APPENDICES Appendix 1.1 ASTM Classification of Coals by Rank’ Class I. Anthracite Limits of Fixed Carbon or Btu, Mineral-matter-free Basis Group Dry FC, 98% or more (dry VM, 2% or less) Dry FC,92% or more and less than 98% (dry VM, 8% or less and more than 2%) Dry FC, 86% or more and less than 92% (dry VM, 14% or less and more than Nonagglomerating.2 8%) 1. Meta-anthracite 2. Anthracite 3.Semi-anthracite II. Bituminous31.Low-volatile Dry FC,78% or more and less than 86% (dry VM, 22% or less and more than 14%) Dry FC, 69% or more and less than 78% (dry VM. 31% or less and more than 22%) Dry FC, less than 69% (dry VM, more than 31%) and moist4 Btu, 14,0004.5 or more bituminous coal 2. Medium-volatile bituminous coal 3. High-volatile A bituminous coal 4. High volatile B bituminous coal 5. High-volatile C bituminous coal 111. Sub-bituminous IV Lignitic Requisite Physical Properties Moi~t4Btu,13,000ormoreandlessthan 14,0004 Moist Btu, 11,000or more and less thanEither agglomerating 13,0004 or nonweathering.6 1. Sub-bituminous P Moist Btu, 11,000or more and less than Both weathering and coal 13,000 nonagglomerating. 2. Sub-bituminous E Moist Btu, 9,500 or more and less than coal 11,000 3. Sub-bituminous ( Moist Btu, 8,300 or more and less than coal 9,500 1. Lignite 2. Brown coal I. Moist Btu, less than 8,300 Moist Btu, less than 8,300 Consolidated. Unconsolidated. Source: ASTM 0388-38(ref. 1). FC=fixed carbon: VM-wlatile matter: Blu=British thermai units. 1Thi~~l~siticationdossnotincludeafewmalsthath~~~evenusuaiphysicaiandchemicalpropertiesandthatcomewithinthelimitsoftixed carbonoreluoltheh~gh-volalilebituminousandsub-bituminousranks.AliolthesecoalseifherconlainlesSthan4Spercentdry.mineral-matlcrfree fixed carbon or have more than 15,500moist, mineiaimatler-freeBtu. If agglomerating. classify in low-voiatile group of tho bituminous class. It is recognized that there may be noncaking varieties in each group 01 the bituminous class. Moist Btu refersto mal containing its natural bed moisture but not including visible water on the surface 01 the coal. 5 Coals havinq . 89. oer cent or more flxed carbon on the dry, mineral-matter-tree basis Shall be classified accordins Io fixed carbon. regardless of Blu. e There are three varieties of coal in the high-volatile C bituminous coal group-Variety 1. agglomerating and nonweathering; Variety 2. agglomerating and weathering: Variety 3, nonagglomerating and nonweathering. 153 Appendix 1.2 Symbols for Grading Coals According to Ash, Softening Temperature of Ash, and Sulphur T Ash' Softening Ten Symbol Amo~nt,~ Per cent Inclusive Symbol A4 A6 A8 A10 A1 2 A1 4 A16 A1 8 A20 A20 plus 0.W 4.0 4.1- 6.0 6.1- 8.0 8.1-10.0 10.1-12.0 1211-1410 14.1-16.0 16.1-18.0 18.1-20.0 20.0 a n d hiaher " I F28 F26 F24 F22 F20 F20 minus - ur Temp., 'F Inclusive W O O a n d higher 2,600-2,790 2,400-2,590 2,200-2,390 2,000-2,190 Less than 2,000 - - I 1 Symbol Amount. Per Cent Inclusive 0.0-0.7 s1.0 50.7 51.3 S1.6 s2.0 53.0 55.0 S5.0 plus - 0.8-1.0 1.1-1.3 1.&1 .6 1 .7-7 n 2.1-3.0 3.1-5.0 5.1 a n d higher - Source: ASTM [ 3-37 (ret. 1). AshandsulphtX51~allbereporfedtothenearest0.1percenthydroppinQtheseconddecimalfiQurewhenitis0.01~.04,inclusive.andby increasing the perce!,tag e by 0.1 per cent when the second decimal figure is O.OW.09, inclusive. For example, 4.85-4.94 per cent. inclusive, shall he considered 21.9 $,e, cent. Ash-softening tenlperatures shall he reported to the nearest 10°F For example, 2,635-2,644'F inclusive. Shall be consideled to he 2,6400F For Mmmercial grading 01 coals. ranges in the percentage 01 ash Smaller than 2 per cent are commonly used ' 154 1 ". 3 1 >4 Appendix 1.4 Relationship Between Maximum Fluidity and Mean Maximum Reflectance 40,000 30,000 LEGEND V. M. denotes 20,000 % Volatile Matter [dry, ash-free basis1 L.V. denotes Low Volatile M.V. denotes Medium Volatile 10,000 H.V.denotesHighVolotile \\ lnertr ore \ 5,000 3,000 \ I \ \ 2,000 b y Volume \ \ 4,000 "/e \ \ \ 1,000 -i \ a 500 2 Japan H.V.(B) 400 I 300 h .= x - 200 LL 2 .x 100 2 50 40 30 20 10 5 4 3 2 1.31.5 1.4 1.7 1.6 % Moan 1.9 1.8 2.0 Reflectance in Oil Higher mnk Lover rank 156 Appendix 1.5 Glossary of Coal Classification Terms 1. In the International Classification System, the first subdivision is based on caking property, which in broad termsreflects the behaviour of coal when heated rapidly, i.e., during combustion.The crucible-swelling test (FreeSwellingIndex)and theRoga tests canbe usedalternativelyfor measuring caking property. (a) Free Swe//ing Index(E.S.I.) This is the simplest and most well-known testto assess the swelling propertiesof the coal. A I-gram sample of pulverized coal is tleated in a covered crucible of fixed dimensions. After the coal has swelled,its profile is compared against a seriesof standard profiles labelled in half units from 0-9. Since the test is quick and oasy, and uses small samplesof coal, it is most commonly used on drill hole samples and by the coal producer for a rapid appraisal of his coal (oftento detect oxidation). A valueof less than 4 indicates that a coal would produce a poor-quality coke. On the other hand, a value of9 is not necessarily better than a valueof 6. The following more detailed tests would enable a better judgment to be made. (b) Roga Index The test is conducted by carbonizing a mixtureof 1 gram of coal and 5 gramsof a standatd anthracite at 850°C for 15 minutes. The mechanical strength of the resulting coke button is measured by an abrasion test in a special rotating drum. At the end of the tumbling period, the residue is screened on a sieve with 1-millimetre round openings and the oversize weighed. The tumbling and screening of theoversize is repeated two additional times. The indexis calculated from the results of the screening test by the following formula: 1 +b+cl 100 a + d RogaIndex= 3Q 2 ~ Where: Q = total weight of residue after carbonization; a = weight of oversize beforefirst screening; b =weight of oversize after first screening; c =weight of oversize after second screening; and d =weight of oversize after third screening. 2. In theInternational Classification System,the second subdivision is based on cokingproperty, which reflects the behaviour of coal when heated slowly, asin carbonization. The Ruhr Dilatometer Test and the Gray-King Assay can be usedalternatively for measuring coking property. (a) Gray-King Coke-type Test The test is conducted by carbonizing a 20-gram sample of coal progressively to 600°C in a horizontal tube furnace.The carbonized residue is classified as to volume, coherence,fissuring, and hardness by comparing it with a series of residues.For coals that form residues that range from pulverulent to hard cokesoccupying the same volume asthe original coal (standard coke), the type of residue is assigned letters ranging from A to G. For coals that swell to fill the crosssection of the tube, electrode carbon is mixed with the coal to obtain a strong, hard cokeof the same volume as the original coal-electrode carbon mixture. The coke type is indicated by the letter G with a subscript figure, that is, G G,, etc. The subscript shows number of parts of electrode carbon needed in the mixture with coal to give a G-type (standard) coke. (b) Ruhr Dilatometer The German steel companies (and to a lesser extent the British Steel Corporation) make great use of this test and, since they are becoming involved in British Columbia coal properties, a mention of its use would be appropriate. The dilation test produces a curve basedon thechanging of the length of a coal pencil with progressive heating, under controlled conditions. From the dilation test, thecoking propensities of coking-coal and blends are characterized by the following: Contraction, dilation, softening temperature, solidification temperature, and plastic range. Contraction is the decrease in length that the coal pencil undergoes during the heating cycle within the tube, i.e., as the coal melts. 157 3. Mean Maximum Reflectance (R,) In this case, a sample of pulverized coal is set with resin into a mould, the surface of the coal isthen polished and viewed undera microscope, the tip of which is immersed inan oil film on the coal surface. The operator then focuses the microscope ona vitrinite component and the maximum reflectancevalueisrecorded. The procedureis repeated for a statistically representative number of vitrinite macerals and the mean maximum reflectance value is determined. It is interesting to note that R0 values area more precise guide to the rank of a coal, in the coking range, than the determination of volatile content. The use of petrographic techniques, such as values, is becoming more prevalent, particularly in Japan. a, 4. Gieselerfluidity This is a test performedto determine theviscosity or fluidity of a coal during the plastic stage of coke formation.A sample of pulverized coal is packed arounda stirrer to which a constant torque is applied. The coal is then heated at a given rate and the following temperatures are measured: Initial softening temperature, temperature at maximum fluidity, final temperature, and melting range. A measurement of the maximum fluidity in terms of dial divisions per minute is also made. British Columbia coals generally exhibit low ddpm values (less than 500) as do the low volatile eastern United States coals, which are generally regarded as "prime" coking-coals. The coals of northeastern British Columbia are generally more fluid than those of the south. Gieseler tests are frequently performed in NorthAmerica and Japan, but rarely in Europe. Appendix 1.6 Combustion Products of Coal', Combustion Producls (ib.il06 Btu) co2 219.6 ,09231 ,4455 .53853 .01346 7.422 ,3711 ,2226 eo NO so* so3 Particulates4 95 per cent ash removal 97 per cent ash removal ~ ' This table does not consider the emissionsof minor elementsthat might be present in a given coal. Western Canadian Bituminous Coal(0.7% S). Assuming 50 per Cent S in coal is neutralized bv Cations in the ash. ParticulateS include CH ,, flyash, and soot Appendix 1.7 Hydrogen Content of Organic Materials* Anthracite Bituminous Cool Residual Fuel Oil Crude Oil Light Fuel Oil Naohtha I ' LPG 0 I I 10 20 Methane 30 PERCENTAGE HYDROGEN ' The Robens Coal Science Lecture 1974: Coalinlo the Twenty4rslCenlur~L. Grainger, London. October 1974 158 Appendix 1.8 Potential Products of the Solvent Refining of Coal* PROCESS PRIMARY PRODUCT POlENllAl USES ' The Robens Coal Science Lecture 1974 Coalinto the Tweniy-firstCentw)! L. Granger, London, October 1974 Appendix 4.1 Washability Curves: Glossary of Terms and Examples Washability curves areused to describe the yield and properties of material that floats when raw coal is immersed in a liquid of particular relative density.The curves areestablished by laboratorytesting of the coal, using liquids of different relative densities to effect the separations. The results are cumulated so that, by graphingthem, it is possible to determine the yield and ash content of a float coal (and discard) at any density within the range tested. Appendices 4.1a and 4.1b show a set of washability curves. They are as follows: (a) Primary curve (characteristic curve): This is a graph of the ash content of the dirtiest particle present in a particular yield of clean coal; hence it is read againstthe ash/cum per cent weight floats axes. (b) Clean coal curve (cumulative floats): The cumulative (average) ash of coal floats at any yield may be read fromthis curve; hence it, too, is read on the cumulative per cent of floatsiash content axes. (c) Discard curve(cumulativesinks): This is simply the ash content of the discards obtained at a particularyield of floats. It is read on the cumulative per cent sinkdash content axes. (d) Specific gravity yield curve (densimetric curve): This shows the percentage material floating at any given relative density; hence the yield of floats is read against the relative density (specific gravity) scale. (e) Distribution curve: This is a graph of the amount of material in the range 20.1 of the particular relative density being considered. it is an expressionof the ease with which a coal may be cleaned, as the more material which is in the region ofthe density at which the coal is being washed, the more precise must be the control of the washing operation and hencethe more difficult the coal is to clean. The following classification has been suggested: 159 0-7 per cent near density-simple separation 7-10 per cent near density-moderately difficult 10-15 per cent near density-difficult 15-20 per cent near density-very difficult 20-25 per cent near density-exceedingly difficult over 25 per cent near density-formidable. For most coals considered in this report, the neardensity is under 10 per cent. Separations inother countries are being carried out involving 70-80 per cent near density material. Appendix 4.1b shows acoal that is fairly difficult to clean. To show the use of the curves, if it is desired to make a coal of 10 per cent ash, curveB tells us that the yield will be 63 per cent, and D shows that the relative density of washing must be 1.52.The ash inthe discard (C) is 44per cent (yield 56 per cent) and the dirtiest particlepresent has an ash of about 24 per cent.The per cent near density is some30percent.lncreasingtheashinthecleancoalto15percentbringstheyieldupto83percent, the discard ash increasesto 62 per cent, ash of dirtiest particle is 37 per cent, washing density 1.75, and the near densitymaterial is downto 10 per cent. Not only has the yield materially increased, the coal has actually become easier to clean by increasing the ash content,with a consequentincrease in the range of equipment that could be used(and a possiblereduction in cost). Appendices and 4.ld show an exceptionally easy coal; note the low percentage of near density material over quite a wide range of washing densities. In deciding the ash content that can economically be produced,it is important to take both yield and effecton washingcharacteristics into account: If the separation has to is much near density material, then increasesin ash and losses be carried out in a region where there in yield can occur unless the process is capableof being closely controlled. As pointed out, coals currently being considered in British Columbia have near density under 10 percent, and high yields at the required ashcontent. This immediately suggests that simple and cheappreparation methods may be used in many cases to attain the required ash, with more costly equipment being used only to retreat the discards from the first separation. This can apply to coarser coals, but is more generally applicabletothesmallersizes,sayunderone-halfinch.*Itshouldbenotedthatthesmallerthesizeof coal, the greater the liberationof the organic material fromassociated inorganic. Hence, the smaller sizes maybe washed at higher densities to give the same ash as the coarser sizes washed at lower densities. This is also accompanied by a diminution in the amount of near density material, making the coals easier to clean. Coal from Mine A (Appendices4.le and f) can be taken as an example of one of the coals of the Province thatshould beable to be beneficiated to a yield of 80 per cent with an ash content slightly over 4 per cent, with a low order of control precision required at the plant. Coal from Mine8,on the otherhand,inthesizerange4x28meshwouldonlygiveayieldof25percentatapproximately4per cent ash (Appendices 4.19 and h). If the material is below 28-mesh size (Le., smaller and therefore showing better liberation of maceral and inorganic material), thena70-per-cent yield at 5 per cent is theoretically possible with highly precise control from the washability curves(Appendices and j). In practice, the operator has been able to obtain contracts for coal from carbonization with ash contents of approximately 9 per cent; yields of 70 per cent are possible at this ash fromthe 4 x 28mesh size fraction. This ashcontent should beobtainable with a low order of control because of the shape of the distribution curve. ~ * 1 inch=2.54 centimetres. 160 Appendix Client: B.C. Coal Task Force. Sample identification: SeamB. .. ". T Dired Specific Gravity Cum Float$ ~ Weight - 1.30................................... 1.30-1 3 5 ................................... 1.35-1 ................................... .40 1.40-1 ................................... .45 1.45-1.50................................... 1.50-1.60................................... 1.60-1.70................................... 1.70-1.80................................... 1 .80-1 .90 ................................... +1.90................................... I % I 7.1 20.9 13.3 I 8.9 12.8 7.0 4.6 I i I 1% 100.0 I 2.6 5.4 10.1 15.1 20.3 26.6 31.8 36.7 40.0 72.3 0.18 ........... 22.95 1.81 2.23 1.69 I Weight (7) ~ % % 0.18 1.31 2.65 4.19 6.00 9.40 11.63 13.32 15.00 22.95 7.1 128.0 .13 41.3 1.34 51.5 1.54 60.4 73.2 3.40 80.2 84.8 89.0 100.0 ........... .......... Cum Sinks Sink Weight Ash (6) ~ T % 2.6 4.7 6.4 8.1 9.9 12.9 14.5 15.7 16.9 23.0 ........... % 92.9 22.77 21.64 20.30 18.76 16.95 13.55 11.32 15.2 9.63 I + Weight (12) ~ % % 72.0 58.7 48.5 39.6 26.8 19.8 I +0.1S.G. Distribution ...................... ...................... 7'95 11'0 24.51 30.06 1.40 34.58 38.68 1.50 42.80 1.60 50.56 1.70 57.17 1.80 63.36 72.27 .......... .......... ........... ........... 53.3 .......... ........... 31.9 19.8 11.6 8.8 .......... .......... .......... ..................... ........... 1 ........... ........... Appendix 4.1 b 30 - v, 2 40- 2 '3 50- u 60- Y 6 s 70 - 80 - 90 - ASH CONTENT % 2.1 2.2 2.01.4 I 91.5 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.7 SPECIFIC GRAVITY A PRIMARY CURVE B CLEAN COAL CURVE C DISCARD D SPECIFICGRAVITY-YIELD CURVE E kO.1 S.G. DISTR18UTIONCURVE CURVE 162 1.2 : Appendix Client: B.C.Coal Task Force. Sample identification:Seam A r T Cum Weight of Ash % 1.30-1.35................................... 1 .35-1 ................................... .40 1 .40-1.45................................... 1 .45-1.50................................... 1.50-1.60................................... 1.60-1.70................................... 1.70-1.80 ................................... 1.80-1 ................................... .90 + 1 .90................................... / 0.69 1.6 0.82 3.0 1.8 0.4 0.2 13.4 21.3 27.6 37.7 45.3 51.0 84.4 0.2 1 0.2 3.2 6.3 17.3 100.0 ........... L 1 % % 0.69 1.51 1.66 0.15 8.1 1.71 0.05 1.75 0.04 1 .81 0.06 0.08 1 .e9 1.45 3.34 6.55 3.21 14.60 21.15 21.15 ........... __ Weight (6) (5) - 1.30................................... Cum Floats ~ T Weight Ash (7) - % % % 1.6 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 4.4 7.9 21.1 ........... 56.9 20.46 .......... - Weight 43.1 70.4 72.2 72.6 72.8 73.0 73.2 76.4 82.7 100.0 __ T 1 +O.l S.G. Sink Cum Sinks 19.26 17.81 14.60 1 Ash (10) ~ % Disfribufion S.G. (11) __ Weight (12) - % Yo % 35.96 66.35 70.11 70.95 71.32 71.63 71.87 75.47 84.39 .....,.,.. .....,.... ........... ........... i ........... ........... 1.40 .... ...... 1S O 1 .60 1.70 1 .80 .....,,... .......... .... ...... 29.7 ........... 0.8 0.4 3.4 9.5 ........... ........... ........... Appendix 4.ld 100 0- 90 10- 20 2 9 - 80 30- 70 40- 60 y z v1 '+3 50- 50 8 c: u 60- 40 s 70 - 30 80 - 20 - 10 Y s 90 100 I 0 10 S 1 I 20 30 ~ I 40 1 I ' ' 50 60 70 1~ ' 1 80 1.5 1.4 ' 1 0 ' 90 1 1.3 1.2 ASH CONTENT % 2.2 2.1 2.0 19 1.8 1.7 1.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY A PRIMARY CURVE B CLEAN COALCURVE D SPECIFIC GRAVITY-YIELD CURVE E +0.1 S.G. DISTRIBUTION CURVE C DISCARD CURVE 164 3 Appendix 4.le Client: British Columbia Coal Mine"A:' Sample identification: Raw coal. Size fraction: Plus 28-mesh composile. T Direct Specific Gravity I __ I Sink Weight of Ash ASh j (3) __ % 26.12 7.03 0.70 0.91 0.95 .40 -1.25 .............................. 1.25-1.30 ............................. 1.30-1.35 .............................. 1.35-1 .............................. 1.40-1.45 .............................. 1.45-1.50 .............................. 1.50-1.55 .............................. 1.55-1.60 .............................. 1.60-1.70 .............................. 1.70-1.80 .............................. 1.80-1.90 .............................. 1.90-2.00 .............................. +2.00 .............................. 0.72 42.05 2.40 1 .20 0.60 1.16 1.55 14.61 100.00 % % 1.34 1.82 4.38 9.70 15.30 21.35 25.27 31.34 38.69 46.60 53.78 61.43 87.40 0.01 0.77 1.14 0.68 0.37 0.26 0.18 0.19 0.45 0.72 0.49 0.58 12.77 18.61 ........... ~ . . . . % i ........... I % 0.72 42.77 68.89 75.92 78.32 79.52 80.22 80.82 81.98 83.53 84.44 85.39 100.00 I 1.34 1.81 2.79 3.43 3.79 4.05 4.24 4.44 4.93 5.70 6.22 6.83 18.60 I I __ ........... ........... f0.1 S.G. Distribution ,..> __ \.I; % 18.60 17.83 16.69 16.01 15.64 15.38 15.20 15.01 14.56 13.84 13.35 12.77 T S.G. (Q .. 0.01 0.78 1.92 2.60 2.97 3.23 3.41 3.60 4.05 4.77 5.26 5.84 18.61 Cum Sinks % 99.28 18.73 .......... 31.15 57.23 .......... 31.1 1 53.65 .......... 66.49 24.08 1.40 72.14 21.68 .......... 20.48 75.10 1.50 19.78 76.85 .......... 19.18 78.26 1.60 18.02 80.80 1.70 16.47 84.03 1.80 15.56 85.80 1.90 14.61 67.41 .......... ...................... .......... ...................... .......... % ........... ........... ........... 36.75 ........... 4.90 ........... 2.46 2.71 2.46 1.86 ........... ........... ........... Appendix 4.lf 100 90 10- 20 v1 L- Q - 80 30- 70 40- 60 z 2 ' v) LL L-. 50 50- + Zi 3 60- 40 70 - 30 80- 20 10 0 ASH CONTENT % 2.1 s 3 3 5 u y 2.2 2.0 19 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY A D SPECIFIC GRAVITY-YIELD CURVE B E tO.1 S.G. DISTRIBUTION CURVE PRIMARY CURVE CLEAN COAL CURVE C DISCARD CURVE 166 1.3 Appendix 4.19 Client: British Columbia Coal Mine "9." Sample identification: Raw coal. Size fraction: 4"x 28M. __ __ ~ ~ :+. ..e.+.., 11, of Ash of To!al Specific Gravity (41 (1) ~ 1.30 ............................................. 1.35 ............................................. 1.40 ............................................. 1.45 ............................................. 1.50 ............................................. 1.55............................................. 1.60............................................. 1.70 ............................................. 1 .80 ............................................. + 1.80................................. CCrn Weight of Ash r I - =i= i= ~ I CUK F!O*!S __ Weight (51 (6) __ __ Ash Sink I Weight of Ash 2.m Weight SiFkS __ ASh +0.1 S.G. Dislribulion S.G. (10) (11) (7) (81 (9) __ __ __ __ % % % % % % % % % 2.71 6.24 10.95 15.97 6.44 20.66 0.31 1.44 2.39 21.84 1.71 10.69 1.33 2.71 5.07 7.35 8.72 9.77 10.62 11.36 12.46 13.24 20.64 20.35 18.91 16.52 14.81 13.48 12.37 11.44 10.05 9.11 88.57 65.49 43.65 32.96 26.52 22.00 18.90 14.94 12.84 22.98 28.87 37.65 44.93 50.83 56.23 60.69 67.27 70.95 ........... .......... 1.40 62.05 .......... 24.75 35.06 44.60 11.43 34.51 56.35 67.04 73.48 78.00 81.10 85.06 87.16 1oo.M) .......... 0.93 1.39 0.94 9.11 0.31 1.75 4.14 5.85 7.18 8.29 9.22 10.61 11.43 23.08 1.11 115 5 20.66 ........... ........... ........... .......... 1.60 1.70 .......... .......... ........... ........... ........... 11.58 6.05 ........... Appendix 4.1 h r 30 - * 2 40- '*3 50- 2 Y $ u 60- 70- 80 - 90 - ASH CONTENT % 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.7 1.9 A PRIMARY CURVE 6 CLEANCOAL CURVE C DISCARD CURVE 1.8 1.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.5 1.4 D SPECIFIC GRAVITY-YIELD CURVE E k0.1 S.G. DISTRIBUTION CURVE 168 1.3 1.2 loo Appendix Client: British Columbia Coal Mine '73.'' Sample identification: Raw coal. Size fraction: 28Mx 100M. ~ .., . =i= ~ Specific Gravity ~ Ash (1) (3) __ % 1 .30 ................................................ 1 .35 ................................................ 1 .40 ................................................ 1 .45 ................................................ 1 .50 ................................................ 1.55 ................................................ 1.60 ................................................ 1.70 ................................................ 1.80 ................................................ 1.80 ................................... + 12.4 3.8 3.0 1.5 7.1 100.0 1.7 4.9 8.2 12,2 16.6 20.5 24.2 29.3 35.6 62.9 ........... -I rue;gh? of Ash of Total Weight (12) (4) % 0.47 0.85 1.52 1.51 1.10 0.78 0.58 0.88 0.53 4.47 12.69 % 0.47 1.32 2.84 4.35 5.45 6.23 6.81 7.69 8.22 12.69 % 27.4 44'7 63.2 I % I % I % I % I 1 :i I A:' I 1 I 16.83 72.6 12.22 20.56 26.77 % .......... .......... 1.40 .......... 1.50 .......... ........... 88.4 91.4 92.9 100.0 L 7.7 8.4 8.8 12.7 5.88 5.00 4.47 8.6 50.69 11.61.60 1.70 58.14 62.96 7.1.......... .......... I ........... I .......... ................................. I ........... I ........... I ........... % ........... ........... 54.8 ........... 25.2 ........... 9.2 4.5 ........... ........... ........... - - Appendix 4.1 j ASH CONTENT 'A 1.2 2.1 1.3 2.2 1.4 1.5 2.0 1.6 1.7 19 1.8 SPECIFIC GRAVITY A PRIMARY CURVE B CLEAN COAL CURVE C D SPECIFIC GRAVITY-YIELD CURVE E tO.1 S.G. DISTRIBUTION CURVE DISCARD CURVE Queen's Printer for British Columbia 0 Victoria. 1986 170