planning justification report

Proposed Warehouse Distribution Centre
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
April 2012
Planning Justification Report
Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Page No.
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Description of the Subject Lands............................................................................ 1 1.3 The Proposal .......................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Access .................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 PLANNING DOCUMENTS .................................................................................... 7 2.1 Provincial Policy Statement .................................................................................... 7 2.2 Growth Plan............................................................................................................ 7 2.3 Region of Peel Official Plan & ROPA 24 (Subject to Appeal) ................................ 8 2.4 Town-Initiated ROPA Application ......................................................................... 13 2.5 Town of Caledon Official Plan .............................................................................. 17 2.6 Town of Caledon OPA 226 (Subject to Appeal) ................................................... 20 2.7 Town of Caledon Coleraine West Area Secondary Plan ...................................... 22 2.8 Town of Caledon Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2006-50 ........................... 23 2.9 Solmar Development Corporation ROPA and OPA Application ........................... 24 3.0 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS .............................................................................. 25 3.1 Official Plan Amendment ...................................................................................... 25 3.2 Zoning By-law Amendment .................................................................................. 25 4.0 PLANNING ANALYSIS ....................................................................................... 27 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement .................................................................................. 27 4.2 Growth Plan.......................................................................................................... 28 4.3 Region of Peel Official Plan (Including ROPA 24)................................................ 31 4.4 Town of Caledon Official Plan .............................................................................. 33 4.5 Town of Caledon OPA 226 (As Adopted by the Town) ........................................ 36 4.6 MOE Land Use Guideline..................................................................................... 38 4.7 Location and Compatibility ................................................................................... 40 4.8 Industrial Design Brief .......................................................................................... 41 4.9 Cultural Heritage Impact Statement ..................................................................... 41 4.10 Functional Servicing Report ................................................................................. 42 4.11 Noise Impact Feasibility Study ............................................................................. 42 4.12 Hydrogeological Impact Assessment ................................................................... 42 Zelinka Priamo Ltd.
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Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
4.13 Water Resources Study ....................................................................................... 43 4.14 Water Balance/Budget Analysis ........................................................................... 43 4.15 Transportation Considerations Study ................................................................... 43 4.16 Fiscal Impact Analysis .......................................................................................... 44 4.17 Tree Inventory & Analysis .................................................................................... 45 4.18 Environment Impact Study ................................................................................... 45 4.19 Archaeological Report .......................................................................................... 46 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 47 Zelinka Priamo Ltd.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
On behalf of Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited, Zelinka Priamo Ltd. has submitted an
application to the Town of Caledon to amend the Town of Caledon Official Plan and
Zoning By-law for lands known municipally as 13074, 13218, 13226, 13240, 13262
and 13304 Coleraine Drive, in the Town of Caledon (the subject lands). Canadian Tire
Real Estate Limited has the lands under agreement of purchase and sale. The
amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law are proposed to facilitate the
development of a warehouse distribution facility and associated uses.
The purpose of the following land use assessment is to provide planning justification
for the proposed warehouse distribution facility and associated uses under a proposed
General Industrial designation within the Bolton Settlement Boundary and Serviced
Industrial exception zone.
The subject lands are located at the northwest quadrant of Coleraine Drive and
Healey Road in the Town of Caledon (see Figure 1) and comprise approximately 73.1
ha (180.7 ac).
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
The subject lands are predominantly vacant, with the exception of the Shore-Wakely
Stone House at 13304 Coleraine Drive and residential dwellings at 13218, 13226,
13240, 13262 Coleraine Drive (see Figure 2). The subject lands are relatively flat and
other than two drainage channels that are proposed to be relocated on-site, there are
no significant features on the site that would constrain the proposed development.
Surrounding land uses include (see Figure 3):
Industrial uses to the north and east of Coleraine Drive;
Agricultural uses to the south; and
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Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Agricultural uses to the west with several residential uses to the southwest
along Healey Road.
At this time, Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited is proposing an approximately 132,201
sq. m (1,423,000 sq. ft.) warehouse distribution centre (including an approximately
5,203 sq. m (56,000 sq. ft.) two-storey office component) along with associated
buildings and uses for a total gross floor area of approximately 138,594 sq. m
(1,491,814 sq. ft.). As the project is still in a conceptual phase, the proposed
warehouse distribution centre site design and buildings may be subject to change. On
a preliminary basis, the associated buildings and uses may include (see Figure 4):
An approximately 1,378 sq. m (14,830 sq .ft.) trailer certification building with
observation tower;
Inbound and Outbound guardhouse buildings of approximately 66 sq. m (710
sq. ft) each;
An approximately 501 sq. m (5,395 sq. ft.) container stacking shed;
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Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
An approximately 4,181 sq. m (45,000 sq. ft.), two-storey transportation
operations building;
An approximately 109 sq. m (1,175 sq. ft.) Electrical High Voltage Shed;
An approximately 92 sq. m (994 sq. ft.) Pump House; and
An outdoor fueling station.
In addition, on a preliminary basis, the Shore-Wakely Stone House is proposed to be
utilized as a “prayer hut” and employee lunch facility, with the grounds utilized for an
employee lunch area.
On a preliminary basis, the warehouse distribution facility will feature a total of
approximately 268 loading positions, including 130 receiving dock positions and 138
shipping dock positions (see Figures 4 and 5). Approximately 1,718 trailer positions
are proposed, along with 500 chassi positions and 100 truck cab parking positions.
About 948 vehicle parking spaces are proposed. Approximately 404 container storage
positions are proposed at ground level, which may be stacked up to 5 containers high,
with the potential for a total of about 1,616 container storage spaces.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Access to the subject lands is proposed from Coleraine Drive and Healey Road (see
Figure 4) as follows:
A truck entrance is proposed at a new signalized entrance on Coleraine Drive
at Holland Drive. The intersection is proposed to be designed to prohibit
through movements;
A proposed right-in/right-out/left-in employee parking entrance from Coleraine
Drive; and
A proposed all turns entrance from Healey Road to the employee parking for
the warehouse distribution building.
Coleraine Drive has a planned right-of-way width of 36 m according to Schedule K of
the Town of Caledon Official Plan, while Healey Road has a planned right-of-way
width of 26 m. According to the Official Plan, Schedule J, Coleraine Drive is a Medium
Capacity Arterial Road, while Healey Road is a Collector Road (see Figure 16). The
Bolton Arterial Road Network Conceptual Corridor is designated along Coleraine Drive
(see Figure 16), as recommended in the Bolton Arterial Roads Environmental
Assessment Report (as amended 1997). A Transportation Considerations study dated
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April 2012
December 2011 was prepared by BA Group in support of the application and is
discussed under Section 4.15 of this report.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
The 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), issued under the authority of Section 3
of the Planning Act, “provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related
to land use planning and development” in order to ensure efficient, cost effective
development and the protection of resources.
The Growth Plan provides guidance for decisions and a growth management policy
direction for the Greater Golden Horseshoe to the year 2031. Under the Growth Plan
Land Use Concept Schedule 2 (see Figure 6), the subject lands are currently outside
of both the Built-Up and Designated Greenfield Areas. As discussed in Section 2.4,
the proposed Town-initiated Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) to expand the
settlement area boundary of the Bolton Rural Service Centre, would bring the subject
lands within the scope of a “Settlement Area” as “Designated Greenfield Area”, as
defined in the Growth Plan.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 24 was adopted by the Region of Peel
Council on April 22, 2010. ROPA 24 is intended to implement the results of the
Region’s Growth Plan conformity review, and accordingly to bring the Regional Official
Plan into conformity with the Growth Plan. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing issued a draft decision on October 27, 2010, which included a number of
modifications as well as two non-decision items. A final decision for ROPA 24 was not
issued within the regulatory 180 days and ROPA 24 was subsequently appealed to
the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) by Solmar Development Corporation. At the time
of writing this Planning Justification Report, while the OMB appeal is ongoing, a
proposed settlement between the Ministry, the Region of Peel and its constituent area
municipalities was issued on September 26, 2011. The policies referenced and noted
below that are based on the proposed ROPA 24 settlement are subject to the
outcome of the OMB appeal.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
According to the in force Region of Peel Official Plan, the subject lands are designated
Prime Agricultural Area under Schedule B (see Figure 7).
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Under Schedule D Regional Structure of the Region of Peel Official Plan, the subject
lands are within the Rural System, immediately adjacent to the existing Bolton Rural
Service Centre (see Figure 8). As discussed in Section 2.4, the Town of Caledon has
initiated a ROPA application to expand the settlement area boundary of the Bolton
Rural Service Centre, which would include the subject lands.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Under Schedule E of the Region of Peel Official Plan, Coleraine Drive is designated
as a Major Road (see Figure 9).
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
According to Figure 16 of the Region of Peel Official Plan related to the Growth Plan
policy areas, the subject lands are within the Agricultural and Rural Area and are
currently outside of the Built-up Area and Designated Greenfield Area (see Figure 10).
As discussed in Section 2.4, the Town-initiated ROPA application to expand the
settlement area boundary of the Bolton Rural Service Centre would bring the subject
lands into the Designated Greenfield Area.
Under ROPA 24 as originally adopted by Regional Council, the subject lands are
within an area designated “Settlement Study Area”, which is intended to delineate
areas within which the Town of Caledon may propose settlement area expansions to
accommodate forecast population and employment growth to 2031, if identified
through a municipal comprehensive review and subject to implementation through a
further amendment to the Regional Official Plan. The policies of ROPA 24 contain a
number of criteria that must be considered in the context of such a municipal
comprehensive review. The proposed modifications to ROPA 24 in the government
agencies’ proposed settlement delete the Settlement Study Area designation.
However, the policies of ROPA 24 as proposed to be modified contemplate future
expansions to the Bolton Rural Service Area to accommodate forecast growth, to be
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Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
implemented through a municipal comprehensive review and amendment to the
Regional Official Plan.
On September 20, 2010 the Town of Caledon submitted a ROPA application with
respect to a proposed expansion to the boundary of the Bolton Rural Service Centre.
The application relates to a settlement boundary expansion in two geographic areas:
lands adjacent to the current employment area along Coleraine Drive (including the
subject lands) for additional employment lands, as well as lands at the north east
corner of Columbia Way and Regional Road 50 for a supermarket and related retail
uses (see Figure 11). The Town-initiated ROPA has been circulated by the Region,
but has not been the subject of a public meeting.
The municipal comprehensive review process undertaken by the Town in
collaboration with the Region of Peel for the ROPA application included the
preparation of the following studies:
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Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
South Albion-Bolton Community Plan Population and Employment Forecasts
and Allocations Study;
Employment Land Needs Study;
Bolton Commercial Policy Review;
Comprehensive Environmental Impact Study and Management Plan;
Transportation Impact Study;
Agricultural Impact Assessment;
Cultural Heritage Landscapes Assessment and Built Heritage Resources
Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment;
South Albion-Bolton Settlement Boundary Expansion Study for Employment
Lands and North Hill Supermarket;
Water and Wastewater Servicing Study;
Fiscal and Economic Impact Assessment Study; and
Planning Justification Report.
The proposed amendments to the Region of Peel Official Plan include the following
(note that the section numbers and text have not been updated to reflect proposed
modifications to ROPA 24 contained in the government agencies’ proposed
Chapter 5, Section 5.4.3 Rural Service Centres, is amended by adding the
following paragraph after the last sentence of the first paragraph: “The Bolton
Rural Service Centre settlement boundary has been expanded on the basis of
a municipal comprehensive review and is consistent with Section 5.4.7, 5.5
and 7.9 of the Plan to accommodate the need for employment land to the year
2031…”; and
Chapter 5, Section, is amended by adding a new subsection as follows: “The Bolton Rural Service Centre boundary is
expanded to include 251 gross ha (620 gross acres) for lands to accommodate
the Town of Caledon’s employment land needs to the year 2031…”
The Town’s proposed amendments to the Region of Peel Official Plan include an
amendment to Schedule B Prime Agricultural Area to remove the area shown in blue
(hatched area) including the subject lands, from the Prime Agricultural Area (see
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Figure 12) and an amendment to Schedule D Regional Structure to add the areas
outlined in red including the subject lands, to the Bolton Rural Service Centre
settlement area (see Figure 13).
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April 2012
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Under the Town of Caledon Official Plan, the subject lands are currently outside the
Bolton Settlement Area and are designated Prime Agricultural Area (see Figure 14).
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
According to Schedule C Bolton Land Use Plan of the Caledon Official Plan, the
subject lands are designated Prime Agricultural with a small area designated
Environmental Policy Area (to the north of Healey Road) and are currently located
outside of the 2021 Settlement Boundary (see Figure 15). The Bolton Arterial Road
Network Conceptual Corridor is shown along the Coleraine Drive frontage of the
subject lands.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
According to the Town of Caledon Official Plan, Schedule J Long Range Road
Network, Coleraine Drive is a Medium Capacity Arterial Road, while Healey Road is a
Collector Road (see Figure 16). The Bolton Arterial Road Network Conceptual
Corridor is designated along Coleraine Drive.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Coleraine Drive has a planned right-of-way width of 36 m according to Schedule K of
the Town of Caledon Official Plan, while Healey Road has a planned right-of-way
width of 26 m (see Figure 17).
On June 8, 2010 the Town of Caledon enacted By-law No. 2010-081 to adopt OPA
226, to bring the Official Plan into conformity with new Provincial policy directions.
OPA 226 was drafted to conform with Peel’s ROPA 24, as adopted, as outlined in
Section 2.3. OPA 226 is currently subject to appeal, and it is expected that
modifications to OPA 226 will be required to reflect the modifications to ROPA 24 that
are anticipated to be made by the OMB through the outstanding appeal.
According to Schedule A1 Town Structure from OPA 226 as adopted, the subject
lands lie outside of the existing Bolton Rural Service Centre and are designated
Settlement Study Areas (see Figure 18). However, as discussed in Section 2.3 above,
the Settlement Study Area designation is proposed to be deleted from ROPA 24 under
the proposed settlement between the Ministry, the Region and its local municipalities.
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Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Accordingly, it is anticipated that OPA 226 will also eventually be modified to delete
the Settlement Study Area designation.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Under OPA 226, Schedule C Bolton Land Use Plan, there are no amendments that
would affect the subject lands as the lands continue to lie outside the Bolton Rural
Service Centre (see Figure 19).
The Town of Caledon has initiated the South Albion-Bolton Employment and North Hill
Settlement Boundary Expansion in the context of the Town-initiated ROPA application
as outlined in Section 2.4, which is also expected to result in a Local Official Plan
Amendment (LOPA) and the Coleraine West Area Secondary Plan. In order to
prepare a LOPA for the employment area that would include the subject lands, the
Town is undertaking background studies that build upon the work completed for the
Town-initiated ROPA application and municipal comprehensive review to expand the
Bolton Rural Service Centre including:
A Transportation Management Plan;
A Fiscal Impact Assessment;
A Comprehensive Environmental Impact Study and Management Plan; and
Recommendations for Eco-Business Employment Land Development.
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Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
Under the Town of Caledon Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2006-50, as
amended, the subject lands are zoned Agricultural One (A1), with a small area zoned
Environmental Policy Area Two (EPA2) (see Figure 20).
Permitted uses within the A1 zone include a range of farm associated uses, such as:
Gasoline Pump Island, Accessory;
Livestock Facility;
Open Storage, Accessory; and
Produce Storage Building.
Permitted uses under the EPA2 zone include:
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Environmental Management;
Farm (Existing);
Forest Management;
Home Occupation; and
Recreation, non-intensive.
April 2012
Consequently, while Open Storage, Accessory and Gasoline Pump Island, and
Accessory uses are permitted under the A2 Zone, the proposed warehouse
distribution facility is currently not permitted on the subject lands and a Zoning By-law
Amendment is required.
Solmar Development Corporation is proposing the Humber Station Villages
community, which at build-out would accommodate approximately 21,000 persons
and 11,000 jobs on 740 hectares (1,830 acres). The proposed community is generally
located west of Coleraine Drive, north of Mayfield Road, east of The Gore Road and
south of Healey Road. According to the Colour Concept Plan, the subject lands would
form part of the Humber Station Villages community and are proposed for
Employment uses.
Solmar Development Corporation submitted a ROPA application to the Region of
Peel. According to the draft ROPA, Schedule D, the subject lands are included under
the application to extend the Bolton Rural Service Centre area.
Solmar also submitted an OPA application to the Town of Caledon to amend the
Bolton/South-Albion Rural Service Centre Area to permit the proposed Humber
Station Villages community. It is our understanding that the application is not currently
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Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
In the event that there is a delay to the Town-initiated LOPA and Secondary Plan for
the South Albion-Bolton Employment and North Hill Settlement Boundary Expansion
that is anticipated to designate the subject lands for industrial (employment) uses
within the Bolton Settlement Area, an Official Plan Amendment is proposed for the
subject lands to amend “Schedule C” Bolton Land Use Plan of the Town of Caledon
Official Plan to expand the Settlement Boundary to include the subject lands and
redesignate the subject lands from Prime Agricultural and Environmental Policy Area
to General Industrial. In addition, a site specific policy is proposed,
whereby notwithstanding Section, two direct accesses to Coleraine Drive
would be permitted for the subject lands. The Official Plan Amendment is proposed
within the context of the proposed Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement area
expansion and municipal comprehensive review under the Town-initiated ROPA
application, as well in the context of the background studies being completed for the
Town-initiated LOPA and Secondary Plan.
A Zoning By-law Amendment is proposed that would apply a Serviced Industrial site
specific exception (MS-__) zone to the subject lands, which addresses the
requirements of the proposed development, while implementing the policies of the
Town of Caledon Official Plan. A draft Zoning By-law has been prepared to be
submitted with the application, which includes additional permitted uses along with
several site specific exceptions from the standard Serviced Industrial (MS) zone
provisions. Any additional required site specific exceptions are to be confirmed subject
to a review of the preliminary site concept plan by Town Staff and through the
approvals process. In summary, from the Serviced Industrial zone, the following uses
are proposed to be permitted:
Bulk Storage Facility;
Contractor’s facility;
Dry Cleaning or Laundry Plant;
Equipment Storage Building;
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Factory Outlet;
Gasoline Pump Island, Accessory;
Industrial Use;
Light Equipment Rental Establishment;
Maintenance Garage, Accessory;
Merchandise Service Shop;
Motor Vehicle Body Shop;
Motor Vehicle Repair Facility;
Open Storage Area, Accessory;
Outside Display or Sales Area, Accessory;
Research Establishment;
Transportation Depot;
Warehouse; and
Warehouse, Public Self-Storage.
April 2012
Under the Serviced Industrial site specific exception (MS-__) zone, in addition to the
permitted uses noted above, the following additional uses are proposed to be
Business Office; and
Place of Worship, Accessory.
Site Specific Standards are requested, and subject to a final review of the site concept
plan and elevations, may include provisions related to:
Maximum building height;
Maximum and minimum width of entrances;
Minimum entrance setback;
Maximum height of lighting;
Loading spaces permitted within the front yard and exterior side yard; and
Maximum height of accessory open storage area (i.e., container stacking).
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April 2012
Within the context of the proposed Town-initiated Bolton Rural Service Centre
settlement area expansion, the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law
Amendment are consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement as follows:
The proposed development will assist in achieving the Province’s policy
direction toward promoting efficient development and land use patterns that
sustain the financial well-being of the Province and municipalities over the long
term as the proposal is an efficient development that takes advantage of
existing infrastructure (Section 1.1.1.a);
The proposed development represents an employment use to meet long-term
needs (Section 1.1.1.b);
With the Town-initiated ROPA to bring the lands into the Bolton Rural Service
Centre, the subject lands represent an efficient expansion of the settlement
area being immediately adjacent to the existing Bolton Rural Service Area to
the north and east (Section 1.1.1.d);
The state of the art distribution facility will maximize the efficiency of Canadian
Tire’s distribution operation (which currently operates at a site in Brampton),
and development standards will be proposed to reflect the efficient design of
the site, contributing to minimizing land consumption and reducing servicing
costs (Section 1.1.1.e);
With the Town-initiated ROPA to expand the settlement area boundary of the
Bolton Rural Service Centre, which includes the subject lands, the proposal will
contribute to the provision of sufficient land to accommodate opportunities to
meet employment land needs to 2031 (Section 1.1.2);
There are no suitable opportunities to accommodate the proposed warehouse
distribution centre through intensification or redevelopment within the existing
Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement area, or beyond, given the scale of the
facility and locational requirements (Section;
The subject lands are immediately adjacent to the existing built-up settlement
area. The modern warehouse distribution centre contributes to the efficient use
of land and existing infrastructure (Section;
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April 2012
The Town-initiated ROPA to expand the settlement area boundary of the
Bolton Rural Service Centre, which includes the subject lands, is proposed in
the context of a municipal comprehensive review that was prepared by the
Town in collaboration with the Region of Peel (Section;
The proposed warehouse distribution centre promotes economic development
and competitiveness by creating employment opportunities, while adding to the
range of employment uses to meet long-term needs and providing an
opportunity to diversify the economic base of the Town of Caledon (Section
With a small portion of the subject lands designated Environmental Policy Area
north of Healey Road under the Caledon Official Plan, an Environment Impact
Study for the subject lands is being prepared by Biologic Incorporated (Section
2.1); and
Archaeological work is being completed for the subject lands (Section 2.6.2)
and it has been demonstrated that the heritage attributes of the Shore-Wakely
Stone House will be conserved as outlined in the Cultural Heritage Impact
Statement prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. (Section 2.6.3).
Within the context of the proposed Town-initiated ROPA to expand the settlement
area boundary of the Bolton Rural Service Centre, the proposed Official Plan
Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment are consistent with the Growth Plan and
the goal to build compact, vibrant and complete communities under the Managing
Growth policies, including:
The proposed development represents a use that supports economic
competitiveness (Section;
The proposed development will add employment to the Town of Caledon to
contribute to the achievement of a balance of jobs and housing in the
community (Section;
The proposed development will assist in achieving the overall policy direction
of encouraging towns to develop as complete communities with a diverse mix
of land uses and a range and mix of employment uses (Section; and
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The proposed development and the associated employment is directed to the
expanded settlement area, which is serviced by a municipal water and
wastewater system (Section
The proposed development promotes economic development and competitiveness by
providing an industrial employment use to help meet long term needs (Section, which will add to the range of employment activities in the Town of Caledon
(Section The proposed use will support the ongoing viability of the overall
employment area, and the existing and proposed employment uses to the north, east
and south (Section The proposed development is expected to be an
“anchor” for the proposed employment area. With a location immediately adjacent to
the existing built-up settlement area and as part of the proposed Bolton Rural Service
Centre settlement expansion area, the subject lands are well located for the proposed
warehouse distribution centre, as they are located in proximity to the future GTA West
Transportation Corridor, the Highway 427 extension, the CP Intermodal Facility in
Vaughan and the CN Intermodal Facility in Brampton (Section
The development of the subject lands within the context of the proposed Towninitiated ROPA for the Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement area expansion are
proposed to be zoned and designed in a manner that:
Contributes to creating a complete community by providing for a significant
employment use within the Bolton Rural Service Centre as well as the larger
Town of Caledon (Section;
Maximizes land utility, and with a location adjacent to the Bolton Rural Service
Centre, the development and employees can take advantage of any future
transit service along Coleraine Drive or future Caledon GO Transit Station
(Section; and
Provides for an industrial employment use to diversify the mix of land uses in
the Bolton Rural Service Centre (Section with high quality site design
and industrial urban design standards as outlined in the Industrial Design Brief
prepared by Glenn Piotrowski Architects (Section
The development will contribute to the Region of Peel achieving the minimum density
target of not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare (Section,
measured over the entire Designated Greenfield area (Section as follows:
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April 2012
The subject lands are proposed for a warehouse distribution centre in the
context of a lack of suitable and sufficiently sized sites that can accommodate
such a large scaled facility in the Greater Toronto Area with proximity to the
future GTA West Transportation Corridor, the Highway 427 extension, the CP
Intermodal Facility in Vaughan and the CN Intermodal Facility in Brampton;
On a preliminary basis, the proposed warehouse distribution centre is
estimated to create approximately 16.7 jobs per hectare (based on 73.1 ha
and total FTE employment of 1,220 employees from the Fiscal Impact
Assessment prepared by Tate Economic Research Inc.), which is achieved
with a state of the art distribution facility that will maximize the efficiency of the
Canadian Tire distribution centre operation. Careful site planning will maximize
land utility and efficiently utilize the site, including the stacking of containers, as
well as carefully considered trailer parking and truck on-site movements while
maintaining sufficient buffering and landscaping. The accommodation of trailer
parking and containers on-site will avoid unnecessary off-site storage with
associated additional land requirements and is expected to reduce traffic and
wear and tear on the adjacent road network; and
According to the Butler Planning Justification Report, Sept 2010 for the Towninitiated ROPA application for the Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement area
“As employment areas generally are attractive to large scale
warehousing/distribution facilities as well as industries that require
outside storage, it will be difficult to achieve the 50 jobs per hectare on
these lands. The employment land studies undertaken by the Town and
the Region have assumed lower densities based on the market for
employment land. Long-term employment intensification will be
encouraged by the Town to meet Provincial density targets, however, it
is expected that other types of development will have to occur at higher
densities to compensate for the low densities normally associated with
employment lands.” (p. 21)
The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment are within the
context of the proposed Town-initiated ROPA application for the Bolton Rural Service
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Centre settlement area expansion and the associated municipal comprehensive
review by the Town in collaboration with the Region of Peel (Section 2.2.8).
Within the context of the proposed Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement area
expansion as outlined in Section 2.4, the proposed Official Plan Amendment and
Zoning By-law Amendment are consistent with the Region of Peel Official Plan, as
proposed to be amended by ROPA 24, as follows:
The proposed development will assist in achieving the overall goal of providing
for complete communities with a wide range of activities, including employment
uses (Section 5.1.2);
As a major industrial facility, the proposed development will be appropriately
designed, buffered and separated from sensitive land uses (Section;
The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment are
consistent with the General Objectives for the Rural System including
promoting healthy rural communities by providing employment opportunities
(Section, while achieving sustainable development within the Rural
System as the proposed warehouse distribution facility will demonstrate
significant efficiencies in both energy use and carbon reduction through
efficient mechanical, electrical and architectural elements (Section;
The Town-initiated ROPA to expand the 2031 Bolton Rural Service Centre
boundary would direct growth within the Rural System as shown on Schedule
D and under the Town of Caledon Official Plan (Section and would
bring the subject lands into the Bolton Rural Service Centre in a timely and
orderly manner within the context of the municipal comprehensive review
undertaken by the Town in collaboration with the Region (Section 5.4.3) and
would conform with Sections 5.4.7 and;
The proposed development, once within the Designated Greenfield Area, will
contribute to creating a complete community by providing employment in the
Bolton Rural Service Centre as well as the larger Town of Caledon (Sections, and;
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The modern design of the proposed warehouse distribution centre will optimize
the use of Designated Greenfield Area lands (Section and the
proposed employment use will support Peel’s economy (Section;
As discussed under Section 4.2, the proposed warehouse distribution centre
will contribute to the Region of Peel achieving the minimum density target of
not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare (Section
and development within the Designated Greenfield Area of a minimum of 42
people and jobs for the Town of Caledon (Section;
The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment are
supportive of the Employment Areas objectives under Section 5.6.1, including
retaining employment in Peel with the relocation of the facility from Brampton.
The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Town-initiated LOPA and
Coleraine West Area Secondary Plan are expected to designate employment
lands, within the expanded Bolton Rural Service Centre (Section, with
a range of employment designations to accommodate a variety of employment
uses in accordance with the locational and market requirements of these uses
(Section In Caledon, employment areas are to be defined and
designated in the Official Plan as Prestige Industrial, General Industrial and
Dry Industrial, whereby the proposed Distribution Centre would be permitted as
a General Industrial use under the proposed designation (Section;
The subject lands, when located in the Bolton Rural Service Area, in proximity
to the CP Intermodal Facility, CN Intermodal Facility and the future GTA West
Corridor, are within a location that is to be protected as a future employment
area for facilities including warehousing (Section;
The proposed development is consistent with the sustainable development
imperatives with energy efficient buildings, sustainable design and construction
development within the Rural System as the proposed warehouse distribution
facility will demonstrate significant efficiencies in both energy use and carbon
reduction through efficient mechanical, electrical and architectural elements
Coleraine Drive is designated as a Major Road on Schedule E, and is currently
under Town jurisdiction as a controlled access road in anticipation of being
assumed by the Region. The Transportation Considerations study, as required
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under Section, prepared by BA Group concludes that the proposed
distribution centre can be reasonably accommodated on the study area road
network. Access to Coleraine Drive as proposed for the facility is expected to
be finalized through the permitting process and an amendment to the Town’s
control access by-law;
The proposed warehouse distribution centre will be located in proximity to
intermodal facilities in Brampton and Vaughan, the future extension of
Highway 427, as well as the future GTA West Transportation Corridor (Section;
The proposed warehouse distribution centre will help to promote a balance of
jobs and housing to reduce the need for long distance commuting in Caledon
(Section, while the proposed warehouse distribution centre will be
designed to maximize land utility and efficiently utilize the site (Section; and
With the proposed Town-initiated ROPA and the associated municipal
comprehensive review in collaboration with the Region of Peel to be
undertaken in accordance with Section, the subject lands would be
removed from the Prime Agricultural Area and Rural System and would be
redesignated as Bolton Rural Service Centre within the 2031 Rural Service
Centre boundary on Schedule D, as permitted by the Section.
Within the context of the proposed Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement area
expansion and municipal comprehensive review under the Town-initiated ROPA
application, the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment
conform with the Town of Caledon Official Plan as follows:
The proposed development is consistent with the Official Plan Goals,
Conserving and promoting cultural heritage resources with the preservation
and reuse of the Shore-Wakely Stone House as outlined in the Heritage
Impact Study;
Providing for orderly development of lands adjacent to the Bolton Rural
Service Centre;
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Environment Impact Study for the subject lands that is being prepared by
Biologic Incorporated; and
employment base, and strengthening the local economy and tax base as
concluded in the Fiscal Impact Assessment prepared by Tate Economic
Research Inc. (Section 2.2.3);
With a small portion of the subject lands designated Environmental Policy Area
north of Healey Road, an Environment Impact Study for the subject lands is
being prepared by Biologic Incorporated (Sections and;
The analysis prepared by exp Services Inc. demonstrates that there are no
unacceptable impacts on groundwater resources (Section;
A Cultural Heritage Impact Statement was prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. for
the Shore-Wakely Stone House (Section, and the Shore-Wakely
Stone House will be retained by the proposed development through adaptive
re-use (Section;
Archaeological Assessment for the proposed development is underway by
Golders Inc. in accordance with Provincial Guidelines, whereby Stage 1, 2 and
3 Archaeological Assessment Reports have been submitted for review to the
Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture. Additional archaeological assessment
will be submitted for an area of the subject lands under a Stage 4 Assessment
As demonstrated by the Fiscal Impact Assessment prepared by Tate
Economic Research Inc., the proposed development supports the fiscal and
economic management objectives including encouraging industrial growth in
the Town (Section and protecting the short-term and long-term fiscal
sustainability of the Town (Section;
The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment are
consistent with the Industrial designation objectives including: providing a new
large scale warehouse distribution facility to provide for long term local
employment and economic stability, which supports the orderly development of
the Town (Section 5.5.2);
The subject lands will be developed on full regional piped services (Section;
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The proposed warehouse distribution centre is classified as a General
Industrial use with accessory outside storage (Section;
The uses proposed under the Zoning By-law Amendment for a Serviced
Industrial special exception zone (including warehousing, offices related to
industrial uses, complementary uses, automotive uses and accessory outdoor
storage) are consistent with the range of uses permitted under the General
Industrial designation (Section;
As discussed under Section 4.6, the proposed warehouse distribution centre
operations will be buffered from the existing sensitive land uses to the
southwest with a combination of on-site separation distance (including a
possible corridor for future access to employment lands to the west and a
stormwater management pond) and a proposed noise wall. With a separation
distance of about 83.5 m between the warehouse distribution operations and
the nearest residential lot line, the 70 m minimum recommended distance
separation for a Class II industrial use under the MOE Guideline D-6 is
achieved (Section;
The proposed development is consistent with the General Design Policies for
achieving a high standard of building design, landscape and streetscape under
Section as outlined in the Industrial Design Brief prepared by Glenn
Piotrowski Architects, whereby the proposed building and streetscape will be
designed to provide a quality setting with an innovative warehouse distribution
centre building form supplemented with landscaping and planting to screen
unattractive views and provide a buffer for adjacent land uses;
The proposed development will be developed in a compatible manner with
adjacent residential uses through landscaping, a stormwater management
pond, site design and a noise wall (Section;
Open storage on the subject lands is proposed to be located on-site to
minimize visual exposure from Coleraine Drive and Healey Road as well as
from adjacent non-industrial uses (Section;
According to the Town of Caledon Official Plan, Schedule J Long Range Road
Network, Coleraine Drive is a Medium Capacity Arterial Road and is
designated Bolton Arterial Road Network Conceptual Corridor (Section and Healey Road is a Collector Road (Section As
required under Section, a Transportation Considerations study dated
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December 2011 for the subject lands was prepared by BA Group, which
concludes that the proposed Canadian Tire Distribution Centre development
can be reasonably accommodated on the study area network (see Section
Truck traffic along Coleraine Drive is permitted (Section 5.9.12.b);
The proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment are
consistent with the Objectives for Settlements under Section 5.10.2, including
providing for orderly and efficient industrial growth within Settlements, as the
subject lands are immediately adjacent to the existing Bolton Rural Service
Centre and existing industrial uses;
The proposed development is compatible with the community character of this
part of the Bolton community, which is comprised of employment uses (Section;
The Town-initiated ROPA for the proposed Bolton Rural Service Centre
settlement area expansion and municipal comprehensive review under the
Town-initiated ROPA application satisfy the criteria under Section for
expansions to settlements as proposed under the Official Plan Amendment for
the subject lands;
The Town-initiated ROPA for the proposed Bolton Rural Service Centre
settlement area expansion would include the subject lands in an expanded
Rural Service Centre to address land needs to 2031 (Section;
A special provision under the proposed Official Plan Amendment is required as
two accesses to the subject lands are proposed to Coleraine Drive (Section
Town of Caledon OPA 226 is currently subject to appeal and will be affected by OMB
decisions related to the Regional Official Plan Review. Within the context of the
proposed Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement area expansion and associated
municipal comprehensive review as outlined in Section 2.4, the proposed Official Plan
Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment would conform with policies of Town of
Caledon OPA 226, as adopted, as follows:
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is supportive of sustainability policies under
Section 3.1, by providing for economic development and employment to
enhance the Town’s tax base;
The proposed development is expected to be generally consistent with the
policies related to the conservation of water and energy under Section to, as the proposed warehouse distribution facility will
demonstrate significant efficiencies in both energy use and carbon reduction
through efficient mechanical, electrical and architectural elements;
The proposed development is supportive of creating a complete community by
providing employment within the Town of Caledon in a location adjacent to the
Bolton Rural Service Centre (Section;
As discussed under Section 4.2, the proposed warehouse distribution centre
will contribute to achieving a minimum density of 50 residents and jobs
combined per hectare by 2031 collectively (Section in the context that
“Caledon will make its best efforts to plan to meet the Greenfield Density
Target, however, this will be very difficult as employment lands in Caledon are
generally at a density far below the Greenfield Density Target and are not
expected to achieve 50 jobs per hectare in the future”;
Under OPA 226 as adopted, a settlement boundary expansion may only occur
through a municipal comprehensive review that comprehensively applies the
policies and schedules of the Growth Plan and demonstrates that conditions
are met that include but are not limited to: a demonstration that the forecasted
growth cannot be accommodated through intensification and in Designated
Greenfield Areas within the existing settlement areas; the lands are sufficient
for a time horizon not exceeding 20 years; and, the timing and phasing of
development will not adversely affect the achievement of the intensification
and Greenfield density targets (Section A municipal comprehensive
review was undertaken by the Town in collaboration with the Region as part of
the Town-initiated ROPA application for the Bolton Rural Service Centre
settlement area expansion (Section, which would bring the subject
lands into the Bolton Rural Service Centre boundary as outlined in Section 2.4;
“Industrial” lands are renamed “Employment Lands”, with new objectives under
Section 5.5.2, including encouraging higher overall employment land densities,
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promoting sustainable development principles and developing employment
areas at a density that contributes to meeting the Greenfield Density Target.
The proposed distribution centre will be carefully planned to efficiently utilize
the site to maximize employment on-site to the extent feasible given the nature
of the use, while promoting sustainable development principles since the
proposed warehouse distribution facility will demonstrate significant efficiencies
in both energy use and carbon reduction through efficient mechanical,
electrical and architectural elements.
The MOE Land Use Guideline D-6 Compatibility Between Industrial Facilities and
Sensitive Land Uses address potential land use conflicts due to the proximity of
sensitive land uses and industrial land uses to each other. The Guideline applies to
industrial land uses that have the potential to produce point source and/or fugitive air
emissions such as noise, vibration, odour, dust and others, either through normal
operations, procedures, maintenance or storage activities, and/or from associated
Under the Guideline, Industry, Industrial Land Use or Industrial Facility means “A
facility or activity relating to: the assemblage and/or storage of substances/goods/raw
materials; their processing and/or manufacturing; and/or the packaging and shipping
of finished products. Industrial facilities are further refined through categorization into
3 Classes…”
A Class II Industrial Facility means “A place of business for medium scale processing
and manufacturing with outdoor storage of wastes or materials (i.e. it has an open
process) and/or there are periodic outputs of minor annoyance. There are occasional
outputs of either point source or fugitive emissions for any of the following: noise,
odour, dust and/or vibration, and low probability of fugitive emissions. Shift operations
are permitted and there is frequent movement of products and/or heavy trucks during
daytime hours.”
While the Guideline generally relates to manufacturing and processing uses and does
not specifically contemplate the proposed warehouse distribution centre and
associated uses, the Guideline was reviewed to provide background for determining
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the compatibility with neighbouring sensitive uses, i.e., the existing adjacent
residential uses located on Healey Road to the southwest.
Under the MOE Land Use Guideline, while the proposed warehouse distribution
centre is large scale, the facility could generally be considered a Class II use in the
context of the Industrial Categorization Criteria as follows:
Noise is expected to occasionally be audible off property, while dust, odour
and vibration are not expected;
Outdoor storage is proposed, but only for the stacking of standard shipping
containers; and
There will be no on-site production or manufacturing. There are no “processes”
proposed indoors or outdoors and there is a low probability of fugitive
While large scale, the proposed warehouse distribution centre is not considered Class
III, which relates to heavy industry with a high probability of fugitive emissions. By its
very nature, the proposed warehouse distribution facility is clean, efficient and
For a Class II facility, the MOE Guideline recommends a 70 m separation distance to
permit the functioning of two incompatible land uses without an “adverse effect”
occurring. The recommended 70 m separation can be achieved with a buffer to
minimize adverse effects through intervening space and/or a natural or man-made
feature such as a berm, wall, barrier, planting, topography, trench, fence or other
structure or technical control.
The proposed warehouse distribution centre operations will be buffered from the
existing sensitive land uses to the southwest with a combination of on-site separation
distance (including a possible corridor for future access to employment lands to the
west and a stormwater management pond) and a proposed noise wall. With a
separation distance of about 83.5 m between the warehouse distribution operations
and the nearest residential lot line, the 70 m minimum recommended distance
separation for a Class II industrial use under the MOE Guideline D-6 is achieved.
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The subject lands are well located for the proposed warehouse distribution centre:
The subject lands are located immediately adjacent to the existing Bolton
Rural Service Centre and form a logical extension of the existing built-up area;
Municipal servicing is immediately available; and
The subject lands are strategically well positioned within the Regional context,
in proximity to other existing Canadian Tire distribution facilities in Brampton,
the CP Rail intermodal facility in Vaughan and the CN Rail intermodal facility in
Brampton, while the future extension of Highway 427 and the possible GTA
West Corridor will provide excellent truck access.
The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding land uses:
As outlined in the Industrial Design Brief prepared by Glenn Piotrowski
Architects, enhanced natural landscaping and berming will be provided along
Industrial/Commercial Design Guidelines;
There is room on-site to provide adequate parking as concluded in the
Transportation Considerations study prepared by BA Group;
With the recommended noise control measures, the proposed development
will comply with MOE guideline limits for non-impulsive and impulsive sounds
at the most potential impacted neighbouring receptor as concluded in the
Noise Impact Feasibility Study prepared by HGC Engineering;
The proposed loading spaces in the front yard (Healey Drive) and exterior side
yard (Coleraine Drive) will be buffered by substantial landscaped berming;
Lighting will be directed downward and will be dark-sky friendly. The proposed
19 m maximum height of lighting, while higher than the maximum of 9 m under
the Zoning By-law, allows for fewer light standards that are further apart in
order to provide less interference within the outdoor yard and truck
The approximately 14.5 m maximum height of the accessory open storage
area (i.e., container stacking) will be mitigated by minimizing visibility from
Coleraine Drive and Healey Road through a combination of distance as well as
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visual screening provided by the warehouse building, berming and the
proposed noise wall; and
The site plan approvals process can readily address detailed urban design,
landscaping, lighting, garbage containment, etc.
An Industrial Design Brief dated February 2012 for the subject lands was prepared by
Glenn Piotrowski Architect Ltd. in support of the Zoning By-law Amendment
application. The Industrial Design Brief deals with development vision, development
context, site plan considerations, urban design principles, built form, massing and
architectural design and streetscapes.
A Cultural Heritage Impact Statement dated February 2012 for the subject lands was
prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. The Cultural Heritage Impact Statement concludes
the following:
“The Town of Caledon has submitted a Regional Official Plan
Amendment proposing to expand the boundary of the Bolton Rural
Service Centre. The Shore-Wakely Stone House is included within the
proposed lands to be removed from Prime Agricultural Area and added
to the Bolton Rural Service Centre Settlement Area. Canadian Tire Real
Estate Limited has proposed a warehouse distribution centre on the
adjacent lands, which affects the re-use of the Shore-Wakely Stone
Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited has recognized the importance of the
Shore-Wakely Stone House and is proposing to integrate it into the
proposed warehouse distribution centre. The current proposal retains
the Shore-Wakely Stone House along with the 8,361m² (90,000 ft²)
parcel of land around it. This allows for the Shore-Wakely Stone House
to be re-used for office, restaurant or related uses to the proposed
warehouse distribution centre.”
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A Draft Functional Servicing Report for the subject lands dated August 8, 2011
prepared by The ODAN/DETECH Group Inc. concluded:
“From our investigation the Site is serviceable with sanitary and storm
sewers & water supply for domestic and fire fighting purposes. In addition
gas and hydro services are available. There is adequate access from
Coleraine Drive and Healey Road. The site is favourable for the proposed
Development as shown on the site plan.”
A Noise Impact Feasibility Study dated November 28, 2011 for the subject lands was
prepared by HGC Engineering. The Noise Impact Feasibility Study recommends that
an “L” shaped noise barrier be constructed in the south part of the site and concludes
the following:
“The acoustical analysis indicates that sound levels from the proposed
Canadian Tire Distribution Centre, predicted under worst case operating
scenarios and incorporating the noise control measures recommended
herein, will comply with MOE guideline limits for non-impulsive and
impulsive sounds at the most potential impacted neighbouring receptor.”
(p. 6)
A revised draft Hydrogeological Impact Assessment dated January 17, 2012 for the
subject lands was prepared by exp Services Inc. The conclusions included:
“Based on the proposed development, site geology and hydrogeology
document at the Site, the potential for regional groundwater quality impacts
which may affect the potability of the ground water resources is
insignificant.” (p. 15)
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A revised draft Water Resources Study dated January 17, 2012 for the subject lands
was prepared by exp Services Inc. The conclusions included:
“Impacts to the regional water supply aquifer are not expected…
The groundwater contribution to the two onsite drainage channels is
expected to be insignificant based on the documented low hydraulic
conductivity of the surficial soil strata at the Site” (p. 30)
A revised draft Water Balance/Budget Analysis dated January 17, 2012 for the subject
lands was prepared by exp Services Inc. The conclusions included:
“The main potential post development impact at the Site is the decrease of
post development groundwater infiltration compared to the predevelopment
conditions. Appropriate remedial measures to maintain the pre-construction
balance under the post construction conditions have been proposed in the
exp Water Balance/Budget Report (2011).
Site development will not have any effect on the residential water wells in
the vicinity of the Site. However, taking into consideration that several
residential wells are available in a close proximity to the Site boundary, it is
recommended to conduct a residential well monitoring program in all three
phases (pre, during and post) of the development.” (pp. 10-11)
A Transportation Considerations study dated December 2011 for the subject lands
was prepared by BA Group. The Transportation Considerations study concludes that
the proposed Canadian Tire Distribution Centre development can be reasonably
accommodated on the study area network, with recommendations including:
The Transportation Consideration study makes no allowance for a new NorthSouth Collector Road and the westerly extension of Holland Drive to serve new
employment lands in southwest Bolton as illustrated conceptually in the
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Paradigm Traffic Study, due to factors including that: the subject lands occupy
virtually the entire block of future employment lands; satisfactory vehicular site
access can be provided from existing streets; and there is apparent very
limited development potential for lands west of the site;
A functional plan has been prepared for the site truck driveway on Coleraine
Drive opposite Holland Drive;
While the Coleraine Drive/Holland Drive site driveway could operate
acceptably under side street STOP-control, it is recommended that
consideration be given to signalization of the intersection;
The proposed Transportation Operations employee / visitor driveway onto
Coleraine Drive is located approximately 180 m south of Holland Drive and
approximately 300 m north of the closest existing driveway on Coleraine Drive
(east side), a location that full meets Peel Region access guidelines for a
partial movement driveway and poses no operational conflicts with other
existing driveways. The driveway will effectively replace six existing driveways
onto Coleraine Drive that will be closed. A minor widening of Coleraine Drive is
recommended in order to introduce a northbound exclusive left turn lane; and
The Distribution Centre employee / visitor driveway on Healey Road is well
spaced from Coleraine Drive and acceptable driver sightlines are available
looking to the east and west along Healey Road.
During the site plan approval process, traffic analysis for the proposed development
will be coordinated by BA Group to address specific traffic related issues.
A Fiscal Impact Analysis dated December 2011 for the subject lands was prepared by
Tate Economic Research. The Fiscal Impact Analysis concludes the following:
“Based on the results of this fiscal impact assessment it is the
professional opinion of Tate Economic Research Inc. that the CTREL
development, as proposed, will not create any additional annual
operational costs and will result in a positive annual operating cash flow
for the Town. Furthermore, DC contributions required by CTREL under
DC By-Law 2009-090 will result in a net surplus DC source available for
the Town’s DC fund and will offset all direct capital infrastructure
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requirements attributable to the CTREL Site from the perspective of the
Town of Caledon.” (p. 12)
A Tree Inventory & Analysis dated January 27, 2011 (revised October 19, 2011) was
prepared by Kelly’s Tree Care and Douglas W. Kerr Landscape & Associates Ltd. for
the subject lands. The Tree Inventory & Analysis recommendations include:
“Prior to any grading equipment accessing the site, Fencing should be
erected to keep construction equipment away from the trees to be
preserved on site and keep piled soil away from the trees. The Fencing
should be erected along the east edge of the landscape berm adjacent to
the Shore-Wakely House, to the north of Trees 65 to 68 and to the south
of Tree 89. Siltation Cloth should line the bottom of the Fence to keep silt
from moving off site onto tree roots.” (p. 2)
An Environment Impact Study for the subject lands by Biologic Incorporated will be
submitted. An Early Spring Field Investigation to Assess Headwater Features, dated
May 2, 2011 prepared by BioLogic Incorporated concludes:
“In the fall of 2010, site investigations found the channels upstream of
Healey Road were dry, indicating the entire system is ephemeral.
Downtream of Healey Road appeared to be a permanent stream. Creation
of stormwater facilities upstream of the study area on both flow path
tributaries have increased flow velocities which have likely contributed to
the substantial streambed downcutting observed within the subject lands.
Given the fish migration barriers and sediment accumulation at the
downstream culvert, the channels should all be classified as not fish
habitat. The sections of channel from the northerly barriers within the site to
Healey Road are severely eroded and contribute sediment delivery to the
downstream channel in their current form.
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Positive aspects of the flow paths through the subject lands is strictly
limited to flow conveyance.” (p. 2)
Archaeological assessment for the proposed development is underway by Golders
Inc. in accordance with Provincial Guidelines. Stage 1, 2 and 3 Archaeological
Assessment Reports have been submitted for review to the Ontario Ministry of
Tourism and Culture. Additional archaeological assessment will be submitted for an
area of the subject lands under a Stage 4 Assessment.
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Given the findings of this report, it can be concluded that the proposed Official
Plan Amendment and rezoning of the subject lands to expand the Bolton
Settlement Boundary to include the subject lands and permit the proposed
warehouse distribution centre under a General Industrial Designation and
Serviced Industrial site specific exception (MS-__) zone is appropriate, is
consistent or conforms with applicable provincial and municipal land use
planning policy, and represents good land use planning, as follows: Within the
context of the proposed Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement area
expansion and municipal comprehensive review under the Town-initiated
ROPA application the proposed development, Official Plan Amendment and
Zoning By-law Amendment:
Are consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement;
Conform with the Growth Plan;
Conform with the Peel Official Plan as proposed to be amended by ROPA
24 (including the modifications in the government agencies’ settlement);
Will conform with the Town of Caledon Official Plan, as proposed to be
amended, whereby the uses proposed under the Zoning By-law
Amendment for a Serviced Industrial special exception zone (including
warehousing, offices related to industrial uses, complementary uses,
automotive uses and accessory outdoor storage) are consistent with the
range of uses permitted under the General Industrial designation.
competitiveness by providing an industrial employment use to help meet long
term needs, which will add to the range of employment activities in the Town of
With a location immediately adjacent to the existing built-up settlement area
and as part of the proposed Town-initiated Bolton Rural Service Centre
settlement expansion area, the subject lands are well located for the proposed
warehouse distribution centre, as they are located in proximity to Canadian
Tire’s other existing distribution facilities in Brampton, the CP Intermodal
Facility in Vaughan and the CN Intermodal Facility in Brampton while the future
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extension of Highway 427 and the possible GTA West Corridor will provide
excellent truck access;
The development will contribute to employment in the Region of Peel. The
subject lands are proposed for a warehouse distribution centre in the context
of a lack of suitable and sufficiently sized sites that can accommodate such a
large scaled facility elsewhere in the Greater Toronto Area. The efficient use of
the lands is achieved through careful site planning to maximize land utility,
including the stacking of containers, as well as carefully considered trailer
parking and truck on-site movements while maintaining sufficient buffering and
landscaping. The accommodation of trailer parking and containers on-site will
requirements and is expected to reduce traffic and wear and tear on the
adjacent road network;
The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding land uses;
The proposed warehouse distribution centre operations will be buffered from
the existing sensitive land uses to the southwest with a combination of on-site
separation distance and a proposed noise wall;
An Industrial Design Brief prepared by Glenn Piotrowski Architect Ltd. deals
with development vision, development context, site plan considerations, urban
design principles, built form, massing and architectural design and
A Cultural Heritage Impact Statement prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd.
concludes that the importance of the Shore-Wakely Stone House has been
recognized and the house is proposed to be integrated into the proposed
warehouse distribution centre, which allows for re-use of the Stone House and
associated lands for office, restaurant or related uses;
A Draft Functional Servicing Report for the subject lands dated August 8, 2011
prepared by The ODAN/DETECH Group Inc. concluded that the site is
With the recommended noise control measures, the proposed development
will comply with MOE guideline limits for non-impulsive and impulsive sounds
at the most potential impacted neighbouring receptor as concluded in the
Noise Impact Feasibility Study prepared by HGC Engineering;
Zelinka Priamo Ltd.
Page 48
Planning Justification Report
Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited
Caledon (Bolton), Ontario
April 2012
A Hydrogeological Impact Assessment, a Water Resources Study, and a
Water Balance/Budget Analysis for the subject lands by exp Services Inc.
demonstrate that there are no unacceptable impacts on groundwater
A Transportation Considerations study prepared by BA Group concludes that
the proposed Canadian Tire Distribution Centre development can be
reasonably accommodated on the study area network. During the site plan
approval process, traffic analysis for the proposed development will be
coordinated by BA Group to address specific traffic related issues;
A Fiscal Impact Analysis prepared by Tate Economic Research concludes that
the proposed development will not create any additional annual operational
costs, will result in a positive annual operating cash flow for the Town and
Development Charge contributions will result in a net surplus offsetting all
direct capital infrastructure requirements attributable to the development from
the perspective of the Town;
An Environment Impact Study for the subject lands by Biologic Incorporated
will be submitted. An Early Spring Field Investigation to Assess Headwater
Features, dated May 2, 2011 prepared by BioLogic Incorporated conclusions
include that channels upstream of Healey Road were dry, indicating the entire
system is ephemeral and given the fish migration barriers and sediment
accumulation at the downstream culvert, the channels should all be classified
as not fish habitat; and
Archaeological assessment for the proposed development is underway by
Golders Inc. in accordance with Provincial Guidelines. Stage 1, 2 and 3
Archaeological Assessment Reports have been submitted for review to the
Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture. Additional archaeological assessment
will be submitted for an area of the subject lands under a Stage 4 Assessment.
Zelinka Priamo Ltd.
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