1 General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity

General problems in solid
mechanics and non-linearity
1.1 Introduction
Many introductory texts on the finite element method discuss the solution for linear
problems of elasticity and field equations.1–3 In practical applications the limitation
of linear elasticity, or more generally of linear behaviour, often precludes obtaining
an accurate assessment of the solution because of the presence of ‘non-linear’ effects
and/or because the geometry has a ‘thin’ dimension in one or more directions. In this
book we describe extensions to the formulations introduced to solve linear problems
to permit solutions to both classes of problems.
Non-linear behaviour of solids takes two forms: material non-linearity and geometric
non-linearity. The simplest form of non-linear material behaviour is that of elasticity
for which the stress is not linearly proportional to the strain. More general situations are
those in which the loading and unloading response of the material is different. Typical
here is the case of classical elastic–plastic behaviour.
When the deformation of a solid reaches a state for which the undeformed and
deformed shapes are substantially different a state of finite deformation occurs. In this
case it is no longer possible to write linear strain–displacement or equilibrium equations
on the undeformed geometry. Even before finite deformation exists it is possible
to observe buckling or load bifurcations in some solids and non-linear equilibrium
effects need to be considered. The classical Euler column, where the equilibrium
equation for buckling includes the effect of axial loading, is an example of this class
of problem. When deformation is large the boundary conditions can also become nonlinear. Examples are pressure loading that remains normal to the deformed body and
also the case where the deformed boundary interacts with another body. This latter
example defines a class known as contact problems and much research is currently
performed in this area. An example of a class of problems involving non-linear effects
in deformation measures, material behaviour and contact is the analysis of a rolling
tyre. A typical mesh for a tyre analysis is shown in Fig. 1.1. The cross-section shown
is able to model the layering of rubber and cords and the overall character of a tread.
The full mesh is generated by sweeping the cross-section around the wheel axis with a
variable spacing in the area which will be in contact. A formulation in which the mesh
is fixed and the material rotates is commonly used to perform the analysis.4–7
General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity
(a) Tyre cross-section.
(b) Full mesh.
Fig. 1.1 Finite element mesh for tyre analysis.
Generally the accurate solution of solid problems which have one (or more) small
dimension(s) compared to the others cannot be achieved efficiently using standard
two- or three-dimensional finite element formulations. Traditionally separate theories of structural mechanics are introduced to solve this class of problems. A plate
is a flat structure with one thin (small) direction which is called the thickness. A
shell is a curved structure in space with one such small thickness direction. Structures with two small dimensions are called beams, frames, or rods. A primary reason why use of standard two- or three-dimensional finite element formulations do
not yield accurate solutions is the numerical ill-conditioning which results in their
algebraic equations. In this book we combine the traditional approaches of structural mechanics with a much stronger link to the full three-dimensional theory of
solids to obtain formulations which are easily solved using standard finite element
This book considers both solid and structural mechanics problems and formulations
which make practical finite element solutions feasible. We divide the volume into two
main parts. In the first part we consider problems in which continuum theory of solids
continues to be used, whereas in the second part we focus attention on theories of
structural mechanics to describe the behaviour of rods, plates and shells.
In the present chapter we review the general equations for analysis of solids in
which deformations remain ‘small’ but material behaviour includes effects of a nonlinear kind. We present the theory in both an indicial (or tensorial) form as well as in the
matrix form commonly used in finite element developments. We also reformulate the
equations of solids in a variational (Galerkin) form. In Chapter 2 we present a general
scheme based on the Galerkin method to construct a finite element approximate solution
to problems based on variational forms. In this chapter we consider both irreducible
and mixed forms of finite element approximation and indicate where the mixed forms
have distinct advantages. Here we also show how the linear problems of solids for
steady state and transient behaviour become non-linear when the material constitutive
model is represented in a non-linear form. Some discussion on the solution of transient
non-linear finite element forms is included. Since the form of the inertial effects
is generally unaffected by non-linearity, in the remainder of this volume we shall
primarily confine our remarks to terms arising from non-linear material behaviour and
finite deformation effects.
In Chapter 3 we describe various possible methods for solving non-linear algebraic equations. This is followed in Chapter 4 by consideration of material non-linear
behaviour and completes the development of a general formulation from which a finite
element computation can proceed.
In Chapter 5 we present a summary for the study of finite deformation of solids.
Basic relations for defining deformation are presented and used to write variational
(Galerkin) forms related to the undeformed configuration of the body and also to the
deformed configuration. It is shown that by relating the formulation to the deformed
body a result is obtained which is nearly identical to that for the small deformation
problem we considered in the small deformation theory treated in the early chapters of
this volume. Essential differences arise only in the constitutive equations (stress–strain
laws) and the addition of a new stiffness term commonly called the geometric or initial
stress stiffness. For constitutive modelling we summarize in Chapter 6 alternative
forms for elastic and inelastic materials. Contact problems are discussed in Chapter 7.
Here we summarize methods commonly used to model the interaction of intermittent
contact between surfaces of bodies.
In Chapter 8 we show that analyses of rigid and so-called pseudo-rigid bodies8 may
be developed directly from the theory of deformable solids. This permits the inclusion
in programs of options for multi-body dynamic simulations which combine deformable
solids with objects modelled as rigid bodies. In Chapter 9 we discuss specialization of
the finite deformation problem to address situations in which a large number of small
bodies interact [multi-particle or granular bodies commonly referred to as discrete
element methods (DEM) or discrete deformation analysis (DDA)].
In the second part of this book we study the behaviour of problems of structural
mechanics. In Chapter 10 we present a summary of the behaviour of rods (beams)
modelled by linear kinematic behaviour. We consider cases where deformation effects
include axial, bending and transverse shearing strains (Timoshenko beam theory9 ) as
well as the classical theory where transverse effects are neglected (Euler–Bernoulli
theory). We then describe the solution of plate problems, considering first the problem
of thin plates (Chapter 11) in which only bending deformations are included and,
second, the problem in which both bending and shearing deformations are present
(Chapter 12).
The problem of shell behaviour adds in-plane membrane deformations and curved
surface modelling. Here we split the problem into three separate parts. The first
combines simple flat elements which include bending and membrane behaviour to form
a faceted approximation to the curved shell surface (Chapter 13). Next we involve the
addition of shearing deformation and use of curved elements to solve axisymmetric
shell problems (Chapter 14). We conclude the presentation of shells with a general
form using curved isoparametric element shapes which include the effects of bending,
General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity
shearing, and membrane deformations (Chapter 15). Here a very close link with the
full three-dimensional analysis will be readily recognized.
In Chapter 16 we address a class of problems in which the solution in one coordinate direction is expressed as a series, for example a Fourier series. Here, for linear
material behaviour, very efficient solutions can be achieved for many problems. Some
extensions to non-linear behaviour are also presented.
In Chapter 17 we specialize the finite deformation theory to that which results in
large displacements but small strains. This class of problems permits use of all the
constitutive equations discussed for small deformation problems and can address classical problems of instability. It also permits the construction of non-linear extensions
to plate and shell problems discussed in Chapters 11–15 of this volume.
We conclude the descriptions applied to solids in Chapter 18 with a presentation of
multi-scale effects in solids.
In the final chapter we summarize the capabilities of a companion computer program
(called FEAPpv ) that is available at the publisher’s web site. This program may be used
to address the class of non-linear solid and structural mechanics problems described in
this volume.
1.2 Small deformation solid mechanics problems
1.2.1 Strong form of equations – indicial notation
In this general section we shall describe how the various equations of solid mechanics∗
can become non-linear under certain circumstances. In particular this will occur for
solid mechanics problems when non-linear stress–strain relationships are used. The
chapter also presents the notation and the methodology which we shall adopt throughout
this book. The reader will note how simply the transition between forms for linear and
non-linear problems occurs.
The field equations for solid mechanics are given by equilibrium behaviour (balance of momentum), strain-displacement relations, constitutive equations, boundary
conditions, and initial conditions.10–15
In the treatment given here we will use two notational forms. The first is a cartesian
tensor indicial form and the second is a matrix form (see reference 1 for additional
details on both approaches). In general, we shall find that both are useful to describe
particular parts of formulations. For example, when we describe large strain problems
the development of the so-called ‘geometric’ or ‘initial stress’ stiffness is most easily
described by using an indicial form. However, in much of the remainder, we shall
find that it is convenient to use a matrix form. The requirements for transformations
between the two will also be indicated.
In the sequel, when we use indicial notation an index appearing once in any term
is called a free index and a repeated index is called a dummy index. A dummy index
may only appear twice in any term and implies summation over the range of the index.
More general theories for solid mechanics problems exist that involve higher order micro-polar or couple stress
effects; however, we do not consider these in this volume.
Small deformation solid mechanics problems
Thus if two vectors ai and bi each have three terms the form ai bi implies
ai bi = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3
Note that a dummy index may be replaced by any other index without changing the
meaning, accordingly
ai bi ≡ aj bj
Coordinates and displacements
For a fixed Cartesian coordinate system we denote coordinates as x, y, z or in index
form as x1 , x2 , x3 . Thus the vector of coordinates is given by
x = x1 e1 + x2 e2 + x3 e3 = xi ei
in which ei are unit base vectors of the Cartesian system and the summation convention
described above is adopted.
Similarly, the displacements will be denoted as u, v, w or u1 , u2 , u3 and the vector
of displacements by
u = u1 e1 + u2 e2 + u3 e3 = ui ei
Generally, we will denote all quantities by their components and where possible
the coordinates and displacements will be denoted as xi and ui , respectively, in which
the range of the index i is 1, 2, 3 for three-dimensional applications (or 1, 2 for twodimensional problems).
Strain--displacement relations
The strains may be expressed in Cartesian tensor form as
1 ∂ui
εij =
2 ∂xj
and are valid measures provided deformations are small. By a small deformation
problem we mean that
|εij | << 1
|ω2ij | << εij where | · | denotes absolute value and · a suitable norm. In the above ωij denotes a
small rotation given by
1 ∂ui
ωij =
2 ∂xj
and thus the displacement gradient may be expressed as
= εij + ωij
General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity
Equilibrium equations -- balance of momentum
The equilibrium equations (balance of linear momentum) are given in index form as
σj i,j + bi = ρ üi ,
i, j = 1, 2, 3
where σij are components of (Cauchy) stress, ρ is mass density, and bi are body force
components. In the above, and in the sequel, we use the convention that the partial
derivatives are denoted by
f,i =
f˙ =
for coordinates and time, respectively.
Similarly, moment equilibrium (balance of angular momentum) yields symmetry of
stress given in indicial form as
σij = σj i
Equations (1.4) and (1.5) hold at all points xi in the domain of the problem .
Boundary conditions
Stress boundary conditions are given by the traction condition
ti = σj i nj = t̄i
for all points which lie on the part of the boundary denoted as t . A quantity with a
‘bar’ denotes a specified function.
Similarly, displacement boundary conditions are given by
ui = ūi
and apply for all points which lie on the part of the boundary denoted as u .
Many additional forms of boundary conditions exist in non-linear problems. Conditions where the boundary of one part interacts with another part, so-called contact
conditions, will be taken up in Chapter 7. Similarly, it is necessary to describe how
loading behaves when deformations become large. Follower pressure loads are one
example of this class and we consider this further in Sec. 5.7.
Initial conditions
Finally, for transient problems in which the inertia term ρ üi is important, initial conditions are required. These are given for an initial time denoted as ‘zero’ by
ui (xj , 0) = d̄ i (xj )
u̇i (xj , 0) = v̄i (xj ) in (1.8)
It is also necessary in some problems to specify the state of stress at the initial time.
Constitutive relations
All of the above equations apply to any material provided the deformations remain
small. The specific behaviour of a material is described by constitutive equations
which relate the stresses to imposed strains and, often, other sources which cause
deformation (e.g. temperature).
Small deformation solid mechanics problems
The simplest material model is that of linear elasticity where quite generally
σij = Cij kl (εkl − ε(0)
kl )
in which Cij kl are elastic moduli and ε(0)
kl are strains arising from sources other than displacement. For example, in thermal problems strains result from change in temperature
and these may be given by
kl = αkl [T − T0 ]
in which αkl are coefficients of linear expansion and T is temperature with T0 a reference
temperature for which thermal strains are zero.
For linear isotropic materials these relations simplify to
σij = λδij (εkk − ε(0)
kk ) + 2 µ (εij − εij )
kl = δij α [T − T0 ]
where λ and µ are Lamé elastic parameters and α is a scalar coefficient of linear
expansion.10,11 In addition, δij is the Kronecker delta function given by
1; for i = j
δij =
0; for i = j
Many materials are not linear nor are they elastic. The construction of appropriate
constitutive models to represent experimentally observed behaviour is extremely complex. In this book we will illustrate a few classical models of behaviour and indicate
how they can be included in a general solution framework. Here we only wish to
indicate how a non-linear material behaviour affects our formulation. To do this we
consider non-linear elastic behaviour represented by a strain–energy density function
W in which stress is computed as11
σij =
Materials based on this form are called hyperelastic. When the strain–energy is given
by the quadratic form
W = 21 εij Cij kl εkl − εij Cij kl ε(0)
we obtain the linear elastic model given by Eq. (1.9a). More general forms are permitted, however, including those leading to non-linear elastic behaviour.
1.2.2 Matrix notation
In this book we will often use a matrix form to write the equations. In this case we
denote the coordinates as
⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫
⎨x ⎬ ⎨x1 ⎬
x = y = x2
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭
General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity
⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫
⎨ u ⎬ ⎨ u1 ⎬
u = v = u2
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭
For two-dimensional forms we often ignore the third component.
The transformation to matrix form for stresses is given in the order
σ = σ11 σ22 σ33 σ12 σ23 σ31
= σxx σyy σzz σxy σyz σzx
and displacements as
and strains by
ε = ε11 ε22 ε33 γ12 γ23 γ31
= εxx εyy εzz γxy γyz γzx
where symmetry of the tensors is assumed and ‘engineering’shear strains are introduced
γij = 2εij , i = j
to make writing of subsequent matrix relations in a concise manner.
The transformation to the six independent components of stress and strain is performed by using the index order given in Table 1.1. This ordering will apply to
many subsequent developments also. The order is chosen to permit reduction to twodimensional applications by merely deleting the last two entries and treating the third
entry as appropriate for plane or axisymmetric applications.
The strain–displacement equations are expressed in matrix form as
ε = Su
with the three-dimensional strain operator given by
⎡ ∂
⎢ ∂x1
ST = ⎢ 0
∂ ⎤
∂x3 ⎥
0 ⎥
∂ ⎦
Table 1.1 Index relation between tensor and matrix forms
Index value
Tensor (1, 2, 3)
Cartesian (x, y, z)
Cylindrical (r, z, θ)
Small deformation solid mechanics problems
The same operator may be used to write the equilibrium equations (1.4) as
S T σ + b = ρ ü
The boundary conditions for displacement and traction are given by
u = ū on u
t = GT σ = t̄ on t
GT = 0
in which n = (n1 , n2 , n3 ) are direction cosines of the normal to the boundary . We
note further that the non-zero structure of S and G are the same.
For transient problems, initial conditions are denoted by
u(x, 0) = d̄(x)
u̇(x, 0) = v̄(x) in (1.21)
The constitutive equations for a linear elastic material are given in matrix form by
σ = D(ε − ε0 )
where in Eq. (1.9a) the index pairs ij and kl for Cij kl are transformed to the 6 × 6
matrix D terms using Table 1.1. For a general hyperelastic material we use
1.2.3 Two-dimensional problems
There are several classes of two-dimensional problems which may be considered. The
simplest are plane stress in which the plane of deformation (e.g. x1 − x2 ) is thin and
stresses σ33 = τ13 = τ23 = 0; and plane strain in which the plane of deformation (e.g.
x1 − x2 ) is one for which ε33 = γ13 = γ23 = 0. Another class is called axisymmetric
where the analysis domain is a three-dimensional body of revolution defined in cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z) but deformations and stresses are two-dimensional functions
of r, z only.
Plane stress and plane strain
For plane stress and plane strain problems which have x1 − x2 as the plane of deformation, the displacements are assumed in the form
u1 (x1 , x2 , t)
u2 (x1 , x2 , t)
General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity
and thus the strains may be defined by:11
⎡ ∂
⎢ ∂x1
⎧ ⎫
ε11 ⎪
⎢ 0
⎨ ⎬
= S u + ε3 = ⎢
⎢ 0
⎩ 33 ⎪
⎣ ∂
⎧ ⎫
∂ ⎥
⎨ ⎪
∂x2 ⎥
0 ⎥
⎩ε33 ⎪
Here the ε33 is either zero (plane strain) or determined from the material constitution
by assuming σ33 is zero (plane stress). The components of stress are taken in the matrix
σT = σ11 σ22 σ33 τ12
where σ33 is determined from material constitution (plane strain) or taken as zero (plane
We note that the local ‘energy’ term
E = σT ε
does not involve ε33 for either plane stress or plane strain. Indeed, it is not necessary
to compute the σ33 (or ε33 ) until after a problem solution is obtained.
The traction vector for plane problems is given by
n1 0 0 n2
G =
t=G σ
0 n2 0 n1
and once again we note that S and G have the same non-zero structure.
Axisymmetric problems
In an axisymmetric problem we use the cylindrical coordinate system
⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫
⎨ x1 ⎬ ⎨ r ⎬
x = x2 = z
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭
This ordering permits the two-dimensional axisymmetric and plane problems to be
written in a very similar manner. The body is three dimensional but defined by a
surface of revolution such that properties and boundaries are independent of the θ
coordinate. For this case the displacement field may be taken as
u1 (x1 , x2 , t)
ur (r, z, t)
u2 (x1 , x2 , t) = uz (r, z, t)
u3 (x1 , x2 , t)
uθ (r, z, t)
and, thus, also is taken as independent of θ.
Small deformation solid mechanics problems
The strains for the axisymmetric case are given by:11
⎢ ∂x1
⎢ 0
⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫
⎢ 1
⎥ ⎪
⎪ε ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ε ⎪
zz ⎪
22 ⎪
⎥ u1
⎨ ⎬ ⎨ ⎬
⎥ u2
=Su=⎢ ∂
⎥ u3
⎪γ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪γ ⎪
⎢ ∂x2 ∂x1
⎩ zθ ⎪
⎭ ⎪
⎩ 23 ⎪
⎢ 0
1 ⎦
The stresses are written in the same order as
σT = σ11 σ22 σ33 τ12
Similar to the three-dimensional problem the traction is given by
n1 0 0 n2 0
G = 0 n2 0 n1 0
t=G σ
0 0 0 0 n2
where we note that n3 cannot exist for a complete body of revolution. Once again we
note that S and G have the same non-zero structure.
We note that the strain–displacement relations between the u1 , u2 and u3 components
are uncoupled. If the material constitution is also uncoupled between the first four and
the last two components of strain (i.e. the first four stresses are related only to the
first four strains) we may separate the axisymmetric problem into two parts: (a) a part
which depends only on the first four strains which are expressed in u1 , u2 ; and (b) a
problem which depends only on the last two shear strains and u3 . The first problem is
sometimes referred to as torsionless and the second as a torsion problem. However,
when the constitution couples the effects, as in classical elastic–plastic solution of a
bar which is stretched and twisted, it is necessary to consider the general case.
The torsionless axisymmetric problem is given by
⎡ ∂
⎢ ∂x1
⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫
⎥ ε
⎢ 0
⎨ rr ⎪
⎬ ⎪
⎨ 11 ⎪
∂x2 ⎥ u1
⎥ u
⎢ 1
⎩εθθ ⎪
⎭ ⎪
⎩ε33 ⎪
0 ⎥
⎢ x1
⎣ ∂
∂ ⎦
with stresses given by Eq. (1.26) and tractions by Eq. (1.28). Thus the only difference
in these two classes of problems is the presence of the u1 /x1 for the third strain in
General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity
the axisymmetric case (of course the two differ also in the domain description of the
problem as we shall point out later).
1.3 Variational forms for non-linear elasticity
For an elastic material as specified by Eq. (1.23), the above equations may be given
in a variational form when no inertial effects are included. The simplest form is the
potential energy principle where
W (Su) d −
u b d −
uT t̄ d
P E =
The first variation yields the governing equation of the functional as16
T ∂W
δP E =
δu b d −
δuT t̄ d = 0
d −
After integration by parts and collecting terms we obtain
δuT S T σ + b d
δP E = −
δuT GT σ − t̄ d = 0
When W is given by the quadratic form (1.12) we recover the linear problem given by
Eq. (1.22). In this case the form becomes the principle of minimum potential energy
and the displacement field which renders W an absolute minimum is an exact solution
to the problem.11
We note that the potential energy principle includes the strain–displacement equations and the elastic model expressed in terms of displacement-based strains. It also
requires the displacement boundary condition to be stated in addition to the theorem. It
is, however, the simplest variational form and only requires knowledge of the displacement field to be valid. This form is a basis for irreducible (or displacement) methods
of approximate solution.
A general variational theorem, which includes all the equations and boundary conditions, is given by the Hu–Washizu variational theorem.17 This theorem is given by
H W (u, ε, σ) =
W (ε) + σT (Su − ε) d
u b d −
u t̄ d −
tT (u − ū) d
in which t = GT σ. The proof that the theorem contains all the governing equations is
obtained by taking the variation of Eq. (1.38) with respect to u, ε and σ. Accordingly,
Variational forms for non-linear elasticity
taking the variation of (1.38) and performing an integration by parts on δ(Su) we obtain
− σ d
δH W = δε
δσ [Su − ε] d −
δtT (u − ū) d
δuT t − t̄ d = 0
δuT S T σ + b d +
and it is evident that the Hu–Washizu variational theorem yields all the equations for
the non-linear elastostatic problem.
We may also establish a direct link between the Hu–Washizu theorem and other
variational principles. If we express the strains ε in terms of the stresses using the
Laurant transformation
U (σ) + W (ε) = σT ε
we recover the Hellinger–Reissner variational principle given by18–20
σ Su − U (σ) d
H R (u, σ) =
u b d −
u t̄ d −
tT (u − ū) d
In the linear elastic case we have, ignoring initial strain and stress effects,
U (σ) =
σij Sij kl σkl
where Sij kl are elastic compliances. While this form is also formally valid for general
elastic problems. We shall find that in the non-linear case it is not possible to find
unique relations for the constitutive behaviour in terms of stress forms. Thus, we shall
often rely on use of the Hu–Washizu functional as the basis for a mixed formulation.
We may also establish a direct link to the minimum potential energy form and the
Hu–Washizu theorem. If we satisfy the displacement boundary condition (1.20) a priori
the integral term over u is eliminated from Eq. (1.38). Generally, in our finite element
approximations based on the Hu–Washizu theorem (or variants of the theorem) we shall
satisfy the displacement boundary conditions explicitly and thus avoid approximating
the u term.
If we then satisfy the strain-displacement relations a priori then the Hu–Washizu
theorem is identical with the potential energy principle. In constructing finite element
approximations, the potential energy principle is a basis for developing displacement
models (also referred to as irreducible models1 ) whereas the Hu–Washizu form is a
basis for developing mixed models.1 As we will show in Chapter 2 mixed methods have
distinct advantages in constructing robust finite element formulations. However, there
are also advantages in having a finite element formulation where the global problem is
expressed in a displacement form. Noting how the Hu–Washizu form reduces to the
potential energy principle provides a link on treating the reductions to their approximate
counterparts (see Sec. 2.6).
General problems in solid mechanics and non-linearity
One advantage of a variational theorem is that symmetry conditions are automatically
obtained; however, a distinct disadvantage is that only elastic behaviour and static forms
may be considered. In the next section we consider an alternative approach of weak
forms which is valid for both elastic or inelastic material forms and directly admits
the inertial effects. We shall observe that for the elastostatic problem a weak form is
equivalent to the variation of a theorem.
1.4 Weak forms of governing equations
A variational (weak) form for any set of equations is a scalar relation and may be
constructed by multiplying the equation set by an appropriate arbitrary function which
has the same free indices as in the set of governing equations (which then becomes a
dummy index and sums over its range), integrating over the domain of the problem and
setting the result to zero.1,17
1.4.1 Weak form for equilibrium equation
For example, in indicial form the equilibrium equation (1.4) has the free index i, thus to
construct a weak form we multiply by an arbitrary vector with index i and integrate the
result over the domain . Virtual work is a weak form in which the arbitrary function
is a virtual displacement δui , accordingly using this function we obtain the form
δui ρüi − σj i,j − bi d = 0
δeq =
Generally stress will depend on strains which are derivatives of displacements. Thus,
the above form will require computation of second derivatives of displacement
to form the integrands. The need to compute second derivatives may be reduced
(i.e. ‘weakened’) by performing an integration by parts and upon noting the symmetry
of the stress we obtain
δui ρ üi d +
δεij (uk ) σij d −
δui bi d − δui ti d = 0
δeq =
where virtual strains are related to virtual displacements as
δεij (uk ) = 21 (δui,j + δuj,i )
This may be further simplified by splitting the boundary into parts where traction is
specified, t , and parts where displacements are specified, u . If we enforce pointwise
all the displacement boundary conditions∗ and impose a constraint that δui vanishes
on u , we obtain the final result
δeq =
δui ρ üi d +
δεij (uk ) σij d −
δui bi d −
δui t̄i d = 0
Alternatively, we can combine this term with another from the integration by parts of the weak form of the
strain–displacement equations.
or in matrix form as
δuT ρ ü d +
δ(Su)T σ d −
δuT b d −
δuT t̄ d = 0
δeq =
The first term is the virtual work of internal inertial forces, the second the virtual work
of the internal stresses and the last two the virtual work of body and traction forces,
The above weak form provides the basis from which a finite element formulation
of equilibrium may be deduced for general applications. It is necessary to add appropriate expressions for the strain–displacement and constitutive equations to complete
a problem formulation. Weak forms for these may be written immediately from the
variation of the Hu–Washizu principle given in Eq. (1.39).
We note that the form adopted to define the matrices of stress and strain permits the
internal work of stress and strain to be written as
εij σij = εT σ = σT ε
Similarly, the internal virtual work per unit volume may be expressed by
δW = δεij σij = δεT σ
In Chapter 4 we will discuss this in more detail and show that constructing constitutive
equations in terms of six components of stress and strain must be treated appropriately
in reductions from the original nine tensor components.
1.5 Concluding remarks
In this chapter we have summarized the basic steps needed to formulate a general
small-strain solid mechanics problem. The formulation has been presented in a strong
form in terms of partial differential equations and in a weak form in terms of integral
expressions. We have also indicated how the general problem can become non-linear.
In the next chapter we describe the use of the finite element method to construct
approximate solutions to weak forms for non-linear transient solid mechanics problems.
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