MILLS COLLEGE General Education Articulation Agreement with Santa Monica College (based on 2012-13 Santa Monica College catalog) Eight of the nine general education requirements at Mills College can be met in a number of ways, including transfer credit or relevant AP courses. For transfer purposes, one course may satisfy up to two general education requirements. Mills College Gen Ed Requirements Fulfilled by the following Santa Monica College Courses: 1A - English Composition ENGL 1 and 1B - Critical Thinking - English Composition ENGL 2 CSU GE Area A2 and A3 courses that are also IGETC approved will be English 1 (or equivalent) accepted. and 1 additional writingintensive course Written Communication Skills IGETC Quantitative and Computational Reasoning Skills Courses in Mathematics, including statistics, computer programming, or formal logic. 3 semester units IGETC 2A - Math CS 10/MATH 10, MATH 2, MATH 7, MATH 8, MATH 11, MATH 13, MATH 15, MATH 21, MATH 26, MATH 28, MATH 29, MATH 54 CSU GE Area B4 courses that are also IGETC approved will be accepted or 1 of the following CS 15, VISUAL BASIC Programming CS 40, Operating Ssytems CS 17, Assembly Language Programming CS 42, Comp Architecture CS 18, Adv Assembly Language Programming CS 50, C Programming CS 20A, Data Structures with C++ CS 51, Visual C++ Programming CS 20B, Data Structures with JAVA CS 52, C++ Programming CS 33, C# Programming CS 36, FORTRAN Programming Women and Gender Courses in Women’s Studies; also courses in the psychology or sociology of women. 3 semester units CS 54, Obj Oriented Analysis & Design CS 56 ADVANCED JAVA Programming IGETC 4D - Gender Studies POL SC 23, WOM ST 10, WOM ST 20, WOM ST 30 CSU GE Area D4 courses that are also IGETC approved will be accepted or 1 of the following COMM 10 Journalism, Gender, and Race ENGL 039 Images of Women in Literature PSYCH 6 Marriage, Family, and Human Intimacy WOM ST 8, Women’s Studies Leadership Practicum Multicultural Perspectives Courses in Ethnic Studies or other departments related to the Multicultural experience in the U.S. or around the world. 3 semester units rev. 7/18/2012 HIST 52 Women in American Culture FILM STUDIES 6 Women in Film PSYCH 25 Human Sexuality Area 4C - Ethnic Studies HIST 42, SPAN 20 IGETC CSU GE Area D3 courses that are also IGETC approved will be accepted or 1 of the following AHIS 71, African American Art History SPEECH 4 Oral Interp: Perform Lit Acr Cultures FILM STUDIES 7 Am Cinema: Crossing Cultures HIST 16 Afr American History HIST 20 History of California HIST 41 Native American History HIST 43 Mexican-American History HIST 62 Asian American History MUSIC 33 Jazz in American Culture MUSIC 37 Music in American Culture GEOG 8 Intro to Urban Studies SOCIOL 34 Racial & Ethn Relations in Amer Soc HIST 10 Ethnicity & Amer Culture MILLS COLLEGE General Education Articulation Agreement with Santa Monica College (based on 2012-13 Santa Monica College catalog) Mills College Gen Ed Requirements Fulfilled by the following Santa Monica College Courses: 3A - Arts ( Art History, Drama, Film, Music Literature) Creation and Criticism IGETC CSU GE Area C1 courses that are also IGETC approved will be accepted in the Arts Courses in Studio Art, Dance, Music, Theater, Creative Writing, Poetry. 3 semester units Area 4F - History HIST 42, HIST 55 Historical Perspectives IGETC CSU GE Area D6, C1 history courses that are also IGETC approved will be Courses in History, Art accepted History, or Humanities (History courses only). 3 semester units. Natural Sciences Courses in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, or Astronomy. 3 semester units. (NOTE: No lab required) or 1 of the following AHIS 1,2,3 Western Art History I, II,III AHIS 15, Mexican Art History AHIS 17, Arts of Asia – Prehistory to 1900 AHIS 18, Introduction to African Art History AHIS 21, Arch Hist: Ancient to 1850 AHIS 22, Arch Hist & Theory – 1850 to Present AHIS 52, History of Photography AHIS 71, African American Art History AHIS 72, American Art History DANCE 5 Dance History MUSIC 30, 31 Music History I, II MUSIC 39 History of Oper PHOTO 52 History of Photography TH ART 5 History of World Theatre Please contact <> for prerequisite courses for the Bachelor of Science degree IGETC Area 5A - Physical Science ASTRON 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, CHEM 9, 10, 11, 12, CHEM 22, CHEM 31, GEOG 1, 3, 5, GEOL 1, 4, 5, 31, PHYSCS 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23 OR Area 5B - Biological Science ANTHRO 9, BIOL 2, 3, 4, 9, 15, 15N, 21, 22, 23, BOTANY 1, MCRBIO 1, PHYS 3, PSYCH 2, ZOOL 5 BUT NOT ANATMY 1, 2, ANTHRO 1, 5 CSU GE B1, B2 courses that are also IGETC approved will be accepted Human Institutions and IGETC Area 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences (Except History, Gender and Ethnic Studies) Behavior Courses in Anthropology, CSU GE Area D (except History, Gender and Ethnic) courses that are also Econ, Gov't, Political IGETC approved will be accepted Science, Psychology or Sociology that deal with human behavior or social/political inst. 3 semester units Information Literacy/Information Technology Skills Requirement must be fulfilled at Mills Demonstrate skills to evaluate the authenticity, validity, and reliability of information. All general education courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. A complete listing of Santa Monica College approved CSU GE Breadth and IGETC courses, by specific area designation, is available online at rev. 7/18/2012 Articulations for Majors Mills College Santa Monica College Purpose: The Mills College departments listed below have approved the following Santa Monica College courses to be accepted for credit toward the designated Mills College majors. In general, lower-division courses will not satisfy upper-division requirements. POLITICAL, LEGAL & ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Minimum: complete 1 semester Economics ECON 1, Principles of Microeconomics or ECON 2, Principles of Macroeconomics Optimal, also complete two of the following: CS 3, Introduction to Computer Systems ENGL 31, Advanced Composition MATH 2, Precalculus POL SC 1, National and California Government PHILOS 7, Logic and Critical Thinking PHILOS 9, Symbolic Logic PSYCH 1, General Psychology SOCIOL 1, Introduction to Sociology PSYCHOLOGY Minimum: PSYCH 1 and at least one other PSYCH course Optimal, also complete three or four of the following: PSYCH 2, Physiological Psychology PSYCH 3, Personality: dynamics and Development PSYCH 12, Adolescence and Early Maturity PSYCH 13, Social Psychology PSYCH 14, Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 19, Lifespan Human Development MATH 54, Elementary Statistics Other courses that can be accepted as “additional courses”: PSYCH 5, 6, 11, 16, 18, 25, & 40. ANTHROPOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY Minimum: SOCIOL 1, Intro to Sociology Three from SOCIOL 2, Social Problems SOCIOL 12, Sociology of the Family SOCIOL 30, African Americans in Contemporary Society SOCIOL 31, Latinas/os in Contemporary Society SOCIOL 32, Asian Americans in Contemporary Society SOCIOL 33, Sociology of Sex and Gender SOCIOL 34, Racial and Ethnic Relations in American Society Optimal, also complete: SOCIOL 4, Sociological Analysis ANTHRO 2, Cultural Anthropology and any other ANTHRO course MATH 54, Elementary Statistics All prospective Sociology majors will be well served by taking in addition to General Education requirements, any of the following electives: ECON 15, HIST 11, 12, 13, 20, 46, PHILOS/ POL SC 5, 21, 51, 52, PSYCH 1, 13, URBAN 8. Articulations for Majors Mills College Santa Monica College SCIENCE MAJORS “Minimum” is the minimum coursework needed in order to complete a B.A. in the associated major in two years, requiring multiple “heavy” semesters with three or four science courses in one semester. Students on a four-year B.A. path typically take two science or math courses each semester. “Minimum” coursework will not enable a student to complete a B.S. in two years. Students who do not meet the “minimum” pre-requisites may be able to complete the program, given extra time or some summer coursework, and should contact the departmental representatives below. “Optimal” is the additional coursework to put a transfer student on the same schedule as a student who entered Mills College as a freshwoman, for the B.A. program. Students who enter at this level will also be able to complete the B.S. by taking one or more semesters with 4 science courses and/or some summer coursework. “Recommended” courses are specifically for students interested in the B.S. degree. In the B.S. program, students typically take 3 science and/or math courses after the freshman year. With the recommended coursework completed, transfer students should not need to take more than 3 science/math courses in one semester to complete the B.S. degree. BIOCHEMISTRY/MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Minimum: CHEM 11, General Chemistry I CHEM 12, General Chemistry II MATH 7, Calculus 1 MATH 8, Calculus 2 Optimal, also complete: BIOL 21, Cell Biology and Evolution BIOL 22, Genetics and Molecular Biology BIOL 23, Organismal and Environmental Biology CHEM 21, Organic Chemistry I CHEM 22, Organic Chemistry II CHEM 24, Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Recommended, also complete: MATH 11, Multivariable Calculus Departmental Representative: John Brabson <> BIOLOGY Minimum: CHEM 11, General Chemistry I CHEM 12, General Chemistry II Optimal: also complete BIOL 21, Cell Biology and Evolution BIOL 22, Genetics and Molecular Biology CHEM 21, Organic Chemistry I CHEM 22, Organic Chemistry II CHEM 24, Organic Chemistry II Laboratory MATH 7, Calculus 1 or MATH 54, Elementary Statistics Recommended: also complete MATH 8, Calculus 2 and 1 semester of computer programming Departmental Representative: John Harris <> Articulations for Majors Mills College Santa Monica College BIOPSYCHOLOGY Minimum: CHEM 11, General Chemistry I CHEM 12, General Chemistry II PSYCH 1, General Psychology Optimal, also complete: BIOL 21, Cell Biology and Evolution BIOL 22, Genetics and Molecular Biology BIOL 23, Organismal and Environmental Biology CHEM 21, Organic Chemistry I MATH 54, Elementary Statistics Departmental Representative: Carol George <> CHEMISTRY Minimum: CHEM 11, General Chemistry I CHEM 12, General Chemistry II MATH 7, Calculus 1 MATH 8, Calculus 2 Optimal, also complete: CHEM 21, Organic Chemistry I CHEM 22, Organic Chemistry II CHEM 24, Organic Chemistry II Laboratory PHYSCS 21, Mechanics With Lab PHYSCS 22, Electricity and Magnetism Recommended, also complete: MATH 11, Multivariable Calculus BIOL 21, Cell Biology and Evolution Departmental Representative: Elisabeth Wade <> ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Minimum: CHEM 11, General Chemistry I CHEM 12, General Chemistry II GEOG 5, Physical Geography with Lab Optimal, also complete: BIOL 21, Cell Biology and Evolution BIOL 22, Genetics and Molecular Biology BIOL 23, Organismal and Environmental Biology CHEM 21, Organic Chemistry I MATH 7, Calculus 1 MATH 54, Elementary Statistics Recommended, also complete: CHEM 22, Organic Chemistry II CHEM 24, Organic Chemistry II Laboratory MATH 8, Calculus 2 Departmental Representative: Kristina Faul <>