Romeo and Juliet Project ­­ Due: Friday, March 21st Good News!: You can work in groups. Better news!: You will have five weeks to complete this project. Big News!: Due March 21st, 2014. Projects turned in after this date are late, and you will lose 10% of the projects’ total point value for every day the project is late. It will be worth 100 points. Stipulations: 1. Students may choose groups, but the English teacher reserves the right to make changes in the groups. 2. The size of the project will be proportional to the amount of students in the group. 3. Please keep in mind that this project will be partially completed outside of class; students will also have class time nearly once a week to touch base with group members. Journal and Status Checks 1. You will report your progress in your Journal during Status Checks. Status Check days are the only class time to meet with your group. Your teacher will collect journals on these Status Check days. (We will make it in class! Don’t buy one!) 2. You will have 5 Status Checks/Journal entries. The 1st is worth 5 points, 2nd­4th are worth 10 points each, and the final journal entry will be worth 15 points. 3. They may NOT be turned in late. 4. Do not copy the journal from your group members. If you copy, you will earn a zero on your journal, as will the person from whom you copied. Status Check Dates and Activities: Check 1 Adult signature and Journal Entry #1 Check 2 Journal Entry #2 Check 3 Works Cited page completed (Bring copy!) and Journal Entry #3 Fri. March 7th Check 4 Sample of what you have completed. (Draft of all writing, video Thurs. shot, pictures of the Globe Theater, drawings, list of music, March 13th etc.) Journal Entry #4 Final Due! Final project (Final draft, group names, and class periods) and Journal Entry #5 due (name and class period included) Wed. Feb. 19th Fri. Feb. 28th Fri. March 21st Project Ideas *Your teacher reserves the right to change any aspect of the project. *You have a choice of any of the following projects; please see your teacher if you have other ideas. Rewrite of the Story­ (1­2 students) You do not have to rewrite the whole play; you must do two complete scenes. (*If a scene is too short, then you will need to do add another scene.) ● Rewrite the play using characters from a fictional work (Harry Potter, Twilight, The Simpsons, etc.) ● You must stay true to the characters and to Shakespeare’s story; Mr. Burns is not a kind, friendly old man in the show The Simpsons; therefore he cannot be a sweet young man in your retelling. ● You may not make any major plot changes in the story; your Romeo must fall in love with Juliet. There must be frays and family conflict, heartbreak, and tragic death; hit all the major plot points. ● Include Shakespearean elements (in some portion of your story): pun, oxymoron, sonnet, soliloquy, paradox, Shakespearean language, etc. Underline and label this. ● Include a character list. Comic Book­ (1­3 students) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Draw a comic book of a minimum of three scenes of Romeo and Juliet. Summarize all the key elements of each scene of the act. You must include the original dialogue in your thought bubbles. Your pictures must help tell the story of the act you choose. Pages can contain four to six panels. Only two pages can be splash pages (when the whole page is just one picture). The book must have a cover and be in color. Romeo’s or Juliet’s Diary­ (1­2 people) ● ● ● Create a diary for either Romeo or Juliet covering all the major events of the play. Include a one­page entry per each act. There should also be a several accompanying pages of “memorabilia” for the chosen act/scenes: ● “Memorabilia” may include, but is not limited to, collages, pictures, doodles, sketches, poems, song lyrics, pieces of fabric, symbols and small objects reflective of the situation/a conversation/events in that particular scene/act, etc. Consider what you might put into a journal dedicated to the object of your affection. ● The diary entries must reflect the mental and emotional states of Romeo or Juliet during each act; be real—this is love we’re talking about here. ● You must mention: ○ a. specific events and situations from each act, and ○ b. how you (Romeo or Juliet) are coping with those situations (these thoughts/actions MUST be reflective of the true chosen lovebird and Shakespeare’s characterization of him/her) ● This diary should be written in first person point of view; content must be school­appropriate. Soundtrack­ (1­2 students) ● ● ● ● ● ● Create a soundtrack that reflects various events/scenes/moods/emotions of an act in the play. The soundtrack should be for any one act you choose. You must choose songs that: ● Reflect the mood of the act. ● Portray the same emotions that the characters feel during the play. ● Reflect events that have taken place. You must have at least 15 songs. Your CD must contain a booklet; explain why each song was chosen and how it reflects the play. Label each song mood/emotions/event. You must have a CD case and cover art. NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CD BURNER, DO NOT CHOOSE THIS OPTION. Movie Creation­ (3­4 students) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make a movie: Film one to three important scenes of the play: Do not read the script. Memorize your lines. You must use costumes, props, music, and the original language of Shakespeare. However the setting, time and place, is up to you. You can set it in modern times or in Elizabethan times. Your characters can be dressed as sports stars, musicians or high school teenagers. You will need a director, actors and a stage manager. It must be filmed—to be later viewed in class. Groups must hand in a script and a one­page explanation of the changes made to the play. Include a sample of your soundtrack (3 songs). You can edit out parts as long as you include major points. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A VIDEO CAMERA, DO NOT CHOOSE THIS OPTION! Model of the Globe Theater­ (1­3 students) ● ● Create a 3D design of the Globe Theater; it must contain all the elements of the theater. It must be at least 1’x 1’. ● ● It should be painted and as realistic as possible. The parts must be labeled. There should be an instruction manual included, so other students can create a model years to come. ● Include a works cited page. Web Page­ (1­2 Students) ● ● ● ● ● ● Create a webpage that will be added to Mrs. Demos’ Shakespeare page on Falcon Links and her website. Your web page must contain hypertext and links to other Shakespearean websites. You must have pictures on your website. It should be attractive and informative. It should contain at least 20 different facts. It should contain a works cited page. Children’s Book­ (1­3 students) ● ● Create a children’s book that tells the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet. This is a two­part assignment: You will need to explain Shakespeare’s life and the story of Romeo and Juliet to a child—in a way that the child will best comprehend. ● You must use simple language that a small child would understand. ● The picture book must be 25 pages long. ● Include images, illustrations, a table of contents, and page numbers. Agape, Eros, Storge, Philia iMovie Presentation­ (1­2 students) All four types of love are evident in Romeo and Juliet. ● Create an iMovie presentation which shows all four types of love as they appear in Romeo and Juliet. ● The iMovie must include images, exact quotes and music. ● The images and music must match the type of love being represented. ● Two quotes for each type of love. ● Each quote is correctly cited. ● In an essay, identify all four types of love, including examples from the play. ● Use text evidence to support your information. ● Connect and explain your iMovie representation to all four types of love. ● Include a works cited page for all images and music used. Some Friendly Advice 1. Choose your group carefully; friends are fun, but be careful you don’t waste precious time! 2. Choose your project carefully. 3. Make sure it’s something everyone will enjoy, into which everyone can put her/his own ideas. 4. Meet all of your deadlines. 5. Don’t ignore class work/other projects because you think this assignment will save your grade. 6. Do NOT wait until the night before to finish your project; I can tell these things! 7. HAVE FUN! Be as creative or as structured as you would like to be. All instructions and rubrics are on the teacher’s web page. All work must be original. If you do research, you must cite the information you learned both in text and with a works cited page. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Status Check # 1 Assignment: Due Friday, March 21, 2014 As a guardian of _________________________________, I have read the following packet and understand the requirements of the project. I understand that this will be done mostly outside of school and that my child has the option to work with other students or by his/herself. I understand that this assignment is 100 points plus journals and students will still be responsible for work for this class and all others. I’m also aware that my child’s English teacher offers “English Help” after school on various days, in case he/she needs after­school help. If I have any questions, I can contact the school by phone (410­313­6937) or by email: ● Mrs. Demos at ● Mrs. Myers at Adult’s Signature___________________________________________ Date: ____________