Spirituality in the Workplace

Spirituality in the Workplace
Biblical Principles and Bottom-Line Demands
Sister Jane McConnell, OSF
Director, Mission Integration
I’ve been reading sections from a book titled God is My CEO written by Larry Julian. In the introduction,
subtitled The Clash of Two Worlds, he writes: “At our very core, we want meaning and purpose in our work.
We are looking for appreciation and affirmation for our contributions, satisfying answers to ethical dilemmas,
clarity and direction in the midst of confusion and a sense of fulfillment. This common theme crosses every
layer of management and extends across races, nationalities, religions and genders.”
He continues, “We usually want to do the right thing, but sometimes succumb to the short-term, bottom-line
demands of daily business life.” He reflects on the reality that sometimes we may feel ourselves trying to
balance what may seem to be two separate worlds: a deeply personal, spiritual world and a very public,
demanding, competitive business world. He states that often these two worlds may feel like they clash in their
values, beliefs and principles, leaving us feeling caught in the middle and creating a sense of inner turmoil or
Julian asks the question, “Can I do what is right and good, and still be successful in a competitive, bottom-line
world?” He goes on in his reflections to say, yes, we can do what we believe is right and good, to be persons of
inner integrity and also be successful in our professions and businesses. He writes that we are called to grow
spiritually in our relationships with God by working courageously and prayerfully through our dilemmas. He
also states God wants us to prosper, be valuable leaders and serve as models to help others in their lives.
As people of faith, we can share the questions and struggles of our journeys with each other. In doing this, we
can gain wisdom, grow in character, use our talents and skills to serve others and maximize our own sense of
productivity and success. Walking this journey together with its challenges, tensions and struggles can bring
support, encouragement and understanding to one another as physicians and healthcare providers. When we
stand together in humility and truth, seeking always to do what is right and good, God’s wisdom will guide us.
All our aspirations can be viewed as one integrated goal which can be achieved if our strides are made in a
healthy balance. What may have felt like a dichotomy, can be seen as complementary part of the whole when
viewed with new eyes and hope-filled understanding.
As physicians you came to this profession with the desire to bring healing and hope to persons who are ill or
injured. We serve with you in our healthcare ministry, affirming and appreciating the wonderful talents and
skills you provide. In all you do, may you also find meaning, purpose and deep satisfaction in doing what is
right and good for those you serve and work among. May you also be blessed with what brings hope, goodness
and a sense of fulfillment in your own lives as well.