University of Ottawa - Ontario Universities' Application Centre

University of Ottawa
Specify subject of major interest on the
Indicates that a co‑operative education
option is also available.
Specify on application if applicable.
Students must be admitted and complete,
before or after two and a half years at the
university, the diploma at Algonquin College.
Indicates that French Immersion studies are
also available. For the Faculty of Science
and the Faculty of Engineering, it is known
as French Extended Stream. Specify on
application, if applicable.
Compulsory study session abroad.
University and Program Codes –
Full‑time Studies Only
The University of Ottawa offers a program structure
that gives you opportunities and flexibility in
selecting your programs.
In the application process, you select a main
subject area. Except for very few subjects, students
will be admitted to a four‑year program. Further
information is available on the university’s website.
Deadlines for Submitting Applications
and all Required Documentation
Fine Arts (BFA)
March 1
Visual Arts (Major)
March 1
Ophthalmic Medical
(admission in third year)
March 1
Music (BMus), Music/Science,
Public Relations
April 1
Droit civil
May 1
April 1
Nutrition Sciences
April 1
Social Work
May 1
All other programs
June 1
Winter entry
November 15*
Foreign applications: Fall entry April 1
Foreign applications: Winter
October 15
*Applications may be accepted only to certain
Faculty of Arts
OHSArts s Communication nv; English n;
Environmental Studies (bilingual
program) nv; French Studies (entrance
exam); Geography nv; Greek and Roman
Studies v; History nv; Linguistics; Music v;
Philosophy v; Religious Studies v; Second
Language Teaching (ESL) (entrance exam) v;
Second Language Teaching (FLS) (entrance
exam) v; Spanish; Theatre v; Translation
(entrance exam) n (Honours specialization)
(four years)
OASArts s Aboriginal Studies v; Arabic
Language & Culture :; French as a Second
Language; German Language & Culture :;
History & Theory of Art v; Italian Language &
Culture :; Medieval & Renaissance Studies v;
Russian Language & Culture :; World
Cinemas (four years)
OAU Arts (three years)
OCMArts s Communication/Political Science nv;
Communication/Sociology nv; History/
Political Science nv; Philosophy/Political
Science v; Psychology/Linguistics (Joint
Honours) (four years)
OME Music (BMus) (audition) (four years)
OMS Music/Science (audition) s Biochemistry;
Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science;
Geology; Mathematics; Physics; Statistics
(Integrated program) (five years)
OPA Public Relations – Joint program with
Algonquin College t (four and a half years)
ODA Digital Journalism – Joint program with
Algonquin College t (four and a half years)
OVE Visual Arts (portfolio) s Fine Arts (BFA);
Visual Arts (Major) v (four years)
Faculty of Engineering
Biotechnology (Biochemistry/Chemical Engineering n)
(double degree program) (five years) (Select OSY
under the Faculty of Science.) This program begins
in the Faculty of Science.
OEC Biomedical Mechanical Engineering n
(four years)
OEY Biomedical Mechanical Engineering &
Computing Technology n (double degree
program) (five years)
OEE Chemical Engineering n (four years)
OEA Chemical Engineering & Computing
Technology n (double degree program)
(five years)
OHE Civil Engineering n (four years)
OBA Civil Engineering & Computing Technology n
(double degree program) (five years)
OBE Computer Engineering n (four years)
ORE Computer Science nv (Major) (four years)
ORC Computer Science nv (Honours
Specialization) (four years)
Source: 105 Instruction Booklet 2016 / 2016 Livret de directives 105
ORA Computer Science/Mathematics nv
(Joint Honours) (four years)
OIE Electrical Engineering n (four years)
OIC Electrical Engineering & Computing
Technology n (double degree program)
(five years)
OJE Mechanical Engineering n (four years)
OBC Mechanical Engineering & Computing
Technology n (double degree program)
(five years)
OJA Software Engineering nv (co-op option
only) (four years)
Faculty of Health Sciences
OKC Health Sciences v (four years)
OKA Human Kinetics s Human Kinetics (BHK)
(emphasis on social sciences) v; Human
Kinetics (BScHK) (emphasis on biophysical
sciences) v
ONE Nursing Ottawa Campus v (four years)
(No admission possible in second year)
ONA Nursing Algonquin Woodroffe Campus
(four years) (No admission possible in
second year)
OWC Nursing Algonquin Pembroke Campus
(four years) (No admission possible in
second year)
OKS Nutrition Sciences (four years)
(Offered in French only to bilingual students;
graduates from immersion programs may
apply.) (Language-proficiency tests – a
minimum score of 60 percent is required in
English and in French.)
Faculty of Law – Civil Law Section
OLT Programme national (LLL‑JD)
(JD is required for admission) (one year)
Telfer School of Management
OJM Bachelor of Commerce/Juris Doctor
(program offered in French)
OTC Commerce – Accounting nv (four years)
OTO Commerce – Finance nv (four years)
OTQ Commerce – Human Resource
Management nv (four years)
OTS Commerce – International Management nv:
(four years)
OTU Commerce – Management nv (four years)
OTW Commerce – Marketing nv (four years)
OGC Management Information Systems &
Analytics n (four years)
(Advanced Materials) nv; Chemistry
(EcoChemistry) nv; Financial
Mathematics & Economics nv; Geology nv;
Geology‑Physics nv; Mathematics nv;
Physics nv Physics‑Mathematics nv;
Statistics nv (Honours specialization)
(four years)
OSM Biomedical Science v (four years)
OSY Biotechnology (Biochemistry/Chemical
Engineering) nv (five years)
OTMScience s Computer Science/
Mathematics nv; Mathematics/
Economics nv (Joint Honours) (four years)
OWG Ophthalmic Medical Technology (with
the University of Ottawa Eye Institute)
(Admission in the first year) (four years)
OSW Ophthalmic Medical Technology (with
the University of Ottawa Eye Institute)
(Admission in the third year) (four years)
OSE Physics/Electrical Engineering v (double
degree program) (five years)
Faculty of Social Sciences
OLI Social Sciences s Women’s Studies v
(Major) (four years)
OLA Social Sciences s Anthropology nv;
Conflict Studies & Human Rights nv;
Criminology v; Economics nv; Economics &
Public Policy nv; Environmental Economics
and Public Policy nv; International
Development & Globalization nv;
International Economics & Development nv;
International Studies & Modern Languages v;
Political Science nv; Psychology (BA) v;
Psychology (BSc) v; Public
Administration nv; Social Work (offered in
French only) (Admission possible in the first
and second year) v; Sociology nv (Honours
specialization) (four years)
OLK Social Sciences s Anthropology/
Sociology nv; Communication/Political
Science nv; Communication/Sociology nv;
Criminology/Women’s Studies v; Economics/
Political Science nv; History/Political
Science nv; Mathematics/Economics n;
Philosophy/Political Science v; Public
Administration/Political Science nv;
Women’s Studies/Political Science v;
Women’s Studies/Sociology v (Joint
Honours) (four years)
OLC Social Sciences (three years)
Faculty of Science
OSOScience s Biopharmaceutical Science nv;
Environmental Science nv (four years)
OSSScience s Biochemistry nv,
Biology nv; Chemistry nv; Chemistry
Source: 105 Instruction Booklet 2016 / 2016 Livret de directives 105
Saint Paul University
Saint Paul University also offers a variety of minors
that can be combined with some of our four-year
OAW Conflict Studies (Honours BA) (four years)
OPG Human Relations and Spirituality
(Honours BA) (four years)
OPC Public Ethics (Honours BA) (four years)
OAG s Human Relations & Spirituality; Philosophy
of Religion; Social Communication; Theology
(Major BA) (four years)
OAQ Private and Public Ethics (Certificate)
(one year)
OGG Group Intervention and Leadership
(Certificate) (one year)
OCG Philosophy (Certificate) (one year)
OHC Social Communication (Certificate) (one year)
OPS Social Communication (Honours BA)
(four years)
OCA Theology (Certificate) (one year)
Saint Paul University
Admissions and Student Services
223 Main Street
Ottawa ON K1S 1C4
The University of Ottawa
The university is located in the heart of Ottawa, the
nation’s capital. You are within walking distance
of the Parliament buildings, museums, libraries
and the National Arts Centre. You will enjoy a
safe and friendly campus, and have easy access
to the resources of the capital. Ottawa is one of
the most beautiful cities in North America, only a
few hours away from Montréal and Toronto. Over
the years, numerous links have been established
between the University, research institutes, teaching
hospitals, government agencies and employers
from the private sector. As a result, University of
Ottawa students receive cutting‑edge scientific and
intellectual training.
Language of Instruction
If you wish to apply to programs where the
language of instruction is French, you must refer to
the French section of the 101 application package
and use the appropriate program codes.
French Immersion Studies/Extended French Stream
If you studied French as a second language in
an English high school or CEGEP, you have an
opportunity to obtain your bachelor’s degree
with the “French immersion” designation for
many programs, or the “Extended French Stream”
designation for programs offered by the Faculty
of Science. This option is tailored to the personal
linguistic objectives of all students aspiring to
improve or perfect their French-language skills. For
more information, visit:
Supplementary Administrative Fee
All applicants (except those who are currently
attending final year of a Canadian high school
or a CEGEP program in the province of Quebec)
are required to pay, directly to the OUAC, a $70
non‑refundable administrative fee.
University Transfers
Applications for transfer are accepted by most
undergraduate programs but spaces in second, third
and fourth year are limited. The minimum admission
average varies according to the program. You must
submit official transcripts for the last three years of
high school and for all postsecondary institutions
attended. Advanced standing may be granted for
completed course work pertinent to your program
of studies.
Mature Applicants
If you do not meet the normal requirements you
may be admitted as regular degree students
provided you:
1. are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
2. have not been engaged in full‑time studies for a
minimum period of two consecutive years;
3. are considered, by the Admissions Committee,
to hold promise of academic success (part‑time
studies or relevant experience);
4. meet the specific prerequisites of the program
Information about our programs and the application
process is available at or in one of
our publications.
Applicants for part‑time studies or applicants who
have previously studied at the University of Ottawa
must use the University of Ottawa online application
forms. These forms can be found on the University
of Ottawa website.
Source: 105 Instruction Booklet 2016 / 2016 Livret de directives 105
Language Requirements
Applicable Required
Score in
Internetbased: 86
Internetbased: 24
Computerbased: 237
Computerbased: 4.5
Paperbased: 580
Paperbased: 4.5
University All
of Ottawa Faculties
reading: 4.5
If you fall short of the required scores you may be
admitted conditionally, subject to increasing your
mastery of English by taking compulsory intensive
or semi‑intensive courses offered by the University
of Ottawa Official Languages and Bilingualism
Additional Information
Before applying, it is strongly recommended that
you contact your local Canadian Embassy or
High Commission for details about student visa
application procedures and the length of time
required to process a visa application.
Further Information
University of Ottawa
75 Laurier Avenue East
550 Cumberland Street
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
1‑877‑868‑8292, ext. 5315
Fax: 613‑562‑5790
Source: 105 Instruction Booklet 2016 / 2016 Livret de directives 105