Progress 2013 AnnuAl rePort - The Michael J. Fox Foundation for

The Michael J. Fox Foundation
for Parkinson’s Research
The Michael J. Fox
Foundation is dedicated
to finding a cure for
Parkinson’s disease
through an aggressively
funded research
agenda and to ensuring
the development of
improved therapies
for those living with
Parkinson’s today.
2013 Annual
Foreword by Michael J. Fox
3Empowering Patients
Key Achievements
Progress in Treatments
2013 In Pictures
2013 Donor Listing
15 The Robert A. Pritzker Prize for Leadership
in Parkinson’s Research
28 Remembering Al Glickman
2013 Team Fox Donor Listing
2013 Financial Highlights
2013 Canadian Financial Highlights
Boards and Councils
Dear Friend,
This Foundation began as an answer to a question that drives us
every day. Why can’t we cure Parkinson’s disease? As you’ll read in
this report, today we believe we’re closer than ever to the answer
we’ve always known is out there.
No single individual or organization could do the work of speeding a cure for Parkinson’s. In these pages,
you will hear from some of the voices of those who are helping us get closer to our goal — Foundation
leaders, researchers, Board members, patients and fundraisers who bring unparalleled energy, passion
and creativity to our mission.
Since the very beginning, Parkinson’s patients have been at the heart of every decision we make. Working
hand-in-hand with our community inspires and motivates us. We’ve started this report with an update on
our activities to build on and grow the patient empowerment that’s key to getting us where we need to go.
The tremendous generosity you’ve shown pushes us forward every day. We are so grateful.
With gratitude,
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 3
Our focus is 100-percent
on Parkinson’s patients.
» Partners in Parkinson’s, a new strategic health initiative developed in partnership with AbbVie, offers practical solutions for finding the right doctor, seeking specialty care
Since Michael J. Fox founded this organization, the patient
and navigating a Parkinson’s diagnosis and progression.
voice has always played a critical role in shaping our deci-
Taking control of one’s care often leads to greater patient
sion-making around research priorities. We share patients’
involvement, and that is an invaluable part of our efforts to
sense of urgency for improved treatments and a cure, and
speed treatments from the lab to pharmacy shelves.
our commitment to them remains as strong as ever.
» Technology is changing every aspect of our lives,
As critical as smart science and funding are for finding
including how we pursue cures for disease. The capture
breakthrough treatments, so is the active involvement of
and use of data are altering the research landscape in
Parkinson’s patients and their loved ones. From our work in
profound ways. Technological solutions exist today for
the Parkinson’s community, we know that people living with
efficiently studying and measuring every aspect of this
this disease are motivated to participate in research and to
disease — not just in small populations, as in traditional
take a proactive approach to their care. Through our ongo-
clinical trials, but in hundreds or thousands of individuals.
ing dialogue with patients and their families, we are build-
Projects currently in development at MJFF aim to gather
ing robust platforms and creating accessible resources for
data directly from patients and then make that informa-
educating and engaging the Parkinson’s community in ways
tion available to researchers, altering the drug develop-
that foster empowerment at every stage of the disease.
ment landscape and speeding progress toward new bio-
» In 2013, we expanded Fox Trial Finder globally, partnering with leaders in Parkinson’s research in Austria, France,
Germany, Italy and Spain to launch the tool, compile local
markers and drug targets. MJFF is committed to leading
efforts that apply emerging data science technologies to
the pursuit of a cure for PD.
trials and translate all content in French, German, Italian
and Spanish. Fox Trial Finder now counts more than
30,000 registrants around the world.
Debi Brooks, Co-Founder & Executive Vice Chairman
“Whether it’s spitting in a tube to help scientists translate basic genetic findings into practical treatments, or filling out surveys
and contributing data about everyday living that can help researchers understand the true nature of disease, there are so
many ways for Parkinson’s patients and their loved ones to get involved — and we need them to. Mobilizing the patient community is how we get to a cure faster. Empowerment often leads to greater engagement across the board including, in many
cases, a decision to participate in clinical trials that urgently need volunteers. Patients are at the heart of what we do at the
Foundation. Our commitment to solving problems and answering their unmet needs shapes every decision we make.”
Our model is working.
As The Michael J. Fox Foundation continued building momentum on multiple fronts in 2013, we took major steps toward better treatments and a cure for Parkinson’s disease in
our lifetime. Today, more drugs have advanced to late-stage
testing than at any previous time in the history of Parkinson’s
drug development. But, as you know, we have yet to cross
the finish line.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of donors like you, we
funded more research in 2013 than in any year prior, with
more than $70 million going to the science and projects
with the greatest promise to improve patients’ lives. We
received contributions from 60,000 individuals, corporations
and foundations, with thousands more raising dollars and
awareness through Team Fox, our grassroots fundraising
community, or volunteering to participate in clinical research.
The following highlights illustrate our key strides in 2013:
»Research efforts targeting the two most important genetic links to PD are moving closer to making a difference in
patients’ lives. In 2013 we saw growing industry interest
in the protein alpha-synuclein as a viable drug target. This
protein clumps in the cells of all people with Parkinson’s,
and multiple biotech and pharma firms have signed on to
begin or advance development of MJFF-funded projects testing potential therapies for slowing or stopping
progression of PD. One study — the first-ever Parkinson’s
vaccine trial — targeting alpha-synuclein continued in
2013 through an MJFF grant; results will be reported in
late 2014. The Foundation also expanded its comprehensive roadmap for LRRK2, the greatest known genetic
contributor to Parkinson’s, including establishing formal
study of LRRK2-positive individuals through the existing
Parkinson’s Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI) study
»Our de-risking model, which elevates promising early-stage research to the attention of larger investors,
drove major results. Across our portfolio of active investments, drug developers have leveraged $6.6 million in
select early grant-making from MJFF to secure commitment of more than $129 million in follow-on funding.
Notable examples include Civitas Therapeutics, Inc.,
which raised $38 million in venture capital to continue
development of a levodopa inhaler following our initial
$1.3-million investment; and The Parkinson Study Group,
which received $23 million from the National Institutes of
Health to advance isradipine, a calcium channel blocker
and the first potential disease-modifying Parkinson’s treatment to advance to Phase III testing, following early MJFF
funding of $2.1 million.
»The Foundation’s $60-million landmark biomarker study
hit major milestones and expanded its efforts. The Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative finished enrolling its
first set of participants, with and without PD, along with
publishing its first findings. Finding a biomarker for PD
could mean earlier diagnosis of the disease and lead to
new drugs that may delay or even prevent the onset of
motor symptoms. PPMI recruitment has since expanded
to include individuals with PD risk factors including sleep
disturbances, smell loss and certain genetic mutations (as
noted above). Initial analysis showed that levels of certain
proteins — alpha-synuclein and tau — are lower in people
with Parkinson’s than in healthy volunteers. This finding
from a subset from the original cohort of PPMI participants presents an actionable insight that investigators
will pursue in the larger group and over time. Growing
the diversity of participants, eight clinical sites also were
added in 2013.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 5
Number of Parkinson’s
drug targets vetted
through MJFF projects
» We continued leading the way in sharing tools, resources
and open-access data to speed the pace of research.
The Foundation has made the data from the more than
600 PPMI participants available to qualified researchers
through an easy online request process. This kind of
real-time, open-access collaboration not only hastens
the pace of research but also sets the stage for making
possible next-generation discoveries that will lead to a
cure. Scientists have embraced the study’s open-source
model, submitting 40 applications for biospecimens
and downloading PPMI data more than 200,000 times
(and counting) to advance new findings and insights via
research projects around the globe. Efforts to provide
scientists with the valuable pre-clinical lab tools needed
for accelerating scientific discovery and drug development
also expanded, as we continue to identify challenges and
create infrastructure to address unmet needs. The Research
leaders to discuss and strategize the best use of current lab
tools and how to fill unmet needs in the field.
» More patients explored participating in research and
signing up for clinical studies. We know that one of the
biggest hurdles to advancing clinical research is recruiting participants. In 2013, we expanded Fox Trial Finder,
our Web-based tool matching Parkinson’s patients and
control volunteers with studies in their community, to five
new countries in Western Europe. To date, more than
30,000 people have signed up, but the field still needs
thousands more. As part of our ongoing work to educate
and engage the PD community, we have joined forces
with AbbVie to roll out Partners in Parkinson’s, a new
strategic health initiative designed to provide Parkinson’s
patients and families with knowledge and support to
navigate diagnosis and disease progression.
Tools Consortium launched in 2013, uniting industry
Todd Sherer, PhD, Chief Executive Officer
“We are continuing to make progress and move tangibly closer to real results for patients. The momentum that we keep
building is propelling us forward to the goal we all want to reach — new treatments, and a cure for Parkinson’s. But while
we’ve made a lot of progress, in many ways we’re just now getting to the hardest part. The good news is, with your help,
we’re ready to tackle new challenges head-on. We are working urgently to bring together all the key players in Parkinson’s
research, ensuring that promising ideas draw attention for greater funding and then laying out the next steps for getting
those ideas into the clinic.”
Progress in
We are driving ideas from
the lab to the clinic.
Whether the approach is to prevent disease onset and progression, close in on biomarkers for diagnosis and disease
tracking or improve existing symptomatic treatments that
could transform patients’ quality of life, MJFF is funding
work on all sides. Our high-risk, high-reward philosophy
gets promising, early-stage projects successfully off the
ground so that researchers can attract larger funders and
advance development.
Modifying the Disease
»LRRK2, the greatest known genetic contributor to PD, is
the focus of a multi-layered initiative at the Foundation.
With research efforts to better understand how the gene
works and potential therapeutic approaches ongoing,
MJFF is collaborating with a world-class consortium of
more than 30 teams to investigate LRRK2’s biology, create
research tools and strategize around potential roadblocks
to a drug for this target. When a drug targeting LRRK2 is
ready for clinical trials, the Foundation will have assembled cohorts of people with the mutation, both those
with and without PD, to participate in those studies.
» Treatments focusing on alpha-synuclein, another highly
important genetic target of PD, continued taking major
Finding a treatment for preventing, slowing or stopping
strides forward in the clinic last year. The significance of
the progression of Parkinson’s is currently patients’ greatest
alpha-synuclein stems from its abnormal clumping in the
unmet need. With significant resources devoted to this
cells of everyone with Parkinson’s, making it a promising
pursuit, MJFF is working to accelerate the pace of drug
drug target and a potential biomarker for developing
development, which routinely takes decades, and advance
disease-modifying therapies.
a broad portfolio of next-generation therapeutic options.
Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI)
The ability to measure biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease would radically transform the development of treatments for PD
patients by allowing researchers to confirm diagnosis, stratify volunteers for clinical trials and measure drug efficacy faster.
In 2013, the Foundation’s landmark study to identify Parkinson’s biomarkers expanded to shed greater light on risk factors
for PD, including:
» loss or reduced sense of smell
» rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD)
» mutation in the SNCA and LRRK2 genes (LRRK2 is the single greatest genetic contributor to PD known to date)
Researchers hope that greater understanding of the biology and clinical features of these participants will lead to therapeutics that would help all Parkinson’s patients and ultimately provide strategies to prevent disease onset.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 7
» Two companies, Amicus Therapeutics and Proteostasis, are working to develop drugs that would keep
Treating Symptoms, Alleviating
Side Effects
alpha-synuclein aggregation in check, slowing or
The inconsistency of levodopa can lead to unpredictable
preventing progression of PD. In 2013, Biogen Idec,
swings in motor symptoms, often referred to as “on/off
a larger biotech, announced it would partner with
periods,” that disrupt daily life for many people with PD.
Amicus and Proteostasis separately and provide more
Our efforts to advance development of new treatment
funding. MJFF supported the early stages of the proj-
methods that deliver more consistent therapeutic benefits
ects at both companies.
took important steps forward in 2013.
» Late 2014 will see the results of the first-ever clinical
» An “off” rescue method — a thin-film, under-the-tongue
trial against alpha-synuclein, a vaccine approach from
strip from Cynapsus Therapeutics — is a reformulation of
biotech AFFiRiS. MJFF granted $1.5 million for the
an available drug, apomorphine, which is only available
Phase I safety testing of this drug candidate, which
in injectable form. MJFF funded Phase I testing, and
activates the immune system to produce antibodies
after positive results Cynapsus secured $25 million in
against alpha-synuclein clumps. Enrollment began in
follow-on funding from venture capitalists and other
February 2012 and continued through 2013.
» Recruitment of Parkinson’s patients for Phase III testing of
» A levodopa/carbidopa “pump patch,” from Israeli
the FDA-approved drug isradapine begins later this year.
drug-maker Neuroderm, showed positive results from a
In 2007, MJFF began investing in isradapine, a calcium
Phase I study last year and is expected to enter Phase II
channel blocker used to treat high blood pressure that
testing in 2014 with support from MJFF. The pump patch,
shows potential for slowing the progression of PD. An
no larger than a credit card, is worn like a nicotine patch. It
MJFF-funded study proved that the drug was safe for
pumps medication under the skin and into the bloodstream
testing in humans and enabled researchers to secure a
continuously, averting the delivery fluctuations believed to
$23 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.
contribute to motor complications in Parkinson’s patients.
The trial will be the most advanced, current study of a
disease-modifying therapy for PD.
» A symptom not often discussed with Parkinson’s disease,
constipation, is the target of a study funded by the Foundation called MOVE-PD. Rhythm Pharmaceuticals is testing
a drug that may help improve stomach motility and ease
chronic constipation.
Skip Irving, Board of Directors
“Over the past decade, the Foundation’s strategic deployment of capital to de-risk innovative early- and mid-stage ideas
to attract greater investment and more committed participation in PD therapeutic development is proving successful. With
greater interest from the government, as well as key players in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, there are more
disease-modifying approaches and symptomatic treatments in clinical testing now than at any time in Parkinson’s drug development history. We are witnessing more investors leveraging our early investments with follow-on funding from partners
with deeper pockets driving late-stage project development once nurtured by MJFF.”
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Cure Parkinson’s
Top Row, from left to right: Michael J. Fox performing with Chris Martin of Coldplay; Keith Lieberthal and Julianna Margulies; Tina Fey; MJFF Leadership Council
member Sean Goodrich and Board member Curtis Schenker. Middle Row, from left to right: MJFF Leadership Council member Andrew Slabin with wife Laura
and family; Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan with their children Sam and Esmé; MJFF Board member Mark Booth with niece Erin Booth and brother David Booth; Seth
Meyers and John Slattery. Bottom Row, from left to right: Tracy Pollan, Michael J. Fox, Anne Wojcicki and MJFF Co-Founder Debi Brooks; Chris Martin, Tracy
Pollan, Michael J. Fox, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively; MJFF Board Chairman Woody Shackleton and daughter Megan Shackleton.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 9
Team Fox
Playing to Win
Breaking PARkinson’s Golf Outing
Top Row, from left to right: Kim Sherman and family at The New England Parkinson’s Ride; Team Fox supporters taking a break from flipping pancakes at Delaware
Pancakes for Parkinson’s; Susan Bilotta, John Ryan, Tim Ryan and AJ Capuzzi at the ING NYC Marathon; Michael J. Fox and Michael Kelly running together at the ING
NYC Marathon. Middle Row, from left to right: MJFF Board member David Einhorn with wife Cheryl and family; MJFF Board member Amar Kuchinad and John
Fortenberry; MJFF Board member Sonny Whelen and Michael J. Fox. Bottom Row, from left to right: MJFF Leadership Chair Scott Schefrin, Board members Holly S.
Andersen, MD, Ed Levy and Ed Kalikow, Debbie Sutton and Tom Constance, Michael J. Fox in front; MJFF Board member George Prescott (center) and his foursome.
“The Michael J. Fox
has been at
the forefront
of innovative
to tackling the
– The Financial Times
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 11
Donor Listing
Thanks to nearly 60,000 individuals, corporations and foundations,
The Michael J. Fox Foundation funded over $70 million in research
in 2013. The generosity represented in the following pages fuels our
belief that a cure is possible in our lifetime.
The report lists those who honored the Foundation with significant gifts in 2013. Also listed are the
many friends and family members to whom they paid tribute with their donations. Their names inspire us
each day as we pursue our vision of a world free of Parkinson’s disease.
$25 million and above
Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki
Great Investors’ Best Ideas Foundation/
Michele and Shad Rowe
Sonny Whelen
Andy Grove, The Grove Foundation
The Edmond J. Safra Foundation*
Chris Sullivan*
Karen Pritzker and Michael Vlock
Reuben Baesler Trust
Lauren and Mark Booth*
The Robert I. Fendrich Family Trust
Karen Finerman and Lawrence Golub*
Julie and Doug Ostrover
The Pumpkin Foundation/
Joe and Carol Reich
Connie and Steven Ballmer
RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc.
The W. Garfield Weston Foundation
Carolyn and Curtis Schenker
Shackleton Family*
Signature Bank
Cheryl and David Einhorn
Anne-Cecilie and Rob Speyer
The Albert and Judy Glickman Family
Carol and Douglas Van Bogelen
*includes payments toward a multi-year gift
12 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Donor Listing
Estate of Jerome Benjamin
Nonie and Larry Akman /
The Lois and Richard England Family Foundation
The James E. Cayne and Patricia D. Cayne
Charitable Trust
Shanna and Jon Brooks
Joyce and Barry Cohen
Barbara and Julian Cherubini
Joan and Ross Collard
Daisy Prince and Hugh Chisholm
The Dewan Foundation
Sonya and Dev Chodry
Janice L. and Robert W. Dowd Trust
Consolidated Anti-Aging Foundation
Lauren and Lee Fixel
Diana Davidow
Michelle S. Bright and
Edward M. Fluhr
Demoucelle Parkinson Charity
Tracy Pollan and Michael J. Fox
Story Garschina Charitable Fund/Kenneth Garschina
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation*
Lisa Piazza and David Golub
Shannon and Mark L. Hart III
Anne and Jeff Keefer
Rachel and Amar Kuchinad
The Leon Levine Foundation /
Sandra and Leon Levine
Carolyne and Edwin A. Levy
Jennifer and Marc Lipschultz
The Margaret and Daniel
Loeb-Third Point Foundation
Parkinson’s Unity Walk
Dr. Anna Chapman and
Ronald O. Perelman
Fowler Family Fund II
Gaspari Nutrition
Amy and John Griffin Foundation
Melvin and Geraldine Hoven Foundation
The Island Foundation
Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation
Light of Day Foundation Inc.
Sandra Milken
Prince Charitable Trusts
Omar Adame for
Theodore A. Rapp Foundation
Rawley Foundation
Susie and Rick Schnall
Diane and Richard Templer
Judith and George Prescott and Family*
Donna and Michael Rajkovic
The Samuel, Nadia, Sidney and Rachel Leah Fund
Kerry and Chuck Tyler
Dr. Brent and Terry Weinberger Gift Fund
Amy and Fred Weiss*
Jeff Keefer, Board of Directors and Patient Council
“I see firsthand how connected the Foundation’s strategic decision-making around research-funding priorities is to
meeting patients’ unmet needs. As someone living with PD, who has a seat at the table with MJFF staff and scientists at
the cutting edge of Parkinson’s research, I’m honored to play an active part in the conversation. The Foundation takes our
concerns as seriously as we do as patients.”
*includes payments toward a multi-year gift
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 13
Anonymous (2)
Lisette Ackerberg
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Shira and Loren Berger
Ilene Bonilla
Dan and Merrie Boone Foundation
David Booth
Suzanne Deal Booth
Bridgemill Foundation
Susan and Nicholas Carter
Ellen Hooker and Joseph Cassano
The Chadin Family Trust
The Steven A. and Alexandra M.
Cohen Foundation
Simon & Eve Colin Foundation*
Conrad Productions, for
“Parkinson’s Disease: A Guide
for Patients and Families” with
American Academy of Neurology
and AbbVie
Gerald A. and Martine V. Conway
Toby Cooper
Martha and John Coppola
Camille and Michael Costa
Katie Couric
Mark Cuban
CVC Capital Partners Advisory
DEARS Foundation, Inc.
Barbara and Robert Dein
Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.
Adele Hoffmeyer and
Richard J. Diemer, Jr.
Eva Andersson-Dubin, MD, and
Glenn Dubin
The Ettleman Family Fund
Richard H. Fitzgerald
Judie and Howard Ganek
Glenmede Trust Company
The Revocable Trust of
Harvey B. Goddard
Stephanie and Jay Goldman
Leslie Finerman and Sean
Tony Hart
Susan and Kim Henry
Gertrude E. Hill Foundation
Armin & Esther Hirsch Foundation
Holly Andersen, MD, and
Douglas Hirsch
Marjorie and Robert Hirschhorn
Sonia and Paul T. Jones
Thomas E. Joyce Memorial Gift
Howard Kahn
The Kalikow and Platt Families
Michael and Nicholas Kaplan,
Fashion To Figure Stores
KiMe Cure Neurological
Disorders Fund
The Lauder Foundation
Lego Group
Erin and Justin D. Lepone
Trish McEvoy Beauty
Medidata Solutions
Michael Michelson
Mirken Foundation
Names Family Foundation
NBC Universal Media, LLC
Dick Nicely
Nicholas Family Foundation
Dorothy and Richard Nopar
Jennifer and Sean O’Neal
Katharine and Bret Parker
Pershing Square Capital
Management, L.P.
Liz and Eric Pitcher
June Powell
Katherine and Michael Renoff
Allen Rosenberg/The Rosenberg
Aliza and Joshua Rosman
Lee Ross
Carolyn and Marc Rowan
Elizabeth and Scott Schefrin
Mark Seliger
William and Jacqueline Shaw
Family Foundation Inc.
Laura and Andrew T. Slabin
Iris and Michael Smith
Sheila and Tripp Smith
Thelma and Howard Smith
Estate of Shirley Stein
Ernest Steiner
Alexandra Wentworth and
George Stephanopoulos
Ariel B. Taitz
Titan Advisors LLC
Vinson & Elkins
Wilkins Parkinson’s Foundation
Anonymous (6)
Monica and Fabrizio Acquaviva
Denise and Stephen Adams
Joy Adams
Aequitas Capital Management
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allison
Robert Allison
Altria Group Distribution Company
American Express Charitable Fund
Anchorage Parkinson’s Disease
Support Group
Arthur & Carol Anderson
Charitable Remainder Trust
Anheuser Busch
Terry & Regina Armstrong
Charitable Foundation
Lamar Q. Ball
Bank of Nova Scotia
Susan Cahn and Mario Batali
Candace Young and Glenn
Abbe Berman Foundation Trust
Andrea Billhardt
Donya and Scott Bommer
Danielle and Ronald M. Bradley
Howard Brodsky
Bumble Bee Foods LLC
William O. Burnett Charitable
Linda S. Byars
Barbara and Victor Calaba
Jane Cambias
Cantor Fitzgerald
Donna and Jake Carpenter
Catch Cure
Cetera Investment Services LLC
Charity Miles
John W. Childs
Richard Cocks
Amanda and Michael Conte
Cure Parkinson’s Trust
Rachael Ray and John Cusimano
Norah and John Daly
The Joshua P. and Elizabeth D.
Darden Foundation
Glen de Vries
Jill and Jeffrey Degen
The Robert & Connie Delaney
Donny Deutsch
Josefina Diez
Mrs. Emily Chiu and Mr. Cuong Do
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dobbs
Mary E. Dooner Foundation
Mary and Robert N. Eccles
Caryn and Craig Effron
Thomas & Jeanne Elmezzi
Private Foundation
The Emerson Hermetic Motor
Essex Financial Services, Inc.
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Susan and Norman Fixel
Charles W. and Nona J. Fowler
Family Fund
Lucy and James Fox
Dr. Dahna Brecker-Freidus and
Harris Freidus
Victoria and Frederick Frelow
Julianne Moore and Bart Freundlich
Christina and Willie Geist
General Iron Industries
Charitable Foundation
General Mills
Pat and Charles A. Genuardi
Lindsay Giambalvo
The Sol and Lillian Goldman Family
The Grateful Foundation Inc.
Ellyn and Michael Greenspan
Lois and Alvin Gross
Jennifer and Leonard Gruenberg
H&H Company, LLC
Virginia Hajeian
Susan and Richard Hare
Family Foundation
Michael Harkins
Michael and Stephanie Haverly
James T. Haynes
Mary and Brian Heffernan
Richard E. Henriksen
H. Thomas Hollinger
Cathy and Graham Hollis
Hurlbert Family Foundation
ICAP Services North America LLC
Colleen and Eugene Jacobus
JK Group Inc.
Lisa and Lamar Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Jones
Eleanor Frances Nelson Jordan
Francesca Judge
Drs. Julie and Scott Kalniz
Edward H. Kaplan Revocable Trust
Susan and Frederick Kasten, Jr.
Sheldon and Audrey Katz
Pamela and Archie Kerr
Jerry Klein
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
/Thomas Constance
Susan Krause Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
Bernard Kravitz
Lazard Asset Management
Karen Lewis
The Lobster House
Deborah and Jim Long
Amalia and Peter Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Lydick, Jr.
The Tim and Janet Maher
Charitable Gift Fund
John Malvey
Nancy Peery Marriott
Foundation, Inc.
Heather J. Marsh
Leslie and Colin Masson
Priscilla and George Matouk
Mathew M. & Regina A. McDowell
Family Foundation
14 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Donor Listing
$10,000–$24,999 (cont.)
Sidewinder Charitable Foundation
Leslie and Buck Balkind
Jessie Barker McKellar Charitable
Meacham Family Foundation, Inc.
Alice and Rodman W. Moorhead III
Donald Mullen
The Donald R. Mullen Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Natter Family Foundation
Bjorn Nielsen
Oak Creek Foundation
Megan and Gerald Ouderkirk
Mrs. Lynne Pace and
General Peter Pace
Kimberly Williams-Paisley and
Brad Paisley
The Cissy Patterson Foundation
Pershing LLC
Anna and William Phillips
Pine River Capital Management,
Corky and Stephen Pollan
Mrs. Jeanne F. Coleman and
Mr. Lawrence F. Portnoy
Nancy and Fred Poses
Sheri Postma
Megan Sheetz and Trevor Price
PY vs. PD Foundation
R.S. Quality Products Inc. /
Monica and Robert Serfas
Jill and Mark H. Rachesky
Paul Raether
Nancy Rapp
The William L. Richter Family
The Albert J. Robertson and
Nadene L. Robertson Trust
Pamela M. Pittman MD and
Edward N. Robinson, Jr. MD, PhD
Sharon and Daniel Roitman
The Rosenheim Family Fund
Herbert Rosenkrantz
The Edward John and Patricia
Rosenwald Foundation
Dave Sankey
Pam and Jon Scarborough
Melissa Benzuly and Jonathan
Ralph W. Tryon and Maida Schifter
Caren and William Schneider
Nancy and Ray Schoenke
Jean and Robert Schrimmer
Donna and Marvin Schwartz
Seashell Foundation
Dawn and Joe-Victor Shammas
A Joseph Shea
Dganit and David Shefet
Paula and Peter Sherk
Sills Family Foundation
Bastian Family Foundation
Jean S. Smith Revocable Trust
The Beane Family Foundation
The Smolin Family Trust
Barbara and Peter Benedek
Kathryn and Jeff Speed
Tom Bernardson
Spenco Medical Corporation
Joseph Bernat
Farrel and Steven Starker
Linda Lipsett and Jules Bernstein
Margaret P. Stevenson Foundation
Connie and Felix Bhandari
Karen and Herman Strand
Bianchini Charitable Fund
Jennifer and John Streit
Albert D. and Margaret M.
Blenderman Fund
Lisa and Scott Stuart
Debbie and Henry Sutton
Charles J. and Brenda Block Family
Philanthropic Fund
Craig Tedmon
Joanne and Alfred Tobin
Bowman Estate Funds
Toms Capital LLC
Patricia and Donald Boyle
Terrance Tornberg
Phyllis Boysen
Karin and Kenneth Travis
Jane E. Bram Foundation
Tudor Foundation Inc.
Jennifer Kangas and Zachary Brez
Susan and Donald Ullmann
Debi and Jeff Brooks
United Talent Agency
Brooks Brothers Group, Inc.
Alison and Bob Wachstein
Tracy and Paul Buckley
Nadia and Arthur Waldbaum
Bucks County Roadrunners, Inc.
Stacey and Reid Walker
Ms. Valerie A. DiFebo and Mr.
James D. Byrne
John D. Sturkie
Frank and Mimi Walsh/
The Sandy Hill Foundation
Cambridge Savings Bank
Beth and John Weaver
Capitol Market
Wetherbee Charitable Trust
Stephanie and Wayne Caron
James Whelen
Causemedia Group
Jessica Whelen
Karen Cavanaugh
Bill and Sara Wilkins
Matthew and Debra Chanin
Lise and Jeffrey Wilks
Carolyn and Stephen Chase
Donald Williams
Haseeb Chaudhry
Joan B. Wilton
James Childs
Penny and Daniel Wolf
Debra Chipman
Jerome A. Yavitz Charitable
Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP
Jo Ann and Rick Young
CMH Foundation
YourCause LLC
Cockayne Fund
Barbara and Stanley Zax
Maya Davis and Christian Cocks
Trevilla J. Clark
Kristin and Jonathan Cohen
Gordon Cooley
Anonymous (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cooper
A Reason To Inc.
Todd and Kathy Copeland
The Kenneth A. Abrams Charitable
Copeland Family Foundation Inc.
Achilles Foundation
Lauri Cornell
David Acker
Angela Coughlan
Active Network
Donald R. Cox
Adage Capital Management LP
Phil and Kim Cox
Dr. Jay Ambrosini
CT Advocates For Parkinsons Inc.
American Endowment Foundation
D.A. Davidson & Co.
Carrie and Robert Andalman
Virginia de Lima
Arrojo Studio
Joseph Deal
Marlies and Ed Artzt
Philip DeAngelo
Janet and Michael Azhadi
Delaware Community Foundation
Babior Foundation
Diane and Richard DeNardis
Anthony Baer
Denice DeQuinzio
Lisa Coppedge
Deutsch Inc.
Elyssa and Mark Dickstein
Edward Donovan
Margaret and Bruce Duff
Dugan Foundation
Edward Jones Investment
Cheryl and Blair Effron
Drs. Jane and David Eger
Nancy and Steve Einhorn
William Ernest
Linda and Terry Eward
Fairfield County Foundation
Marcy and Art Falcone
Fiduciary Trust Company
George Fina
Gerald Fioretti
Firman Fund
Fowey Light Fund Inc.
Lynn and Joel Frank
Fried Frank Harris Shriver &
Jacobson LLP
Angela K. and James C. Fritz
Bev and Jack Gallagher
Ron and Linda Galowich
Anthony Gaples
Gabriela Gardiner
Gaby and Philip Gardiner
Christen C. & Ben H. Garrett
Family Foundation
Cheryl and Richard Gelber
Maribeth and David Genuardi
Amy and Daniel Getsch
Michelle and Rich Gillern
Jeffrey Glazer
Bev Glodowski
Laurie and Jeffrey Goldberger
Goldman Sachs & Co
Cindy and Jerry Gray
John B. Gray and Family
R. Scott and Luba Greeder
Elizabeth Grover
Marni and Bruce Gutkin
Halliburton Giving Choices
William Hallman
Gayle and Roger Halpin
Deborah and Jeffrey Hamer
Cecily and Robert Harmon
Kathy Harris
Geri and Mason Haupt
Timothy Hawkins
Healthcare Private Equity
Amy Helein
Elizabeth Higgins
The John W. Hill and Knowl
Katie and Aaron Hood
David Hood
Shirley and Pat Howe
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 15
The Robert A. Pritzker Prize
for Leadership in Parkinson’s Research
Honoring scientists who have made it their life’s work to speed better
treatments for Parkinson’s patients is how Karen Pritzker, and her
husband, Michael Vlock, decided to pay tribute to her late father.
Clockwise from left: 2012 Pritzker Prize winner Bill Langston, MD, gives his acceptance speech; renowned artist Tom Shannon pictured with the award he
designed; MJFF CEO Todd Sherer, 2013 winner Alim Louis Benabid, MD, PhD and Michael J. Fox; Karen Pritzker, who created the award in honor of her father
Robert A. Pritzker, pictured with 2011 winner Anders Björklund, MD, PhD; 2014 winner Heiko Braak, MD. Langston and Björklund are MJFF scientific advisers.
With the generous support of Karen Pritzker and Michael
is given to scientists who make an exceptional contribution to
Vlock, the Foundation began awarding The Robert A. Pritzker
Parkinson’s research and are committed to mentoring the next
Prize for Leadership in Parkinson’s Research annually in 2011
generation of PD researchers.
to researchers whose work embodies the attributes of the
renowned industrialist, entrepreneur and philanthropist.
Known for his creativity, giving spirit, humility and enthusiasm for finding innovative solutions, Robert Pritzker was a
true visionary and the award is a fitting tribute to his legacy.
Karen Pritzker and Michael Vlock, along with her father, have
long recognized the unwavering dedication required for pursuing a lifelong career in science. Rewarding the contributions
of those who are moving the dial in a meaningful way for PD
patients speaks to our shared belief in the power of research.
Using the prize to empower scientists is not only about
MJFF is so fortunate to count the Pritzkers among our longest
paying tribute to the man for whom it is named but also
standing, and most generous, donors. Their support of our mis-
inspiring hope for a world free from Parkinson’s. The award
sion to cure PD, and this prize, helps make our work possible.
16 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Donor Listing
$5,000–$9,999 (cont.)
Florence H. Hybl Trust
Incapital LLC
The Interpublic Group of
Companies Inc.
Ann and Skip Irving
ITA Group Foundation
J. B. Ladd
J. J. C. T. M. Foundation
Linda and Denny Jacobus Family
Amy and David Jaffe
Lisa and Ross Jagar
Susan Jennings
Johnson Family Foundation, Inc.
Robert Johnson IV Charitable Trust
Rhonda Jones and
P. Breckinridge Jones
Josflo Corp.
Joyful Blessings Foundation
Denise and Arthur Katsaros
Kathy Kazmierski
Carolyn J. Keefe Estate
Rita Kernen
Barbara Keyser
Debbie and Steve Kilian
Marjorie and Russell Knauer
Kobrand Foundation
Elizabeth and Ken Kopelman
Christina and Barry Kringstein
James Kuhn
Pamela and Erik Larson
Laurel Conqueror Association Inc.
Smoller Scholarship Fund
Ellen Lauturner
Lawhon Seed Company LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Lee
Lehman Family Charitable
Giving Fund
Becky and Mark Levin
Pamela and Arnold Loeb
John T. Loftus
Lenore and Jack Lowenthal
Lupini Construction
Joella and John Lykouretzos
Peter J. Lyon
Stanley & Catherine Maas
Madigan Family Foundation
Ellen and Michael Maguire
Make it Possible Foundation —
Lee and Lori Mikles
Markley Family Fund
Nikki Marshall
Peggy J. Marshall
Kathleen Kennedy and Frank
Cheri and James Mathews
J. Robb Mayo
William Arthur McAtee and
Lois Conro McAtee 1991 Trust
Noreene Storrie and
Wesley G. McCain
McCullough Foundation
Nancy McNamara and
Lydia McMorrow
Mary and Joe Meaden
Jodi and Kenneth Meister
Frances and John Melone
Me-N-Ed’s Enterprises Canada Ltd.
Helen and John Mendel
Marla Gordon and Nicholas
Frank Miceli
Middlesex Hospital
Leo Miller Family Foundation
Phyllis W. Miller
Mizuho Securities USA Inc.
Barbara W. Moore
Morgan Stanley
Kristy Motta
Muirfield Village Golf Club /Jimmy
Kaushik Murali
Thomas C. Muse
Muskin Family Foundation
Mary and Warren Myer
The Malcolm and Ruth Myers
Family Fund
Donna and Gary Naftalis
Susan and William Napier
Michael Naumann
Bonnie M. Nelson
Michael Nierenberg
Joyce and William Niles
Richard Norman
Daniel Offutt
OHC Liquidation Trust
Heather Olson
Mary Anne and James Ostrenga
Parkinson Association of the
Diane M. Pattee
Denise and Donald Paulus
Patrick Pelkey
George Perez
Rose and Art Perrin
Sandra and Norman Pessin
Douglas Peterson
Robert Peterson
The Phase Foundation
Ronald A. and Dorthy L. Pieringer
Virginia and James Pitts
Sylvia L. Polen
Geri and Lester Pollack
Precision Guess Work LLC
Marla and Dean Provost
PS I Administrative Expense
Jeffry Quinn
Ila and George Rainwater
Larry F. Randall
Frederick Rayner
Sharon Reeves
Linda and Richard Reiss
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Republic Bank Trust
Claudia and Carlos Revilla
Candy and David Rhoads
David C. Rich
Tina and Vincent Roccia
Roddenberry Foundation
Roesener Family Trust
Brett Rosenbaum
Ginger and William Rosenbaum
Cynthia and Peter Rosenwald
Estate of Jack Roth
Georgina and Alan Rothenberg
Shani and Doug Rothschild
Saba Capital Management/Boaz
Boris Said
Julie and Gary Salomon
Theresa and Eric Salzer
Schaner & Lubitz PLLC.
Kim and John K. Scheinberg
Jennifer M. Schneck
Dr. Darryle Schoepp
Meryl and Jeff Schwartz
Scopia Capital
Second Chance Foundation
Seymour Feldman Foundation Inc.
Marjory and Jeffrey Sharp
Maureen and Tom Shiftan
Alexandra Shiva
Elsa and Stanley Sidel
Linda and Bob Sims
Tamara and Adam Sloan
Phyllis and Rick Slocum
Joseph Smith
Maureen and Glen Smith
Tula and Trig Solberg
Sony Corporation of America
Maddalena and Antonio Spinelli
Robert Squicciarini
Tina and Mark Stacy
Barbara W. and Harold S. Star III
Dan Stark
Richard Stebbins
Janet Froelich and Richard Stepler
The Stoehr Family
Stone Creek Club & Spa
Carol and Jim Storm
Kathy Stout
Sycamore Creek, LLC
Nancy K. Taylor
Carol and Kink Terry
Diane and Kurt Thomas
Ross Thompson
Kent M. Thornbrugh
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
The Toole Charitable Foundation
Catherine and Ned Topham Fund
Francine and Tim Turk
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Gail and Richard Ullman
Ullmann Family Foundation Inc.
Mark Unferth
Vanguard Wellington Fund
Viacom International Inc.
Leslie and Bill Vollbracht
David M. Wah
Walkers Inc.
William Warden
Estate of Bernard Wasserman
Watts Family Foundation
The John and Amy S. Weinberg
Kim Harris and Scott Weiner
Lisa Weisglass and Wayne Stills
Wells Fargo Bank
Dr. Patricia Wexler
JR & MJ Wilson Foundation
Larry Wilson
Tracy and Monty Yort
Ruth Zinar
Jean Phillips and Ed Zuk
Marc Zwebner
Anonymous (7)
Peter Abbrecht
Active Network
Adelson Family Foundation
Karen Ahrens
Brenda and Robert Aiken
Lonnie and Muhammad Ali
Mary and Edward Allen
Jack and Sylvia Altman Foundation
American Express Company
Ameriprise Financial Services Inc.
Athletes for Parkinsons, LLC
Ayco Charitable Foundation
John M. Bader
Baker and Baker Foundation
Bank of America Charitable
John Barber
Angela and Tony Barrett
Susan and Dale Barrett
Judy and Joseph Baumgarten
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 17
Baxter International Foundation
George Bean
Hillary and Andrew Beckman
Lee Berger
Carlos Betancourt
Biagi Bros, Inc.
Allen D. Black
Lewis Black
Ellen Blackstone
Duff Blair
Marsha and Stephen Blank
BMW Car Club of America
Joyce Bone
Deborah Bono
Nicholas Botta
Alice and William Bowie
James Boyle
Miriam and Steven Bram
Irina and Harry Brandler
Jill and Stephen Breitstone
Nina Brown/Brown Charitable
Beatrice Bruce
Susan and Simon Budman
Eric Burger
Karen Burnsweig
Mindy and Bill Bush
Karen Butterworth
Beatrice Calev
John R. and Dorothy D. Caples
Chris Caratan
Cardinal Health Foundation Inc.
Ian T. Carnathan
Mark Cartier
Jonathan Cary
Jock Casasus
Linda and Bernard Chalfin
Charitable Flex Fund
Richard Childs
Kathy and Carl Cilker
Leila Cilker
William H. Cilker Family
Dennis Coatar
Larry Cohen
The Cole Charitable Fund
Tracey and Adam Collins
Laurie Collins
Barbara and Jim Conen
Bill Connors
Judy and Allan Curran
Dawn and Edward D’Alelio
Daintree Advisors LLC
Miriam and Peter Daneker
Harriett and Marcel Dekker
Mary and Lawrence Dellegar
Heather Risley Dial
Katrina Dickason
Sarah Dioguardi
Vivian Donnelley Charitable Trust
Glenn Doran
Richard Dorfman
Douglas County Community
Patty Duetting
Marsha and Anthony Durniak
East Side Pharmacy, Inc.
Carole and David Ebner
John Edge
Nancy and William Edmunds
Stephen Edwards
Dale and Marty Ehrenreich
Ethel Eisenberg
Stephen Eisenstein
Hilda Elmstrom
Lisa and Christopher Engel
Kim and Libbe Erickson
The Roy Gene and Pamela Evans
Frank Evarone
Nell Everman
F. Murdoch Ranch & Farm, Inc.
Farmers and Merchants Trust
Company of Chambersburg
Sean Farrell
Daniel Feldman
Larisa Gromyko and Donald C.
Stephanie and Michael Ferdman
Stephen Ferrara
Dominic Ferrario
Debbie and Richard Fife
Michele and Drew Figdor
Laurine and David Fillo
Debby and Lou Flancbaum
Rayma and William Flint
Tim Flors
Nelle and John Fortenberry
Donna and Jay Fountain
The Four Firkins
Dorothy and Jon Fox
Brian Frank
Bruce and Kipp Freeman
Mark Frey
Frito Lay
Jonathan Fusco
William Gaine
Kathleen B. and Kenneth L. Garrett
Stuart Gelwarg
Laurel and George Gerhat
Matthew Gerson
Getty Images US
Victor Gilla
Myrna and Mike Ginsberg
The Glen Oaks Philanthropic Fund
Glencore International AG
Glenview State Bank
Drew Going
Daniel Goldberg
Goldring Family Foundation
Susan Goldsmith
Robert Goodman
Estate of David Edward Gordon
Erica and Kenneth Grau
Barbara Greenberg
Jane and Mark Greene
Vicky Gregorcyk
Sharon Griffin
Robert Grillo
Wayne Grodsky
Phillip Gross
Susan Gurney
Scott Gutterman
Michael Handel
Brenda and Thomas Harter
Hawthorn PNC Family Wealth
Ardythe Haynes
Sharra and Gary Haynes
Henry Family
Hercules Corp. / Andrew May
Ralph Herzka
Jane and Fred Herzner
Russell Heywood
Karen and Craig Hill
Doris and Martin Hoffman Family
Foundation Inc.
Betty and Randolph Holder
Anne and Jack Holloway
John Holloway
Samuel and Hannah Holzman Trust
Charles Honey
William E. and Audrine C. Honey
Judith and Michael Hooffstetter
Wilson Hsieh
Mark L. Hurt
Jill and Stuart Hurwitz
Illinois Shotokan Booster Club
Bonnie and Dudley D. Ince, Jr.
IT 1 Source
ITW Foundation
Scott Jacobs
Jeanne Jacobson
Judy Chu and Matthew Jacobson
Patsy and Byron Jarvis
Sheryl and Tony Jedlinski
Jeni-Fit LLC
Johnny Cake Hill One LLC
David B. Johnson Family
Harry Johnson
Charles Jones
Edward Jones
Jones Lang LaSalle
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Nancy and Richard Kaminsky
Stacey Kapadia
Andrew Kaplan
Carol G. Kaplan
Yale and Marilyn Kaplan Family
Billy Kennedy
The Kenneth and Laurie Kissell
Charitable Foundation
Kit Kat Club
Christopher Kleiman
Robert Klein
Diane Kmetz
Michael A. Kolodny
Yvette and Roger Kotch
Phyllis and Bernard Kravitz
Vilas B. Kuchinad
Dr. Jennifer Kurth
Lawrence Lam
Joyce and Graydon Larrabee
Sam Laybourne
Lefkovitz Foundation
The Leibowitz & Greenway Family
Charitable Foundation
James Leman
Judith and Michael Lesch
Dana Lesemann
Estate of Dorothy Lesher
Wallace R. and Bernice E. Leslie
Memorial Fund
Charles and Margaret Levin Family
Foundation Inc.
Howard Irene Levine Charitable
Lead Trust
Edward and Jami Levy Foundation
Anne Lichtblau
Jeff Liebenstein
The Jack R. Linsky Foundation
Suzanne and Craig Litt
Janan and James Little
Robert Livingston
Love Family Foundation
Nancy Gray and Thomas Lynch
Ellen R. Lynn
Amy and Brian Maas
Jane and Marvin Maas
Tami and Fredric Mack
Macquarie Group Foundation
Mailers Haven
George Manahan
Laura and Will Manuel
Hector Marchand
Carole Marcus
Geoffrey Marsh
18 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Donor Listing
$2,500–$4,999 (cont.)
Patricia Jehle and James Reidy
Patricia Taylor
Kristin and Andrew Akins
Martino Brothers Painting Co.
Cheryl Remmert
The Taylor Family Foundation
Janet and Allan Akman
Soania and Arun Mathur
Francis Reynolds
TD Ameritrade, Inc.
Alberta DeLorean Owners Club
Maverick Capital Foundation
Herbert Reynolds
Susan and Whitney Tilson
1552106 Alberta Ltd.
Maximus Foundation
Richard Riedman
Christy Tinnes
Barbara and John Alden
Nora and Ed McAniff
The Philip W. Riskin Charitable
Toast Asbury Park LLC
Anthony Aleide
Marti and Matthew Toner
John Alexander
Debbie Rivers
Brian Tudda
Julie and David Allen
Susan and Robert Roberts
Jodie and George V. Allen
Polly and William Rosen
Susan Tomasky and Ronald
Vaughan McKee Family Trust
Laurie Rozet
Nancy and Chris Unrath
Merkle Response Management
Carleen Russell
Hilary Valentine
The Donald C. and Norma
(Klug-French) Allyn Fund
Diane and David Russell
Verizon Foundation
Elizabeth Almonte
Caryn Messinger
Joshua Ryder
Joe Vozar
Midtown Athletic Club
Saba Capital Management, L.P.
Linda and Charles Wainhouse
Alouette Old Orchard Beach
Oceanfront Resort, Inc.
Harriet and Kenneth Wald
William E. Alt
Michael Miller
Stuart A. Safdi, M.D., Memorial
Medical Fund
Altitude Equipment Rentals LLC
Pamela and Steven Mitchell
David Samson
The Walt Disney Company
Estate of May Moore
Ronald Sandhoff
Jeff Ware
Joel Altman
Moore Charitable Gift Fund
Bill Sayre
Ariel Warszawski
Mariann and Carl Morales
Holly and Carl Schaus
Sheila and Edward Weidenfeld
American Agricultural Insurance
Elizabeth Morgan
Lisa Rotmil and Alex Schmelzer
Laurie and Steven Weiner
Edith and Walter Mossberg
Anshu and Vinit Sethi
Cynthia and Andrew Weinfeld
Kathleen Mullarkey
Seton Hall Preparatory School
Norma and Ed Weinman
Multifamily Management, Inc.
Roberta and Arnold Shapiro
Mel Weiss
Lars Munson
Kim and Mark Shapiro
Andi and Robert Weiss
Maureen O’Callaghan-Murphy and
John Murphy
Beth Shaw
Jeremy Weisstub
Kevin Sheehan
Linda and Patrick Welch
Raymond Naumann
Jamie Sheridan
Bree and John Wellons
Kenneth and Janice Negin
Cynthia and Bruce Sherman
Wells Fargo Advisors LLC
Daniel Neuwirth
John H. Ship
Kristin and Austin Wenger
Julia Carey and George Nowlan
Susan Shuler
Susan Wheeler
Daniel O’Donnell
Teresa L. Wilde
Eric Olsen
The Sidewater Family Foundation
5P Foundation
Robin and David Small
Karin Winner
Richard Parker
Amy and Howard Smith Family
Joel S. Wojnilower
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Smith III
Nancy and David Young
Leonard & Ethel H. Smith
Charitable Foundation Inc.
The Zemeckis Charitable
Paul McCaul
Tara and David McDonald
Phyllis and Jim McDonald
J. Burke and Lisa McHugh
Doris and Thomas Parry
Amy and Brook Payner
Jessica Perkins
Christos Petcos
Kemp Peterson
Karen and John Petry
Emily and Jeffrey Pitt
Gerald and Jane Pittenger
The Plantation Golf and
Country Club
Dan Podsedly
Judith Belzer and Michael K. Pollan
Jane and Bryce Potter
The William L. Price Charitable
Foundation and Joan Frost
Property One, Inc.
Thomas Rathbun
Raymond James and Associates
RBC Wealth Management
Monique and Andrew
Gwen Schaffner and Alex Reid
Lynn Wilmas
Roslyn Wright
Lynn Solky
Jean and Harold Allen
Elizabeth Altman
American Marketing Association
of U.S.M.
Ameriprise Financial
The Amgen Foundation
Andrea Anderson
Greg Anderson
David Andreas
Applied Engineering Management
Patricia and Cresencio Arcos
Allan and Lyndsey Arendsee Family
Bryan Arnold
Karen and Greg Arrese
Tatsuko Asai
Eleanor Ascher
Dr. Frank Ashburn
Ashcroft Inc.
McCutchen Ashley
Aspire Development Associates
Claudia and Michael Spies
Jenna Bans and Justin Spitzer
Anonymous (18)
Randal Atamaniuk
Abilene Christian University
Bob Atchinson
Tsan Abrahamson
Carol Abrams
Auburn Opelika Parkinsons Disease
Support Group
Carolyn Abrams
Michael and Katie Auffenberg
Larissa and Joshua Abrams
Carl Austin
Accelerated Fitness Solutions
Charles Austin
ACT II Thrift Shop Inc.
Yvonne Awad
Carol and David Adler
Eve Bachrach
Richard H. Stone
Advanced Implant Dentistry &
Oral Restoration
SugarVeil Products Corporation
The Arnold F. Baggins
Foundation, Inc.
Aetna Foundation Inc
Calvin Baker
Josephine Tamaro
Sandip Agarwala
Anne and Gerard Baker
Elizabeth and Leonard
Elizabeth G. Bacot-Aigner
James Baker
Michelle and David Tarica
Airborne Technologies, Inc
Morris Baker
Kaysie Uniacke and Murat Akgun
Bank of America
St. Barbara Greek Orthodox
Church Philoptochos Society
St. Clairsville Elementary School
St. George’s Episcopal Church
Jason Stack
John Stanley
Barbara Stiewe
Carl Stiewe
Dana and Andrew Stone
Association of American Railroads
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 19
2013 Corporate Matching Gifts and Employee Giving Campaigns
We are grateful to these companies for their generosity in matching or organizing employee gifts to MJFF,
resulting in total giving of $1 million in 2013.
Abbott Laboraties
AbbVie Inc.
Aetna Foundation Inc
America’s Charities Inc.
American Endowment Foundation
American Express
Ameriprise Financial
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Assured Guaranty
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
BAE Systems, Inc.
Bank of America
Bank of the West
The Baxter International
BNY Mellon
Boeing Company
BP Foundation Inc.
Bristol-Meyers Squibb
CA Technologies Inc.
Capital One Financial
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Cenovus Energy
Chubb & Son
The Clorox Company Foundation
Coastal Georgia Combined
Federal Campaign
Crown Family Philanthropies
Deutsche Bank Americas
Evanston Capital Management, LLC
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC
Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold
Gap Corporation
Generic Pharmaceutical
Glencore International AG
Global Impact
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Google TRIPS for Charity
Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund
Harvard Community Gifts
Hewlett Packard
Honeywell International
IBM Corporation
Independent Charities Of America
Johnson & Johnson Family of
JP Morgan Chase
Liberty Mutual Group
Lockheed Martin
Mondelez International
Moody’s Corporation
Morgan Stanley
Motorola Foundation
New York Life
Northrop Gumman Corporation
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Portland General Electric Company
Quintiles Inc.
Razoo Foundation
Sabre Holdings
Safran MorphoTrust USA
Shell Oil Company
Soros Fund Charitable Foundation
Stanley Black & Decker Inc.
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Telus Corporation
Thomason Reuters
TMNA Services
The Travelers Companies
The United Way of:
Allegheny County
Bartholomew County Inc.
the Bay Area
Calgary and area
California Capital Region
Centraide Ottawa
Central and Northeastern
Central Indiana
Central Maryland
Central New Mexico
Central Ohio
Greater Dayton
Greater Kansas City
Greater Lehigh Valley
Greater Los Angeles
Greater New Haven
Greater Philadelphia and SNJ
Greater Portland
Greater Richmond and
Greater Toronto
Greater Triangle
Greater Twin Cities
Halifax Region
King County
Lake County
Lancaster County
Larimer County
Long Island
Lower Mainland
Massachusetts Bay and
Merrimak Valley
Metropolitan Chicago
Metropolitan Dallas
Monmouth County
The National Capital Area
New York City
Northeast Florida
Northern New Jersey
Northwest Connecticut
Okeechobee County
Orange County
Rhode Island
San Diego County
Santa Barbara
Silicon Valley
Snohomish County
South Hampton Roads
Southeastern Pennsylvania
Southern Nevada
Summit City
Tucson & Southern Arizona
Twin County
Valley of the Sun United Way
Virginia Peninsula
UnitedHealth Group
Varian Partners
The Walt Disney Company
Wells Fargo
YourCause LLC
Zale Corporation
Bank of the West
Nancy and Charles Banov
Michael Barajas
Paul C. Baria
Jane and Kenneth Barna
Donna and David Barnes
Jessica and Shane Baron
Anne Bartlett
Michael Barton
Usha Baskaran
Vikram Baskaran
Kathleen C. Bassi
Roger Batchelder
S. Alexandra Baumrind
Nick Baylies
Beaird Family Foundation
Nelda and Joe Beaud
Mary F. Beck
Wendy Beckers
Nancy and Michael Beebe
Dr. Holley A. Belch
Linda and Brooks Bell
Joan and Everett Bell
Lynn Bell
20 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Donor Listing
$1,000–$2,499 (cont.)
Mary and William H. Bellinger
Belwether Advisors LLC
Michael J. Bensing
Corey Bergad
Kathryn and Stephen Bergenholtz
Bonni and Alan Berger
Herman Berger Family Trust
Adar Berghoff
David Berl
Richard Berluti
Evelyn and William Bernstein
Andrea Berry
Douglas Berry
The Bersh Family
The David H. Bescherer Family
Charitable Fund
Robert Beverly
Beverly Cooperative Bank
Jill Panetta and Leo Bianchi
Vicky and Walter Bickel
Scott Bier
Chris Bigler
Mary Bilstad
Binghamton University
Binsacca Family
Michael Birbiglia
Christopher Birch
Jonathan Biss
Elizabeth and Steven Bitterman
Lynne and Budd Blackburn
Blakes, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Patricia Blanchard
Thomas Blanchard
Cheryl Blank
Ethan Blank
David R. Blanset
Betty and Ray Blanset
Michael Blessing
Blistex Inc.
Elaine J. Block
Barbara and James Block
Karen Blodgett
Vicki Blumenfeld
Paul Bollwinkel
Chris Bonn
John and Monique Boom
Michael J. Borgerding
Patricia and Conrad Boterweg
Mark J. Boujoukos
Felicia and David Boyd
Linda and Norm Boyer
BP Foundation Inc.
Bradburd Revocable Living Trust
James Patrick Bradley
Leslie Seier and Kyle Bradstreet
Caroline F. Brady
Donald Bragg
Debbi and Paul Brainerd
David S. Brammer
Brenda and Robert Brantley
Denise Breeden
Mike Breen
Nancy and Greg Bremer
Barbara Bellin-Brenner and
Howard Brenner
C.W. Brett
Faton Breznica
Bridgewater Associates Inc.
Cathy and Eric Brinsfield
Judy and Bernard Briskin
Norbert Brockmann
Leila Kamal and Andrew Brockway
Brodeur & Company CPA., PC
Lynn and Dan Brody
Jerry Brophy
M Z Brower
Doug Brown
Diana Browner
Kent Bruce
Brucker Family Fund
Sandra and Peter Bruhn
Bryan College of Health Sciences,
Student Government Association
Janis and Wiley Buchanan
Traylen Buckley
Marjorie and Mark Budd
Bruce Burg
Tim and Lauren Burke
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burkhard
Laura Kang and Paul Burkhead
Natalie and Matthew Burns
Paul Burns
Linda and Charles Burrows
Phyllis Richman and Bob Burton
Eugenia and George Burylo
Kate Busatto and Friends
Lou Bushinsky
Benjamin Butcher
Catherine and Lewis Butler
Sheana Butler
BWD Group LLC / John Rafal
Laura Byrd
C. Fuente Holdings, Inc.
Craig Caffarelli
The Harman Cain Family
John Calaba
Fred N. Calenda Memorial
Gifting Fund
C. Macon Callicott
Barbara C. and Roger L. Calvert
Joseph Camhi Foundation Inc.
Silvio Camplani
Milko Campusano
Brent Canada
Donald Cantway
Capell Rudolph Business
Claire and Jason Capello
Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Capital One
Ann and Jeff Caplan
Carey, Kramer, Pettit, Panichelli &
Associates Inc
Marilyn and David Carp
Richard Carroll
Agnes Carter
Cheryl and Steven Carver
Case Wireline Services, Inc.
Roger Casey
Susan Casper
Marcia Cassady
Cassametta Provisions
Ted Cassman
Melissa and Douglas Cato
Century Enterprises Inc.
Barbara Chandler
Oliver Chang
Charity Golf International
James Charity
Colleen Chaves
Check Point Software
Technologies, Inc.
Jolene Cherry
Barbara and Ronald Chidsey
Macy and Jim Chionsini
Ji Young Choi
Pamela and Jeffrey Choney
Christian Community Foundation
of South Florida
Elizabeth and John Christopher
Sally Chung
City National Bank
Angela Clark
Bryan Clark
Martha Clark
Stacy and Richard Clark
Susan and Robert Clarke
Cynthia Clegg
The Clements Family
Club Corvette of Connecticut
Coatar & Associates, Inc.
Harlan Coben
Louise and Thomas Coffey
Gene Cofield
Robert Cohan
Lawrence B. Cohen
Amy and Michael Cohen
Sherryl Cohen
Bernard Cohen
Cohen Family Charitable Fund
Garret E. Cole
Joan and George F. Cole
Doug Coles
Anthony Collins
Geoffrey and Carol Collins
Jennifer Colombo
Barbara and Frank Colucci
Comerica Bank
Compliance Process Partners, LLC
Conde Nast
Liz Bless and Rick Condon
Susie and Butch Conen
Anne and Dennis Connolly
Conoco Philips
Kim Martens Cooper
Jordan Corlett
James Costello
Kate Costello
Patricia Costello
Mary and Bud Coughlan
Lisa Coyne
Jacqueline Craig
David Crain
Scott Crain
Richard Crandall
Jessica Cranford
Kimberly and Gary Creem
Jeffrey Croft
Kim and Robert Crosby
Nancy Cross
Crown Family Philanthropies
James Culhane
Josephine Culmone
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
MaryeAnn D’Alessandro
John D’Arcy
Robert D’Eustachio
Ernest Dallam
Susan and Mark Dalton
Dalton Parkinson’s Disease
Support Group
Bob Dames
Barbara Daniell
Ken Daniels
Dann Foundation
Christine and James Dart
Robert Davenport
David Arthur Vineyards
Christopher Davidson
James Davidson
Kirstyn Davidson
Nina and Mitchell Davidson
D. Wes Davis
Deborah Davis
Shelley and Laurence C. Davis III
Timothy Davis
Letrice and Travis Davis
Davis Selected Advisers, LP
Steven Dawson
Arjun Day
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 21
Kathryn A. Keeler and Stuart M.
de Haaff
Michael L. De Jong
Carol Deacon
Mac & Carol Deacon Charitable
Dead River Company
Decathalon Sports Club, Inc.
Raymond Deeg
David Deibel
Todd Delahoussaye
Deloitte Consulting LLP
The Deluise Family Foundation
James DeMare
Lowell Denning
Sarah and Paul Densen Charitable
John DePasquale
George R. and Janet E. Desko
Charitable Foundation
Daniel Deutsch
DeWitt Stern Group Planning
Services, LLC
Jo Di Cecco
Domenica and Salvatore Diadema
Jerry Diamondstein
Diane and Douglas Dickey
Ellen Dieken
Barbara and Thomas Diemer
Pamela and Robert Difilippo
Emilio Digregorio
William R. Dillof
Kathleen Lockhart and James Dixon
DJF Gift Fund
Patricia and Michael Dobosenski
Meredith Dobson
Denise Doctor
Mary and Chris Doerr
Dolan Family Foundation
Nancy Donaghy
Donate For A Cause
Deborah Doran
Paul Dottle
David Dowejko
Karen and Christopher Downie
Larry Doyle
Doyle Family Foundation Inc.
Micheal Drews
David Drummond
James M. DuBois
Amy DuBreuil
The Duchess Trust
Anne O. Duff
Betzie Duncan
Dunkin’ Donuts
Patrick Dunleavy
Elvis Duran
Diane Durban
Eddie Dutton
Martin Dvorkin
Eagen Insurance Agency, Inc.
Wendy Eber
Karen and Brian Eckhart
Ryan Edmonds
Charles Edwards
Naomi and Gary Edwards
Shelley and Michael Egger
Heather and Bruce Elder
Martin J. Elias
Dr. Andrew Elkwood
Barbara and Earle Ellefsen
Susan Ells
Adam Elster
Bonnie S. Englebardt Family
Charitable Trust
Don Epstein
Andrew Ertman
Terri and Bruce Evans
E. Joseph Evans Charitable Trust
Louise and Mathew Evins
Sean Fallmann
Family Dentistry Petry
Family Management Corporation
Mitch Farber
Frank Farmer
Peter Farmer
Allen Fasnacht
Noelle and Burt Faure
Holly and Mark Fedorcik
J.E. Fehsenfeld Family Foundation
Jeffrey Feil
Stephanie Fein
Amy and David Feldman
Laszlo Feledy
Jessica and Michael Ferguson
Marni Feuerstein
FHC Inc.
Carol and Michael Fielding
Fifth Avenue of LI Realty Associates
Dona Filkins
Jane Fina
Robert Fink
Susan Finkle
Marion and Jerry Fioretti
Larry Fischer
Keith Fisher
Louis Fisher
Randi and Mark Fisher
Harold Fix
George A. Flanagan
Domenico Flavoni
Florida Tire Supply
Kirby and Glenn Floyd
Deirdre Flynn
Focus Forward, LLC
Kenny Foo
Dr. Marsha Heinke and
Dr. Lawrence Forthofer
Matthew Fortuna
Geraldine Foster
Billy Fox
Karmen and Greg Fox
Fox Run Liquors, Inc.
Kelly France
Ann and Alan Frank
Frank Family Fund
Rise and David Frankel
Franklin Templeton Investments
Frazier Industrial Company
Ted Frecka
Freeport-McMoran Copper &
Gold Foundation
Katherine Frekko
Friends of PD
Paul Fritz
Jacqueline Frommer
Barbara B. and Michael E. Frueh
The Alan J. Susan A. Fuirst
Jill and Peter Gagliardo
Jane and Robert Gallagher
Ramani Ganesh
Gannett Foundation
David and Barbara Garlock
Sandra Gattozzi
Dr. Charles F. Gehlbach
Jody and Bill Geist
Arleen Geller
Robert Geller
Genentech Givingstation
Genworth Foundation
Joseph George
Lucas George
Marilyn Gerber
Agathy and James Gerkis
Lynn Gerrits
George Gerstman
Mary Gherty
GHP Office Realty
Alex Giacco
Lisa and Richard Giacco
Jeff Giadone
Ethan Giffin
Deborah and Robert Gilchrist
Suzanne and Stuart Gildenberg
Deborah and Donald Gill
Dylan G. Gill
Kathryn and Oliver Gill
Yvonne Gilmore
Deborah and Michael Giuffrida
Bernice Roginski and John Glaz
Joseph Gleich Charitable
Lead Trust
Mindy and Jeff Glickman
Krista Gogorenko
Lenore and Mitchell Goldstein
Amanda and Brian Gomba
Joseph Gonyea
Alan Goodale
Lynette and Ronald Goodrich
Judith and Richard Goodstein
Sandra and Thomas Allen Gookin
Penny and James Gorman
Lisa Gorman
Dean Gould
Kenneth Gould
Richard Gould
Jon Graber
Marylyn Grabosky
Bonnie and Tom Grace
Susan and David Graham
Camille E. Granato
Grand Assembly of Alaska
International Order of Rainbow
for Girls
Glenn Graves
Karin and Carl Gravina
Great Dames, Inc.
Anne Greenan
Gary Greenbaum
Gerry and Ken Greengrass
Juanita and Donald Greenway
Sharon Gregorcyk
Ralph Grishman
Alberta Grossman
Cheryl and Gregory Gudorf
Joseph Gugino
Esha and Amit Gupta
Charlotte and Larry Gustavson
Gladys Guzman
Robert Haber
Stephen Haberkorn
Courtney Hagen
Eric and Lynn Hagerbrant
Ginger and Lawrence Hahn
Paul Hahn
Curtis Haley
Matthew Haltom
The Hamaker Family Foundation
Edwin Hamilton
Rodney N. Hamilton
Barri Hammer
Jason Hammerman
Connie Hammonds
Joanne Hannafin
Dr. Stanley Hannah
Liz and Ford Harding
J. Alan Harding
22 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Donor Listing
$1,000–$2,499 (cont.)
Sharon Harper
Joanne Harris
Harris Beach PLLC
Elaine and Bob Harrison
Anne Hartford
Mark Hartman
Melanie and Jim Hartwell
Laura and Howard Hartzfeld
Michelle and Hugh Harvey
Nancy Hausman
M. Haussler
Nancy Hawgood
Sue Hayhow
Sharra and Gary Haynes
Pierre Hayward
Alexander Hazelton
Linda Elizabeth Hazen
Robin Preble and Daniel Hedlund
Gina Keenan-Heepke and Daniel
Sarah Teter and Mark Heffernan
Andrea and Ron Hein
William Hein
Jean-Marie and John Heins
Joan Helein
Betty and Irwin Helford
Elisa and Michael Helford
Madalyn and Lewis Helfstein
Robert M. Henderson
Steven Henne
Lucy and Geoffrey Henson
Dolores Henze
Marjorie and James Herald
Dr. Larry Herbig
Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find Inc.
Margaret Herold
Julie and Everette Herring
Judy and Mark Herrmann
Scott Herschmann
Marlene Herzig
Family and Friends of Michele
Jean and Rob Hess
Solgard Hessler
Dr. Jo Hewell
Kelsey Heyson
HGFA Architects
Elaine Hicks
Peggy and Richard Hieter
Carol Higgins
Highfields Capital Management LP
The John W. Hill and Knowl
Patricia Hills
James Hixon
Debra and James Hoback
David Hodge
Creighton Hoffman
Susan and Tom Hoffman
Laurie and Matthew Hogan
Laurie and Greg Holden
Wilhelmina Holladay
Robert W. Holmes
Cheryl K. Holt
Honeywell International
Jason Hong
Horizon Beverage Company
Debbie and Dave Horn
Sandy Horn
Joshua Horowitz
Jennifer Koen and Mark Horowitz
Margaret Hosel
Jill Hough
Lara Jacobson and John Houseal
Barbara Howard
Pamela Howater
Barb and Jim Hoyt
HP Company Foundation
Hsieh/Huang Family Fund
Bard Hubbard
Justin Hucke
Claudine Hughes
Thomas Hughes
The Huisking Foundation, Inc.
Juanita C. Humphrey
Erin Hunt
Frances Hunt
Nancy and Robert Hunter
Kortnee Huot
Hurst Foundation
Rob Iberg
IBM Corporation
Iglewski Family Foundation
Dmitry Ilyaev
David B. Ingrey
Sharyl and Roy Inlow
John S. Irish
David Iverson
Valerie Fronstin-Akins and
Robert Iverson
Ives & Sultan, LLP
Alice Ivy
Craig Iwamoto
J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Linda and Todd Jablonsky
Kevin Jach
Douglas and Lynn Jackson
A. Jacobs
Kathleen and Justin Jacobs
Michelle Jacobson
Gail and Roland Jacobus
Jason Jakubowicz
Lori and David James
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
Paulette Rocklewitz and
Joe Janzen and Family
Robert Jarrett
Jefferies & Company Inc.
Sheila Jefferson
Judy Jentzen
Amanda and Dave Johnson
Janet and David Johnson
Eric and Jean Johnson Family Fund
Karen Johnson
Larry Johnson
Suzanne and Thad Johnson
Todd Johnson
Johnson Company
Timothy Johnston
Allyson Johnstone
Gabriel Jones
Judith and Nathaniel Jones
Melinda and Paul Jones
Raymond Jones
Steven R. Jordan
Sheryl and Bob Josephson
Dorothy Jurs
Just the Thing!!
K.C. Enterprises
Kenneth Kailin
Sherrie Kaiser
Marcia Kalayjian
Judy and Marvin Kamensky
Thomas Kandel
Marilyn and Joe Kapsch
John Karpowich
Esther Kassab
Harold Kassab
Susan Katz
Carol and Jerry Katzman
Alicia Ernst and John Katzman
Lisa Katzman
Beth and Brett Kaufman
Linda and Ilan Kaufthal
Andrea L. Kay
Jenice and Jim Keeler
Meg and Bryan Keen
Keen Compressed Gas Co.
Joell and George Keim
Keiser University
Katrina and Pat Kelley
James Kellogg
Terri and John Kelly
Timothy Kelly
Kirk Kemp
Kennebunk Savings
Joyce and Jerry Kennedy
Irene and James Kerr
Mary Beth and Richard Ketchum
Morton Kimmel
Dana and Richard Kind
Daniel King
Harvey Kipnis and Alice Fasano
Terrie and Kenneth Kipp
Katherine Kirkpatrick
Colleen and Ashish Kishore
KLA Tencor Foundation
Edward Klaas
Audrey and Leonard Kleiman
Ben Klein
Bonnie and Bradford Klein
Amy and David Klein
Ronna and Thomas Klein
Victor Klein
Robbie and Mike Klemm
Michael Klonsky
Abbe and Dan Klores
Seda and Andrew Knysh
Kevin Koch
Ann and John Kogan
Steven Kontoff
Paul Korman
Doug Kossak
Sam Kossak
Kovler Family Foundation
Joanne and Roger Kozberg
Elaine and Richard Kranich
Mary and John Krebs
Julie and Jim Kress
Lisa and Clyde Krogh
Kevin M. Kruszenski
Ruth M. Finglass and Kevin Kubach
Kazuko and Ken-Ichi Kubota
Joseph Kuhn, Contrail Aviation
Support Inc.
Judy and Joseph Lamastra
Denny Lamers
James G. Lammy
Michelle Landis
Dr. David Langer
Martha and Herbert Langer
Lindsay Langford
Diane and Jerome Lapham
Frank Larew
Linda N. Larkin
Sue Larsen
Mary and Robert Larson
Kathleen Lathrop
Fredric and Janice Laughlin
Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg
Julien Lavallee
Thomas Lavin
Judy and Geordie and Lawry
Monica and Larry Layton
Robyn and Marc Leach
Melissa Leathers
Cheryl Lebowitz
Phillip E. Ledin
Leslie and Haolong Lee
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 23
The MJFF Legacy Circle
Anonymous (8)
Sid Aaron
Arthur and Carol Anderson
Charitable Remainder Trust
Fern L. Azuz
Reuben Baesler Trust
Sylvia Marie Becherer Revocable
Living Trust
Richard Belman
Lori Boetto
Virginia Brooks
Jock Casasus
The Chadin Family Trust
Beverly and Calvin Chadwick
Barbara and Arnold Cohen
Sharol Ann Collins
Frederick C. Colton
Gerald A. and Martine V. Conway
Charitable Gift Annuity
Frances Reser Coody in memory of
John Lester Coody
Anne and Larry Davis
Janice L. and Robert W. Dowd Trust
Estate of Sam M. Anderson
Estate of Mildred Ashen
Estate of Jerome Benjamin
Estate of Helen Bennett
Estate of Dorothy Rae Bien
Estate of Ruth Carter
Estate of Alma Chitwood
Estate of Diane Mae Clark
Estate of Josephine M. Cretnik
Estate of Henry Czerwiec
Estate of Beryll Deming
Estate of Marjory S. Fellman
Estate of Franklin D. Gillespie
Estate of Rafael Joseph Gonzalez
Estate of David Edward Gordon
Estate of Iva Pauline Hancock
Estate of Pollyanna Herrell
Estate of Bernadine J. Hetler
Estate of Helen Hoskin
Estate of John Christopher Kimmey
Estate of Donald Knoedel
Estate of Dolores E. Kossak
Estate of Raymond J. Kouba
Estate of Louis Krieger
Estate of Lisa Susan Baricelli-Kureen
Estate of Raymond H. Lake
Estate of Dorothy Lesher
Estate of Max Levine
Estate of Dorothy Lynch
Estate of Byron Mavrelis
Estate of Solomon Miller
Estate of Anne Montana Trust
Estate of May Moore
Estate of Sidney Kanz Morgan
Estate of Martin Nash
Estate of Melvin Rauch
Estate of Marjorie E. Richards
Estate of Jack Roth
Estate of E. Ann Rowley
Estate of Eileen R. Salter
Estate of Shirley Stein
Estate of Lucile Traeger
Estate of Melissa Ann Tucker
Estate of Bernard Wasserman
Janet and Robert B. Ettleman
Jeff Evans
The Robert I. Fendrich Family Trust
Barbara Folender
Donald and Martha B. Geibel Trust
The Shirley and Dennis Gillespie
Charitable Gift Annuity
Margaret C. Glosser Irrevocable
The Revocable Trust of Harvey B.
Peter Gonsalves
Juan Griego
Andrew S. Grove
Thomas K. & Yvonne G. Hanes
Charitable Remainder Trust
Lee Herman
Jack F. Holmes Living Trust
The Hoover Family Charitable
Remainder Trust
Mary Hopkins
Judith and Charles Huss
Florence H. Hybl Trust
Eleanor Francis Nelson Jordan
The Jerry Katz Trust
Carolyn J. Keefe Estate
Rev. Dolores K. Kimsey
Rose Krieger
Deborah and Jim Long
Sally and Andrew Lorenz
Louie Family Trust
Robert G. Lusk
The Edmund Ernst McClure Trust
Janet McCrory
Geraldine McMillan
The Shirley Michel Charitable Lead
Eleanor Miller Trust Fund
Marion Miller Revocable Trust
Jacqueline Monahan
Karen A. Oliver
Don and Ruth Palmer Estate
Jean Patton Revocable Trust
Betty Jo Pattyson
Porter Living Trust
June Powell
John Randall
Estelle Randolph
Gale Reeves
Elfrieda Remlinger Revocable
Living Trust
Judith Snow Riedel
The Albert J. Robertson and
Nadene L. Robertson Family Trust
Thomas J. Sabourin
Manuel Schneider Living Trust
Henry Spector
Stephen D. Stoddard
Dorothy Strauss
The Sutherland Familiy
Stacey Tamulinas
Ms. Keely Thayer
Sophia Tomich Living Trust
The John D. Turkel Revocable Trust
Flora and Alessio Ventura
Dr. Brent and Terry Weinberger
Elizabeth H. Weinraub
Dotha S. Welbourn Charities Trust
Charles C. White Revocable Trust
Kathryn P. Wright
Margaret Yacuone
Lynne Zieler Irrevocable Trust
Melvin Zuckerman
The Legacy Circle honors friends who support the Foundation’s work through bequests or other planned gifts.
While MJFF’s mission has always been to put itself out of business by curing PD, planned gifts provide a major, longterm funding source that we can both plan around and leverage immediately to accelerate high-impact research.
If you have made estate plans that include MJFF and would like to be listed as a member of The Legacy Circle,
please call Sarah Barnes at 212.509.0995, ext. 285.
Phillip Lee
Roger Lee
Legal Media Inc.
Evan Leibner
Jennifer Leigh
Elizabeth Leight
Mike Lein
Jill L. Leinbach
Barbara and Herbert Lembcke
The Lemoine Company
Jonathan Lender
Zachary Lenkay
Richard C. Leone
Penny Leong
Carol and Robert Leshner
Levi Strauss & Co.
Allan Levin
Robert G. Levin
Gloria Levine & Harvey Levine
Charitable Foundation
Lola J. Perniceiaro and Mark A. Levine
Paula and Anthony Levins
Michael Levitt
Eden and Benjamin Levy
Marcia Levy
Steven Levy
Jack Lewi
Mary Lewis
Lewitz, Balosie, Wollack, Rayner,
Giroux CPA’s
LI Script, LLC
24 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Donor Listing
$1,000–$2,499 (cont.)
Julianna Margulies and
Keith Liberthal
Alan Lieberman
Christopher Lien
Kelly and Steve Lilley
Fred W. Limbach
Anne and John Lindsay
Erin Lines
Beth and Lawrence Lipman
Morgan Lipsey
Nancy Lipsitz
James Lister
Rose Lit
Craig Littlefield
Emily M. Littleton
LKG and ANG Family Fund
LMEPAC Charity Program
Custodial Account
The Loan Syndications and
Trading Association
Peter Loeffler
Angela and David Long
Looney Labs
Eleni and Gerard Loporto
Deborah and Antone Lott
Elaine Lowenthal
Loyal Order of Moose
Ltayh Designs LLC
George Lucas
Steve Ludwig
Diana Lum
Stephen Lundergan
Elizabeth Lupini
Sharon Lyle
Judy and Ronald Lyons
The M&T Charitable Foundation
Miriam Macdonald
Dorothy and Robert MacDonald
Michael Mackey
John MacMillan
MacOisdealbhaigh Trust
Sharon Madden
Matthew Magee
Amina Mahamadi
Philip & Florence Mahler
287 Main Street Restaurant Corp.
Pooja Makhijani
The Chris and Melody
Malachowsky Family Foundation
Lois and Joe Malango
James Malayter
Jaime and Jeff Petrjanos Malensky
Darcy and Mark Malone
Mankwitz Family Foundation
Raghavan Manmatha
Sallie and Michael J. Manning
Manulife Financial
Mary Ann and Charles Margiotti
Jonathan Mariner
Brenda Marjaniemi
Jeffrey Marks
Linda Marlowe
Theresa Marran
William Marriott
Edward Marsh
Margaret and Robert Marshall
Sandra Marshall
Holly and Andrew Martin
Michael Martin
David Martinelli
Joni Martino
Lynne and John Marty
Peggy Marvin
Diane and Richard Mason
Marcia S. Massee
Helen Masterson
Marcia Mather
Ken Matherne
The Mathis Group Inc.
Michael Mattingly
Philip F. May Charitable Gift Fund
May Foundation Trust
Todd Mayman
Joseph Mazzone
Gavin McAllister
Cintra and Richard McArdle
Susan and Scott McBride
Daniel McCaffrey
Lora McClellan
Docie and Larry McCormick
Anne and James L. McCoy
Mary and Liz McCoy
McCubbin Investments LLC
Dennis McCue
Chad and Nicole McDaniel
Constance McDonald
Bruce McDowell
Helen M. McGinn
Nancy McGinty
Francis McGovern
Patrick McGrady
Bruce McGrath
Jane H. McGraw
Jill McGuinn
Paul McGuire
John L. McHugh Foundation, Inc.
Kristine and Tim McKay
Linda and Chris McKenney
Mollie McKool
Lois McMillan
Betty McNulty
MdotM, Inx.
Mrs. Judy Meador
Meadowland Credit Union
Melissa Meagher
Mr. Christopher L. Medina and
Dr. Karla A. Medina
Sheila Mehta
Edwin Meinking
Members Give
David Memmott
Amber Meranda
Gloria Meredith
Sheets and Cathering Metsch
Charitable Fund
Phyllis Metzler
Ginny and Harold Meyer
Tricia and Leroy Meyer
Meyer Manufacturing Corp.
Scott Michels
Fran L. Middleman
The Milford Bank
Milken Family Foundation
Adam Miller
Barbara Miller
Bud Miller
Nancy J. and Douglas W. Miller
Paul M. Miller
Paula Miller
Richard Miller
The Rabbi Robert Miller Donor
Advised Fund
Wayne Miller
Lisa and Don Mills
Lucy Missimer
Michael Mclaughlin
Michael B. McMahan
Sohini Chowdhury, Senior Vice President, Research Partnerships
“The Foundation’s footprint as not only a major funder but a key thought leader in Parkinson’s research continued to grow
in 2013. As more industry partners look to MJFF, we are conceptualizing and implementing new ways of collaborating with
drug makers to drive promising PD therapeutics toward the clinic faster. With PPMI, our landmark biomarker study, industry
engagement has been a key component to the success. As the natural ‘consumers’ of any identified progression marker, their input and financial support gave the study important validation. As we launch our new strategic health initiative
Partners in Parkinson’s this year, we are grateful to another partner, AbbVie, for supporting us in an effort to educate and
engage with patients in a whole new way. Moving forward, the value of these relationships continues to increase as does
the complexity and impact of our initiatives.”
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 25
Industry Partners
Through research funding, sponsorships, and in-kind contributions to various program priorities, these
companies collectively contributed over $8 million to the Foundation’s mission to speed a cure in 2013.
AbbVie Inc.
Biogen Idec Inc.
GE Healthcare
Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
BioStorage Technologies, Inc.
Allstate Benefits
Biotechnology Industry
ApoPharma Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Civitas Therapeutics, Inc.
Merck & Co. Inc.
Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, Inc.
Elan Corporation, plc
Meso Scale Discovery
Eli Lilly & Co. Ltd.
nLife Therapeutics
Lauren and David Moffitt
Mary Beth and Jewell Mohn
Shelly and Frederick Molineux
Mondelez International
Anish Monga
Giuseppe Monticciolo
Blair Mooney
Sandra and Daniel Moore
David Moore
Marion Moore
The Moore Family
Keith Moorse
Olga and Thomas Moreland
Jane and William Morgan
Morgan Stanley
c/o Cybergrants Inc.
Diane Morianos
Megan Moriarty
Joy and Bruce Morimoto
Janet Morlan
Benjamin L. Moroze
M. Brian Moroze
Susan and Dwight Morrow
Brian Morton
Julie and Don Morton
Sharon and Louis Moskowitz
Susan and Mark Moskowitz
Morgan and Don Most
Paula Motaro
Barbara and Donald Moulin
MST, Inc.
Mt. Olive Township Board of
Martha Mueller
Lorane and Tom Mueller
Kevin Mullen
Eleanor and Kevin Murphy
Joanna and Daniel Murray
George Murray
Jonathan Murray
Nancy K. Murray
Ruth Murray
Nora and Scott Murray
N & K Hawley
Essie Nadler
Penni Nance
Robert D. Nankervis
Carol Nathe
Laura and Don Nathlich
Donna Nelson
Merle and Leonard Nelson
Marjorie Nelson
Nestle Foundation
Neuberger Berman LLC
Dennis Neufeldt
Jennifer McAllister-Nevins
Roger Newman
Steven Nicholas
Stan Nicholson
Stifel Nicolaus
Alfred Nicoletti
Joan C. Niedfeldt
Nielsen Dodge Jeep Dealership
Anne and Thomas Niesen
Dr. Craig Nixon
David Norton
Kevin and Frank Norton
Suzanne Norton
Cheryl and John Novak
Kurt Noyce
Madeleine D. O’Mara
Michael O’Neil
Ochsner Clinic Foundation
Howard Odom
Judith Frankfurt and James
Gail and Scott Okin
Jennifer Okutake
Lenore Oldham
Jill and Howard Olonoff
Susan Onysko
Lisa Orberg
R. Orwoll
Don Oswald
Dr. Robert Ousterhout
Carla Overbeck
The Pacer Foundation
Lisa Marie Pagano
Anita Gomez Palacio
Janice Palomo
Cheryl Keamy and Paul Pantano
Nathan Pao
The Parducci Family Foundation
Richard Laurence Parish
Thomas Park
Catherine F. Parker
Carrie and Dale Parker
Diane Parker
James Parker
Partricia Uston and John Parnell
Paul Pastorek
Petra and Brian Patterson
Helen and Guy Paul
Amber Payne
Christie and Stephen Peacock
Barbara L. Pearl
Anne and Jeffrey Pearl
James Pearlstein
Tom Peeling
Paul Pendergast
Gary Pendl
John and Priscilla Perillo Family
Donald Perlyn
Brian Perry
Brian Pershyn
Peterbilt of CT.,Inc. Berluti
Mrs. Paul Peters
Life Technologies
Pfizer Global Research and
Teva CNS
UCB Pharma, Inc
Upsher-Smith Laboratories
Ronald Petersen
Susan Toeniskoetter and Dan
Diane and Jeffrey Pettus
PG&E Corporation Campaign for
the Community
Susan and Mark Phelps
Pi Kappa Alpha Velie
Robert I. Pianalto
Ava Butler and Richard Ping
Allison Platt
Play for your Cause/ZogSport
Plexus Technology Group
Edward Poleselli
Daniel Kinel and Ellen Poleshuck
Ann and Peter Pollack
Lori Pollan
Marc Porter
Portland General Electric Company
Victoria Born and Gregory Powell
Jim and Kristen Powers
Nate Pratt
Ann Prescott
Lori and Patrick Prescott
Judith Spencer Price
Michael Price
Nikki Primm
Prince & Izant Company
Leslie and Virginia Proceviat
Amory Propp
Geoffrey Proulx
Marc Puich
Ann Purcell
Jack Purcell
Wayne Purdy
Pzena Investment Charitable Fund
Thomas Quigley
Quintiles Inc.
R. F. Lafferty & Co., Inc.
Sandy and Timothy Radniecki
26 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Donor Listing
$1,000–$2,499 (cont.)
Don Garner and Lu Rafai
Mukund Raghavachari
Rainier Investment
Management, Inc.
Erin and Travis Raitt
RAND Engineering & Arch. DPC
Julie and John Rapisarda
James Rathbun
Lisa and Mark Rathbun
Kathleen and Martin Rathbun
Adam Ratica
Larissa Raze
Ernest Reamer
Ann Boston-Reamey
Recovery Unlimited, Inc.
Recreation Farm Society Inc.
Thomas Regazzi
Carol Regier
Regions Private Wealth
Lisa Rehburg
The Reichert Foundation
Lorraine Reina
Paula Reinhardt
Steven Reisig
Jeff Relyea
Jack Remnet
Jean Revord
Katy and Stanley Reynolds
Marcia Ribner
Verna and Harry Richardson
Paul Richardson
Shana Richardson
Richman Revocable Trust
Joseph Richter
Myrna Ricken
Myrna and Norman Ricken
Sharon Rigdon
Rimrock Art & Frame
DeAnn Ringgenberg
Nadyne Ritter
The Rittvo Family Foundation
River Basin Blues Society 02-13
Jonathan Roach
Barbara and Craig Robbins
Alan Roberts
Baldwin Robertson
James Robertson
Ron and Jeff Robertson
Patricia Robertson
Brian Robinson
Sandy and Mark Robinson
Anne Roby
Laurie G. Rocha
Jack Rodin
Larry Roi
Ronnie White Custom Homes, LLC
Laura Roper
The Frances & David Rose
Meg and John Rosecky
Debbie and Brett Rosen
Rosen Family Foundation
Barry Rosenthal
Babs Soller and Randy Ross
Rotary Club of Leesburg
Foundation Inc.
Joyce and Elliot Rothstein
RPM Designs, Inc.
Donald B. Rubin
Judy Rubin
Robert N. Rubin
Theresa Rudolph
Stephanie Ruffo
Running Room Canada Inc.
Bill and Judy Russell
Amy and William Russell
Michele and John P. Russo
Lou Russo
Monika Russo
Tara Russo
Patricia Ryan
Ramy Saad
Sachem High School East
Safran MorphoTrust USA
Dipali and Rajesh Sahasrabuddhe
William Sailer
The Saint Paul Foundation
Abby and Steve Sakwa
Johnny Salcedo
Adele and Alfred Saleh
Marcia Kite and Kenneth R. Salling
Mary and Mario Saltarelli
Ron and Barbara Sanches and
Joseph Sanders
Julie Sandler
Sanofi Pasteur Inc.
Mary Lou Sargent
Raymond Sarna
Randy Savoie
Padma and Anand Savur
Jamie Scanlon
Gloria Schall
Lorraine Schapiro
Kathryn Scharf
Patrick Scheideler
Gregory Schlegel
Rachael Schmedlen
Raymond Schmidt
Kathleen Wells and Robert Schmidt
Tara and Bill Schmitz
The Schneer Foundation
Stacey Schneer Lee
Glen Schneider
Amy and Paul Schneller
David Schofield
Jean and Thomas J. Schreiber
Dean Schreier
Ellen Schrier
Judith and John Schumacher
Mary and Richard Schuster
John Schuurman
Ronald Schwantes
Bernard Schwartz
Daniel C. and Teresa Moran
Lori Schwartz
Peter Schweitzer
Cindy Schwimer
SCP Distributors LLC
Donna Scroggins
Christopher Sears
Susie Seawell
Georgia L. Sebek
Martin Segal
Michele and Kenneth Seim
Albert Selius
The Selkowitz Family Foundation
Noel Senogles
Joan and Jack Setterlund
Gail and R. Daniel Settle, Jr.
SFI, LLC Operating Account
Linda Shallenberger
Beth and David Shaw
Debra and John Shaw
Kevin Sheehan
Clifford A. Sheets
John Shelton
Nicole Shelton
Pauline and Alex Shender
Virginia Shepard
Alethea Shepardson
Marilyn and Rex Sheppard
Kelly and Todd Sherer
Jeffrey Sherman
Mark Shields
Rony and Catherine Shimony
Philanthropic Fund
Andy Shore
Michael Sibulkin
Derrik Siems
Ben Sihota
The Sikand Foundation Inc.
Robert Sill
Sills Foundation Inc.
Jacob Silterra
Marion Silton
Kim and Al Silverberg
Barbara and Richard Silverman
Marcia and Richard Sinclair
Narendra and Mitra Singh
Jane and Steve Sinton
Aaron Sirulnick
Jill Sirulnick
Bridget Sisson
Frederick Sisson
John Small
Raymond Smerge
Roberta and Samuel Smiley
Annette Merle-Smith
Alys and Brad Smith
Beth and Kevin Smith
Loran Smith
Pete and Lynne Smith
Julia and Peter Smith
Randy Smith
Sally Smith
Stuart Smith
The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith
Family Foundation
Coral and Ron Snider
Anna and Frank Snipes
Soda Pops #1, Inc.
Jacob Solomon
Lois Solomon
Carol and Richard Songer
Cheng Soong
Sound Sight Technologies Inc.
Southeastern Commercial Finance
Space Exploration Technologies
Deter Spears
Laura Parks and Fredrik Spier
Lynne and Eric Spillman
Melanie K. Spriggs
Catharine and Warren Sprouse
Mary Ann and Michael St. Peter
St. Philip the Apostle Catholic
Brien Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin P. Staller
Stanley Black & Decker Inc.
Pam and Frank Stapleton
Star Industrial Service Co. Inc.
Starker Family Foundation
Karen Stein
Drs. Susan and Robert Stephens
Peggy and Charles Stephenson
Stephenson Family Foundation
M. Catherine Stewart
Jean and Robert Stoessel
Jean and Don Stone
James Stopa
Lawrence Storace
Judy and Steven Straub
Robert Strauss
Tom Strauss
Ariele Hausner and Daniel
Stronge Family Foundation
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 27
Susan and Wesley Sturdevant
Katherine Sullivan
William Sullivan
Nancy Sun
Sunnen Product Company
Steve Sunshine
Ralph Suozzi
Tom Cherner and Lynn Suter
Gary Suttle
Patt and Mark Suwyn
David Swartz
Daniel Swasbrook
Patricia and Harvey Swiggum
Lori Switala
Heather and Hayden Swofford
Synovus Trust Company
T&M Protection Resources LLC
T. Rowe Price Associates
Foundation Inc.
Chad Tarter
Adam Tarvin
Angelina Taylor
Lee Taylor
Stanley Tedford
Stella and Colin Teichholtz
Melissa Teitel
Yasmin and Bahadur Tejani
Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc.
Dana and Thomas Tellijohn
Telus Corporation
TELUS Finance Operations
Terra Firma Global Partners Inc.
Susan and Douglas Terry
Lee Tessler
Seow K. Thay
Lisa Thenell
Christine and Mark Thiel
Third Horizon Foundation
Thistle & Rose Foundation
William Thomeier
H. E. Thompson Foundation
Marilyn and Lynn Thompson
Diane and Ron Thompson
Kathy and Jim Thornburg
Frank and Margaret Throssell Fund
Adelaine Thunen
Roy Tiarks
M. J. Tiesi Family
TMNA Services LLC
Terry and Lawrence Tobin
Frances and Stephen Tobriner
Patty and Alf Todd
Cindy Todd
Vahla and Tom Todd
Todd Family Charitable Foundation
Tokio Marine Management Inc.
Gail and Edward Tomberg
Keith Tompkins
Topeka Community Foundation
Tory Burch, LLC
Total Restoration, Inc.
Tradition Golf Club at
Chapel Ridge
Jean Trainor
Steve Loudin Tricel
Honeycomb Corporation
Valerie Trivax
Monika Trogdon
Troutman Sanders LLP
Jason Tuerack
Sharon and Clifford Tune
Tupper & Adams
Shari and Jonathan Turell
Jill and Jay Twery
Kerry Twibell
Ron Twilley
The Herbert E. Tyler and
Grace M. Tyler Foundation
UBM Community Connection
Donna E. Ucci
Christian Unger
Leonard Urtso
Valley Health
Victoria and Walter Van Den Burg
Deborah Van Der Heyden
Scott Van Fuss
Karen Van Haitsma
Loren K. Vanderslik
Jeffrey Vanhorn
Jean and Edward VanSweden
Varian Partners in Giving Program
Yvonne and John Vasicek
Richard Vaughan
Jeannie and Andrew Vaveris
Renee Verch
Vermont Community Foundation
John Vesia
Phyllis and Donald Vetter
Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine
Niki and James Vick
Joseph Vidmar
Vincent Family
Susan and Robert Vinci
Millie Viqueira
Salvatore Vittoria
Margie and Jeffrey Vogel
Vorsheck Family Foundation Inc.
Christopher Vozdik
The Peggy and Ellis Wachs Family
Debbie Wackel
Bob Wade
Ellen and Oliver Wadsworth
Stephanie and Harry Wagner
Joyce Wagner
Leon Wagner
Janice and John Walker
James and Beth Wall
Mary and Frank Walsh
Irene Wanat
Carolyn Ward
Paul Warner
Phyllis J. Warrick
Sandi Wasch
Francois Wasselin
Chris and Paul Wasson
Watermark Operator, LLC
Jan Waterous
Webster Bank
Beth and Ben Wegbreit
Weingart Family Fund
Christine Kelly and
Morton O. Weinress
Ellen and Tom Weir
Sylvia Horwitz and Dov Weitman
Grace Weitzer
Wells Fargo Advisors
Sharon and James Welty
Jane Wenner
Cindy and Steve Wentzel
Westchester Reform Temple
Charlotte Westerfield
Jeff Westphal
Westport Fund
Lori Wetzel
Eva and Michael Wharton
Sheila and Buzz Wheeler
Dan Wheeler
Christopher White
Mary and Rick Whiting
Carmel M. & John G. Whitman
Whitney Bank
Troy Whitsett
Ryan Whitworth
Carl Wiker
Sara Wilford
Stuart Wilkins
Bob Williams
Sally and David Williams
Kristine Williams
Searcy Willis
Allen Wilson
John Wilson
Neil Wilson
David Winter
Mr. Ralph B. Wittman
Tim Wolf
Jane and Homer Wolfe
Sarah Wolfe
Meredith Wolff
Steven Wong
Thomas W. Wood
Margie and Milton Woodhouse
Ann and David Worthington
John Worthington
Perry Wournell
Gerald Wright
Richard Wright
Julie Wrigley
Terry Wunderlich
William W. Wurts
Jaime and Jason Yanofsky
Stephen Yanow
Eva Yarmo
Bettina and Kenneth Yau
Vida Yazdani
Stuart Yingst
Arlyn G. Young
James and Mary Ellen Young and
Charles Young
Wanda and Charles Young
Peggy Kratz and Jim Young
Paul Young
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor,
Ali Zahedi
Larry S. Zajdel
Zale Delaware Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Zdenek
Eric Zehnder
Marisa Zimmer
Charlene Zimmerman
Patricia and Donald Zimmerman
Jamie Zimmerman
Gail Zimmermann
Walter Zimolong
Denice and Thomas Zucca
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is grateful for the honor and memory gifts made in tribute to these individuals and
organizations in 2013.
Barry Abrahams
Lisette L. Ackerberg
Tom Affleck, Esq.
Irene Allanos
Dr. Paul B. Alper
Patricia Altman
Eugene Joseph Amato
John Andary
Dr. Holly S. Andersen
Helen Andersen
George Anderson
Joan Manning Andras
Evelyn Ansbacher
Jean Arabelo
John Christie “Chris” Archibald, III
Mel Arena
James A. Arlinghaus, Jr.
Terry Armstrong
Gerald I. Arnson
Eileen M. Artaserse
Helen Assemany
Alice Azarian
Billie Babcock
Douglas Baisch
Karen Brown and Benjamin Balkind
Allan Ball
Eleanor Ball
Warren Ball
Eve Bamberger
Brian Baral
Betty Baria
Roy Leon Barnes
remembering Al Glickman
We lost a cherished friend, leader and champion of the Parkinson’s community in 2013 with the passing of Board
member Albert B. Glickman. Diagnosed with PD in the early 1990s, he joined our Board in 2004. We are honored that his wife Judy and their family continue to be part of our community. Their son David is carrying on Al’s
legacy by taking his seat on our Board. We are so grateful to everyone who made a gift in Al’s honor in 2013.
The Abraham Family
Mayet Brandwein
Steven Ellis
Lisa Gorman
Linda Abromson
Randi Bregman
Annette Elowitch
Teri and Bruce Greenbaum
Lisette Ackerberg
Judy and Bernard Briskin
Temple Emanu-El
Sandy and Irwin Greenberg
Elizabeth Alexander
Carole Brocher
Joan and William Feldman
Susan Greenberg
Harold Alterman
Debi and Jeff Brooks
Mimi Feldman
Gary Grinham
Suzie and Peter-Brian Andersson
Marilyn and Frederick Brown
Stanley Fimberg
Tracey Gronemeyer
Mark Angell
Thomas Budd
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Celeste Grynberg
Adam Arens
Lawrence Butler
Gilbert Florsheim
Harris Community Property Trust
Adele Aronson
Joseph Byrne
Deborah Galarneau
Nancy Hensel
Alison Arshad
Jonathan Carson
Paul Geller
Katie and Phil Holthouse
Holly Teichholtz and David
Kate Castle
Leslie and Morton Gerson
Stanley and Sheila Horn
Paul and Stephanie Castle
Hugh and Ellen Getzenberg
Gordon Hubbard
Sharon Barrett
Kristin and Jonathan Cohen
Suzi and Steve Gilbert
Laurel Ilagan
Connie Batson
Joel Davidson
Rochelle Ginsburg
Randy Inosencio
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Beck
Susan Davis
Elaine and Brenner Glickman
Linda and Denny Jacobus Family
Nancy and Michael Beebe
Ghalib Dhalla
Mindy and Jeff Glickman
David Kaplan
Ben B. and Joyce E. Eisenberg
Jim Donnerstag
Kathryn A. Glickman
Jill and Stephen Karp
Lori Dorman
Naomi Glickman
Stuart Karu
Stuart Bernstein
Hillary Dorsk
Marlies Gluck-Upton
Neil Klaber
Carlos Betancourt
Melanie and Andrew Doubroff
Stanley Goldberg
Denise Klein
Rita and Irwin Blitt
Silvia and Kevin Dretzka
Susan and Jerome Goldberg
Sidney Kline
Joan Blum
Russell and Nancy Ducoff
Dr. Dori Goldfarb
Tanice Knopp
Yvette Bordelon
Michelle Dustin
Lynn Goldfarb
Barbara Koffman
Joan and Melanie Borinstein
Linda and Richard Ellis
Carol Goodfriend
Barbara and Leonard Kolod
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 29
Bruce Baron
Emily Jean Bates
Aurelio Battaglia
Lonnie Leemand and Eric Baxter
Francis H. Beam, Jr.
Warren Beck
Thomas Bedore
Linda Beer
Shirley Belch
Ralph Bencivengo
Antonio Beninati
Christine Bentley
Leonard Berger
Raymond H. Berger
Paul J. Berghoff
Bruce Berlt
Andre Bernard
Raymond H. Best
Senator Robert Beverly
Uma Bhandari
Edean Blackburn
Claire Blackman
Dorothy A. Blahut
Elizabeth Blair
Efrom Blank
Phyllis Blank
Stephen Blank
Howard Blechman
Carl J. Block
Ruth Bonbright
Dr. Kenneth Bonilla
Dorothy Borenstein
Judy Bornstein
Richard Boron
Albert Boscov
Norbert Bosel
Andrew (Pete) Bouchard
Jack Bowden
Murray Bowes
Lloyd E. Boyd
Susan Bracken
Doris Jean Bragg
Wilbur Bramlet
Don Brammer
Joseph F. Branan
Rita Tucker Bratton
James Brausen
John Breen
Rolf Brenner
Jack Brewer
Alla Brichkin
Dorsey W. Brooks
Marie Brooks
Nancy Harris Brooks
Terri Brown
Warren Brunke
Mary L. Brunquell
Ann Seymour Bryan
Wiley T. Buchanan
Thomas Buckley
Donald L. Buehler
Sarah Bukhman
Brenda Burland
William O. Burnett
Gerald Burns
Jean Burns
Nancy Bushinsky
Mr. Butcher
William Sherman Butcher
James J. Byrne
Kimberly L. Cagni
Elba Arencibia and Jayne Cairns
Benjamin Calev
Marie C. Callos
Barbara C. Calvert
Margaret D. Campbell
Pam Carlson
Dell Carpenter
Dale Carlstrom
Steve Carter
Barbara Carver
Michael K. Caverly
Jane M. Cawley
Chester Cekala
Alfred Cerne
Calvin Chadwick
Rita Chandler
Jenny Chang
Sharon Chapman
Elizabeth Chase
Richard Chase
Haas Chaudhry
From left to right: Al Glickman and Michael J. Fox together at a research roundtable on the day of “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Cure Parkinson’s”
benefit; Al surrounded by family; with wife Judy and Michael at “A Sunny Thing Happened on the Way to Cure Parkinson’s” benefit in 2009.
Joanne and Roger Kozberg
Marilyn Lalumiere
Bert Lane
Steven Leavitt
Linda and Herbert Lesser
Kristen Levesque
Wendy and Barry Levin
Carolyne and Edwin A. Levy
Sue and Julian Lifschiz
Marcia Liftman
Emily MacKinnon
Nancy Marino
Ken Marsh
Joanne Martz
Jaroslawa Meier
Bruce Meyer
Sue Miller
Morgan Management - Robert
Morgan, Robert Moser, Chase
Chavin and their families
Lauren Moyle
Robert Rodner
Carolyn Murray
Thomas Rollerson
Bonnie Lee Nelson
Caroline Rose
Merle and Leonard Nelson
Helen and Larry Rose
Edith Nissenblatt
Georgina and Alan Rothenberg
Marlene Nissenblatt
Steve and Livia Russell
Sheila Kelly and Cornelius O’Shea
Lynn Sacks
Richard Optican
Avram Salkin
Peggy L. Osher and Harold L.
Osher, MD
Judy Savastano
Joan Paru
David Schofield
Larry Plotkin
Marcia Schulman
Sidney Posner
Helaine Schwabach
Joyce and Grant Propper
Barbara Rabin
Neal, Debbie, Jeffrey & Joshua
Suzanne Raymond
Kelly and Todd Sherer
Melissa Ready
Diane Smith
Barbara and Paul Reitzin
Marian and Jeff Sosnick
Merton Robinson
Spurwink Services
Justin Schair
Steven Taback
Manuel Talkovsky
Syd Tal-mason
The Beck Family Foundation, Inc.
The Bruce and Susan Konheim Trust
The Lunder Foundation
Barbara and David Turitz
Susan Waldman
Alice Wang
Linda Weiss
Helen Wen
Lisa Wool
Harold and Phyllis Zabin
Laura Zalkin
Paula Zeitlin
Daniel Zilkha
30 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Tributees
Bill D. Cherry
Elizabeth Christopher
Soak Fong Chu
Alexander Chun
Francesca Cirace
Patricia Clarke
Kenneth D. Clasen
William H. Cleek
Theresa Clements
Mary Angela Less and Ross
Linda Lomish Clifford
Carole Cocks
Max Cohodes
John Francis Coleman
Jim Connor
Jonathan Connors
George J. Conrad
James Convery
Bruce A. Cooper
Sandra Cooper
Elizabeth Coppedge
Nancy Corbitt
Jeni-Fit Family and Kathleen
Elliot B. Corman
Arnold Cornfeld
Basil “Bud” Coughlan
Eileen B. Coyne
Mary Crouse
Hugh Joseph Curran
Eugene Czerwinski
Janice M. Dallmer
Dennis Daly
Louis F. DaPrato
Judy Freitag D’Arcy
Anne Davidson
Brian Davis
Dwight Davis
Henry David
John G. Davis
Shelley M. Davis
Susan Davis
Cherry Day
Patsy DeBord
Victoria V. Demurjian
Harry Denning
Anthony J. DePasquale
Robert H. Derks
Alfredo Di Pancrazio
Richard Dickstein
Stella Diekman
Henry Dillof
Daniel James Dobbins
Ludwik Dolata
Grace Donahue
R. Douglas Drummond
Mark Richard Dubois
Sue Dubman
Jack D. Duckworth
Charles Duff
David Duguid
Jeanne Duncan
Michael Duncheon
Rose Dunleavy
Robert Peter Eaton
Thomas Ebner
Robert Edlund
Leon K. Edmunds
Porter H Evans, Jr.
John Evarone
Joseph Fallica
Arlene Faunce
Gerald Feffer
Arthur W. Fellerman, Jr.
Shirley Jean McCoy Ferguson
Anthony Ferragamo
Margaret Finan
Karen Finerman
Robert Fischer
Dean Fisher
James Fitzgerald
Harriet and Bill Fix
Rollin Delmar Fleming
M. Martha Fluhr
Emanuel Fluxgold
Dr. Larry Forthofer
Norma Martha Linden Forthofer
George J. Fortini
Terence Fortune
Michael J. Fox
F. Lane France
Jerry Franck
Robert M. Freeburg
Julie Friederich
Gary Fromson
Helen and Walter Fronstin
Melvin Funfsinn
David Galinsky
Edward H. Garey
Frank Garufi
Benjamin Gastel
Thomas Gayods
Marilyn J. Gehlbach
Anthony L. Genovese
Kimberly George
Helen Jean Aiken Gerber
David Gersh
Rozanne Gerstman
Bill Gerth
Beth Hart and Joe Giannini
Robert E. Ginsberg
Jeffrey Gitomer
Irving Givner
Ira O. Glick
Albert B. Glickman
Jayne Godfrey
Dolores N. Goetz
Barbara Goldman
David and Leilani Goldstein
Marilyn G. Goldstein
Sheldon Goldstein
David Golub
Sharon Golub
Linda Gordon
Roland G. Gordon
Selma Gordon
Joanne Goronson
Margot H. Gosen
Bobby Goslee
Lucien J. Gote, MD
Donald Gould
Greg Grace
David Graham
Ridge Grant
Gary C. Grausam
Lafayette Gravely
Jackie Green
Thomas J. Greene
Elliott Greenspan
Stanley Greenspan
Matthew Greenstein
Dr. Steven Greenstein
Curtis L. Greenway
Helen Grunstein
William Gruy
Carmen Guarracino
Lyudmila Gulyaeva
Molly Haben
Janet C. Halliday
Lanny Ham
Truman Hammonds
Robert C. Hardwick
Gregory Harm
Sylvia Harman
Claude Harris
Eleanor Harris
George F. Harris
Mark and Adele Hart
Mark L. Hart III
Greg Hatcher
Geri and Mason Haupt
Neil Haverly
Mr. Charles B. Haverstock
Mrs. James T. Haynes
Ralph W. Haynes
Alice L. Hedlund
Charles Heilmann
John Heflin
Irwin Helford
Edward Heller
Mary Henderson
Steven Henne
Laura Henriksen
Stephen Henriques
Kathryn Henry
Janet Henze
Marjorie Herald
Donnovan Hershberger
Dr. Jonathan Hertz
Kathy Hertz
Michelle Hespeler
Karen Hillman
Rita Hirsch
Stanley Hirschhorn
Jean Hixson
Richard Hogan
H. Holder
Grace Holmes
M. Norrene Holtman
William Holzapfel
Darla Hoover
Richard Hoover
Phoebe Horio
Rose Horowitz
Steven Hovey
Patsy G. Howard
Harold (Pat) Howe
Betty Hoyt
Charles Huber
Marjorie Huber
Angelina Huelbig
Laura J. Huenerbein
Charles Huisking, Catherine
Huisking, and Frank Huisking
John Humphrey
Mary Hummelen
Lois Hunter
Deborah Hurlbert
Victoria Hurst
Arlyn Hutt
Frank Charles Hyams
William H. Hyde
Irina Ilyaev
John L. “Jack” Ingold
Judith Ingram
Sheryle Isaacs
Louise Issokson
David Iverson
Linda Iwamoto
Jeanne M. Jackson
John Jacobi
Alan Jacobs
Johner Jacobs
Dr. Matthew Jacobson
Murray Jacobson
Irene Jedinak
Russel Jenkins
Dave Jennings
Laura K. Johanson
Mary Johnson
Myron Johnson
Pat Johnson
Robert Johnson
Craig Johnston
Dottie Jones
George Jones
Shirley Jean Jones
Tom Jones
Adelaide Jordan
Freeman Pillow Jordan, Jr.
Jeffrey Joseph
Mary Briscoe Kahn
Sidney Kahn
Bernie Kailin
Robert J. Kamin
John E. Kandel and Larry E. Kandel
Maida Kaplan
Sean Kaplan
Eli Kasimer
John Katsaros
Marguerite de Haaff Kaufman
Rosalind Kay
James Marshall Keeler
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 31
Michael Kelson
Jill and Sandy Kemp
Truman Kemper
Thomas Kenna
Kathy Kennedy
Jules A. Kernen
Pamela Kerr
Magdalene Kettner
Stephen Keyser
Mary and Michael Kilfoy
Jim Kincaid
John Kindschuh
John King
Mary D. Kipps
Weldon Kirby
Dr. Jay Ward Kislak
Ernest Kleber
Howard Klivans
Steve Kontoff
Frank Kotch
Nikolaos Koutsoudis
Ivan Kovacs
Barbara Kraly
Susan Krause
Tim Kubala
Mrs. Kazuko Frances Kubota
William Kuhn
Arlene Kurnit
Chester Lagod
Linda Lane
Dr. Dale Lange
Robert G. Lange
Ken Langone
Anne Frankie Lapporte
Robert Larson
Tom Latham
Earl Laughlin
Vincent D. Lauria
Christine Lay
Edward J. Lay
Andre R. LeBlanc
Walter “Bud” Lee and Valerie
Walker Weir Lee
The 501st Legion
Roz Leibner
Samuel Leizear
Barbara J. Lembcke
William Leonard
Harry Leonhardt
J. Robert Levesque
Howard Burton Levine
Dale H. Levisay
Arnold Leonard Levy
Edwin A. Levy
Eden Cardozo and Ben Levy
Charles W. Lewis
Frank H. Lewis
Leo Liakos
Ira Lieberman
Sharon Lieberman
Salvatore Liguori
Reba Lilley
Mary and Robin Line
Peter Livorsi
William Lochart
JoAnn Loftus
Jennie LoFaso
Donald Lorentz
W. Stephen Lotz, DVM
David D. Love
John Lovrak
Marten Lowengart
Gerry Lowenthal
Janet Lowery
Amalia Lucas
Benjamin Luna
Alfred “Stormy” Lupus
Dorothy Lynch
Joseph P. Lynch
Glen Lynn
Philip Stein, M.D.
Catherine and Stanley Maas
Angelina Maggiore
John A. Magnuson
Ellen Maguire
Shakira Mahamadi
Marie and James Mallory
Michael Manning
Stanley H. Marcus
Leon Maren
Abraham Margoles
Anthony P. Mariani
Ecla Marotta
Thomas S. Marshall
Daniel Martin
Dr. Ernest Martin
Ron Martin
Richard Martineau
Peter Martorella
Robert E. Mastroianni
Edmond Mathews
Soania Mathur
Jack Matthews
Mary Doyle McAlpine
Lois Conro McAtee
Mitsuko McCandlish
Jim McCoy
John F. McCoy
David Lee McCreery
Ruth McCue
Kathy McCune
Chris McCurley
Theodore C. McDaniels
Gloria McDonald
Edward McGah
James J. McGarry
Ann Sorrenti McGee
Julia Meaden
Joel Meador
Richard Meirink
Donald Roy Mellert
Lee Mendel
Randy Merkel
Laurice Merriman
Betty Mero
Richard Metzler
George Meyering
Carlton Meyers
Stanely Michels
Michael Michelson
Dean Mickels
Nils Sixten Miholich
Carol Miller
Daniel Miller
David Miller
Ellen Miller
Jamie Pitt Miller
Leo Miller
Maurice Miller
Mildred Miller
Raymond Miller
Richard Miller
Doug Millett
Don Mills
Lynne Montalbo
Frances Montenes
George E. Monusky
Marshall Christian Moore
Jean Moran
Monica Morekin-Serfas
Betty Oppenheimer Morgan
Judith Ann Moritz
Brian Moroze
George Morris
Shelia Morton
Valda Mosteller
John Mulry
Verne E. Munson
Floyd W. Murdoch
Ramesh Nair
Clint Names
Sally de Haaff and James Nathan
Maurice R. Nazareth
Kenneth Negin
Donald R. Nelson
Robert Newton
Carol Nicholas
Barbara Nichols
Leo Nobel
Sam Norton
Martha Nowlan
Mary O’Donnell
Edwina and Patrick O’Keefe
William O’Keefe
Dr. Michael Okun
Sharon and Mark Oldham
Roger Olen
Lynn O’Neill
One William Street Capital
James Oster
Doug and Julie Ostrover
James Ostryniec
Victor Oswald
Mary Ousterhout
Annie O’Toole
Daniel Wayne Pace
Charlotte Palmer
Tet H. Pang
John J. Paredes
Bret Parker
Dwayne Parnell
Galen Parrack
Veronica Der Parseghian
Kenneth Pasmanick
Ann Pecci
Alice Elaine Peel
David H. Peery
James Perazzo
Delpho Peterson
Marilyn Peterson
Michael Peterson
Kelly Moriarty Petrella
Larry Petrjanos
Marion Pfuhl
Mark Phelps
Dean Phillips
Isaac Phillips
Russell Phillips
Henry Picciurro
Inez Pilger
Eric Pitcher
Albert Pittarelli
Jane and Gerald Pittenger
Richard F. Plotka
Albert B. Polen
James Polis
Corky and Stephen Pollan
Irwin Pollan
Robert Pollan
Tracy Pollan
Joseph Popio
Irving A. Portman
Brad Postma
Franck Pourcel
Karen Power
George and Judith Prescott
Sally Pschang
Gary Racusin
Jack Radniecki
Lakshmi Raghavan
Peggy Rainwater
John Raiz
Donna Rajkovic
Alice Rapisarda
Charles Rashid
Earl Rathbun
Ted and Linda Ratica
Charles F. Redinger, Jr.
Robert C. Reese
Nancy Reeves
Joe and Carol Reich
Diane Reina
Stanley Reines
Paula Reinhardt
Bob Reisenbach
Richard E. Reiss
Basil Remis
Valerie Remnet
Stuart Repp
Donna Reynolds
Francis Reynolds
Michael A. Rhoads
William Ribner
32 2013 Annual Report / 2013 Tributees
Nat Richter
Deborah Ridel
Betty Riedlinger
Robert Rigdon
Mary Riotta
Karl Robb
Henry J. Robert
Glenn Roberts
Ron Robertson
Dr. Sam L. Robinson
Richard Rodgers
Sonya Rodin
JoAnn Roesener
Robert Rogers
Rose Roginski
Richard Romanoff
Maria A. Rooney
Rezeau Rosecky
Alan Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. James Ross
Steve Ross
Ann Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rothenberg
Richard Rothenberg
Frank Rotunda
Allan J. Rowe
Shad Rowe
Bernard Roy
Santina Ruberti
Bunny Rubin
Virginia Ruddock
Cal Rudolph
Seep Ruepp
Kristin Ruff
Deannie Rule
Robert Runion
Sidney Rush
Vincent Russo
Dr. Will Ryan
Thomas Ryan
Victoria Ryan
Beatrice Salih
Evelyn Salka
Gilbert Salka
Hans Salomon
Jim Sanders
Eleanor Sandler
Sarah Santonello
Jesus Sarabia
Steven O. Sargent
Raymond Sarna
Jeannette A. Savely
Annelle Savitt
Leonard Scarola
Ralph Schafer
Thomas Maberly Scharf
Lowell Schechter
Elizabeth and Scott Schefrin
Rita Schlesinger
Thalia Schmertz
Milton Schmit
Melvin Schmitz
Arthur M. Schneck
Harry Schneller
Brooke Kaplan and Steven
Werner P. Schorr
Lewis Schott
Alan Schrank
Robert J. Schrier
Dell Schroeder
Randi Schultz
Vada M. Schwantes
General Norman Schwarzkopf
Daniel Schwimer
Bob Scott
James Scott
Mary Ellen Scrivner
Frank Sebek
Jerry Seeber
James and Annella Seiberlich
Mary Lee Seifert
Ashley Selgutti
LaVerne Selsted
Shirley T. Seltzer
Patti Semanek
Marie Semenza
Galen D. Senogles
Megan Shackleton
Gwen Shapira
Leslie Shapiro
John Sheats
Roger and Ewanna Sherburne
Myrna Sherman
Luis Shienbaum
Donnell Shiflett
Thomas A. Shiftan
Joanne Ship
Ivan Shonda
Barbara Shore
Cliff Shults, MD
Patricia Shuttleworth
Susan Sills
Al Silverberg
Norman Sinclair
David Singer
Edward Sliwecki
Stan Slocum
Audrey-Alice Metz Smart
John Smith
Jude Anne Phillips Smith
Janice J. Smoker
Stephen H. Snow
Helen Sokolosky
Wilma Sommers
Betsy H. Spaeth
Bruce Spear
Jim Spelfogel
Judy Spenser
Lynn Spielman
Mr. Rik Spier
Marvin Spike
Jack Spillman
Elizabeth Sporri
Buddy Sprague
Joy Sprenkle
Norman Stearns
Edward Stebbins
Dr. Phillip Stein
Don Stephens
Dr. Matthew Stern
Roy Stewart
Rainer and Gerhild Stiewe
Cooper Stinson
Chris Stoehr
Alan Stoler, DDS
JoAnn Stolley
Stanley Stomper
Corry Stork
Frank Storz
Greg Strandberg
George Strauchon
George and Nancy Strauss
James A. Peterson and Leonard
N. Streit
Guerry P. Strickland
Joseph J. Strizic
Charles W. Sunberg
Monique Laurent Sundberg
Sailesh Sura
Douglas Swain
Paul and Craig Swanson
John Swanson
Dick Swindler
Jeffrey Tand
Allan Taub
Marlene Taylor
Arlene and David Tenney
Ann Tesoriere
Shelley Tessler
Betty Jean Thiele
Joseph Thomas
Kurt Thomas
Freddie Thompson
Marjorie A. Thompson
Edward R. Thunen
Paul Thurston
Evangeline Tierson
Shirley Tobin
Albert C. Toll
Michael Tomasky
Paula Pratt Tomlin
Robert Tomsho
Thomas Tornberg
William Townsend
Jack Trabert
Margaret Tremblay
Rita Trembler
Pasquale and Maria Trezza
Lorraine Tylinski
Max Tyson
Areti Tzimerongeu
Mark Udovich
Mr. and Mrs. Miller Ullmann
Richard Allen Utz
Titus and Jean Van Haitsma
Ruth and Howard Van Komen
Krina Vanderslik
Mary VanDevelder
Lambros Vasilopoulos
James Vaugh
Nicholas Velles
Vera Venn
Ken Venner
C. B. Vickrey, Jr.
Joseph A. Vidmar
Rosalia Manuela Viqueira
William C. Voepel, Jr.
Marilyn Vogelgesang
Frank Vona
Carol Anne Vozdik
Alan Walker
Nancy Walls
Mr. Ward Walquist
Isabelle Walsh
Iris Walston
Don Ward
Lambert A. Ward
Antoinette Warden
Bob Warren
Bernice and Bernard Wasserman
Marvin Wasserman
David Weeks
Barbara Weekes
Joyce Wehofer
Melvyn Weiss
Alice Weiss
Fred Weiss
Marvin Weiss
Mary Westendorf
Annette Westerman
Sarah R. Wetherbee
Dave Wetzel
Maybelle and Lloyd Wheeler
Sonny Whelen
Claretta White
Lillian Whitney
Earl Wiener
Jean Wilderotter
Reverend Paul Wildgrube
Ingrid Wiley
David Russell Williams
James Williams
Linda Williams
Nancy Vaughn Williams
Thomas G. Wise
Honey Wohlstadter
Sue Wojinlower
Elizabeth Wojton
Harold V. Wolfe
Marty Wolff
Justin Woo
Aileen Wournell
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wriede
Leon C. (Sonny) Wulfe, Jr.
Doris Ann Wyrsch
Hubert and Irene Yau
Louie G. Yen
Kenneth Yingst
Terry Younger
Carol Zaiser
Lorraine K. Zdebski
William Zehnder
Judith Carey Zesiger
Team Fox for
Parkinson’s Research
In 2013, 1,500 Team Fox members and teams raised nearly
$6 million to support The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s mission
to speed a cure. This passionate and creative community knows
no bounds in its dedication to bringing an end to Parkinson’s.
Below are the top event fundraisers of 2013.
$250,000 and above
Chris and Jim Edlund
Danville D’Elegance
Hilary Bilstad
Primping For Parkinson’s
The Woods Family
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Team Fox Young Professionals of Chicago
Party Like a Fox
Susan Bilotta
Tips for Parkinson’s
Delaware Pancakes Committee
Delaware Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Carol and Pat Hagan
The Quick Finish and Live Auction
Karen and Marc Jaffe
Shaking with Laughter
Nicole Jarvis
Winter Gala for Parkinson’s Disease
James Little
A Tribute to Michael J. Fox
Wendy and Rick Tigner
UCSF Medical Center Celebrity Golf Classic
Sonny Whelen
Racing for a Cure
Michael Costa
TeamCosta, 2013 War on Parkinson’s Softball
Bob Harmon
4th Annual Golf for the Cure for Parkinson’s Disease
Terry and Oliver Holler
To the
Gensler’s Big Ed Bowl
Big Ed Bowl
Quentin Dastugue and Steve Kragthorpe
Stone Creek Twilight Run
David Long
David Arthur: Back To The Future Celebration
Bret Parker
Fly Like A Fox
Laura Fiske, Lauren Williams and Jackie Williams
Pedaling for Parkinson’s
34 2013 Annual Report / Team Fox for Parkinson’s Research
$25,000 – $49,999
Marian C. Bell Foundation
8th Annual P.A.R. for Parkinson’s
Golf Tournament and Dinner
Barbara Calaba
2nd Annual Play for Parkinson’s
Tamra Cantore
10th Anniversary Countrified Rock
for Research
James Dunn
ING NYC Marathon
Fred McGuire
Bicycle Ride Across America
Maria Bolognese
ING NYC Marathon
Joe Erickson
4th Annual Twin Cities Celebrity
Golf Outing
Kathryn Miller
Namoski/Miller Charity
Golf Outing
Allison Boyd
ING NYC Marathon
Pamela Fioretti
3rd Annual Moving For a Cure
Luke O’Neil
Coast to Coast Bike Ride for
Jennifer Geller
PR for Parkinson’s
Stephanie Desautels
Plattsburgh Half Marathon
Henry Gourdeau
The Drive for a Cure
Sean Goodrich
ING NYC Marathon
Barbara Harris
Climb Kili for a Cure
Gert-Jan Grapendaal
Michael Heard
ING NYC Marathon
Michael Kaplan
Fashion to Figure
Amy Helein
Shake, Rattle & Rock
Gail Oliver
The Tenth Annual Mrs. Mo
Memorial Golf Tournament
Toni Palumbo
Swing for the Cure
Josephine Poehlmann
11th Annual Tom Poehlmann Benefit
Brian Radicchi
ING NYC Marathon
Mary Anne Ostrenga
Back to the Future Dinner Party
Karen Hultslander
ING NYC Marathon
Team Fox Young Professionals
of NYC
Sunday Funday
Zak Rau
Dic-Wisco Farms Pars for
Parkinson’s Golf Outing
Alyssa Johnson
Shake Wet Dog, Shake
Kurt Roehrig
TA2 Race-a-thon
Lamar Johnson
Big Ed Bowl
Brett Rosenbaum
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Dan Kamensky
ING NYC Marathon
Bryan Thompson
ING NYC Marathon
Nathan Kamp
Ready, Set, Live
Lisa Tice
Arrowhead Open
Susan Kauffman
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Dan Urban
Spring for Parkinson’s
University of Virginia
10th Annual Pancakes for
Pam Wood
Western Swing Dance
$10,000 – $24,999
Ron Bauer
Trek for Parkinson’s
Barry Cohen
Shake Wet Dog, Shake
Carol Constable
Golf for Parkinson’s: A Team Fox
Event To Benefit MJFF
Jody Culmone
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
James Del Mauro
The James Del Mauro Rosemary Run
David Kleinhandler
ING NYC Marathon
Amar Kuchinad
Boston Marathon, ING NYC
Carter Lee
Swine & Swill Soiree
Mark Longstreth
Friends of Team Fox Holiday Party
George Manahan
Fox Trot for Parkinson’s
$5,000 – $9,999
Isabel Aks
Petals for Parkinson’s
Gregory Barton
ING NYC Marathon
Loren Berger
ING NYC Marathon
Vivian Branschofsky
5 Boro Bike Tour
Tina Brockmann
Bank of America Chicago
Richard Broughton
CruZ for the Cure
Paul Brundage
Shake Rattle and Bowl
Jimmy Choi
Bank of America Chicago
Joyce Chu
Athens Marathon
Sarah Cookinham
ING NYC Marathon
Caitlin Courtade
ING NYC Marathon
Keith Cox
ING NYC Marathon
Robert Cypher
Feel Good and Do Good: A Wine
Ann Czernecki
ING NYC Marathon
Holly Deery
Dick Deery Run/Walk for MSA
Mike Dubin
Team Fox Event
Bergman Family
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Eagle Bridge Foundation
SigChi Golf Tournament
Peter Bleiberg
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Chris and Jim Edlund, Team Fox
“With an extensive history of Parkinson’s in the Edlund family, we have chosen to focus our philanthropy on fighting the
disease. MJFF exemplifies a best-in-class approach to funding important studies in search of a cure for PD. Our goal has
always been to give as much as we can to help fund research. Joining Team Fox in 2010 helped us reach more people in
our region and across the country. Every year, our weekend celebration of vintage cars in Danville, California, draws more
supporters and volunteers and we look forward to continuing our upward momentum with Team Fox.”
The Edlunds’ Danville d’Elegance fundraiser was the top Team Fox fundraiser in 2013.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 35
Team Fox Team Fundraisers
In 2013, Team Fox teams, which allows friends, families and companies to raise funds together in their
communities, contributed one-third of Team Fox revenue.
$50,000 – $99,999
David Arthur
Friends of Team Fox
Pars for Parkinson’s
Pedaling for Parkinson’s
Run Le Bun
Stone Creek
Team ESB
Team Parker
$25,000 – $49,999
BAC Rising
Bid Wanted
Parkinson’s Pals
Pedal for Parkinson’s Research
Pettinaro Griddle Team
Pinky’s Passion for a Parkinson’s
Plattsburgh Half Marathon
RiverVIEW Run
Team Cantore
Team Fox Brew City
Team Ostrenga
Team PD Cure
Team Woods
$10,000 – $24,999
Baehr Challenge
The Marian C. Bell Foundation for
Parkinson’s Research
Bill and Dan
Ciao Parkinson’s
Connecticut Advocates for
Creations for Parkinson’s
CruZ for the Cure
Fox Trot for Parkinson’s Research
Fox Valley
Half Dome
Lenders on a Bender
The McJohnsons
More Cowbell
Namoski/Miller Charity Golf
North Shore Walk for Parkinson’s
Pour Guys
Pour’in 4 a Cure
PR for Parkinson’s
Roehrig Engineering
Suzy’s Shakers
TAPSG-Torrington Area Parkinson’s
Support Group
Team Brandonmore
Team Forza Mandolini
Team Fox Swing for the Cure
Team Fox(y)
Team Pulli
Team Tyler Brown
The Flying Foxes
The Road Ahead
Tips on The Road
What Does the Fox Say?
$5,000 – $9,999
Back to the Future Raffle
Bikes Battle Parkinson’s 2013
Brevard-Hendersonville, NC. PD
Support Group Team Fox WALK
for Research
Kathy Clunie
Cycling for Synapses
DominACHIN over PD
DuPont Flipping for a Future
without Parkinson’s
Family Ties
Friends of Parkinson’s
John Hunt
Ivy Griddle Team
Mad River Riders
Neuroscience Institute at Maine
Medical Center
Katie Ninness
Partnerships in Clinical Trials Team
Race with Trace
Shea Kin for a Cure
Sisters Fighting Parkinson’s
Stick it to Parkinson’s Lacrosse
Team Bertelsen
Team Bklyn
Team Bryant
Team Cul de Sac
Team Delaware Senior Alliance
Team Doc
Team EVP
Team G.G.
Team Kycia
Team McArthur and Fillo
Team McLaren
Team Momma Jones
Team Spangler
Team Vannoni
The MoverZ and ShakerZ
Times Square Tipsters
Vermont Park and Ride
Alison and Bob Wachstein
Winchell Griddle Team
$2,500 – $4,999
Blister Sisters
Boyden’s Ballers
Brookfield High School Boys
Lacrosse Team
Charred Griddle Team
Chip’s Griddlers
Do Good Marketing
Erika and Adam’s Wedding
Foxy Running Mamas
David Gildenberg
Herd of Heroes
Heroes Fighting Parkinson’s
Hot Shots
ICF versus Cayenne
KVT 50
London Devils Ice Hockey Club
Marathon Men
Kristine Miller Memorial
Party for Parkinson’s
Planck / Donnelly Griddle Team
Pop Pop Sullivan Griddle Team
Scott’s Team
Shake Rattle and Roll
Team Anthony Gosztyla
Team Bev
Team Czerlonka
Team Fairfield
Team Fox Potato Pancakes for
Team Guzi
Team Owen
Team Ryan and Joe
Team Suwyn
Team Sweet Cakes
Team Toast
Team Tony
Tough Parkies
Uniquely Basil
$1,000 – $2,499
Auburn Opelika Parkinson’s
Support Group
Team Fox Young Professionals of
Bay Area
BORO Panthers Hockey
Doherty/Prendergast Griddle Team
Dribble and Griddle
Dwight’s Fight
Grade 8 Girls Volleyball Team
H-Bomb’s Heroes
Kari and Gabe
Linda’s Crusaders
“Love is Two People Talking”
One Step Ahead
Plattsburgh AMA Fights PD
Projects for Parkinson’s
Pumpkins for Parkinson’s
Richard Bowler Memorial Relay
Ridge Riders Saco Maine
Rise ‘n Shine for Parkinson’s
Rocksteady Boxing
Russo Family
SK Management Co./Rosenkrantz
Team Bellefeuille
Team Civitas Therapeutics
Team Fox Doody’s Totoket
Team Fox North Texas
Team Garrison
Team Kenniston
Team L8dees
Team Mags
Team Mama
Team Memphis
Team Sirota
Team Spinning Sisters
Team Tsagaris
Team Woods/Forgione - North
The Mitzvah Riders
Tour de Friends
Twisted Blisters
Undergraduate Neuroscience
USM AMA Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Wheeling STS-Grade 9 Boys Crew
Winchester Wellness
36 2013 Annual Report / Team Fox for Parkinson’s Research
$5,000 – $9,999 (cont.)
Epstein Family
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Laurine Fillo
Pedal for Parkinson’s Research
Cris Florian
Me-n-Ed’s Pizza Parlor Charity Golf
Dave Iverson
ING NYC Marathon
Tim Shea
Walk for Parkinson’s Research
Joyce Baker
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Connie Jones
Fox Trot for Parkinson’s Disease
William Shea
Team Fox Event
Kris Barnes
ING NYC Marathon
Richard Singh
Tips for Parkinson’s
Ned Barrett
Ice Age 50 Miler
Lori Sirmen
ING NYC Marathon
Andy Basore
ING NYC Marathon
Wayne Soong
London Marathon
Benjamin Blaisdell
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Ann Spaeth
Ciao Parkinson’s
Julia Blum
Runners Edge Tobay Triathlon
Missy Spangler
ING NYC Marathon
Amelie Boom
12Ks of Christmas 5K/12K Run
Devin Sullivan
Bank of America Chicago
Glyn Bough
London Marathon
Christina Keady
Nike Women’s Marathon SF
Marvin Francois
ING NYC Marathon
Michael Kelly, Sr.
RiverVIEW Run, RiverBREW, ING
NYC Marathon
Nicholas Frasso
Help Hook the Cure
Erin Lentz
ING NYC Marathon
Mark Gherty
American Birkebeiner
Beth and Al Levine
Pink Polka Dots for Parkinson’s
Roy Gilbert
Take Steps to Stamp Out
Barry Lewin
Baystate Half Marathon
Krista Glodowski
Pound Out Parkinson’s
Shannon Goff
Bank of America Chicago
Longhorn Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Ken MacKenzie
Pedal for Parkinson’s Research
Gary Marks
Golf Benefit
Cindy Todd
ING NYC Marathon
Chris Tracey
Race with Trace
Alison Wachstein
Foxy Headshots
Gary Greenfield
ING NYC Marathon
Kristen Martin
ING NYC Marathon
Roy Greif
NYC Triathlon
Deborah Meyer
London Marathon
Anna Wolfe
8th Annual North Shore Walk for
Parkinson’s Disease
Sharon Greif
Friends of Parkinson’s
Merrie Miles
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Bruce Wolfe
Pedal Pumping for Parkinson’s
Wright Hall
Ironman Lake Tahoe California
Susan Mollohan
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Hal Halvorsen
Belvidere Fox Trot
David Morgan
His Flight-Our Fight
Sophie Wood
Bank of America Chicago
Brooks Hamblett
ING NYC Marathon
Nancy Mulhearn
“The Michael J. Fox Show”
Premiere Party
Brian Boyden
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Karen Brand
ING NYC Marathon
Matt Brody
ING NYC Marathon
Greg Purinton-Brown
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Dennis Bujacich
5 Boro Bike Tour
Sarah Bunn
Nation’s Triathlon
Mark Burek
ING NYC Marathon
Edna and Bob Woods
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Amanda Burnovski
ING NYC Marathon
Chris Woods
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Toby Burroughs
ING NYC Marathon
Paul Murphy
Tips for Parkinson’s
Damla Yerdelenli
ING NYC Marathon
Stephen Byron
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Mason Haupt
ING NYC Marathon
Katie Ninness
Mixed Doubles Fundraiser
Irene Yu
ING NYC Marathon
John Cannon
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Drew Heighway
Bikes Battle Parkinson’s
Katharine Parker
Hamptons Marathon
Michelle Hespeler
Connecticut Advocates for
Alan Pavlish
Hollywood Poker Celebrity
Invitational Tournament
Alex Hill
Centurion Cycling Blue Mountain
Erin Regan
NYC Half Marathon
Kathleen Holden
Shea Kin for a Cure
Charles Reiter
Ironman Tahoe
Jeremy Holland
ING NYC Marathon
Lisa Salmon
ING NYC Marathon
Jenna Horne
ING NYC Marathon
Julie Sanders
ING NYC Marathon
Jan Hultslander
ING NYC Marathon
Morgan Sarner
NYC Half Marathon
John Hunt
Strike Out Parkinson’s
Sarah Scarry
Partnerships in Clinical Trials
Annual Charity Run
Laura Hanf
Bowl Over Parkinson’s Disease
$2,500 – $4,999
Albert Capuzzi
ING NYC Marathon
Ben Achin
DominACHIN over PD
Yolanda Carmona
Rise ‘n Shine for Parkinson’s
Gail Achin
DominACHIN over PD
Shirley Carpenter
Heroes Fighting Parkinson’s
Justin Anderson
ING NYC Marathon
Helene Carriere
ING NYC Marathon
Deborah Aston
Ironman 70.3 Miami
Paul Cartlich
ING NYC Marathon
Daniel Avener
New England Parkinson’s Ride
David Chalifour
Party for Parkinson’s
Lou Bach
ING NYC Marathon
Jodi and Christopher Cianci
Shake It Off
Maureen Bach
ING NYC Marathon
Katie Clark
London Marathon
Janet Clough
8th Annual Team Fox Walk to Cure PD
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 37
Carol Comeaux
ICF Versus Cayenne
Mary-Sutton Gonzalez
ING NYC Marathon
Bill Connors
ING NYC Marathon
Mitchell Gosztyla
Long Beach Half Marathon and
Bike Tour
Steven Cureau
ING NYC Marathon
Glenn Leppo
“Michael J. Fox Show” Premiere
Robert Libetti
ING NYC Marathon
John Murphy
Long Island Half Marathon
Gail Nanof
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Becky Nelson
Team Fox Event
Jay Gromek
5 Boro Bike Tour
Caitlin Lightbourn
Miami Marathon & Half Marathon
Paul Hanna
Bank of America Chicago
Sarah Lord
Bank of America Chicago
Marathon, Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Joan Harris
Tips for Parkinson’s
Katie Magoon
ING NYC Marathon
Christopher Hartsgrove
Toast Pancake Run
Lauren Mahoney
Boston Triathlon
Marianne Haywood
ING NYC Marathon
Will Manahan
Dancing Cow CD
Beth Hochstein
Tips for Parkinson’s
Francesca Marshall
ING NYC Marathon
Trudy Hodkinson
ING NYC Marathon
John Martin
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Sarah Hudson
Calabasas Classic 10K
Joan Maser
Maser GAP Bike Ride
Bradley Hunt
ING NYC Marathon
Jordan Matusow
NYC Triathlon
Amy Dennison
Aprons for Amy
Ian Isch
Dan Miller Open
Bruce Mazie
ING NYC Marathon
James Ostrenga
Bank of America Chicago
Marathon, Boston Marathon
Lou Diamond
Tips for Parkinson’s
Ross Jagar
NYC Half Marathon
Cristin McDermott
2013 Steamtown Marathon
Tough Parkies
Tough Mudder Australia
Laurie DoBosh
5K Shamrock Run
Mike Kahren
Atlanta Half Marathon
Kate McLaren
5 Boro Bike Tour
Andrew Dumas
Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon
Andrew Katznelson
ING NYC Marathon
Andrew McLean
ING NYC Marathon
Aaron Peckler
Prepare 4 Charity 24 Hour
Battlefield 4 Stream
Alexandra Durbin
ING NYC Marathon
Jennifer Kelly
RiverVIEW Run, RiverBREW
Brian Meindl
ING NYC Marathon
Steven Durkee
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Mary Kelly
RiverVIEW Run, RiverBREW
Jim Millard
ING NYC Marathon
Irv Edelman
ING NYC Marathon
Michael Kelly Jr.
RiverVIEW Run, RiverBREW, ING
NYC Marathon
David Ligon-Miller
Tips for Parkinson’s
Jeromy D’Amico
ING NYC Marathon
Scott Dagley
ING NYC Marathon
Joshua Davis
ING NYC Marathon
Claire Davison
Bank of America Chicago
Philip DeAngelo
ING NYC Marathon
Tina DeAngelo
RiverVIEW Run
Dana Deeter
Super Bike Racing
Nicole DeLuca
Bank of America Chicago
Geoff Feder
ING NYC Marathon
Eileen and Don Foley
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Ian Ford
Vancouver Marathon
Anita Franchetti
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Katrina Garry
NYC Half Marathon
Eric Gibbs
NYC Triathlon
Thomas Gibson
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Anna Glasman
Celebrate Israel Run-4 Miles
Natasha Goddard
ING NYC Marathon
Patrick Kelly
ING NYC Marathon
Jeffrey Klein
ING NYC Marathon
Lynn Kleitsch
Hope Blooms Eternal
Scott Koster
Stick it to Parkinson’s High School
Lacrosse Game
John Kycia
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Ann-Marie LaPorta
ING NYC Marathon
Matt Lattman
ING NYC Marathon
Romelia Leach
ING NYC Marathon
Erin Miller
NYC Half Marathon
Katie Miller
NYC Half Marathon
David Mires
RiverVIEW Run
Sabrina Molina
Virginia Beach Rock and Roll Half
Scott Moore
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Thomas Moore
Tips for Parkinson’s
Kevin Mullen
Pedal for Parkinson’s Research
Billie Murphy
Vancouver Marathon
Tara Nelson
ING NYC Marathon
Tommy Nolan
ING NYC Marathon
Kevin Norcross
Plattsburgh Half Marathon
Marisa Norona
NYC Half Marathon
Ned Norton
ING NYC Marathon
Liana O’Brien
ING NYC Marathon
Lauren O’Hara
ING NYC Marathon
Walter Oden
2013 USPTA Ohio Charity Golf
Gary Pelissier
NYC Triathlon
Breton Pennotti
ING NYC Marathon
Laura and Jeff Peretz
Wedding Favors
Alex Perez
ING NYC Marathon
Ryan Popowcer
Sunrise For Parkinson’s
Ken Poustie
Bank of America Chicago
Marnix Reijenga
Bank of America Chicago
Claudia Revilla
Potato Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Rice University
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Barbara Richards
Creations for Parkinson’s
38 2013 Annual Report / Team Fox for Parkinson’s Research
$2,500 – $4,999 (cont.)
$1,000 – $2,499
Price Richardson
ING NYC Marathon
Kit Stebbins
Bank of America Chicago
Erin Rollenhagen
Dam to Dam
Sheila Stepp
RiverVIEW Run
Omar Ahmad
NYC Half Marathon
Alan Rosenbaum
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Michael Stewart
ING NYC Marathon
Alisha Alford
DC Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon
Grad Rosenbaum
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Stuart Streit
Bank of America Chicago
Michael Allen
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Wael Rostom
Ironman MT 70.3
Keith Rowlett
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Ann Ryan
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Brittany Ryan
Park For Parkinson’s
Heidi Ryan
ING NYC Marathon
John Ryan
ING NYC Marathon, NYC Half
Olivia Savard
The 3rd Annual Johnny O. Band
Benefit Concert
Jacqueline Talarico
JT Beadsmith
Jay Antle
Bank of America Chicago
Bradley Templin
Bank of America Chicago
Catherine Audage
Berkeley Half Marathon
Cindy Theberge
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Rick Tiberii
NYC Half Marathon
Joe Triolo
Tips for Parkinson’s
Scott Turner
Ride Across Sicily for Charity
Richard Van Houten
ING NYC Marathon
Rick Schnur
ING NYC Marathon
Tyler Lown Vandenburg
Metro PCS Dallas Marathon
Schornstein Family
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Lesly Wagner
Pickleball, Paddle & Point Play for
Gwen Schroeder
ING NYC Marathon
James Schultice
Hacking for a Cure
Alex Scott
Friends of Team Fox Holiday Party
Kimberly Sherman
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Kelly Sobieski
Bank of America Chicago
Christopher Spagnuolo
ING NYC Marathon
Brenna Anderson
Nike Women’s Half Marathon
Melissa Tatum
Team: Cath Benefit CD
Regina Scarpa
Team Fox Event
Elizabeth Schroder
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Kelsey Adams
Vancouver Marathon
Brian and Matt Baehr
4th Annual Baehr Challenge
Monica Bailey
Miami Marathon & Half Marathon
Lauren Batterham
Bank of America Chicago
Doug Baum
Rock n’ Roll Providence Half
Brendan Callahan
North Shore Walk for Parkinson’s
Michele W. Campanelli
TeamFox Art Auction and Concert
Chip, Amanda, Sean and Neal
Tour of Anchorage
Hillary Canada
ING NYC Marathon
Michelle Canney
Bank of America Chicago
Stephanie Cannon
ING NYC Marathon
Sean Carmody
NYC Half Marathon
Yvon Carriere
ING NYC Marathon
Richard Castles
ING NYC Marathon
David Chedester
ING NYC Marathon
Michael Benjamin
5 Boro Bike Tour
Kevin Cherry
Bank of America Chicago
Michael Bergamo
Connecticut Fitathlon Challenge
Ashley Bridgefarmer
NYC Half Marathon
Jim Wetscha
Tips for Parkinson’s
Abby Bond
Team Fox Event
Ryan Whitworth
Bank of America Chicago
Mark Bookman
Bank of America Chicago
Patrick Wilson
ING NYC Marathon
Laura Bothwell
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Tracy Wiser
NYC Half Marathon
Cindy Botticello
Bank of America Chicago
Laura Wormuth
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Amanda Butz
Bank of America Chicago
Annette Bellefeuille
New England Parkinson’s Ride
David Weber
ING NYC Marathon
Evan Woodhouse
ING NYC Marathon
Leslie Bunch
12 Months, 120 Miles, $12K for PD
Krista Brackett
Vancouver Marathon
Ken Clary
Des Plaines River Trail Run
Christine Collister
5 Boro Bike Tour
Niki Conrad
3rd Annual South 4th Super
Alicia Curry
ING NYC Marathon
David Cutting
Oregon Gran Fondo
Eric Czerlonka
Bank of America Chicago
Jeromy D’Amico
NYC Half Marathon
Donna Yannelli
Team Fox Texas Roadhouse Night
Karen Breault
Bank of America Chicago
Rachel Spielman
PR for Parkinson’s
Charles Yarnold
ING NYC Marathon
The Bicycling Bros
Pedal for Parkinson’s Research
Emily dela Cruz
Dancing for Team Fox
Ruth Sreenan
Greenwich Half Marathon
Jean Yee
ING NYC Marathon
Boro Panthers Hockey
Boro Hockey for a Cure
Penelope DeMattio
In Honor of A.R. DeMattio
Mary Stahl
ING NYC Marathon
Brett Youngerman
ING NYC Marathon
Hammond Brown
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Beth Demba
Tips for Parkinson’s
Gail Brungart
Community Give Back
Sean Dowling
Tips for Parkinson’s
Steven Spencer
5th Annual You Can’t Take It With
You Fundraiser
J. Basil Dannebohm
Donna’s Dessert Wine Fundraiser
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 39
Peter Dublin
ING NYC Marathon
Emma Grimes
New England Parkinson’s Ride
David Kenniston
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Taylor Dupre
ING NYC Marathon
Melissa Gucfa
Bank of America Chicago
Lizanne Koenig
Tips for Parkinson’s
Debbie Wong Durnan
Tips for Parkinson’s
Justin Sonny Eagles
Shaking Things Up
Mike Effron
Tips for Parkinson’s
Kelly Evers
NYC Half Marathon
Casey Faiman
5 Boro Bike Tour
Karen Faiman
5 Boro Bike Tour
Adam Fauer
NYC Half Marathon
James Feldman
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Katie Fitch
Santa Rosa Marathon
Holly and Bill Fleming
Marine Corps Marathon, Jersey
Shore Marathon, Lehigh Valley
Leisa Flynn
USM AMA Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Margaret Gugino
Baseball Tournament
Jennifer Gutman
Space Coast Half Marathon
Mark Harris
Half Dome: Climb for a Cure
Michael Haviland
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Molly Hayes
Team Fox Event
Mary Hennen
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Gregory Hill
Bank of America Chicago
Ly Ho
Skyline to Sea 50K
Henry Holman
Fundraiser benefitting The Michael
J. Fox Foundation
Janie Graves Hoover
Jeane Graves Charity Cupcake
Amy Kotsonis
Walt Disney World Marathon
Andrew Krantz
ING NYC Marathon
Adam Krauseneck
ING NYC Marathon
Brian Kurtz
Philadelphia Marathon
Debra LaGravinese
2nd Annual Walk/Run
Julie Lang
ING NYC Marathon
Christi Lanning
Christierae Fundraising
Carroll Laurence
Delaware Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Renee Le Verrier
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Patrick Leary
Tips for Parkinson’s
James Lechleiter
San Antonio Rock n’ Roll Marathon
Kathryn Lee
Team Fox Event
Michael Maslar
Cleveland Polar Bear Plunge, ING
NYC Marathon
Lindsay Matz
Dublin City Marathon
Leslie McBeth
ING NYC Marathon
Kelsey McLaren
5 Boro Bike Tour
Robert McLaren
5 Boro Bike Tour
Jaya Srinivasan-Mehta
NYC Half Marathon
Michael Meltzer
NYC Half Marathon
Tim Meredith
ING NYC Marathon
Tucker Michels
ING NYC Marathon
Matt Mitchell
ING NYC Marathon,
Boston Marathon
Roy Mize
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Julian Modesti
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Brian Monk
ING NYC Marathon
Chris Forgione
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Gary Hoppe
Bank of America Chicago
Steven Galecki
Richard Bowler Memorial Relay Ride
Alan Howie
ING NYC Marathon
Hunter Garmo
Pineland Farms 50 Mile
Matthew Linick
Fall Foliage Half Marathon
Jennifer Iaccarino
ING NYC Marathon
Roger Long
Push the Rock
David Isaac
Tips for Parkinson’s
Wendy Lopez
Ironman MT 70.3
Bobby Jones
Escape from Alacatraz Triathlon
Miriam Loren
ING NYC Marathon
Dwight Jones
Team Fox Event
Anna Mueller
Bank of America Chicago
Meagan Luipold
NYC Triathlon
Lizzette Jones
Hershey Half Marathon 2013
Beth Murray
Party for Parkinson’s
Matt Luongo
NYC Half Marathon Rosie Jones
Bank of America Chicago
Anthony Lupinacci
ING NYC Marathon Undergraduate Neuroscience
3rd Annual UGA Pancakes for
Marlen Garrison
Houston Half Marathon
TJ Gee
Bank of America Chicago
Sarah Gibson
ING NYC Marathon
Patricia Giguere
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Leandro Gilladoga
NYC Half Marathon
Adrianna Gillman
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Stephanie Glaser
Miami Marathon & Half Marathon
Ruth and Rose Goldenberg
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Caryn Graboski
NYC Half Marathon
Lydia Gray
NYC Half Marathon
Kristin Joralemon
Team Fox Event
Neil Kahn
5 Boro Bike Tour
Cornelia Kamp
ING NYC Marathon
Edward Kanner
Ironman MT 70.3
Amelia Kellar
Centaur Subaru Half Marathon
Raymond Lessard
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Ian Maitin
Miami Marathon & Half Marathon Rupa Majali
5 Boro Bike Tour
Linda Mandolini
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Vincent Mandolini
New England Parkinson’s Ride Scott Manniello
NYC Half Marathon
Jeff Margolies
ING NYC Marathon
Timothy Moore
5 Boro Bike Tour
Robert Morphew
First Annual Parkinson’s Smoke Out
Kyle Mostransky
Miami Marathon & Half Marathon
Alexander Mouzas
New England Parkinson’s Ride
HongPhuc Nguyen
Bank of America Chicago
Ian Nieboer
Vancouver Marathon
Margaret OBrien
ING NYC Marathon
Caitlin OKeefe
Miami Marathon & Half Marathon
Kate Ondrejko
ING NYC Marathon
40 2013 Annual Report / Team Fox for Parkinson’s Research
$1,000 – $2,499 (cont.)
Brenna O’Neill
NYC Half Marathon
Jane Opie
Bank of America Chicago
Wojtek Palmowski
Kristine Miller Memorial
Matthew Parker
Timberman Half Marathon
Angela Parrish
LA Marathon
Bruce Pegg
Rochester Marathon
Paul Perrilles
Bank of America Chicago
Katherine Robinson
NYC Half Marathon
Martin Smith
ING NYC Marathon
Carmen Vierula
NYC Half Marathon
Sue Rockoff
Bank of America Chicago
Sean T. Smith
ING NYC Marathon
Alison Wagner
Jefferson Spring Triathlon and
Edward Roepe
NYC Half Marathon
Juliane Smoker
Bank of America Chicago
Xiomara Rojas
Miami Marathon & Half Marathon
Bebe Souvannavong
The Ultimate Reunion
Lee Rolontz
Michael J. Fox Show Premiere Party
Missy Spangler
Vancouver Marathon
Kimberly Rosen
39th Birthday Donations
Anastacia Sprague
NYC Half Marathon
Daniel Rosenfeld
ING NYC Marathon
Hannah Stephenson
Project for Parkinson’s
Sarah Rothrock
Miami Marathon & Half Marathon
Mara Suttmann-Lea
Bank of America Chicago
Julie Peters
ING NYC Marathon
Sara Runnels
ING NYC Marathon
Benjamin Petrick
Team Fox Event
Lou Russo
Russo Family Event
Hillary Petty
Bank of America Chicago
Mariann Rybarczyk
New England Parkinson’s Ride Sean Piazza
NYC Half Marathon
Debra Fields-Pickel
ING NYC Marathon
Nicole Pinard
Twin Lights Half Marathon
Andrew Pinkowitz
ING NYC Marathon
Miriam Pizarro
Army of Change
Ronda Sabatini
ING NYC Marathon
George Sabol
Delaware Pancakes for Parkinson’s Thomas Sabourin
NYC Half Marathon
Sarween Salih
ING NYC Marathon
Kate Sample
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Aurelio Pontarelli
A Night of Magic
Jonathan Sauve
“The Michael J. Fox Show” Premiere
Fiona Preston
Team Fox Event
John Walker
Bank of America Chicago
Jaclyn Wallace
Vancouver Marathon
Katie Walsh
ING NYC Marathon
Rob Walton
NYC Half Marathon
Caroline Warburton
ING NYC Marathon
Don Weirens
ING NYC Marathon
Daniel Tarkinson
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Joe Wellington
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Adam Tarvin
Erika and Adam’s Wedding
Bridget Wells
Tips for Parkinson’s
Team Fox Young Professionals of
San Francisco
Fight Like a Fox
Sue Wheeler
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Team Fox Young Professionals of
Washington DC
“The Michael J. Fox Show” Premiere
Phillip Thompson
Bank of America Chicago
Jennifer Thoman
Bank of America Chicago
Matt Wilbur
ING NYC Marathon
Thomas Wildes
5 Boro Bike Tour
Francesca Winkler
ING NYC Marathon
Margaret Wittgens
Vancouver Marathon
Robert Woods
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Clif Thorn
NYC Half Marathon
Holly Worthy
Team Fox Event
Kristen Scappaticci
ING NYC Marathon
Colin Travers
5 Boro Bike Tour
Alex Yates
Vancouver Marathon
Justin Pulgrano
ING NYC Marathon
Jennifer Schalk
Team Bev
Paulina Tsagaris
Bake Sale
John Young
Tips for Parkinson’s
Domenique Pulli
ING NYC Marathon
Nicole Schar
Bank of America Chicago
Marathon Abby Boone and Ella Tutterow
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Matthew Zaradich
Bank of America Chicago
Marathon 2013
Jonathan Quigley
Appalachian Trail Hike for
Scott Renshaw
Virginia Beach Rock and Roll Half
Michelle Richards
“The Michael J. Fox Show” Premiere
Christopher Richardson
Vancouver Marathon
Brittany Riley
Bank of America Chicago
Addison Schmitz
Pancakes for Parkinson’s at ACU
Anna Shaffer
Olympic Triathlon
Rushi Shah
Pancakes for Parkinson’s
Eric Shell
New England Parkinson’s Ride Carolyn Silverman
NYC Half Marathon
Jenny Simmonds
Vancouver Marathon
Claire Van den Broeck
Indianapolis Monumental
Crystal VanMeter
VanMeter Halloween Spooktacular
and Haunt for a Cure
Alex Vannoni
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Daniel Vannoni
New England Parkinson’s Ride
Maggie Varnadoe
ING NYC Marathon
Ross Vedder
ING NYC Marathon
Mike Zegers
Team Fox Event
Kelsey Zeswitz
Bank of America Chicago
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 41
2013 Financial
At The Michael J. Fox Foundation, we know donors have choices
when deciding which philanthropic causes to support. We take our
responsibility to you seriously and are grateful that you have chosen
to get involved with our Foundation.
Since opening our doors in 2000, MJFF has held
We are working to go out of business. We believe to speed
efficiency and accountability as core values of our work.
a cure for PD, our capital needs to push research forward
We are constantly monitoring costs to maximize the value
today— not pile up in an endowment or excessive reserves.
of donations. As a result, we are proud to share that since
inception, 89 cents of every dollar we have spent has gone
directly to programmatic initiatives to speed a cure for
Parkinson’s disease.
MJFF has funded over $450 million in research, but we
don’t measure our success in dollars spent. Our progress
is defined by finding scientific solutions patients can feel in
their everyday lives.
We are focused on results. Every grant payment is tied to
achieving specific milestones. We work with awardees to
troubleshoot and tackle problems as they arise. But if the
science stalls, we halt funding so that limited resources can
be reallocated to other efforts.
As our longstanding friends and supporters, you make our
work possible. Thank you for all you do. The 2013 financial
highlights follow. Full audited financials and our most recent
IRS Form 990s are available at
Our dedication and urgency to driving impact patients can
feel are as strong now as they were on the day we opened
our doors.
Where your Money Goes
Growing Investments in PD Research
Since Inception
Five-Year Snapshot
Research Programs
42 2013 Annual Report / Financial Highlights
As of December 31
Cash, cash equivalents and investments
Beneficial interests in trusts
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Security deposits
Contributions receivable, net
Property and equipment, net
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Interest payable
Deferred rent
Annuities payable
Grants payable, net
Loans payable
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 43
With summarized financial information for 2012
Year ended December 31
$ 86,637,359
$ 83,091,006
Public Support and Revenue
$ 53,524,940
Special events
(net of direct benefit to donors
of $1,055,389 and $913,395 in
2013 and 2012, respectively)
Investment income
Rental income
Miscellaneous income
$ 57,029,123
$ 35,681,282
$ 92,710,405
$ 87,836,044
$ 92,710,405
$ 87,836,044
$ 76,559,598
$ 76,559,598
$ 63,034,689
Management and general
$ 17,295,694
$ 46,169,891
$ 38,417,539
Total public support and revenue
before release of restrictions
Net assets released from
Total public support
$ 95,268,162
and revenue
Program services
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
$ 10,310,109
$ 28,843,135
Since our launch in 2000, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has received
a steady outpouring of Canadian support. Canadian researchers have
been actively involved in our scientific agenda since the earliest days
and individuals from all over the country have stepped up to promote
Parkinson’s awareness by investing in our research or joining Team
Fox. MJFF officially registered as a Canadian charity in 2009.
As of December 31
Contributions receivable due from
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for
Parkinson’s Research (USA)
Total Assets
Grants payable
Total Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 45
Year Ended December 31
Total Revenue
Research grant awards
Administration and other
Total Expenses
Excess of revenue over expenses and net assets,
end of year
Inside Cover
Page 10
Sam Ogden
Sam Ogden
Pages 2, 3 and 5
Page 12
Mark Seliger
Courtesy DuPont Company
Page 7
Page 15
Courtesy Health Advances, LLC
Elena Olivo
Page 8
Page 29
Getty Images and Studio 1923
Studio 1923
Page 9
Page 45 and 48
Top Row:
Courtesy Stephanie Paddock
Courtesy Liz Diemer
Elena Olivo
Sam Ogden
Middle Row:
Elena Olivo
Bottom Row:
Studio 1923
The Michael J. Fox Foundation 47
BoardS And
Board of Directors
David Iverson
Eldad Melamed, MD
Woody Shackleton,
Lonnie and Muhammad Ali
Karen Jaffe, MD
Kalpana M. Merchant, PhD*
Steven A. Cohen
Soania Mathur, MD
C. Warren Olanow, MD*
Albert B. Glickman
Bret Parker
Bernard M. Ravina, MD, MSCE
John Griffin
Thomas A. Picone, PhD
Peter H. Reinhart, PhD
Andrew S. Grove
Eric Pitcher
Ian J. Reynolds, PhD
Katie H. Hood
William Richter
Irene Hegeman Richard, MD
Jeffrey Katzenberg
Richie Rothenberg
Ira Shoulson, MD
Morton M. Kondracke
Maragaret Sheehan
Andrew Singleton, PhD
Nora McAniff
M. Daniel Suwyn
David G. Standaert, MD, PhD
Donna E. Shalala, PhD
W.N. “Bill” Wilkins
Dennis A. Steindler, PhD
George E. Prescott
Vice Chairman
Holly S. Andersen, MD
Eva Andersson-Dubin, MD
Mark Booth
Jon Brooks
Barry J. Cohen
Donny Deutsch
David Einhorn
Karen Finerman
Lee Fixel
Caroline Tanner, MD, PhD, FAAN
Nelle Fortenberry
Scott Schefrin,
Willie Geist
Loren Berger
Gene Johnson, PhD,
Chief Scientific Advisor*
David Glickman
Dev Chodry
Alberto Ascherio, MD, Dr PH
David Golub
Sonya Chodry
Erwan Bezard, PhD
Mark L. Hart III
John S. Daly
Anders Björklund, MD, PhD
Skip Irving
Julie Fajgenbaum
Susan Bressman, MD
Edward Kalikow
Richard Fitzgerald
Robert E. Burke, MD
Jeff Keefer
Sean Goodrich
Angela Cenci-Nilsson, MD, PhD
Kathleen Kennedy
Omar Abdel-Hafez
Marie-Françoise Chesselet,
Amar Kuchinad
Justin Lepone
Edwin A. Levy
Daisy Prince
P. Jeffrey Conn, PhD
Marc S. Lipschultz
Josh Rosman
Mark R. Cookson, PhD
Douglas I. Ostrover
Bill Shepherd
David Eidelberg, MD
Tracy Pollan
Andrew T. Slabin
Matthew Farrer, PhD
Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Squillante
Charles (Chip) Gerfen, PhD
Frederick E. Rowe (Shad)
J. Timothy Greenamyre, MD, PhD*
Lily Safra
Franz F. Hefti, PhD
Carolyn Schenker
Fabrizio Acquaviva
Etienne C. Hirsch, PhD
Curtis Schenker
Carl Bolch, Jr.
Oleh Hornykiewicz, MD
Richard J. Schnall
Eugenia Brin
Anne-Cecilie Engell Speyer
Christopher Chadbourne
Ole Isacson, MD*
(Dr Med Sci)
Rick Tigner
Carey Christensen
Joseph Jankovic, MD
Fred G. Weiss
Michael R. “Rich” Clifford
Jennifer Johnston, PhD
Sonny Whelen
Steven D. DeWitte
Jeffrey H. Kordower, PhD
Anne Cohn Donnelly, DPH
J. William Langston, MD
David Eger, PhD
Frans Olof (Olle) Lindvall, MD, PhD
Bill Geist
Andres Lozano, MD, PhD*
Cynthia Gray
Kenneth Marek, MD
David M. Weiner, MD*
Michael Zigmond, PhD
*Executive Committee
Chief Executive
Todd Sherer, PhD
Michael J. Fox
Co-Founder and
Executive Vice
Deborah W. Brooks
Vice President,
Marketing &
Holly Teichholtz
Kimberly Castleberry
Associate Director, Marketing &
48 2013 Annual Report / Current Section
“Clearly, this
is not your
typical celebrity
– The New York Times
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
© 2014 The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Our thanks to Ruder Finn, Inc., for their support, which helps us reach more
people and get closer to achieving our mission every year.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation gratefully acknowledges Bulkley Dunton for
donating the high-quality Finch Opaque Smooth paper stock on which this
publication was printed and Hearst Corporation for facilitating the donation.
Our gratitude to EarthColor for printing this book below cost.
Read this Annual Report online at