Shun-ling Chen - Harvard Law School

Shun-ling Chen, CV/1
Shun-ling Chen
Harvard Law School, S.J.D., expected: 2012,
with a PhD Secondary Field in Science, Technology and Society, Harvard University
S.J.D Dissertation: Collaboration and Authorship: From Folklore to the Wikiborg
Main supervisor: William W. Fisher (Harvard Law School)
Field supervisor: Duncan Kennedy (Harvard Law School)
Field supervisor: Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard Kennedy School of Government)
Taiwanese government overseas scholarship; Graduate Program Fellowships,
Harvard Law School; Summer Academic Fellowship, Harvard Law School
Harvard Law School, LL.M., 2005
LL.M. Paper: Power Struggle through Rhetoric, Free Software Movement and Its
Challenge to the Copyright Regime
Tuition Grant, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School
Graduate Institute of Law, National Taiwan University, Master of Laws, 2002
(Master Thesis: Legalizing Indigenous Rights? The Dilemma of Taiwan Indigenous
Rights Activism and the “Right to Self-government” under Construction)
Prize for Thesis on Taiwan Studies, Peng Ming-min Foundation; Thesis scholarship,
Taiwan Association for Human Rights
College of Law, National Taiwan University, Bachelor of Laws, 1999,
with a minor in Political Theories, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan
Editor, National Taiwan University Law Review
Scholarship for Outstanding Law Student, Li Mo Wu Shi Foundation for Legal
Excavating the Joint Work Doctrine in Copyright Law – A Long-agonized Legal
Standard for Collaboration and Its New Challenges
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Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Collaborative Authorship: From Folklore to the Wikiborg, 2011(1) University of
Illinois Journal of Law, Technology and Policy, 131-167
The Wikimedia Foundation and the Self-governing Wikipedia Community – A
Dynamic Relationship under Constant Negotiation, in Critical Point of View: A
Reader, 351-369, Institute of Network Culture, Netherlands, 2011
Wikipedia: A Republic of Science Democratized, 2010(2) Albany Law Journal of
Science and Technology, 249-325
Anonymity, Privacy and Quality – Wikipedia as A Self-governing Community in the
Era of Web2.0 (Note), 2010(2) Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology,
To Surpass or to Conform – What are Public Licenses for? 2009 (1) University of
Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy, 107-139
The Tsou (Taiwan), a case study in Addressing the Land Claims of Indigenous Peoples,
Lawrence Susskind and Isabelle Anguelovski eds, Program on Human Rights
and Injustice, 93-97, MIT, Cambridge Massachusetts, 2008
Freedom as in a Self-sustainable Community: The Free Software Movement and its
Challenge to Copyright Law, 4(4) Policy Futures in Education (special issue
on Intellectual Property: Issues and Ethics), 337-347, 2006
Updated and reprinted in Global Knowledge Cultures, Cushla Capitzke and
Michael A Peters eds., 161-174, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2007
Launching Creative Commons Taiwan: Background, Experience, and Challenge, with
Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Ching-Yuan Huang and Yi-Hsuan Lin, in International
Creative Commons at a Digital Age, Danièle Bourcier and Mélanie Dulong de
Rosnay eds., 51-67, Romillat, Paris, 2004
Work, Family and Women — An Examination of the Equal Employment Act and Social
Policy, Co-author with Hui-wen Chen, Jing-yuan Fu, 25 NTU Law Review, 65108, 1995
Yearbook entries
Entries on Taiwan in The Indigenous World, Copenhagen: International Work Group
for Indigenous Affairs (an annual indigenous human rights Report published by
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the International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs), 2002 – 2008
Free and Open Source Software Licensing Primer, Kuala Lumpur: UNDP-APDIP
International Open Source Network (IOSN), New Delhi: Elsevier, 2006
Collaborative Authorship: From Folklore to the Wikiborg
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (French National Center for
Scientific Research), seminar on “Creative Commons: La question juridique de
l’accès libre à la connaissance (Creative Commons: the Legal Question
Regarding Free Access to Knowledge),” Paris, France, Dec 2010
Science and Technology Studies Circle, Harvard STS Program, Harvard
Kennedy School, Oct 2010
Anonymity, Privacy and Quality – Wikipedia as A Self-governing Community in the
Era of Web2.0
Symposia “E-Legal: Privacy and Law Enforcement on the World Wide Web”,
Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology, Oct 2009
Free and Open Source Software Licensing
Drik Picture Library, Dhaka, Jun 2004
Ministry of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, Mar 2004
Annual conference of the Society for the Studies of Social Science, Tokyo, Japan,
“Collaborative Authorship: From Folklore to the Wikiborg”, Aug 2010
Free Culture Research Conference, Berlin, Germany, “Collaborative Authorship: From
Folklore to the Wikiborg”, Oct 2010
Wikiwars: Critical Point of View (presented in the panel “Wiki-theory,”) Bangalore,
India, “Wikipedia: A Republic of Science Democratized”, Jan 2010
Annual conference of the Society for the Studies of Social Science, Washington DC,
USA, “Wikipedia: A Republic of Science Democratized,” in the panel “Modern
Construction of Expertise,” Oct 2009
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Wikimania, Buenos Aires, Argentina, “Copyright, Attribution and Collective
Authorship,” in the penal “Authorship, Licenses, and the Wikiborg,” Aug 2009
ACIA: International Workshop on Asia and Commons in the Information Age, Taipei,
Taiwan, “To Surpass or to Conform? What Are Public Licenses for?” Jan 2008
Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, USA,
“Reclaiming an Information Commons: A Global Social Movement in the
Cyberspace,” Sep 2006
Annual Conference of the North America Taiwan Studies Association, University of
Colorado at Boulder, USA, “Legalizing Indigenous Rights Dilemmas and
Practices in Taiwanese Indigenous Activism,” Jun 2005
Digital Archiving and Value-added Application Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, “New
Paradigm for Digital Licensing,” May 2004
Second Annual Asia Open Source Software Roundtable, Hanoi, Vietnam, Participant,
Mar 2004
First Annual Asia Open Source Software Roundtable, Singapore, Participant, Mar 2003
Forum 2000, Prague, Czech Republic, Students' Forum 2000 delegate, Roundtable
participant, Oct 2001
Third Jurisprudence Renaissance Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, “Alternative Currency
and Non-Market-Economy Exchange, Mar 2000
Research associate, research project: “Innovation in the Framework of Access,” Center
for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India, 2011 – 2012
Editorial board, Law and Policy Review, University for Management and Technology,
Lahore, Pakistan, 2011 – present
Board of Advisors, FLOSS Manuals (Non-profit organization aiming at producing free
and open manuals for free and open source software), 2007 – present
Editorial board, Policy Future in Education, 2007 – present
GPLv3 International Legal Advisory Team (provided consultation during the revision
of the GNU General Public License - the most widely used free software
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license) , Software Freedom Law Center, New York, USA, 2006
Visiting Researcher, Harvard Law School, 2005-2006
Project co-founder and co-lead, Creative Commons Taiwan, 2004 – 2005
Project Manager, Law and Policy, Open Source Software Foundry, Institute of
Information Science, Academia Sinica, 2002 – 2004
Legal Advisor, Association for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Policies, 1998 – 2005
Work Experiences
Coordinator, Visiting Scholar and Visiting Researcher Colloquium, Harvard Law
School, 2010 – 2011
Law clerk, Center for Democracy and Technology, Washington DC, USA, 2009
Coordinator, Law Teaching Colloquium, Harvard Law School, 2008 – 2009
Law clerk, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, USA, 2008
Doctoral Student Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2008
RA for Professor Yochai Benkler on Cooperation, Harvard Law School, 2007 – 2008
Doctoral Student Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, 2007
TA for Professor Lucie White, Harvard Law School, in the course “Community Action
for Social and Economic Rights,” 2005 – 2006
Commons Players (invited blogger), Commons|Tales|Rules (a Research and
Development Project toward Game Commons under “Kingdom of Piracy”, in
conjunction with “Open Nature” exhibition, held in June 2005, Tokyo), 2005
Lecturer, Department of Political Economy National Sun-yat Sen University, Taiwan,
“The Political Economy of Forests in Taiwan,” 2002 – 2003
Programming Assistant, “Real Pangcah, Reel Amis,” Indigenous Documentary
Festival, Taiwan (various cities), 2002
RA for Prof. Chen, Miao-fen, College of Law, National Taiwan University. “The
Development and the Future of Modern Feminist Jurisprudence, 1949-2002 (I)
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and (II),” 1991 – 2001
RA for Prof. Wang, Tay-sheng, College of Law, National Taiwan University “Court
Procedure and Dispute Resolution in East Asian Countries”, 1998 – 1999
Law clerk, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Taipei, Taiwan, 1998
Student research fellow, National Science Council (Taiwan), funded research project
“The Diminishing and Decreasing of Indigenous Land under the Transition of
Political Regimes,” 1997 – 1998
National Science Council Annual Research Creativity Award, 1998
Project lead, “Investigation on the Indigenous Tao Urban Migrant Workers and their
Employment on Orchid Island,” NTU Society of Labor Studies, 1997
RA for Prof. Gee, Keh-chang, College of Law, National Taiwan University, “The 9th
Amendment, New Constitutional Foundation of Women’s Welfare Policy,”
1996 – 1997
Conference Organization and Facilitation
Panel organizer, “Authorship, Licenses, and the Wikiborg”, Wikimania, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, 2009
Co-organizer, ACIA: International Workshop on Asia and Commons in the Information
Age, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008
Organizer, Workshop on “Information Technology and Democracy,” Taipei, Taiwan,
Facilitator, Taiwan Indigenous Delegation to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous
Issues, New York, USA , 2007
Conference Program Committee, North America Taiwan Studies Association, 2005,
Co-organizer and Facilitator, Workshop on “Post-Tsunami Reconstruction and Conflict
Resolution in Aceh, Indonesia,” Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2005
Co-organizer, Workshop on “Commons War: Reclaim the Digital Public Domain,”
Taipei, Taiwan, 2003
Programming Committee, 5th International Conference on Open Source Software,
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Taipei, Taiwan, 2003
Co-organizer, Workshop on “Indigenous Customary Law,” Taipei, Taiwan, 2003
Co-organizer, Workshop on “Indigenous Peoples and a Sustainable Taiwan,” 2002
Facilitator, Taiwan Indigenous Delegation to the Working Group on Indigenous
Peoples, UN ECOSOC, Geneva, Switzerland, 2001
Facilitator, Taiwan Indigenous Delegation to the Cordillera Day, Cordillera,
Philippines, 2001
Board, Taiwan Indigenous NGOs Alliance, 2005 – 2008
Project Coordinator, Taiwan Association for Human Rights 1999 – 2005
Board of Auditors, International liaison, Association for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’
Policies, 1998 – 2005
Intellectual Property
Internet law
Human rights
Indigenous Peoples' rights
Science, Technology and Law
Shun-ling Chen, CV/8
Professor William W. Fisher, Harvard Law School
(617) 495-0957
Hauser Hall 410, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138
Professor Duncan Kennedy, Harvard Law School
(617) 495-4619
Griswold 311, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138
Professor Sheila Jasanoff, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
(617) 495-7902
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Mailbox 17, 79 JFK Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Last updated: Oct 05, 2011