s p r i n g 2 0 1 4 p r o d u c t u p d a t e
Published: 9/27/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-803480-0
Saunders and Cornett’s Financial Institutions
Management: A Risk Management Approach provides an innovative approach that focuses on managing return and risk in modern financial institutions. The central theme is that the risks faced by financial institutions managers and the methods and markets through which these risks are managed are becoming increasingly similar whether an institution is chartered as a commercial bank, a savings bank, an investment bank, or an insurance company. Although the traditional nature of each sector’s product activity is analyzed, a greater emphasis is placed on new areas of activities such as asset securitization, off-balance-sheet banking, and international banking.
Publishing: 2/14/2014
ISBN: 978-0-07-786160-5
International Financial Management is written based on two distinct parts: emphasis on the basics and emphasis on a managerial perspective. As capital markets of the world become more integrated, a solid understanding of international finance has become essential for astute corporate decision making.
International Financial Management provides students with a foundation for analysis that will serve them well in their careers ahead. The decision-making process is presented through the text with the goal of teaching students how to make informed managerial decisions in an evolving global financial landscape.
Publishing: 1/31/2014
ISBN: 978-0-07-811566-0
Fundamentals of Investments focuses on students as investment managers, giving them information to act on by placing theory and research in the proper context.
The text offers a balanced, unified treatment of the four main types of financial investments—stocks, bonds, options, and futures. Topics are organized in a way that makes them easy to apply—whether to a portfolio simulation or to real life— and supported with hands-on activities.
Then, resources within Connect Plus help students solve financial problems and apply what they’ve learned. Jordan’s managerial perspective and superior pedagogy combine with a complete digital solution to help students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Plus Finance Access Card
ISBN: 9780077641757
Connect Finance Access Card
ISBN: 978-0-07-764174-0
Published: 9/28/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-803469-5
The market leading undergraduate investments textbook, Essentials of
Investments, 9e by Bodie, Kane, and
Marcus, emphasizes asset allocation while presenting the practical applications of investment theory. The authors have eliminated unnecessary mathematical detail and concentrate on the intuition and insights that will be useful to practitioners throughout their careers as new ideas and challenges emerge from the financial marketplace. The Ninth Edition includes increased attention to changes in market structure and trading technology, while continuing to be organized around one basic theme – that security markets are nearly efficient.
Connect Finance with LearnSmart
Connect Plus Finance with LearnSmart
Published: 9/20/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-786167-4
The integrated solutions for Bodie, Kane, and Marcus’ Investments set the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks.
The unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are priced appropriately given their risk and return attributes. The content places greater emphasis on asset allocation and offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets than most investment texts. McGraw-Hill’s adaptive
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com
Finance learning component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared. In addition, resources within Connect Plus help students solve financial problems and apply what they’ve learned. Bodie Investments’ blend of practical and theoretical coverage combines with a complete digital solution to help your students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Finance Access Card with LearnSmart
ISBN: 978-0-07-764193-1
Connect Plus Access Card with LearnSmart
ISBN: 978-0-07-764195-5
Solutions Manual ISBN: 978-0-07-764191-7
Publishing: 1/10/2014
ISBN: 978-0-07-786168-1
Finance, 3e, by Cornett/Adair/Nofsinger incorporates the newest technology to facilitate the learning process, saving valuable time for you and your students.
The Third Edition continues to provide the core topics for the course, highlighting personal examples to help students relate to the material. And now, McGraw-Hill’s adaptive learning component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared. In addition, resources within Connect Plus help students solve financial problems and apply what they’ve learned. Cornett’s superior pedagogy, extensive end-of-chapter problems, emphasis on the personal perspective, and focus on the core concepts combine with a complete digital solution to help students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Plus Finance with LearnSmart Access
Card ISBN: 978-0-07-764087-3
Connect Finance with LearnSmart Access Card
ISBN: 978-0-07-764082-8
Published: 9/20/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-786161-2
The integrated solutions for Block’s
Foundations of Financial Management have been specifically designed to help improve student performance, meaning that students are prepared for and engaged in class, and they can successfully solve problems and analyze the results. McGraw-Hill’s adaptive learning component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared. In addition, resources within Connect Plus help students solve financial problems and apply what they’ve learned. Block’s real-world emphasis, clear writing style, and step-by-step explanations combine with a complete digital solution to help your students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Finance Access Card with LearnSmart
ISBN: 978-0-07-764135-1
Connect Plus Finance Access Card with
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-764136-8
Casebook ISBN: 978-0-07-764134-4
Published: 1/25/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-803475-6
The integrated solutions for Ross’s Essentials
of Corporate Finance have been specifically designed to help improve student performance, meaning that students are prepared for and engaged in class, and they can successfully solve problems and analyze the results. McGraw-Hill’s adaptive learning component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared. In addition, resources within Connect Plus help students solve financial problems and apply what they’ve learned. Ross Essentials’ succinct coverage, managerial focus, and strong end-of-chapter content combine with a complete digital solution to help your students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Finance Access Card with LearnSmart
ISBN: 978-0-07-751120-3
Connect Plus Finance Access Card with
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-751127-2
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-921832-3
Published: 1/11/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-803481-7
The integrated solutions for Cornett’s M:
Finance have been specifically designed to help improve student performance, meaning that students are prepared for and engaged in class, and they can successfully solve problems and analyze the results. Cornett
M’s unmatched pedagogy and additional resources within Connect Plus help students solve financial problems, understand the relevance, and apply what they’ve learned.
Cornett M’s succinct coverage, magazine-
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com
Finance like design, and personal examples combine with a complete digital solution to help your students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Plus Finance with LearnSmart Access
Card ISBN: 978-0-07-764092-7
Connect Finance with LearnSmart Access Card
ISBN: 978-0-07-764091-0
Published: 9/20/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-786165-0
The integrated solutions for Ross/
Westerfield/Jaffee/Jordan’s Corporate
Finance: Core Principles and Applications have been specifically designed to help improve student performance, meaning that students are prepared for and engaged in class, and they can successfully solve problems and analyze the results. McGraw-
Hill’s adaptive learning component,
LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared.
In addition, resources within Connect Plus help students solve financial problems and apply what they’ve learned. Ross’ focus on the core concepts, cutting-edge research, and rich problem material combine with a complete digital solution to help students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Finance Access Card with LearnSmart
ISBN: 978-0-07-765043-8
Connect Plus Access Card with LearnSmart
ISBN: 978-0-07-765039-1
Solutions Manual ISBN 978-0-07-765041-4
Published 1/25/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-786171-1
Case Studies in Finance links managerial decisions to capital markets and the expectations of investors. At the core of almost all of the cases is a valuation task that requires students to look to financial markets for guidance in resolving the case problem. The focus on value helps managers understand the impact of the firm on the world around it. These cases also invite students to apply modern information technology to the analysis of managerial decisions.
Published: 1/18/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-803476-3
The integrated solutions for Brealey’s
Principles of Corporate Finance have been specifically designed to help improve student performance, meaning that students are prepared for class and can successfully solve problems and analyze the results. Resources within Connect Finance provide unlimited opportunities for students to practice solving financial problems and apply what they’ve learned. Brealey’s world-leading content showing managers how to use financial theory to solve practical problems combined with a complete digital solution will help students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Finance Access Card with LearnSmart
ISBN: 978-0-07-750243-0
Connect Plus Finance Access Card with
LearnSmartISBN: 978-0-07-750245-4
Solutions Manual ISBN: 978-0-07-750247-8
Published: 10/05/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-803477-0
Corporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, and
Jaffe emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make the theory come to life. The authors aim to present corporate finance as the working of a small number of integrated and powerful intuitions, rather than a collection of unrelated topics. They develop the central concepts of modern finance: arbitrage, net present value, efficient markets, agency theory, options, and the trade-off between risk and return, and use them to explain corporate finance with a balance of theory and application. The Tenth Edition includes many exciting new research findings as well as an enhanced Connect Finance, now with even more student learning resources.
Connect Finance with Learnsmart
ConnectPlus Corporate Finance with
Publishing: 1/31/2014
ISBN: 978-0-07-786164-3
The journey to financial freedom starts here!
Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes’ market-leading
Personal Finance provides practical guidance on how students can achieve peace of mind with regard to their financial situation. It provides many financial planning tools to help students identify and evaluate choices as well as understand the consequences of decisions in terms of opportunity costs.
And now, McGraw-Hill’s adaptive learning
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com
Finance component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared. In addition, resources within
Connect Plus help students solve financial problems and apply what they’ve learned.
Kapoor’s practical resources, comprehensive coverage, and superior pedagogy combine with a complete digital solution to help students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Connect Plus Finance with LearnSmart Access
Card ISBN: 978-0-07-764099-6
Connect Finance with LearnSmart Access Card
ISBN: 978-0-07-764098-9
Published: 9/21/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-803478-7
Focus on Personal Finance is a brief,
14-chapter book, covering the critical topics in Personal Finance courses. This 4-color, paperback text is designed and written to appeal to a range of ages, life situations, and levels of financial literacy.
A unique aspect of this text is its active approach. This text will not only get your students thinking about their current situation and financial goals, but also to put these in writing to use as a guide and revise over the course of their lives. The more a student involves themselves in the assessments, exercises and worksheets provided, the more they will discover about their current habits and how to improve them for greater financial freedom.
Students have many different financial goals, but none are more important than having a basic understanding of financial issues and peace of mind with regard to their decisions.
The ultimate goal of Focus on Personal
Finance is to get students to this point as a first step to achieving the many financial goals they have set for themselves.
Connect Finance
ConnectPlus Finance
Connect Finance with Learnsmart
Published: 12/28/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-337734-6
Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach demonstrates how value is central to virtually all real estate decision-making.
Students using Ling and Archer should finish the course with a value-oriented framework and a set of valuation and decision making tools that can be applied in a variety of real-world situations. The key to making sound investment decision is to understand how property values are created, maintained, increased or destroyed.
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com
McGraw- Hill Connect provides online presentation, assignment, and assessment solutions. It connects your students with the tools and resources they’ll need to achieve success. Additionally, Connect/Connect
Plus content (text, tools, and homework) can be fully integrated with your Blackboard course! McGraw- Hill ConnectPlus™ includes the full textbook as an integrated, dynamic ebook. Media, animation and assessments are merged with the text’s narrative to engage students and improve learning and learning retention.
See all Connect Products for Finance at: http://connect.customer.mcgraw-hill.com/ subjects/business/finance
SmartBook is the first and only adaptive reading experience. Powered by
LearnSmart’s proven adaptive technology,
SmartBook identifies and highlights the most important learning objectives for each student to master at a given point in time. It knows when students are likely to forget specific information and revisits that contentto advance the knowledge from their short-term to long-term memory.
Data driven reports highlight the concepts individual students - or the entire class are struggling with.
With Create™ you can easily rearrange chapters, combine material from other content sources, and quickly upload content you have written such as your course syllabus or teaching notes. Find the content you need in Create by searching through thousands of leading McGraw-Hill textbooks and arrange your book to fit your teaching style. Explore Create at http://create.mcgraw-hill.com/asia
LearnSmart maximizes learning productivity and efficiency by identifying the most important learning objectives for each student to master at a given point in time. It knows when students are likely to forget specific information and revisits that content to advance knowledge from their short-term to long-term memory.
Data driven reports highlight the concepts individual students - or the entire class are struggling. LearnSmart is proven to improve academic performance – including higher retention rates and better grades.
Make your lectures available to your students 24/7 without changing anything about the way you teach! You speak 120 words per minute, while your students write only 20. This forces them to decide between listening or taking notes. With Tegrity
Campus they no longer have to make that decision. Your students can engage in class discussion, listen more intently and retain more-- resulting in improved course performance. A simple one-click start/stop process automatically captures audio, PowerPoint’s, all computer screens, videos and more. Students can access their instructors’ lectures anytime or anywhere.
They can search the lectures using keywords; students can also use it to review a missed class, for an exam, or to complete their lecture notes. For more information, visit: tegritycampus.mhhe.com
Whether you are searching for customized textbooks and supplements, a new curriculum, or online courses for an entire discipline or institution, McGraw-Hill
Learning Solutions collaborates with you to deliver students-centered experiences that result in learning. To learn more, visit: learningsolutions.mhhe.com
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at mghasia.sg@mheducation.com