AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture Student Workbook Teacher Notes Health and Fitness Texto 1: El sueño de una España sin humo.....................................................................3 Texto 2: Los “Hispanics” son más saludables. .................................................................4 Texto 3: Una pirámide muy española...............................................................................5 Texto 4: Una terapia con ritmo de 2 × 4.........................................................................6 Texto 5: Los españoles, más saludables que nunca........................................................7 Texto 6: Ejercicio físico, ¿para estar bellos o sanos?......................................................8 Texto 7: Unas vacaciones a todo sol (audio)................................................................ 10 Texto 8: La siesta es salud, no sólo cultura. ................................................................. 11 Youth Culture Texto 9: Los jóvenes “ciberhispanos”............................................................................. 12 Texto 10: ¿Por qué existe el “botellón” español?. .......................................................... 13 Texto 11: Los jóvenes argentinos ya no hacen siesta..................................................... 15 Texto 12: ¡Pero, qué dices!................................................................................................ 15 Texto 13: Una carta “desconectada”................................................................................ 17 Texto 14: Un videojuego muy controvertido. ................................................................. 18 Texto 15: ¿No tomaste alcohol? ¡Ganaste un premio!................................................... 19 Introduction These Teacher Notes accompany and complement the AS Spanish Student Workbook: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture, one in a series of workbooks for students preparing for the AS exams in Spanish. The workbook is divided into two topic sections: Health and Fitness and Youth Culture. The first section contains eight texts and the second section contains seven. Half the texts refer to Spain, while the other half refer to Spanish America (Texto 9 refers to both) and they alternate their country focus. AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 1 1 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture You can use the workbook as a basis for or as a complement to your classes, either in a linear way or by ‘dipping in’ and exploring the topics when desired. It lends itself to work in class (especially the Using the text and the Speaking practice sections) or at home, and is organised in manageable independent chapters. You can approach each of the texts separately and complete the activities in the order you prefer, but the order in which they are laid out in each chapter is the most logical. Each chapter contains the following sections: Vocabulary This section provides the words and phrases necessary to understand the text. You can use this especially after students have read the text, to check their understanding. You can also ask them for or provide further examples using the words and phrases, stimulating their acquisition within a context and not by rote. Text The texts featured are authentic and treat the sub-topics that are typical at AS. Their length ranges from 150 to approximately 290 words, and they feature a variety of registers: formal, informal and journalistic (including dialogues, monologues and letters). Texto 7 is an audio extract, which you can record with an assistant or a native Spanish speaker. Understanding the text This section comprises a variety of exercises that focus on the meaning of the texts and the audio. It is advisable to help the class complete this section before expanding on the topic. Vocabulary work This section takes the vocabulary from the texts and practises and expands on it by means of a variety of activities and games. These provide a good opportunity for the class to compete or to relax while learning. Using the text This section aims at stimulating your students’ imagination and creativity and expanding on the text by means of different activities. In some cases, it is important that you help students carry out the research required before reaching conclusions, especially if they refer to the Spanishspeaking world. They can also complete the tasks as homework. Speaking practice This section can be completed either in class or with your Hispanic assistant or a native speaker. Many of the activities featured contain group work and debates, and are aimed at helping your students achieve fluency. Try to stimulate their active participation and avoid correction until the activities are completed. Besides the answers to each of the exercises in the workbook, in these Teacher Notes you will find many ideas to expand on the activities featured under Further suggestions. 2 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 2 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher Notes The texts featured in the workbook follow the specifications by QCA for examinations from 2009. Many of the activities follow the format of those prescribed for the AS examinations by AQA, Edexcel and OCR. When this is the case, they are marked with the label exam-type question (please refer to sample papers from the board for which you are preparing your students to find out which types they use). Health and Fitness Texto 1 El sueño de una España sin humo Understanding the text 1 The general issue discussed is smoking/nicotine consumption in Spain (with details of trends, anti-smoking policy and young smokers). 2 His opinion is important because he is responsible for health policy in the Spanish government. 3 By 2006, smoking in Spain had gone down by 26.4% (about a quarter of the population). 4 That despite Spanish people smoking less, tobacco sales went up by 6.4% in 2008. 5 The reason is that Spain is the smoking paradise for foreign smokers, who can buy tobacco there for half the price. 6 Yes, Spain has joined the anti-smoking policy in Europe, and the law against smoking came into force in 2006. 7 He is concerned that the law against smoking is applied in a very ‘lax’ way in Baleares, Castilla y León, Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana and La Rioja. 8 No, 67% of young people are non-smokers/only 33% smoke. 9 Yes, there is a difference. Boys are smoking less and less, while girls are smoking more and more. One of the reasons is that girls start to smoke earlier. 10 He says they don’t want to ban smoking but they want young people to be aware that it is bad for their health. Vocabulary work 1 tabaquismo 2 salud 3 descender 4 fumadores 5 humo 6 7 8 9 10 ley antitabaco Using the text 1 hemos leído 2 tabaquismo 3 muy 4 menos 5 Estamos 6 7 8 9 10 esta sanidad adictos prohibir perjudicial cobrar aprovechan consumirán bien 11 12 13 14 15 hagan en estamos para una AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 3 3 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture Further suggestions: this exercise provides a good mix of structures to determine areas where students might need more help, such as: past tenses, adverbs and adjectives, ser and estar, demonstrative adjectives, prepositions, conditional sentences (type 1: si + present and future tenses) and the present subjunctive for wish fulfilment. Tell students to work in pairs to complete the letter. Pay attention to the grammar areas where they are less proficient, so that you can reintroduce or reinforce these with other exercises. Speaking practice: ¡Tu propio comercial antitabaco! Further suggestions: Divide students into small groups for the activity and encourage different groups to prepare the advertisement in a different format (e.g. as a dialogue or a scene with the use of props). Remind each group that the ideas have to be appealing/humorous/attention-catching, for example: showing models smiling but with teeth that are yellow from the use of nicotine. For statistics at European level, you can consult the Eurostat website: Check that students use the vocabulary learnt in this chapter, and if possible revise and ask them to use the informal imperative in its affirmative (¡Mira lo que pasa cuando fumas!) and negative (¡No fumes!) forms. Texto 2 Los “Hispanics” son más saludables Understanding the text 1 V 2 F Hispanics live about 20% longer than the rest of US citizens. 7 V 8 NM 9 F Doctors are looking to see if factors such 3 V 4 F They will test 13,000 Hispanics from as the proximity of family or diet have a positive influence on the health and life expectancy of immigrants. different countries in four cities where they are concentrated (Mexicans in San Diego, 10 F If typically Hispanic factors such as family Cubans in Miami, South Americans in and diet turn out to be positive, the rest Chicago and Puerto Ricans in New York). of the US population could adopt these 5 NM 6 V Vocabulary work 1 investigación 2 dieta 3 médico 4 seguimiento customs (NB it doesn’t mean they could adopt Hispanic people). 5 6 7 8 gozan predominaban tomó/ha tomado la presión longevidad Using the text Further suggestions: Divide the class into small groups for this activity. Make sure they use past tenses (pretérito perfecto: hemos observado; pretérito indefinido: se enfermaron; pretérito imperfecto: comían) in the first person plural. Help them revise these tenses or introduce them 4 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 4 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher Notes if necessary. This is more important than the students using real information (although they could find statistics on the internet). Speaking practice Further suggestions: Make sure students feel comfortable providing information about their families and tell them that if they don’t they can make the information up. The point of the activity is to practise question forms and use vocabulary related to the family. Provide help with the formulation of questions. It might be useful to revise interrogative adverbs (‘question words’): ¿qué? ¿cómo? ¿cuál(es)? ¿cuánto/a(s)? ¿dónde? ¿cuándo? ¿por qué? Try to ensure that students gather information about more than one classmate before the whole class reports their results. Together they decide who comes from the family with the highest longevity and give their reasons. Texto 3 Una pirámide muy española Understanding the text Carnes grasas, embutidos Grasas (margarina, mantequilla) Ocasionalmente Dulces, bollería, caramelos, pasteles, bebidas, refrescantes, helados Ocasionalmente Haz ejercicio físico casi todos los dias 60 minutes Pescados y mariscos, carnes magras, huevos 3–4 raciones semana Legumbres 2–4 raciones semana Frutos secos 3–7 raciones semana Lácteos 2–4 raciones al día Frutas > 3 raciones día Vegetales (al menos una ensalada) > 2 raciones al día Aceite de oliva (cocinar y aliñar) 3–6 raciones diarias agua Arroz, pasta, pan, patatas, etc. (mejor si son integrales) 4–6 raciones al día Vocabulary work 1 pan: no es un producto lácteo 2 carne: no es un embutido 3 mantequilla: no es un tipo de pan o bollo 4 pera: es una fruta, no una verdura 5 pollo: no es un pescado 6 7 8 9 10 ag ua Agua 6–8 vasos al día tomates: no son legumbres huevo: no es un tipo de carne atún: es un pescado, no un marisco cereza: no es un fruto seco tortilla: es la comida, no un ingrediente Further suggestions: You could conduct this activity as a test first, to see how much food-related vocabulary students know. Each line, except for the last one, establishes a food category: productos lácteos, embutidos, panes y bollos, frutas y verduras, pescados, legumbres, carnes, mariscos, frutos secos. After they complete the exercise, you can give students time to work with dictionaries/the internet and ask them to add at least three more examples to the ones provided for each category. AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 5 5 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture Using the text Further suggestions: This exercise should be based on students’ opinions as well as on the reading text, which constitutes a good basis for advice. Stimulate students to analyse the opinions expressed and diagnose any problem areas. Ask them to write advice using the informal imperative, e.g. come menos comida chatarra, and to use the structure ser+ adjective + que + present subjunctive, e.g. es importante que comas verduras y frutas. Speaking practice Further suggestions: Divide the class into pairs for this activity. Make sure that students complete the chart showing what their partners have consumed in the previous week and what exercise they have taken. As in the previous activity, they could use the informal imperative, e.g. come menos dulces and the structure ser + adjective + que + present subjunctive, e.g. es bueno que hagas ejercicio todos los días to give advice. Texto 4 Una terapia con ritmo de 2 x 4 Understanding the text 1 b 3 b 2 c 4 a 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 c Vocabulary work: Un tango de palabras D A D E T O I F R A Z P R P E G T E A R N C Z M A A N P A C I E N T E Ó N Q E U S I I L C A I O R CH B L U O G R B E R E C R R A I M Ú S C U L O Í A 6 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 6 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher Notes Using the text Further suggestions: If students agree and you have time, it might be useful to summarise the story of ‘Patch’ Adams, a doctor who cheered patients up with his ‘clown therapy’. A very uplifting film of this true story (Patch Adams) stars Robin Williams (distributed by Universal Pictures, 1998). You could show the film or ask students to watch it at home and produce a summary. Speaking practice Further suggestions: This is a good opportunity for students to tell a story in the past, taking the text as a basis. Make sure they understand and follow the guidelines for the documentary and stimulate them to be creative. This activity requires the use of two main past tenses, the pretérito imperfecto: Alfredo no caminaba mucho por el Parkinson… and the pretérito indefinido: …¡pero practicó tanto tango que ahora puede manejar su auto! Introduce or reinforce the use of these tenses and make sure students use them in context. Texto 5 Los españoles, más saludables que nunca Understanding the text Párrafos 1 2 3 4 5 6 Resúmenes C G A F E D Further suggestions: This exercise not only follows the format of an exam question but also contains a ‘distractor’, which you should alert students to. Statement B claims that women in Spain suffer more illnesses than men, when the text states only that they suffer certain types of illness and that they perceive themselves to be less healthy. Vocabulary work Sustantivo 1 la salud 2 la vida 3 la sanidad 4 la longevidad 5 la ansiedad 6 la artrosis 7 la depresión 8 el reumatismo 9 la prevención 10 la gripe Adjetivo → saludable ← vivo/a → sanitario/a, sano/a → longevo/a ← ansioso/a ← artrósico/a ← deprimido/a (temporario), depresivo/a (crónico) ← reumático/a ← prevenido/a → gripal (virus), engripado/a (persona) Further suggestions: This is a good exercise to show students that words ending in –dad, –tad and –tud, as well as those ending in –ción or –sión, are feminine in gender, and those ending in –ismo are masculine. AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 7 7 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture Make sure students also understand that many adjectives are formed from the past participle of the verb (e.g. deprimido/a, depressed) and are used after the verb estar to talk about the result of an illness/action. This is similar in English. Many irregular forms or –ivo/a forms are used for recurrent illnesses or states (e.g. depresivo/a, agresivo/a) Speaking practice Juego: Doctores y enfermeras Further suggestions: This is a good opportunity to play a game in which the pronominal verb doler (me/te/le/nos/os/les duele(n)) is used in context. Make sure students use the correct pronoun and ending. You might have to revise other verbs connected with the illnesses listed by students. The group who score most points by guessing correctly what the patients are suffering from on the basis of the symptoms described are declared to be los doctores de la clase. Texto 6 Ejercicio físico, ¿para estar bellos o sanos? Understanding the text 1 Las actividades que favorecen el mantenimiento en forma son: hacer ejercicio, correr, realizar rutinas aeróbicas o ir al gimnasio para levantar pesas. 2 3 4 5 Se refiere a México. La información la dio el Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social (IMSS). Se detectó que cada vez más gente hace ejercicio para estar bella y no para estar sana. Es médico traumatólogo y además es atleta olímpico. Según él, se concentran en las articulaciones (tobillos, rodillas, cadera y muñecas). Según las estadísticas, son más comunes las lesiones en el pie. 6 Que los jóvenes no toman precauciones y quieren tener resultados inmediatos. 7 Sí, hay casos extremos, como jóvenes que desgastan tanto sus rodillas que parecen las de una persona de la tercera edad, también casos de inflamación, dolor agudo o algunos que no pueden moverse. 8 a ponerse ropa cómoda b hacer precalentamiento c estirar las extremidades: unos 5 minutos d hacer esfuerzos pequeños e caminar: 5 minutos por día f trotar g correr distancias cortas h correr distancias medianas 9 Dice que no debe ser el único objetivo, aunque es la mejor ruta. 10 Debemos cuidarnos de la obesidad, del estrés y de la hipertensión. 8 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 8 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher Notes Vocabulary work Answers 1 and 2 Further suggestions: You can ask students to label Olín Pico Atleta’s body parts in record time without looking at the dictionary or asking for help. Go through the answers with them, helping with the parts they cannot name. Using the text Póster l Usa ropa y zapatillas cómodas. l Empieza con un calentamiento previo. l Extiende brazos y piernas unos cinco minutos. l Sigue con movimientos de bajo esfuerzo. l Camina 5 minutos todos los días, para acondicionar el cuerpo. Recién después trota y después corre distancias cortas y gradualmente medianas. Ejercicio Students write five instructions for an exercise, using the informal imperative. Further suggestions: Make sure students understand how to make the affirmative and negative forms of the informal imperative before they attempt this exercise. Most verbs in the list are stem-changing, so it would be useful to draw students’ attention to their mutation: e → ie, e → i. If the class is an able one, divide it into two groups. One group has to perform the instructions given by the other, as in the game ‘Simón dice’ (‘Simon says’). AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 9 9 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture Texto 7 Unas vacaciones a todo sol (audio) Understanding the audio Ask an assistant or Spanish-speaker volunteer to take part in the dialogue with you. If possible make a recording so that the class can listen to the dialogue several times. Guión del audio Juaniña Ferreiros: Buenas tardes, soy Juaniña Ferreiros. Profesor: Buenas tardes, doctora, pienso llevar a mis alumnos en un viaje de fin de curso a Gran Canaria, y quería consultarla. Juaniña Ferreiros: ¡Vaya, qué buen cambio de nuestra lluvia en Galicia! Allí hay más radiación solar. Profesor: Queríamos saber si realmente broncearse es saludable. Juaniña Ferreiros: Es indispensable que tomemos sol para la vida en general, ayuda a la mineralización de los huesos y a la síntesis de vitaminas. ¡También es excelente para el humor! Profesor: Es verdad que alegra, ¿por qué? Juaniña Ferreiros: Es porque bajo el sol producimos melanina, que absorbe la energía solar. Sería como si cargamos gasolina en el coche. La melanina nos protege creando una pantalla, de ahí viene el color marrón o dorado. Profesor: O sea que nos recomienda tomar mucho sol. Juaniña Ferreiros: ¡Cuidado! Esa pantalla no es suficiente para prevenir los efectos nocivos del sol. Depende de la piel y los cabellos, tenemos distintos “fototipos”, es decir, si sus chicos son muy rubios, se quemarán y necesitarán protegerse, y los más morenitos se broncearán intensamente, pero no se quemarán tanto. Profesor: ¿Y qué me recomienda más, la playa o la piscina? Juaniña Ferreiros: Bueno, tened muy en cuenta que la arena refleja los rayos solares de un 15 a un 25%, el agua de 10 a 20%, la hierba de 0,4 a 4% y la nieve de 75 a 95%. Profesor: ¡Increíble! Bueno, combinaremos las dunas de las playas del sur con la hierba, entonces. Muchas gracias por sus consejos. Juaniña Ferreiros: ¡Que tengáis unas vacaciones soleadas! Answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 b c a b a c 10 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 10 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher Notes Vocabulary work 1 los rayos solares 2 se quemó 3 se broncea 4 indispensable 5 efecto nocivo 6 tomaba sol 7 piel 8 protege Using the text Sample answer 1 …es bueno que te protejas del sol. 2 …es conveniente que tomes sol gradualmente. 3 …es importante que hagas ejercicio para no engordar. 4 …sería bueno que comas platos mediterráneos sanos. 5 …es indispensable que duermas por lo menos 8 horas por día. 6 …sería ideal que ustedes vayan a un sitio cultural. 7 …es esencial que os divirtáis de una forma sana. 8 …es preferible que consumas la comida local. 9 …sería aconsejable que no tomes riesgos en el mar. 10 …es importante que no consumas alcohol. Further suggestions: Make sure students understand why the present subjunctive is used for this structure (it expresses a wish that might not be fulfilled). If possible, introduce or practise the formation of this tense and mood with the class before they attempt the exercise. Texto 8 La siesta es salud, no sólo cultura Understanding the text 1 La siesta es un buen hábito/no es en absoluto un mal hábito hispano. 2 Einstein dormía una siesta después de comer, y Churchill dormía una media horita, lo que ayudó a los Aliados. 3 Sujetos no hispanos de un experimento demostraron que la siesta es tan buena como el sueño de una noche. 4 5 6 7 El experimento duró un total de 3 días y el 50% de los sujetos durmió siesta. Dormimos más profundamente cuando se mueven los ojos (rápidamente), a los 90 minutos. Los sujetos cambiaban imágenes en las pantallas de sus computadoras. Pudo verse cómo los que durmieron, especialmente profundamente, tenían mejores resultados. 8 Se comprobó que la siesta refuerza las neuronas y nos hace recordar cosas/tener buena memoria. 9 Según el doctor Guillermo Toyos, lo ideal es dormir unos 90 minutos. AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 11 11 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture 10 Hay que romper la actividad entre la mañana y la tarde con una siesta o paseos. Vocabulary work Verbo Sustantivo Adjetivo Ejemplo: descansar descanso descansado/a 1 almorzar almuerzo almorzado/a 2 estimular estímulo estimulado/a; estimulante 3 ayudar ayuda ayudante 4 demostrar demostración demostrado/a 5 soñar sueño; soñador/a soñador/a; somnoliento/a 6 reunirse reunión reunido/a 7 profundizar profundidad profundo/a 8 probar; hacer pruebas prueba probado/a 9 experimentar experiencia experimentado/a 10 reforzar refuerzo reforzado/a Further suggestions: Each line in the box contains one word category found in the text. Help students by telling them to find these and to try to work out the endings of nouns (sustantivos) and adjectives (adjetivos) by using appropriate suffixes. Point out that stem-changing verbs like those in 8 and 10 (probar and reforzar) will change the stem in their nouns (prueba and refuerzo) but not their adjectives (probado and reforzado). Using the text Further suggestions: This exercise will enable students to analyse their own customs in a ‘scientific’ manner. Ask them to be as objective as possible when referring to their own countries, and to avoid stereotypes or negative portrayals. Speaking practice: Experimento “español” Further suggestions: Encourage the class to be creative, making sure that they use the Spanish language as the objective of their experiment. They could use the examples provided or change them partially or completely (e.g. the subjects could be their teachers and the conditions might be that they have to learn facts in Spanish). If possible, ask the class to gather their data and to write a report of about 200 words at the end of the experiment. Youth Culture Texto 9 Los jóvenes “ciberhispanos” Understanding the text 1 Horacio 2 Germán 12 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 12 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher 3 4 5 6 7 8 Notes Lucila Lucila Mariela Germán Horacio Germán Vocabulary work 1 descargo pelis de sitios web 2 está chido (Méx), lo que mola (E) 3 mando mensajitos 4 manejar tres pantallas 5 entrar 6 las redes sociales 7 estoy enganchada con 8 se quieren aprovechar de ti Further suggestions: Ask students to complete the exercise without looking at the text first. They can then check how well they remember the vocabulary by finding the equivalents and checking their answers. Speaking practice Juego: ¿Quién es este/a cibercompañero/a? Further suggestions: Ask students to write the answers to the questions in full sentences. If necessary, help them with vocabulary but try not to read their cards, so that you can play the game with them. This game is simply a way to test how well students know each other, and not a competition. Every time a student guesses the person, they have to explain why they have done so (e.g. es él/ella porque todos los días me manda un mensaje en Facebook). At the end of the game, ask the class to establish which is the most popular online activity and why it is preferred. Texto 10 ¿Por qué existe el “botellón” español? Understanding the text 1 h 6 j 2 a 7 m 3 e 8 g 4 l 9 c 5 b 10 k Vocabulary work antisocial ≠ social encerrado ≠ al aire libre despejarse, estar sobrio/a ≠ emborracharse AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 13 13 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture se inhiben ≠ se desinhiben innovador ≠ tradicional ocupación; trabajo ≠ ocio aburrirse ≠ divertirse derrochar ≠ ahorrar enemigos ≠ amigos ahorradores ≠ consumidores descuidar ≠ vigilar pacíficos ≠ violentos Using the text 1 escribo 2 festejó 3 Estoy 4 ver 5 bebieron 6 charlaban 7 controló 8 habían prometido/prometieron 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 hubo debe/debería Entiendo son/sean Somos se divierte están perdiendo Further suggestions: This exercise provides practice of tenses (the present simple and continuous, preterite, imperfect, pluperfect, conditional) and moods (infinitive, indicative and subjunctive) that students need to be familiar with at this level. If necessary, revise their formation before students attempt the activity, or provide them with an aide-memoire on the board. If the class is an able one, they could write an answer from the mayor to Ms Sáez Rodríguez as homework. Speaking practice Juicio: El botellón: ¿legal o ilegal? Further suggestions: Try to divide the class into two groups of equal size. This mock trial gives students a chance to expand on the subject of the text. They can gather more data on the practice of the botellón and use anything they have found on the internet for their argument. Make sure all students speak during their preparation and argument, which can have a minimum time limit to ensure participation. Decide which group has made a stronger case and ban or legalise the botellón accordingly. Students can find more information on the legality of the practice on the web. 14 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 14 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher Notes Texto 11 Los jóvenes argentinos ya no hacen siesta Understanding the text b, f, g, h, j Vocabulary work 1 e 6 c 2 d 7 g 3 k 8 j 4 h 9 f 5 a 10 i Using the text Further suggestions: Encourage students to write about a habit their elders had when they were young that they don’t have any more, like the one mentioned in the text. If possible, help them with your own experience. Stimulate the use of vocabulary from the text and encourage them to give a clear outline of why the habit they have chosen to write about has changed or disappeared altogether. Speaking practice Debate: Los jóvenes de hoy vivimos mejor que nuestros padres Further suggestions: Try to divide the class into two equal size groups for this activity. Students should use their own opinions, however subjective, for the debate. Stimulate an open discussion (this tends to be heated amongst Hispanic people, so you can stimulate them into being very assertive!). Ask a student to moderate the debate and to bring it to a positive conclusion, pointing out the positive aspects of both positions and reaching a compromise. Texto 12 ¡Pero, qué dices! Understanding the text 1 She is in Madrid and she is having problems because although she studied Spanish she can’t understand what her friends are saying. 2 She is a 16-year-old girl from Madrid. All her friends would understand her, but not Jenny, who is a foreign exchange student. 3 They adopt the slang that is characteristic of their age group. Spain isn’t the only country where this happens, it is commonplace in most countries. 4 They gradually abandon the slang they used when they were young. 5 They are looking for a way to identify with one another and have fun. 6 They use words from other groups or countries, such as pibe (boy), from Argentina. They deform words such as curro (work) into curreta (worker). They reinterpret acronyms and brands, such as Adidas. 7 “¡Qué aburrimiento! Ahora que tienes dinero puedes cambiar de estilo, con tu glamour vas a conquistar a un superhombre.” AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 15 15 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture ‘What a bore! Now that you’ve got money you can change your style and with your glamorous looks you’ll conquer a superman.’ 8 The latest fashion is to use the simplified terms with no vowels that are used in chat rooms, SMS messages or e-mails. These can be seen on clothes, music and in advertisements. 9 It is not a sign of poverty of expression, but rather a linguistic code used by young people together with the normal one, which therefore enriches the young person’s vocabulary. 10 He/She claims that in the era of mass communication, young people’s Spanish is more alive than ever. He/She thinks that Jenny should go out more often to find out how amazing it is to speak like they do. Vocabulary work Así lo dirían en España… DEFORMACOLOQUIAL DEFORMANORMALOSERIA 1 ¡No te montes la peli! ↔ ¡No te hagas ilusiones! 2 Tú eres uno más de la peña. ↔ Tú perteneces a nuestro grupo. 3 ¿Qué dices? No entiendo ni jota. ↔ ¿Qué dices? No te entiendo. 4 ¡Estoy que flipo en colores! ↔ ¡Estoy muy impresionada! 5 Allí vienen los chavales. ↔ Allí vienen los muchachos. 6 Es un pibe muy simpático. ↔ Es un chico muy simpático. 7 Tengo un curro en un bar. ↔ Tengo un trabajo en un bar. 8 Mola hablar como los jóvenes. ↔ Me gusta mucho hablar como los jóvenes. Using the text Further suggestions: As students tend to be shy about expressing themselves colloquially in front of teachers, this exercise lets them explain their vocabulary in written form. Encourage them to be open and to write down what they normally use with their friends. If the class is willing, share the answers from candidates. If possible, compare them with your experience or that of their parents. Speaking practice Juego: Un código muy español Further suggestions: Make sure students understand the premise of the game: that they create their own slang using a ‘code’. They can only use similar categories of words, i.e. they can only replace adjectives with other adjectives, or verbs with verbs. They have to be consistent in the whole paragraph and try to include several clues for others to guess correctly. This activity not only helps students to enjoy being creative but concentrates on their ability to make adjectives agree in gender and number with their nouns and verbs with their persons. 16 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 16 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher Notes Texto 13 Una carta “desconectada” Understanding the text 1 Anita estará sorprendida de recibir una carta de Lili. 2 En la clase del colegio de Lili no deben usar objetos electrónicos para probar si son más comunicativos que antes. 3 Lili no extraña usar el teléfono celular en tres días. 4 Ella no pudo encontrar/habló poco en teléfonos públicos, porque casi no hay/hay muy pocos en el D.F. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Siente que antes conocía menos a la gente cercana, y ahora mucho más. Le resultó muy difícil no poder llevar su reproductor MP3 o computador a ninguna parte. Ella aprendió a tocar la guitarra, y ahora toca música rock/tiene onda rockera. Presiente que no será la misma persona después de la experiencia. Lili no puede sobrevivir sin el e-mail de su novio, a quien no le gusta escribir cartas de amor. Las cartas valen más que los mensajes inmediatos según ella, y espera recibir una de su amiga. Vocabulary work 1 3 A M I G C O N O C A R 6 E L P R O D U C E 7 T E N C D É T E F R C O R C O M U N N I 11 C S O 13 M E N E Ú D S A A C I R I O B I R 9 I C C A O N F C J 3 L C T I O T O I V A R T 12 I A M O R S S N E I 14 G I S R C A O 10 Ó O L E O R M P E 8 E S 4 P 5 2 S E L U L A R A AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 17 17 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture Using the text Further suggestions: Students have the opportunity to point out facts and to build stories with this activity. Ask the class to write their article in a formal style, if possible. If they are willing, they could compete for the most original article and read them out loud for votes from their classmates. Speaking practice Debate: ¿Somos esclavos de la tecnología? Further suggestions: In this activity, students should not write down their opinions for the debate, but rather express them naturally, with the help of vocabulary and hints from you. This provides practice for when they have to think ‘on their feet’ in exam conditions. If possible give or ask for hypothetical situations where they would not have access to their MP3 players/ computers/mobile phones/game consoles etc. so that they react to them. If possible, bring the debate to a positive conclusion. Texto 14 Un videojuego muy controvertido Understanding the text 1 b 6 a 2 c 7 b 3 b 8 b 4 a 9 c 5 c 10 b Vocabulary work Verbo Sustantivo Adjetivo Ejemplo: preocupar preocupación preocupante, preocupado/a 1 exasperar exasperación exasperante, exasperado/a 2 azotar azote azotado/a 3 entusiasmar entusiasmo entusiasmado/a 4drogar(se) droga, drogadicción drogado/a 5 diseñar diseñador/a diseñado/a 6 romantizar romanticismo romántico/a 7 promover promoción promovido/a,promotor/a 8 ultrajar ultraje ultrajado/a 9 criticar crítica criticado/a; crítico/a 10 leer lector, lectura leído/a Using the text This activity lends itself to an oral discussion of the questions. You can conduct one before students answer the letter. Try and elicit their true reactions to such games without judging. If necessary, introduce or reinforce the use of structures to express obligation (deber/tener que/ hay que + infinitive), the conditional to express improbability (si + imperfect subjunctive … 18 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 18 29/09/2009 10:22 Student Workbook Teacher Notes conditional) and the contrast between me parece que/creo que + indicative and no me parece/ no creo que + subjunctive. Speaking practice Role-play: ¡En el SHOW de JERRY PRIMAVERA! Further suggestions: This role-play is clearly based on the controversial Jerry Springer Show on television. You should let the whole class get involved in the situation and allow them to express their views, even if they have strong opinions that you disagree with. You should help them with the necessary vocabulary to express their thoughts, mainly by focusing on examples. Help Jerry Primavera with his final thoughts if necessary. Texto 15 ¿No tomaste alcohol? ¡Ganaste un premio! Understanding the text 1 V 2 F From this evening, all young people arriving at INK by car will have to designate a driver, and they will have to do it in all bars and pubs from 5 July. 3 V 4 F They will be tested/breathalysed on the way out, and if they get a negative result they will win prizes. 5 6 7 8 9 10 NM V NM V F He defended the programme, which prevents alcohol intake and road accidents. F According to him, this measure is positive and will show good results in the long term. Vocabulary work 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 7 8 9 10 b a b b a Using the text En (1) la ciudad de (2) Buenos Aires se ha implementado un sistema nuevo para (3) estimular la responsabilidad de (4) los jóvenes que conducen. Tras/Al (5) haber experimentado muchos problemas por/con (6) la alta cantidad de (7) alcohol que consumen, y especialmente antes de (8) conducir sus coches, el Gobierno promueve la responsabilidad con (9) premios. Esto ayuda a (10) los que no beben a (11) sentirse más motivados, y ha dado buenos resultados hasta (12) ahora. Los premios, con (13) los que se puede entrar a (14) conciertos o partidos de (15) fútbol, son muy buenos, y el grupo completo puede competir por (16) teléfonos o reproductores MP3, por (17) ejemplo. AS Spanish: Health and Fitness & Youth Culture AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 19 19 29/09/2009 10:22 AS Spanish Health and Fitness & Youth Culture Según/Para (18) los responsables de (19) esta política, es extremadamente positiva y efectiva para (20) cuidar la seguridad. Further suggestions: This exercise is a good test of how well students use prepositions, including por and para and según and tras, which tend to cause the most problems. Make sure students understand them in context and not by translating them. If possible, provide examples on the board of how to use all the prepositions. Speaking practice Further suggestions: This exercise is typical of the AQA AS speaking exam. Make sure students understand the instructions and only write down key words and phrases for their answers. You can conduct this as a class discussion or as a mock interview with individual students. In either case, provide the necessary vocabulary and/or structures to keep the conversation going. © Philip Allan Updates 2009 ISBN 978-1-4441-0431-8 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without either the prior written permission of Philip Allan Updates or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London, EC1N 8TS. Hachette UK’s policy is to use papers that are natural, renewable and recyclable products and made from wood grown in sustainable forests. The logging and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. 20 AS Spanish HF&YC TN.indd 20 29/09/2009 10:22