Research 100 R&J Name

Research 100 R&J
Name _____________________________________
Block _____
Practicing the skills of research – getting on the same page
1. Source Citation / Citation in Context
4. Highlighting pertinent information according to
2. Quoting
paper topics (main points)
2. Paraphrasing with citation
5. Note taking
3. Summarizing with citation
1. Source Citation
Topic 1 Romeo and Juliet-prehistoric remains
Topic 1 Source:
author, ______________________________________ “web article title” _______________________________________________,
web page____________________________________________, publisher (bottom of page) _________________________________
date of e-publication _________________________ most recent date of access (today’s date?) ______________________
url _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In your sources cited page it looks like:
David, Ariel. "Prehistoric Romeo and Juliet discovered.", 7 Feb. 2007. Web. 15
Apr. 2013. <>.
Quick Notes:
1. Two 5,000 yr old skeletons found near Mantua (25 miles from Verona) – the skeletons were
found on their sides, facing one another
2. These Neolithic skeletons have “more of an emotional than a scientific value” according to
anthropologist Luca Bondioli from Rome’s National Prehistoric and Ethnographic Museum
3. The age, gender and whether or not the couple were related is still to be determined –
Bondioli went on to say that the “Romeo and Juliet possibility is just one of many” hypotheses
2. Quoting
You quote when you reproduce a statement from another writer and
Use quotation marks around words, phrases, sentences, passages, or paragraphs taken from the other writer’s work,
making sure the quotation is accurate--word-for-word, comma-for-comma.
Use square brackets to indicate any words you add for clarification (The witness claimed that “he [the suspect] didn’t
do it”) or small changes—like making the first letter in a word letter lower case instead of Upper Case—that make the
quote fit more smoothly into your sentence (see the second example on the other side of this sheet). You can also make
additions to the quotation or changes if they do not affect its meaning.
Insert ellipsis marks (…) to show where you cut unnecessary words or content from a quotation (Van Rys, et al. 155),
as in this example: In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln refers back to the Declaration of Independence when he says “Four
score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth…a new nation…dedicated to the proposition that all men are created
o Introduce the author and possibly reference the book or article through a “signal phrase” (Aaron 466).
o Cite the source/page number using a parenthetical citation format (the beginning of your MLA citation).
Quotation: First Sentence of article with parenthetical Citation:
“They died young and, by the looks of it, in love” (David). ____________________________________
David wrote that “[t]hey died young and, by the looks of it, in love.”
Eastern Illinois University Writing Center
Research 100 R&J
Name _____________________________________
Block _____
3. Paraphrasing
You paraphrase when you take a specific passage from another writer and
Recast the content and ideas of the author entirely in your own words—without quoting—and with different sentence
Write the paraphrase the approximate length of the original.
Avoid “plagiaphrasing,” which is “changing only a few words in the original and then including the text as your own.
Plagiaphrasing describes a writer’s use of almost the same words as in the original source”
(Keene and Adams 181). *This is a very common form of plagiarism.
o Introduce the author and possibly reference the title of the book, article, or other source through “signal phrase” using
the present tense (Aaron 466).
o Cite the source using a parenthetical citation format.
First two sentences of Prehistoric Romeo and Juliet article:
They died young and, by the looks of it, in love. Two 5,000-year-old skeletons found locked in an
embrace near the city where Shakespeare set the star-crossed tale "Romeo and Juliet" have sparked
theories the remains of a far more ancient love story have been found. Archaeologists unearthed the
skeletons dating back to the late Neolithic period outside Mantua, 25 miles south of Verona, the city of
Shakespeare's story of doomed love (David).
Sentence by sentence - Paraphrase of Prehistoric Romeo and Juliet article synopsis with parenthetic citation following:
“They died young and, by the looks of it, in love. Two 5,000-year-old skeletons found locked in an embrace
near the city where Shakespeare set the star-crossed tale ‘Romeo and Juliet’ have sparked theories the remains
of a far more ancient love story have been found” (David).
Found near the city where Shakespeare set “Romeo and Juliet,” two skeletons were discovered
tenderly entwined. It appeared that they had died young, kindling hypothesis about a much
older romantic tale (David).
“Archaeologists unearthed the skeletons dating back to the late Neolithic period outside Mantua, 25 miles south
of Verona, the city of Shakespeare's story of doomed love” (David).
The skeletons, which were exhumed by archaeologists 25 miles south of Verona, outside Manuta
(the cities which served as the setting Shakespeare’s play of star-crossed lovers) date to the
late Neolithic era (David).
Eastern Illinois University Writing Center
Research 100 R&J
Name _____________________________________
Block _____
3. Summarizing with in-text
You create a summary when you take all or part of a work from another writer (a passage from a Web site, a section of
an article, a chapter, an entire article or book…) and
Condense what the author is saying, creating a much more concise version that focuses in on the author's main point(s)
in your own words.
If choosing to retain key phrases or terms from the original, put these in quotation marks.
o When you work this summary into your paper, you need to introduce the author and possibly reference the book or
article in a “signal phrase” using the present tense (Aaron 466).
See the other side of this page for examples and a list of verbs you might use.
Summarize a portion of the Prehistoric Romeo and Juliet article:
Experts might never determine the exact nature of the pair's relationship, but Menotti said she had little
doubt it was born of a deep sentiment.
"It was a very emotional discovery," she said. "From thousands of years ago we feel the strength of this
love. Yes, we must call it love."
The couple's burial site was located Monday during construction work for a factory in the outskirts of
Alongside the couple, archaeologists found flint tools, including arrowheads and a knife, Menotti said.
Experts will now study the artifacts and the skeletons to determine the burial site's age and how old the
two were when they died, she said. The finds will then go on display at Mantua's Archaeological
Museum (David).
According to Ariel David in an article titled “Prehistoric Romeo and Juliet discovered” the
remains of [a] young couple were found Monday along with flint tools, including a knife and
arrowheads said Elena Menotti, the archeologist who led the dig. Although scientists will work
to find out the age of the burial site as well as how old the couple were when they died, we may
never know who they were or why they were laid to rest in such a sweet embrace. "It was a very
emotional discovery," Menotti said. "From thousands of years ago we feel the strength of this
love. Yes, we must call it love.”
4. Highlighting pertinent information according to paper topics (main points) – Personal life, career, impact
5. Note taking
Helpful Online Resources
“Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing” page:
“MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide” page:
Works Cited
Aaron, Jane E. LB Brief, 3rd ed. New York: Longman, 2008. Print.
Eastern Illinois University Writing Center
Research 100 R&J
Name _____________________________________
Block _____
Keene, Michael L, & Adams, Katherine. H.. Easy Access. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Print.
Van Rys, John, Verne Meyer, & Pat Sebranek. The Business Writer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Print.
Eastern Illinois University Writing Center