Photo Essay Assignment Step 1: Pick a partner and a topic. In order to sign up for your topic, you must have a working bibliography with at least ten entries. (If you are competing with another team for the same topic, you must show that you have the best working bibliography.) Check both of these in this your teacher by ________ Step 2: Each member of your partner team will research for a minimum of five hours. Use the research record sheets to record your discoveries. Create a bibliography that includes at least five different sources that you actually use. These may be some of the same sources you listed in your working bibliography, but now only list the sources you actually used. Your research and bibliography is due _____________ Step 3: With your partner, write a three-page, double-spaced typed paper about your topic. A paper of this length will take a reader approximately five minutes to read aloud. You do NOT have to use meat-con. You MAY use the second person. Each partner should write half of this paper. (One should write the first page and a half; the other should write the second page and a half.) You are welcome to work together on the whole thing, but one person will receive a grade for one half of the writing and the other for the second half. The paper must have a title, paragraphs, a brief introduction, and a conclusion. It should be carefully edited. A typed draft of this paper is due ____________ Step 4: Create a storyboard using the storyboard sheets provided. Find pictures, graphs, maps, film clips, etc. to use with your essay. Use the storyboard to figure out what people will see as you read your paper. Each frame should tell what the viewer will see as you read a particular part of your essay. A draft of your storyboard is due ____________ Step 5: Use iMovie to begin collecting all your images. Collect all your images and film clips before adding music, animations or transitions. Step 6: Add animations and transitions to your iMovie. Step 7: Record your voice reading your essay as you proceed through your iMovie, and add music to your final project. Your finished photo essay should be no shorter than 4 minutes and no longer than 7. Your finished photo essay movie is due _____________________. Grading: See the attached grading rubric. Many of the grades you will earn as you go. You will be graded on 1) The quality of your individual writing in your half of the paper. 2) The quality of your individual research record and bibliographic information. 3) Your ability to put together an iMovie with creative and appropriate images, music and animations. 4) The quality of the information you present in your photo essay. 5) The quality of your images. 6) The creativity with which your present this information.