (wife)”
C) “B”
D) “Dog”
45) Phonemes are grouped together to form ________.
A) morphemes
B) semantics
C) registers
D) sound bytes
46) The smallest meaningful units in a language are ________.
A) phonemes
B) morphemes
C) semantics
D) processors
47) Prefixes, suffixes, and words are examples of ________.
A) morphemes
B) subjugations
C) phonemes
D) semantics
48) According to your text, each of the following is a distinguishing feature of language EXCEPT
A) meaningfulness
B) productivity
C) novelty
D) displacement
49) The language rules that determine how sounds and words can be combined and used to
communicate meaning within a language are collectively known as ________.
A) morphemes
B) grammar
C) linguistic relativity
D) phonemes
50) The underlying meaning of a sentence is its ________ structure.
A) deep
B) surface
C) simple
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D) complex
51) A flexible system of communication that uses sounds, rules, gestures, or symbols to convey
information is called ________.
A) language
B) morphology
C) syntax
D) code
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
52) Syntax is the system of rules that governs how we combine words to form grammatical
53) Most concepts are simple and clear cut.
54) We must form a new concept for every new experience.
55) Language is based on universal sound units called morphemes.
56) Semantics describes how we assign meaning to the morphemes we use.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
57) Before Jane enrolled in a college course on introductory psychology, she thought the study of
psychology was the study of how unconscious needs and desires affect our actions. Now that
she is almost halfway through the course and she has studied the same areas your text has
covered, ________.
A) her concept of psychology is not currently modifiable
B) her concept of psychology has changed
C) her image of psychology has changed
D) she no longer thinks about psychology abstractly
58) Which of the following statements is true?
A) Concepts and images are basically synonymous.
B) Concepts give meaning to new experiences.
C) Basic concepts do not change over time.
D) We form new concepts for each new experience.
59) Use of a pie chart, in which each item receives a piece of the pie according to its percentage of
total budget, is an example of a(n) ________.
A) classification prototype
B) concept
C) algorithm
D) image
60) An image is a ________.
A) mental category for classifying specific people, places, or events
B) mental representation of a sensory experience
C) way of grouping experiences so that each new perception is not surprising
D) conceptual prototype
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61) Jane's first child was born a month ago, and like many other new mothers, she often exclaims
that she had no idea that an infant could be so much work. Which of the following is true?
A) Jane can no longer think about an infant abstractly.
B) Jane is applying the language relativity hypothesis.
C) Jane's concept of an infant has been modified.
D) Jane's concept of an infant is not currently modifiable.
62) When you wish to understand a sentence, you must start with listening to the speech sounds
that make up the words and phrases, decipher the meaning of each of the words and phrases,
and eventually interpret the idea conveyed by the sentence. This is sometimes called a(n)
A) heuristic
B) interpolation
C) transformation
D) transaction
63) The person whose work has most greatly contributed to our understanding of the way grammar
works is ________.
A) Louis P. Leakey
B) Harry Harlow
C) George Lakoff
D) Noam Chomsky
64) Researchers who taught a gorilla named Koko to use sign language found that through age 5 her
vocabulary was ________ the spoken vocabulary of a human 5-year-old and was ________ than
the vocabulary of a deaf 5-year-old child using sign language.
A) about the same as; larger than
B) smaller than; about the same as
C) smaller than; smaller than
D) smaller than; larger than
65) The mirror test with animals has been used primarily to test for ________.
A) light sensitivity
B) depth perception
C) self-awareness
D) visual acuity
66) Numerous studies indicate that animals ________.
A) are capable of some primitive thought, but have no humanlike cognitive capacities
B) are incapable of thought
C) have some humanlike cognitive capacities
D) have fully humanlike cognitive capacities
67) Each of the following statements is true EXCEPT ________.
A) at best, apes have reached the linguistic levels of a human child around age 2 to 2 ½
B) apes can develop vocabularies of hundreds of words using sign language and computer
C) the ability of some primates to use signs to refer to an object is proof of their mastery of
human-like language
D) chimps can learn signs without extensive training or rewards from human trainers
68) In the mirror test, which of the following animals is the only one that shows signs of
self-recognition and awareness?
A) orangutans
B) dogs
C) dolphins
D) elephants
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TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
69) All animals communicate.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
70) Human infants first demonstrate mirror-recognition at ________ months of age.
A) 6 to 12
B) 1 to 6
C) 18 to 24
D) 12 to 18
71) In the mirror test, which of the following animals is the only one that shows signs of
self-recognition and awareness?
A) cats
B) dogs
C) dolphins
D) chimpanzees
72) Researchers who taught a gorilla named Koko to use sign language found that by age 5, she had
a vocabulary of about ________ words.
A) 500
B) 1,000
C) 100
D) 5,000
73) The communication of honeybees is unlike human language in that ________.
A) it is more dependent on external reinforcement than human language
B) it is more flexible than human language
C) involves a wider variety of sounds than human language
D) it is not characterized by semantics, displacement, and productivity
74) Nonhuman animals communicate primarily through ________.
A) phonemes
B) signs
C) images
75) Honeybees communicate through the use of ________.
A) the sounds made by vibrating their wings
B) an intricate dance
C) pheromones
D) their stingers, to touch other bees in the hive
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D) morphemes
Answer Key
Testname: CH 7 216-233 PRACTICE
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) A
5) C
6) A
7) B
10) D
11) C
12) A
13) B
14) C
15) D
16) D
17) C
18) A
19) D
20) B
21) D
22) D
23) TRUE
27) C
28) TRUE
29) TRUE
31) A
32) C
33) A
34) D
35) A
36) D
37) A
38) D
39) A
40) B
41) C
42) D
43) C
44) C
45) A
46) B
47) A
48) C
49) B
Friday, December 9, 2011 4:41:18 PM ET
Answer Key
Testname: CH 7 216-233 PRACTICE
50) A
51) A
52) TRUE
56) TRUE
57) B
58) B
59) D
60) B
61) C
62) C
63) D
64) B
65) C
66) C
67) C
68) A
69) TRUE
70) C
71) D
72) A
73) D
74) B
75) B
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