faculty of engineering

Université d’Ottawa
University of Ottawa
D i s c o v e ry E n e r g y I n n o vat i o n V i s i o n I m ag i n at i o
M a n u fac t u r i n g T e c h n o lo g y E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
a b l e d e v e lo p m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l P r o s p e r i t y Q u
Fa i r n e s s K n o w l e d g e E v o lu t i o n L i f e R e s o u r c e s
D i s c o v e ry E n e r g y I n n o vat i o n V i s i o n I m ag i n at i o
u fac t u r i n g T e c h n o lo g y E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p S u s t
d e v e lo p m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l P r o s p e r i t y Q u a l i t y
n e s s K n o w l e d g e E v o lu t i o n L i f e R e s o u r c e s S a f e
c o v e ry E n e r g y I n n o vat i o n V i s i o n I m ag i n at i o n M
Fa c u lt y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
U n d e r g r a d u at e S t u d i e s
V i e w b o o k 2015 - 2016
Defy the conventional
e n g i n e e r i n g . u O t tawa . c a
Defy the
Using light
to diagnose
Faculty of Engineering professor Pierre Berini worked with partners in Malaysia to develop a
blood test for dengue fever, a serious tropical disease. An expert in photonics, Berini studies
how light interacts with matter. His biosensor uses light to help detect the presence of
potentially deadly viruses.
04 Top reasons to choose the uOttawa 16Scholarships
Faculty of Engineering
17 School of EECS
07Why study engineering or 18 Electrical Engineering
computer science?
19 Software Engineering
08Entrepreneurial alumni
20 Computer Science
10Develop your entrepreneurial spirit 21 Computer Engineering
12 CO-OP program
22 Chemical Engineering
14 Student associations and clubs
23 Biotechnology
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
24 Civil Engineering
25 Biomedical Mechanical Engineering
26 Mechanical Engineering
27 Customize your degree
28Admission requirements
30 Continuing your studies
31 How to apply
Keep in
S t u d y i n t h e N at i o n a l C a p i ta l Re g i o n
O t ta w a i s a n es ta b l i s h e d g l o b a l
technology centre
Boasting the highest proportion of residents with a
postsecondary education in Canada, a bilingualism
rate of 44 percent, and more engineers, scientists and
PhDs per capita than any other city in the country,
Ottawa is a world-class city whose highly creative
and educated workforce has attracted international
companies like IBM, Alcatel-Lucent, Avaya, Ericsson
and Cisco, as well as a vibrant community of hundreds
of startups.
Ottawa has emerged as a global technology centre.
The region is recognized for excellence in research and
Source: Invest Ottawa
C o l l a b o r at i o n a m o n g d i v e r se se c t o r s
Ottawa offers a community of businesspeople,
researchers and scholars, bureaucrats and politicians,
and strong infrastructure support for applied research.
Its knowledge-based industries are comprised of
almost 2,000 companies representing diverse sectors,
including wireless, photonics, defence and security,
life sciences, clean technology, digital media, and film
and television production. They employ over 75,000
people across the region.
S t r o n g E n t r e p r e n e u r i a l C u lt u r e
Ottawa is widely known for its proactive approach to
development and business support. Several incubators
and accelerators, including Invest Ottawa, operate
throughout the city, designed to fortify the wealth,
connectivity and entrepreneurial momentum of its
business community. Canada’s largest research facility,
the National Research Council, is based in Ottawa and
is a pioneer with more than fifty years of support for
startup and spinoff companies. Local business leaders
prosper from Ottawa’s great location, making it one of
the most competitive cities in North America for global
trade and connectivity.
Source: Invest Ottawa
Both the University of Ottawa (uOttawa
Entrepreneurship Hub) and the Faculty of Engineering
(Entrepreneurship and Innovation Endowment
Fund) actively support and promote student
entrepreneurship on and off campus. We aim to
raise awareness about entrepreneurship, develop
students’ entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, and
connect students to the larger Ottawa-Gatineau
entrepreneurial ecosystem
Source: Invest Ottawa
uOttawa campus
The University of Ottawa
campus is located in the
National Capital Region,
rated fourth among the top
25 places to live in Canada.
— MoneySense magazine,
Faculty of Engineering
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Top reasons
to choose the
uOttawa Faculty
of Engineering
The Faculty of Engineering at the University
of Ottawa provides you with a strong foundation to
build a successful and rewarding career.
choose from
GET excellent qualit y programs
Choose from eight accredited undergraduate programs, each offering top quality education in engineering
and computer science. Not only will you be well prepared to practice your profession, but you will also be
more than able to meet the ever-changing needs of society.
P r o fess i o n a l a c c r e d i tat i o n s
The Honours BSc in Computer Science and the BASc in
Software Engineering are accredited by the Computer Science
Accreditation Council of CIPS
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
www.engineerscanada.ca / www.ingenieurscanada.ca
All Engineering programs are accredited by the Canadian Engineering
Accreditation Board of Engineers Canada
C u s t o m i z e y o u r d e g r ee w i t h v a r i o u s o p t i o n s
Through a number of options, you will acquire the skills you need to better prepare
you for the many challenges and opportunities you will face in today’s—and
tomorrow’s—job market.
Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship
Computing Technology
Cooperative Education
Double Degree programs
Power and Sustainable Energy
And many more
Study in a bilingual environment
Enrol in the only engineering school in the country where you can choose to study in
English, French, or in both languages!
I m p r o v e y o u r F r e n c h - l a n g u a g e sk i l l s a n d g a i n a c l e a r
a d v a n ta g e i n t h e w o r k p l a c e
The Extended French Stream (EFS) is available in both Software Engineering and
Computer Science programs. One third of your courses are taught in French. You
choose which courses you take in French and which you take in English. You can
submit written work in either French or English (except for language classes). Your
official university transcript and your diploma include mention of your participation in
the EFS. If you choose to take a minimum of French courses, you could qualify for the
French Studies bursary, a value of $1,000 per year.
Ge t i n v o lv e d i n e x t r a c u r r i c u l a r a c t i v i t i es
As a Faculty of Engineering student, you can participate in a variety of educational,
extracurricular, and pre-professional activities.
De v e l o p y o u r e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l s p i r i t
A primary goal of the Faculty is to foster a culture of business and entrepreneurship
amongst its students. The Faculty supports entrepreneurship initiatives, such as
conferences, competitions and facilities dedicated to student projects, and more.
L i v e i n a m u lt i c u lt u r a l c o m m u n i t y o f s t u d e n t s a n d s ta ff
Enrich your learning experience by meeting students from all over the world.
International students make up 18% of the Faculty’s undergraduate and 67% of the
Faculty’s graduate students. Learn from and exchange with professors who have
gained their knowledge around the world—combined, the professors in the Faculty of
Engineering have lived, studied or worked in more than 35 different countries.
Le a r n f r o m e x p e r t s
As an engineering or computer science student, you will be studying with leading
researchers in their fields. In everything from photonics to web security, our
professors are making world-changing discoveries.
F i n a n c e y o u r e d u c at i o n t h r o u g h o u r g e n e r o u s
scholarship and bursary program
Apoorv Chawla
Recent Biotechnology graduate
Bio-X Club President, Student Ambassador and
Peer Mentor
“The University of Ottawa — where it all
began! After completing high school in Barrie,
I challenged myself with a demanding yet
rewarding biotechnology program at uOttawa.
This is one of the flagship programs at the
University and I was humbled to be a part of it.
Moreover, I liked all three sciences in high school,
so this was the perfect fit for me. Right from the
get-go, I learned to grasp the opportunities that
came my way, very well knowing that nothing
was going to be served on a silver platter — and
so I set off.
“I’ve always lived by Gandhi’s philosophy —
’Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if
you were to live forever’ — and this is exactly
what I did during my five years of undergrad.
I tried to balance academics with industry
experience and community involvement. I think
volunteers don’t necessarily have the time, but
they have the heart. I enjoyed my experience
doing the Undergraduate Research Opportunity
Program, working at Tembec, NRCan, the
Ottawa Cardiovascular Centre and as a student
ambassador for uOttawa. I had the privilege to
serve as Bio-X president, volunteer at the Ottawa
General Hospital and go to Peru to volunteer
“I believe my five years at uOttawa were well
spent and my overall experience has transformed
me into a more holistic individual ready for the
real world!”
The University of Ottawa has one of Canada’s leading scholarship and bursary
programs, with over $42.2 million awarded to undergraduate students last year. In
addition to the generous University program, engineering and computer science
students have access to a wide range of admission scholarships offered by the Faculty
of Engineering.
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Sarah de Carufel
Recent Civil Engineering graduate
S u c c ee d a n d ta ke a d v a n ta g e o f o u r m e n t o r i n g c e n t r e , t h e W o r ks h o p !
The engineering and computer science mentoring centre, the Workshop, is a free
resource that offers support to students with their studies and their transition to
the university life. The mentors are third and fourth year students from the Faculty
who are available to help you reach your potential through the following services:
Study guides
Discussion forums
Study groups
Winner of the 2013 Ontario University Athletics (OUA)
Women of Influence Award
“I have always felt that it was important to keep playing
soccer and competing in track, two passions of mine,
while studying engineering.
I believe I really benefited from playing sports while
studying. From my very first day as a uOttawa student,
I have led a very busy, active and varied social life, and
sports has allowed me to stay in shape. Taking time away
from the books every day to play sports allowed me to
focus on and succeed in my engineering program.
One-on-one mentoring: for tips and tricks on time management, exam prep,
stress management, memorization and more
Mathematics consultant for engineering: students who have difficulties with
first and second year mathematics can come and meet with our mathematics
consultant, a.k.a. the Math Whisperer.
We want to see you succeed!
The key to academic and athletic success is to be
organized, manage your time well and to not be afraid to
go see your professors. They always encouraged me and
made accommodations when sports conflicted with my
academic schedule.
Earning my bachelor’s degree was not always easy, but
because I truly love both civil engineering and sports, and
thanks to the excellent academic and financial support
provided by the University of Ottawa, my university
experience has been truly memorable.”
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
why study engineering or
computer science?
Ge t a g o o d r e t u r n o n i n v es t m e n t
G o fa r w i t h y o u r e d u c at i o n
B e n ef i t f r o m a h i g h e m p l o y m e n t r at e
100% of graduates in engineering and 100% of graduates in computer science found a job
in their field within two years of graduating.*
Employers already have moderate to significant difficulties recruiting qualified engineers
in most fields and the demand for engineers in Canada will only increase.**
* Source: MTCU Key Performance Indicators 2011
**Source: Engineer Labour Market Conditions 2011–2020, Final Report 2012
Be in high demand with your bachelor ’s degree
Computer and information sciences, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and
computer engineering programs are all listed among the top 10 degrees employers are
looking for.
A recent study calculated
the return on investment of
postsecondary degrees by first
looking at the wage disparity
between degree holders and
high school grads over the past
four decades.
While holders of bachelor’s
degrees see a 15% average
return on their education
investment, engineering
degrees come in well ahead
of the pack, with a return on
investment of 21%.
Source: sourceable.net/engineering-degreesprovide-biggest-returns
Source: Job Outlook 2013 report, National Association of Colleges and Employers
Earn a competitive salary
Your hard work and dedication will pay off when you graduate with a degree in
engineering or computer science. Many recent studies in Canada and in North America
have shown that engineering and computer science graduates systematically place at the
top of the starting salary scale among all university undergraduate programs of studies.
Over the years, engineers can expect their salaries to continuously increase. Here are the
average salaries of an engineer working in Ontario according to the level of responsibility
and years of experience.
Source: Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Employer Compensation Survey Member Market Survey, 2013 Report
Base Salary & Total Cash Compensation by Engineering Responsibility Level
Total Cash
Base Salary
Defy the
Simulating bomb blasts to save buildings
Average 4 years of
Average 8 years of
Average 14 years of
Average 20 years of
Explore career opportunities
To find out what you can do with your studies
in engineering or in computer science, visit
Average 24 years of
Average 28 years of
Acts of terror have claimed many lives and
destroyed considerable physical assets in recent
years. Professor Murat Saatcioglu has
established a one-of-its-kind Canadian facility
to research the behaviour of buildings during
simulated bomb blasts. He subjects building
columns, beams, walls, doors and windows to
the simulated effects of car and truck bombs, and
determines the design improvements needed for
blast resistance. His research findings have already
helped develop a new CSA building design
standard. He has also developed blast retrofit
techniques for existing critical infrastructure.
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Many Faculty of Engineering
alumni start their own companies and
become successful entrepreneurs.
Read a few success stories.
S u n d ee p M a d r a
BASc in Computer Engineering
CTO Mobile at Pivotal
“As Louis Pasteur once said, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” The Faculty of
Engineering helped prepare me for the challenges I have faced as an entrepreneur.”
Currently Sundeep provides the vision for Pivotal’s mobile platform initiatives.
Prior to joining Pivotal, Sundeep co-founded and helped grow Xtreme Labs
with the goal of engaging the world’s most important companies in world-class
projects that have defined the present evolution of the mobile experience. At
the time Xtreme Labs was acquired by Pivotal it had over 300 employees and
hundreds of customers.
Sundeep has also been an active investor in technology startups both as a co-founder of Extreme Venture Partners and more recently has an active angel investor.
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
Frank Bouchard
BASc in Electrical Engineering, MEng in Engineering Management
Recipient of the Kipling Award, director of Adventures in Engineering and Science
Co-founder of Wipebook — wipebook.com
“What people don’t realize is that my introduction to the Faculty of Engineering
was through the Adventures in Engineering and Science summer camps when I
was about 10 years old. This dynamic hands-on program introduced me to web
development, programming, graphic design and animation, which has been a
particularly useful skill set as an entrepreneur. Throughout my undergraduate
degree, I then had to opportunity to act as director of the program, treating it like
my own small business venture and gaining critical entrepreneurial experience.
Afterwards, I did a master’s in engineering management, which allowed me
to launch my own company, Wipebook. With the lean startup methodologies
introduced to us in the program, I managed to raise $424,000 in 30 days on
Kickstarter. There is no doubt in my mind I can attribute these successes to my
time at the Faculty of Engineering.”
Frank has been heavily involved in the Adventures in Engineering and Science
Summer Camp program. Over the years he has progressed from camp
counsellor to camp coordinator to manager of outreach programs for the
Faculty of Engineering. His efforts bring engineering and computer science
to life for hundreds of aspiring young engineers and scientists in the National
Capital Region.
During his time as an undergraduate student, Frank and three classmates
developed the Wipebook for their entrepreneurship course. The company
was not seen as likely succeed To everyone’s surprise, including Frank and his
student-business partners, Wipebook found huge success; their Kickstarter
crowd funding campaign gained close to 8,000 backers and $424,000 in
funding to develop and sell the Wipebook. Frank now speaks at many events
as a champion of student entrepreneurship. He was also a featured speaker
during uOttawa Alumni Week 2014 and did an outstanding job, with many
participants leaving the event feeling that Frank and his company could be
“the next big thing”!
Pa s c a l S t - J e a n
Mina Lux
BASc in Computer Engineering
Chief Innovation Officer at Synergiq Solutions
BSc in Biochemistry, BASc in Chemical Engineering
Founder/CEO at Meelo Logic
“Build a strong team, empower your team & encourage them to lead. As an
entrepreneur, you get used to taking on every single challenge that lies ahead.
I was able to grow my companies because I trusted my team to execute while I
focused my time on building a strong vision and capturing opportunities.”
“As engineers, we’re trained to analyse data and spot trends that will affect a project.
This key principle provided me with the foundation for building Meelo, a big data
platform that takes complex data patterns and translates them into key elements
that matter to business decision-makers. In the ultra-competitive world of digital
marketing, this ability can make or break a company. My interest in data concepts
and problem-solving all started with the education and research opportunities I
received as a student in the Faculty of Engineering.”
Recipient of the 2014 Ottawa Business Journal / Ottawa Chamber of Commerce
Forty under 40 Award, Pascal St-Jean has been known as an innovator for
the past 15 years by founding startup companies that have grown to become
disruptive in their respected fields.
Having a small development company throughout high school and university,
Pascal’s ventures truly started during his last year of university where he was
able to create his prototype and raise capital to start PicSphere Technologies
Inc. Over the next 5 years, PicSphere became a leader in digital sports action
photography workflow software.
Pascal followed on his success to help create & grow Citadel Rock Online
Communities. As early adopters of Web 2.0 technologies, Citadel Rock created
award winning online communities by empowering people to come together
around a common purpose: to make a difference.
In 2013, he was instrumental in negotiating a merger of Citadel Rock to form
Synergiq Solutions. Now with a larger team & resources, Synergiq Solutions is
combining its powerful Online Community technology platform with its team
of strategic and communications consultants to help companies, government
& associations tackle some of their biggest challenges. Most recently, Synergiq
Solutions created powerful online communities in the fields of mental health,
education, language & culture.
A digital industry veteran with a track record of success, Mina is building her
second technology company. Meelo Logic is the first technology platform to
show a brand its digital performance and how their competitors are succeeding
online. Meelo’s proprietary analytics identifies key response trends with volume
of reach to provide clarity and efficiency to online strategies. For the first time,
executives and marketers can know what’s working, where it’s working and when
it’s working — and where efforts need to be dialed up or down in relationship to
competitive activities at any given time.
Mina Lux has worked with the media and consumer goods industry for the last
20 years. She has had the pleasure of working with brands such as USATODAY,
DoubleDay Book Clubs, Working Woman/Working Mother, Scientific American,
Macmillan Publishers, The Frisky, CNN/HLN, Cartoon Network, truTV, Adult Swim,
Discovery Communications, Bob Villa, blip, Image Entertainment, Moguldom
Media, Warner Music Group, Macy’s and more.
At her first start up, FloNetwork, Mina was the co-founder and VP of Sales and
Marketing. She designed the first-of-its-kind email technology to enable the
industry to send direct emails and newsletters online for lead generation and
revenue growth in 1996. FloNetwork received a Canadian Technology Fast 50
award from Deloitte & Touche, becoming the first email marketing ASP worldwide
to receive this award. It also made the top half of the Fast 500 technology
companies in North America. The company was acquired by DoubleClick in 2001
for over $80 million USD.
Mina gives back to her alma mater as a member of uOttawa’s New York Regional Council.
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
De v e lo p y o u r
s pirit !
I n n o v at e w i t h y o u r c a p s t o n e p r o je c t
Most of the programs involve a fourth year capstone project where students
have the opportunity to apply the knowledge that they acquired over their
studies. This project work provides them with an exceptional opportunity to
develop their autonomy, communication, team work and design skills, from idea
generation, development, implementation and up to the experimental validation
of a prototype product or service. Students are strongly encouraged to develop
their project with innovation in mind. They also receive guidance and support to
readily transform their ideas and work into a commercial offering, and to consider
entrepreneurship right upon graduation from the program.
C u r r i c u l u m f o c u se d o n e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Students can explore entrepreneurship thanks to the Engineering Management
and Entrepreneurship Option in all undergraduate programs and the Master
of Engineering Management degree, a program that prepares engineering
professionals for leadership roles and entrepreneurial responsibilities.
To build their entrepreneurial spirit, students can tap into plenty of opportunities, such as entering the annual Prizes in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
student competitions, with $45,000 in awards up for grabs. Watch what winners
from passed years had to say at youtube.com/FacultyofEngineering .
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
At the University of Ottawa’s
Faculty of Engineering,
entrepreneurial savvy
goes hand-in-hand with
engineering and computer
science expertise. The
Faculty offers a curriculum
and supports initiatives
that make students more
aware of just how important
business skills are in their
field, and that foster an
entrepreneurial culture
among them.
Fa c i l i t i es j u s t f o r y o u
On the path to commercializing
their research results and
creating spin-off companies that
contribute to Canada’s economic
development, students can enter
pre-professional competitions.
Do your best at competitions by
taking advantage of the space,
tools and equipment provided by
the Brunsfield Engineering and
Entrepreneurship Centre to design,
build and test complex prototypes.
Some of these prototypes involve
energy-efficient cars and wind
turbines, autonomous airplanes,
and helicopters and submarines.
M a k er s pa c e
I n v e n t, p l a y, d es i g n a n d b u i l d i n t h e n e w M a ke r s pa c e
The new Faculty of Engineering Makerspace offers students, staff and
members of the community a collaborative environment where they
can access tools and equipment, cross-pollinate ideas and pursue their
creative passions. The equipment in the Makerspace includes 3D printers,
Arduinos, CNC mills, Handibots and much more. Don’t know how to
use this equipment? Don’t worry — Makerspace staff offer introductory
workshops on the tools for students.
This is a student-run space for everyone to collaborate and build dream
projects for free!
Discover the Makerspace at engineering.uOttawa.ca/entrepreneurship.
Defy the
Ge t i n s i g h t f r o m p r o fess i o n a l s
Through the Entrepreneurship Bridges Lecture Series offered by the Faculty
of Engineering, students receive insight from successful technological
entrepreneurs during. In addition, students can also take part in a variety of
events such as panels, lunch & learns and elevator pitch competitions, offered
by the Entrepreneurship Hub during uOttawa Entrepreneurship Week.
Increasing success of open heart
surgeries with 3D imaging
Faculty of Engineering professor Michel Labrosse
works with surgeons at the Ottawa Heart Institute
to make open-heart surgery procedures more
dependable. An expert in cardiovascular and
computational mechanics, Labrosse has developed
new software to exploit the latest 3D imaging
techniques and simulate heart valve repair long
before patients are wheeled into the operating
room. This puts his team in a unique position to
improve surgical repair procedures and ensure the
best long-term outcomes for heart valve patients.
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Experience your future career and
help fund your studies through
the CO-OP program
Placement rate
Combine study and work experience
With the Co-operative Education (CO-OP) Program,
you can gain hands-on experience in your field of
study while you complete your degree. CO-OP can be
added to any of the eight undergraduate programs
offered by the Faculty.
The University of Ottawa CO-OP program has been
running for over 30 years. Now the second largest
university program in Ontario and the fifth-largest in Canada, uOttawa CO-OP boasts a very high
placement rate.
As a Faculty of Engineering student, you gain
significant advantages from the CO-OP program:
Find work (100% faculty placement rate for winter 2014)
Find an employer in Canada or even abroad from
various organizations in the private and public
Build your professional skills and increase your
Network with valuable contacts who can help you
kick-start your career
Benefit from a quality program that meets
national criteria and standards and is approved
by the Canadian Association for Co-operative
Alternate between work and study terms. Start
working in the summer of your second year and
then alternate between four-month work and
study terms. Eight- and 12-month work terms are
now also available.
* Based on winter 2014 CO-OP data
Participation in the CO-OP program is now
mandatory for Software Engineering program
students, to help them develop practical and
solution-driven thinking!
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
Nabil Maadarani
Fourth year, Software Engineering, Engineering
Management and Entrepreneurship option
Yearlong internship at Cisco in San Jose, California
S t é p h a n i e Ze i d a n
Electrical Engineering,
RCMP in Ottawa
Trembl ay Pic ard
Civil Engineering,
PCL in Ottawa and Vancouver
“Without any exaggeration, the CO-OP program at
uOttawa helped me achieve a dream of mine: working
in Silicon Valley. Thanks to the CO-OP office and their
recommendation, I was chosen to represent Canada
in the Cisco International Intern Program in San Jose,
California. My internship lasted an entire year, and
I got the chance to do Research & Development on
some of the latest technologies that Cisco is involved
in areas of the Cloud and software. In the beginning,
I was really worried about having to move to a new
country, and all the complications of beginning a new
chapter of my life. But the advantages of this amazing
opportunity easily overcome the fears: learning a
new culture, discovering new places and making new
friends are a few examples of what an international
work term offers. I would tell any student considering
such a work term to think about how this chance can
positively influence their resumé, work experience
and life. It’s most definitely worth it! In general, the
CO-OP program has had a great impact on my life in
many ways, professionally as well as personally.”
Glen Torontow
Mechanical Engineering
National Defence and
the Canadian Forces in
Defy the
W o r k / S t u d y se q u e n c es
Sequence 1 – by default, all students follow this sequence. It is possible to
adapt this sequence to satisfy your best interests.
StudyStudy —
Work 1
Work 2
Work 3
Work 4
Study— —
C l a i r e E l i z a be t h
Pa s c o a l
Mechanical Engineering
CanmetENERGY in Ottawa
Used frying oil, orange peels and wood
pulp extracts will help wean the world off
unsustainable, petroleum-based paints, plastics
and polymers according to a green engineering
vision being developed by Faculty of Engineering
professor Marc Dubé.
Organic extracts such as limonene from orange
peels helps bind paint; compounds from waste
cooking oil make biodiesel, safe solvents and
absorbent hydrogels.
Waste not, want not.
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Faculty of Engineering
students know how to study and innovate!
Would you enjoy being part of a team to help build a contra-rotating small energy wind converter? Or design a
human hamster wheel to go on display at a museum and educate the population on energy consumption? Then
join an engineering club to work on similar exciting projects! You could also participate in the Canadian National
Concrete Canoe Competition or the Steel Bridge Competition or showcase your design talents in the Canadian
Society for Mechanical Engineers Student Design Competition.
Why not take on the challenge of testing your technical skills against students from other Canadian universities
at the annual Computer Science Games? Or the challenge of commercializing your end-of-studies capstone
design project in the annual Prizes in Entrepreneurship and Innovation student competition?
The life of a student at the Faculty of Engineering is anything but dull!
Other clubs include :
Mechanical Engineering Students Society (M.E.S.S), mess.essaeg.ca
Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)
Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE)
uOttawa Supermileage
Check out the life of campus section of our website for more details on associations and clubs.
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
Vanessa MacIsaac
He r e a r e j u s t a fe w o f t h e
s t u d e n t a ss o c i at i o n s a n d c l u bs
you could join:
Engineering Student Society (ESS) and Computer Science Student Association (CSSA)
The ESS and CSSA represent uOttawa Faculty of Engineering students; these are your
associations. Get involved in your student community. You’ll come to know your
colleagues better by participating in the various activities and events put on by and
for students.
Find out more about the ESS at essaeg.ca and the CSSA at cssa-aei.ca.
Advanced Robotic Innovations Society in Engineering (ARISE)
Are robots your thing? Get involved with ARISE! This University of Ottawa student
group designs and develops large-scale robots to compete at various international
Visit www.ariselab.ca.
Fourth year, Computer Science with Bioinformatics
President of the Computer Science Student Association
“After one year in biotechnology I decided the program
was not quite right for me and applied to switch into
computer science. I wanted to become a more active
member of my program and be able to participate
in the planning of events, not just attending them,
so I decided to run for a position on the CSSA. I have
now been involved with the Computer Science
Student Association (CSSA) for the past two years,
first as the VP external and now as president. I also
volunteer as co-president of the uOttawa chapter
of Women in Science and Engineering and with the
SHE# Club, which supports women in the field of
computing. Volunteering has been one of the best
parts of university for me. It has opened the door to
make connections with fellow students and faculty
members and afforded me amazing opportunities,
like going to the National Conference on Women in
Engineering in Vancouver. Volunteering is a great
addition to course work and I encourage all students
to get involved. It has been fulfilling to know that
while representing students my voice has actually
been heard and that I have been able to enhance the
university experience of others.”
Green Engineers
Work with industry partners and apply your knowledge to design, build and operate
specific projects, such as a dual wind turbine, a human hamster wheel, a wind tunnel
and much more.
Find out about current projects at www.GreenEngineers.ca.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Are you a technology enthusiast? The University of Ottawa student branch of IEEE
connects students studying in technology-related fields with industry professionals.
The IEEE also puts on events at the University, promoting a fun and stimulating
environment for students.
To keep up with branch events, visit www.ieeeuottawa.ca.
Engineers Without Borders
Put your engineering talents to good use! Engineers Without Boarders works to
support developing communities around the world by helping them gain access to
technologies that could improve their lifestyle.
Find out more about EWB at: www.uOttawa.ewb.ca.
Defy the
Going smaller and smarter to see better
Smart TVs that can be controlled through gestures.
Cars that monitor the road to prevent collisions.
Doors that recognize our face. Mobile phones
that can identify objects and buildings. Tablets
that can see the world in 3D. These are some of
the applications made possible by cutting-edge
technologies that combine powerful computer vision
software with small low-power devices that can run
millions of operations per second. Professor Robert
Laganière and his team research algorithms to
create a new generation of smart devices that can
see. An embedded vision expert, Laganière works
with local high-tech companies such as Cognivue,
one of the most innovative embedded vision
technology start-ups, and Synopsys, a world leader
in electronic design.
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
S ch o l a r sh i ps
Scholarships to support your studies in Engineering
At the Faculty of Engineering, effort and excellence are recognized values. To encourage student
academic success, the Faculty offers a range of admission scholarships.
Number: 35
Value: Depends on admission average;
$5,000 awarded for 95–100% and $4,000 for 90–94.9%
To be eligible, you must:
• Be registered for the first time in an
undergraduate program in the Faculty
• Maintain full-time registration for the Fall 2015
and Winter 2016 sessions
• Have a minimum admission average of 90%
(the admission average includes Faculty of
Engineering prerequisites)
Note: This scholarship is open to all students admitted to the
Faculty of Engineering, including international students. No
application is required for this scholarship; all eligible applicants
will be considered.
Number: 7 (one scholarship for each engineering program)
Value: $2,000
To be eligible, you must:
• Be a female student registered for the first time
in an undergraduate program in the Faculty
• Have a minimum admission average of 80%
• Submit a 250-word text on why you are
applying for an Engineering program
• Submit an up-to-date résumé highlighting
your latest academic and extracurricular
• Maintain full-time registration for the Fall 2015
and Winter 2016 sessions
Number: Variable
Value: $500 (minimum)
To be eligible, you must:
• Be registered full time in the first year of the Civil
Engineering program (regular or CO-OP)
• Be an Ontario resident
• Have a minimum scholarship average of 80%
• Demonstrate financial need
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
Number: 2
Value: $2,500 (minimum)
To be eligible, you must:
• Be registered full time in first year in a
program of studies of the School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)—
Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Software Engineering or Computer Science
• Be an Ontario resident
• Have a minimum scholarship average of 80%
• Be a well-rounded individual and possess
computer skills
• Demonstrate financial need
• Submit a letter from a teacher outlining your
leadership, communication and computer
• Submit a letter stating your intention to enter a
CO-OP program at the School of EECS
• Submit an official transcript, including your
most recent year of completed studies
Number: One for a male student and one for a female student
Value: $1,000
To be eligible, you must:
• Be registered full time in the first year of an
undergraduate program at the Faculty
• Have a high academic standing in the final year
of high school
• Be a well-rounded student who exhibits
• Hold an Ontario Secondary School Diploma
• Submit a résumé
• Submit an official transcript, including your
most recent year of completed studies.
A p p l i c at i o n d e a d l i n e :
March 31, 2015
Application form: Online Scholarships and
Bursaries (via uOZone) uOttawa.ca
É m i l i e C o bb o l d
Third year, Computer Engineering, Engineering
Management and Entrepreneurship option
IEEE uOttawa student branch, Women in
Engineering Chair
“Since the beginning, engineering has always
been, for me, a world full of opportunities,
opening doors that I never knew existed! As
a first year student, I started volunteering for
various outreach events, including Go Eng
Girl, an event that aims to educate aspiring
engineers. I thought I had come full circle, since
I was giving back to a program that got me
hooked on engineering when I was a little girl.
Little did I know it was only the beginning. Fast
forward two years and I’ve now participated in a
multitude of events, including being a workshop
instructor for Go Code Girl, a wonderful initiative
started at uOttawa to get high school girls
interested in computer science.
“I highly recommend getting involved as soon as
possible, whether you do it through the Faculty
of Engineering or the numerous student clubs
and associations on campus. Being involved gave
me the chance to meet with alumni, find a place
to call my own with the IEEE student branch, and
it even gave me the chance to travel! Last year I
attended CUSEC (Canadian University Software
Engineering Conference) in Montreal, OnCWiC
(Ontario Celebration of Women in Computing)
in Waterloo and last summer, I was given a
chance of a lifetime to travel to San Francisco! I
was chosen to be one of 20 girls in all of North
America to participate in Square’s College
Code Camp in Silicon Valley for a week. Hard
work truly does pay off and it was definitely an
amazing experience I wouldn’t have had without
the Faculty of Engineering.”
school of EECS
The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) is part of the Faculty of Engineering. This interdisciplinary
school combines four cutting-edge programs. Having these closely-related programs together in one academic unit means
that you benefit from professors with interdisciplinary knowledge gained from teaching in one or more of the four programs
offered by the school.
Offers a solid foundation
in mathematics and
physics. The study of
electricity, circuit theory
and electronics to design
communication devices,
power generators,
solid-state circuits,
microelectronic devices
and computing devices.
The program studies the
systematic design and
development of largescale software within
time and cost constraints.
Students learn how
to apply engineering
principles through various
stages: requirements
analysis, measurement,
modelling, validation,
design, construction,
testing, documentation,
and management.
Combines the
fundamental study
of computation and
information processing
with its application to
the world around us.
Computer scientists
build fast, reliable and
secure software systems
to organize, store and
analyse information.
Combines fundamental
principles from both
electrical engineering and
computer science, leading
to more specialized
studies in microprocessorbased systems,
computer architecture,
programming concepts,
real-time systems and
computer control
in robotics.
Engineering Management
and Entrepreneurship
Engineering Management
and Entrepreneurship
Engineering Management
and Entrepreneurship
Engineering Management
and Entrepreneurship
Majors and minors
in several different
Examples of
subject matter
Circuit theory, electronics,
networks, photonics,
power generation,
Software construction,
requirements engineering,
software design and
architecture, analysis and
design of user interfaces
Data structures and
algorithms, design and
analysis of algorithms,
artificial intelligence,
WWW structures,
techniques and
standards, databases
Electronics and circuit
theory, software
construction, computer
architecture, real-time
systems design, computer
network design
Graduates from EECS have exciting, high-quality and well-paid jobs
In recent surveys, alumni have indicated their satisfaction with
the quality of education they received at the School of EECS.
They recognize how much the program contributed toward
strengthening their analytic abilities, and they found positions
in their fields soon after graduating. These results are not
surprising given the quality of jobs available in this area across
North America.
According to a CareerCast study, software engineer and
computer systems analyst are ranked among the top 10 best
jobs of 2014.
*Source: 2014 Jobs Rated report, www.CareerCast.com
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Career opportunities
Electronics and chip designer
Electromagnetics engineer
Communications engineer
Signal-processing engineer
Product engineer
Automation engineer
Avionics engineer
Biomedical engineering
Power systems and renewable energy engineer
Where do our Electrical Engineering graduates work?
Rami Abielmona (MASc 2002, PhD 2007), VP Research
& Engineering at Larus Technologies in Ottawa
Frank Bouchard (BASc ‘11, MEng ‘13), Inventor and
co-founder of Wipebook, Ottawa
Asif Hameed (BASc ’05), Senior Sales Engineer, Unity
Connected Solutions in Toronto
Raihan Khondker (BASc ’08), Electrical / I&C Design
Engineer, Ontario Power Generation in Ottawa
Examples of courses in Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is at the heart of today’s
exciting advances in technology. With five technical
specializations - communications, systems, electronics,
microwave and photonic, and power and sustainable
energy- our curriculum will enable you to influence
how the world communities communicate, generate
sustainable energy and heal diseases. As an electrical
engineer, you will work with other engineers or
scientists on emerging technologies. The option
of Engineering Management will prepare you with
necessary skills to pursue entrepreneurial activities
and start your own technology-related business. The
double degree program-BASc in Electrical Engineering
and BSc in Computing Technology- will put you at the
intersection of the two areas that propel the waves of
technological development.
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
ELG4117 ELG4118 ELG 4125 ELG4126 ELG4137 ELG4139 ELG4159 ELG4176 ELG4179 ELG4177 ELG4178 Microwave Circuits
Optoelectronics and Optical Components
Wave Propagation and Antennas
Electric Power Transmission, Distribution and Utilization
Sustainable Electrical Power Systems
Principles and Applications of VLSI Design
Electronics III
Integrated Control Systems
Communication Systems
Wireless Communication Fundamentals
Digital Signal Processing
Optical Communications and Networking
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
All courses are offered in English and most courses are available in French.
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
BASc in Electrical Engineering
BASc in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management
and Entrepreneurship Option
BASc in Electrical Engineering and BSc in Computing
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Electrical and Computer
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Career opportunities
Software engineer
Systems architect
Computer security analyst
Quality assurance engineer
Video game designer
Mobile application developer
Systems analyst
User interface designer
Telecommunications engineer
Where do our Software Engineering
graduates work?
Jeffrey Arcand (BASc ‘13), Robotics Specialist and
Lead of Robotics Software at RobotShop in Mirabel,
n Daniel Godfrey (BASc ‘12), Software Engineer at
Amazon in Seattle, Washington
n Marc Stogaitis (BASc ‘08), Software Engineer at
Google in San Francisco, California
Examples of courses in Software Engineering
Software engineering is a CO-OP only program that
emphasizes innovation and teamwork to develop practical,
solution-driven thinking. During their fourth-year project,
students in this program can form teams and leverage their
work experience to create real applications; some students
even start their own companies. They learn how to apply
engineering principles—including rapid prototyping,
requirements analysis, system modelling, design,
implementation, testing and project management—to
develop software. Software engineers are key professionals
in fields such as high tech, finance, telecommunications,
government, health care, transportation and entertainment.
The Extended French Stream (EFS) is newly available to
students who want to continue their French immersion
studies during their university career.
SEG2105 SEG2106 SEG3101 SEG3102 SEG3103 SEG3125 SEG4105 SEG4145 SEG4910 Introduction to Software Engineering
Software Construction
Software Requirements Analysis
Software Design and Architecture
Software Quality Assurance
Analysis and Design of User Interfaces
Software Project Management
Real Time and Embedded Software Design
Software Engineering Capstone Project
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
Courses are offered in English and in French. Some advanced courses are
offered in English only.
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
BASc in Software Engineering (CO-OP)
BASc in Software Engineering (CO-OP), Engineering
Management and Entrepreneurship Option
The Extended French Stream (EFS) is available.
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Computer Science (MCS)
Master of Computer Science (MCS) with Specialization in
Master of Computer Science (MCS) with CO-OP option
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Engineering Management
Doctorate in Computer Science (PhD)
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Career opportunities
Software technologies and systems developer in many
diverse fields, including entertainment, government
and business.
Where do our Computer Science graduates work?
Christopher Saunders (BSc ‘10), Software Developer,
Shopify in Ottawa
n Julie Kathryn Luckham (BSc ‘08), Software Engineer,
Wayfair in Boston, Massachusetts
n Naim El-Far (PhD 2008) Founder and Principal at
Semper Excelsius Capital Inc. in Ottawa
n Pengcheng Xi (MCS ‘07), Research Officer, National
Research Council Canada in Ottawa
Examples of courses in Computer Science
CSI3104 CSI3105 CSI3120 CSI3130 CSI3131 CSI3140 CSI4900 CSI4139 CSI4106 CSI4130 Introduction to Formal Languages
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I
Programming Language Concepts
Databases II
Operating Systems
WWW Structures, Techniques and Standards
Honours Project
Design of Secure Computer Systems
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Computer Graphics
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
All compulsory courses are offered in English and in French.
Computer science at the School of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science combines the study of computation
and information processing fundamentals with their
application in the world around us. Computer scientists
build fast, reliable, scalable and secure software systems to
organize and analyze information. The honours curriculum
comprises advanced topics in databases, artificial
intelligence, computer graphics, security, distributed
computing and algorithm design, culminating in an
honours project. This program teaches graduates how
to use their creative and innovative talents to conceive,
design and implement software systems. The Extended
French Stream (EFS) is now available to all students in the
Computer Science program. Our degrees are very flexible
and include options, minors and a major, which can be
used to explore connections between computer science
and many other fields of study.
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
Honours BSc with Specialization in Computer Science
Honours BSc with Specialization in Computer Science,
Management and Entrepreneurship Option
Joint Honours BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics
Major in Computer Science
Minor in Computer Science*
Minor in Computer Science for Scientists*
The Extended French Stream (EFS) is available.
*Complementary program offered only as a second discipline. Registration starts in second year.
Accelerated Stream
You can complete your Honours BSc with Specialization
in Computer Science and your Master of Computer
Science within five years with the newly introduced
Accelerated Stream.
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Computer Science (MCS)
Master of Computer Science (MCS) with Specialization in
Master of Computer Science (MCS) with CO-OP option
Doctorate in Computer Science (PhD)
Career opportunities
Hardware designer
Computer applications engineer
Embedded microsystems engineer
Wireless and network systems technical manager
Software developer
Systems engineer
Where do our Computer Engineering
graduates work?
Letlhogonolo Letto Moshabi (BASc ‘08), Systems
Analyst at Mascom Wireless in Gaborone, Botswana
n Carla Dinardo (BASc ‘03), Section Head – Patent
Electrical Division at Industry Canada in Ottawa
n Nikola Rank (MASc ’08), Co-founder and President,
Iron Road in Toronto
Examples of courses in Computer Engineering
CEG3136 CEG3155
CEG4166 CEG4190 CEG4316 CEG4399 COMPUTER
Building on a solid foundation of traditional
engineering skills, this program covers many different
aspects of computer software and hardware, and
allows for more specialized studies in microprocessorbased systems, computer architecture, programming
concepts, real-time operating systems, software
engineering and robotics. This program provides
multiple paths to diverse careers.
Computer Architecture II
Digital Systems II
Computer Systems Design
Computer Control in Robotics
Real-Time Systems Design
Computer Network Design
Digital Image Processing
Design of Secure Computer Systems
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
All courses are offered in English and most courses are available
in French.
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
BASc in Computer Engineering
BASc in Computer Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Electrical and Computer Engineering
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Career opportunities
Chemical engineer
Process engineer
Petrochemical engineer
Biotechnological engineer
Environmental engineer
Biomedical engineer
Where do our Chemical Engineering graduates work?
Daniel Dicaire (BASc ‘08, MASc ‘10), Energy Efficiency
and Sustainability Officer, Community Housing
Corporation in Ottawa
n Nicholas Chan (BASc ‘03, MASc ‘08), Waste
Characterization Analyst, Atomic Energy of Canada
Limited in Chalk River, Ontario
n Denis Myre (BASc ‘08, MASc ‘11), Environment
Supervisor at Fortress Cellulose Spécialisée in
Thurso, Quebec
Examples of courses in Chemical Engineering
CHG3112 Process Synthesis, Design and Economics
CHG3335 Process Control
CHG4305 Advanced Materials in Chemical Engineering
CHG4307 Clean Processes and Sustainable Development
CHG4343 Computer-Aided Design in Chemical Engineering
CHG4244 Plant Design Project
Chemical engineering is at the intersection of many
disciplines, linking knowledge of basic and applied
sciences, economics, and health and safety. Chemical
engineering graduates use a series of operations
to sustainably process raw natural materials into
finished products. They work in any number of
industries, and during their careers, they may face a
variety of challenges, including optimizing processes,
monitoring pollution, converting renewable energy,
processing foods and drugs, and manufacturing new
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
All courses are offered in English. French courses are available in first and
second year, and are very limited in third and fourth year.
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
BASc in Chemical Engineering
BASc in Chemical Engineering, Engineering Management
and Entrepreneurship Option
BASc in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Option
BASc in Chemical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Chemical Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Chemical Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Chemical Engineering
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Environmental Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Environmental Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Environmental Engineering
Career opportunities
Process engineer
Biomedical engineer
n Chemical engineer
n Environmental engineer
n Biotechnology engineer
n Cell biologist
n Patent-law specialist
Where do our Biotechnology graduates work?
Marc Duchesne (BASc ‘08), Postdoctoral Researcher
at Natural Resources Canada in Ottawa
n Kamil Mroz (BASc ‘10) Engineer, Novo Nordisk
Engineering (NNE) Pharmaplan in Brussels, Belgium
n Nilesh Patel (MASc ‘03, PhD ‘08), Manager Process
Improvement at Sanofi Pasteur in Toronto, Ontario
Examples of courses in Biotechnology
BCH3170 BCH4172 CHG3127 BCH4101 CHG4381 CHG4244 Molecular Biology
Topics in Biotechnology
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Human Genome Structure and Function
Biochemical Engineering
Plant Design Project
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
All courses are offered in English. French courses are available in first,
second and third year.
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
Learn how living organisms grow and develop and how
we can use this knowledge to create manufacturing
processes, chemical products and life-saving drugs.
Did you know that proteins, yogurt and biodiesel
are all biotechnology products? So are insulin and
the chickenpox vaccine, both of which have saved
or improved the lives of millions. The Biotechnology
program covers the fields of biology, chemistry,
mathematics, engineering science and engineering
design. Students in this program receive two degrees
upon graduation, a BSc in Biochemistry and a BASc in
Chemical Engineering.
To be admitted to this program, applicants must
submit their application to the Faculty of Science.
To be admitted to this program, applicants must submit
their application to the Faculty of Science.
Honours BSc in Biochemistry (biotechnology) and BASc in Chemical Engineering (biotechnology)
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Chemical Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Chemical Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Chemical Engineering
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Environmental Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Environmental Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Environmental Engineering
Master of Science (MSc) in Biochemistry
Doctorate (PhD) in Biochemistry
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Career opportunities
Consulting engineer
Structural or construction engineer
n Geotechnical engineer
n Environmental engineer
n Water-resources engineer
n Municipal engineer
n Research engineer
Where do our Civil Engineering graduates work?
Marie-Josée Bussières (BASc ‘08), Construction Project
Manager, Pomerleau in Ottawa
n Alexandra Lavictoire (BASc ‘12, MASc ‘14), Jr. Water
Resources Analyst, Lake of the Woods Control Board, at
Water and Climate Services Canada in Ottawa
n Andrew Dowie (BASc ‘06), Policy and Economic
Development Officer, City of Windsor
Examples of courses in Civil Engineering
Civil engineers design the infrastructure on which
their communities depend, such as buildings and their
foundations, bridges, canals, dams, transportation
facilities, municipal sewer and water networks, and
wastewater and solid waste treatment systems.
Civil engineering students at the University of Ottawa
can take advantage of world class teaching laboratories,
multimedia classrooms and outstanding computer
facilities. Students develop expertise in computer
applications, field and laboratory testing and project
management, and they are well-equipped to serve their
communities upon graduation.
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
CVG2107 CVG2116 CVG2132 CVG3109 CVG3116 CVG3132 CVG3140 CVG3147 CVG3148 CVG4108 CVG4150 CVG4173 Geotechnical Materials and Processes
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
Soil Mechanics I
Physical / Chemical Unit Operations of Water and Wastewater Treatment
Theory of Structures I
Structural Steel Design I
Reinforced Concrete Design
Geotechnical Design I
Highway and Transportation Engineering
Construction Management
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
All courses are offered in English. French courses are available in first and second year.
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
BASc in Civil Engineering
BASc in Civil Engineering, Engineering Management and
Entrepreneurship Option
BASc in Civil Engineering, Environmental and Water Resources Option
BASc in Civil Engineering, Structural Geotechnical Option
BASc in Civil Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Civil Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Civil Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Civil Engineering
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Environmental Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Environmental
Doctorate (PhD) in Environmental Engineering
Career opportunities
Rehabilitation engineer
Biomedical engineer
n Mechanical engineer
Where do our Biomedical Mechanical
Engineering graduates work?
Thomas Souchen (BASc ‘10), Medical Student and
Research Projects Officer at The Australian e-Health
Research Centre in Brisbane, Australia
n Arwen Moore (BASc ‘11), Director of Biomedical
Product Development at Personal Neuro Devices
in Ottawa
Examples of courses in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering
MCG2131 MCG2142 MCG3110 MCG3131
The purpose of the Biomedical Mechanical Engineering
program is to graduate engineers proficient in the areas of
biomedical engineering related to mechanical engineering.
These include the design of medical devices such as artificial
hearts, implants and prostheses, the development and
selection of bio-compatible metallic and non-metallic materials
for implants and medical equipment, robotics for medical
applications, biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering.
The program structure parallels that of the regular Mechanical
Engineering program, replacing eight courses in the regular
program with biomedically-oriented courses.
Thermodynamics II
Biological and Engineering Materials II
Heat Transfer
Machine Design
Biocontrol Systems
Bio-fluid Mechanics
Design of Artificial Joint Prostheses and Implants
Design of Artificial Organs
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
All courses are offered in English. All first and second year courses, and
some third year courses, are also available in French.
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
BASc in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering
BASc in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering and BSc in
Computing Technology
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Biomedical Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Mechanical Engineering
This program has a broad scope, so that graduates may have a
wide range of career choices, not only in the biomedical field
but also in conventional mechanical engineering. Biomedical
systems are among the most complex of mechanical systems;
therefore, a strong and comprehensive education in standard
mechanical engineering principles is provided, with emphasis
on their application in biomedical systems.
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Career opportunities
Aeronautical/aerospace engineer
Automotive engineer
Manufacturing engineer
Robotics/automation/controls engineer
Energy systems engineer
Biomedical engineer
Consulting engineer
Renewable energy engineer
Where do our Mechanical Engineering
graduates work?
Antoine Corbeil (MASc ‘11), President & Founder,
Brayton Energy Canada in Gatineau, Quebec
n Miguel Clément (BASc ‘05), Co-Founder, Inovatech
Engineering Corporation of Ottawa
Examples of courses in Mechanical Engineering
MCG3110 MCG3131 MCG3145 MCG3306 MCG3340 MCG4308 MCG4322 MCG4328 MCG4136 MCG 4345 MCG 4111 MECHANICAL
If it moves, a mechanical engineer designed it!
Mechanical engineers are responsible for a wide range
of mechanical, thermal and biomedical systems and
devices, from computer parts to power plants, and
from manufacturing systems to spacecraft. This is a
broad-based area of engineering, and graduates find
work in almost every sector of industry, including high
tech, aerospace, manufacturing, automobiles, energy,
biomedicine and consulting.
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
Heat Transfer
Machine Design
Advanced Strength of Materials
Control Systems I
Fluid Mechanics I
Mechanical Vibration Analysis
Computer-Aided Design
Internal Combustion Engines
Consult the full course sequence at engineering.uOttawa.ca.
All courses are offered in English. All first and second year courses, and some
third year courses, are also available in French.
Undergraduate programs (bachelor’s degrees)
BASc in Mechanical Engineering
BASc in Mechanical Engineering, Engineering
Management and Entrepreneurship Option
BASc in Mechanical Engineering and BSc in Computing
Graduate programs (master’s and doctorate degrees)
Master of Engineering (MEng) in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Mechanical Engineering
Doctorate (PhD) in Mechanical Engineering
Get more than just a degree – personalize your
program to suit your interests! You can choose
to add one of these two options to most
engineering or computer science programs:
E n g i n ee r i n g M a n a g e m e n t a n d E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
This option provides students with the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial
spirit and the tools to develop their management skills. Students learn about product
development, financing, marketing and building a business plan. You may add this
option to your program without adding any extra time to complete your degree.
C o m p u t i n g Te c h n o l o g y
In many industries such as automotive, aerospace and construction, the integration of
mechanical, electrical and computer engineering is very high. Sensors, controllers and
microprocessors are integrated into cars, airplanes, smart houses, and even smart roads;
Computing technologies are omnipresent!
In a competitive job market, this option can make your résumé standout from the
others Computing Technology is offered as a second degree and consists of courses
that are common to all programs as well as courses that can complement your specific
engineering program.
Or you may want to choose a specific
option according to your choice of program.
Here are some examples:
E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n ee r i n g p r o g r a m
Power and Sustainability
Systems Engineering
Microwave and Photonics Engineering
C i v i l E n g i n ee r i n g p r o g r a m
Environmental and Water Resources
Structural and Geotechnical
C h e m i c a l E n g i n ee r i n g p r o g r a m
Environmental Engineering
Computer Science program
Select a complementary minor or major from a large
array of disciplines.
Consult the full list of options with all the details at
Defy the
Using the science
of light to save lives
Timing is critical during open-heart surgery. While
surgeons work on a patient’s heart, his blood pumps
through a machine. To prevent blood clotting during
the procedure, doctors administer an anti-coagulant
called heparin. But it currently takes an average of eight
minutes to check if the amount of heparin is right, a
considerable span when you’re working to save a life.
Faculty of Engineering Professor Hanan Anis and her
team, are developing technology to offer constant,
real-time monitoring so doctors know immediately
if they should add more anti-coagulant. An expert in
biophotonics, Anis is applying the science of light—
photonics—to medicine to design a new generation
of tools for doctors and medical researchers.
Source: uOttawa Research Perspectives 2014, summer edition
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
General requirements
Students must have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma with at least six 4U or 4M courses, including the prerequisites listed
below. Your admission average is calculated based on your six best interim or final Grade 12 courses at the 4U or 4M level, including the prerequisites for your program of choice.
These are minimum requirements only. They are subject to change. Admission is not guaranteed.
Biotechnology (Biochemistry
and Chemical Engineering)
English or Français 4U; Advanced Functions 4U; Calculus and Vectors
4U1; two of: Biology 4U, Chemistry 4U, Physics 4U, Earth and Space
Science 4U
80% – 82%
For this program, you need to submit
your admission application to the Faculty
of Science.
A combined minimum average of 70% is required for all prerequisite courses in
science and mathematics.
See www.science.uOttawa.ca for recommended courses.2
Biomedical Mechanical Engineering English or Français 4U; Advanced Functions 4U;
Calculus and Vectors 4U1; Chemistry 4U; Physics 4U
82% – 85%
A combined minimum average of 70% is required for all prerequisite courses in science and mathematics.
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
English or Français 4U; Advanced Functions 4U;
Calculus and Vectors 4U1; Chemistry 4U; Physics 4U
80% – 85%
A combined minimum average of 70% is required for all prerequisite courses in science and mathematics.
English or Français 4U; Advanced Functions 4U;
Calculus and Vectors 4U1; Chemistry 4U; Physics 4U
78% – 85%
A combined minimum average of 70% is required for all prerequisite courses in science and mathematics.
Computer Science
English or Français 4U; Advanced Functions 4U;
Calculus and Vectors 4U1
74% – 80%
A combined minimum average of 70% is required for all prerequisite courses in mathematics.
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Software Engineering
English or Français 4U; Advanced Functions 4U;
Calculus and Vectors 4U1; Chemistry 4U; Physics 4U
A combined minimum average of 70% is required for all prerequisite courses in science and mathematics.
Applicants who do not have the calculus or vectors prerequisites may take the University replacement course either the summer before or during their first session.
Past experience indicates that students with a strong background in biology, chemistry and physics have an increased rate of success.
faculty of
74% – 80%
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
Secondary V general requirements
Students must have a Quebec Secondary School Diploma with five Secondary V courses, including program-specific
prerequisites. A minimum average of 84% is required but does not guarantee admission. The admission average is calculated
based on a student’s best Secondary V courses, including the prerequisites for the student’s selected program.
CEGEP general requirements
Students must have a minimum of 12 CEGEP courses, including program-specific prerequisites, but excluding physical education
and make-up courses. Your admission average is calculated based on completed courses, excluding physical education and makeup courses. We do not take the “R” rating into consideration. You may receive up to 15 credits of advanced standing. The credits we
grant depend on the courses you’ve completed, the grades you’ve achieved and the program to which you are admitted.
These are minimum requirements only. They are subject to change. Admission is not guaranteed.
(Biochemistry and Chemical
English or Français • Technical
and Scientific option1 or Science
option1 (Secondary V) • Science
and Technology (with or
without option) (Secondary IV) •
Chemistry 504 • Physics 504
English (603) or Français (601);
Mathematics (201); Calculus I;
two of Biology (101) General
Biology, Chemistry (202) General
Chemistry or Organic Chemistry,
Physics (203) Mechanics or
Electricity and Magnetism,
Mathematics (201) Algebra I
65% – 78%
Prerequisites and additional requirements
A combined minimum average of 84%
is required for prerequisite courses in
science and mathematics.
A combined minimum average of 70%
is required for prerequisite courses in
science and mathematics.
See ww.science.uOttawa.ca for
recommended courses.2
Computer Science
English or Français; Technical
and Scientific Option1 or
Science Option1 (Secondary V)
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
English or Français • Technical
and Scientific Option1 or Science Option1 (Secondary V) •
Chemistry 504 • Physics 504
A combined minimum average of 84%
is required for prerequisite courses in
science and mathematics.
Electrical Engineering
Software Engineering
English or Français • Technical
and Scientific Option1 or Science Option1 (Secondary V) •
Chemistry 504 • Physics 504
A combined minimum average of 84%
is required for prerequisite courses in
science and mathematics.
English or Français • Technical
and Scientific Option1 or Science Option1 (Secondary V) •
Chemistry 504 • Physics 504
A combined minimum average of 84%
is required for prerequisite courses in
science and mathematics.
English (603) or Français (601);
Chemistry (202) General
Chemistry or Organic Chemistry;
Physics (203) Mechanics or
Electricity and Magnetism;
Mathematics (201) Calculus I
78% – 82%
English (603) or Français (601);
Chemistry (202) General
Chemistry or Organic Chemistry;
Physics (203) Mechanics or
Electricity and Magnetism;
Mathematics (201) Calculus I
70% – 74%
A combined minimum average of 70%
is required for all prerequisite courses
in science and mathematics.
Civil Engineering
70% – 74%
A combined minimum average of 70%
is required for all prerequisite courses
in science and mathematics.
Computer Engineering
English (603) or Français (601);
Mathematics (201) Calculus I
A minimum average of 70% is
required for the prerequisite course
in mathematics.
A minimum average of 84% is
required for prerequisite courses in
Biomedical Mechanical
Prerequisites and additional requirements
English (603) or Français (601);
Chemistry (202) General
Chemistry or Organic Chemistry;
Physics (203) Mechanics or
Electricity and Magnetism;
Mathematics (201) Calculus I
76% – 80%
A combined minimum average of 70%
is required for all prerequisite courses
in science and mathematics.
You will be required to take a make-up course in functions and/or calculus and vectors.
Past experience indicates that students with a strong background in biology, chemistry and physics have an increased rate of success.
To learn more on admission requirements for students coming from other provinces or territories other than Ontario and Quebec, please visit www.uottawa.ca/admission.
Continuing your studies
Once you have completed your undergraduate program, you may
want to consider pursuing your education at the graduate level.
The Faculty of Engineering provides its graduates with top-quality
education in engineering and computer science and offers a variety
of diplomas, masters and doctorate degrees in a variety of areas.
Masters and/or doctorate degrees areas:
Advanced Material Manufacturing
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Management (MEng)
E-Business Technologies
Systems Science
And many more…
Accelerated Stream –
You can complete your Honours BSc with Specialization in Computer
Science and your Master of Computer Science within five years with
the newly introduced Accelerated Stream.
For more information, visit
Want to try out research
as an undergraduate student?
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
Sign up for the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
and explore cutting-edge research as an undergraduate student at
the University of Ottawa. Work on unique and exciting projects, while
defining your professional goals.
Ashwin Panchapakesan
PhD student, Computer Science
Second-place, 2014 graduate students poster
“When I was still growing up (not that I’m
particularly grown up now), I wanted to
figure out how things worked, which often
meant that I would take them apart or try
to build similar things. When I chanced
upon computer science, I was enthralled
with a newfound ability to very rapidly
model things I saw around me every day.
I loved being able to get a computer to do
anything that I could think of — the sky was
the limit! Soon, however, I fell in love with
artificial intelligence, which was the cognitive
equivalent of the steam engine, allowing
me to multiply my creative capabilities by
orders of magnitude. I now work with some
of the most challenging problems in the field,
trying to find new solutions. I can’t wait to
get to my lab every morning, to push back
the boundaries between the known and the
unknown. The research life lets me see the
world with that same wide-eyed wonder that
I had as a kid, to continually ask questions
that no textbook can answer, to eventually
figure out how things work, so that I may try
to manipulate them to make a positive impact
in this world.”
Not only do you have the chance to gain relevant experience and get to know your professors and peers, but you will also be paid for
your work.
By participating in UROP, you will receive a $1,000 award and must
devote, during one academic term, at least 50 hours to a research
project conducted by a Faculty of Engineering sponsor. There’s no
better way to learn and discover whether you want to continue on to
graduate school.
For more information, visit www.research.uOttawa.ca/urop.
K ee p i n t o u c h
e n g i n ee r i n g . u O t ta w a . c a
how to
Keiko Climaco
Fourth year, Chemical Engineering, Computing
Technology option
Choose the program you want to
study in the Faculty of Engineering.
For more details, visit
Find out the academic entrance
requirements that apply to you.
Check application deadlines and complete
any required admission tests.
Include all documents and forms needed
for your application.
Track your application for admission via InfoWeb.
For more information on how to apply,
please visit www.admission.uOttawa.ca.
Visit the Facult y of
We would be pleased to show you around
our facilities. To make an appointment, email
us at genie.engineering@uOttawa.ca.
You can also follow a virtual tour of the
University campus at youtube.com/
C o m e m ee t u s i n p e r s o n
IEEE uOttawa Student Branch, VP External Affairs
“I originally entered uOttawa in first year as a
chemical engineering student. Computers and
programming was always a hobby but in the
past, I never seriously considered it as a career
path. However, soon after learning about the
double major program, I added the Computing
Technology option and have never looked back.
“My program allows me to earn two degrees,
widening my range of job options in the
future. It allows me to be versatile and excel
in both engineering fields. Being a chemical
engineering and computer science student
enables me to be unique and to analyze and
solve problems from a different perspective.
Our projects and laboratories allow us to
interact with industry-standard technology and
equipment. Although at times it can be difficult,
the tasks we complete are fulfilling and really
allow us to challenge ourselves and push the
limits of our abilities.
“Another aspect I enjoy about my program is
the excellence of the faculty members. They
are approachable and make learning fun and
enriching. uOttawa engineering also has a
warm community of great students. Currently,
I am able to volunteer and socialize with
fellow engineers through the IEEE uOttawa
Student Branch and the Engineering Students’
Society. It is quite easy to surround yourself
with enthusiastic and dedicated students, get
involved and really make the most out of your
university experience.”
September 19 to 21, 2014
Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF)
October 17 and 18, 2014
University of Ottawa Days
March 14, 2015
Spring Open House
F a c u l t y o f E n g i n ee r i n g
Université d’Ottawa
University of Ottawa
e n g i n e e r i n g . uO t tawa . c a
D i s c o v e ry E n e r g y I n n o vat i o n V i s i o n I m ag i n at i o
M a n u fac t u r i n g T e c h n o lo g y E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
ta i n a b l e d e v e lo p m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l P r o s p e r i t
Q u a l i t y Fa i r n e s s K n o w l e d g e E v o lu t i o n L i f e R e
s o u r c e s S a f e t y D i s co v e ry E n e r g y I n n o vat i o n V
I m ag i n at i o n M a n u fac t u r i n g T e c h n o lo g y E n t r e
n e u r s h i p S u s ta i n a b l e d e v e lo p m e n t P r o f e s s i o n
P r o s p e r i t y Q u a l i t y Fa i r n e s s K n o w l e d g e E v o lu
L i f e R e s o u r c e s S a f e t y D i s co v e ry E n e r g y I n n o va
Faculty of Engineering
U n d e r g r a d u at e S t u d i es Off i c e
800 King Edward, Room 1020
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
Defy the Conventional