Macbeth Act III Quiz

Macbeth – Act III Quiz
Directions: Respond to each question with a quote from Act II. No need to cite exact line/page number.
If the quote is long, feel free to use ellipses and/or just quote the most applicable part. Also, some
questions might have more than one possible answer, but if you are following the quiz pattern (hint,
hint!), it usually will limit you to a single answer. Each question is worth 1 pt. (15 points total).
1. What does Banquo fear regarding Macbeth?
2. How does Macbeth praise Banquo to his face?
3. What suspicion(s) does Macbeth admit to having about Banquo after he leaves?
4. How has Macbeth convinced the murderers to take the job (to kill Banquo)?
5. How does Macbeth say that men are like dogs?
6. What do the murderers admit to Macbeth about Banquo?
7. Why does Macbeth say he can't simply use his power as king to get rid of Banquo?
8. Who else does Macbeth ask the murderers to kill?
9. What does Macbeth urge Lady Macbeth to do regarding Banquo?
10. Does Lady Macbeth know that her husband has hired murderers to kill Banquo?
11. Do the murderers complete the task they have been assigned?
12. What do the murderers report having done to Banquo?
13. Who is the unexpected 'guest' at Macbeth's dinner party?
14. How does Lady Macbeth excuse her husband's strange behavior at the dinner party?
15. How does Lennox feel about Macbeth's rule as King?
Extra Credit (1 pt.): Why is Hecate angry at the three witches?