SHSM BUSINESS @ NORTH PARK STARTING SEPTEMBER 2011 The Specialist High Skills Major North Park Secondary School will offer the NPSS Business Studies Specialist Pathway Program beginning in September 2011. All current students in Grade 10 or 11 who qualify and students entering in Grade 9 will have the opportunity to participate in this exciting new program THE PATHWAY TO SUCCESS This program enables our students to customize their high school experience to suit their interest and talents in Business Studies It helps students prepare for a successful post secondary transition to university, college, the workplace or an apprenticeship while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) The Knowledge and Skills for Success The SHSM provides North Park students in all pathways a unique high school experience that reflects their interest in the business field. DID YOU KNOW... The city of Brampton is home to some 8000 businesses. 70% of these businesses are deemed “micro-businesses”, employing five or fewer employees. * This is evidence of the entrepreneurial spirit of the community, the incredible prospects for growth in employment, and the need for graduates with the skills and knowledge to help these businesses become global leaders. * City of Brampton Economic Development Office: Succeeding in a Knowledge­Based Economy: Assessing Opportunities for Brampton’s Workforce Development Program DISCUSSION PAPER continued on page 2 Careers in Finance: Accountants, Auditors and Investment Professionals, Finance and Insurance Clerks , Managers in Financial and Business Services ,Business Owner Careers in Business Management: Administrative Service Managers, Nongovernmental organizations, Fund, Raising and Community Leadership, Human Resources and Business Service Professionals, Sales, Marketing and Advertising Managers, Policy and Program Officers, Researchers and Consultants Careers in Business Technology: Systems Analysts and Computer Programmers, Managers in Engineering and Information Systems, Technical Occupations in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Technical Sales Specialist , Computer Technicians, Network Administrators The SHSM @ North Park Secondary School opportunities for our students. This will include campus visits, collaborative learning exercises with students in the post secondary institutions and opportunities for students to experience lectures, increase their understanding of the university/college pathway and develop familiarity the overall postsecondary learning environment. ••• The SHSM Business at North Park Secondary School is based on providing students in all pathways the opportunity to develop into business leaders who think globally, act strategically and contribute to the advancement and competitiveness of our community and country. POST SECONDARY PARTNERS The post-secondary partners will provide both reach-ahead experiences and experiential learning THE PATHWAYS CHART exploration activities within the sector 4.Reach ahead experiences connected with the student’s postsecondary plans 5.Development of Essential Skills and work habits required in the sector, and documentation of them using the Ontario Skills Passport PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS 1.A bundle of nine Grade 11 and Grade 12 credits that comprises: (a)four (4) business major courses (b)Three other required credits in English and Math The SHSM will allow students to customize their high school experience to reflect their interest in the field of business. The SHSM will contribute to a unique learning experience that will prepare students for lifelong success. The program will allow students the opportunity to explore the world of business, to develop the skills and knowledge for success in the global economy and become leaders in their chosen pathway. 3.Experiential learning and career (c)Two cooperative education credits tied to the business sector 2.Six sector-recognized certifications and/or training courses/programs (four compulsory and a choice of two electives) Apprenticeship Training Destination FROM THE PRINCIPAL Since 2004, North Pa rk has been home to the IBT region al program that has provided a un ique learning experience for our stu dents. The SHSM Business build s upon this great tradition and off ers a unique program open to all students in the North Park communit y. The SHSM is a part of our commi tment to student success by pr oviding challenging and memo rable academic and leadersh ip opportunities for all of our students. Mr. Geale College Destination University Destination Entry Level Workplace Destination Grade 11 Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 12 ENG3E0 ENG4E0 ENG3C0 ENG4C0 ENG3U0 ENG4U0 ENG3E0 ENG4E0 MBF3E0 MEL4E0 MBF3C0 MDM4U0 MAP4C0 MCF3M OR OR MCR3U MHF4U0 MEL3E0 MEL4E0 BTA300 BOG4E0 BTA300 BOH4M0 BAF3M0 BAT4M0 OR BOH4M0 BTA300 BTX4E0 BMI3C0 BTX4E0 BDI3C0 BDV4C0 BTA300 BBB4M0 BAI3E0 BOG4E0 Co-Op Co-Op Co-Op Co-Op