Korean 105 - University of Toronto

EAS 410Y1: Modern Standard Korean IV
Fall/Winter 2010-2011
University of Toronto
Instructor: Kyoungrok Ko (고경록), kyoungrok.ko@utoronto.ca
Days & Time: T 10:00AM – 12:00
Classroom: SS1080
Office Hours: MW 2:00-2:50 pm (& by appointment) at RL 14217 (416-946-5115)
Course Blackboard Website Fall-2010-EAS410Y1-Y-LEC0101: Mod Std Korean IV on My Page
Course Description
As a continuation of EAS310Y1, this course is designed for advanced-level learners of Korean. By
reading short essays/articles and watching films, this course aims to improve students’ proficiency
in speaking, writing, listening, and reading. Students are expected to read/watch assigned
essays/articles and films in and out of class for classroom discussion and to post their written
assignments on classroom wiki pages. In addition, students need to study a list of vocabulary which
includes some Hanja before watching each film and while reading each essay/article. All classroom
and online discussions are conducted entirely in Korean.
Learning Materials:
Films/TV Series
The following films will be shown in class (subject to change):
1. Il Mare (시월애) by Lee, Hyun-seng
2. My Tutor Friend 2 (동갑내기 과외하기 2) by Kim, Ho-jeong
3. The Classic (클래식) by Kwak Jae-yong
4. Our Twisted Hero (우리들의 일그러진 영웅) by Park, Jong-won
5. Please Teach Me English (영어 완전정복) by Kim, Seung-soo
6. Le Grand Chef (식객) by Jeon, Yun-su
7. Secret Sunshine (밀양) by Lee, Chang-dong
8. 200 Pounds Beauty (미녀는 괴로워) by Kim, Young-hwa
9. Lovers in Paris (파리의 연인)
10. Art Museum by the zoo (미술관 옆 동물원) by Lee Jeong-hyang
Reading Materials
Reading materials will be posted on Blackboard. The followings should be read at home:
1. Sogagi (소나기) by Hwang Soon-won
2. Essays/articles posted on Blacboard
Term Mark:
Vocabulary Quizzes……………………………….………. 30%
Online Quizzes …….…………..….……………………… 20%
(Film Quizzes 10%)
(Reading Quizzes 10%)
Collaborative Writing (Wiki)…………………………….. 10%
Midterm Paper …………………………...………………. 10%
Digital Story Telling Project ……………………………... 30%
(4 Writing Assignments 20%)
(Final Presentation 10%)
Marking Schema: Refer to University Grading Regulations
Online Communication: Students are responsible for checking Blackboard and UTORmail
regularly. Your oral performance and quiz scores will be posted on Blackboard within two days
after each class. The instructor will make announcements regarding the classes via UTORmail or
Vocabulary Quizzes (In-class): You will be provided with a vocabulary list every week through
Blackboard. Each vocabulary list contains 30-50 essential words to understand the films or TV series
episode which will be watched and discussed in the class. The list also includes several basic Hanja
words necessary for your further improvement of Korean proficiency. You will take a 20-item
vocabulary quiz at the beginning of class just before watching each movie. No quiz make-up is
allowed. So do not miss the first ten minutes of class.
Film Quizzes (Online): To help your understanding of the films you will perform various tasks
ranging from filling information gaps to classroom discussion during or after watching the films.
While most tasks focus on listening and speaking, some tasks require reading and writing abilities.
You will use worksheets for these classroom activities and take an online quiz after finishing each
film. Most items of a film quiz are based on the tasks on the worksheets. Students should take online
quizzes within the designated time period. No makeup is allowed.
Reading Quizzes (Online): Before taking a reading quiz, you should read an assigned essay. A quiz
consists of items about reading comprehension, vocabulary, and short composition. Before taking a
quiz, study the word list that accompanies the essay. However, vocabulary items are not limited to
the words on the list. Sometimes you will need to use the dictionary to answer questions. Students
should take online quizzes within the designated time period. No makeup is allowed.
Collaborative Writing (Online & In-class): After watching a film, the reviewer of the week will
post his/her summary of the movie on the WIKI homepage of EAS410Y1 by a designated day. The
summary should contain at least 10 sentences. After the reviewer of the week posts his/her
summary, the other students will contribute to the composition by adding more details about the
story, adding words/sentences, or correcting grammar/spelling/spacing/punctuation. The number of
contributions is three per person (no more /no less). You should be able to explain how you
contributed to the co-construction of the text. Collaborative writing must be performed in Korean.
If you have any difficulty in typing Korean, ask for help from your instructor. Please refer to the
following procedures:
Read through the work posted by previous students without changing anything.
Read it again and make a list of what you want to add or modify on a piece of paper.
Prioritize the items on your list in the order of significance.
Add or modify on WIKI the three most significant things.
Save your work. Make sure you can finish your online work in one sitting. If you separate
your work, other students may interrupt your input before you finish your task.
6. Be prepared to explain in class why you chose the three items. Prepare similar examples
which may support your explanation.
Your participation in collaborative writing will be graded based on the following criteria.
The student finished his/her task by the designated time.
The student added or modified 3 things in the previous work.
The student made significant contribution to the collaborative work.
The student was able to explain how s/he contributed to the work.
Midterm Paper (Due on Nov. 15): You may choose one of the two following options.
Option 1: A comparison paper of The Classic (클래식) & Sonagi (소나기)
You will read a Korean short story, Sonagi by Hwang Soon-won, for the classroom discussion of the
film The Classic. Write a review of Sonagi (synopsis and comments) and discuss how the motives
of the story were employed in the film. You may discuss any issue that occurred in the film or in the
short story. The minimum length of the paper is three pages (font 12, double-spaced).
Option 2: An analysis paper of Korean idioms and proverbs
You will watch My Tutor Friend 2 which contains various Korean idiom expressions. Collect more
idiom words, expressions, or proverbs from your friends, family members, and online, then analyze
the meanings. (Introduce at least 30 idioms.) What was your initial guess about the meaning, and
what is the exact meaning? You should provide one or two example usages of the idioms. In
addition, you may introduce similar expressions in your native language and make comparisons.
Digital Story Telling: Each student will make a short movie introducing a personal memorable trip.
1. Choose the most memorable place that you have visited and taken many pictures.
2. Write four short essays about the trip, one essay per every due date. Introduce the place,
people, transportation, interesting events, authentic food, weather, and your thoughts.
(minimum 10 sentences per essay, double spaced) Paste 3-5 related pictures on the word
3. Upload the word document on Blackboard. Your teacher will read your essays and give
feedback. (5 points per essay)
4. Make a short movie using Windows Movie Maker after finishing the four essays. A
workshop on using Windows Movie Maker will be given during class on Mar. 15. Bring all
essays, pictures and your laptop computer that day. Students familiar with movie making do
not need to attend the workshop.
5. Present in class the movie that you made and edited as your final presentation. (10 points)
Accommodations for Disability: If you require accommodations for disabilities, you should
register with Accessibility Services as soon as possible. Accommodations will only be granted
upon authorization from Accessibility Services.
EAS410Y1 Daily Schedule (Bold print parts will be graded.)
Date Content (In class)
9/14 Placement Test
Online Assignments
Course Introduction
시월애 1
9/28 Vocab Quiz 1
Classroom conference
시월애 2
10/5 Vocab Quiz 2
Reading#1 Discusion
동갑내기 과외하기 1
10/12 Classroom conference
동갑내기 과외하기 2
10/19 Vocab Quiz 3
Reading#2 Discussion
클래식 1
10/26 Classroom conference
클래식 2
11/2 Vocab Quiz 4
Reading#3 Discussion
우리들의 일그러진 영웅 1
11/9 Fall Break (no class)
Collaborative Writing 1 (9/24)
Reviewer (9/23):
Film Quiz 1 (10/1)
Reading Quiz 1 (10/3)
Collaborative Writing 4 (11/19)
Film Quiz 4 (11/26)
Reading Quiz 4 (11/28)
Collaborative Writing 5 (12/3)
Reviewer (12/2):
Digital Storytelling #2 Due (12/5)
Film Quiz 5 (12/10)
우리들의 일그러진 영웅 2
11/23 Classroom conference
우리들의 일그러진 영웅 3
11/30 Vocab Quiz 5
Reading #4 Discussion
영어 완전 정복 1
12/7 Classroom conference
영어 완전 정복 2
Vocab Quiz 6
식객 1
Classroom conference
식객 2
Vocab Quiz 7
Reading #5 Discussion
밀양 1
Collaborative Writing 2 (10/8)
Reviewer (10/7):
Film Quiz 2 (10/15)
Reading Quiz 2 (10/17)
Collaborative Writing 3 (10/22)
Reviewer (10/21):
Digital Storytelling #1 Due (10/24)
Film Quiz 3 (10/29)
Reading Quiz 3 (10/31)
Midterm Paper Due (11/15)
Collaborative Writing 6 (1/14)
Film Quiz 6 (1/21)
Reading Quiz 5 (1/23)
Collaborative Writing 7 (1/28)
Reviewer (1/27):
Digital Storytelling #3 Due (1/30)
Classroom conference
밀양 2
Vocab Quiz 8
Reading #6 Discussion
미녀는 괴로워 1
Classroom conference
미녀는 괴로워 2
Reading Week (no class)
Film Quiz 7 (2/4)
Reading Quiz 6 (2/6)
Collaborative Writing 8 (2/11)
Reviewer (2/10):
Vocab Quiz 9
Reading #7 Discussion
파리의 연인
Classroom conference
파리의 연인 2
Reading #8 Discussion
Workshop: Windows Movie Maker
Vocab Quiz 10
미술관 옆 동물원 1
Classroom conference
미술관 옆 동물원 2
Final Presentation
Collaborative Writing 9 (3/4)
Reviewer (3/3):
Digital Storytelling #4 Due (3/6)
Film Quiz 9 (3/11)
Reading Quiz 8 (3/13)
Film Quiz 8 (2/18)
Reading Quiz 7 (2/20)
Collaborative Writing 10 (3/25)
Reviewer (3/24):
Film Quiz 10 (4/1)