CMS/LMS/CLE: Where Things Stand

rSmart Presents: Migrating Content to Sakai
Migrate your content from your legacy system to rSmart Sakai CLE
April 30, 2009
Mike Zackrison
VP of Marketing, rSmart
Introduction to rSmart
Migration Topic Introduction
Migration Stories
Migration Approach
Kara Stiles
Functional Consultant, rSmart
About rSmart
Supporting Open Source Innovations in Education
We are the leading open source application software
company serving the education market. It’s our passion
and only focus.
We package, certify, service, and support a suite of
enterprise financial, collaboration and learning
applications that power the Education Enterprise.
We have been instrumental in establishing and
sustaining some of the most visible open source
projects in education.
Open Source Projects
About rSmart’s Business and Offerings
OS Adoption Services
Perceived lack of support
is a primary barrier to
open source (OS)
• Installation
• Configuration
• Customization
• Integration
• Training
• Consulting
• Hosting
The “Red Hat” for OS Education Applications
rSmart “Supported” Open Source Customers
‣ AMDG, Inc.
‣ Portland State University
‣ University of Connecticut
‣ Antioch University
‣ Iowa State University
‣ Radford University
‣ University of Hawaii
‣ Bentley College
‣ITT Educational Services
‣ University of Houston Clear Lake
‣ Rider University
‣ University of Limerick
‣ Ross Institute
‣ UNC Chapel Hill
‣ Rutgers University
‣ San Joaquin Delta
‣ U Penn
‣ Seton Hall University
‣ University of Windsor
‣ Boston University
‣ Carnegie Mellon University
‣ Cerritos College
‣ Charles Sturt University
‣ Colorado State University
‣ Jupiter Innovations
‣ Kapiolani’ CC
‣ La Salle University
‣ Marist College
‣ Cornell University
‣ Strathmore University
‣ University of Wyoming
‣ eTech Ohio Commission
‣ Mesa Community College
‣ Virginia Tech
‣ Embanet
‣ National Healthcare Group
‣ University of Arizona
‣ WSU Vancouver
‣ Georgetown
‣ Hebrew Union College
‣ Naval Postgraduate School
‣ Oregon Health & Science
‣ UC Irvine
‣ UC Merced
‣ University of Baltimore
rSmart / Sakai Value Proposition
Outstanding product
Community innovation
Open source freedom
Commercial support
Superior value
Examples of Saving License Fees
We make it easy to try Sakai for yourself
On our server
On your server
We make it easy to get started with Sakai
Migration Services
rSmart Sakai CLE Migration Assessment
An rSmart functional consultant will analyze up to five
courses within your existing LMS and will build courses with
sample migration content in your CLE instance. These
sample migration courses will include content from Lessons,
Testing tools, Assignments, Discussion Boards, Gradebook
and Content File storage. The deliverable is a detailed
migration report with instructions and recommendations.
What is migration?
Moving content (usually course content) from one system to
Project Management
Expectations Management
Migration Stories & Projects
Blackboard to eCollege
WebCT to Blackboard
Angel to rSmart Sakai CLE
Blackboard to rSmart Sakai CLE
WebCT to rSmart Sakai CLE
Homegrown System to rSmart Sakai CLE
See a newly migrated Bb course
Tools for Migration
rSmart CLE has a Blackboard zip file import function. See Site
Editor – Import from File
rSmart has written code to move WebCT 6 File Manager,
Assignments, Gradebook and Tests & Quizzes into the Sakai CLE
University of New England built WebCT 4.1 Migration Code
Sometimes, downloading and uploading files works just fine
Rutgers built WebCT to Samigo and WebCT to Melete tools and
managed their own migration
Respondus can help pull assessments and test banks from legacy
systems for migration into the Sakai CLE.
It isn’t just about the tools and technology
Set expectations with your faculty – involve them in the migration project
Train faculty
Assign someone to become an expert on Sakai
Start with a migration assessment and analyze content.
Compare tools between the legacy system and Sakai
Draw a tool map for content
Figure out the best way to move the content
Decide who is going to do the work. Where does IT stop? Where does
faculty start?
How rSmart helps you with migration
As Sakai experts, rSmart can facilitate your migration assessment.
Once the migration assessment is complete, rSmart will perform sample
migrations with some of your courses and document the process.
These sample migration courses will include content from Lessons,
Testing tools, Assignments, Discussion Boards, Gradebook and Content
File storage.
rSmart will write a detailed migration report that will:
Document the workflow of migrating a course from your legacy system to the rSmart CLE.
Provide options regarding additional custom development work, if requested.
Recommend a migration plan to help ensure user acceptance and adoption.
Questions and Answers
Don’t miss:
on our server
Webinar: mySakai 101
May 12, 2009, 11 AM PST
10th Sakai Conference
Boston, MA
July 7 - 10, 2009
on your server
Contact us:
Mike Zackrison
Kara Stiles