Success Guide Workout Packet

 Trouble Spot Success Guide How TO Maximize The Training System Quick Start
There are a Total of 3 DVDs in this Training System
Complete the 5 Exercise Primer Circuit while you Wait for DVDs
Ensure you have Mastered the Kettlebell Swing
Follow Each Phase In Order for Maximum Results
Print Workout Logs and Schedule to Stay Focused and On Track
Watch Bonus Videos- Take Notes
Finishers & Intervals Compliment Fat Burn and Definition
Fat Burning Meal Plans MUST be in Place or Trouble Spots will Not Budge
You Simply Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet
Regardless of How Amazingly Effective the Trouble Spot Training System Is
The Trouble Spot Solution Disclaimer The Trouble Spot Solution Training System is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health-­‐care professionals. Get your doctor’s okay before starting any type of new exercise or nutrition plan, especially if you have existing or pre-­‐existing injuries. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Fit Yummy Mummy, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Holly Rigsby, Fit Yummy Mummy or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program. The Trouble Spot Solution Training System
Includes 3 DVDs ~ 3 Phases to be followed In Order
Phase One: BUTT
Phase Two: THIGHS
Phase Three: ABS
Each DVD has 2 workouts - Circuit A and a Circuit B
This is a total of 6 workouts to take you through a 12 Week Trouble Spot Transformation
Each Circuit includes…
+ Learn It Segment
Learn Step By Step how to properly perform each exercises with Modifications as needed
+ Do It Segment
Built In Warm Up
Full Follow Along Circuit – range of suggested repetitions
4 Minute “Fat Torching Finisher”
How To Use
Follow each Phase rotating between Workout A and Workout B for a total of 4 weeks
before progressing to the next phase. This is a 12 total trouble spot transformation.
Refer to Workout Calendar for tips on how to effectively schedule your workouts.
What’s the “magic” behind this uniquely designed training system?
Please review all 4 series in the “How To Target Your Trouble Spots” Video Series found on the Fit
Yummy Mummy Blog.
Search for “trouble spots”
1. Best Exercises to Target Trouble Spots fo Moms
2. Best Butt Shaping Exercises
3. Slim and Trim Your Thighs
4. Flat Abs for Moms
Getting Started
Your 5 Exercise Primer Circuit
(Success Video Guide has a Step by Step tutorial on how to do each movement)
No need to WAIT to begin your Trouble Spot Transformation!
Get your body primed and ready to jump in to properly and effectively
perform the powerful exercises that make up each Phase of your Trouble
Spot Circuit Workouts.
Warm Up
Fire Hydrants
Hip Flexor Stretch
Duck Unders
(complete 5-8 repetitions for each)
Complete 2 Rounds
5 Exercise Primer Circuit
Hip Bridge
(8-10 reps ea)
Complete 3 Rounds
The Trouble Spot Solution Workout Guidelines
Follow each Phase in Order.
Phase for 4 weeks
Allow a Day of Rest between each Circuit Training Workout
Intervals are to be performed 2-3 days a week on NON Circuit workout
Follow each circuit workout with a Post Workout Shake – I use and
recommend Prograde Workout.
Keep a workout log, set personal records, add in progressions as you
Not only will you kick off the recovery process with a post workout drink – I suggest
Prograde Workout – within 30 minutes of your Strength Workout – you must also
allow a day of rest in between each workout.
workouts – only AFTER.
This is why it is essential that you refuel with the RIGHT type of nutrients, that you
rest, recover and allow for the regeneration of your muscles.
Finishers & Intervals
Enhance your Fat Burn during and long after each circuit workout. This bonus video
gives you additional formats and ideas to create a variety of body shaping finisher and
interval training workouts.
How To Master the Kettlebell Swing – Kettlebell Workshop
The Swing is one of the most powerful moves when it comes to reshaping your lower
body and abs. The most important step you can take is to ensure you understand how
to properly perform this essential movement. If you do not yet have a Kettlebell, you
may sub in a dumbbell.
Fat Burning Meal Plans
What and How you Eat has the most Dramatic Effect on your ability to sculpt and
define your trouble spots when combined with this training system. This Video not only
gives you a tour of my kitchen for ideas on what to have on hand, but takes you through
a step by step tutorial on how simplify the meal planning process.
Cool Downs – An Unannounced Bonus
It is suggested that you stretch the muscle groups you challenged. Ease into each stretch
- listening to your body. NO BOUNCING.
Slow, controlled mindful execution -- holding each stretch for at least 3 deep breaths after which time, see if your body will go deeper into the stretch with a gentle nudge in
whatever direction you are headed - but do NOT force.
Schedule your Trouble Spot Workouts
TIP: Create a Countdown Calendar!
You have 12 weeks of trouble spot transforming workouts before you. Break your
workout schedule down into a week by week countdown. This is very motivating and
eye opening to see just how consistent you are…and you can be!
Mon SAMPLE 1: Workout Schedule (Phase One) IT = Intervals Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Phase 1 -­‐ A finisher IT Phase 1 -­‐ B finisher Phase 1 – A finisher IT REST IT Phase 1 -­‐ B finisher IT Phase 1 – A finisher IT Phase 1 -­‐ B finisher REST Phase 1 – A Phase 1 -­‐ B Phase 1 -­‐ A IT IT finisher finisher finisher Phase 1 -­‐ B Phase 1 – A Phase 1 -­‐ B IT IT IT finisher finisher finisher REST REST Mon Tues SAMPLE 2: Workout Schedule (Phase One) Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Phase 1 – A finisher IT Phase 1 – A finisher IT Phase 1 – A finisher REST IT Phase 1 -­‐ B finisher IT Phase 1-­‐ B finisher IT Phase 1 -­‐ B finisher Phase 1 – A finisher IT Phase 1 – A finisher IT Phase 1 – A finisher REST IT Phase 1 -­‐ B finisher IT Phase 1 -­‐ B finisher IT Phase 1 -­‐ B finisher REST Notice with the 2 samples, you have a couple options on how to rotate between Circuit A and Circuit B. Either rotate every other day or every other week. One is not better than the other. Whether or not you stick to this schedule is what will determine the effectiveness of your workout schedule. Create a workout schedule that best fits your lifestyle so you will be consistent How you choose to incorporate 2-­‐3 IT workouts each week is up to what best fits your schedule. If you are unable to only get one IT workout in during the week, do not fret. Your results do not hinge on our IT workouts. Your Trouble Spot Transformation Results are created by being CONSISTENT with your circuits, staying challenged and sticking to a Fat Burning Nutrition plan. Rest Day is up to you. Make sure you have at least one FULL day of rest for your body to fully recover. Light activity is fine, it is just not advised to push through another intense activity or workout. Maximize your Workouts
Strength training is the most effective way to reshape your body and the ONLY way to
increase lean, tight toning muscle – this is vital for muscle is your metabolism and the
key to fast fat burn!
You will get the most out of your workouts by keeping the intensity high, with the short
burst intensity style of your FYM workouts, your muscles to be challenged with 3 sets of
8 – 15 repetitions for each exercise. Be sure to choose a weight that allows you to feel
challenged within this range of repetitions. If you can easily complete 20 or more – the
weight is too light. If you can barely complete 5 and your form is less than good, weight
is too heavy.
Set Personal Records
Each time and every time you workout your workout must be challenging to you.
Whether it’s adding slightly more weight, an extra set, a few more repetitions, changing
the order of the exercises or increasing the intensity of your Intervals, you need to keep
the metabolism boosting benefits coming. Progression is the only way to continually
achieve results. Your body has the amazing ability to adapt to a workout routine in as
little as 3 to 4 weeks! So change it up and keep it challenging!
Printable Workout Logs are up next!
DVD 1 – Phase One: BUTT
Phase One: Circuit A
You will Need…
2 Dumbbells
(preferably moderate 10-15 for upper body and one heavy for lower body 20 +)
Weight -Notes
Squat to Press
One Leg DB Row
DB Lunges
Push Ups
Suggested Cool Down: Figure 4, Lying Glute Stretch, Pigeon, Childs Pose
Phase One: Circuit B
You will need…
2 Dumbbells
(preferably moderate 10-15 for upper body, heavy for lower body 20 +)
Stability Ball
Weight -Notes
One Leg RDL
One Arm DB Row
Plank to Side Plank
Stability Ball One Leg Curl
One Hand Swing
Suggested Cool Down: Figure 4, Lying Glute Stretch, Pigeon, Childs Pose
DVD 2 – Phase Two: THIGHS
Phase Two: Circuit A
You Will Need…
3 Dumbbells (or a Kettlebell and 2 DBs)
(preferably moderate 10-15 for upper body and one heavy for lower body 20 +)
Weight -Notes
Goblet Squat
T Push Up
Bulgarian Split Squat
One Arm Band Row
Suggested Cool Down: Butterfly stretch, Knee Hugs, seated twist, Childs Pose
Phase Two: Circuit B
You Will Need:
2 Dumbbells & Kettlebell
(preferably moderate 10-15 for upper body and one heavy for lower body 20 +)
Stability Ball
Weight -Notes
Jumping Lunges
Side Plank Reach Through
DB Thruster
Deadlift to High Pull
Suggested Cool Down: Knee Hugs, Spiderman Stretch, Down Dog, Childs Pose
DVD 3 – Phase Three: ABS
Phase Three: Circuit A
You will need…
2 Dumbbells
Stability Ball
Weight -Notes
Off-Set Squat
Belly Blaster
SB Roll Out
RDL to Row
Super Plank
Suggested Cool Down: Plow, Hip Extension, Seated Twist, Childs Pose
Phase Three: Circuit B
You Will Need…
2 Dumbbells
(preferably moderate 8-15 for upper body, heavy for lower body 20 +)
Stability Ball
Medicine Ball (or DB)
Weight -Notes
Reverse Lunge & MB Twist
Renegade Row
One Leg Deadlift
SB Jackknife
Hand to Hand Swings
Suggested Cool Down: Plow, Hip Extension, Seated Twist, Childs Pose
Additional Cool Down Stretch Options
Pigeon Butterfly Stretch Knee Hug Kneeling Spiderman Crawl Plow Hip Extension
Have a Blast With Your
Trouble Spot Transformation
#1 Strategy For Results
Above the most challenging strength training workouts, the most heart pumping interval
training sessions and even the most squeaky clean meal that you Stick To It!
You will not get results if you do not follow through with consistency. You will not get
results if you give up after 2 weeks. Do something that aligns with your values and goals
every day.
Getting Results is a Process
and it Take Time
But I have a Secret for you!
The secret to creating a habit of consistent effort is….
To Do Something EACH and EVERY day - a choice that will take you one step closer in
the direction of your goal.
Consider the alternative…
ü Doing Nothing - gets you nowhere
ü Making excuses – drains you, drawing you backwards
ü Saying “I'll do it tomorrow” – keeps you right where you are – is this where you want
to remain? Then stop putting off your happiness!
Something is Better Than Nothing
Something is what leads you to Success.
The only way to get results is to Take Action. Take it Every
Day…starting RIGHT NOW
If you need any additional support, be sure to log into the forums at and ask for help!
I am excited to celebrate your Trouble Spot Transformation Success.
Be sure to share ~ I look forward to featuring your success story and
celebrating with you in the forums!
Author of Fit Yummy Mummy, The Trouble Spot Solution, Founder of ClubFYM, ACE Certified
Fitness Professional, KBA certified, MAT, Director of Fitness Consulting Group and Prograde
Nutrition’s Weight Management Courses Specializing in Fat Loss Services and Programs for
Busy Moms