OPTIMAL WIRING TOPOLOGY FOR ELECTROMIGRATION AVOIDANCE CONSIDERING MULTIPLE LAYERS AND OBSTACLES IRIS HUI-RU JIANG HUA-YU CHANG CHIH-LONG CHANG IRIS Lab National Chiao Tung University Outline IRIS H.-R. JIANG 2 Introduction to EM Problem & properties Our approach Experimental results Conclusion WiT - ISPD'2010 Electromigration IRIS H.-R. JIANG 3 Electromigration (EM) An extremely dense electron flow (electron wind) knocks off atoms within the wire and moves them away This transport leaves a gap at one end and increase the stress at the other Possible failures: open-circuit / short-circuit E e- electrical field electron wind FE Cu+ FP FE << FP Cu+ void open WiT - ISPD'2010 hillock short SANYO Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Electromigration Is a Reliability Issue IRIS H.-R. JIANG 4 EM is a wear-out failure Triggered after being used for a period of time Measured in terms of mean time to failure (MTTF) Black’s equation, TED-1969 Current density and working temperature Worsened for advanced technology nodes EM/ mixed-signal breakdown Signal nets / power network in analog designs Technology file gives the upper bound of safe current density Jmax under a working temperature high current densities WiT - ISPD'2010 J Electron Test, 2009 EM Reliability (1/2) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 5 EM simulation/analysis Because EM occurs only after a circuit has been used for a period of time, the defect chips cannot be filtered out during product testing. It is desired to characterize the realistic current values for each terminal/wire and to identify the wires that are potentially threatened by EM. Wiring topology for EM WiT - ISPD'2010 EM Reliability (2/2) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 6 EM analysis/estimation Wiring topology for EM A thin wire should be widened for EM safety. Conventional EM fixing is applied at post-layout, which may use many routing resources and layout changes. If a good wiring topology considering EM is applied to a router, we may immune EM with much fewer routing resources. e.g., Adler & Barke, DATE-2000 Adler et. al, DAC-2000 Lienig & Jerke, ASPDAC-2003 Yan & Chen, APCCAS-2008 WiT - ISPD'2010 EM Routing IRIS H.-R. JIANG 7 The routing resource is measured by the total wire area. The wire width is determined by EM-safe current density instead of minimum printable width. -5 -5 +7 source 7 +3 -2 -8 5 +7 +3 sink +3 7 -2 -8 -4 7 3 -2 2 2 4 +9 -4 +3 1 -8 1 2 5 +9 2 -5 2 +7 -2 -8 2 1 -5 3 +7 4 +9 -4 +9 -4 Assume a unit width wire can carry one-unit current (normalized to 1) -5 -5 +7 5↑ 7↓ 5← 12↓ +3 2← +7 5↑ 7↓ 7↓ +3 -8 7↑ 2→ -2 -8 4↓ 9↑ 1↑ +3 2↑ -2 -5 -5 +7 3→ +7 5↑ 5↑ 7↓ 8↓ -8 2↑ 1↑ 4↑ -2 1← +3 2→ 2→ 2→ -4 +9 Minimum WL = 33 Area = 182 WiT - ISPD'2010 7← 5← -4 ASPDAC-2003 Area = 154 2→ 5← 4↓ +9 -4 +9 APCCAS-2008 Area = 144 -2 3↑ -8 4← -4 5↑ +9 Ours Area = 142 (optimal) Our Contribution IRIS H.-R. JIANG 8 Prior works tended towards heuristics State-of-the-art results -5 5 +7 7 +7 +3 -5 3 +3 7 2 -2 -2 Claim: -8 -8 2 1 This problem1belongs to class P instead of NP-hard. 2 2 5 4 Proof: +9 +9 -4 -4 The greedy-choice property. Method: -5 -5 A strongly polynomial time algorithm. 5↑ +7 +7 7↓ 7↓ +3 +3 2↑ -8 -2 3→ 5↑ -8 2↑ 1↑ 4↑ -2 2→ 1↑ 7← 5← -4 ASPDAC-2003 DT-based Area = 154 WiT - ISPD'2010 2→ 5← 4↓ +9 -4 +9 APCCAS-2008 Greedy Area = 144 Outline IRIS H.-R. JIANG 9 Introduction to EM Problem & properties Our approach Experimental results Conclusion WiT - ISPD'2010 Wiring Topology for EM Avoidance (TEA) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 10 Input A set S = {s1, s2, …, sm} of m current sources A set T = {t1, t2, …, tn} of n current sinks Each current source i (sink j) is associated with its flow The maximum tolerable current density Jmax The minimum feasible wire width wmin for each routing layer/via Output A wiring topology to connect all current sources and sinks in S+T Minimum total wire area of its detailed routing tree Sufficient current for each wire segment: f ∝ w Kirchhoff’s current conservation law Remarks: f ∝ w: The wire width offering one unit current is a layer-specific constant. The current values can be DC, RMS, peak, average currents under different EM conditions and for various signal types. Feasibility: ∑fsi + ∑ftj = 0 WiT - ISPD'2010 Wirelength: Abstraction IRIS H.-R. JIANG 11 2D (x1, y1) p1 (x1, y1) p1 No obstacles abstraction ly =|y1 - y2| l(p1, p2) = lx+ly lx =|x1 - x2| 3D With obstacles rectilinearization p2 (x2, y2) (x1, y1, z1) p1 the minimum accumulated area cost for one unit current WiT - ISPD'2010 l(p1, p2) p2 (x2, y2) (x1, y1, z1) p1 abstraction rectilinearization p2 (x2, y2, z2) p2 (x2, y2, z2) Wire Area: Superposition IRIS H.-R. JIANG 12 Same wire area s1 s1 (xs1, ys1, fs1) s1 fs1 fs1 fs1 fs2 t1 t1 (xt1, yt1, ft1) (xs1, ys1, fs1) fs1 fs1 t1 fs1+fs2 WiT - ISPD'2010 (xs2, ys2, fs2) t1 additive Goal: fs2 (xs2, ys2, fs2) Find the property of the optimal wiring topology. s2 s2 ⇒ The wire area estimated by the wiring topology = Area may vary s1 that at detailed routing s1 s2 fs1+fs2 fs2 s2 fs1 fs1+fs2 t1 fs1+fs2-fs1 = fs2 (xt1, yt1, ft1) s2 s1 fs1+fs2 s2 additive t1 The Greedy-Choice Property (1/3) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 13 The generic form: 2 sources s1, s2 and 1 sink t1. fs1 + fs2 + ft1 = 0 We prove the greedy-choice property t1 s1 (xs1, ys1, fs1) t1 s2 (xt1, yt1, ft1) (xs2, ys2, fs2) WiT - ISPD'2010 Symmetric s1 (xt1, yt1, ft1) (xs1, ys1, fs1) t2 (xt2, yt2, ft2) The Greedy-Choice Property (2/3) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 14 Prove by exchange argument. s1 fs1 fs2 fs1+fs2 fs2 t1 s2 A{s2 → s1 → t1} A{s1 → t1} + A{s2 → t1} Axes are independent. Consider 3 points z1, z2 and z3 on an axis: fix z1 and z3, move z2 ⇒ |z1 - z2| + |z2 - z3| ≥ |z1 - z3| z2 t1 s2 A{s1 → s2 → t1} fs1 fs1+fs2 t1 s2 s1 s1 z1 z2 z3 z2 Z A{s1 → s2 → t1} or A{s2 → s1 → t1} ≥ A{s1 → t1} + A{s2 → t1} WiT - ISPD'2010 The Greedy-Choice Property (3/3) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 15 Corollary: The greedy-choice property holds at a general multilayer space with obstacles. The greedy-choice property ⇒ 1. We can consider wire connections only from sources to sinks. 2. The wire area keeps the same after the slant edges of the greedychoice property are rectilinearized. WiT - ISPD'2010 Outline IRIS H.-R. JIANG 16 Introduction to EM Problem & properties Our approach Experimental results Conclusion WiT - ISPD'2010 Overview of WiT (1/2) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 17 -5 +7 Current sources (xsi, ysi, fsi) Current sinks (xtj, ytj, ftj) Layer-specific Jmax, wmin +3 WiT -2 -8 1. Length calculation +9 2. Wiring topology generation 3. Detailed routing -4 +7 -5 +3 Current-Correct Rectilinear Steiner tree -2 -8 +9 -4 WiT - ISPD'2010 10 Overview of WiT (2/2) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 18 +7 Current sources (xsi, ysi, fsi) Current sinks (xtj, ytj, ftj) Layer-specific Jmax, wmin -5 (7,1) (9, 7) (10,4) +3 WiT 1. Length calculation (6, 2) (16,1) 2. Wiring topology generation (10,4) +9 -8 3. Detailed routing Current-Correct Rectilinear Steiner tree -4 +7 → -5 (5, 5) ↑ (8, 7) (1, 8) -8 ← +3 (2, 3) (4, 2) → ↓ -2 (4, 5) ↑ (5, 1) ↑ -4 WiT - ISPD'2010 -2 +9 ← (10, 5) Flow Network IRIS H.-R. JIANG 19 Triple: (wirelength, flow, capacity) Feasible flow: 0 ≤ fi,j ≤ ci,j = min(|fsi|, |ftj|) (l1,1, f1,1, c1,1) t1 s1 |ft1| |fs1| t2 s2 ss |fsi| . . . si |fsm| . . . sm (l,i,j, fi,j, ci,j) . . . . . . (lm,n, fm,n, cm,n) tj . . . tn (0, fss, fss) WiT - ISPD'2010 . . . |ftj| |ftn| tt Residual Graph IRIS H.-R. JIANG 20 Forward edge: push flow Backward edge: return flow Flow network: |fsi| 0 ≤ fi,j ≤ ci,j = min(|fsi|, |ftj|) si Residual graph: c’i,j = ci,j - fi,j, l’i,j = +li,j tj si c’i,j = -fi,j, l’i,j = -li,j WiT - ISPD'2010 tj |ftj| Wire Area Optimization IRIS H.-R. JIANG 21 Triple: (wirelength, flow, capacity) Flow network: Residual graph: t1 1 (7,0,1) flow (7,-,1) t1 1 -: undetermined s1 (12,1,1) s1 (-12,-,-1) 3 3 (7,3,3) 3 s2 (10,2,3) Area = 7*0 + 7*3 + 12*1 +10*2 = 53 WiT - ISPD'2010 5 3 t2 s2 (-7,-,-3) (10,-,1) (-10,-,-2) 5 t2 Negative Cycle Detection (1/2) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 22 Theorem: Negative-Cycle Removal: If the flow assignment of a flow network is optimal, there exists no negative cycles in its residual graph. Residual graph: (7,-,1) s1 3 t1 1 Push a flow along the negative cycle ⇒ 1. Reduce the area cost 2. Flow = min residual cap Negative (-12,-,-1) cycle! 3 s2 (-7,-,-3) (10,-,1) (-10,-,-2) 7 + (-12) + 10 + (-7) = -2 WiT - ISPD'2010 5 t2 Negative Cycle Detection (2/2) IRIS H.-R. JIANG 23 Theorem: Negative-Cycle Removal: If the flow assignment of a flow network is optimal, there exists no negative cycles in its residual graph. Residual graph: Negative cycle! Flow network: 1 (7,1,1) s1 t1 3 (12,0,1) 3 (7,2,3) (-7,-1,-3) 3 s2 1 (7,1,1) s1 (-12,-1,-1) t1 (10,1,1) 5 t2 3 s2 (10,3,3) 5 t2 Area = 7*1 + 7*2 + 12*0 +10*3 = 51 WiT - ISPD'2010 The WiT Algorithm IRIS H.-R. JIANG 24 WiT(S, T) 1. construct the flow network and calculate paths and lengths 2. if the given flow at sources/sinks is legal then 3. find an initial flow assignment 4. while there exists a negative cycle in the residual graph do 5. remove the negative cycle 6. update the flow network 7. update the residual graph 8. rectilinearize the wiring topology by stored paths Initial solution: For efficiency, we select the greedy method. For effectiveness, we choose the minimum wirelength as the greedy rule. WiT - ISPD'2010 Outline IRIS H.-R. JIANG 25 Introduction to EM Problem & properties Our approach Experimental results Conclusion WiT - ISPD'2010 Results IRIS H.-R. JIANG 26 Implementation: C++ language with LEDA package NB with an Intel® Core™2 CPU T9400 of 2.53 GHz frequency and 4 GB memory under Windows Vista™ Business 64 bit Service Pack 1 OS. Testcase INP1 INP2 INP3 INP4 IND1 IND2 IND3 IND4 IND5 RT01 RT02 RT03 RT04 RT05 #Terminals 7 16 10 16 10 10 10 25 33 75 180 303 475 850 Area 154 122 210 32 6,661 79,400 FAIL 23,112 31,466 FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL ASPDAC-2003 Runtime (s) 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.038 0.016 0.016 0.040 Area 144 98 128 40 5,319 79,000 6,181 16,000 20,814 189,437 10,638,884 3,360,716 6,475,941 59,207,240 Runtime (s) 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.120 4.958 45.553 297.806 8,573.453 Refined area 142 90 116 32 5,301 74,200 5,513 13,728 17,044 144,071 7,151,286 2,325,806 4,205,757 37,318,054 APCCAS-2008 Gain 2 8 12 8 18 4,800 668 2,272 3,770 45,366 3,487,598 1,034,910 2,270,184 21,889,186 #Iterations 1 2 1 1 1 3 15 20 29 147 622 1,938 4,288 9,238 Refine runtime (s) 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.028 4.741 0.496 28.883 440.429 Initial area 142 94 116 32 5,301 78,200 5,629 15,092 19,624 156,489 8,139,250 2,840,420 4,831,845 45,677,120 Initial runtime (s) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.015 0.042 0.109 0.425 Final area 142 90 116 32 5,301 74,200 5,513 13,728 17,044 144,071 7,151,286 2,325,806 4,205,757 37,318,054 WiT Gain 0 4 0 0 0 4,000 116 1,364 2,580 12,418 987,964 514,614 626,088 8,359,066 #Iterations 0 1 0 0 0 3 2 17 37 78 415 949 1,197 3,487 Total runtime (s) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.016 0.297 1.794 6.489 89.497 Efficient initial solution. We can refine any initial solution to the optimal. WiT - ISPD'2010 RT05: 850 Terminals IRIS H.-R. JIANG 27 ASPDAC-2003 FAILED WiT - ISPD'2010 APCCAS-2008 Area = 59,207,240 Ours Area = 37,318,054 Conclusion IRIS H.-R. JIANG 28 In this paper, we focus on wiring topology generation for avoiding electromigration for power networks or signal nets in analog and mixed-signal designs. The major contribution is that we claim this problem belongs to class P instead of class NP-hard. Based on the proof of the greedy-choice property, we successfully model this problem on a multi-source multi-sink flow network and then can solve it in a strongly polynomial time. Experimental results prove the efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithm. WiT - ISPD'2010 29 Thank You! Iris Hui-Ru Jiang huiru.jiang@gmail.com WiT - ISPD'2010 30 Backup slides WiT - ISPD'2010 Multi-Source Multi-Sink Circuits? IRIS H.-R. JIANG 31 Q: What kind of design has multiple sources and sinks? A: Usual in analog or mixed signal designs, power network, etc. WiT - ISPD'2010 Non-uniform Temperature Distribution IRIS H.-R. JIANG 32 Q: What if non-uniform temperature distribution within a chip? A: This abstraction still works with given temperature distribution map. WiT - ISPD'2010