MINING - Math/Science Nucleus

Teacher Guide
Lesson Plans, Student Readers, and More Information
Lesson 1 - Mining Industry
Lesson 2 - Coal Mining (Lab)
Lesson 3 - Aggregate and Concrete Industry
Lesson 4 - Aggregate and Concrete (Lab)
Lesson 5 - Mining Resources that Changed the World
designed to be used as an Electronic Textbook
in class or at home
materials can be obtained from the Math/Science Nucleus
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Lesson 1 - Mining Industry
Objective: Students learn the
importance of the mining industry.
Teacher note
Mining is important in creating products. Students will realize the importance of
mining, whenever they look at products. We use mining products every hour of every
day of our life. There are many careers in this industry, whether as a seller of the
product or a miner of the raw materials.
It is estimated that the following amount of materials is needed to sustain one
individual in a developed country. This would include metals used in cars and homes
like aluminum, zinc, or steel. A summary is given below:
• 1,600 kg (3,600 lb) of aluminum
• 360 kg (800 lb) of zinc
• 11,300 kg (25,000 lb) of clay
• 25,400 kg (56,000 lb) of steel
• 360 kg (800 lb) of lead
• 680 kg (1,500 lb) of copper
• 12,200 kg (27,000 lb) of salt
• More than 226,000 kg (500,000 lb) of coal
• More than 453,000 kg (1 million lb) of stone, sand, gravel, and cement
There is a great deal of information on different mining commodities on the
internet. However, you may want to check your state or country’s agency on mines,
which can provide local information.
As an added assignment you might want the students to increase the list of
products from mining that is included in the reader. The more they research the more
they will appreciate the mining industry. The following websites may be of interest.
Minerals Information Institute
Steel Industry
Abandoned mines
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Mining is the exploration and
removal of minerals or other substances of
economic importance. It is an old industry
that has evolved along with humans.
Products from mining are so commonplace
that we sometimes don’t think about where
our modern conveniences come from. The
first weapons that were ever fashioned by
“cavemen” were probably stones that they
“mined” at a local river bed. Stones were
used to create shelter and coal was mined
to help them maintain their fire
Companies mine coal, oil, and gas which are fuels.
Metals from rock that contain a high concentration of that metal (ore) or precious metals
(i.e., gold), as well as nonmetallic products such as sodium, potassium, and crushed
stone are mined.
These products are used in homes offices, transportation,
communication, and weapons. For example, it takes more than 30 different minerals from
the mining industry to make a television.
Two major types of products are mined including metals
and nonmetals. Minerals that
are mined in their native form
would include gold and silver.
Mineral ores are more
commonly mined. They are
enriched rocks with the metal
that is needed for extraction.
For example, you cannot find a
piece of pure iron. The iron
would have to be extracted from
other mineral ores like hematite
or magnetite.
Non metallic substances
include coal, sand and gravel
(aggregates), gypsum, and oil.
Sala Silver Mine, Sweden
Although oil is technically
mined, it is always considered a separate industry because
of its large size. Enclosed is a list of products from the
mining industry and their uses. This is just a short list, of
the thousands of metals and nonmetals products.
Gypsum mine, India
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Products from Mining Industry
Generating electricity, making iron and steel, manufacturing
chemicals and other products
Sand and gravel
Building roads, homes, schools, offices, and factories
Iron ore
Steel products (kitchen utensils, automobiles, ships, buildings)
Aluminum ore
Military aircraft, naval vessels, pots and pans, beverage cans
Copper ore
Electrical motors, generators, communications equipment, wiring
Silver ore
Electric and electronics circuitry, coins, jewelry, photographic film
Gold ore
Jewelry, satellites, sophisticated electronic circuits
Diecasting, galvanizing brass and bronze, protective coatings on
steel, chemical compounds in rubber and paints
Batteries, solder, electronic components
Bricks, paper, paint, glass, pottery, linoleum, concrete, wallboard,
spackling, pencils, microwavable containers, vegetable oil
Concrete, wallboard, spackling, caulking, potting soil
Plant fertilizers
filtering everything from milk to swimming pools, industrial filler
and insulation
Insulating agent, roofing and flooring products
Strengthening agent for glass products, chemical fire retardant,
soap and detergents, vitreous enamel
Glass making, ceramics, coatings, and plating
Used in cement processing, steel furnaces, water treatment,
paper production
Cooking, drinking water, plastics, ice removable, detergents
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Mining of large deposits over an extensive area requires one
of a variety of extraction methods. There are different types of
mines to obtain raw material, and it depends on the shape and type
of deposits. The types of mining can be grouped into surface mining
and subsurface mining.
Surface methods are the simplest and cheapest. Some
deposits like coal, gypsum, and oil shale are deposited in relatively
flat and continuous areas. These products are found in beds or
seams that are between layers of rock. The material above the
seam is called the overburden. The overburden can be removed if
it is not too deep and
create an open pit or strip
Opening to subsurface mine
Subsurface mining
techniques are dependant on how deep the
deposits are. Some veins of gold will branch off
into many directions. Excavating these types of
deposits can be very dangerous.
Removing the overburden
Some of the minerals produced, such as coal and salt,
are ready to use right after they have been mined. These are
referred to as “dig and ship.” It may be necessary to wash or
treat these commodities in different ways to enhance their
quality, but their properties remain essentially unchanged.
However, most metals usually occur in nature combined
with other materials which is called an ore. Ores need to be
treated, usually with chemicals or heat, to separate the metal
Ready to ship
from its host material. These processing techniques can be very
complex and expensive, but they are the only way to recover the
metal of interest. The table below shows ore minerals for the listed elements.
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The mining industry is large and world
wide. Like the oil companies many of the
companies are multinational with large
holdings in different countries. Mining has
changed greatly in the past century, especially
in the power of mining corporations in local
and national affairs.
The labor movement, including the
health of workers and the long term effects of
mining on people and community has also
changed the balance of power. The powerful
Steel worker
steel industry for example, uses iron ore to
produce steel. The steel industry is the backbone of bridges, the framework of cars and
the skeleton of large buildings. As the industrial revolution continued to grow, the demand
of iron ore exploration increased dramatically.
Either we grow products or we mine them in developing and sustaining a society.
Mining is not only important, it is essential.
Steel and concrete, building a nation
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Lesson 2. Coal Mining (Lab)
samples of wood, peat, different
grades of coal
Objective: Students compare different
types of coal.
Teacher note
Coal was once a symbol of destruction of the environment and abuse of mine
workers. The demand for coal during the later part of the 1800's and early 1900's
and lack of heavy equipment for mining, drove companies to push miners to produce
more. This combination of demand and exploitation of workers lead to miner strikes
which could have crippled the growth of the United States and England.
Underground mining cost the lives of many men and many died of “black
lung” disease. The dust of the coal would almost “coat” the lining of miners’ lungs
and cause respiratory failure after just a few years exposure in the mines.
This lab has students identify the different types of coal, which is considered
a sedimentary rock. There are 4 basic types of samples for students to identify
including peat, lignite, bituminous, and anthracite coal. There are many different
grades from lignite to anthracite, depending on the maturation history of the area.
Samples for these labs could be obtained from local sources. Look in your
phone book or internet for local suppliers. Even ask students to bring in samples
if they have seen coal. Include wood and charcoal (burnt wood) so students can
compare and contrast.
American Coal Foundation
Kentucky Geologic Survey
United Mine Workers of America
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Throughout history,
coal probably has fueled
more expansion of
industrialized society than
any other fuel. Today, it is
used to create steam from
water which turns generators
to create electricity. Many
countries in the world still
use coal to cook. Typically,
it takes about one ton of coal
kilowatt-hours of electricity.
Numbers refer to millions of tons coal reserves
Coal is by far more plentiful
than domestic oil or natural gas, making up about 95 percent of America's fossil energy
Historically coal has been used to heat and work wherever sources of coal were
near by. In the 1300's Hopi Indians in America regularly mined coal to cook and heat their
homes. In the 1700's coal was better and more abundant than wood in the emerging
industrialized nations of United States and Europe. Coal fueled most of the steam engines
which were vital for rail and ocean transportation. By 1875 a by-product of coal (coke)
replaced charcoal to make steel.
There are four basic forms in the evolution of
coal including peat, lignite, bituminous, and anthracite
coal. Peat is compressed plant remains derived from
swampy regions. It is the raw material from which coal
is made. It is used in various areas of the world,
especially in the British Isles where it is cut into cubes
and dried to be burned in stoves. There are substantial
quantities of fuel peat worldwide, mainly in Canada,
Peat fields, Ireland
Russia, Northern Europe,
and in tropical countries
such as Indonesia.
Lignite is a brownish-black coal with generally high
moisture and ash content, and the lowest carbon content
and heating value. About 79 percent of lignite coal is used
to generate electricity, 13.5 percent is used to generate
synthetic natural gas, and 7.5 percent is used to produce
fertilizer products.
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After millions of years of more heat and pressure from
within the Earth's surface, lignite changes into bituminous or
hard coal. Bituminous coal is an intermediate grade of coal that
is the most common and widely used in the United States. A
grade referred to sub-bituminous is a dull black coal with a
higher heating value than lignite, but lower than true
bituminous. Bituminous coal is primarily used for power
generation, and the production of cement, iron and steel.
Bituminous coal in
nature, transforms into a
harder form called
anthracite coal. Anthracite
is the hardest type,
consisting of nearly pure
carbon. Anthracite coal has
the highest heating value
and lowest moisture and
ash content. It is used for domestic and industrial
purposes, including smokeless fuel.
Coal is basically a
sedimentary rock made of
various amounts of decaying
organic matter. The origins of
coal require a swampy area
that has abundant plant life.
This occurred mainly in swamps
and in lagoons producing a
spongy, brown material called
Geologic forces buried
the peat under the Earth's
surface and layers of peat were
further compacted by heat and
pressure. The compressed peat was eventually converted to coal. The greater the heat
and pressure, the harder the coal.
There are times in geologic history where coal formation was dominate. The
Carboniferous Period, named for abundance of carbon derived from plants (280 to 345
million years ago). Vast regions in North America and Eurasia produced large coal fields
which are still mined.
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There are two basic ways to mine coal,
surface and subsurface mining. Surface mining
involves removing the overburden (earth and rock
covering the coal) with heavy earth moving
equipment and scooping out the coal. Presently,
after mining is completed in surface mines, they
reclaim the area by reestablishing vegetation and
plant life.
The second method extracts coal from seams
of coal within sedimentary strata. The coal is
reached by drilling two openings into the coal bed to
transport workers and equipment and to send coal to
the surface. Both openings serve to circulate air in
the mine. This is a difficult way of extracting coal,
especially prior to equipment specializing in coal
Surface mining of coal
Subsurface mining of coal
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“Breaker” boys
In the United States and England the history
of coal extraction is a lesson on exploitation of
workers and the growth of unions. Work in the
subsurface mines was back breaking. Hand drills
would cut into the coal to insert dynamite.
Explosions would dislodge the coal and then men
would put the coal in carts to be brought to the
surface. The men would spend 10-16 hours in
cramped, unsafe conditions. Many men left their
young wives and children widows as many men died
in mine disasters from explosions to suffocating from
lack of oxygen.
Young breaker boys were used to sort the
crushed coal into sellable pieces. This type of child
labor helped to enact Child Labor Laws in the United
The need for coal and exploitation of
workers became a national concern in the early
Opening to a coal mine
Theodore Roosevelt in the early 1900"s
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PROBLEM: How are grades of coal different and how does it effect energy efficiency?
MATERIALS: anthracite, bituminous, lignite, and other grades of coal, charcoal,
PROCEDURE: See if you can identify your sample. Describe each specimen. Note you
may have more than one sample of the same type.
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Lesson 3 - Aggregate and Concrete Industry
Objective: Students learn about the
mining of aggregates.
Teacher note
The making of aggregate and concrete is rarely considered an industry by
most people. It is so abundant and all around us, we just don’t see it. In developing
countries the need for this raw material is vital.
Some countries have the natural resources to allow mining of these
aggregates. Geologically, areas such as glacial, marine, lake, stream, and eolian
(wind) deposits are major sources for the aggregate business.
The concrete used in the building industry forms in the same way as
geological cements. Concrete is made of rocks, sand, and cement. It is one of the
most inexpensive, widely used, and durable building materials available. Man-made
geological cements have been used for a long time. Cement dates back more than
5,000 years to the construction of the Great Pyramids in Egypt. The cement used
by the Egyptians was a "calcined" gypsum (dried to remove water), which today is
commonly known as plaster of Paris. The Mycenaeans and Phoenicians realized
that the calcined gypsum cement was not very strong, and found that a lime-based
("lime" = CaO) cement was much stronger and durable. This lime-based cement is
very similar to the cement in modern concrete. The most impressive use of concrete
in the ancient world was by the Romans, who improved the strength of the cement
and used it to construct most of their famous monuments and buildings.
In 1824, Joseph Aspdin developed a process for measuring out limestone
and clay, converting them to powder, heating the powder, and then grinding them
into another powder finer than flour. He found that if he mixed this cement with water
and aggregate, the resulting material had nearly twice the strength of many natural
mineral cements. This cement was named "Portland cement" because the limestone
was mined on the English island of Portland.
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Up to the late 1800's the mining of crushed
stone was done by man and mules. Mines employed
men to use sledge hammers using their muscles to
work the quarries. Wagons pulled by animals would
send the stone
to market. It
was a slow and
back breaking
Ancient stone building, Parthenon, Athens job.
m o d e r n
machinery with power and capacity can move the
largest boulders and rip into the surface of the Earth
with ease.
We usually don’t think about roads as a major
technological accomplishment requiring its own
industry. Nor do we look at stone or concrete
building as a marvel of human knowledge. But they
Making a road
Quartz sand
What do we mean when we say aggregate? The word
aggregate refers to any combination of sand, gravel and stone.
Sand and gravel are a clean (without soil) mixture of fine or
coarse grained material, usually mined for steam channels
beaches, or in the oceans. Stones are usually quarried in
large open pit mines.
Products from the aggregate industry even include the
raw material (quartz sand) to produce silicon in the computer
chip making business. The aggregate industry also produces
the gravel, sand, and cement needed for concrete and asphalt
products. Concrete is used to construct buildings and roads,
while asphalt is primarily for roads.
Large rocks are used as “rip
rap” which helps in shoreline
protection, channel protection, and
slope protection.
Landscaping of
homes and industries are also users of
rocks for decorative and drainage
purposes. Stones are even quarried
for gravestones.
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An aggregate is just a rock, you might think. Not so, because
not all rocks can qualify. Crushed stone can be composed of
limestone, granite, or any hard rock that is produced by blasting and
then crushing.
When you are making a road or building there are physical,
chemical, and mechanical properties you have to consider. For
example the particle shape can prevent skids at high speed on
roadways. If you choose aggregates with smooth surfaces, it will
promote skidding. If you use aggregates that are more angular you
increase resistance, but then you might increase tire wear.
Size and sorting of the particles are important. When roads
are being made, you need to
compact the aggregate to
make an even surface. If you Mining landscape rocks
have too many different sizes then you might have
too much pore space. Fluids could seep through and
cause erosion under a roadway. That could cause
major troubles for vehicles.
Landscaping that helps drainage
Stones for the house and road
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Aggregates should have a resistance
to different chemicals. Imagine having a road
built with salt. After heavy rains, the entire
road would collapse. Other rocks, especially
clastic sedimentary rocks are not resistant to
water. Metamorphic rocks are sometimes too
fractured to be used. Igneous rocks and
some chemical sedimentary rocks, like chert,
are suitable aggregates for use in the building
and road industries of today.
Mechanical properties refer to how the
aggregate performs with strength and
stability. You do not want aggregates that will
break down when the first truck drives on a
Modern concrete uses three types of
aggregates and are mixed in proportions that are
expressed in three numbers. For example, 1:2:3
means one part Portland cement, two parts of
clean sand, and three parts gravel or pebbles.
A common misconception about concrete is
that it hardens or dries through evaporation.
Actually, concrete hardens because of chemical
reactions that take place when water is added to the
dry concrete mixture. This produces new chemical
compounds that lock in water between their Concrete with stone steps
molecules. This process, known as hydration,
forms crystals that bind the concrete mixture together. These new crystals fill in the spaces
between the aggregate, cement, and sand. The speed of hydration depends on the
temperature, amount of water, and the type of cement.
The process of hydration takes curing time. The concrete mixture can lose up to
half of its strength if not kept wet during the first seven days after pouring. The full
hydration time for common cement is about 28 days. The longer the curing time, the more
hydration takes place, and the stronger the concrete becomes. Concrete thus becomes
stronger as it grows older.
There are basically two types of aggregate mining. Aggregates that are ready to
be used without major blasting and screening is the most prized. Geologically you would
look for glacial, marine, lake, stream, and eolian (wind) deposits that have not yet become
sedimentary rocks. These would be the cleanest deposits. Other deposits may include
poorly cemented sedimentary rocks, especially for pebbles and gravel and hard
consolidated rocks like igneous or chemical sedimentary for road fill.
If they are looking just for sand deposits, they can mine them
on an ancient beach. For example, there are ancient sand dunes at
Sand City in California. The mining operation just bags the old sand
and sells it as play sand (coarser grained) and sand for concrete
(finer grained).
Sand City, California
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River gravel
How do you mine aggregates? Once you find suitable rocks that can be used as
aggregate you then have to remove and crush the material. Usually a mining operation
is an open pit, so you would remove the top soil and then blast the rock face. Dynamite
is cheap and does the job very efficiently.
After the rocks are crushed by the blast then they are screened into different sizes,
depending on the needs of the nearby industry. Gravel and pebble size is used in the
construction industry; fine grained is used in concrete industry; and larger pieces are used
in the landscaping business.
Silos for aggregate storage
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Lesson 4 - Aggregate and Concrete (Lab)
decorative rocks
magnifying lenses
Swift GH microscope
Objective: Students compare local
concrete and aggregates products.
Teacher note
This lab can either be a field trip or obtaining samples nearby. Aggregates
are everywhere. Record where you got the materials because in lab the students
will have to determine where you might have found the samples.
You may want to go to a landscaping retailer and see if they can suggest
some samples. Remember once you get the samples you can repeat this lab over
and over. You may also want some students to add to your collection for extra
Products from aggregates are used everywhere,
that we sometimes don’t see the products. Aggregates
can be used for making your front yard look nice to roads
to drive on.
In this lab you will look at different local aggregates.
See if you can determine if it comes from a road, a
sidewalk, a building, or a decorative area. On your lab
sheet describe the sample and where you think it came
from. After the lab, your instructor will go over where the
samples came from. On your way home, see if you can
see other products from aggregates.
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PROBLEM: Can you recognize local uses of aggregates?
MATERIALS: different aggregate samples provided by your teacher
PROCEDURE: Look at samples and describe their characteristics. Consult sedimentary
rock labs for help in description (size, sorting, roundness). Can you tell where the sample
comes from and how it is used?
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where is it from/use
Lesson 5 - Mining Resources that Changed the World
Objective: Students learn how mining
has changed the world.
Teacher note
The history of how different mining products have changed the course of
history are too numerous to describe in this reader. Metals from mining are used
to make weapons of war to vehicles to transport goods. However, this reader is
intended to act as a springboard for students to learn more information on their own.
The internet has many different sites with this information, below are just a
few. You may want students to find sites on different mining products that interest
them. When students find out the importance of mining, it is hard to stop their minds
from thinking.
Gold History (World)
California Gold Rush
Copper Industry
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Mineral resources can change the course
of history. When a resource is needed, a country
will “stop” everything to get that product. In wars,
the invasion of neighboring countries is usually to
gain their resources. The steel industry during
World War II was converted totally to the war
effort. Sometimes the impact of that commodity
is itself, the cause of wars and the beginning of
conflicts that span over centuries.
Gold is a mineral resource that shaped
Early weapons from metals
humans’ idea of wealth. The Bronze Age began
when they discovered that heating copper with tin
created a useful metal. Extraction of iron from different mineral ores created a metal that
could make vehicles, buildings, and weapons. Salt is a mineral
resource that caused major wars for the very rights to use this
simple, but important product.
The atomic bomb uses uranium, which is mined.
Uranium only became valuable since the explosion of the first
atomic bomb in 1945, during World War II. Today, most of the
world's uranium is for peaceful uses, especially to generate
electricity in nuclear power stations. A controlled atomic process
produces heat, which converts water to steam to drive the
turbines which generate electricity.
Uranium ore from Australia
Atomic Bomb in World War II
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In 1500 BC, gold was
mined in the region of Nubia
(Egypt) one of the richest
societies of all time. The
demand for this precious
mineral throughout the
world was the reason for
Gold ingot
creating gold as the
international standard in trade. Gold was used
because it was the first metal that could be used to
Thailand gold gilded temple
make weapons stronger. Gold has the property of
being highly malleable, but still strong. Gold does not tarnish or corrode and is a symbol
of eternity. Even after other metals were better than gold for weapons, the gold still was
a symbol of wealth.
Wars throughout history were fought for this established wealth including Alexander
the Great in Macedonia (300 BC), Charlemagne in Europe (700 AD), and King Ferdinand
in Spain (1511). The “discovery” of the Americas was all in the search of gold.
Prospecting for gold in the western United States helped to bring settlers into the
region. In the 1800's easterners and Europeans heard of the unbelievable wealth west of
the Mississippi. Dreams of instant wealth drove
hundreds of thousands of people to the promised
land to prospect for minerals.
Gold is a heavy, malleable, yellow metal.
Since gold is mainly found in granitic rock, the
weathering of granite plays an important part of
mining “placer” deposits
Miners used these
properties to “pan” for gold. This technique allows
the denser gold flakes to settle to the bottom of a
pan. This technique is still used today.
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In history, copper is the first kind of metal ever used. Cyprus in
the Mediterranean area, for centuries was the largest producer of
copper throughout antiquity. The word copper comes from "Cycrum,"
the Latin name known for Cyprus. Copper when heated with tin will
form bronze. The Bronze Age, around 3000 B.C., introduced a metal
to advance civilization.
Miners on Cyprus
left behind
thousands of copper producing pits and more
thousands of crude hammering stones with
which the pits had been worked. The ancients
apparently worked the copper bearing rock by
alternately using fire and cold water, to break
the copper ore into smaller pieces from which
Copper alloy, 2300BC they could extract the metal with hand held
hammering stones or stone hatchets. With this
copper, they made tools that were prized possession. Cyprus
became a wealthy nation because of their abundant copper
Copper ore
Copper is still an important commodity. Copper is a major industrial metal because
of its properties including high ductility, malleability, thermal and electrical conductivity,
and its resistance to corrosion. Copper ranks third after iron and aluminum in terms of
quantities used. Electrical uses of copper include power transmission and generation,
building wiring, telecommunication, and electronic products.
Building construction is the single
largest market, followed by electronics and
electronic products, transportation,
industrial machinery, and consumer
Copper by products from
manufacturing and obsolete copper
products are readily recycled and
contribute significantly to the copper
Open copper mines, Arizona
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Salt was so important in the days prior to
refrigerators, because it preserves meats and other
food. In the Roman Empire, 100 million people used
about one million tons of salt per year. The Romans
would even pay their soldiers part of their salary in
salt. The word “salary” comes from the word
(salarium) meaning salt. Many wars were fought over
control of salt production.
Salt, also known as the mineral halite, has
many uses. Almost every person in the world has
Halite or salt
some direct or indirect contact with salt every day.
People use salt to flavor or preserve their food or apply rock salt to walkways to remove
ice in the winter. Mining salt can be through brine wells, solar evaporation, or mining of
ancient salt deposits.
Solar evaporation in the San Francisco Bay
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Earth Science - Mining - Unit Test
Part I. Definitions: Match the number of the term or concepts in Column 1 with the letter
of the correct definition in Column 2.
Column 1
Column 2
1. Copper
a. non metallic resource
2. Aggregate
b. hydrogen and carbon are major components
3. Anthracite
c. black coal of not the highest grade
4. Concrete
d. decomposed plant matter
5. Lignite
e. removal of overburden to mine
6. Bituminous
f. metallic resource
7. Salt
g. brown coal
8. Bronze
h. cement plus aggregate
9. Open pit mine
i. any combination of sand, gravel and crushed stone
10. Peat
j. copper and tin alloy
Part II. Multiple Choice Choose the best answer to complete each statement.
1. The term aggregate does not apply to
a. sand
b. gravel
c. coal
d. pebbles
2. Concrete is a human-made
a. granite
b. gneiss
c. coal
d. conglomerate
3. Material on top of a mineral deposit is called a
a. underburden
b. overburden
c. seam
d. vein
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4. Rip-rap stones are used for
a. Coal extraction
b. Shoreline protection
c. Gravestones
d. Asphalt
5. Which of the following does not use products from the aggregate industry?
a. concrete
b. gravestones
c. coal
d. decorative rocks
6. Which metals are used to make bronze?
a. copper and tin
b. gold and tin
c. tin and pyrite
d. gold and copper
7. Which is not a grade of coal?
a. lignite
b. bituminous
c. tar
d. anthracite
8. The following is not an ore.
a. hematite
b. pyrite
c. cinnabar
d. gold
9. To extract the metal from an ore you use
a. oil
b. salt
c. heat and salt
d. chemical and heat
10. Subsurface mining involves
a. following a vein with substance of economic value
b. blasting the top
c. following a bed
d. reclamation
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Part I.
1. F
2. I
3. J
4. H
5. G
6. C
7. A
8. J
9. E
10. D
Part II
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. A
Math/Science Nucleus © 2001