COURSE SYLLABUS Syllabus for: READ 0810 Learning Support

Syllabus for: READ 0810 Learning Support Reading
Catalog Description: This course emphasizes the development and use of reading skills within the context of
collegiate-level courses and employs computerized, self-paced study plans. Upon completion, students will
demonstrate the ability to employ critical reading and logic when evaluating information and ideas within a text.
Required Text: MyReadingLab computer software/e-text, Smith/Morris, 10th edition, 2011, Pearson
ISBN: 9780205868940
Price: $88.75 (Motlow College Bookstore)
Supplies: Headphones or ear buds; USB drive
Student Group for Whom Course is Required/Intended: Students with an ACT score of 13-17 in Reading or an
equivalent COMPASS placement score.
ACADEMIC PROGRESS/GRADES: Students may take up to two terms to complete Learning Support and will
receive an IP at the end of the first term with documented mastery of the first competency with a 70 or above.
An F will be assigned if students have not mastered the first competency within the first term.
If a second term is needed to complete the exit competencies, a final grade will be determined by documented
mastery of the first competency and an earned final average of 70 or above for all assignments designated to
address exit competency skills.
ATTENDANCE: Students are required to attend a sixty minute classroom session each week and may receive
supplemental instruction to be determined by the instructor. In addition, one hundred twenty minutes of
independent lab work each week with instructor/lab assistant oversight provides optimal opportunity for
competency mastery. Students are encouraged to work at an accelerated rate to master both competencies in one
term or less. Early exit is encouraged.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Motlow State Community College is committed to meeting the needs of
qualified students with disabilities by providing equal access to educational opportunities, programs, and
activities in the most integrated setting appropriate. This commitment is consistent with the College's
obligations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the American with Disabilities
Act of 1990 (ADA). Together, these laws prohibit discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities.
The Director of Disability Services, Ms. Sonya Hood, coordinates services for students with disabilities at MSCC
and serves as an advocate and liaison for disabled students attending the college.
The office is located in Simon Hall room S129. Regular office hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday. Students not enrolled on the Moore County Campus should request services through the
Fayetteville, Smyrna, McMinnville centers or by calling 931-393-1765.
CLASS/LAB BEHAVIOR: Students are expected to refrain from the use of phones and other electronic devices
and from participation in side conversations or unauthorized computer use. Students and instructors/lab
assistants should exhibit mutual courtesy and respect.
DIAGNOSTICS AND COMPETENCY MASTERY: Students will complete a diagnostic pre-test during the first week
of class to provide a secondary assessment of basic skills. Based on the pre-test results, students will be assigned
an individualized study plan to address the first and exit competencies to be mastered before final exit from
Learning Support. Students who exhibit mastery of both competencies with the pre-test results will exit Learning
FIRST COMPETENCY COMPLETION: The first competency is mastered when students achieve a final average of
70 or above for all assignments designated to address first competency skills in Modules I and II of
MyReadingLab. No mastered competency will be repeated.
EXIT COMPETENCY COMPLETION: The exit competency is mastered after students achieve documented mastery
of the first competency and earn a final average of 70 or above for all assignments designated to address exit
competency skills in Module III of MyReadingLab.
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
F = below 70
IP = In Progress
MyReadingLab Post-test score (minimum grade of 70)
50 percent
Average of vocabulary and comprehension tests
40 percent
Average of attendance and study skills exercises
10 percent
the following skills and strategies when reading and studying uncomplicated early high school level passages
(readability of 9-10th grade). Module I, Vocabulary, and Module II, Comprehension, address the first competency
mastery point.
Main Ideas: Identify clear main ideas or purpose.
Supporting Details: Locate basic facts that are clearly stated and summarize basic ideas and events.
Organization/Relationships: Determine when events occurred; identify clear cause-effect relationships;
identify similarities and differences between people, ideas, and events.
Vocabulary Development: Use context to understand words and phrases, including basic figurative
Critical Reading/Logic: Draw simple generalizations and conclusions about people, ideas, and so on;
distinguish fact from opinion; demonstrate the ability to comprehend, apply; synthesize and evaluate
information and ideas from text.
Strategic Reading: Demonstrate the use of cognitive reading process elements to aid comprehension and
memory, such as activating, integrating, and building background knowledge; using visual and other
sensory images; and developing emotional connections to text. Demonstrate appropriate adjustment of
reading method and rate according to difficulty of text and purpose for reading. Create effective study
guides (maps, outlines, summaries, etc.) that incorporate understanding texts’ main ideas, supporting
details, and organizational patterns. Use information from visual aids such as maps, charts, graphs, time
lines, tables, and diagrams in understanding text. Employ a study method that includes steps such as
previewing, marking or annotation, questioning and reviewing material. Use textbook features such as
table of content, preface, introduction, title, subtitle, index, glossary, appendix, and bibliography to
acquire information efficiently.
mastery of the following skills and strategies when reading and studying uncomplicated college entry-level
passages. Module III, Advanced Comprehension, addresses the exit competency mastery point.
Main Ideas: Identify clear main ideas or purpose.
Supporting Details: Locate basic facts that are clearly stated and summarize basic ideas and events.
Organization/Relationships: Determine when events occurred; identify clear cause-effect relationships;
identify similarities and differences between people, ideas, and events.
Vocabulary Development: Use context to understand words and phrases, including basic figurative
Critical Reading/Logic: Draw simple generalizations and conclusions about people, ideas, and so on;
distinguish fact from opinion; demonstrate the ability to comprehend, apply; synthesize and evaluate
information and ideas from text.
Strategic Reading: Demonstrate the use of cognitive reading process elements to aid comprehension and
memory, such as activating, integrating, and building background knowledge; using visual and other
sensory images; and developing emotional connections to text. Demonstrate appropriate adjustment of
reading method and rate according to difficulty of text and purpose for reading. Create effective study
guides (maps, outlines, summaries, etc.) that incorporate understanding texts’ main ideas, supporting
details, and organizational patterns. Use information from visual aids such as maps, charts, graphs, time
lines, tables, and diagrams in understanding text. Employ a study method that includes steps such as
previewing, marking or annotation, questioning and reviewing material. Use textbook features such as
table of content, preface, introduction, title, subtitle, index, glossary, appendix, and bibliography to
acquire information efficiently.
Suggested Content to Be Covered
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT LEARNING STRATEGIES: Supplementary modules in MyReadingLab address learning
strategies and are to be mandatorily incorporated into individualized study plans by the instructor. Students will
be assigned discretionary exercises and assignments in MyReadingLab that include topics such as graphics and
visuals, reading rate, memorization and concentration, note taking and highlighting, test taking, and combined
skills. Mini-lectures covering these topics will be presented.
First Competency (Vocabulary and Comprehension)
Class 1
Introduction to READ 0810, discussion of course requirements, distribution of course
syllabus and guidelines for MRL registration, discussion of study skills
Class 2
Register for MyReadingLab (MRL), take MRL diagnostic pre-test
Class 1
Vocabulary and comprehension study; reading assignments TBA.
Class 2
Class 1
Vocabulary and comprehension study; reading assignments TBA.
Class 2
Class 1
Comprehension Skills: main ideas, supporting details, organization, strategic reading.
Reading assignments TBA.
Class 2
Class 1
Reading strategies; using context to understand words and figurative language and to
comprehend and evaluate information from texts; reading assignments TBA.
Class 2
Class 1
Vocabulary and comprehension study; reading strategies: patterns of organization.
Class 2
Class 1
Reading strategies: facts and opinions. Reading assignments TBA.
Class 2
Class 1
Creating effective study guides.
Class 2
Class 1
Developing study methods.
Class 2
Exit Competency (Advanced Comprehension)
Class 1
Class 2
Critical and strategic reading: comprehending and analyzing literary narratives. Reading
assignments TBA.
Class 1
Critical and strategic reading: comprehending and analyzing informational texts,
including college level textbooks.
Class 2
Class 1
Using textbook visual aids.
Class 2
Class 1
Using textbook features. Reading assignments TBA.
Class 2
Class 1
Class 2
MRL diagnostic post-test (if not previously taken)