Unexpected Results: Photographs by Howard Korder

Unexpected Results: Photographs by Howard Korder
Opening Reception, Friday, July 24th, 5-7 pm
Where: photo-eye Bookstore, 370 Garcia Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501
When: Reception, Friday, July 24th, 5 to 7 pm. Exhibition continues
through August 22nd, 2009
Contact: Melanie McWhorter
Phone: 505.988.5152 x 112
Email: melanie@photoeye.com
*Please note that during the dates of July 10th through July 19th, any requests for images
or additional info should be made directly to Howard Korder at korder1@msn.com.
photo-eye Bookstore is pleased to host a reception and exhibition of Unexpected Results:
Photographs by Howard Korder. Korder is a self-proclaimed flâneur, Baudelaire’s
“botanist of the sidewalk.” The detached viewer in many locales—New York City, Los
Angeles, Italy, New Mexico— he searches for moments where mystery, menace,
comedy, and grace collide. Each title names the location and date in which the
photographer was present, creating a visual record of his “wandering with intent.” The
cultural landscape, as J.B. Jackson describes, is “a composition of man-made or manmodified spaces to serve as infrastructure or background for our collective
existence…which underscores…our identity and presence.” Korder’s photographs, like
many of the great photographers who have clearly influenced his aesthetic—Robert
Frank, Garry Winogrand, Robert Adams, and Louis Faurer, to name a few— are works of
import, recording his own travelogue while creating documents of the cultural landscape
of the 21st century.
Artist’s Biography:
Howard Korder is a playwright, screenwriter, and photographer. He was born in New
York City and lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. His plays have been performed
throughout the United States and the rest of the world. His widely produced Boys’ Life
received a Pulitzer Prize nomination. The Lights won an Obie Award for Best Play. Two
of his plays have been adapted for film and television: Search and Destroy, produced by
Martin Scorcese, and HBO’s Lip Service, directed by William H. Macy. Korder is the
recipient of a 1996 Guggenheim Fellowship. Currently he is a writer and producer on the
upcoming HBO series Boardwalk Empire.
More of his photography can be seen at http://howardkorder.net and
The opening reception will be held Friday, July 24th from 5 to 7 pm at photo-eye
Bookstore, 370 Garcia Street, Santa Fe, NM. The exhibition will continue through
August 22nd, 2009.
For questions, contact Melanie McWhorter at photo-eye 505.988.5152 x 112,
melanie@photoeye.com. The photo-eye bookstore is located at 370 Garcia Street, Santa
Fe, NM and is open Monday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm.