Rooting and outgroups Rooted trees contain information about the flow of time, which allows them to tell us about recency of common ancestry (monophyly) and the direction of trait evolution. Rooted trees are therefore essential for most downstream uses of phylogenies, from classification to studies of adaptation. However, most methods of phylogenetic inference do not directly yield rooted trees, but unrooted trees. While you can read much of the secondary phylogenetic literature only understanding rooted trees, it is essential to understand unrooted trees (and how they are rooted) if you plan to be engaged in phylogenetic research or if you want to be able to critically read the primary phylogenetic literature. At one level rooting is simple: there are just a handful of ways to root trees and these all have a sound logical basis. Nonetheless, perhaps because rooting requires a certain level of mental gymnastics, I have observed that even professional biologists have been known to stumble over unrooted trees and to over‐interpret rooted trees. Therefore, I start by introducing unrooted trees and then list the three main methods for converting them into rooted trees. I end by visiting some of the common mistakes made that relate to rooting and provide guidelines as to how to avoid these errors. The information content of unrooted trees An unrooted tree is simply a tree that lacks a defined root. In an unrooted tree the lines represent evolutionary lineages, but unlike a rooted tree, we do not know which way evolution preceded along the lineage. Because a clade is an ancestor and all its descendants we need temporal information to identify clades. Thus, the internal branches of an unrooted tree do not define clades but rather split the taxa into two sets that are attached (directly or indirectly) to the two ends of the branch. Let’s work through this. Start by considering a rooted tree, such as that shown for select Archosaurs. After removing the root from this rooted tree it is possible to redraw the unrooted tree in several different formats. © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 1 Rooted Unrooted Unrooted The first unrooted tree in this example maintains the general shape of the rooted tree except for an apparent polytomy in the position that used to correspond to the root. Actually this is not a polytomy, just the correct way to draw this unrooted tree when the root node has been removed. This can be seen because the third tree has been spread out to avoid even an impression of a root. The tree is binary in that each node has three branches – one corresponding to the ancestral lineage and two to descendent lineages (although the figure doesn’t specify which are ancestral and which derived). If you find it hard to see that the second and third trees are identical in content, there are three ways to proceed. (1) You could use mental gymnastics to visualize the changes in shape needed to get from one tree to another. You should imagine that the trees are made of string (that can bend or change length) and ask yourself whether you could rearrange the second tree to yield the third without having to cut the string (the answer is yes). (2) You could list the tips that are attached to each node and see if the same set of nodes are present in each case. The table lists all 11 nodes and their connected tips. Because the list is the same for both unrooted trees (and the rooted tree), they are the same. Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Stegosaurus Ankylosaurus Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin, © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 2 Pterosaur, Crocodile, Tricerotops, Iguanodon Tricerotops Iguanodon Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin, Pterosaur, Crocodile, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus Tricerotops, Iguanodon Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin, Pterosaur, Crocodile Pterosaur Crocodile Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin, Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Tricerotops, Iguanodon Pterosaur, Crocodile Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Tricerotops, Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Iguanodon Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin Diplodocus Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Tricerotops, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Iguanodon, Pterosaurus, Crocodile Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin Allosaurus Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Tricerotops, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Iguanodon, Pterosaurus, Crocodile, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin Diplodocus Tyrannosaurus Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Tricerotops, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Iguanodon, Pterosaurus, Crocodile, Robin Diplodocus, Allosaurus Velociraptor Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Tricerotops, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin Iguanodon, Pterosaurus, Crocodile, Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Archaeopteryx Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Tricerotops, Ostrich, Robin Iguanodon, Pterosaurus, Crocodile, Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor Ostrich Robin © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Tricerotops, Page 3 Iguanodon, Pterosaurus, Crocodile, Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Archaepteryx Ankylosaurus Stegosaurus (3) You could list the sets of taxa separated by each Iguanodon Pterosaur internal branch, the set of splits. For Triceratops example, one internal branch (shown to the right) Crocodile divides Stegosaurus, Akylosaurus, Robin Tricerotops, Iguanodon, Pterosaurus, Ostrich Crocodile on the one side from Diplodocus, Diplodocus Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx, Ostrich and Robin, on the other. Allosaurus Velociraptor Tyrannosaurus Because there are an odd number of taxa in this case, we can define each split by just listing the smaller of the two sets of taxa. Thus, you should be able to see that both trees are composed of the following splits: Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus Iguanodon, Tricerotops Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Iguanodon, Tricerotops Pterosaur, Crocodile Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Iguanodon, Tricerotops, Pterosaur, Crocodile Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin Velociraptor, Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin Archaeopteryx, Ostrich, Robin Ostrich, Robin Through any one of these three methods, mental gymnastics, node enumeration, or splits enumeration, you should be able to show that the two unrooted trees above are equivalent. © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 4 Rooting an unrooted tree Rooting an unrooted tree involves adding an additional node to one of the branches and reorienting the tree relative to that node. Here are three alternative rootings of the same unrooted tree. There are as many places to add a root to an unrooted tree as there are branches (internal and external) on an unrooted tree. The number of branches on an unrooted tree, and hence the number of distinct ways to root it, is 2N‐3, where N is the number of tips. For example, in this case there are eight tips in the rooted tree and thus 13 distinct ways to root the tree. You may notice that adding a root is just like adding an additional taxon. This is why the number of distinct unrooted topologies is equal to the number of rooted trees for that number of tips (given in Chap. 8, page xx) minus one. Depending where the root is added, different sets of taxa are resolved as clades. For example, consider the simple unrooted tree to the right. We do not know from this tree if (AB) is a clade, or if (CDEF) is a clade, or both. The identity of the clades depends on the location of the root. If the root is in the AB half of the split (i.e., on the terminal branch leading to A or that leading to B) then (CDEF) is a clade. If the root is in the CDEF half of Clade Location of root Clade Location of root Location of root Clade © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 5 Clade the split, then (AB) is a clade, but C+D+E+F is not. Only if the root is on the branch separating AB from CDEF will they both be clades. While an unrooted tree does not identify clades, it does rule out certain sets of taxa forming a clade. Only a set of tips that is one half of a split in an unrooted tree can be a clade on a rooted tree. For example, the unrooted tree shown is incompatible with a (CE) clade because there is no branch that separates C+E to one side and A+B+D+F to the other. Rooting not only affects which sets of taxa form clades, but also inferences as to the direction of character evolution. Here is an unrooted tree of the monocot clade of flowering plants: all of which are herbaceous except for the palms, which are trees. If the root of this tree were on the branch leading to the date palm, then we would conclude that monocots were ancestrally trees and later evolved into herbs. Actually the root is on the branch with an arrow, which means that the monocots evolved from herbs into palm trees. So, for this reason too, we have good reasons to want rooted rather than unrooted trees. Unrooted trees in parsimony analysis The main reason that you need to understand Herbs Trees unrooted trees is because most phylogenetic analysis methods yield unrooted not rooted trees. To see why this is so, let’s revisit parsimony analysis as introduced in the last chapter using this simple, hypothetical data matrix. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 A 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 B 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 There are three possible unrooted trees for four taxa, as shown. O B O © Draft materials. Do not circulate. A C B A O A C C B Page 6 On each of these trees we can count up the number of steps required to explain each character. In this case a character state change is marked on a tree, but the polarity is unclear. For example, here is the mapping of characters 1, 3 and 4 on tree 1. The bar divides the tree into two regions, one with state 0 and one with state 1. Because we do not have an axis of time defined, it is left unclear whether 0 evolved into 1 or vice versa. O B O B O B 11 0 0 1 1 0 Char. 1 Char. 3 Char. 4 A C A C A C In the chase of character 2 there are two equally parsimonious mappings, each with two steps. O B O B 0 11 1 0 1 10 0 1 A C A C If you refer back to this same example in the rooted case you will see that everything is exactly the same: that tree 1 can be explained with one step for characters 1, 2, and 4 and two steps for character 3. Indeed, the entire summary matrix is the same. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 A 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 B 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Total length L on tree 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 11 L on tree 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 12 L on tree 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9 © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 7 Mostparsimonious tree This illustrates that for standard parsimony, the length of a rooted tree and its corresponding unrooted trees is the same. If it takes two steps to explain a character on the unrooted tree it also takes two on the rooted tree. But recall that each unrooted trees corresponds to many (2N‐3) rooted trees. So, standard parsimony can select among unrooted trees but it cannot select among the different rooted versions of the optimal unrooted tree. For example, parsimony allows us to favor unrooted tree 3 for these data, but it is equally compatible with all five rootings of that unrooted tree. Parsimony and almost all other methods for estimating phylogenies select among unrooted trees but are agnostic among the many rooted trees that correspond to each unrooted tree. But what we desire is a rooted tree. Rooting is achieved by one of three main methods, as outlined in the following sections. Tree­based rooting The most widely used rooting method is usually called outgroup rooting. Outgroup rooting is an example of a more general approach, tree‐based rooting. In tree‐based rooting we use prior phylogenetic information to orientate a new analysis. © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 8 There are many aspects of phylogenetic history that are well known. By including taxa whose phylogenetic placement is already well known, we can identify either an exact root or a subset of branches to which the root could attach. Here are four hypothetical unrooted trees that include familiar taxa whose phylogenetic relationships are well known. Based on established phylogenetic knowledge I have marked the branches to which the roots should attach (by drawing them especially thick). For the upper two trees a single rooted tree is implied. I will leave it to you to draw it out and see what clades are implied. For the lower trees there is sufficient uncertainty in the rooting that a single rooted tree is not determined. The normal way to handle such situations is to provide an unrooted tree that is oriented in such a way that it is easy to read off the unambiguously supported clades. Examples are shown below. © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 9 It is important to emphasize that the sampling of taxa in these examples is atypical. A phylogenetic analysis does not usually include so few and so divergent taxa. Usually a study is focused on resolving relationships in some particular clade for which many accessions are included. Indeed, as will be discussed further in Chap X, phylogenetic inference can yield erroneous results when taxon density, the degree to which taxa are separated by long branches, is low. Suppose you wanted to study the relationships among maples (Acer). The taxon sampling would typically include sequences of one or more target gene from as many distinct maple species as you can obtain. If you already knew that maples were divided completely into two sister clades, then you would not need any more taxa. You would just place the root of the unrooted tree on the internal branch that yields these two clades. The study would not be testing this rooting, but accepting it as established. But what if you are are not sure how Acer is rooted? The well‐established methodology is to include in the data matrix taxa that are known to be outside of the maple clade: outgroups. The trees will then be rooted either between the ingroup and outgroup (if there is only one outgroup or if all the outgroup taxa form a clade) or somewhere within the outgroup. © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 10 In principle, all that is needed to root a tree is one outgroup taxon, and it can be anything that is not in the ingroup (the taxa whose relationships are being studied): a fly could serve as the outgroup for our study of maples. However, in practice it is advisable to use quite closely related outgroups, for example horse‐chestnuts. The reason for using closely related outgroups is that parsimony and other methods of analysis are most reliable when branch lengths are short (taxon density is Incorrect rooting: high). Also, close relative are more likely to have comparable characters and genes and to have more easily aligned sequence data. It is also recommended to include multiple outgroups. First this increases taxon density so as to make the analysis more reliable. Second, this provides insurances against inadvertently picking an incorrect outgroup. This point is worth exploring with an example. Suppose you studied artiodactyls and used a whale as the sole outgroup. You might get a well supported tree that suggested that the hippopotamus was sister to all artiodactyls, as shown (relationships from O’Leary and Gatesy 2008). In fact your rooting would be incorrect because Correct rooting: it has become established that whales are within the “artiodactyls.” If you had included additional outgroups such as horses and elephants you would have obtained a tree in which the supposed ingroup could not form a clade, meaning that one of the outgroups is actually embedded within the ingroup. This would alert you the fact that your prior assumption of Artiodactyl monophyly was mistaken and would allow you to use other information to correctly root the tree. Tree‐based rooting is the preferable method, but it depends upon prior phylogenetic © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 11 knowledge: and that knowledge in turn depended on prior rooting. However, an infinite regress is avoidable because we can use other methods to root trees. Character­based rooting Imagine that you were convinced that you knew the ancestral state of a particular character and that all taxa have the derived state, 1, except taxa A, B, and C, which have state the ancestral state 0. This assertion of character polarity is absolute, it does not allow for homoplasy in the character. As a result it is equivalent to treating taxa A, B, and C as outgroups. Thus, this way of using characters to root a tree blurs into phylogeny‐based rooting. Real character‐based rooting applies when some or all of the characters have polarity in their expected evolution, but we do not wish to rigidly identify taxa as being outgroups. In a parsimony framework, character‐based rooting occurs when one or more character has an asymmetric step‐matrix. In this case the length of a tree varies with the tree’s root – meaning that parsimony is now selecting among rooted trees. Consider a simple, although extreme example. Using simple flat‐weighted parsimony, these data support the unrooted tree shown (length = 7). A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Suppose that you thought that B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 the rate of evolving from 0 to 1 is C 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 lower than the rate of evolving in D 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 the reverse direction. You could E 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 capture this with a 2:1 gain:loss F 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 step‐matrix, as shown. This G 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 implies that the H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 correct rooting of this To: tree is on the branch From: 0 1 leading to taxon H. This is because such a rooting 0 0 2 implies only changes from 1 to 0, which have a cost of one, resulting in a parsimony 1 1 0 score of 7. A tree rooted on taxon A, for example, is less © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 12 parsimonious because it implies changes from 0 to 1 (for all except character 1), and an overall cost of 13. Parsimony can also select a rooted tree when some characters are judged to show irreversible evolution. This means that once an ancestor acquires character state ‘1’ all descendants retain state ‘1.’ Irreversible characters can be thought of as having an infinitely asymmetric step‐matrix for those parts of the tree that manifest the irreversible state. This helps explain why they yield rooted tree. For example, if we concluded that all the characters in the matrix were irreversible, then the optimal rooted tree has state ‘0’ at the base for all characters: which would result in rooting the Cost = 7 tree on taxon A. The dollo Cost = 13 assumption (page XX) asserts that a more complex character state, ‘1’, can only arise once, whereas the simpler character state, ‘0,’ can arise many times. This may sound asymmetric, but actually, dollo parsimony does not select a rooted tree. The dollo assumption basically holds that all nodes on an unrooted tree that are on the path between tips that have state ‘1’ must have state ‘1.’ Having mapped a character this way, all rootings will have the same length. [figures needed?][cut these two paras?] This discussion should serve to show that you can infer the root of a tree without using prior phylogenetic knowledge if you are willing to assert that characters have asymmetric probabilities of changing in the two directions. But when should you assert that? An asymmetric stepmatrix captures the assumption that the frequency of different character states has changed over time. For example, the 2:1 gain:loss step matrix given above implies that lineages acquire state 0 more frequently than they shift back from state 0 to state 1. This means that the number of lineages having state 1 will tend to decrease over © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 13 time. Such an assumption is called non­stationarity. It contrasts with the more normal assumption of stationarity, that the frequency of different states (and the probabilities of change) are constant throughout the phylogeny. So, the decision to use an asymmetric step‐matrix should be based on evidence that there is likely to have been non‐stationary evolution in a group. I can imagine cases where non‐stationarity is defensible. For example if you know that a group has evolved in a period of steady climate warming you might expect a steady increase in traits associated with warmer conditions. In that case it might make sense to root the unrooted tree at the point that has the fewest warm weather adaptations. However, I think you will agree that such an inference is rarely going to be convincing. So while it is worth knowing about the theoretical possibility of character‐based rooting, you can hopefully see why it is very rarely used in practice. Rate­based rooting As discussed in chapter 2, we often have reason to expect the rate of evolution to be reasonably similar in different lineages. This means that the length of different branches of a tree provides some information as to the likely location of the root. The tree shown is an unrooted phylogram for five living taxa: the length of each branch is proportional to the amount of change inferred to have occurred on that branch based on a particular data set. Below are two alternative rootings of this tree: one on the branch leading to taxon A, and one on the internal branch separating D+E from A+B+C. While the parsimony score would be same for these two trees, unless we have contrary evidence, the tree on the right is more likely to be true. To see why, consider what the left‐hand tree implies. On the left‐hand tree the rate of evolution has varied greatly among branches. The lineage leading to A has evolved about one‐tenth the rate of the lineage that © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 14 leads to D and E. Even if the last common ancestor of A and E had a rate of evolution intermediate between A and E, this rooting implies that the rate of evolution itself must have evolved significantly. The rate at which evolution happens, is determined by features of the biology of organisms (see page xx): the efficiency with which mutations are corrected, the generation time, population size, the intensity of selection, etc. While these certainly do change, they probably change slowly. Therefore, we have reason to favor the right‐hand tree, which is compatible with near constancy of the rate of evolution, over the left‐hand tree, which implies dramatic changes in the rate of evolution. In effect this is an extension of the principle of parsimony. Just as we favor a tree with the fewest number of character state changes, we also favor the tree with the fewest changes in the rate of evolution. Rate‐base rooting is best implemented in the framework of statistical models of evolution, for example using maximum likelihood (see chaps X and XX). Nonetheless even in parsimony framework, when we lack good outgroup information, we can root trees using the principle that the rate of evolution is unlikely to be very variable among lineages. The obvious procedure would be to take the most parsimonious tree and search for a position to place the root such that the variation in the rate of evolution among branches is minimized. This is possible, but a simpler strategy is usually used instead: midpoint rooting. In midpoint rooting we calculate the patristic distance between each pair of taxa. Recall that the patristic distance is the sum of the length of all the branches on the path between two tips (page x). Then we place the root at the midpoint of the longest path. Below is a tree with estimated branch lengths. To the right are the patristic distances between each pair of tips. The longest path is between taxa D and F, so the root is placed on the midpoint of that path, as shown in the rooted tree below. This example illustrates that we can often make reasonable rooting inferences even without outgroups, provided we are willing to assume that the rate of evolution is roughly similar among lineages. © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 15 A G H 2 1 B 1 0 2 3 I 1 1 E 0 4 5 D E F G H A - B 18 - C 25 23 D 94 96 94 E 17 3 22 95 F 97 99 106 109 98 G 20 8 25 96 7 101 H 21 9 26 97 8 102 3 I 18 6 22 94 5 99 2 3 J 19 7 24 97 6 100 9 10 I 7 1.5 2 8 33 A 56 F C J 15 C B 53 D 54.5 Avoiding common mistakes Before leaving the topic of rooting it is important to highlight a few of the more common mistakes that arise from a misunderstanding of how trees are rooted in practice. Three problems have been most obvious to me in my interactions with students of the field. The first mistake is to infer that a study supports ingroup monophyly when actually ingroup monophyly was assumed at the outset. For example, suppose that you conducted a phylogenetic analysis of animals, including two ascomycete fungi, yeast Penicillium. Suppose that the tree to right was obtained following bootstrap analysis. Would it be correct to state © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 16 A n i m a l s and the that there is a 97% bootstrap support for monophyly of the animals? The answer is, no. The 97% bootstrap indicates that for 97% of the bootstrap data sets, the unrooted tree contains an internal branch that separates yeast and Penicillium from the other six taxa. This tells us that either the ascomycete fungi or the animals are monophyletic, but does not tell us which. These data do not, therefore, support animal monophyly (although they do not contradict it). The second mistake that I have seen is related to the previous, but usually occurs when there is a single outgroup taxon (and when the tree is drawn in a rooted format). To illustrate this consider this tree, which I generated from some real data (subsampled from Qiu et al. 2006). C l a d e 1 ? In analogous cases, I have observed students asking the question: why is there no bootstrap score on the branch marked with a question mark? An equivalent question is: what is the support for Clade 1? I have even reviewed papers submitted to scholarly journals that were so sure that there should be bootstrap score for clade 1 that they have looked at how many bootstrap data sets had this clade, and have found that the answer is 100%. © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 17 If you are wondering what is wrong with this reasoning recall that whereas internal branches corresponds to the meaningful splits that define the L. marmoratus Aquatic larvae tree topology, external branches D. ochrophaeus D.apalachicola do not. External branches do not D. monticola contain topological information, D. fuscus they just show where each taxon D. santeetlah attaches to the unrooted tree. Direct D. conanti Every tree includes each taxon, so development D. welteri the same external branches must D. brimleyorum be present on all trees. The point D. auriculatus to note is that the branch with a © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 18 question mark is an external not an internal branch: it shows were the outgroup (the liverwort, Marchantia) attaches to the broader unrooted tree. Any rooted tree will have Marchantia sister to the entirety of clade 1. Thus the data do not contain any information on this relationship and, consequently, measures of support for this branch have no meaning. The final kind of mistake involves mistaken inferences of trait evolution that are made on a rooted tree. This can be illustrated by considering the following hypothetical example (but involving a real situation). Suppose you generated the following phylogeny (based on Titus and Larson, 1996) for species of the salamander genus Desmognathus, and rooted the tree with a species of Leurognathus. You know that Leurognathus has aquatic larvae whereas these Desmognathus species are direct developers: forming adult salamanders directly from land‐laid eggs. What might you conclude about the evolution of life history? You might be tempted to infer that, because the outgroup has aquatic larvae, direct development is a derived feature of Desmognathus. This inference is invalid. Based on this unrooted tree, we can explain life history evolution with one change on the external branch separating Leurognathus and Desmognathus, the same branch to which the root attaches. What we cannot tell without more information is whether the change in life history lies on the Desmognathus side of the root, implying that direct development is derived, or on the Leurognathus side of the root, implying that aquatic larvae are derived in Leurognathus. In fact, examination of additional taxa suggests that Leurognathus evolved aquatic larvae from a direct developing ancestor (Titus and Larson, 1996). Leurognathus Desmognathus Leurognathus Desmognathus Aquatic Direct larvae development Aquatic Direct larvae development Major points © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 19 Most methods of phylogenetic analysis specify a rooted tree but do not select among the various possible rooted versions of that tree. To avoid mistakes in the interpretation of rooted trees, it is important to understand the methods used to arrive at that rooting. The most common way to root a tree is to use prior phylogenetic information. It is usual to include additional taxa, outgroups, in a phylogenetic study that are known to be outside the group whose relationships are being studied, so that the trees can be rooted at the end of the study. Where prior knowledge does not allow trees to be rooted, information on the position of the root may (rarely) come by including characters with asymmetric probabilities of change. More commonly, a tree’s root is inferred by assuming that the overall rate of evolution is similar in different lineages. © Draft materials. Do not circulate. Page 20