ISOPENTYL ACETATE DESCRIPTION ISOPENTYL ACETATE is a green solvent of high purity, obtained from the reaction of isopentanol, obtained from renewable source, with acetic acid. It is a clear liquid, with a characteristic odor similar to that of banana oil, low solubility in water and miscible with most organic solvents. Other denominations: isoamyl acetate, amyl acetate, isopentyl alcohol acetate, AAIP and acetic amyl ester. CAS1 number: 123-92-2. ISOPENTYL ACETATE is regarded as a green solvent and has the following characteristics: This product has approximately 71% of green carbon; It is not listed as a HAP2 product; Its photochemical reactivity is low, according to the MIR 3 scale, which enables formulas with low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content. APPLICATIONS Paints and Varnishes ISOPENTYL ACETATE is used in solvent-based formulas of automotive, industrial and wood paints and thinner formulations. In paint formulas, ISOPENTYL ACETATE is an excellent active solvent, of medium evaporation rate in most acrylic, cellulose (nitro, CAB), epoxy, polyester, polyurethane resins and hybrid systems. It reduces the evaporation rates of the systems, which allows a suitable balance of solvency and guarantees the presence of the active solvent during drying. It also acts as an aid in the elimination of blush, preventing the bleaching of paints after application in very wet environments. It finds use in original automotive, refinishing paints, lacquers and thinners, in combination with slower evaporation solvents, like butyl glycol acetate, ethyl glycol acetate and butyl glycol. ISOPENTYL ACETATE has high electrical resistivity, acting as a conductivity regulator, which contributes toward improving the performance and deposition characteristics of solvent-based paints applied electrostatically. In formulas of paints for wood, ISOPENTYL ACETATE provides a film with excellent leveling and sheen characteristics. Detergents ISOPENTYL ACETATE is used in formulas of cleaning products, such as manual degreasers. Due to its flash point, its use in electrical equipment should be avoided. 1 ISOPENTYL ACETATE Adhesives Used in formulas as a solvent in adhesives resins, both thermoplastic and thermofixed. INFORMATIVE PROPERTIES(*) Clear liquid Appearance @ 25 °C Substantially free Suspended solids 10 max. Pt-Co Color 0.873 - 0.877 Density, 20/20 °C. Water (% wt.) Distillation range @ 760 mm Hg (°C) PIE, min. PS, max. 0.1 max. Acidity as acetic acid (ppm) 139 144 200 max. Purity (% wt.) 99.0 min. Evaporation rate (butyl acetate = 100) Boiling point @ 760 mm Hg (ºC) 53 142.0 Resistance to blush @ 25 °C (% HR) 91 Surface tension @ 20 °C (dynes/cm) 24.3 Vapor pressure @ 20 °C (mm Hg) 3.8 Vapor relative density (air = 1) 4.5 Electric resistivity ( 0.26 1.02 3 MIR Flash point (°C) Open cup Closed cup 41.1 46.0 NOTES: (*)The characteristics described above are informative only and may be altered without prior notice. Please consult the product specification for current details. 1. CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service 2. HAP: Hazardous Air Pollutants 3. MIR: Maximum Incremental Reactivity values for quantifying relative ground-level ozone impacts of volatile organic compound (VOC). TLV-TWA (ACGIH) Acetate of 3-methyl-1-butyl: 50 ppm. Acetate of 2-methyl-1-butyl: 50 ppm. PEL-TWA (OSHA) Acetate of 3-methyl-1-butyl: 100 ppm. TLV-STEL (ACGIH) Acetate of 3-methyl-1-butyl: 100 ppm. Acetate of 2-methyl-1-butyl: 100 ppm HANDLING & STORAGE ISOPENTYL ACETATE has low toxicity by ingestion or inhalation, however, in high doses, it can have narcotic effects. Therefore, prolonged or repeated exposures should be avoided. Prolonged contact with the skin and, mainly, with the eyes, should also be avoided. In case of accidental contact, proceed as follows: Eyes: wash immediately with abundant water for at least 15 minutes; Skin: remove contaminated clothing and wash affected parts with abundant water; Ingestion: seek medical care immediately. 2 ISOPENTYL ACETATE During handling, the use of gloves, PVC coat and safety goggles are recommended. In case of prolonged exposure to its vapors, or to high concentrations, use appropriate masks for organic vapors. ISOPENTYL ACETATE is classified as flammable due to its flash point. Therefore, it must be protected from sources of ignition, such as open flames, hot surfaces and electric discharges. In case of fire, the extinguishing agents are water mist, dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide and foam. The shelf-life of ISOPENTYL ACETATE is 12 months as of the manufacturing date, provided it is kept in the original packaging under and in suitable storage conditions. Note: for further information, consult the Emergency Sheet and the Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS). PACKAGING ISOPENTYL ACETATE is supplied in 208 liter metallic drums and in bulk. DISCLAIMER This bulletin contains information given in good faith, based on Oxiteno’s current knowledge on the subject, and is purely indicative. Any information, including suggestions for using the products, should not preclude experimental testing and verification, which are essential to ensure the suitability of the products to each specific application. All users shall also abide by local laws and obtain all necessary permits. When handling the product, consult the safety data sheet. In case of questions or additional needs, please contact Oxiteno through our customer service channels. 3