electrical & computer engineering at brigham young university rocket science E ngineering Solutions That Push the Boundaries of Space Department Updates Alumni & Faculty News Student Accomplishments 2007 | vol 4 ICU2. A front-mounted camera detects lane lines and lane position. byu team competes in the darpa grand challenge This year, for the first time, a team of BYU students participated in the 2007 DARPA Grand Challenge competition. Building on recent successes in vision systems and unmanned air vehicles, the team of six graduate students and 30 undergraduate students applied their past experiences to the field of unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs). The Brigham Young Urban Challenge (BYUC) team was mentored by Dr. Doran Wilde, Dr. D.J. Lee, and Dr. James Archibald. The vehicle, named “Ynot” was a 2005 Dodge Caravan outfitted with a drive-bywire system that was donated by a Utah industry consortium called CAVATI. It is completely autonomous, meaning that it navigates and drives entirely on its own with no human driver and no remote control. The vehicle is also equipped with various sensors, including cameras, LIDAR, compass, wheel encoders, and GPS. Through the use of these sensors and six CPUs, the vehicle perceives its environment and makes intelligent decisions based on the available information. contents 2007 | volume 4 02 messages from the dean and the chair 03 highlights from the past year Awards, Grants, Recognitions 06 rocket science Engineering Solutions That Push the Boundaries of Space 10 alumni Honored Alumni, Alumni Stories, Advisory Board 12 faculty Contributions, Directory publisher Michael Jensen photographers Mark Philbrick, Bradley H. Slade ece@byu is published by the Department of Electrical editor Michael Rice, Randy Beard production assistant Houston Trueblood and Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University. associate editors Marla Sowards, external relations committee Copyright 2007 by Brigham Young University. Karen Seely, Lee Ann Long David Comer, Aaron Hawkins, D.J. Lee, Greg All rights reserved. art director Jon Woidka Nordin, Mark Ormsby, Doran Wilde 10/07 | 07-249 | 4500 | 22804 Cover photo was taken by Mark Philbrick. message from the dean W e are pleased to bring you the latest issue of ece@byu. The Electrical and Computer Engineering programs remain strong and vibrant. Last year the department reached a new high in external research funding. This represented more than 20% of the funding to the entire university. This funding is being used to provide outstanding mentoring opportunities for students. Besides strength in research, the college and department continue to address the challenges and opportunities relating to the globalization of engineering and technology. The college has identified five areas of strategic focus: technical excellence, leadership, global awareness, character development, and innovation. Last year, for example, the college conducted study abroad and engineering service programs in Mexico, Tonga, China, Romania, and France. These experiences will help leverage the unique strengths of our students and prepare them to be leaders in this global environment. We invite you to help us meet these challenges by supporting the goals of the ECE department. With regard, Alan Parkinson Dean message from the chair T he past year has been one of substantial change for the department. First, faces have changed as we have had several members of the faculty and staff leave either for retirement or to pursue other opportunities. These individuals have contributed significantly to our efforts, and we will miss them. We welcome those who have or will come to fill those vacancies and are excited to be able to get to know them and benefit from their creativity and devotion. Second, the department continues to make progress in terms of providing an outstanding educational environment for students and developing internationally recognized research programs. We have given students new opportunities for learning about globalization, professional ethics, and leadership and have implemented novel hands-on learning approaches aimed at improving the student experience. We have continued to enhance the involvement of undergraduates in research activities and have enjoyed increased success in obtaining financial support for students and recognition for the work being accomplished. Hopefully the highlights provided in this issue of ece@byu will give you some appreciation for the many activities underway in the department. I hope you will conclude as I have that the department is moving in the right direction and continues to provide an environment where students can flourish and creative ideas can develop into significant scientific contributions. Sincerely, Michael A. Jensen Department Chair P.S. We invite you alumni to keep us informed of your successes and achievements. 2 ece@byu highlights from the past year faculty highlights dr. beard receives the technology transfer award At the 2006 annual university conference, BYU honored Professor Randy Beard with its Technology Transfer Award for his work on navigation, guidance, and control of micro air vehicles. Professor Beard’s work has resulted in several licensed technologies including the Kestral autopilot system. He is a cofounder of Procerus Technologies in Vineyard, Utah, which markets the autopilot technology, and is on the technical advisory board for Flying Sensors, Inc., which utilizes BYU’s technology to provide aerial surveillance, videography, and mapping services in industrial and commercial applications. dr. beard’s paper recognized by esi Professor Randy Beard’s May 2005 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control article, “Consensus Seeking in Multiagent Systems Under Dynamically Changing Interaction Topologies,” was selected by Essential Science Indicators (http://esi-topics.com) as one of the most cited recent papers in engineering as part of their “Fast Breaking Papers” series for February 2007. mark ormsby honored with matt brown award Mark Ormsby, current president of the Utah Rugby Union, received the annual Matt Brown Award, which recognizes distinguished BYU rugby alumni and boosters who have given much to promote and sup- port the game at BYU and beyond. Ormsby was honored at BYU’s 2007 rugby kickoff dinner. Mark, who hails from Tauranga, New Zealand, is a former BYU football and rugby player. He has worked in the department for the past seven years. He is responsible for hiring student teaching and research assistants, making purchases, and keeping the department finances balanced. He has also proven quite useful in keeping wayward students in line. dr. nelson invited speaker Professor Brent Nelson was one of two invited presenters for a special session on Configurable Computing Machines at the 2006 IEEE Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP 2006) held September 11–13 in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The invited session was a part of the activities marking the 20th anniversary of the ASAP conference. In his talk, Dr. Nelson presented the results of BYU research over the past decade on configurable computing machines, specifically focusing on the development of the JHDL hardware description language and its use for the design, debugging, and deployment of high-performance computing applications on configurable computing platforms. dr. clark taylor wins young investigator award Professor Clark Taylor received the Young Investigator Award given by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for a threeyear effort entitled “Vision-Assisted Navigation for Miniature Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MAVs).” Dr. Taylor was one of 21 recipients selected this year from 145 different applicants. The AFOSR’s Young Investigator Research Program supports scientists and engineers who have recently received PhD or equivalent degrees and who show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research. book coauthored by dr. warnick hits the market The book Problem Solving in Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit, and Antenna Design for Communications Engineering, coauthored by Professor Karl Warnick and Peter Russer (Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany) was released by Artech House in August 2006. The book contains solution methods using differential forms notation for problems in basic electromagnetics, potentials and waves, static fields, waveguides, periodic structures and filters, antennas, and numerical electromagnetics. dr. hawkins receives nih and darpa grants Professor Aaron Hawkins, in collaboration with Professor Holger Schmidt at the University of California, Santa Cruz, was recently awarded grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and DARPA to continue research on integrated hollow optical waveguides. The $1.3 M dollar NIH grant is aimed at optically investigating biomolecules in liquid-filled tubes made on silicon substrates. The $800 K DARPA grant involves sealing alkali vapors into hollow waveguides to study photon-atom interactions including optical effects like slow light. Professor Warnick’s book, published by Artech House, hit the market August 2006. ece@byu 3 highlights undergraduate research program celebrates fifth year with new logo and new name Professors Aaron Hawkins and Stephen Schultz began their undergraduate research program in 2003 after hearing the university’s administration championing mentored learning and research for undergraduates. Starting with a handful of students, they have now employed a total of 51 undergraduates in the last five years. One of the early goals of the program is to have every student researcher publish some type of scientific paper. Of the 51 participants so far, over 80% have authored or coauthored a journal or conference paper, and the vast majority have gone on to graduate school. Funding for student salaries has come from a combination of BYU mentoring funds, the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, external research project sponsors like the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense, and corporate donors. Originally called MME (Microfabrication Mentoring Environment), the program’s name was officially changed in 2007 to IMMERSE (Intensive Mentoring and Micro-Electronics Research for Students in Engineering) to more accurately reflect its goals and structure. Moving forward, Hawkins and Schultz will continue to expand the program and make it available to more students. To learn more about IMMERSE, visit www.ece.byu.edu/ugresearch. The model will be developed by Professor Penry’s research group. dr. oliphant contributes to hugely successful book Dr. Mark Ormsby (left) and Professor David Penry (right). david penry joins faculty David Penry joined the department fall semester 2006. Professor Penry received his BSE and MS degree in computer engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1992, an MBA from The Ohio State University in 1994, and his PhD in computer science from Princeton University in 2006. From 1995–2000 he was a design engineer at Sun Microsystems, where he participated in the design of several microprocessors and computer systems. His interests include computer architecture, microarchitectural simulation, parallel optimization, and VLSI design. dr. penry receives donation from sun microsystems David Penry received an Academic Excellence Grant from Sun Microsystems. This equipment grant, released by Sun as part of their OpenSPARC Initiative, is worth $21,000 and provides a Sun Fire T2000 Server for use in validation of a cycle-accurate microarchitectural model of the UltraSPARCT1. 4 ece@byu The book Beautiful Code: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think, published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., and released June 2007, has risen to the #1 seller in three categories at amazon.com. Professor Travis Oliphant contributed a chapter entitled “Multi-Dimensional Iterators in NumPy” to the book edited by Andy Oram (O’Reilly Media) and Greg Wilson (University of Toronto). dr. jensen and dr. warnick cochair conference Professors Michael Jensen and Karl Warnick served, respectively, as general cochair and technical program cochair for the 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium held June 10–15, 2007, in Honolulu, Hawaii. The conference involved presentation of approximately 1,500 papers and had well over 1,400 attendees. The faculty members received formal expressions of appreciation from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for their service. dr. jeffs appointed guest editor Professor Brian Jeffs has been appointed as a guest editor for the IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Signal Processing published by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He and four other guest editors are organizing a special issue of the journal on the topic “Signal Processing and Space Research Applications.” dr. wirthlin honored with outstanding faculty award On March 8 the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology presented the Outstanding Faculty Award to Dr. Michael J. Wirthlin. Professor Wirthlin was recognized for his publication record, his service to the department (he is currently serving as the graduate coordinator), and his impressive collaboration with other universities and national laboratories. editorships Several faculty have been appointed to editorships or continued their service as editors over the past year: David Long, associate editor for IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters; Randy Beard, unmanned systems editor for the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems; Michael Jensen, associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; Lee Swindlehurst, editor in chief, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, editorial board, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, editor, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking; Clark Taylor, associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology; Michael Rice, technical editor for command, control and communications, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. highlights student highlights >> jacob huckaby and bryan haslam have been awarded scholarships by the National Consortium for MASINT Research (NCMR). As members of the NCMR Scholars Program, Jacob and Bryan will each receive a $10,000 annual stipend to support his research developing chemical and biological sensors based on phtotonics, micromachines, and microfluidic “lab-on-a-chip.” Jacob’s and Bryan’s research is mentored by Professor Greg Nordin. MASINT is the Measures and Signature Intelligence organization and is part of the Defense Intelligence Agency. >> tom nelson won second place in the graduate student category for his paper “Reduced Complexity Trellis Detection of SOQPSK-TG” as part of the student paper program at the 2006 International Telemetering Conference held in San Diego, California, October 2006. The award includes a $500 prize and travel expenses to the conference. Tom’s faculty advisor is Professor Michael Rice. >> The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lincoln Laboratory has established a multiyear student fellowship program at Brigham Young University to support graduate students in science and engineering. brandon call was awarded the fellowship for the 2005–2006 academic year and joseph palmer was awarded the fellowship for the 2006–2007 academic year. The fellowship includes a $15,000 stipend for the final year of graduate research. After graduating, Brandon took a permanent job with Lincoln Lab, joining five other recent BYU alumni working there. micron scholarship recipients named 2006–2007 marks the sixth year of the Micron Scholarship program in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Funded by the Micron Technology Foundation, the scholarships are awarded to five outstanding juniors each year. The most prestigious scholarship awarded by the department, the Micron Scholarship is a full-tuition award that students receive in addition to any other scholarships they have been awarded. Recipients continue to receive the scholarship through the completion of their undergraduate degrees—most through two years and some through an optional third year. Micron scholars are chosen based on academic standing, leadership experience, and potential to make an impact in their profession. Our department is grateful to Micron for their generous support in recognition of our outstanding students. >> The paper “An Improved High Resolution Wind Ambiguity Removal Procedure for SeaWinds” by brent williams and Professor David Long was selected for the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Interactive Session Prize Paper Award. The paper was presented at the 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium in Denver, Colorado, in August, and included a $350 prize. Brent Williams won the student paper contest at the 2007 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium in Barcelona, Spain, for the paper “Hurricane Wind Field Estimation from SeaWinds at Ultra High Resolution.” >> barrett edwards and wade fife won the best student paper award at the IEEE International Symposium on Computation Intelligence in Robotics and Automation for their paper “A Vision System for Precision MAV Targeted Landing.” The symposium was held in Jacksonville, Florida, in June 2007. The presentation given at the symposium featured a video clip showing a UAV/MAV using an on-board vision system to hit a stationary tarp and to land in the back of a moving truck. The paper, coauthored by James Archibald and Day-Jye Lee, was the first time this capability has ever been demonstrated. 2006–2007 Micron Scholars, left to right: James Carroll, Caleb Waugh, and Matthew Washburn past micron scholars: 2005–2006 Daniel Chan, Steven Roberts, Eric Sortomme, Jonathan Leininger, Jeffrey Boyd 2004–2005 Seth Lloyd, Haitao Wang, Christopher Archibald, Neil Crapo, Craig Christenson 2003–2004 Aaron Pace, Tyson Lowder, Jared Hill, Evan Millar, Brandon Call 2002–2003 Paul Cuff, David Madsen, Christian Marchant, Isaac Wagnert, Sarrah Wilson 2001–2002 Clayton Davis, Rebecca Hollingsworth, Jared Marcum, Nathaniel Rollins, Ran Wang 2000–2001 Nicolas Bikhazi, Brent Nordick, Nathaniel Shelton, Nolan Wright Left: Faculty and students interact in the department’s classrooms and labs. Student competitions add to the challenge and excitement of electrical and computer engineering. ece@byu 5 r h c k e t ow do you lose an iceberg the size of Rhode Island? NASA did, and BYU researchers helped them find it using innovative remote sensing. Can you detect a faint star even though someone is shining a spotlight in your eyes? BYU researchers think they can. Can you repair a bug in a spacecraft’s circuits after it has been launched? Again, BYU researchers can tell you how. Faculty and students in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at BYU are making significant contributions to space-related applications involving remote sensing, radio astronomy, and space-ready reconfigurable computing platforms. In this article we highlight some of the recent advances made by BYU researchers in these areas. earth remote sensing In 1990, Professor David Long founded the Microwave Earth Remote Sensing (MERS) laboratory at BYU. He and his students have developed advanced radar scatterometry techniques and innovative microwave sensors to conduct studies of the earth’s atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere, land, and vegetation. They have also developed a series of low-cost, compact synthetic aperture radar systems for deployment on small aircraft and UAVs for land-based remote sensing applications. Microwave remote sensing is a valuable tool in monitoring the earth and its climate. A s c i e n c e Engineering Solutions That Push the Boundaries of Space by Randy Beard key element of Professor Long’s research is to exploit the long time series of microwave observations to conduct climate studies. His research into resolution enhancement and calibration facilitates the use of older datasets that act as a baseline for measuring global change. Dr. Long and his students retrospectively examined old scatterometer data to detect and monitor the number of icebergs around Antarctica to investigate the apparent increase in the number of icebergs. They found that early records undercount the number of icebergs and that most of the increase in the number of icebergs recorded in the National Ice Center archives is the photography by mark philbrick result of improvements in tracking technology. By using scatterometer data to track large Antarctic icebergs, they have been able to help navigate ships toward safe routes. Using scatterometer data to track icebergs and to study climate change has presented many challenging problems, since scatterometers were originally designed to measure wind over the ocean via surface roughness measurement and not for climate and land-use studies. However, NASA’s earth-orbiting scatterometers such as Seasat, SeaWinds, ERS-1/2, and ASCAT also make observations of radar backscatter over land and ice regions. Due to the irregular sampling of the scatterometer data, Professor Long and his students have developed new algorithms for image reconstruction and resolution enhancement. In order to compare data between sensors with different sampling strategies, new modeling methods have been developed that account for temporal and spatial variability of the surface at the scales of the measurements. In particular, scatterometer data exhibits sensitivity to wind-related structures such as snow and sand dunes. The azimuthal modulation of backscatter with wind direction can be exploited to extract wind direction. Compensation for wind variations is essential for long-term climate monitoring for both scatterometers and other microwave sensors like SARs and radiometers. Algorithms and software developed by Professor Long’s students are currently used at NASA and NOAA for operational processing of scatterometer data. Over the past five years Dr. Long has received several million dollars of research funding primarily from NASA and the Department of Defense. He and his student have published numerous papers in venues like the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, the Journal of Geophysical Research, the Journal of Glaciology, and the International Journal of Remote Sensing. In 2005 Professor Long and his student David Draper were awarded Best Paper from IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Professor Long’s students placed 1st and 3rd in the student paper contests at the 2007 and 2005 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). origins of the cosmos. One of the primary difficulties with radio astronomy is that the signals from the emitting sources are extremely faint by the time they reach the earth. The difficulty of detecting these weak signals is even greater today due to the abundance of man-made signals from wireless networks, communications satellites, navigational aids, aircraft radars, digital television, overhead satellites, and a host of other sources of electromagnetic radiation. Professors Jeffs and Warnick and their important information about physical processes in the universe. One high-priority goal for radio astronomers is to detect faint background radiation associated with an early period of the universe where subatomic particles united to form atoms— known as the epoch of reionization. In addition to ionospheric interaction mentioned above for this highly red-shifted signal, it is unusually weak, and sophisticated interference cancellation will be required to detect it. Results obtained by Professors Jeffs and The research at BYU will benefit radio astronomers by enabling them to receive deep space signals that were formerly undetectable due to interference or ionospheric distortion. radio astronomy Imagine the difficulty of seeing a faint star while someone is shining a spotlight in your eyes. This is essentially the problem that electrical and computer engineering professors Brian Jeffs and Karl Warnick and their students are addressing in a $1.2-million-dollar project funded by the National Science Foundation. The goal is to use signal processing techniques to remove man-made interference from deep space signals received by radio telescopes. Rather than collecting light in the visible spectrum, radio telescopes collect microwave radiation emitted by stars, gas clouds, nebulas, galaxies, and black holes surrounded by hot matter. This data is used by astronomers to understand the nature and Masters student Chad Hansen at the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia. This 100 m diameter dish is the largest steerable radio telescope in the world. BYU students removed satellite transmission interference seen at the GBT. 8 ece@byu students are working on technologies to detect and remove these interference sources from radio astronomy signals. They are building high speed signal processing systems to excise interference in real time, and are also developing multi-antenna systems to replace the single antennas traditionally used as feeds for large radio telescopes. These array feeds can be used to cancel interference and may even outperform the traditional technologies in other ways. The research at BYU will benefit radio astronomers by enabling them to receive deep space signals that were formerly undetectable due to interference or ionospheric distortion. Cosmologists will also benefit because radio astronomy provides Warnick and their students on array feeds and signal processing may also provide a technology that will be useful in the nextgeneration instrument planned by the international radio astronomy community–the square kilometer array, so-called because the collecting area will approach one square kilometer in size, far larger than any instrument currently in operation. The BYU team faces numerous technical challenges. One of the biggest problems is ensuring that the signal processing used to remove interference does not perturb the extreme receiver sensitivity required to detect weak astronomical signals. As an interferer moves, the signal processing algorithms adapt to follow the interference and cancel it as its signal characteristics change over time. As the algorithm tracks the interferer, the desired signal received by the antenna fluctuates slightly over time. For a standard radio communications system, this effect would be completely unnoticed. But for radio astronomy, where signals are smaller than other noise sources by factors of 106 or more, the fluctuations can make the signal much harder to detect. The group is studying sophisticated new algorithms that remove the fluctuations and restore the high stability required for radio astronomy. The radio astronomy project has provided significant educational opportunities for students, including the opportunity to spend part of the summer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia, working with the radio astronomers. Students have designed and built both the antennas and the signal processing systems and have developed and tested the algorithms used to process the data from experimental measurements. The group also regularly collaborates with the international radio astronomy and antenna communities and has ongoing joint work with researchers in the Netherlands, South Africa, and Germany. The BYU team has published numerous articles that have appeared in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Astronomical Journal, Radio Science, and at several prestigious conferences in the field. Prof. Long and several students use a ground penetrating radar to search for two snowboarders caught in an avalanche. Graduate student Jonathan Heiner and undergraduate student Nathan Collins prepare their FPGA prototype board for singe-event upset (SEU) testing within the UC Davis Crocker Nuclear Laboratory. reconfigurable computing platforms In 2006, NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor had a battery failure that was the result of a series of events linked to a computer software error. Until recently it has been impossible to change the computing platform after the launch of a satellite or planetary probe into space. Research being conducted by Professor Mike Wirthlin and his students is changing all of that. Professor Wirthlin’s research group investigates the behavior of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) circuits operating in harsh radiation environments. They also develop techniques for improving the reliability of these circuits. FPGAs are digital integrated circuits that can be programmed by a user after the device has been manufactured. This reprogrammability reduces the design time of a complex digital circuit and facilitates rapid digital circuit prototyping. FPGAs are very appealing in space applications because the digital circuit can be reprogrammed after the launch of a spacecraft and customized to the changing needs of the spacecraft mission. Circuit bugs or problems can be repaired after launch, and the circuits on these devices can be modified to respond to permanent device faults. Unfortunately, off-the-shelf FPGAs are very sensitive to single event upsets caused by high energy particles found in a typical satellite orbit. Professor Wirthlin and his students have developed a number of tools for analyzing and automatically improving circuit reliability. The use of these techniques will allow spacecraft engineers to reliably exploit the benefits of FPGAs. One of the challenges faced by Professor Wirthlin’s team is that they must demonstrate measurable improvements in circuit reliability while minimizing the associated cost. Their work involves the customization of standard reliability techniques such as circuit redundancy (especially triple modular redundancy) to the unique properties of FPGA architectures. A novel feature of their work is the ability to apply partial redundancy to a digital circuit. The tools developed by the BYU team will automatically replicate circuit resources as much as allowed by the limited resources of the FPGA device. This allows the user to apply some form of redundancy without worrying how many circuit resources are available for redundancy. Students trained in Professor Wirthlin’s lab are in high demand in industry because of their FPGA design skills and understanding of highly reliable FPGA design. Recent graduates have been hired by a variety of organizations including Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory and commercial organizations developing FPGAs for military and space applications. While in school, Professor Wirthlin’s students have been involved in a variety of activities, including development of software for modifying FPGA circuits, design of FPGA circuits, and the development of new reliability techniques for FPGA systems. Students are also developing tests at high-energy facilities such as the UC—Davis Crocker Nuclear Laboratory to understand FPGA behavior and test their ideas within real high energy environments. High-energy particles are applied to their circuits to demonstrate the improvements in reliability provided by their techniques. Students are also working on FPGA circuit designs that will operate on the Cibola Flight Experiment launched in March of 2007. Professor Wirthlin’s work has been funded by Los Alamos National Laboratory, NASA, Lockheed Martin, and Sandia National Laboratory. His results have been published in a variety of venues including IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), and the NASA International Conference on Military and Aerospace Applications of FPGAs. ece@byu 9 alumni alumni notes honored alumnus—fall 2006 Dr. Will Curtis (PhD ’02), a research scientist at the Munitions Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory and a recent alumnus of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, has recently received an honorable mentions for the prestigious John L. McLucas Basic Research Award, which recognizes individuals making significant achievements in basic research activities supporting the Air Force mission. Dr. Curtis received the award for pioneering work in the synthesis of control laws for autonomous aircraft and smart weapon systems. Competition for the award is extreme and the honorable mention places Dr. Curtis among the top four engineers and scientists performing basic research in the Air Force. Randy Steck (BS 1980) is widely known for his contributions to microprocessor design and development. He is currently the CEO of Stexar Corporation, a company he founded in 2003 that focuses on designs for the digital TV and set-top box markets. From 1982 through 2001 Randy worked for Intel Corporation in Hillsboro, Oregon. At Intel he led a design team responsible for the Pentium Pro Processor. The designs his team created were so revolutionary that they extend into processors still being built by Intel today. After this success, Randy was made an Intel vice president and managed the group responsible for the Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, and Celeron. At its peak this group employed 2,500 people, had a budget of over $300 million a year, and was responsible for products with revenue of $25 billion a year. Steven Meyer (BS ’87) is currently serving as the navy deputy for the Joint Advance Missile Instrumentation (JAMI) project. Prior to this he was the lead design engineer for JAMI. Under the JAMI program Steve oversaw the upgrading of missile tracking technology. In the old days a missile was tracked using radar and optical telescopes. Data reduction and consolidation after a test were used to produce time-space position information, or TSPI. Reconstructing TSPI was a huge, time-consuming effort. Under JAMI, Steve developed a system that used an onboard GPS system to generate the TSPI and helped define the radio interfaces and standards used to transmit this TSPI to the ground-based tracking system. Steve holds the patent on the overall concept of the JAMI GPS TSPI system. Todd Moon (MS ’88) was named interim chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Utah State University on 1 August 2007. Todd has been with USU since fall semester 1991. Todd has worked in signal processing and communications since completing his PhD at the University of Utah in 1991. He has authored two popular textbooks: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing (Prentice-Hall, 2000) and Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms (Wiley, 2005). Todd is looking forward to serving the students at Utah State and helping to make a difference. 10 e c e @ b y u honored alumnus—winter 2007 Lynn Watson (BS 1982) has been a successful designer and developer of application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for the past 25 years. He began his career at Hewlett-Packard in Boise, Idaho, working with laser printer systems. During his time with HP he earned an MS degree from Cornell University. In 1994 Lynn founded In-System Design (ISD), which specialized in USB interface ASICs. He served as ISD’s CEO, managing all aspects of the company’s operations. By 2000, ISD had annual revenue of over $50 million and was sold to Cypress Semiconductor, where Lynn continued to work as a vice president before starting Silicon Eagle, another ASIC-based company, in 2005. He has been an active part of the Boise community throughout his career, serving on the Boise Philharmonic Board of Directors and as an adjunct professor at the University of Idaho. stay in touch The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering would like to hear from you. We would be delighted to run a minifeature on significant contributions that you have made to the profession. Please visit our Web site: http://www.ee.byu.edu/alumni alumni advisory board chair Mike Thompson (BS, ’82) graduated from BYU in April 1982 with a BSEE in the computer option. He worked for 22 years at Motorola in various positions including a lead developer of the first 900 MHz twoway radio and led the development of the first Linux-based cellular phone prototype and the first PTT-enabled Microsoft Smartphone. Since 2006 he has been with Microsoft Corporation working as a software architect, leading development teams supporting cellular phone OEMs in Korea and Japan. Mike married Nancy Emmons while at BYU, and they are the parents of five children; one has graduated from BYU and two are currently enrolled. advisory board committees abet/toolbox • Mike Thompson, BS ’82—Chair • Darrell Ash, MS ’68—Vice Chair • Chris Barnes, PhD ’89 • David Graham, MS ’91 • Todd Moon, BS ’82 • Randy Mooney, MS ’87 • Brian Moore, MS ’86 • Randy Steck, BS ’80 alumni • Lynn Watson, BS ’82—Chair • Steve Barham, BS ’85 • Jim Eldredge, MS ’93 • Clyde Griffin, BS ’86 • Randy Mooney, MS ’87 • Mike Thompson, BS ’82 senior projects/ teamwork • Brett Remund, MS ’88—Chair • Travis Ball, BS ’94 • Doug Clifford, BS ’68 • Rob Muir, PhD ’88 • Randy Sylvester student outreach • Andrea Eyring, MS ’87—Chair • John Dougall, MS ’91 • Jake Gunther, PhD ’98 • Brian Moore, MS ’86 • Glen Morrell, MS ’90 • Stacey Son, MS ’96 • Lamoyne Taylor, BS ’74 • Aimee Wood, MS ’96 program objectives This past year we have reorganized our Department Advisory Board which meets once a year and is a critical part of our degree certification process. They provide insights into job markets and trends in the profession. They also give valuable feedback about the workplace performance of our graduates. Mike Thompson currently chairs our Advisory Board, which consists mostly of alumni who are leaders in industry and academia. In consultation with our Advisory Board, we have recently defined the following educational objectives. For more information, see www.ece.byu.edu/objectives. The BYU Electrical and Computer Engineering Program prepares graduates to: 1. Apply knowledge in service to community and family and engage in lifelong learning through personal study and continuing education. 2. Develop a fulfilling profession that may include employment in industry or academia, technology-based entrepreneurship, and postgraduate study in engineering or other disciplines. 3. Make innovative contributions to science and technology and serve in responsible positions of leadership. 4. Be an example of faith, character, and high professional ethics. ece@byu 11 faculty byu team wins mav competition A BYU student team was one of eight university teams from North America and Europe that participated in the 2nd-annual U.S.–European Competition and Workshop on Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) held at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. The BYU team duo Brett Millar and Nathan Knoebel designed the BYU MAV to meet strict requirements for “manportable” aircraft: smaller than 17 inches and not more than one pound in weight. The competition was defined by a fully autonomous “reconnaissance mission” that required takeoff and landing, flight to threewaypoints (the farthest 875 yards from the base), target identification, and dropping a paintball on the target. The spectators were spellbound as the blue and yellow BYU MAV completed its mission in less than the 20 minutes allotted. Guided by an onboard GPS receiver, the MAV beamed video back to a portable DVD player at the base. “We don’t have a fancy looking plane,” said Millar. “We focus more on autopilot systems.” Professor randy beard, the students’ faculty mentor, believes the BYU team displayed the world’s smallest autopilot. The competition was cohosted by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International and Eglin’s Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate. The Air Force is interested in MAVs for applications in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. There are plenty of civilian uses as well. The directorate is interested in MAVs as military intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance machines. Such “man-portable” aircraft could be used by soldiers to look over a hill or around a corner. If a train derails and spills chemicals, an MAV could be sent to determine what’s leaking from where. BYU undergradute student Brett Millar hand launches the MAV that won the Micro Air Vehicle competition at Eglin AFB, Florida. Two of the vehicles used in the competition are shown in the bottom image. hallway displays make a comeback Many of our program alumni will remember the interactive displays created by our department and located in the 4th floor hallways of the Clyde building. One of the most popular was the “Quick Draw” display that used a simple circuit to test the reflex response of those walking by. Quick Draw was retired years ago, but a new display was recently added that lets passersby interact with a digital laser communications system. The display uses components built as part of the Free Space Communications senior project and transmits digital music along a laser beam path. Observers can move a knob to align the laser beam to an optical receiver in order to hear music. The display was built by students working in the IMMERSE undergraduate research program as part of an NSF technology outreach program lead by Professors aaron hawkins and stephen schultz. archibald, james k. Computer systems architecture; modeling and simulation; parallel processing; performance evaluation. PhD: University of Washington, CS, 1987 beard, randal w. Systems and control theory; cooperative control; micro-unmanned air vehicles. mergist joins the team Janalyn Mergist joined the department as the student advisor in fall 2005. Janalyn comes to us from Utah Valley State College, where she had been a counselor and coordinator of the Educational Talent Search Program, an Upward Bound outreach advisor, and a TRIO programs coordinator. She grew up in Erath, Louisiana, and Heber City, Utah, and brings some of that “down-home” common sense to the advice she gives students. Janalyn has found great joy in helping our majors become successful students. 12 e c e @ b y u PhD: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, EE, 1995 christiansen, richard Digital Signal Processing. PhD: University of Utah, EE, 1976 faculty comer, david j. long, david g. selfridge, richard h. Analog circuit; Microwave remote sensing; Optical engineering; electromag- design/filter synthesis. radar theory; estimation theory; netics; semiconductor devices. PhD: Washington State mesoscale atmospheric dynamics. PhD: University of California, Davis, University, EE, 1966 PhD: University of Southern EE, 1984 California, EE, 1989 comer, donald t. nelson, brent e. stirling, wynn c. Mixed signal VLSI; phase locked FPGA’s; reconfigurable Decision theory; control theory; loops; wideband and precision computing; VLSI design and CAD. stochastic processes. circuits; D/A and A/D converter PhD: University of Utah, PhD: Stanford University, architecture. PhD: University of CS, 1984 EE, 1983 hawkins, aaron r. nordin, greg swindlehurst, a. lee Solid-state physics and devices; Nano-technology; integrated Estimation theory; semiconductor processing; optics; MEMS. signal processing; optoelectronics and photonics. PhD: University of Southern wireless communications. PhD: University of California, California, EE, 1992 PhD: Stanford University, Santa Clara, EE, 1968 EE, 1991 Santa Barbara, EE, 1998 hutchings, brad l. oliphant, travis e. taylor, clark FPGA’s; embedded systems; Inverse problems; Multimedia Communication, high performance computing. magnetic resonance; ultrasound. Image/Video Processing, PhD: University of Utah, PhD: Mayo Graduate School, Digital Systems. CS, 1992 Biomedical Imaging, 2001 PhD: University of California, San Diego, EE, 2004 jeffs, brian d. penry, david a. warnick, karl f. Digital signal processing for Computer Architecture; Electromagnetics; radio astronomy; wireless Simulation; VLSI Design. numerical methods. communications; imaging. PhD: Princeton University, PhD: BYU, EE, 1997 PhD: University of Southern CS, 2006 California, EE, 1989 jensen, michael a. rice, michael d. wilde, doran k. Electromagnetics and optics; Digital communication theory; Regular array architecture; high-frequency circuits; software radio algorithms; VLSI design; computer arithmetic. wireless communications. telemetry systems; PhD: Oregon State University, PhD: University of California, error-control coding. CS, 1995 Los Angeles, EE, 1994 PhD: Georgia Tech, EE, 1991 lee, dah jye (d.j.) schultz, stephen m. wirthlin, michael j. Biomedical Imaging and Defractive optics; integrated Configurable computing systems; bioinformatics; robotic vision; optics; fiber optics. system performance modeling. machine vision applications. PhD: Georgia Tech, PhD: BYU, EE, 1997 PhD: Texas Tech University, EE, 1999 EE, 1990 ece@byu 13 electrical and computer engineering 459 clyde building brigham young university provo, ut 84602 change service requested nonprofit organization u.s. postage paid brigham young university