Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

Year 10 Homework Project
Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Task 1: Biography
For your first task, you should research the life and times of William Shakespeare. Rather than a
traditional style of biography, try to be a little more creative, but just as informative. Ideas
could be: an interview script, a collage with writing, an autobiography, a diary entry of someone
who met and spoke with Shakespeare. What else can you think of?
Now, you have one week to do this, so ensure it is thorough. It should include at least a page
and half to two pages of solid, well researched and well organised writing.
You must include:
Information about his birth and parents
His childhood (what is known)
His family (wife and children)
When he moved to London and what happened there (as far was know)
His playhouse/ actors
His legacy and death
Be creative! There are a number of ways you could present your information. Surprise me!
Task 2: The Globe Theatre
This was a famous theatre which has been rebuilt in London to celebrate the life and work of the
Bard. Research the theatre and explain how it was built and its major attributes. Include a
diagram or photo of the theatre. Was it like theatres today? What is different about it?
There is a great website to help you with your research!
(or google search Virtual Globe – it should be the first or second link you have displayed)
You will need:
well set out introduction and middle paragraphs
topic sentences to help organise your paragraphs
connectives to link ideas within paragraphs
challenging vocabulary
rhetorical question to engage your audience.
Year 10 Homework Project
Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Task 3:
Look up the word ‘synopsis’ in the dictionary and write out a definition when you are clear
about what it means.
Find a synopsis of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
Now, using that synopsis, make your own even shorter synopsis - but
you are only allowed to use 200 words, so you must pick out only the
events and information which seem really important!
Task 5: A Diary Entry from Juliet or Romeo
Imagine that you are either Romeo or Juliet and you’ve just met at the masked ball. You are
going to write a diary entry that details the events of the evening. Remember: it was love at first
sight and each had a different experience before meeting. Romeo was in love with Rosaline (but
she didn’t love him back) and Juliet was asked if she would consider marrying Paris (which she
didn’t really object to that much).
Top Tips:
Set it out like a diary entry.
Use paragraphs
You can use slang but be appropriate
Show all you can about the character of these two. What would they say about the
Yes, you have to stick to the events actually outlined in the story and tell what happened..
dancing, the kiss, climbing the wall, the nurse interrupting, the promise of marriage and so on...
BUT be creative and use your imagination...
Task 6: A Wedding Invitation and Wedding outfits.
Imagine that instead of our tragic ending, Romeo and Juliet, with the help of their friends have
planned a wedding to surprise their parents. Their parents will get an invitation through the
post! Design an invitation to the wedding and wedding outfits for both Romeo and Juliet. These
could adhere to the time period of the play OR be a modern interpretation. In the past, students
have actually made the outfits but drawings and mood boards will suffice. For invites, you might
consider dying it with tea to make it look old or decorating it with ribbon. Decide if the wedding
will be traditional or controversial.
You will need to include:
An invitation with dates, times and locations. I suggest you look up wedding invitations
on line to help you.
A detailed wedding outfit for Juliet (with a written paragraph explanation of the outfit)
A detailed wedding outfit for Romeo (with a written paragraph explanation of the outfit)
A summer of how you made your decisions and why you think they are appropriate (at
least a paragraph)