Cinema Thursday, October 10, 13 Thursday, October 10, 13 Peter Kubelka Lecture 2010 Thursday, October 10, 13 Eadweard Muybridge, Horse in Motion (1878), v=Ep5X3QluBnA Thursday, October 10, 13 Auguste & Louis Lumière, Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory (1895) http:// Thursday, October 10, 13 Robert J. Flaherty, Nanook of the North (1922) Thursday, October 10, 13 Georges Méliès, Four troubled heads (1897) Thursday, October 10, 13 Georges Méliès, Trip to the Moon (1902) Truth & Illusion Thursday, October 10, 13 Thursday, October 10, 13 Dziga Vertov / Elizaveta Svilova, Man with a Movie Camera (1929) Thursday, October 10, 13 Imaginary Line, 180 degree rule: Thursday, October 10, 13 Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather (1972) Thursday, October 10, 13 Yasujiro Ozu, Tokyo Stories (1953) Thursday, October 10, 13 Mark Cousins, The Story of film: An Odyssey, Vol.7 (2011) Thursday, October 10, 13 Jean-Luc Godard, Weekend (1967) Thursday, October 10, 13 Chris Marker, Le Jetée (1962) Thursday, October 10, 13 Stan Brakhage, Mothlight (1963) Thursday, October 10, 13 Peter Kubelka, Schwechater (1958) Thursday, October 10, 13 Peter Kubelka, Schwechater (1958) Thursday, October 10, 13 Peter Kubelka, Arnulf Rainer (1960) Thursday, October 10, 13 Paul Sharits, Shutter Interface (1975) Thursday, October 10, 13 Walt Disney, True-Life Adventures, Vol.2 (1953) Thursday, October 10, 13 Frederick Weisman, High School (1968) Thursday, October 10, 13 Frederick Weisman, High School (1968) Thursday, October 10, 13 Andy Warhol, Empire (1964) Thursday, October 10, 13 Andy Warhol, Kiss (1963) & Blowjob (1964) Repurposing Cinema / Found Footage Thursday, October 10, 13 Thursday, October 10, 13 Jay Rosenblatt, The Smell of Burning Ants (1994) Thursday, October 10, 13 Bill Morrison, Decasia (2002) Thursday, October 10, 13 Thursday, October 10, 13 Christian Marclay, Clock (2011) Thursday, October 10, 13 Sound List: - John Cage about silence - Scenery of a fishing port, Toshiya Tsunoda - Gaogaoshou, gaogaoshou, Minkoku Hyakunen minkoku-hyakunen.html - Solo for wounded CD, Yasunao Tone - Veglio Di Una Città (from "Die Kunst der Geräusche"), Luigi Russolo watch?v=VHLmitA3o6g - Half-Life, Curtis Roads - Radio lab “Musical Language” - Phantom words, Diana Deutsch - Phantom words, Diana Deutsch - Clapping music, Steve Reich - Radio lab “Musical Language” - Missing voice track, Janet Cardiff missing_voice.html Thursday, October 10, 13 Distant Object #1 (2013) LAU Ho Chi / 劉浩知 Video Installation SCM Annual Exhibition 2013, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Center Thursday, October 10, 13 Background research about the artwork: “Distant Object #1 is an abstract system of obedience and manipulation. The artist provides the means for audience to interact with the system. Through the system, audience can manipulate the direction of the artist’s eye. The blinking and facial expression is randomly generated. The video installation is a representation of the artist himself. This installation exploits the power distribution inside the gallery. Emphasis is placed on the ambiguity between reality and virtuality. We, the in-betweens, are always following and giving orders by intuition. This work is a system that empowers/manipulates the manipulated to manipulate the manipulated.” http:// Background research about the artist: BA (Hons) in Creative Media, Critical Intermedia Art No website, nor other personal information found Thursday, October 10, 13 Research Plan: Distant Object #1 was exhibited at the SCM Annual Exhibition 2013 at the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Center 3rd Floor Gallery. I saw the piece on July 4th during the opening reception. The piece is an interactive video installation constructed with a screen and a computer trackball placed a pedestal. On the screen a face looks straight at the viewer, and as the viewer moves the trackball the eyes follow your finger movement. I found out later, the artist was hidden in a black box behind the viewer looking at a computer screen and a webcam. His eyes follow the cursor on the computer screen that the viewer moves with the trackball. During the 5 hour reception the artist stayed inside this box. Although this work is labeled as a video installation, I think of it more as a performance piece, and I really like the fact that at first glance it seems to be a complex computer system but in reality it is a very simple idea executed in a very simple manner. For my paper, I would like to focus on the meaning of the piece and also the different impact the work might have to viewers who are aware and not aware that the artist is hidden in a box. I believe the artist is trying to make point about our relationship to technology, and to the practice of new media art. I would like to research about new media art and how technology has been used by different artists. Additionally I will research about performance art and body art in a contemporary art context. Since I cannot find much information about the artist, and I am curious about why he named this piece “Distant Object #1” (are there #2, #3, and #4?) I will conduct an interview with him to give me further insight into the work. Reference List: School of Creative Media, 2013. SCM Annual Show 2013. [online] Available at: <http://> [Accessed 09 October 2012] Manovic, L., 2008. The Language of New Media. Cambridge: MIT Press. Goldberg, R. 2011. Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present. 3rd ed. London: Thames & Hudson. Thursday, October 10, 13 2. Auguste & Louis Lumière, Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory (1895) 3. Robert J. Flaherty, Nanook of the North (1922) 4. Georges Méliès, Four troubled heads (1897) 5. Georges Méliès, Trip to the Moon (1902) 6. Peter Kubelka Lecture 2010 7. Eadweard Muybridge, Horse in Motion (1878) 9. Rene Clair, Entr’Acet (1924) 10,11. Dziga Vertov / Elizaveta Svilova, Man with a Movie Camera (1929) 13. Imaginary Line, 180 degree rule: 14. Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather (1972) 15. Yasujiro Ozu, Tokyo Stories (1953) 16. Mark Cousins, The Story of film: An Odyssey, Vol.7 (2011) 17. Jean-Luc Godard, Weekend (1967) 18. Chris Marker, Le Jetée (1962) 19, 20. Wim Wenders, The State of Things (1982) 22. Stan Brakhage, Mothlight (1963) 23,24 Peter Kubelka, Schwechater (1958) 25. Peter Kubelka, Arnulf Rainer (1960) 26. Paul Sharits, Shutter Interface (1975) 27. Takashi Ito, Spacey (1980-81) 29. Walt Disney, True-Life Adventures, Vol.2 (1953) 30,31. Frederick Weisman, High School (1968) 32. Kazuo Hara, The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On (1987) 33. Claude Lanzmann, Shoah (1985) 35. Andy Warhol, Empire (1964) 36. Andy Warhol, Kiss (1963) & Blowjob (1964) 38. Jay Rosenblatt, The Smell of Burning Ants (1994) 39. Naomi Uman, Remove (1999) 40. Bill Morrison, Decasia (2002) 41. Martin Arnold, Pièce Touché (1989) 42. Martin Arnold, Deanimation - The Invisible Ghost (2002) 43. Douglas Gordon, 24 hour Psycho (1993) 44. Christian Marclay, Clock (2011) 46. Jeffrey Shaw, T_Visionarium (2003 - 2008) 47. 3D Imax theater Thursday, October 10, 13