Control of Physical System Design an input to regulate the output according to the error between the desired output and the real output. • Modeling (Chapter 2) => Physical Laws=> ODE => Linearization=>Laplace transform=> transfer function. • Controller design, stability analysis and performance specification ( Chapter 4,5,6, 7, 8, and 9). (PID controller) • Inverse transfer function (ODE) • Physical realization of the controller electrical, mechanical devices. Classical control vs Modern control Classical control:<both time domain and frequency domain> Linear-time-in-varying system Dealing with single input and single output (SISO) system. Control approaches: analogy or digital Modern control: state equation representation (time domain) Multiple inputs and Multiple outputs (MIMO): linear-time-in-varying system. Nonlinear system control: time-domain, Adaptive control, robust control, fuzzy logical control, neural network control, ect Chapter 6 Reading materials: pp. 290-304, 307-309, 316-320. Concept of stability (absolute and relative), RouthHurwtiz stability criterion, Rough array, four different cases, using Rough-Hurwtize criterion to do design and analysis, select stabile region for given parameters. S-Plane and Transient Response Definitions of Stability • BIBO stability: A system is said to be BIBO stable if for any bounded input, its output is also bounded. • Absolute stability: Stable /Unstable • Relative stability: Degree of stability (i.e. how far from instability) • A stable linear system described by a T.F. is such that all its poles have negative real parts Relationship between the coefficients and roots of the characteristic equation Consider the simple second-order characteristic equation: Roots: For a stable system, the roots of the characteristic equation must have negative real parts. b/a>0 and c/a>0 What is the requirements for the coefficients? Is it possible to find the similar conditions for higher order system? Routh-Hurwitz Criterion • Consider the polynomial • Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion is a test to ascertain without computing the roots, whether or not all roots of a polynomial have negative real parts. • It will be given here without proof Routh-Hurwitz Table Δ(s) = q(s) = an s n + an−1s n−1 + ... + a1s + a0 = 0. The number of roots of Q(s) with positive real parts is equal to the number of sign changes in the first column Routh-Hurwitz Criterion Routh-Hurwitz Criterion • This criterion requires that there be no changes in sign in the first column for a stable system. This requirement is both necessary and sufficient. • Four distinct cases or configurations of the first column array much be considered, and each must be treated separately and requires suitable modifications of the array calculation procedure: 1. No element in the first column is zero; 2. there is zero in the first column, but some other element of the row containing the zero in the first column are nonzero; 3. there is a zero in the first column, and other elements of the row containing the zero are also zero; 4. and as in (3) with repeated roots on the jω-axis. Tracked Vehicle Turning Control Want ess to ramp command to be less than 24% Tracked Vehicle Turning Control Stability: Static error to ramp input: A zero-entry appears in the first column, but other entries on the row are non-zero -Solution: Take entry as small value ε >0 and proceed, taking ε >0 in subsequent calculations. After completing The process let ε approach to zero. q( s) = s 5 + 2s 4 + 2s 3 + 4s 2 + 11s + 10. s 5 1 2 11 s 4 2 4 10 s3 ε 6 0 s 2 c1 10 0 s1 d1 0 0 s 0 10 0 0 4ε −12 −12 6c − 10ε c1 = = , d1 = 1 → 6. ε ε c1 The system is unstable, and two roots lie in the right half of the s-plane. A zero-entry appears in the first column, and all other entries in that row are also zero -Solution: Return to the previous row and form the “Auxiliary Polynomial, qa(s)”, which will be a divisor of the original q(s), divide out qa(s), and proceed. The auxiliary polynomial is the polynomial immediately precedes the zero entry in Routh array. The order of the auxiliary polynomial is always even and indicates the number of symmetrical roots pair. Example: 1/ 2s +1 q( s ) = s 3 + 2 s 2 + 4 s + K , 1 2 − K 8 s1 2 s0 K 3 s s2 0 < K < 8. 4 K 0 0 k =8⇒ s3 1 4 s2 2 K s1 0 0 s0 K 0 qa (s) When K=8 q ( s ) / q a ( s ) ⇒ 2s2 + 8 s3 + 2s2 + 4s + 8 s3 + 4s +8 2s2 2 − 2s +8 =0 Marginal stable qa (s) = 2s2 + Ks0 = 2s2 +8 = 2(s2 + 4) = 2(s + j2)(s − j2). q( s) = qa ( s)(1 / 2s + 1) = ( s + 2)(s + j 2)(s − j 2) ( when K = 8) Repeated roots of the characteristic equation on the jω-axis • If the jω-axis roots of the characteristic equation are simple (first order), the system is neither stable nor unstable; it is instead called marginal stable, since it has an un-damped sinusoidal mode. -If the jω-axis roots are repeated, the system response will be unstable, with a form t[sin(ωt+Φ)]. -The Routh-Hurwitz criterion will not reveal this form of instability. q(s) = (s +1)(s + j)(s − j)(s + j)s − j)= s 5 + s 4 + 2 s 3 + 2 s 2 + s + 1 . s 5 1 2 1 s 4 1 2 1 s 3 ε ε 0 s 2 1 1 s1 ε 0 s 0 1 s4 + 2s2 +1= (s2 +1)2 ⇒ ( s 2 + 1) Note that the absence of sign changes, a condition that falsely indicates that the system is marginally stable. The real response of the system is increase with time as t[sin(ωt+Φ)] due to the repeated roots. Example Stabilty region for unstable plant A jump-jet aircaft has a control system as shown in the Fig. Goal: Assuming that z>0 and p>0,find a suitable set of K, z, and p to stabilize the system . The system is open-loop unstable (without feedback control) since the characteristic equation of the plant and controller is Note that since one term within the bracket has a negative coefficient, the characteristic equation has at least one root in the right-hand side of the s-plane. Example Stabilty region for unstable plant The characteristic equation of the closed-loop is The goal is to determine the region of stability for K,p,and z. The Routh array is where Example Stability region for unstable plant We require that b2 > 0, ( p − 1) > 0, and Kz>0. b2 = ( p −1)(K − p) − Kz >0 ( p −1) ( p −1)(K − p) − Kz > 0 ⇔ ( p −1)(K − p) − Kz > 0 ⇔ K [( p − 1) − z ] − p ( p − 1) > 0 p( p −1) ⎧ K < if z > ( p −1) ⎪ ( p −1) − z ⎪⎪ K [( p − 1) − z ] − p( p − 1) > 0 ⇒ ⇒ ⎨ − p( p −1) > 0 if z = p −1 ⎪ ⎧< 0 ? p( p −1) ⎪ ⎪K > ( p − 1) − z = ⎨ = 0 ? if z < ( p −1) ⎪> 0 ? ( p −1) − z ⎪⎩ ⎩ Consider two cases: 1. z ≥ ( p − 1) There is no 0 < k < ∞ that leads to stability p ( p − 1) , with p > 1 and ( p − 1) − z z < ( p − 1) will result in stability. 2. z < ( p − 1) : Any K > Example Stability region for unstable plant The three-dimensional plot of the stability region for K, p, and z is shown in the following figure. z ≥ ( p − 1) Unstable region. One acceptable point is z=1, p=10, and K=15 Summary • Routh Hurwitz stability criterion allows to check for stability without computing roots of characteristic equation • Can be used to determine the range of parameters that guarantees stability Chapter 7 Reading materials: pp. 331-350, 366-373, pp. 379-383 and p. 405 Understand the basic concepts of root locus method, and how to use it for design and analysis. PID controller. Root Locus Method • Developed by Evans while he was a graduate student at UCLA • Uses the poles and zeros of the open-loop system to determine the closed-loop poles when ONE parameter is changing Walter R. Evans, 1920-1999 Root Locus Concept T = KG ( s ) 1 + KG ( s ) (Closed-loop Transfer function) characteristic equation: 1+KG(s)=0 KG(s)=-1 => => π -1 KG(s) Vector or scale equation? KG(s)=-1+j0 KG(s) ∠KG(s) = e− jπ (Cartesian form) (Polar form) 1 KG ( s ) = 1 ∠KG(s) = ±k 3600 + π The values of s that fulfill the angel and magnitude conditions are The roots of the characteristic equation or the closed-loop poles. Root Locus Concept T = characteristic equation: KG ( s ) 1 + KG ( s ) 1+KG(s)=0 The root locus is the path of the roots of the characteristic equation traced out in the s-plane as a system parameter (K) is changed. (0<k<∞). Geometric Interpretation If G(s) has been factored into the pole-zero form, then the magnitude and phase of some G(s*) may be found by drawing vectors from the singularities to the point s*: Geometric Interpretation * ∠G(s* ) = φ1 −θ1 −θ2 −θ3 −θ4 The 7 Steps to the Root Locus Step 1: The 7 Steps to the Root Locus Step 2: Locus lie to the left of an odd number of poles and zeros. Step 3: The 7 Steps to the Root Locus Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: The 7 Steps to the Root Locus Step 7: 7a) 7b) Breakaway Points • Obtaining the breakaway points Rewriting the characteristic equation to isolate : The breakaway point occur when Example: Breakaway Points Angle departure and arrival consider the third-order open-loop transfer function K . 2 2 ( s + p 3 )( s + 2ζω n s + ω n ) q = 1,2,.... F ( s) = G( s) H ( s) = ∠p ( s ) = 1800 ± q3600 , The angles at a test point s1 , an infinitesimal distance from, must meet the angle criterion. Phase criterion 0 Therefore since θ 2 = 90, we have θ1 + θ 2 + θ 3 = θ1 + 90 0 + θ 3 = +180 0 , √ or the angle of departure at pole p1 is θ1 = 90 0 − θ 3 , √ Fourth-Order System ? ? ? Fourth-Order System n=4 and m= 0 implies that there are 4 infinite zeros. N=4 implies that there are 4 separate loci Fourth-Order System Asymptotes: Angles: Centroid: np σ= nz ∑ p −∑z j =1 j i =1 n p − nz i Fourth-Order System Intersection with imaginary axis =0 Fourth-Order System Breakaway point: s ≈ -1.6 Fourth-Order System Angle of departure: Angle of departure at pole Because Fourth-Order System ζ=0.707 Fourth-Order System Root locus examples GH(s) = s +1 s2 + 3s +1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Apply Steps 1-3 Imag Axis 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -4 -3 -2 -1 Real Axis 0 1 2 Root locus examples s +1 GH(s) = 2 s + 3s + 3 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Imag Axis Apply steps 1-4 and step 5 for breakaway point 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 Real Axis -0.5 0 0.5 1 Root locus examples s −1 GH(s) = 2 s + 3s + 3 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Step 4 for crossing and 0.2 Step 5 for breakaway point … Imag Axis Apply steps 1-4, 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Root locus examples s2 − s +1 GH ( s ) = 2 s + 3s + 3 1.5 1 0.5 step 4 for crossing points Imag Axis Apply steps 1-3 and 0 -0.5 … -1 -1.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 Root locus examples 2.5 GH(s) = 1 (s2 +3s +3)(s +2) 2 1.5 1 0.5 Imag Axis Apply steps 1-4 and 6 : 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Root locus examples GH(s) = s −1 (s2 + 3s + 3)(s + 2) 8 6 4 2 Imag Axis Apply steps 1-4, 6 and determine the crossing point by Ruth-Hurwitz 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 PID Controller • “Textbook” PID controller: which corresponds to • In practice: PID Controller • PI controller: Used extensively in process control on a broad range of applications due to simplicity and relatively good performance PI controller: • PD controller: Used extensively in controlling electromechanical systems PD controller: PID Controller Consider the PID controller The PID controller introduces a pole at the origin and two zeros PID Controller Using a PID: Z2 Z* 2 Design of a robot control system • To achieve the rapid and accurate control a robot, it is is important to keep arm stiff and yet lightweight. • The specification for controlling the motion of a lightweight, flexible arm are 1) a setting time < 2 second 2) a percent overshoot <10% for a step 3) a steady-state error of zero for a step Design of a robot control system The transfer function of the flexible arm Complex zeros: Complex poles: Design of a robot control system First we consider K2=0, Complex zeros: Real poles: s=0; s=-10 Complex poles: Root locus on real axis? How the root locus look like? double poles ? ? Design of a robot control system First we consider K2=0, Complex zeros: Real poles: s=0; s=-10 Complex poles: Is this system stable for K1>0? The system is unstable since two roots of closed system appear in the right-hand s-plane for K1>0. double poles Design of a robot control system It is clear that we need to introduce the use of velocity feedback K2>0. Then we have and We select in order to the adjustable zero near the origin for canceling the affect of the poles. The system has 5 zeros and 7 poles. Design of a robot control system Root locus on real axis The system has 5 zeros and 7 poles. ? Using steps 3-4 to check. ? ? ? Since the system has two net Poles, it must be stable for all 0<k1<∞ Double poles Departure angle Design of a robot control system • When K1=0.8 and K2=5, we obtain a step response with a percent overshoot of 12% and a settling time of 1.8 seconds. This is the optimum achievable response. • If we use the following controller: With z=1 and p=5,K2=5, when K1=5 we obtain a step response with an overshoot of 8% and a settling time of 1.6 seconds. The specification for controlling the motion of a lightweight, flexible arm are 1. a setting time < 2 second 2. a percent overshoot <10% for a step 3. a steady-state error of zero for a step Type two System ess=? Chapter 8 Reading materials: pp. 406-422, pp. 424-430, pp. 432-439 and pp. 444-450. Understand the frequency response method, polar plot, Bode diagram and how to draw the Bode plot (forward and inverse problem), and using it to design and analysis system performance (both transient and steady-state). Frequency Response Methods • The sinusoid is a unique input signal, and the resulting output signal for a linear system as well as signals throughout the system, is sinusoidal in the steady state (the out of the system); it is differs from the input waveform only in amplitude and phase angle. • The important issue in frequency response methods is how to descript the amplitude and phase angle of the system. We will study different methods to represent amplitude and phase. Frequency Response Consider the system where pi are assumed to be distinct poles. Then in partial fraction form we have Taking the inverse Laplace transform yields −1 l where α and β are constants which are problem dependent. Frequency Response If the system is stable, then all pi are have positive nonzero real parts, (poles are − pi), and l−1 since each exponential term decays to zero as t → ∞. l−1 • Thus the steady-state output signal depends only on the magnitude and phase of T(jω) at a specific frequency ω. • Notice that the steady state response as described the above is true only for stable systems, T(s). Frequency Response Plots | G ( ω ) |= φ = tan −1 Re 2 ( ω ) + Im 2 ( ω ) Im( ω ) Re( ω ) (Review Appendix G in textbook) Bode plot analysis techniques m Factorization K G ( jω ) = ∏ (1 + jω T zi ) i =1 n− y−2 w ( jω ) y ∏ w (1 + j ω T pj ) j =1 ∏ k =1 ⎛ 2ζ k ( jω ) 2 ⎜⎜ 1 + jω + ω nk ω nk2 ⎝ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ e − jω L Lm G ( jω ) = 20 log G ( jω ) = 20 log K + 20 log 1 + jω Tz1 + Gain in dB : 20 log 1 + jω Tz 2 + .... + 20 log 1 + jω Tzm − 20 y log ω − 20 log 1 + jω T p1 − 20 log 1 + jω T p 2 − .... − 20 log 1 + jω T p ( n − y − 2 w ) − 20 log 1 + − 20 log 1 + 2ζ w ω nw ( jω ) jω + 2 ω nw 2 2ζ 1 ω n1 ( jω ) jω + ω n21 2 − ... Bode plot analysis techniques Phase: ∠G ( jω ) = ∠( K ) + ∠(1 + jωTz1 ) + ∠(1 + jωTz 2 ) + .... + ∠(1 + jωTzm ) − 10π − ∠(1 + jωT p1 ) − ∠(1 + jωT p 2 ) − .... − ⎛ 2ζ 1 ( jω ) 2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ − ... ∠(1 + jωT p ( n− y −2 w) ) − ∠⎜⎜1 + jω + 2 ω ω n1 n1 ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ 2ζ w ( jω ) 2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ∠⎜⎜1 + jω + 2 ω ω nw nw ⎠ ⎝ The laborious procedure of plotting the amplitude and the phase by means of substituting several values of ω can be avoided when drawing Bode diagrams, because we can use several short cuts. These short cuts are based on simplifying approximations, which allow us to represent the exact, smooth plots with straight-line approximations. The difference between actual curves and these asymptotic approximations is small, and can be added as a correction. Detailed examination of the 8 factors m { { System type corresponds to integrators (for 0 type there is not integrator factor) Diagram of a constant K G ( jω ) = Lm K = 20 log K K<0 K>0 ∏ (1 + jωT ) zi i =1 n− y −2 w ( jω ) y w ⎛ 2ζ k ∏ (1 + jωT )∏ ⎜⎜⎝1 + ω pj j =1 k =1 dB π nk jω + ( jω ) ⎞ ⎟ ω nk2 ⎟⎠ 2 e − jω L Detailed examination of the 8 factors Diagram of integrators ⎛ 1 Lm⎜⎜ y ⎝ ( jω ) ⎞ 1 ⎟⎟ = 20 log = 20 log1 − 20 y log ω = −20 y log ω ( jω ) y ⎠ ⎛ 1 ∠⎜⎜ y ⎝ ( jω ) 1 jω ⎞ ⎟⎟ = ∠1 − ∠( jω ) y = −90 y ⎠ Detailed examination of the 8 factors Bode diagram of a differentiator ( ) Lm ( jω ) y = 20 log ( jω ) y = 20 y log ω = 20 y log ω ( ) ∠ ( jω ) y = 90 y y=1 Detailed examination of the 8 factors Bode diagram of a first order lag term ⎛ 1 ⎞ 1 ⎟⎟ = 20 log Lm⎜⎜ = 20 log 1 − 20 log 1 + jωT 1 + jωT ⎝ 1 + jωT ⎠ = −20 log 1 + (ωT ) 2 ω T << 1 . ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ≈ 20 log1 = 0dB Lm⎜⎜ ⎝ 1 + jωT ⎠ ωT >> 1. ⎛ 1 ⎞ 1 ⎟⎟ ≈ 20 log Lm⎜⎜ = −20 log ωT jω T ⎝ 1 + jω T ⎠ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ = ∠1 − ∠(1 + jωT ) = − tan −1 ωT ∠⎜⎜ ⎝ 1 + jω T ⎠ Detailed examination of the 8 factors First order lead term ωT << 1. Lm(1 + jωT ) ≈ 20 log1 = 0dB ωT >> 1. Lm(1 + jωT ) ≈ 20 log jωT = 20 log ωT Lm(1 + jωT ) = 20 log 1 + jωT = 20 log 1 + jωT = 20 log 1 + (ωT ) 2 ∠(1 + jωT ) = tan −1 ωT Detailed examination of the 8 factors Quadratic (second order) Lag ζ <1 1 1+ 2ζ ωn jω + 1 ω ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 1 1 ⎟ = 20 log Lm⎜ ⎜ 2ζ 1 2ζ 1 2 ⎟ j j j 1 ( jω ) 2 ω 1 ( ) ω ω + + + + ⎜ ⎟ 2 2 ωn ωn ωn ⎝ ωn ⎠ 2 ⎛ ω 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2ζω ⎞ ⎟⎟ = −20 log ⎜⎜1 − 2 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ ω ω n ⎠ ⎝ n ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎜ ⎟ = − tan −1 2ζω / ω n ∠ ⎜ 2ζ 1 1 − ω 2 / ω n2 2 ⎟ + + 1 ω ( ω ) j j ⎜ ⎟ ω n2 ⎝ ωn ⎠ 2 n ( jω ) 2 Detailed examination of the 8 factors Quadratic (second order) Lag For small ω ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎜ ⎟ ≈ −20 log1 = 0dB Lm ⎜ ⎟ 2ζ 1 jω + 2 ( jω ) 2 ⎟ ⎜1+ ωn ⎝ ωn ⎠ For large ω ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎟≈ Lm⎜ 1 ⎜ 2ζ 2 ⎟ j j ω ω 1 ( ) + + ⎜ ω ⎟ ω n2 ⎝ ⎠ n ω2 ω ≈ −20 log 2 = −40 log ωn ωn Detailed examination of the 8 factors Quadratic (second order) Lag For ζ < 0.707 there is a resonant peak at with peak size Mm = 1 2ζ 1 − ζ 2 ω m = ω n 1 − 2ζ 2 Detailed examination of the 8 factors Transport Lag Lm e− jωL = 0, ∠e− jωL = −ωL Drawing the Bode Diagram 20log5=14 -20dB -40dB ? 40dB/De ? Drawing the Bode Diagram 20log5=14 -20dB -40dB ? 40dB/De Drawing the Bode Diagram (ω <1) 20log G ( jω ) = 20log 5 − 20log ω (ω >2 ) −20log 1 + j 0.5ω (ω >10) + 2 0 lo g 1 + j 0 .1ω (ω >50) −20log 1 + j 0.6(ω / 50) + (ω / 50) 2 Performance Specifications in the Frequency Domain Consider a second order system The closed-loop transfer function in the frequency domain: T (s) = ω n2 . 2 + 2 ζω n s + ω n s2 • At the resonant frequency, ω r , a maximum value of the frequency response, M pω , is attained. • The bandwidth, ω B , is a measure of a system’s ability to faithfully reproduce an input signal. • The bandwidth is the frequency, ω B , at which the frequency response has declined 3 dB from its lowfrequency value. Performance Specifications in the Frequency Domain Thus desirable frequency-domain specifications are as follows: 1. Relatively small resonance magnitude: M pω < 1.5, for example. 2. Relatively large bandwidths so that the system time constant τ = 1 / ζω n is sufficiently small Performance Specifications in the Frequency Domain • The usefulness of these frequency response specifications and their relation to the actual transient performance depend upon the approximation of the system by a second-order pair of complex poles, that is the dominant roots. • If the frequency response is dominated by a pair of complex poles, the relationships between the frequency response and the time response discussed in this section will be valid. • Fortunately a large proportion of control system satisfied this dominant second-order approximation in practice. Steady-state error constants The steady-state error specification can also be related to the frequency response of a closed-loop system. • As we knew, the steady-state error for a specific test input signal can be related to the gain and number of integrations (poles at the origin) of the open-loop transfer function, i.e., the type of the system. • In frequency response method, the type of the system determines the slop of the logarithmic gain curve at low frequency, since steady-state error is defined at s → 0, i.e., jω → 0. Thus, information concerning the existence and magnitude of the steady-state error of a control system to a given input can be determined from the observation of the low-frequency region of the logarithmic gain curve. Determine of static position error constants. For type 0 system (N=0), we have K P = lim G ( s ) = lim G ( jω ) s →0 jω → 0 Consider the transfer function as follows M K G ( jω ) = ∏ ( 1 + j ωτ ) i i=1 ( jω ) Q N ∏ . ( 1 + j ωτ k ) k =1 For type 0 (N=0) system, at the low frequency, we have M M G ( jω ) = K ∏ (1 + j ωτ i ) i =1 Q ( j ω ) 0 ∏ (1 + j ωτ k ) k =1 G ( jω ) ≈ K or = K ∏ (1 + j ωτ i ) i =1 Q ∏ (1 + k =1 j ωτ k ) K P = lim G ( jω ) = K jω → 0 Determine of static position error constants. K P = lim G ( jω ) = K jω → 0 Hence, we can determine the steady-state position error by measure the value from its logarithmic gain curve (let 20logK=c), K p = 10(c / 20) = 10( 20log K ) / 20) = 10log K Determine of static velocity error constant For type 1 system (N=1), we have K v = lim sG ( s ) = lim jωG ( jω ) jω → 0 s →0 Consider the transfer function as follows M K ∏ (1 + jωτ i ) i =1 G ( jω ) = k =1 K ∏ (1 + jωτ i ) ≈ i =1 Q 1 ( jω ) ∏ (1 + jωτ k =1 . ( jω ) N ∏ (1 + jωτ k ) M G ( jω ) = Q k ) K . jω (at the low frequency ) According to the definition, we have K v = lim jωG ( jω ) = K jω → 0 Determine of static velocity error constant 20 log . Kv jω = 20 log | K v | j ω =1 Also, we can find out Kv using the fact that the intersection of the initial –20dB/decade segment (or its extension) with the 0dBline has a frequency numerically equal to Kv Kv = 1 jω or K v = ω1 At the intersection of the initial –20dB/decade segment (or its extension) with the 0-dB line, the horizontal coordinate, i.e., the frequency is numerically equal to the. K v Determine of static acceleration error constant For type 2 system (N=2), we have K a = lim s 2G ( s ) = lim ( jω ) 2 G ( jω ) jω →0 s →0 Consider the transfer function as follows M K G ( jω ) = ∏ (1 + j ωτ i ) i =1 ( jω ) . Q N ∏ (1 + j ωτ k ) k =1 M K G ( jω ) = ∏ i =1 (1 + j ωτ i ) Q ( j ω ) 2 ∏ (1 + j ωτ k ) ≈ K ( jω ) 2 . (at the low frequency ) k =1 K a = lim ( jω ) 2 G ( jω ) = K jω → 0 Determine of static acceleration error constant 20 log Ka ( jω) 2 = 20 log | K a | jω =1 ω a at the intersection of the initial -40db/decade segment (or its extension) with the 0-dB line gives the square root of Ka numerically. The frequency 20 log which yields Ka ( jω ) ωa = Ka 2 = 20 log1 = 0 or K a = ωa2 . Design Example: Engraving Machine The goal is to select an appropriate gain K, utilizing frequency response method, so that the time response to step commands is acceptable Design Example: Engraving Machine To represent the frequency response of the system, we will first obtain the open-loop and closed-loop Bode diagram. 1 G ( jω ) = s( s + 1)( s + 2) Design Example: Engraving Machine Then we use the closed-loop Bode diagram to predict the time response of the system and check the predicted result with the actual result T ( s) = T ( jω ) = 2 . s 3 + 3s 2 + 2s + 2 2 ( 2 − 3ω ) + j ω ( 2 − ω ) 2 2 s =. j ω 20 log M pω = 5 20log|T|=5 dB at ω r = 0 .8 or Mpω =1.78.(ωr = 0.8) Design Example: Engraving Machine If we assume that the system has dominant second-order roots, we can approximate the system with a second-order frequency response of the form shown in Fig. 20 log M pω = 5 or Mpω =1.78.(ωr =0.8) ω r = 0.8 ζ = 0.29 Design Example: Engraving Machine M pω = 1.78 ω r = 0 .8 ζ = 0 . 29 ω r / ω n =0.91. 0.8 ωn = = 0.88. 0.91 Since we are now approximating T(s) as a second-order system, we have T ( s) = ω n2 s + 2ζω n s 2 + ω n2 = 0.774 s + 0.51s + 0.774 2 . Design Example: Engraving Machine ωn2 T (s) = s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 = 0.774 . s + 0.51s + 0.774 2 The overshoot to a step input as 37% for ζ = 0.29 The settling time to within 2% of the final value is estimated as 4 4 = = 15.7 sec onds. Ts = ζω n (0.29)0.88 Design Example: Engraving Machine • The actual overshoot for a step input is 34%, and the actual settling time is 17 seconds. • We see that the second-order approximation is reasonable in this case and can be used to determine suitable parameters on a system. • If we require a system with lower overshoot, we would reduce K to 1 and repeat the procedure. Problems: Experimental determination of transfer function of a system based on its frequency response Determine the transfer function of the system that has the following frequency response: 5 s +1 Problems: Experimental determination of transfer function of a system based on its frequency response Determine the transfer function of the system that has the following frequency response: 0.1s + 1 0.1( s + 10) = (0.01s + 1)( s + 1) (0.01s + 1)( s + 1) Summary • In this chapter we have considered the representation of a feedback control system by its frequency response characteristics. • The frequency response of a system was defined as the steady-state response of the system to a sinusoidal input signal. • The ease of obtaining a Bode plot for the various factors of G(jω) was noted, and an example was considered in detail. • The asymptotic approximation for sketching the Bode diagram simplifies the computation considerably • The usefulness of these frequency response specifications and their relation to the actual transient performance depend upon the approximation of the system by a second-order pair of complex poles, that is the dominant roots. Fortunately a large proportion of control system satisfied this dominant second-order approximation in practice. Some questions for you to think about •How do various poles affect transient response? (i.e. as they are various parts of the complex plain) •What controller action can eliminate steady state error? What do you have to be careful about in its application? •Sketching Bode plots using factorisation and straight line approximations •Ho do you calculate the steady state error of closed loop systems from its Bode plots? Some questions for you to think about •What is the crossover frequency? •How do you read relative stability from the Bode plots? •Be experienced in sketching root locus diagrams (see text books for examples) ! •Can you guess the transfer function from a root locus diagram? •How do you calculate the limiting K for stability in a root locus diagram? •How do you get the frequency of oscillations for marginal stability in a root locus diagram? Final words