Principles of circular dichroism (CD) and its applications to proteins José María Delfino Universidad Nacional de General San Martín 2010 1 2 The context where CD becomes a useful tool in biochemistry 3 The folding reaction N↔U In general, N = function, U = loss of function The binding reaction N + L ↔ NL Substrate binding to enzymes Ligand binding to receptors, channels, pumps Drug binding to target proteins 4 The folding reaction N↔U Its importance: - In general, only the native state N is associated to function - The polypeptide chain in solution spontaneously adopts the unique ‘fold’ characteristic of the native state N (except where chaperones are needed) -An impairment in protein folding may lead to medical disorders: - In humans: amiloydosis: Alzheimer, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, GerstmannStraussler-Scheinker (GSS), Kuru, emphysema, cystic fibrosis (CF), Parkinson, cancers, falciform anemia, cataracts, familial hypercholesterolemia, etc. - In animals: prion diseases: bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE = mad cow disease), scrapie in ovines, etc. 5 The fundamental experiment of Christian Anfinsen (1916-1995, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1972) 6 The folding reaction N ↔ U Practical implications: - To be able to design amino acid sequences that fold in a particular way to fulfill a specific function, Please note that the technology to construct and express any protein has been around for many years (in bacteria, eukaryotic cells and by chemical synthesis): - Meeting this goal would be of incredible usefulness in medicine and biotechnology: ↓ - e.g. to design artificial enzymes: ↓ new fermentation processes, (re)engineering of metabolic paths, drug production, new materials, correction of genetic defects According to many specialists, this is perhaps the most important problem still unresolved in biochemistry 7 The direct N ↔ U problem: How does a given amino acid chain fold? In general, a sequence folds into a unique 3D structure (‘fold’) The inverse N ↔ U problem: How many amino acid sequences fold into a given ‘fold’? Many different sequences (even only 5-10% identical) can fold into a unique ‘fold’, i.e. the folding code is highly degenerate → there are millions of sequences in nature, but maybe only as few as ~2000 ‘folds’ 8 MTEMKDDFAKLEEQFDAKLGIFALDTGTNR TVAYRPDERFAFASTIKALTVGVLLQQKSI EDLNQRITYTRDDLVNYNPITEKHVDTGMT LKELADASLRYSDNAAQNLILKQIGGPESL KKELRKIGDEVTNPERFEPELNEVNPGETQ DTSTARALVTSLRAFALEDKLPSEKRELLI DWMKRNTTGDALIRAGVPDGWEVADKTGAA SYGTRNDIAIIWPPKGDPVVLAVLSSRDKK DAKYDDKLIAEATKVVMKALNMNGDKLPSE ? 9 MTEMKDDFAKLEEQFDAKLGIFALDTGTNR TVAYRPDERFAFASTIKALTVGVLLQQKSI EDLNQRITYTRDDLVNYNPITEKHVDTGMT LKELADASLRYSDNAAQNLILKQIGGPESL KKELRKIGDEVTNPERFEPELNEVNPGETQ DTSTARALVTSLRAFALEDKLPSEKRELLI DWMKRNTTGDALIRAGVPDGWEVADKTGAA SYGTRNDIAIIWPPKGDPVVLAVLSSRDKK DAKYDDKLIAEATKVVMKALNMNGDKLPSE β-lactamase 10 The sequence databases: National Center for Biotechnology Information SwissProt Protein Information Resource Sequence Retrieval System The UniProt effort to unify sequence databases The non-redundant (nr) database includes ~10.8 million sequences, representing ~3.7 thousand million “letters” (amino acids) (April 2010) The 3D structure database: Protein Data Bank: This database of atomic coordinates of known 3D structures of proteins, nucleic acids, complexes and other macromolecules includes ~ 65000 structures, determined by X-ray crystallography, NMR and electron microscopy (April 2010) 11 Sequence of IFABP (in FASTA format): >2IFB:_|PDBID|CHAIN|SEQUENCE AFDGTWKVDRNENYEKFMEKMGINVVKRKLGAHDNLKLTITQEGNKFTVKESSNFRNI DVVFELGVDFAYSLADGTELTGTWTMEGNKLVGKFKRVDNGKELIAVREISGNELIQT YTYEGVEAKRIFKKE Atomic coordinates of IFABP (in pdb format): HEADER COMPND COMPND SOURCE AUTHOR REVDAT REVDAT JRNL JRNL JRNL JRNL JRNL JRNL JRNL REMARK REMARK ... REMARK REMARK SEQRES SEQRES ... FORMUL FORMUL HELIX HELIX SHEET SHEET ... FATTY ACID-BINDING PROTEIN 05-DEC-90 2IFB INTESTINAL FATTY ACID BINDING PROTEIN (HOLO FORM) 2 (/I-FABP$) RAT (RATTUS $RATTUS) EXPRESSED IN (ESCHERICHIA $COLI) J.C.SACCHETTINI,J.I.GORDON,L.J.BANASZAK 2 30-APR-94 2IFBA 3 HETATM CONECT 1 15-JAN-92 2IFB 0 AUTH J.C.SACCHETTINI,J.I.GORDON,L.J.BANASZAK TITL CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RAT INTESTINAL TITL 2 FATTY-ACID-BINDING PROTEIN. REFINEMENT AND ANALYSIS TITL 3 OF THE ESCHERICHIA $COLI-DRIVED PROTEIN WITH BOUND TITL 4 PALMITATE REF J.MOL.BIOL. V. 208 327 1989 REFN ASTM JMOBAK UK ISSN 0022-2836 070 1 2 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFBA 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 4 CORRECTION. REVISE ATOM NAMING AND ORDERING FOR HET GROUP 4 PLM TO FOLLOW PDB SPECIFICATIONS. 30-APR-94. 1 131 ALA PHE ASP GLY THR TRP LYS VAL ASP ARG ASN GLU ASN 2 131 TYR GLU LYS PHE MET GLU LYS MET GLY ILE ASN VAL VAL 2IFBA 3 2IFBA 4 2IFB 26 2IFB 27 2 3 1 2 1 2 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB PLM C16 H32 O2 HOH *61(H2 O1) A1 ASN 13 MET A2 ASN 24 HIS B1 6 ASP 3 GLU B1 6 ASP 34 GLU 21 1 33 1 12 0 43 -1 N ILE 40 O GLY 4 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 IFABP (intestinal fatty acid binding protein) 38 39 40 41 42 43 and it continues… 12 (pdb file continues) CRYST1 ORIGX1 ORIGX2 ORIGX3 SCALE1 SCALE2 SCALE3 ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ATOM ... MASTER END 36.800 56.900 31.900 90.00 0.027174 0.000000 0.012099 0.000000 0.017575 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.034315 0.027174 0.000000 0.012099 0.000000 0.017575 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.034315 1 N ALA 1 5.210 2 CA ALA 1 4.880 3 C ALA 1 6.063 4 O ALA 1 5.895 5 CB ALA 1 4.579 6 N PHE 2 7.269 7 CA PHE 2 8.399 8 C PHE 2 9.117 9 O PHE 2 10.100 14 0 1 2 11 0 114.00 6.162 7.329 8.279 9.480 6.942 7.755 8.620 9.093 9.827 0 90.00 P 21 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.340 1.00 3.147 1.00 3.211 1.00 3.380 1.00 4.593 1.00 3.072 1.00 3.319 1.00 2.072 1.00 2.119 1.00 6 1136 1 2 63.97 54.91 45.04 44.89 52.86 30.47 22.66 24.99 26.08 28 11 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 2IFB 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 IFABP 2IFBA 43 2IFB1226 The atomic coordinates (in Å) are highlighted in the box 13 The degrees of freedom of the polypeptide chain: The main chain (‘backbone’) and the torsion angles phi and psi In general, the omega angle (peptide bond torsion) adopts values close to 180º and, rarely, close to 0o → both consistent with planarity e.g. the peptide Ala-Ala-Ala 14 The polypeptide chain as a succession of planes connected by the vertices and related through the torsions phi and psi 15 The Ramachandran plot In a folded polypeptide chain, the phi/psi pairs adopt characteristic values that define the different types of secondary structure: alpha, beta and others 16 What does it mean to know the conformation of a protein? To define the set of torsion angles for each amino acid along the polypeptide chain, i.e., to know phi/psi/omega and all chi (chi1, chi2, etc. of the side chains) becomes equivalent ↓ to know the atomic coordinates (x,y,z) of each atom, i.e. the information deposited in the PDB bank ( Exercise: extract a structure from the PDB bank and represent it graphically with the aid of a visualization program (such as RasMol, PyMol, VMD, or SwissPDBViewer), measure some characteristic torsion angles 17 The Levinthal’s paradox In 1969 Cyrus Levinthal theoretically addressed the fact that if the search for the folded form was random, the polypeptide chain would have to sample an astronomical number of conformations from the unfolded ensemble U to reach the native state N. Such search would take more time than the age of the universe! Therefore, this process would be incredibly unlikely. As an example: • Suppose only 2 possible conformations for each amino acid • Then, a polypeptide of 100 amino acid residues would adopt 2100 (=1.27. 1030) possible conformations • If each conformation would turn into the next in 1 ps (1 picosecond = 10-12 s), then the time required to sample the whole conformational space to find the native state would amount to ~1018 seconds or ~1010 years! However, proteins fold in miliseconds to seconds! 18 Not all possible conformations are sampled, there are ‘paths’ in the ‘folding landscape’ to reach the native state N ↓ The energy surface is not like a golf field! 19 The new view: energy funnels (P Wolynes) 20 The shape of energy funnels (K Dill) 21 Experimental techniques to study the folding reaction (a non-exhaustive list) Spectroscopies - Circular dichroism (CD) - Fluorescence: intrinsic (Trp), probes (e.g. ANS) - UV absorption - Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Size and shape determination - Light scattering (DLS) - X ray dispersion (e.g. SAXS) - Size exclusion chromatography (e.g. SEC-FPLC) Chemical alteration - Limited proteolysis - Chemical modification - H/D amide exchange Variant construction - Site-directed mutagenesis - Peptide synthesis - Expression of variants (e.g. truncated, circularly permuted) - Fragment complementation Thermodynamics Functional studies - Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Enzymatic catalysis - Ligand binding 22 Highlights on key conformational techniques: Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) combined with Light Scattering (LS) & Chemical Cross-linking (e.g. with a bifunctional reagents such as DSS): - aggregation state of the protein, overall shape and volume Circular Dichroism: - far UV region: secondary (and tertiary) structure - near UV region: tertiary structure - ligand-induced bands: features of the binding site Fluorescence Emission: - Trp environment - Quenching effects: map accessibility of the core region - Interaction between a ligand and a fluorophore: Measurement of the affinity for ligands 23 Highlights on key conformational techniques: Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) combined with Light Scattering (LS) & Chemical Cross-linking (e.g. with a bifunctional reagents such as DSS): - aggregation state of the protein, overall shape and volume Circular Dichroism: - far UV region: secondary (and tertiary) structure - near UV region: tertiary structure - ligand-induced bands: features of the binding site Fluorescence Emission: - Trp environment - Quenching effects: map accessibility of the core region - Interaction between a ligand and a fluorophore: Measurement of the affinity for ligands 24 25 An intuitive approach to understand the nature of polarized light and its interaction with matter 26 Unpolarized, linearly (or plane) polarized, and circularly polarized light 27 What is optical rotatory dispersion (ORD)? α=[α]cl nL≠nR α (Ó φ) 28 Two systems to represent a light beam y y z x x 29 Three simple exercises to intuitively understand the (general) nature of polarized light and the CD phenomenon 1. A plane polarized light beam results from the sum of two in phase circularly polarized light beams of opposite sign (R and L) What would happen if the constituent beams were out of phase? 2. A circularly polarized light beam results from the sum of two perpendicular plane polarized light beams dephased +¼ wavelength (= +π/2) What would happen if the dephasing were instead -¼ wavelength (= -π/2)? What would be the outcome if they were in phase (= 0)? Remember this point to understand the function of the Pockels cell (see block diagram of the apparatus)! 3. A plane polarized light beam -of which one of the circular components (R or L) were differentially absorbed (by a dichroic sample)- would result in an elliptically polarized light beam What would be the orientation of the major axis of the ellipse? What would the result be if -in addition to the differential absorption- dephasing would also occur? 30 Electromagnetic waves and circular dichroism: an animated tutorial By András Szilágyi ( 31 Circular Dichroism (CD), a pictorial view 32 What is Circular Dichroism (CD)? CD is the differential absorption -by an asymmetric chromophoric molecule (the polypeptide chain in our case)- of right and left circularly polarized light beams. The magnitude of CD is measured by the ellipticity (Ө, theta), an angle parameter expressed in (mili)degree units. 33 What is Circular Dichroism (CD)? Two equivalent expressions: AL≠AR θ=[θ]cl ΔA=Δεcl 34 Plane polarized light turns into elliptically polarized light by the differential absorption of an optically active chromophore 35 However, both ORD and CD are different outcomes of the same physical phenomenon, i.e. the interaction of polarized light (ER and EL) with chiral molecules In ORD, the detection consists in evaluating the change in the velocity of the beams (by measuring the change in the index of refraction nR ≠ nL) In CD, the detection consists in evaluating the change in the amplitudes: |ER| and |EL| of the beams (through the change in absorption: εR ≠ ε L) 36 If CD and ORD are indeed so intimately related, the information derived from each technique is redundant In fact, each spectrum can be converted to the other via the Kronig-Kramers transforms: 37 Nowadays CD is used more often than ORD Superior CD instrumentation (alternate nature of the detection by CD) Band shapes in CD are more narrow and of a single sign, leading to less spread, thus achieving better spectral resolution and facilitating the assignment The asymmetry of chromophores in proteins (amides, aromatic groups and disulfide bridges) is induced by their interaction with neighboring groups (the chemical environment) Estimate secondary structure content Uses of CD Detect conformational changes Measure ligand binding 38 The ORD spectrum looks like the derivative (but it is not) of the CD spectrum, however, the dependence with λ is different For this reason, it is possible to measure optical activity in regions far from the absorption maximum (e.g. in sugars) By contrast, the high UV absorption of proteins allows the measurement of CD, the concentration is expressed in terms of the mean amino acid residue weight (MRW): MRW = MW / #res 39 Physical conditions allowing the existence of optical activity Optically active transition 40 The Cotton effect is the outcome of the phenomenon of interaction of polarized light with chiral matter Transitions as seen by ORD (dispersive, dashed lines) or CD (absorptive, solid lines): 41 The (quasi)linear relationship existing between molar ellipticity ([θ]) and the difference in the molar extinction coefficients (Δε) Differential LambertBeer’s law Definition of absorbance A 42 Molar ellipticity ([θ]) and the difference in the molar extinction coefficients (Δε) are equivalent measurements (convertible by a constant factor) 43 How come [θ] = 3300 Δε? 44 The basic equations of ORD and CD ORD CD The units: ORD O cm2 dmol-1 CD O cm2 dmol-1 45 The CD instrument: the spectropolarimeter •Compact benchtop design •Air cooled 150W Xenon lamp or Water cooled 450W Xenon lamp •Highest Signal-to-Noise ratio. Range of precise temperature control accessories Automated titration and stopped-flow accessories •Spectra Manager™ II software for control and data analysis •Spectra Manager™ CFR option for 21 CFR 11 compliance •Flexible design allows field upgrades for different measurement modes and accessories as applications evolve. Measurement modes and Hyphenated techniques Standard •Circular Dichroism/UV/VIS absorbance Optional •Linear Dichroism (LD) •Optical Rotatory Dispersion (ORD) •Total Fluorescence (TF) •Scanning EM Fluorescence •Fluorescence Detected CD (FDCD) •Stopped-Flow CD •Stopped-Flow Absorbance •Stopped-Flow Fluorescence •Chiral HPLC Detection •Magnetic CD (MCD) •Near Infrared CD (NIRCD) Optional Accessories •Peltier cell holders, single and six position •Scanning emission monochomator •Automatic titration system •2, 3, and 4 syringe stopped-flow systems •LD, ORD attachments •Permanent, electro and super-conducting magnets •Near IR extended detection •And many more! J-815 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer Optional Program •Protein secondary structure estimation program •Detatured protein analysis program •Multi-WL variable temperature measurement program •Macro command program •And many more! 46 The CD instrument: the spectropolarimeter Pockels cell Calibration: CSA Δε -4.9 @ 192.5 nm Δε +2.36 @ 290.5 nm 47 The innards of the CD instrument: A block diagram Pockels cell Radiation is split into the two circularly polarized components by passage through a modulator (usually a piezoelectric crystal such as quartz) subjected to an alternating (50 kHz) electric field. The modulator will transmit each of the two components in turn. If, after passage through the sample, the components are not absorbed (or are absorbed to the same extent), combination of the components would regenerate radiation polarized in the original plane. However, if one of the components is absorbed by the sample to a greater extent than the other, the resultant (combined component) radiation would now be elliptically polarized, i.e., the resultant would trace out an ellipse. 48 Practical aspects I: Manufacturers: Horiba-Jobin Yvon, Jasco, AVIV More potent light sources vs. efficient ΔA ~ 10-4 A photodetectors (PMT), enhanced electronics to suppress noise 1 to 10 cm cells in the near UV region: to detect weak signals, and 1, 0.5, 0.1 mm (and even 0.05 and 0.01 mm!) cells in the far UV region, to minimize solvent absorption Continuous N2 flow: to avoid ozone damage to the optics (mirrors) It is essential to accurately know the protein concentration in the sample: by spectrophotometry (using a reliable ε value), or by quantitative amino acid analysis 49 Practical aspects II: Reduce spectral noise via: - sum of several scans/digital smoothing (Savitzky-Golay, FT) - increase data collection time (especially so in the very far UV region, where the absorption is high, e.g. 1 nm/min and 4 sec time constant). In general, follow the rule of thumb: Scan speed (nm/sec) times Time constant (sec) < 0.33 - alternate spectrum collection of the sample with blanks (buffer) and standards (known protein samples, etc.) Keep transparency of buffers (choice of phosphates, perchlorate, borates,Tris, in this order) and additives (DTT or βME < 1 mM, EDTA < 0.1 mM) CD measurements can be carried out on samples that disperse light significantly (e.g. membrane proteins in micelles or liposomes). MOPS, lubrol and SDS are acceptable The information content of the spectrum increases a lot at low wavelengths (if possible, scan up to λ < 190 nm) 50 51 How CD becomes useful to understand protein structure 52 Nowadays, CD is used more often than ORD Availability of superior instrumentation (alternate nature of detection in CD) Less ‘spread’ of bands in CD -of only one-sign and more narrow- allows better spectral resolution and easier assignment Chromophore asymmetry in proteins (amide groups, aromatic groups and disulfide bridges) is induced by the chirality of the chemical environment Estimate the secondary structure content of a protein Main uses Detect conformational changes Measure ligand binding 53 Common applications of circular dichroism (CD) in proteins and peptides: - Estimate secondary structure content - Evaluate conformational changes - Measure ligand binding phenomena The possibility exists to carry out both equilibrium and kinetic experiments 54 The electronic transitions in proteins: The peptide bond: n→π* (br, w) ~ 210 nm π→ π* (sh, s) ~ 190 nm Cystine: S χ3 S Far UV region (180-250 nm) …and the aromatic residues (see below) Aromatic residues (optically inactive per se, but placed in asymmetric environments): W, Y, F, H, Cystine (w, ~ 280 nm) Near UV region (250-340 nm) … also prosthetic groups (e.g. heme) and metalloproteins 55 Circular Dichroism (CD) (CD) CD in the far UV region (180-240 nm) -where the peptide bond absorbs light- reports on the overall content of secondary structure 56 Circular Dichroism (CD) 50 ES-βL S126C S265C ES-βL S126C ES-βL S265C ES-βL 0 0 M, WT 42 0.0 M, trunc. 2.0 M, trunc. 5.0 M, trunc. 28 6.6 M, trunc. 6.6 M, WT -50 14 -100 0 -150 -14 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 Wavelength (nm) 320 330 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 Wavelength (nm) Javier Santos The CD in the near UV region (240-340 nm) -where the side-chain chromophores of W,Y,F,H and the disulfide bonds absorb light- reveal features of the tertiary structure (asymmetric environments): a ‘fingerprint’ of the protein 57 Estimate secondary structure content The reference spectra (basis set) for the different types of secondary structure: α helix, β sheet, and random coil A critical point is the wise choice of standards Based on amino acid polymers: poly-K, poly-E (Fasman) Problem: dependency on the length of helices, sheets or coils, uncertain contribution of turns Based on known 3D structures taken from the PDB: α helix, parallel and antiparallel β sheet, type I, II and III β turns (Wetlaufer) 58 Spectral deconvolution into standard components 59 There are several methods to deconvolute (decompose) spectra, so that secondary structure content can be extracted: SSE CONTIN BELOK VARSLC 1 Self-consistent LINCOMB/CCA (convex constraint analysis) BPNN (use of neural networks) SOM-BPN PROT CD Check the DICHROWEB site: Nevertheless, problems persist in regard to the reliability of the basis sets (e.g. there is less information on β structure than on α structure), and the variable contribution of aromatic residues in this spectral region (see below) 60 All α proteins 61 All β proteins 62 α + β proteins 63 α/β proteins 64 Disordered proteins 65 The contribution of aromatic residues 66 A cautionary note whenever interpreting the contributions to [θ]222! 67 68 Ligand binding: calcium binding to calmodulin 69 The binding of an intercalator molecule to dsDNA 70 Two coupled equilibria: the folding of protein P and the binding of anionic ligands 71 Two structurally related proteins exhibiting very different folding mechanisms: bovine alpha-lactalbumin (α-LA) and lysozyme (HEWL) HEWL apo α-LA HEWL apo α-LA 72 CD reveals the presence of folding intermediates: α-LA vs. HEWL U U N N HEWL MG α-LA (Kuwajima) The ‘molten globule’ (MG) state of α-LA conserves the dichroic signal in the far UV zone, but loses the signal in the near UV region U/MG U N N HEWL α-LA 73 Another example of a molten globule (MG): Conservation of secondary structure with loss of tertiary interactions, a critical step for the insertion of colicin A in membranes pH 2 pH 2 pH 7 pH 7 74 The channel polypeptide P190 changes its conformation as a function of pH 75 Folding kinetics detected by CD (time resolved CD) The case of cytochrome c (Elöve, Englander, Roder) 76 Folding kinetics of HEWL and α-LA (Kuwajima) 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Some sites of interest on circular dichroism (CD): Brief introduction, tutorial with examples and programs: Brief critical analysis of the technique: CD class with applications to proteins and nucleic acids: Practical aspects of conformational transitions: Basic concepts and instrumentation: Animations on polarized light: A database on CD spectra (under construction): On the deconvolution of CD spectra with DICHROWEB: Simple tutorial with a focus on applications: 85 Reference books 1979 2005 1997 1996 Para ver esta película, debe disponer de QuickTime™ y de un descompresor . 2009 1984 1998 1980 86 The Greenfield papers: Norma J Greenfield ‘Determination of the folding of proteins as a function of denaturants, osmolytes or ligands using circular dichroism’ Nat Protoc. 2006 ; 1(6): 2733-2741 Norma J Greenfield 'Using circular dichroism collected as a function of temperature to determine the thermodynamics of protein unfolding and binding interactions’ Nat Protoc. 2006 ; 1(6): 2527-2535 Norma J Greenfield ‘Using circular dichroism spectra to estimate protein secondary structure’ Nat Protoc. 2006 ; 1(6): 2876-2890 Norma J Greenfield ‘Analysis of the kinetics of folding of proteins and peptides using circular dichroism’ Nat Protoc. 2006 ; 1(6): 2891-2899 87 88 El diagrama de Ramachandran II ¿Por qué los pares phi/psi no pueden adoptar cualquier valor? Impedimento estérico que involucra la cadena principal y las cadenas laterales 89 El diagrama de Ramachandran III Los puntos azules representan pares de ángulos phi/psi medidos en una proteína real extraída del Protein Data Bank ( 90 El diagrama de Ramachandran IV Los aminoácidos Gly y Pro adoptan valores de phi/psi atípicos: Gly (sin cadena lateral) → mayor flexibilidad valores phi/psi especiales Pro (cadena lateral ciclada al N) → valor de phi fijo sólo varía psi 91 Las cadenas laterales de los aminoácidos también adoptan conformaciones características → los ángulos de torsión chi (chi1, chi2, etc.) 92 Los ángulos de torsión chi adoptan valores característicos de acuerdo con el tipo de aminoácido (p.ej. Leu) → existen bibliotecas de rotámeros 93 The Cotton effect is the manifestation of the interaction phenomenon of polarized light with the chiral matter Here it is how it looks like by ORD and CD: 94 El instrumento de medida: el espectropolarímetro Celda de Pockels 95 La calibración del espectropolarímetro CSA Δε -4.9 @ 192.5 nm Δε +2.36 @ 290.5 nm Rango A280 ~ 0.4-1.0 en proteína 96