DOMINANT L E T H A L A N D INACTIVATION E F F E C T S OF NITROGEN MUSTARD O N HABROBRACON S P E R M A N N A R. WHITING AND ROBERT C. VON BORSTEL Zoological Laboratory, Uwiversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1 Received September 14, 1953 early as 1911 0. HERTWIC demonstrated two types of behavior of irradiated Amphibian sperm. One of these, the dominant lethal effect, resulted in death of embryos due to fusion of injured sperm nucleus with egg nucleus. The other, inactivation of sperm, stimulated the egg to develop gynogenetically since injured sperm entered it but took no part in development. PACKARD (1914) observed, in addition to these phenomena, a second type of inactivation in which heavily irradiated Nereis sperm failed to penetrate the egg. With this type likewise, eggs were activated to develop gynogenetically. MULLER(1927) used the partial sterility of irradiated Drosophila males as evidence “ f o r the first time, of the occurrence of dominant lethal genetic changes, both in the X and in the other chromosomes.’’ The parasitic wasp Habrobracon juglandis was used for the present study. In the cross utilized about 62% of the eggs are fertilized and develop into diploid females ; 38% are not fertilized and develop parthenogenetically into haploid males. In this type of reproduction dominant lethal effects can be distinguished from sperm inactivation without cytological study. Any treatment of sperm which reduces hatchability at the expense of females, leaving number of males unchanged, has induced dominant lethal effects only. When hatchability is reduced to 38% and all survivors are males, there has been induced in each sperm at least one dominant lethal. When, after the attainment of complete dominant lethality, hatchability rises above 38% and all survivors are males, some sperm have been inactivated and are either entering the eggs without taking part in development or are failing to enter them. These facts are contrasted with expectation in a form like Drosophila in table 1. In making tests for distinguishing dominant lethal effects from inactivation, an advantage lies in the fact that polyspermy is rare in Habrobracon. About 1% of fertilized eggs have two sperm in them. Almost every fertilized egg therefore represents a test of a single sperm so that masking of inactivation by dominant lethality occurs rarely. STANCATI (1932) recognized the possibility of inactivation and the fact that it could be identified readily in Habrobracon but showed conclusively that after exposure of males to 2500 r, dominant lethal changes only were AS 1 This study was supported in part by a research grant to the senior author from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service. Part of the work was done while the junior author held an Atomic Energy Commission Predoctoral Fellowship. The authors express their appreciation to LESLIEE. PECKHAM and HENRYH. JONES of the Camegie Institution, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, for preparation of the figures. GENHICS 391 817 May 1954. 318 ANNA R. WHITING AND ROBERT C. VON BORSTEL induced. MAXWELL(1938), P. W. WHITING (1938) and HEIDENTHAL (1945) demonstrated that at X-ray doses above 10,OOO r some sperm are inactivated as demonstrated by the fact that survival ratio increases after having fallen to 33% at lower doses. Recently (1953) BROWN and CAVEhave shown that, due to dominant lethals, after the application of 2OC04000 r to pollen of Lilium formosarum, few or no seeds are set. In competition with untreated pollen, treated grains are not handicapped in ability to achieve fertilization. All investigators agree in finding no inactivation until after the attainment of complete dominant lethality. TABLE 1 Theoretical expectations /or hatchability percentages and sex ratios of adult survivors /or Drosophila and Habrobracon under different conditions of dominant lethality and sperm inactivation. Adult survivors % hatchability Condi ti ons % 66 Controls Drosophila Habrobracon % w 100 100 50 38 50 62 50%dominant lethals Drosophila Ha bro bracon 50 50 69 55 50 45 100%dominant lethals Drosophila Habrobracon 0 38 0 100 0 0 100% dominant lethals + 50%inactivation Drosophila Habrobracon 69 0 100 0 0 100%dominant lethals + 100%inactivation Drosophila Habobracon 0 100 0 100 0 0 0. Drosophila: lethals are autosomal. Habrobracon: 62%of eggs are fertilized. The present study is concerned with the effects of nitrogen mustard, methyl bis (beta chloroethyl) amine hydrochloride *, on Habrobracon sperm and the sorting of dominant lethal effects from those due to inactivation. Whether the sperm inactivation observed is the HERTWIG type (lack of pronuclear fusion) or that described by PACKARD (lack of egg penetration) or a third kind in which sperm are completely immobile has not been determined. This is being investigated cytologically at present. MATERIALS AND METHODS Mature unmated males or males separated from females for several days were used. They were exposed to an aerosol of 10% aqueous solution in 2 Provided by Merck & Company. 319 DOMINANT LETHALS IN HABROBRACON alternating exposures of 50 seconds aerosol and 10 seconds air with time as the variable. During the 50-second interval 4.7 liters of aerosol were delivered to the exposure chamber containing the wasps and 4.2 liters of air were delivered during the 10-second interval. The aerosol was produced by a DeVilbiss-40 glass nebulizer. The flow of air served to dilute the atmosphere and to evaporate coalesced droplets of the mutagenic solution which may have adhered to the animals or walls of the exposure chamber. The males were then kept for at least twenty-two hours before mating. This delay in mating was found to be necessary because of the mutagenic effect on eggs of the nitrogen mustard carried by freshly exposed males. In most instances matings TABLE 2 Single matings Exposure in minutes 2.5 5 10 20 30 60 90 Controls O 01 males after exposure to nitrogen mustard. % Hatchability 1st day 1st 5 days 120 34 -24.64 -=22.90 138 524 43 317 -=25.15 -=33.12 171 957 29 170 -=50.88 -=38.90 57 43 7 47 239 -=47.47 -=42.60 99 561 34 51 -=48.57 -=44.35 70 115 _.- 49 -=71.m 22 163 0 0 612 1 0 -- 377 0 0 - 441 0 7.11 -- 329 58.76*2.08 42 0 10.24 119 1 33.81 558 558 gz71.18 2 8 4 ~ 7 1 . 1 8 k 2 . 2 7 113 399 0 53.52 -E 69 22 -=loo YY Total 105 225 -=25.99 -=24.25*1.41 404 728 570 -37.52 -887 -35.82f0.96 2476 1519 237 407 -38.43*1.49 -=38.10 622 1057 281 -42.26 520 -42.41 f1.41 1226 665 51 -=44.35*4.63 115 -- % inactivation JJ &Days -= 32 9 140 57.61 -=58.96 243 Progeny 191 -=97.45 196 139 -=97.89 142 33063 --97. 338 f00.83 101 265 were observed and males were removed after a single mating. Females were placed individually in small Stender dishes, each of which contained one host Ephestia larva. After six to eight hours the females were removed and kept overnight without the host and were given a fresh host larva the following morning. This was repeated as long as desired. Eggs are deposited on the surface of the paralyzed host and are easily counted. Records were taken of number laid at time of removal of females and of number of larvae after a forty-eight-hour period at 30°C. The six- to eight-hour period of oviposition has been found best as it allows time for the laying of a number of eggs convenient for observation and counting with no wide duration in time of hatching. Larvae were permitted to mature in order that sex of survivors could be recorded. ANNA R. WHITING AND ROBERT C. VON BORSTEL 320 Stocks with different sex alleles were used as sources of males and of females in order to avoid the production of highly inviable diploid males characteristic of crosses involving two sex alleles. The males were from virgin mothers or were carefully checked in order to insure that they were not sterile diploids. Hatchability of eggs from the type of cross used in this study is about 98%. RESULTS Data from single matings of exfosed males The data from single matings of exposed males are summarized in table 2. When males appeared to mate normally but hatchability of eggs was about lo%, it was taken for granted that males had no sperm or that mating had not been completed and data are not included in summaries. It will be seen TABLE 3 Repeated matings of males e%xpared/or 2.5, 20, and 30 minutes and. for partponed mating of males expared /or 20 minutes. Date of expoewe Date of mating 2.5 11./26 11/27 -= 225 928 24.25 f 2.5 11/26 11/28 -= 89 344 25.87 f 20 9/22 9/23 20 9/2 2 9/2 5 20 9/2 2 9/26 20 9/22 10/3 20 9/2 2 10/6 30 5/13 5/14 30 5/13 5/25 20 9/2 2 9/2 5 Expoaure in miarctea X hatchability Progeny $8 YY 1.40 163 0 2.36 68 0 -= 356 821 175 -= 395 43.36 f 1.73 305 0 49.37 f 2.52 182 0 -= 185 342 42 -= 102 28 -= 64 54.09 2.67 146 0 41.18 f 4.87 27 0 43.75 f 6.20 16 0 51 e 44.35 30 0 121 6 38 0 115 -54 r 107 f f 4.63 50.47 f 4.83 that even the lightest treatment, that of two and one-half minutes, induced at least one dominant lethal in each sperm since no females were produced. Results of this particular experiment are anomalous in one respect and in this are not comparable with any of those obtained during many years of study of Habrobracon. Hatchability is significantly lower than expectation, which is about 38%. One might suggest that matings were made too soon after ex- 321 DOMINANT LETHALS IN HABROBRACON posure of males to nitrogen mustard so that injury induced in eggs increased mortality, but these males were handled as were those receiving longer exposure; reference to table 3 discloses that subsequent matings of these males gave almost identical lowered hatchability. This will be discussed later. Five- and ten-minute exposures appear to induce dominant lethal effects only. Hatchability percentages, 35.8 and 38.4, are not significantly different from expectation, 38%. With the twenty-minute exposure a barely significant increase in hatchability is apparent. This increase becomes more and more significant with each extension of length of treatment until at ninety minutes a hatchability of 71.7% is attained. Theoretically, after a dose of about two hundred minutes, hatchability should be 98%, but males would probably not , loo[ > - t 0. I 0 4; 8; I ICjO too NITROGEN MUSTARD -60 *.X-RAYS 60- , 80 80 - a , 7 , NITROGEN MUSTARD DOSE (MIN.) 2: / ; / -40: -20 0 100% DOMINANT LETHALITY - # =! s4 5 -20 c 1 1 40 I I 80 I I 120 I I 160 I 200 X-RAY DOSE (KILOROENTGENS) FIGURE 1.-Egg hatchability showing sperm inactivation after exposure of males to nitrogen mustard or to X-rays; data superimposed. X-ray data from MAXWELL (1938) and HEIDENTHAL (1945). Doses are lethal or higher than lethal. tolerate an exposure of this length. In the ninety-minute experiment the aerosol and air were delivered at a slightly lower rate of flow than in the other experiments. A lower rate would consequently decrease the dose, so the true inactivation at ninety minutes may be somewhat higher than shown in table 2. Since ninety minutes was very near the lethal dose for the wasps, there was no repetition at the higher rate of flow used in all other experiments. Percentages of inactivation can be estimated by subtracting from actual hatchability that expected if dominant lethals only were induced, that is, 38%, and dividing the result by the expected percentage of fertilized eggs, in this case 62. These percentages of inactivation as well as those of hatchability are plotted in figure 1. When females are mated they receive only mature sperm. Control females, 322 ANNA R. WHITING AND ROBERT C. VON BORSTEL after a single mating, may continue to produce daughters for from three to four weeks. Normal sex ratio is maintained until sperm are exhausted when there is a sudden cessation of female production. Since mature males, either unmated or kept from females for several days, were exposed to nitrogen mustard, an ample supply of mature sperm must have been present at time of exposure. The holding of such males for about twenty-two hours before mating would not be expected to result in the addition of many sperm matured from earlier stages at time of exposure even should such stages prove resistant to the treatment. Tests of hatchability over a period of time after the single mating of treated males answer several questions if they are carried on for a long enough time. Should hatchability rise suddently to 98% with all progeny male, all sperm will have become exhausted. Should hatchability fall to 38% with all progeny male, sperm will have recovered from inactivation. Should hatchability rise and females appear or increase among progeny, sperm will have recovered from injury inducing dominant lethal effects. Reference to table 2 shows that there has been no significant change in hatchability within the period covered by the tests which, in some cases, were continued for twenty-one days after the single mating. In no female among the one hundred and three used was the sperm supply exhausted. The appearance of two females among the progeny, one in the five-minutes and one in the sixty-minute experiments, can be explained perhaps by chance escape of an occasional sperm from injury or the rare maturation of a functional sperm from a more resistant earlier stage in meiosis during the twenty-two-hour period between exposure and mating. The fact that the females appeared late in the experiments, on the 8th and 19th day after the matings, may favor the idea of some slight recovery. Frequently females of these experiments were set in vials after hatchabilityrecord-taking was discontinued and allowed to reproduce as long as they survived. The two F1 females mentioned above were the only ones produced in a total of 3798 progeny. Females mated to males exposed to the lowest doses, two and one-half and five minutes, produced 764 males, 0 females, and 728 males and 1 female respectively. Data from repeated matings of exposed males Another question which arises concerns the nature of the effects of nitrogen mustard on cells in earlier stages of meiosis at time of exposure. In table 3 are recorded some data from successive matings of exposed males and from one experiment in which two males were mated for the first time three days after exposure. Data are not as extensive as would be desirable. In the series exposed for twenty minutes and then mated one, three, four, eleven and fourteen days after exposure, hatchability remains constant with the exception of the four-day test where the fact that one female exhausted her supply of sperm increased hatchability. In the two tests of the two and one-half minute exposure there is, again, 323 DOMINANT LETHALS IN HABROBRACON no evidence of any change in sperm behavior. The low hatchability of both groups for this dose is to be noted. Data for the thirty-minute experiments are given, although hatchability records were taken in one only, because of the appearance of six females from the mating made twelve days after the exposure. The consistently late appearance of all females is to be noted. The supply of mature sperm in males which have not mated must be large since control males may mate as many as fourteen times in rapid succession and produce daughters in every mating. All tests herein described may, therefore, deal with sperm mature at time of exposure. All data obtained agree in giving no convincing evidence for recovery of exposed sperm from either dominant lethal or inactivation effects. Neither is there evidence for augmentation of either effect in the exposed sperm whether stored in the male or the female. The data suggest, in addition, that sperm remain “ functional’’ as long as do those in control females after a single mating. DISCUSSION The dose of X-rays inducing at least one dominant lethal in every sperm is approximately the same for Habrobracon (P. W . WHITING1938; HEIDENT H A L 1945) and for the frog (RUGH,1939). HEIDENTHAL obtained one female among 1106 progeny after exposure of males to 10,000 r and RUGH fmnd that only 1.6% of eggs hatched after exposure of frog sperm to this dose. Both reported that as dose was increased above this, hatchability increased. Inactivation of sperm, then, followed after the attainment of 100% dominant lethality . In figure 1, X-ray data on inactivation are plotted for comparison with nitrogen mustard effects. In order to obtain a dominant lethal curve for Habrobracon sperm after exposure to nitrogen mustard for comparison with that induced by X-rays, much shorter exposures, or probably better, much more dilute solutions, should be used. The anomalous hatchability ratios of eggs from females mated to males exposed to nitrogen mustard for two and one-half minutes are difficult to explain. Actually, from first matings of such males, progenies from eleven females were tested. Of these, four gave hatchabilities not significantly different from expectation, 32.4, 33.3, 34.0 and 38.0%. The remaining seven gave percentages ranging from 8.3 to 25. Subsequent tests of four of these males selected at random gave 19.3, 21.6, 28.7 and 29.3% respectively. These differ significantly from expectation of 38%. No convincing explanation of this comes to mind, but it appears that the treated sperm have been stimulated” to fertilize more eggs than do the untreated sperm. The effect has never been observed after X-ray treatment. The nature of sperm inactivation in Habrobracon is still unknown. Theoretically, sperm could enter the egg but take no part in development, or they could be active but not enter the egg or, in a form with natural parthenogenesis such as this, they could be inactive literally, moving little or not at all. “ A N N A R. WHITING A N D ROBERT C. VON BORSTEL 324 MACBRIDE(1946) found that although sperm of sterile diploid Habrobracon males are motile, penetration of the eggs does not occur. A similar study is now being conducted on sperm of heavily irradiated males. AUERBACH and ROBSON(1947) mentioned that no histological study had been made of the effects of nitrogen mustard on the testes of Drosophila. Mature sperm remained motile and induced dominant lethal effects after exposure. Extensive breeding tests indicated an inhibition of spermatogenesis and absence of mature sperm after exhaustion of supply present at time of exposure. Tests herein reported are not extensive enough to permit the formation of conclusions in respect to inhibition of meiosis. - .- -- X-RAY DOSE (KILOROENTGENS) FIGURE 2.-Egg hatchability showing sperm inactivation after exposure of males to nitrogen mustard or to X-rays ; relationship of sensitivities arranged on basis of comparison with egg sensitivities. Sperm five times as resistant to X-rays as to nitrogen mustard. X-ray data from MAXWELL (1938) and HEIDENTHAL (1945). Doses are lethal or higher than lethal. A N N A R. WHITING (1945) has demonstrated that approximate lethal X-ray doses are 2000 r for eggs in first meiotic metaphase and 50,000 r for those in first meiotic prophase. The approximate lethal dose for sperm, as pointed out above, is 10,000 r. Lethal dose of nitrogen mustard for eggs in first meiotic metaphase is about 8-10 minutes. Eggs treated in the first meiotic metaphase and first meiotic prophase show the same relative sensitivity whether treated with nitrogen mustard or X-rays (WHITINGand VON BORSTEL 1952). O n this basis the lethal dose for sperm after nitrogen mustard treatment should be 40-50 minutes. Actually, the lethal dose for sperm is two and one-half minutes or less. Figure 2 compares sperm inactivation induced by nitrogen mustard with that induced by X-rays when egg metaphase and DOMINANT LETHALS IN HABROBRACON 325 prophase sensitivity are used as criteria. The idea presents itself that small size of sperm cells and their position in the body permit greater accessibility of chromosomes to the mutagen than is true of the relatively large yolk-laden eggs. Relative sensitivities derived from X-ray studies would be expected to be more accurate than those made with nitrogen mustard. SUMMARY Data are presented which show that nitrogen mustard, methyl bis (beta chloroethyl) amine hydrochloride, produces a dominant lethal effect in every sperm in the shortest time during which mature males of the parasitic wasp Habrobracon were exposed. As length of exposures was increased beyond lethal dose, increased sperm inactivation occurred. This is expressed as an increase in parthenogenetic development and haploid male production due either to failure of sperm to penetrate eggs or to undergo syngamy if they enter. There is no evidence for recovery of sperm from either of these effects. LITERATURE CITED AUERBACH, C., and J. M. ROBSON,1947 The production of mutations by chemical substances. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. B. 62: 271-283. BROWN,S. W., and M. S. CAVE,1953 Induced dominant lethality in Lilium. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 39: 97-102. HEIDENTHAL, G., 1945 The occurrence of X-ray induced dominant lethal mutations in Habrobracon. Genetics 30: 197-205. HERTWIG, O., 1911 Die Radiumkrankheit tierischer Keimzellen. Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Zeugungs- und Vererbungslehre. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. 77: 1-164. MACBRIDE, DOROTHY H., 1946 Failure of sperm of Habrobracon diploid males to penetrate the eggs. (Abstr.) Genetics 31: 224. MAXWELL, J., 1938 Inactivation of sperm by X-radiation in Habrobracon. Biol. Bull. 74: 253-255. MULLER,H. J., 1927 Artificial transmutation of the gene. Science 66: 84-87. PACKARD, C., 1914 Effect of radium radiations on fertilization of Nereis. J. Exp. Zool. 16: 85-129. RUGH,R., 1939 Developmental effects resulting from exposure to X-rays. I. Effect on the embryo of irradiation of frog sperm. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 81: 447-471. STANCATI, M. F., 1932 Production of dominant lethal genetic effects by X-radiation of sperm in Habrobracon. Science 76: 197-198. WHITING,ANNAR., 1945 Effects of X-rays on hatchability and on chromosomes of Habrobracon eggs treated in first meiotic prophase and metaphase. Amer. Nat. 79: 193-227. WHITING,ANNAR., and R. C. VON BORSTEL, 1952 Comparison of sensitivity to nitrogen mustard and X-rays of Habrobracon eggs and sperm. (Abstr.) Genetics 37: 635. WHITING,P. W., 1938 The induction of dominant and recessive lethals by radiation in Habrobracon. Genetics 23: 562-572.