American Pageant: Key Ideas from Chapters 14

American Pageant: Key Ideas from Chapters 14 - 18
Read your assigned section.
▫ Outline your section as if it were homework
▫ Meet with your group members and compare notes.
• Use IB subject/study guide to help with your focus
▫ Email your outline to me by Sunday, 11/17, 11:59pm.
▫ You will present the information to the class.
▫ The class will take notes in the margin
MUST include a “Key Terms” list and heading/title
Chapter 14:
1. The Westward Movement, Shaping the Western Landscape, The Emerald Isle Moves
West, German Forty-Eighters, Flare-ups of Antiforeignism
2. Creeping Mechanization, Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine, Marvels in Manufacturing,
Workers and “Wage Slaves”, The Iron Horse, The Market Revolution
Chapter 15:
3. Reviving Religion, Denominational Diversity, Free Schools for a Free People, An Age of
Reform, Women in Revolt, Trumpeters of Transcendentalism
Chapter 17:
4. The Accession of “Tyler Too”, John Tyler: A President, Lone Star of Texas, Belated Texas
Nuptials, Oregon Fever Populates Oregon, A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny,
5. Polk the Purposeful, Misunderstandings with Mexico, American Blood on American (?)
Soil, The Mastering of Mexico, Fighting Mexico for Peace, Profit and Loss in Mexico
Chapter 18:
6. The Popular Sovereignty Panacea, Political Triumphs for General Taylor, “Californy
Gold”, Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad, Twilight of the Senatorial
7. Balancing the Compromise Scales, Expansionist Stirrings South of the Border (Blue Book:
Coveted Cuba) (focus: Ostend Manifesto), Pacific Railroad Promoters and the Gadsden
Purchase (focus: Compromise of 1850), Douglas’ Kansas-Nebraska Scheme & Congress
Legislates a Civil War
American Pageant: Key Ideas from Chapters 14 - 18
Read your assigned section.
▫ Outline your section as if it were homework
▫ Meet with your group members and compare notes.
• Use IB subject/study guide to help with your focus
▫ Email your outline to me by Sunday, 11/17, 11:59pm.
▫ You will present the information to the class.
▫ The class will take notes in the margin
MUST include a “Key Terms” list and heading/title
Chapter 14:
1. The Westward Movement, Shaping the Western Landscape, The Emerald Isle Moves
West, German Forty-Eighters, Flare-ups of Antiforeignism
2. Creeping Mechanization, Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine, Marvels in Manufacturing,
Workers and “Wage Slaves”, The Iron Horse, The Market Revolution
Chapter 15:
3. Reviving Religion, Denominational Diversity, Free Schools for a Free People, An Age of
Reform, Women in Revolt, Trumpeters of Transcendentalism
Chapter 17:
4. The Accession of “Tyler Too”, John Tyler: A President, Lone Star of Texas, Belated Texas
Nuptials, Oregon Fever Populates Oregon, A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny,
5. Polk the Purposeful, Misunderstandings with Mexico, American Blood on American (?)
Soil, The Mastering of Mexico, Fighting Mexico for Peace, Profit and Loss in Mexico
Chapter 18:
6. The Popular Sovereignty Panacea, Political Triumphs for General Taylor, “Californy
Gold”, Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad, Twilight of the Senatorial
7. Balancing the Compromise Scales, Expansionist Stirrings South of the Border (Blue Book:
Coveted Cuba) (focus: Ostend Manifesto), Pacific Railroad Promoters and the Gadsden
Purchase (focus: Compromise of 1850), Douglas’ Kansas-Nebraska Scheme & Congress
Legislates a Civil War