NATIONAL FIVEPIN CHAMPIONSHIPS eNTrY & hoUse QUaliFYiNg roUNd A) CeNTre/leagUe eligiBiliTY Each bowling centre participating adequately in the current season's National Fund Campaign is eligible to purchase spots. YBC leagues must have sufficient bowlers registered at NOVEMBER 15TH to cover the spots being purchased. B) eVeNTs, liMiTaTioNs & spoT Fees The YBC National Fivepin Championships is conducted as 2 separate events, namely; Singles & Teams. Participating centres may purchase spots for each of these events as applicable. Details on each event are as follows: siNgles eVeNT 1 Spot may be purchased in each division and each spot advances up to 4 bowlers in that division to the Singles Zone Finals. CosT per siNgles spoT is $15.00. Provinces may charge an additional fee of up to $5 for each bowler a centre indicates it will be advancing to the Singles Zone Final. TeaM eVeNT BANTAMS: YBC Leagues may purchase as many Bantam Teams as they have bowlers to fill. eaCh TeaM shall Be CoMprised oF 2 Bowlers (doUBles TeaMs), aNd eaCh TeaM spoT shall CosT $30.00. JuNIORS & SENIORS: up to 2 Teams may be purchased in each division. Each Team shall be comprised of 4 bowlers. CosT per TeaM spoT is $60.00. For details on Composite Teams see seCTioN "g". YBC leagues may purchase any combination of spots up to the stipulated maximums for each event. NOTE: Provincial YBC Associations may, at their discretion, limit the number of Junior and Senior teams purchased. Programs should check with their Provincial YBC to determine whether or not they are subject to provincially imposed limitations. C) eNTrY, deadliNe & laTe peNalTies The spot entry form indicating participation in the YBC National Championships must be completed and mailed with a cheque or money order for the appropriate amount to Youth Bowl Canada, 250 Shields Court, unit 10A, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W7, postmarked on or prior to November 15th. Faxes, phone calls, emails and online entries received by this date will also be accepted. On receipt of the Spot Entry Form, a supply of Team House Qualifier crests will be sent to the YBC Program Director. LATE ENTRIES may, if approved by both the national and provincial association, be accepted up until 1 week prior to the Zone Finals. Late entries, if accepted, will be charged an additional late fee (example; Total fees for Spots received after the deadline are...$20.00 per Singles spot, $40 per Bantam Team spot and $80.00 per Junior/Senior Team spot). Entry fees are non-refundable. Where leagues do not have enough bowlers to forward the spots purchased, spots may be transferable upon request to YBC Headquarters prior to the Zone Finals. Approval for transfer of spots to be decided by YBC Headquarters on a case by case basis and will not include refunds of forfeited amounts. D) Bowler eligiBiliTY & QUaliFYiNg reQUireMeNTs parTiCipaTiNg Bowlers MUsT Be 8 Years oF age or oVer aT deCeMBer 31sT and have participated adequately in the National Fund Campaign, and must have bowled 1/2 of the eligible games bowled from the start of the league to November 15th to be eligible to participate in the YBC National Championships House Qualifying Rounds (Example...if the league has bowled 24 games 21 NATIONAL FIVEPIN CHAMPIONSHIPS from the date on which the league started to November 15th, the YBC member must have bowled 12 games to be eligible for participation in the Championship). A YBC bowler must compete in the bowling centre where he/she is registered unless a transfer of membership has been approved by the Provincial YBC (See General Rule # 8... Page 6). A YBC member is entitled to qualify for the YBC National Championships out of each bowling centre he or she is registered at. A bowler who qualifies more than once (out of more than one bowling centre) must, immediately after qualifying at a second centre, declare which of the centres he or she has chosen to represent in all subsequent steps. A YBC member who bowls in more than one YBC league in the same centre shall bowl their qualifying games in each YBC league and the highest qualifying score shall be used towards qualifying in the event. E) siNgles eVeNT - QUaliFYiNg For the Singles event, where a spot was purchased in a division and more than 4 bowlers wish to advance to the Singles Zone Final in that division, a House Roll Off, during the period of November 15th to 30th, must be held to determine which 4 bowlers shall advance. All bowlers unsuccessful at advancing from the Singles Zone Final to the Provincial Finals in the Singles event are eligible to return to their centre to qualify for the Team event in the Team House Qualifying Round (Note: bowlers who are eligible but have failed to qualify for a Composite Team cannot qualify for a House Team - See Section "G"). Successful Singles Zone Finalists shall advance to the Singles Provincial Finals and cannot withdraw from the Singles competition and attempt to qualify in the Team event unless permission has been granted by both the Provincial and National YBC associations. YBC leagues must report the number of singles representatives who will be attending the Singles Zone Final to the Provincial YBC or to a designated Zone official as requested by the Provincial YBC. Zone Final sites to report Zone winners directly to YBC Headquarters. Bowlers participating in the Singles event must qualify and compete in their proper age category. Birth certificates must be produced at or following the Zone and Provincial Finals. F) TeaM eVeNT - QUaliFYiNg The Team House Qualifying Round will take place in regular league play during the period of December 1st, 2015 to February 7th, 2016 inclusive and will consist of the first 6, 7, 8 or 9 consecutive games (as decided by the provincial association) bowled by the YBC member. Each bowling centre is to determine the exact dates for their Team House Qualifying Round. Bowlers must complete the required games in order to be eligible for the Championship. Program Directors should schedule the Team House Qualifying Round so that it is possible for a YBC member to be absent one or two weeks during the stipulated period and still complete the required number of consecutive games on or before the conclusion date. Once the Qualifying Round has concluded, the bowlers with the highest total qualifying scores (scratch) in their division will make up the Team(s). where reQUired, YBC leagUes MaY MoVe Bowlers Up To The NeXT diVisioN (BaNTaMs To JUNiors & JUNiors To seNiors) iN order To Fill TeaMs (MaXiMUM oF 2 MoVe Ups allowed per TeaM). Team representatives are to be reported to YBC Headquarters online no later than February 8th in order to advise Zone Final hosts/representatives of participants prior to the Zone Finals. G) CoMposiTe TeaMs For The JUNior aNd seNior diVisioNs Provincial YBC Associations may, at their discretion, elect to purchase up to one COMPOSITE TEAM for each Zone where there are YBC leagues who do not purchase their own "House" teams in the division. Provincial Chairs must approve each Composite Team purchased and should confirm there will be sufficient eligible bowlers in a division 22 NATIONAL FIVEPIN CHAMPIONSHIPS before purchasing a Composite Team spot for the Zone in that division. COMPOSITE TEAMS MAY BE DECLARED IN EITHER OF THE TWO FOLLOWING FORMATS; i) Your Composite Team may be comprised of Eligible RuNNER-uP bowlers FROM THE SINGLES ZONE FINALS. Eligible bowlers are those who do not have a "House" Team to compete for at their home centre. Bowlers from centres who purchased House teams in their division are not eligible for the “Composite” team but remain eligible to return to their home bowling centre for a chance to qualify in the team event with their House Team. Where deciding your Zone's Composite team in this way, the Singles Zone Final shall be conducted as usual. Once the Singles Zone Champion has been declared, the remaining bowlers who did not qualify to represent the Zone in the Singles event, and who are eligible for the Composite Team, shall be placed on the Composite Team based on the scratch scores bowled in the Singles Zone Finals. This Composite Team shall advance to the Team Zone Finals where they will compete against "House" Teams for the right to represent their Zone at the Provincial Finals. ii) Rather than utilize the Singles Zone Final to declare a Composite team, provinces may elect, instead, to HOLD A SEPARATE COMPOSITE TEAM ROLL OFF in a Zone. Bowling centres not purchasing a "House" team in a division may send up to 4 bowlers to this roll off. Number of games bowled will be decided by the Provincial YBC (minimum 3, maximum 5). Where only 4 bowlers in a division are scheduled to compete for the Composite team, a roll off is not required. proViNCes MaY Charge Up To $5 per Bowler aTTeNdiNg a CoMposiTe TeaM roll oFF. -------------------------------YBC Leagues who have had bowlers vie for a spot on the Composite team (in either format as above), whether successful or not, are ineligible to purchase House Teams in those divisions, late or otherwise. For details on Substitution and how it affects Composite Teams (including the substitution of Singles prior to the Singles Provincial Final) see the last section of "Rules & Regulations #24" on pages 31 & 32. National YBC to charge the Provincial YBC association $60 per Composite Team advancing to the Zone Finals. Provincial associations to then, in turn, collect $15 per bowler from the centres represented on the Composite Team. Provincial Chairs shall, in conjunction with the YBC Zone rep (where applicable) appoint a coach for each Composite Team advancing to the Team Zone Final. H) Program Directors should ensure that the names of all eligible bowlers are entered on the House Round Scoreboard and that all scores are carried across the required number of games. Scores bowled in advance shall not be taken into account in qualifying rounds. In both the Singles and Team events, advancement to the next level of competition is based solely on scratch total pinfall scores bowled by the YBC members. I) sUBsTiTUTioN For complete substitution rules see "Rules & Regulations #24" on pages 31 & 32. J) CoaCh-ChaperoNes YBC leagues must report the names of the individuals who have been selected for the role of CoachChaperones for the league's Teams by no later than February 8th (on the House Qualifying Report Form). A Coach-Chaperone must be actively involved in the operation of the YBC program and must be over the age of YBC membership eligibility. see Zone Finals (e) for more details on coaches. 23 NATIONAL FIVEPIN CHAMPIONSHIPS ZoNe FiNals A) Zone Finals will be held by December 31st (Singles event) and during the period of February 13th to 21st (Team event) in each Zone as set by the Provincial YBC Association. Each Provincial YBC association shall determine the number of Singles and/or teams that will advance from the Zone Championships to the Provincial Finals. Host centres for the Team Zone Finals will be supplied with scoreboards (as will Singles Zones if possible). Five (5) games will be bowled by all singles competitors. The number of games to be bowled by the teams...minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5)...will be determined by each Provincial Association. B) For complete substitution rules see "Rules & Regulations #24" on pages 31 & 32. C) If a bowler takes sick, is injured, or is absent at any time DuRING the Zone Finals, only legally bowled frames will count. D) If a bowler on a Team is disqualified at the Zone Finals, the remaining bowlers on the team will compete for the balance of the tournament. In such a case, no replacement can be made…no substitute score will be given…only the scores of the remaining bowlers will count. E) CoaChiNg reQUireMeNTs Singles Coach-Chaperones are appointed by the Provincial YBC and must have attained their New NCCP Community Coaching certificate at the time of appointment, or hold equivalent status. Team coach-chaperones must also have attained the new NCCP Community Coaching certificate by the time of the national finals, or hold equivalent status. At the time of publication, equivalent status had been granted to any coach certified under NCCP Level 2 or higher (expires Dec. 2015 without MED). Coach-chaperones in the HOuSE Team events are appointed by the bowling centre. Coaches for Composite Teams are appointed as listed under "entry & house Qualifying round - g)" Coach-Chaperones may be requested to SUBMIT to a police check prior to the national finals to ensure the safest possible conditions for the young competitors. proViNCial FiNals A) Provincial Finals will be held in each province during the period of February 27th to March 6th. The Provincial Finals shall determine the Provincial Champions who will advance to represent the Province at the National Finals. The YBC Provincial Association shall determine the format for the Provincial Finals for both Singles and Team events from the following list of approved formats: 1) 3, 4 or 5 games bowled, flat (scratch) total pinfall. An optional Stepladder event (with a double knock-out final) may also be added on if desired. 2) A Single, Double or Triple Round Robin (match play). B) If the Singles Champion of the Zone Finals is unable to proceed to the Provincial Finals, the runnerup bowler of the Zone Finals will become the replacement if available. C) For complete substitution rules see "Rules & Regulations #24" on pages 31 & 32. D) If a bowler takes sick, is injured or is absent at any time DuRING the Provincial Finals, only legally bowled frames will count. 24 NATIONAL FIVEPIN CHAMPIONSHIPS E) If a Team bowler is disqualified at the Provincial Finals, the remaining bowlers on the team will compete for the balance of the tournament. In such a case, no replacement can be made…no substitute score will be given…only the scores of the remaining bowlers will count. F) If a singles bowler or an entire team at the Provincial Finals is disqualified while competing in a match play format, the disqualified party's tournament average (taken from complete games bowled at the provincial finals) will be used as a substitute score FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE TOURNAMENT. Future opponents must beat the disqualified party's substitute score to receive a point. The disqualified party cannot receive points for games not bowled. Wins and losses earned prior to the disqualification will stand. NaTioNal FiNals A) The YBC National Championships will be held on May 7th, 8th & 9th, 2016 in Calgary, Alberta. The Opening Ceremonies will be held on the evening of May 6th and all Provincial Associations should ensure their competitors/coaches will arrive in time to attend the ceremonies. Each Provincial Chairperson in conjunction with the Provincial President will arrange/approve transportation for their provincial contingent. pareNTs aNd Bowlers MUsT NoT Be reQUired To TraVel wiTh The CoNTiNgeNT. All on-site costs for the dates stipulated will be the responsibility of Youth Bowl Canada. B) The YBC National Championships will consist of Singles and Team events, and shall be conducted on a match play basis, scored on a win and loss system. One point will be awarded for each game won and 1/2 point for a tie game. In the Singles & BaNTaM TeaM events 2 games shall be bowled against each the Junior & Senior Team events 3 games will be bowled against each province. BaNTaM TeaMs MaY Bowl aN addiTioNal eVeNT (ForMaT To Be FiNaliZed). In the event of a tie at the conclusion of the scheduled matches, a one game play-off will be held to determine the Medallists. C) For complete substitution rules see "Rules & Regulations #24" on pages 31 & 32. D) If a SINGLES bowler takes sick, is injured, or is absent at any time DuRING the National Finals, the bowler's tournament average (taken from complete games bowled at the national finals) will be used as a substitute score for any games not bowled. Prior games/points to stand. Opponents must beat the absent bowler's substitute score to receive a point. Absent bowlers cannot receive points for games not bowled. If a Team bowler takes sick, is injured or is absent at any time DuRING the National Finals, only legally bowled frames will count. E) If a Team bowler is disqualified at the National Finals, the remaining bowlers on the team will compete for the balance of the tournament. In such a case, no replacement can be substitute score shall be given...only the scores of the remaining bowlers will count. F) If a singles bowler or an entire team at the National Finals is disqualified, the disqualified party's tournament average (taken from complete games bowled at the national finals) will be used as a substitute score FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE TOuRNAMENT. Future opponents must beat the disqualified party's substitute score to receive a point. The disqualified party cannot receive points for games not bowled. Wins and losses earned prior to the disqualification will stand. 25 NATIONAL TENPIN CHAMPIONSHIPS hoUse QUaliFYiNg roUNd A) Each bowling centre participating adequately in the current season’s National Fund Campaign is eligible to pUrChase spoTs iN The ZoNe FiNals aT $15.00 For eaCh spoT. Entry fees are non-refundable and spots are not transferable. B) All eligible bowling centres may purchase an uNLIMITED NuMBER OF SPOTS in each category at $15.00 per spoT (without refund). laTe eNTries may, if approved by both the national and provincial associations, be accepted up until 1 week prior to the Zone Finals. Late entries, if accepted, will be charged a late fee of $20.00 per spot purchased. The categories are: Bantam Girls Singles Junior Girls Singles Senior Girls Singles Bantam Boys Singles Junior Boys Singles Senior Boys Singles C) While YBC Headquarters recommends that leagues register their bowlers on a regular basis from the start of the bowling season until the end, a bowling centre must have sufficient bowlers registered at November 15th to cover the spots purchased. D) The spot entry form indicating participation in the YBC National Championships must be completed online or can be mailed in with a cheque or money order for the appropriate amount to Youth Bowl Canada, 250 Shields Court, unit 10A, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W7, postmarked on or prior to November 15th. Faxes, phone calls and emails received by this date will also be accepted. E) On receipt of the Spot Entry Form, a supply of House Qualifier crests will be sent to the YBC Program Director. F) parTiCipaTiNg Bowlers MUsT Be 8 Years oF age or oVer aT aUgUsT 1sT and have participated adequately in the National Fund Campaign, and must have bowled 1/2 of the eligible games bowled from the start of the league to November 15th to be eligible to participate in the YBC National Championships House Qualifying Rounds (Example...if the league has bowled 24 games from the date on which the league started to November 15th, the YBC member must have bowled 12 games to be eligible for participation in the Championship). G) A YBC bowler must compete in the bowling centre where he/she is registered unless a transfer of membership has been approved by the Provincial YBC. (See General Rule # 8 - Page 6). H) A YBC member is entitled to qualify for the Youth Bowl Canada Championships out of each bowling centre he or she is registered at. A bowler who qualifies more than once (out of more than one bowling centre) must, immediately after qualifying at a second centre, declare which of the centres he or she has chosen to represent in all subsequent steps. A YBC member who bowls in more than one YBC league in the same centre shall bowl their qualifying games in each YBC league and the highest qualifying score shall be used towards qualifying. I) 26 The House Qualifying Round will take place in regular league play during the period of December 1st to February 7th inclusive and will consist of the first NINE (9) CONSECuTIVE GAMES bowled by the YBC member. Each bowling centre is to determine the exact dates for their nine (9) game qualifying round. Bowlers must complete the required nine (9) games in order to be eligible for the event. Program Directors should schedule the House Qualifying Round so that it is possible for a YBC member to be absent one or two weeks during the stipulated period and still complete the required number of nine (9) consecutive games on or before the conclusion date. NATIONAL TENPIN CHAMPIONSHIPS Program Directors should make sure that all eligible bowlers’ names are entered on the House Round Scoreboard and that all flat (scratch) scores are carried across the nine (9) games. Advance bowling where scores count towards any qualifying round will not be allowed. J) At the end of the qualifying round, the top bowlers in each category (Bantam Boys, Bantam Girls, Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Senior Boys and Senior Girls) will constitute your house representatives who will advance to the next step. You will advance one bowler for each spot purchased in each category. K) YBC Leagues shall report their house representatives to YBC Headquarters no later than February 8th. This is very important since the Zone Qualifying Forms have to be processed at YBC Headquarters and available to Zone Final representatives in time for the Zone Finals in mid-February. important - Bowlers must qualify and compete in the Youth Bowl Canada Championships in their proper age category. Example…Bantams cannot compete as Juniors and Juniors cannot compete as Seniors. Birth certificates must be produced at or following the Zone and Provincial Finals. ZoNe FiNals A) In some provinces it may not be necessary to conduct Zone Finals. In such cases, the house qualifiers will advance directly to the Provincial Finals. If Zone Finals are required in your province, they will be held during the period of February 13th to 21st. The exact date and location of each Zone Final will be determined by the Provincial YBC Association. Each Provincial YBC association shall determine the number of SINGLES that will advance from the Zone Championships to the Provincial Finals. Host centres for the Zone Finals will be supplied with scoreboards. Five (5) games will be bowled to determine the Zone Champions who will advance to the Provincial Finals. B) In the event of sickness or absence affecting any of your house representatives PRIOR to the Zone Finals, the runner-up bowler of your House Qualifying Round will become the replacement providing the House Round Scoreboard is produced at the event for verification. Once the replacement is made, the original bowler cannot return to bowl in any of the following steps. C) If a bowler takes sick, is injured or is absent at any time DuRING the Zone Finals, only legally bowled frames will count. proViNCial FiNals A) Provincial Finals will be held in each province during the period of February 27th to March 6th to determine Provincial Champions who will advance to the Youth Bowl Canada National Championships. The format for the Provincial Finals (decided by the YBC Provincial Association) can be one of the following approved formats: 1) 3, 4 or 5 games bowled, flat (scratch) total pinfall. An optional Stepladder event (with a double knock-out final) may also be added on if desired. 2) A Single, Double or Triple Round Robin (match play). B) If Zone Finals were not held in your Province, and if any house representative for any reason is un- 27 NATIONAL TENPIN CHAMPIONSHIPS able to advance from the league round to the Provincial Finals, the runner-up bowler of your house qualifying round will become the replacement providing the House Round Scoreboard is produced at the event for verification. Once the replacement is made the original bowler cannot return to bowl in the following step. C) If Zone Finals were held in your Province, and if substitution is required for the Provincial Finals, the runner-up bowler of the Zone Finals, not the runner-up bowler of your house qualifying round, will become the replacement. D) If a bowler takes sick, is injured or is absent at any time DuRING the Provincial Finals, only legally bowled frames will count. NaTioNal FiNals A) The YBC National Championships will be held May 7th, 8th & 9th, 2016 in Calgary, Alberta. The Opening Ceremonies will be held on the evening of May 6th and all Provincial Associations should ensure their competitors/coaches will arrive in time to attend the ceremonies. Each Provincial Chairperson in conjunction with the Provincial President will arrange transportation for the provincial contingent. pareNTs aNd Bowlers MUsT NoT Be reQUired To TraVel wiTh The CoNTiNgeNT. All on-site costs will be the responsibility of Youth Bowl Canada. B) The Singles Event at the YBC National Championships will be conducted on a round robin, match play basis and will be scored on a win and loss system. One point will be awarded for each game won and 1/2 point for a tie game. In the event of a tie at the conclusion of the scheduled matches, a one game sudden death play-off will be held to determine the medallists. C) If the Singles Champion of the Provincial Finals is unable to proceed to the National Finals, the runner-up bowler in the Provincial Finals will become the replacement. D) If a bowler takes sick, is injured or is absent at any time DuRING the National Finals, the bowler's tournament average (taken from complete games bowled at the national finals) will be used as a substitute score for any games not bowled. Prior games/points to stand. Opponents must beat the absent bowler's substitute score to receive a point. Absent bowlers cannot receive points for games not bowled. E) If a bowler at the National Finals is disqualified, his/her tournament average (taken from complete games bowled at the national finals) will be used as a substitute score for the remainder of the tournament. Future opponents must beat the disqualified party's substitute score to receive a point. The disqualified bowler cannot receive points for games not bowled. Wins and losses earned by remaining bowlers prior to the disqualification will stand. F) Coach-Chaperones for the National Finals are appointed by the Provincial YBC and must have attained their New NCCP Community Coaching certificate at the time of appointment, or hold equivalent status. At the time of publication, equivalent status had been granted to any coach certified under NCCP Level 2 or higher (equivalent status expires Dec. 2015 without MED). Coach-Chaperones may be requested to SUBMIT to a police check prior to the national finals to ensure the safest possible conditions for the young competitors. NOTE: A Tenpin Combo Team event will also be held utilizing the bowlers who compete in the Singles event. Combo Team format to be provided at the National Championships. 28 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS RULES & REGULATIONS 1. The general playing and conduct rules of the Canadian 5-Pin Bowlers' Association (C5PBA) for fivepin and the Canadian Tenpin Federation (CTF) for tenpin will be in effect where Youth Bowl Canada rules are not specified. Note: Bowling balls must meet the standards and specifications as set forth by the CTF (10-Pin) and the C5PBA (5-Pin). 2. Advance bowling where scores count toward any qualifying round will not be allowed. 3. Birth certificates or some other proof of birthdate must be produced by competitors at or following the Zone and Provincial Finals. 4. A youth bowler may not qualify in more than one event under any condition. 5. a) For the Fivepin and Tenpin Singles events Zone and Provincial Finals shall consist of five (5) games to be bowled by all competitors, flat (scratch) scores only. b) For the Fivepin Team events, the Provincial Association will determine the number of games to be bowled in the House Qualifying Round (minimum 6 - maximum 9) as well as the number of games to be bowled in the Zone Finals (minimum of 3 - maximum of 5). For Provincial Final formats, see 5-Pin Provincial Finals - A). 6. The Provincial Chairperson or his/her appointee will be in charge at the Zone and Provincial Finals and assisted by as many others as is deemed necessary. 7. Fouls - 5-pin…The foul line is to be observed. When a delivery has been declared a foul, same shall be indicated by marking "F" in the frame the foul occurred as well as at the end of the game. The full pinfall is shown in the frame where the foul occurred but at the end of the game, 15 points is deducted from the final score for each foul committed. Fouls - 10-pin…The foul line is to be observed. When a foul is committed, no pinfall is credited to the bowler although the ball counts as a ball rolled. Any YBC Official may draw to the attention of the Judge of Play any infraction he or she may have noticed. 8. Bowlers are responsible for the marking of correct scores. After each frame, each competitor should make sure that the scorekeeper has recorded the proper score. Any dispute between the bowler and the scorekeeper must be immediately reconciled before play is continued. If the bowler and the scorekeeper cannot agree, the Judge of Play must be called and a decision made immediately. Scorekeeping by spectators will not be taken into consideration. Only obvious errors in the frame to frame addition by the scorekeeper will be corrected. Such error, however, must be reported to the Judge of Play for a ruling no later than the third frame of the next game. If a frame to frame addition error occurs in the final game of the championship, it must be reported to the Judge of Play prior to the completion of the posting of scores to the Official scoreboards. 9. If there is a tie for total pins, or points on a win and loss system, at the end of an event, one complete game must be rolled to decide the winner. If the tie still exists, the same procedure is to be followed until the tie is broken. 10. Throughout all phases of the Youth Bowl Canada Championships, 5-Pin and 10-Pin bowlers must use alternate lanes for each frame. In the Zone and Provincial Finals, all bowlers will bowl one game on a pair of lanes and then move to the next pair of lanes as set out by the person in charge. 29 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS RULES & REGULATIONS 11. Should there be an odd number of teams in the 5-pin Zone or Provincial Finals, a pacer team will be supplied by the host centre. Where possible, the pacer team shall consist of bowlers from the same age category as those competing in the event. 12. Bowlers should remain in the playing area until it is their turn to bowl and be ready to take their turn without having to be called. Bowlers may not leave the playing area unless permission has been received from a tournament official. 13. Bowlers are prohibited from wearing and/or using external electronic devices (such as cell phones, MP3 players, etc.) during the tournament while on the approach. Bowlers may, however, use such devices while waiting for their turn. 14. Supervisory personnel are responsible for the conduct of their youth bowlers before, during and after an event. Any conduct detrimental in any manner to Youth Bowl Canada will be dealt with and could result in disqualification and possible suspension by the YBC Provincial Chairpersons and YBC National Board. 15. In the event of suspension or disqualification at the Zone, Provincial or National Finals, the runner up singles competitor or team from the respective competition shall be declared the winner. 16. All bowlers will pay lineage fees as established in their province for the Zone and Provincial Finals. 17. For the National Finals SINGLES event, two (2) adult Coach-Chaperones will be appointed by the Provincial YBC Association to accompany the singles competitors. Only these Coach-Chaperones will be allowed in the playing area as designated by the tournament director. Singles Coach-Chaperones will be assigned as follows…1 Coach-Chaperone for the Singles girls…and 1 Coach-Chaperone for the Singles boys. Coach-Chaperones selected by the Province for the Singles event must have attained their New NCCP Community Coach certification by the time of appointment or hold equivalent status*. For the 5-Pin Team event, Coach-Chaperones must have attained their New NCCP Community Coach certificate by the time of the National Finals, or hold equivalent status*. *At the time of publication, equivalent status had been granted to any coach certified under NCCP Level 2 or higher (equivalency expires Dec. 31, 2015 without MED). Coach-Chaperones may be requested to submit to a police check PRIOR TO THE PROVINCIAL OR NATIONAL FINALS to ensure the safest possible conditions for the young competitors. 18. The YBC General Rule in regards to smoking, alcoholic beverages, use of unprescribed drugs, stimulants or depressants will be in effect for all phases of the YBC National Championships. 19. Official protests of any infraction of the YBC rules must be filed in writing with the YBC Provincial Association within 72 hours. If no settlement can be reached at the Provincial level, the protest is to be passed on to the National YBC Board for a final ruling. Protests on playing rules in the Provincial and National Finals must be made prior to the end of the match. All protests lodged with Youth Bowl Canada (National) will be subject to a $50.00 Administration fee. Such fee to be refunded in cases where YBC rules in favour of the protesting party. 20. No scores will be counted as official until passed by the YBC tournament committee. Any further rules not covered will be placed before the person in charge for a ruling. 30 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS RULES & REGULATIONS 21. Bowlers competing in the YBC Championships Zone, Provincial and National Finals must abide by the dress code as established by the Provincial & National Association. 22. Provinces/Regions must field a full contingent to the National Finals. Failure to do so may result in the province/region being ineligible to participate in the event the following year which would in turn require the province/region to apply to be reinstated for future years. 23. In case of any dispute the decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final. 24. sUBsTiTUTioN Substitution is allowed in each of the following steps of the event (Zone Finals, Provincial Finals and National Finals). Substitutions can only be made PRIOR to the commencement of an event. Once the event has begun substitutions can no longer be made. For all Substitutions which involve COMPOSITE Teams see "Substitutions involving Composite Teams" later in this section. ZoNe FiNal sUBsTiTUTioN In the event of sickness or absence affecting your single or team representatives prior to the Zone Finals, a runner up bowler of your House Qualifying Round will become the replacement. When substituting in a team event, teams may need to be adjusted at the discretion of the league. Where required, leagues may move bowlers up 1 division to fill teams (Bantams to Juniors, and Juniors to Seniors). Maximum 2 move ups per team. Once a replacement is made, the original bowler cannot return to bowl in any of the following steps. If no such substitute is available for the Zone Finals, only the scores of the bowlers present at the Zone Finals will be counted. proViNCial FiNal sUBsTiTUTioN If the Singles Champion of the Zone Finals is unable to proceed to the Provincial Finals, the runnerup bowler of the Zone Finals will become the replacement if available. If a Composite Team was formed at the Zone Finals using Singles runners-up, the second place bowler at the Singles Zone must move up to fill the Singles spot and the Composite Team must be adjusted as per the directions under "Substitutions involving Composite Teams" on next page. In the event of sickness or absence affecting your Team members PRIOR to the Provincial Final, the next runner-up bowler of your House Qualifying Round (as per the substitution method outlined in "Zone Final Substitution") shall become the replacement. Once the replacement is made, the original bowler cannot return to bowl in the following step. If no such substitute is available for the Provincial Finals in the Team event, only the scores of the bowlers present at the Provincial Finals will be counted. NaTioNal FiNal sUBsTiTUTioN If the Singles Champion of the Provincial Finals is unable to proceed to the National Finals, the runnerup bowler in the Provincial Finals will become the replacement. In the event of sickness or absence affecting your Team members PRIOR to the National Final, the next runner-up bowler of your House Qualifying Round (as per the substitution method outlined in "Zone Final Substitution") shall become the replacement. If no such substitute is available for the National Finals in the Team event, only the scores of the bowlers present at the National Finals will be counted. 31 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS RULES & REGULATIONS Substitutions involving CoMposiTe TeaMs In the event of sickness or absence affecting your CoMposiTe Team PRIOR to the Zone, Provincial or National Final, the next runner-up bowler from the composite team's qualifying round (either Singles Zone Final or Composite Team Roll Off) shall become the replacement. Once a replacement is made, the original bowler cannot return to bowl in any of the following steps. If no such substitute is available for any of the events, only the scores of the bowlers present at the event will be counted. YBC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS…CRESTS…FIVEPIN & TENPIN siNgles CresT To be awarded after the House Qualifying Round (tenpin) or at the Zone Finals (fivepin) to the bowlers who qualified as Singles Representatives. TeaM CresTs To be awarded after the House Qualifying Round to the bowlers who qualified as members of a Team (5-Pin only). ZoNe ChaMpioN CheVroNs These will be presented to the winners of the Zone Finals. proViNCial ChaMpioN CheVroNs To be presented to the winners of the Provincial Finals. NaTioNal ChaMpioN CheVroNs These will be presented to the National Champions of the event. 32